Church Around the World: Oceania

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Table of Contents


Friend November 2020 “Hello from Australia”

Friend November 2020 “Food and Fun” The Aboriginal people in Australia use dot painting to tell stories and create beautiful artwork. Here’s a craft for you to make your own!

Friend November 2020 “Food and Fun” Damper is a traditional Australian bread. Travelers would sometimes make this bread outside over a campfire with hot coals. Here’s a version you can try!

Friend July 2018 “Matt and Mandy” Matt gets an email from his cousin in Australia. He doesn’t know what a lot of the things are that his cousin talks about in the email, but they do have one thing in common: the gospel. Matt’s cousin tells about his baptism and his family getting sealed in the temple.

Friend October 2018 “Matt and Mandy” Matt sends an email to his cousin in Australia telling about himself. Then he goes and watches conference, which is something his cousin would be doing too.

Friend January 2020 “Matt and Mandy” As they walk in the snow, Matt tells his friend that in Australia it’s summer and that his cousin is probably at the beach. Also, he tells him that his cousin has never felt snow or played in it.

Friend October 2021 “Margaret Cummings” Margaret’s family experienced difficulties getting to the temple to be sealed together, but their prayers were answered and they were blessed.

Friend May 2022 “The Footy Decision” Sam loved playing footy and when he found out the games were on Sunday he was sad. He prayed about what to do. He knew it was important to make Sunday special so he decided to go to practices on Thursdays but go to church on Sundays.

American Samoa

Friend July 2021 “Adventures in American Samoa with Margo and Paolo”

Friend July 2021 “Meet Eta from American Samoa” Eta’s mom owns a dessert bakery. Eta and her older sister, Talai, love to share the desserts with their teachers and leaders and with people who might be having a hard time. (includes photo)

Eta followed Jesus by sharing food with others.

Challenge: Look for a chance to share what you have with your friends and family, even if it seems small.


Friend February 2021 “Adventures in Tahiti with Margo and Paolo”

Friend February 2021 “Meet Raiarii from Tahiti” Story of Raiarii sharing the gospel by explaining scriptures and praying with two of his grandmother’s friends. (See story and photos at link.)

Friend November 2023 “Coconuts and Tithing” During the summer Avehei and her brother work in the coconut groves. She always pays my tithing with the money she receives because she knows she and her family are blessed when she obeys.


Friend March 2020 “Hello From Samoa”

Friend March 2020 “Food and Fun” Make Samoan coconut rolls and a pretend Samoan Siapo cloth.

Friend May 2022 “Tom and the Terrible Flu” Tom helped take are of his dad and other villagers when the Spanish Flu hit. He gave them coconut milk, made chicken soup for them, and got them water.

New Zealand

Friend December 2023 “Hello from New Zealand!”

Friend November 2019 “Hello From New Zealand”

Friend December 2023 “Following Jesus in New Zealand” Tarnae is preparing to go to the temple to do baptisms. His nan (grandma) found information about some ancestors so he could be baptized for them. “I am really excited to enter the temple,” says Tarnae. “I feel honored to help do the work for my ancestors.”

When their cousin got baptized, Nephi shared his testimony. Nephi told those at the baptism about Jesus Christ. “I know it is important to share my testimony to strengthen others,” Nephi says.

Friend November 2019 “Fun and Food” A popular flavor of ice cream in New Zealand is hokey-pokey, or honeycomb toffee. Here’s how to make a version at home.

Friend November 2019 “Food and Fun” Here are some fun words from New Zealand. Now find them in the word search!

Friend November 2019 “Jesus is Real” (story about New Zealand kids at school) Everyone at Ismay’s table at school were excitedly talking about Christmas and their favorite traditions such as going to a church service. Suddenly Charlotte spoke up and said, “Jesus isn’t even real.” Ismay was sad to hear this and she quietly bore her testimony to Charlotte that Jesus was real, and that she felt it in her heart. She was glad she had spoken up and planted a seed about Jesus.

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Friend May 2021 “Pioneers in Every Land: Sam Beazley”Sam was called to serve as a Labour Missionary building a church school for teenagers. His labor also helped build the Hamilton New Zealand Temple which he later was called to serve in.

Friend July 2022 “Rākau Sticks” The Māori people of New Zealand play a game by tapping, throwing, and catching sticks to a rhythm. Find four sticks or paper rolls to play your own version of this game!


Friend July 2021 “Vaha’i Tonga”Vahai’ was determined to remain faithful, so he said his prayers every night at boarding school. At first the other kids made fun of him, then they started to join him. He invited them to a district conference and 77 of them came. Seven of them wanted to be baptized after the conference.


Friend March 2023 “Hello from Kiribati!” See larger images at link

Friend March 2023 “Following Jesus in Kiribati” Scott is such a good friend to his cousin that he always calls him his younger brother. Scott prays every night and every morning. He always wants to go to Church activities, and he loves home evening. He likes to help others too. “Helping other people makes me happy,” he says. (See more images at link.)

Papua New Guinea

Friend March 2024 “Hello From Papua New Guinea”

Friend March 2024 “Following Jesus in Papua New Guinea”


Friend May 2024 “Hello from Vanuatu!”

Friend May 2024 “Following Jesus in Vanuatu”

Pioneer: Stories

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Celebrating Pioneer Day

Friend July 2017 “Pioneer Night” A family celebrates Pioneer Day for Family Home Evening.

Friend July 2019 “For Older Kids” “I got to play a part in the British pageant. I have really enjoyed portraying a wonderful girl. I have learnt the sorrow she felt and the brave personality she was. The opportunity of being in the pageant has bought me closer to the Saviour, and I will never forget it!” Poppy F., age 11, West Sussex, England

Pioneer Courage

Friend July 2017 “Road to Zion” After Mary’s father has a stroke, Mary gets her family to Utah traveling alone in their wagon.

Pioneer Trek

Friend January 1986 “Ellen Pucell Unthank” While crossing the plains in handcarts, Nellie’s parents died and Nellie’s feet froze and had to be amputated, but she remained faithful and thankful.

Friend June 1988 “The Scent of Lilacs”  Becky and her brothers and sisters lose both their mother and their father as they travel to the salt lake valley.

Friend June 1987 “Jacob Hamblin” Jacob has a reputation for being honest with the Indians, which his son finds out.


Friend July 1984

Friend July 1984

Friend July 1987 A little boy went missing from a handcart company. The father was to use a shawl to signal the mother if he found the boy alive.


Friend July 1987 “The China Doll” Lou worries there won’t be room for her doll in the covered wagon.



Friend July 2015 Part 1 of 2.  Two girls leave their mother in Sweden & travel to America

Friend August 2015 Part 2

Pioneers that Prepared the Way

A pioneer is someone who goes before others and prepares the way for them.

Friend July 2018 “A Different Kind of Pioneer” Gabby doesn’t have any ancestors that crossed the plains to tell about at Primary Activity Day, so she tells about her great-grandmother who was a pioneer through her faith in God. Her faith influenced  Gabby’s mother to join the church.

Friend July 2016 “A Priceless Heritage” When President Eyring’s great grandfather joined the church he left a priceless heritage for his descendants.


A Different Kind of Pioneer” – Friend July 1984 – Girl gives a Primary talk about her family joining the church.

Friend July 2019 “Mara the Pioneer” Mara learns that she is a pioneer because the church has only been in Cambodia for 25 years.

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Pioneers are the First Person to Do Something

Friend October 2024 “Joshua the Pioneer” Joshua decided to give a talk in Primary about pioneers. He finds out he is a pioneer too. He was adopted and was the first person in his birth family to join the Church.

Pioneers in Every Land

Friend April 2021 “Julia Mavimbela” During a time of racism and violence in South Africa, Julia wanted to bring goodness to her community, so she started a community garden. She taught love and forgiveness. Then she met missionaries and joined the church. She continued to teach love and helped start Women for Peace, a group to promote unity and peace in South Africa.

Friend February 2021 “Pioneers in Every Land: Vicky Tadić” Vicky was curious why the family next door was different. The mom invited her to church in their home (because there wasn’t a church building in Bosnia). Vicky learned about the Holy Ghost. The next day a voice in her mind told her to stay away from some trash cans. Suddenly a car crashed into them. She was glad she listened. Soon her whole family was learning about the gospel and was baptized.

7th Article of Faith

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“We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.”

Friend June 2021 “Matt and Mandy” In FHE the family discusses the seventh article of faith about gifts of the spirit.

Friend July 1987

Friend July 1987

Scripture Stories Coloring Book: Pearl of Great Price “7th Article of Faith: Spiritual Gifts” Match each picture to its spiritual gift.

Friend June 2015

Memorization Tip: Article of Faith 7 is about gifts of the Spirit. Seven and Spiritboth begin with s!

Articles of Faith in Action: When I was seven, I was sick with a fever for a few days. I prayed about what to do. A warm feeling came to me, and the Holy Ghost told me to ask for a blessing. I asked my dad for a blessing. He called our home teacher to come help. When my dad gave the blessing, I felt the Spirit. At the end of the day, I felt much better. Faith M., age 11, Minnesota, USA

Old Testament

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Old Testament

Who is Jehovah?

Exodus 6:3

Jehovah is one of the names of Jesus Christ and refers to the premortal Savior. The Joseph Smith Translation clarifies that the prophets Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew the Lord by this name (see Exodus 6:3, footnote c). Usually, when the phrase “the Lord” appears in the Old Testament, it refers to Jehovah. In Exodus 3:13–15, the title “I AM” is also a reference to Jehovah (see also Doctrine and Covenants 38:139:1).

Premortal Life

Lesson 1: Heavenly Father’s Plan for Us,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 1–5 To help the children understand that they are spirit children of Heavenly Father and that he has a plan that will help them become like him and return to live with him again.

Lesson 2: Jesus Christ Was Chosen to Be Our Savior,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 6–8 Purpose:
To help the children understand the importance of using their agency to choose and act for themselves.


(See this link for Creation items.)

Adam and Eve

Friend February 2018 “Adam and Eve”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 1-5” Make a booklet about the ways we are like Adam and Eve, such as we have agency

Lesson 4: The Fall of Adam and Eve,” Primary 6: Old Testament(1996), 13–1 To help the children understand the fall of Adam and Eve and to have a desire to return to the presence of Heavenly Father.

Lesson 5: Adam and Eve and Their Family Offered Sacrifices,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 18–22 To help the children want to always remember Jesus Christ.

Lesson 6: Adam and Eve Lived the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 23–26 To help the children understand that the gospel of Jesus Christ is eternal and is based on truths that will help us gain exaltation.

Friend February 2018 ”Adam and Eve Taught their Family” Link also includes info about Adam and Eve and how we can be like them.


Lesson 7: Enoch and a Zion People,” Primary 6: Old Testament(1996), 27–30


Lesson 8: Noah and the Flood,” Primary 6: Old Testament(1996), 31–33 Purpose: To strengthen each child’s desire to listen to and follow the counsel of the living prophet.

Friend March 2018 “Noah”

These cutouts are from old Primary manuals.

Friend October 2002
Friend October 2002
Friend October 2002
Friend October 2002

Larger PDF version of the October 2002 Friend activity and story visual aid “Noah’s Ark”

Friend September 2018 Dot to dot.

2017 Outline for Sharing Time  Identify the doctrine (playing a matching game): Draw a simple ark on the chalkboard. Prepare several sets of two identical animal pictures. Give one picture to each child. Ask the children to stand and make the sound that the animal in their picture makes and to listen for someone else who is making a similar sound. When the children with matching pictures find each other, have them stand together until all the animals have been paired. Ask the children to come as pairs and put their animals on the ark drawing. Ask the children, “Which prophet did the Lord ask to gather the animals into the ark?” Point out that it was probably a difficult task to gather so many animals into the ark, but Noah chose to obey the Lord’s command.


Friend August 2022 “Silly Animals” Find 10 things that don’t belong on Noah’s ark.


Abraham – Friend July 1987

Lesson 9: Jehovah Makes Covenants with Abraham,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 35–38 To help the children understand that as God’s covenant people we each have the responsibility to live the gospel and share it with others.
Lesson 10: Abraham and Lot,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 39–4 To strengthen each child’s desire to show love to others.
Lesson 11: Abraham and Isaac,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 43–4 Purpose:
To help the children understand that we should trust Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ completely.

Friend March 2018 “Abraham and Sarah made Covenants” Link includes story and goal card ideas to learn more about how to be like Abraham and Sarah.

Isaac and Rebekah

Lesson 12: Isaac and Rebekah,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 47–51 Purpose:To teach the children that the same eternal blessings promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob can be theirs if they make and honor temple marriage covenants.

Finding a Bride for Isaac
Rebekah was Kind


Lesson 13: Jacob and Esau,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 52–55 Purpose: To help the children recognize how our values influence our choices.
“Lesson 14: Jacob and His Family,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 56–61 Purpose: To help the children have a desire to be honest and have integrity

Friend May 2018 “Jacob’s Sons: Funstuff” The prophet Jacob had 12 sons. Can you find the two sons dressed exactly the same?


Lesson 15: Joseph Was Sold into Egypt,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 62–66 Purpose: To teach the children that even though we may not always be able to control the things that happen to us, we can control our attitudes.
Lesson 16: Joseph in Egypt,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 67–70 Purpose: To encourage the children to keep themselves pure by staying away from temptation and living close to the Lord.
Lesson 17: Joseph Forgives His Brothers,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 71–74 Purpose: To help each child have the desire to forgive others.
Friend May 2018 “Joseph Forgives His Brothers”

Friend May 2018 “Joseph Forgave” Story, video, and goal card.

Friend April 2018 “Joseph Trusted God”

Joseph Prophesied about Joseph Smith

Liahona February 2020 “Meet the Four Josephs” Lehi tells his son Joseph about some of the prophecies that Joseph of Egypt made about Joseph Smith, who was named after his father, Joseph. The article includes the following: What Did Joseph of Egypt Say about Joseph Smith? How Was Joseph Smith Like Joseph of Egypt? How Did Lehi Know about Joseph of Egypt?

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Exodus CHAPTER 1

The children of Israel multiply—They are placed in bondage by the Egyptians—Pharaoh seeks to destroy the sons born to Hebrew women.

Friend March 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”

Exodus CHAPTER 2

Moses is born to Levite parents, is raised by Pharaoh’s daughter, slays an Egyptian in defense of an Israelite, flees to Midian, and marries Zipporah—Israel in bondage cries to the Lord.

Old Testament Stories “Baby Moses” Illustrations and video

Latter Day Kids “Baby Moses” Lesson Ideas

Old Testament Coloring Book “Baby Moses”

  • “Baby Moses” (August 1998 Friend)
    A simple retelling of the story of Moses in the bulrushes. Includes four reading comprehension questions.

Friend March 2022 “Make a Basket for Baby Moses”

Additional Resources:

Friend April 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”

Moses is Called to Deliver the Israelites

Exodus CHAPTER 3

The Lord appears to Moses at the burning bush—Moses is called to deliver Israel from bondage—The Lord identifies Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and as the Great I AM—He promises to smite Egypt and bring His people out with great wealth.

Old Testament Stories “Moses the Prophet” Story illustrations and Videos

Come Follow Me With Living Scriptures “I Will Deliver You” Lesson ideas

Old Testament Coloring Book “Moses and the Burning Bush”

The Plagues of Egypt

Old Testament Stories “The Plagues of Egypt” Illustrations and video

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Exodus 7–13” The Israelites were in captivity and could not free themselves, but the Lord showed His power and delivered them. How can you use this story to help the children trust the Lord and His power?

  • Junior: Read selected verses from Exodus 7–11 to teach the children about the ten plagues that the Lord sent upon the Egyptians. Invite the children to draw pictures that portray some of the plagues. Ask the children to hold up their pictures as you review the plagues again. Read phrases from Exodus 7:5 and 9:14 to explain why the Lord sent the plagues to Egypt.
  • Senior: Give each child a paper divided into ten sections, and invite the children to draw pictures of the plagues described in these verses: Exodus 7:17–188:1–48:16–178:20–229:1–69:8–99:22–2310:4–510:21–2211:4–7. What do the plagues teach us about God’s power? Why is it important to know about His power?

Lesson 19: Moses Delivers the Israelites from Bondage,” Primary 6: Old Testament Pass out numbered slips of paper with the scripture references for each of the ten plagues on the corresponding numbered paper. Have each child look up his or her reference and tell the class about it. You could supply the class with art materials and let them draw pictures of the plague that they read about. They could then show the picture to the class as they tell about the plague. What were the ten plagues the Lord commanded Moses to call down upon Egypt because Pharaoh refused to let Israel go? (See enrichment activity 1.)

(1) Exodus 7:20–21, river turns to blood

(2) Exodus 8:6, frogs

(3) Exodus 8:17, lice

(4) Exodus 8:24, flies

(5) Exodus 9:6, cattle die

(6) Exodus 9:10, boils

(7) Exodus 9:23, hail and fire

(8) Exodus 10:14–15, locusts

(9) Exodus 10:22, darkness

(10) Exodus 11:5, death of firstborn

What pattern did Pharaoh follow with each plague? (Exodus 8:8, 13, 15.)

Old Testament Coloring Book “Plagues of Egypt”

Friend April 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Leap Frog”

Story: Moses was a prophet. He told Pharaoh to let God’s people go free (see Exodus 8:1). Pharaoh said he would let them go. But then he broke his promise. God sent frogs, lice, flies, and other plagues to warn Pharaoh to follow the prophet.

Song: “Follow the Prophet,” verse 5 (Children’s Songbook, 110–11)

Activity: Play a game! Have everyone get in a line. Then crouch down low. One person puts their hands on another person’s back and jumps over each person one by one, like a frog. Take turns until everyone has gone. Each time you hop, say one way you can follow the prophet.

Friend April 2018

Friend April 2022 “For Older Kids”

Latter Day Kids “Moses and the Plagues of Egypt” Lesson ideas

Lesson 19: Moses Delivers the Israelites from Bondage,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 81–84 Purpose: To teach the children that the priesthood is the power of God.

Old Testament Scripture Stories “The Passover”

Israelites in Wilderness

Friend June 2018 “Moses Follows God”

Friend June 2018 “Moses Obeyed God” Story, video, and goal card.

Lesson 20: The Israelites Receive Food from Heaven,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 85–89
Purpose: To help each child observe the Sabbath as a day of worship and joy.

Lesson 21: The Ten Commandments,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 90–94
To teach the children that keeping the Ten Commandments helps us be happy.
Lesson 22: Israel and the Brass Serpent,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 95–100
To encourage the children to be humble and have faith in Jesus Christ.


Lesson 23: Joshua Leads Israel,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 101–5
To help the children choose to serve the Lord


Lesson 24: Gideon,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 106–9
To teach the children the value of trusting in the Lord.


Lesson 25: Samson,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 110–13
To teach the children that by keeping our covenants, we will develop spiritual strength.


Samuel – Friend March 1987


Joshua, Devout General – Friend January 1987


Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, becomes king.

“Lesson 32: Rehoboam,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 140–44 To encourage each child to be a positive influence on others and to withstand negative peer pressure.


Naman the Syrian – Friend February 1987


Friend November 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”

Old Testament Coloring Book “Job”

Job – Friend June 1987


Ruth and Naomi

Lesson 26: Ruth and Naomi,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 114–16
To help the children have the desire to follow the example of righteous people and to be good examples themselves.

Friend July 2018 “Ruth was a Loyal Friend” Link includes story and goal card ideas to learn how to be a good friend like Ruth.

For the Strength of Youth June 2022 “Fun Stop”


Lesson 27: Samuel, the Boy Prophet,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 117–19
To encourage the children to listen for the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

Friend July 2018 “Hannah and Samuel” Story


Lesson 28: David and Goliath,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 120–24
To encourage each child to seek Heavenly Father’s help in overcoming obstacles.

Friend August 2018 “David Trusted God” Story and goal card. (Young David trusted God and did hard things, and I can too!)

Friend May 2019 “Bright Idea” Poster or handout that says “I can conquer giant problems” next to a giant like David slew.

Friend August 1987

Friend August 2018 “David and Goliath”

Friend June 2022 “For Older Kids”

Friend July 2022 “Stand for What You Believe” Elder Rasband tells of his youth and often being the only Church member at school. He says that When we live the gospel, we will be different. The Apostle Peter said we would be “peculiar” (1 Peter 2:9). And that’s OK. We don’t need to worry about being different when we stand for what we believe. David stood for what he believed. He wasn’t alone. God’s power was with him. He beat Goliath. God will help us even when we face Goliath-sized challenges.

Lesson 29: David and Jonathan,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 125–30
To help the children understand how to be a true friend.
Lesson 30: King David and Bathsheba,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 131–34
To help the children keep their thoughts and actions pure.


Friend October 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”


Friend November 2022 “Daniel and the Lions’ Den” Finger puppets

Friend November 2018 “Daniel Bravely Followed God” Story and goal card. (I can stand up for what I believe)

Friend November 2018 “Daniel and the Lions”

Friend October 2018 “The T-E-S-T”  One day, when Sharon’s father was reading to her the Bible story about Daniel in the lion’s den, he traced the word “test” on her forehead. He told her she would have tests like Daniel, but she should follow Heavenly Father’s commandments and not give into fear. (Also includes a lion activity of ways Heavenly Father helps us with challenges. )

Friend Jan 1983

Friend November 2018 “Coloring Page: I Love Scripture Stories”  Children acting out story of Daniel in lion’s den.


Friend September 2018 “Elijah and the Widow”

Friend September 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”

Friend September 2018 “Elijah was a Prophet” Story and goal card.


Friend November 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”

Friend October 2018 “Esther the Queen”

Friend October 2018 “Esther Was Courageous” Story and goal card.


Friend December 2018 “Jonah and the Whale”

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Friend December 2018 “Jonah Repented” Story and goal card.


Friend August 1994 “Isaiah and the Time Machine” Anthony was having a hard time following along during his family’s Book of Mormon study time. They were reading the words of Isaiah in 2 Nephi, and he didn’t understand them. Anthony loved playing in his pretend time machine and his father decided to help the children understand Isaiah by using the time machine. (Excellent story!)

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 Engraving on metal plates is not easy, and space on Nephi’s small plates was limited. So why would Nephi go to the tedious effort of copying a large amount of Isaiah’s writings into his record?

Liahona February 2020 “Who Was Isaiah?”

Liahona March 2012  “How Can I Understand the Words of Isaiah?” Article includes the following: know Isaiah’s main topics, the reasons for studying Isaiah, the events of Isaiah’s days that he used symbolically, helpful hints to understanding his words,  etc.

Friend November 1994 “Isaiah” Isaiah prophesied of many things that would happen in his day and in the future. This article includes an explanation of Isaiah’s most quoted prophecies


Friend August 2022 “For Older Kids”

Friend August 2022 “Old Testament Sudoku”

Service: Lesson Ideas

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Service is?

Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause

Latter Day Kids “Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause” Video, activities, and lesson ideas

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 58–59”

  • Write phrases from Doctrine and Covenants 58:27–28 on strips of paper, and hand one to each child. Invite them to read the verses silently and ponder their phrase. Invite the children to sit in the order in which their phrases appear in verses 27–28 and share with each other what they learned. What is the Lord’s message to us in these verses?

Perhaps family members could make a list of some of the things they are “anxiously engaged” in. Are all of them “good cause[s]”? Why does the Lord want us to do “many things of [our] own free will”? Ask each family member to think of what they can do this week to “bring to pass much righteousness.” Later they can report on what they did. (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 58-59”)

  • Sing a song about choices, such as “Choose the Right” (Hymns, no. 239). Ask questions to help the children ponder the words of the song—for example, Who helps guide you to make the right choice? Who tries to get you to make the wrong choice? How does choosing the right make you feel?

Ensign April 2020 “Family Study Fun” Gratitude Tower of Service

King Benjamin built a tower and taught his people that when we serve each other, we are really serving God (see Mosiah 2:17).

  1. Build a tower. It can be a chair, an ottoman, a few boxes, etc.
  2. Take turns getting up on your tower and thanking someone in the family for the service they have done recently.
  3. Now take turns getting on the tower again and sharing with the family one way you’re going to provide service this week.

Discussion: Why is it important to serve others? How does it make you feel when someone serves you? How can we serve someone (and God) as a family this week?

Friend July 2019 “Family Night Fun” A Family Home Evening lesson idea about helping others, coming up with ideas on how to help them, and making goals to serve. (Also includes a refreshment idea.)

Why Serve

Many People in the World Need Help

Friend January 2021 “You Can Help Like Jesus” When Jesus was on the earth, he helped all he saw. Today many people in the world need our help. Each of us can do something to help, even children. About years ago, children helped build the Primary Children’s hospital by collecting pennies. (See more at link)

Friend November 2019 “Helping Our Brothers and Sisters”

President Nelson told about some ways people need help in the world today, such as 1 out of 9 people don’t have enough food and many don’t have clean water to drink. The article discusses how the church helps and how we can help people in need. (The article includes photos of the ways people need help, a quote handout idea, and a coloring page.)

food bank

Friend May 2021 “Conference Notes”

Friend November 2022 “Conference News”

He often uses other people to help meet those needs

Doctrine and Covenants 81:582:19

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 81-83”

Heavenly Father knows the needs of each of His children, and He often uses other people—like the children you teach—to help meet those needs. How can you help the children recognize the needs of others and serve them?

  • Read Doctrine and Covenants 81:5 to the children, and help them understand phrases like “succor the weak” and “lift up the hands which hang down.” Let them act out ways we can do what the Lord asks in this verse. Use pictures or videos to tell simple stories of Jesus Christ serving others (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 4142464755; How can we follow the Savior’s example of helping others?

Friend August 2021 “Jesus Helped in Many Ways” When Jesus was younger, He helped His father with his carpentry work. One of His first miracles was helping His mother when the wine had run out at a wedding. When He saw someone who was blind, He healed him. He helped children feel loved and included.

Friend June 2017 “Jesus Healed People” Story of Jarius’s daughter being raised from the dead, and the story of the women with an issue of blood being healed when she touches the hem of Jesus’s robe.

Friend July 2017 “Jesus Fed Many People”

Friend September 2017 “Jesus is Kind” Jesus blesses the children.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 81-83”

  • Sing the fourth verse of “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75) or another song about service. Tell about a time when someone helped you feel the Savior’s love by serving you.

Friend June 2022 “I Can Care for Others”

We made baptismal covenants to help and serve others.

Friend January 2024 “You Can Make a Difference” President Susan H. Porter, Primary General President talks about how to keep Baptismal covenants by serving and lifting others.

Who can I help today? Write your ideas on your paper chain!

Heavenly Father can bless others through me.

Acts 3:1–10

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 1-5” What can you do to help children recognize ways they can bless those around them? Help them learn from the example of Peter and John healing the lame man.

Invite the children to do actions that go along with the story in Acts 3:1–10, such as putting out their hands for money and leaping for joy. How did Heavenly Father bless the man who couldn’t walk?

Bring a bag containing pictures that represent ways that we can bless and serve others. Let the children take turns choosing pictures from the bag and sharing how they can bless others in that way.

Friend June 2009 “How Many People Can We Help?”

New Era March 2016 “Can I Care for the Poor and Needy?”

Ask the children to share a time when they helped someone.

Additional teaching ideas: “Lesson 37: Peter the Apostle,” Primary 7: New Testament  Lesson ideas

Jesus Christ wants me to help those in need. (Jr)

Galatians 6:2

Show a picture of a child being baptized (such as Gospel Art Book, no. 104). Ask the children what the child is doing. Explain that when we are baptized, we make covenants, or promises. Read Galatians 6:2 or Mosiah 18:8 to help the children learn one of the things we promise to do: bear one another’s burdens. Invite the children to draw pictures of ways they can help others who are carrying burdens. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians” )

Friend May 2020 “Ali’s Head Start” Ali learns that when she is baptized she will be covenanting (promising) to bear one another’s burdens, (or in other words, she will be promising to help those who are going through a hard time). Ali decides to get a head start on her covenants when she sees children without hair as she walked through the hospital to go visit a friend. She decides to donate some of her long hair so those children can have wigs. 

Friend August 2023 “My Baptismal Covenant”

Read to the children this phrase from Galatians 6:2: “Bear ye one another’s burdens.” To illustrate what this means, give one of the children something heavy to carry. Then ask for a volunteer to help the child carry the object. Explain to the children that many things can feel like a burden, such as being sick or feeling sad or lonely. What could we do to help a person with this kind of burden? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians”)

The Red Crystal

I’ll Walk With You

Friend September 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones” Help your little ones say, “Jesus wants me to help those in need.” Tell them that people in need might be those who are sick, hurt, or lonely. Think of what you can do as a family to help others.

God Wants Me to Serve and Strengthen Those In Need.

Friend January 2022 “Helping Like Jesus” Lesson ideas about using our helping hands to serve others like Jesus would like us to.

Doctrine and Covenants 81:5

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 81-83”

  • Draw pictures of hands and knees on the board. Ask the children to read Doctrine and Covenants 81:5 to learn what the Lord says about these body parts. Watch the video “Pass It On” (, or share how you and the children have seen people serve each other. How can we be more aware of people in need around us? Invite the children to serve at least one person this week. For ideas about ways to serve others, sing a song about service, such as “Have I Done Any Good?” (Hymns, no. 223).
  • Invite the children to take turns setting up dominoes (or similar objects) while naming ways they can serve others. Ask a child to knock over one domino and notice how it affects the others. How can our service have a similar effect on people around us? (See also the video “Dominoes,” Tell about how someone’s loving service encouraged you to serve someone else. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 81-83”)

Friend July 2021 “Scripture Time Fun: Words of Comfort”

  • Sing “Have I Done Any Good?” (Hymns, no. 223).
  • Jesus taught that we should “lift up the hands which hang down” (Doctrine and Covenants 81:5). That means helping others and encouraging them when they are sad or tired.
  • Make a helping hand! Trace your hand on a piece of paper and cut it out. Write something on it that you will do to help others and then hang it up where you can see it. If you want, you could hang your family’s hands up together to make a helping hands tree!

Friend July 2021 “Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones”

For Doctrine and Covenants 81–83: Think of someone your family can serve. Give them a treat or card or help them with something. Help your little ones say, “I can help others!”

Mosiah 4:12–26

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 4-6

Serving others makes us feel good. Perhaps your children could talk about a time when they loved or served someone and how that experience made them feel. What are some reasons people might not want to serve others? What could we say to someone to invite them to help people in need? Look for ideas in Mosiah 4:16–26.

Friend February 2023 “Twelve Smiley Stickers” Antonio’s Primary teacher said that one way to become like Jesus is to serve others, and she gave them each a paper and some smiley stickers. Every time they served someone they got to put a smiley sticker on their paper. That week when Antonio was serving others he saw the happiness that it brought. Pretty soon he was serving not for stickers but because he liked it and it made him feel happy as well.

Friend November 2019 “Helping Our Brothers and Sisters” President Nelson told about some ways people need help in the world today, such as 1 out of 9 people don’t have enough food and many don’t have clean water to drink. The article discusses how the church helps and how we can help people in need. (The article includes photos of the ways people need help, a quote handout idea, and a coloring page.)

Friend September 2018 “Caring and Coconuts”

Friend February 2020 “Garage-Sale Service” TeAroha wanted to help some people in a village who had lost their homes. Her mother suggested they send money to the Church Humanitarian Aid Fund because they use money to help places like that. TeAroha sold some of her toys at a family garage sale and she did chores to earn money to donate.

Friend April 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Read Mosiah 4:26 together and help your little ones say, “I can help those in need.” This would be a great time to do a family service project. For example, young children could decorate paper bags and help fill them with snacks or other items to comfort people who seem sad or lonely.

I can show love for others as Jesus did.

Friend September 2023 “I Can Serve Others”

Matthew 8Mark 2–3Luke 7

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 8; Mark 2–4; Luke 7” Jesus showed great love by healing the sick and afflicted. Ponder how you can teach the children to show kindness to people in need.

  • (See also the video “Widow of Nain” on Share a time when someone showed love for you in a time of need and how you felt. Invite the children to share their experiences.
  • Show the video “Gordon Hinckley: Lessons I Learned as a Boy” or “The Coat” ( How did the children in these videos follow Jesus’s example? Invite the children to share other situations when someone might be in need. What can we do to help them?
  • Sing a song about showing love and kindness to others, such as “Kindness Begins with Me” (Children’s Songbook, 145).

Friend October 2023 “I Can Follow Jesus by Helping Others”

Friend December 2023 “Lighting the World Together” Dallin H. Oaks “As followers of Jesus Christ, we should be the friendliest of all people. We should serve those around us and those not of our faith. We should also notice the good done by others. Jesus Christ’s light guides all of us to help those in need.”

I Can Love Others

1 Corinthians 13

Read 1 Corinthians 13:13 and Moroni 7:47, and help the children repeat the phrase “Charity is the pure love of Christ.” Show pictures of Jesus being loving and kind, and ask the children how He showed love to others (see Gospel Art Book for ideas). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 Corinthians 8–13” )

The Red Crystal

Sing a song about loving others, such as “Jesus Said Love Everyone” or “Love One Another” (Children’s Songbook, 61, 136), with the children. Show pictures of different people (such as a parent, sibling, teacher, or friend), and ask the children to share how they could serve that person. Invite the children to think of someone they could serve and then write a note or draw a picture to give that person. If they need other ideas about how to serve, show the video “Pass It On” ( (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 Corinthians 8–13” )

The Red Crystal

Friend February 2019 “Helper Like You” Tell how you could help out in each situation.

Latter Day Kids “Charity is the Pure Love of Christ” Lesson ideas

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1 Corinthians 8-13” Paul’s definition of charity might make an inspiring motto for your family. You could assign each family member to study a phrase in verses 4–8 and teach the rest of the family what it means using definitions, examples, and personal experiences. How is the Savior an example of these attributes? You could also make posters together for each of these phrases and display them throughout your house. Be creative!

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

The Lord Wants Me to Share What I Have with Those In Need.

Section 104 is a revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet. The occasion was likely that of a council meeting of members of the United Firm, which discussed the pressing temporal needs of the Church.

Doctrine and Covenants 104:13–18

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 102-105”

Consider how you will help the children understand the Lord’s way of providing for His people when they are in need.

  • Give the children a few minutes to make a list of blessings God has given them. Encourage them to list as many as they can. Then read together Doctrine and Covenants 104:13–18, looking for answers to questions like these: Who is the true owner of all things? Why does He give them to us? What does He want us to do with these things? Help the children think of ways they can share their blessings with others.

Friend November 2004 “Blessings Tree”

  • Share an experience in which someone gave you something you needed, and ask the children to share similar experiences. Or show a video about serving others, such as “The Coat” ( What do we learn from these experiences about serving others? Invite the children to be aware of those in need and find someone to serve this week, such as someone at school or especially someone in their family. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 102-105)

Friend July 2021 “Meet Eta from American Samoa” Eta’s mom owns a dessert bakery. Eta and her older sister, Talai, love to share the desserts with their teachers and leaders and with people who might be having a hard time. (includes photo)

Friend March 2020 “Harry Shares” Harry is playing with toys. He is having fun. Harry sees a girl who looks sad. Harry shares toys with her. Now they are both having fun!

Friend July 2018

  • Invite the children to search the Children’s Songbook or Hymns for songs that have to do with service or helping others (see the topical indexes). Sing one or two songs together, and talk about what these songs teach us.

I can share what I have with others.

Proverbs 22:9

“Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022” Young children can learn to help people around them who are in need. How can you inspire them to share what they have with others?

  • Show the children several pictures of others serving or helping people in need, including pictures of the Savior (such as Gospel Art Book, nos. 424446). Ask the children to tell you what is happening in each picture. Read to the children Proverbs 22:9. Explain that one way we can serve is by giving “bread to the poor,” but there are many other ways to help those in need. Invite the children to draw a picture of themselves helping someone.
  • Bring to class several objects that you can share with the children, such as pictures or crayons. As you give one to each child, say, “I will share with [child’s name].” Let the children take turns sharing the objects with each other. What are some other things we can share with others?
  • Sing together a song about service, such as “‘Give,’ Said the Little Stream” (Children’s Songbook, 236). Or show the video “Gordon Hinckley: Lessons I Learned as a Boy” ( Ask the children how they feel when they help others.

I can joyfully serve those in need.

Deuteronomy CHAPTER 15

Every seven years, all debts are to be released—The people are admonished to care for the poor—Hebrew servants are to be released and given gifts during the seventh year—The firstling males of herds and flocks are the Lord’s.

Deuteronomy 15:7–11

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Deuteronomy 6–8; 15; 18; 29–30; 34” The teachings in Deuteronomy 15:7–11 can help the children you teach understand that helping others involves more than just actions. It should be done with a willing heart.

  • Write who, why, and how on the board. Invite the children to read Deuteronomy 15:7–11 to find out who we should help, why we should help them, and how our hearts should feel about helping. Let them write on the board what they find. Sing a song that reinforces the message in these verses, such as “Have I Done Any Good?” (Hymns, no. 223).

Friend January 2021 “You Can Help Like Jesus” When Jesus was on the earth, he helped all he saw. Today many people in the world need our help. Each of us can do something to help, even children. About years ago, children helped build the Primary Children’s hospital by collecting pennies. (See more at link)

Friend November 2019 “Helping Our Brothers and Sisters”

President Nelson told about some ways people need help in the world today, such as 1 out of 9 people don’t have enough food and many don’t have clean water to drink. The article discusses how the church helps and how we can help people in need. (The article includes photos of the ways people need help, a quote handout idea, and a coloring page.)

food bank
  • Ask the children to think of someone they could help—especially in their own family. Provide time for them to write down what they will do this week to help that person. If possible, make plans to reach out as a class to someone in need.

Friend January 2018

Friend May 2020 “Doing What Jesus Would Do” Care Package Ideas

Friend July 2023 “For Older Kids”

See additional ideas at Service

2 Corinthians CHAPTER 8 True Saints impart of their substance to the poor—Christ, out of His poverty, brought eternal riches.

2 Corinthians CHAPTER 9 God loves and rewards a cheerful giver—Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.

2 Corinthians CHAPTER 10 Bring every thought into obedience—Paul glories in the Lord.

2 Corinthians CHAPTER 11 Maintain the simplicity that is in Christ—Satan sends forth false apostles—Paul glories in his sufferings for Christ.

2 Corinthians CHAPTER 12 Paul is caught up to the third heaven—The Lord gives men weaknesses that they may triumph over them—Paul manifests the signs of an Apostle.

2 Corinthians CHAPTER 13 Saints should test themselves as to righteousness—Be perfect and of one mind; live in peace.

I can cheerfully give to people in need. (Jr)

2 Corinthians 9:6–7

Invite the children to repeat the phrase “God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). What does it mean to be “a cheerful giver”? Show a picture of a happy face and a sad face, and ask the children which one looks like a cheerful giver. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Clipart Library

Sing together a song about service, such as “When We’re Helping” (Children’s Songbook, 198), several times. The first time, ask the children to sing cheerfully; then ask them to sing the song with different emotions or attitudes, such as sad, tired, angry, or scared. Remind the children that Heavenly Father wants us to help others gladly. Then sing the song cheerfully again. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Help the children make pictures of smiling faces and frowning faces. Ask them to hold up their pictures of smiles when they hear the words smile or smiling as they sing “Smiles” (Children’s Songbook, 267). They could do the same thing with their pictures of frowns and the words frown and frowning. Help the children identify which face is cheerful and which one is not. Explain that one way to be cheerful and serve others is to smile and help others smile. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 Corinthians 14–16” )

Plan a class activity to serve someone, such as a child who does not attend Primary or a ward member or neighbor in need. You might plan to visit this person’s home, write kind notes or draw pictures, or make a treat to share. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Friend February 2017 “Friendship Brownies” Grace’s Primary class makes brownies and a huge card to take to a classmate who hasn’t been coming.

Invite each child to plan an act of cheerful service for a member of his or her family. During next week’s lesson, ask them to share what they did. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Friend January 2018

Latter Day Kids “I Can Be a Cheerful Giver” Lesson ideas

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8–13” Does your family know someone who could be described as “a cheerful giver”? How can we make our service to others more cheerful? Younger family members could make badges that say “I am a cheerful giver.” You could award the badges to family members whenever you see them serving one another cheerfully.2 Corinthians 10:3–7. Badges

I can cheerfully give to people in need (Sr)

2 Corinthians 9:6–9

Write the words of 2 Corinthians 9:7 on the board, with key words left blank. Invite the children to guess what the missing words are. Then let them read the verse in the scriptures to fill in the blanks. What does it mean to give “grudgingly, or of necessity”? What does it mean to be “a cheerful giver”? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

News with Naylors “A Cheerful Giver” Cover up some words below with thick papers. (See more lesson ideas at link.)

New Testament Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students “2 Corinthians 8–9” Read 2 Corinthians 9:6–7, looking for the comparison Paul used to teach the Church members in Corinth about giving freely.

To sow means to plant seeds. Who are the sowers in this comparison?

Consider how giving to others is like sowing seeds in a field. What happens if we only sow sparingly? What happens when we sow bountifully?

According to 2 Corinthians 9:7, how does the Lord expect us to sow, or give?

From 2 Corinthians 9:6–7 we learn the following truth: If we give to those in need with a cheerful heart, God will generously bless us.

Invite the children to help you find pictures of the Savior serving others (there are several in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Ask them what they see in these pictures that helps them know that Jesus served others with love. Set a goal as a class to say yes when family members or others ask us to serve in the coming week, such as by helping around the house or caring for others. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

The Red Crystal They can color in a heart when they have completed an act of service.

Help the children decorate small stones. Explain that these are “service stones” that they can carry in their pockets this week to help them remember to cheerfully serve others. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Kids Activities

Sing together a song about service, such as “Fun to Do” (Children’s Songbook, 253). Help the children think of new verses to the song that describe a variety of ways to serve others. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Friend September 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities: A Cheerful Helper”

Story: Paul taught that we can help our neighbor (see 2 Corinthians 9:6–7). As we serve cheerfully, we can help others feel God’s love!

Song: “When We’re Helping” (Children’s Songbook, 198)

Activity: On slips of paper, write down the names of people who might need your help. Then write how you can help that person. Put the papers in a hat or basket and shake them up. Choose one and do what it says!

I Can Share What I Have with Others.

Doctrine and Covenants 78:6

Doctrine and Covenants Scripture Stories “Chapter 28: The Prophet Joseph Goes to Missouri Again”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 77-80”

Heavenly Father wants us to share our blessings freely with each other so that we can be “equal in earthly things” and in “heavenly things” (verse 6).

  • To teach what it means to be “equal in earthly things” (verse 6), give children pictures of people in need (such as people who are hungry, injured, or cold. (Tip: Google search for images)). Then give other children objects that would help (such as food, a bandage, or a blanket). Invite these children to share what they have to help the people in the pictures. Let other children have a turn sharing. Help the children understand that Heavenly Father wants all of His children to have what they need, and to do this He often asks us to share what we have with others.
  • Ask the children to pretend they are helping someone build a house, sharing food, or serving in another way. How do we feel when we are helping and sharing? Help the children think of things Jesus Christ shares with us.

Friend March 2012 “The Coat” Young Heber J. Grant gives his new coat to a child that didn’t have one.

Friend December 2019 “Martin’s Favorite Toys” Martin was not happy about having to move, but eventually he got used to his new home. One Sunday, he noticed a lot of new people at church. He found out that they were refugees. He wanted to help them, but he didn’t want to give them any of his toys because he brought them from his old house. Then he realized that many of the children had to leave everything behind. He remembered how hard it was for him to move, but at least he got to bring his things with him. He then wanted to give them his favorite toys to help them be happier.


Friend January 2019 “President Ballard Visits Texas”  Ministering means serving and loving. Jesus Christ ministered to others, and so do His Apostles. How are the people below ministering? How can you help someone today?

I am serving Jesus Christ when I serve others.

Doctrine and Covenants 42:38

Matthew 25:31–46

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 We serve Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ by serving people around us. Help the children consider ways they can serve others.

  • Summarize the parable in Matthew 25:34–46. Help the children understand that when we are serving others, we are serving Jesus.

The “right hand”: In ancient times, being seated at the right hand of the king, or next to the king on his right side, was the most honorable position at a feast.

  • Hold up a picture of a child with a picture of Jesus hidden behind it. What can we do to serve this child? Remove the child’s picture and explain that when we serve each other, we are serving Jesus.

Friend September 2007 “The Master Served” Link includes lesson ideas

The Red Crystal This site has great visual aid ideas.

  • Invite the children to draw pictures of themselves serving others in the ways the Savior describes in Matthew 25:35–36. Ask the other children to guess what they are drawing.

3For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

Match the pictures as the above scripture is read.

  • Invite the children to share experiences when someone has shown Christlike service to them or their families.

“Lesson 27: Parable of the Sheep and the Goats,” Primary 7: New Testament

Read the following or similar situations to the children (use situations that are within the children’s experiences). Ask them what they think they should do if:

  • They see a younger child who is thirsty but can’t reach the water.
  • They know a child who hasn’t been to church for several weeks.
  • They know someone who doesn’t have enough to eat.
  • They see someone who doesn’t have a warm coat, and it is very cold.
  • They know someone who has been home for a long time with an illness or disability.
  • What would Jesus want you to do? Why do you think you should help others in situations such as these?

News with Naylors “Helping Others” Activity ideas

Service Helps Others and Us

Friend April 2021 “For Little Friends”

Friend February 2024 “Tommy’s Very Bad Day” Everything had gone wrong during Tommy’s day and he wanted to just sit so nothing else bad would happen, but that just made him feel worse. Then he saw his neighbor raking leaves and having a hard time putting them in the bag. Tommy decided to help, and pretty soon he was having so much fun he forgot about his bad day.

Service Doesn’t Have to Be Big

Friend April 2022 “Meet Tristan from Canada” You don’t need to do big things to help others.Tristan likes to help in lots of small ways. He gives his mom and dad hugs and kisses when they feel tired. He cleans his room and gathers items for recycling. He prays, and he tries to help everyone feel good. He also sang at his friend’s baptism.

How Can We Help

Friend June 2024 “Serving Those in Need” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is committed to serving those in need. It works with many people to do this. All children of God are inspired to serve one another the best they can.

A good example of service is a man named Mr. Gabriel. He saw that many children in East Africa needed help. He asked other teachers to help him make what they called “tree schools.” Children came to have lessons under the shade of a tree. Mr. Gabriel did not wait for others to do something. He did what he could to help thousands of children learn.

You can make a difference like Mr. Gabriel! Do as many of the activities below as you can. Can you do all 10?

Friend March 2019 “Service Survey”  Questions to ask people to find out how you can help serve them.

Friend February 2019 “Helper Like You” Tell how you could help out in each situation.

Friend January 2018 “Family Night Fun” Hide slips of paper with difficulties someone may be enduring written on them. When someone finds a paper, have them say how they could help that person.

Friend August 2024 “Circle-Toss Game” Each player decorates four paper plates or paper circles so they can tell which is theirs during the game. Use rope or string to mark a big circle on the ground. Stand far away and take turns tossing your plates into the circle. With each turn, say one way you can serve someone. Whoever gets the most plates to land inside the circle wins!

Friend August 2024 “I Can Serve Others”

I Can Help Others by Sharing What I Have Been Given.

The Lord encouraged the Saints in Ohio to help other Saints by sharing their land and their money.

Explain that the Lord commanded the Saints in New York and other areas to gather to Ohio, but many of them didn’t have enough money to build a house when they arrived. Help the children find in Doctrine and Covenants 48:2 what the Lord asked the Saints in Ohio to do to help. Ask the children what they would want to do to help if they were living in Ohio at this time. What have we been given today that we could use to help others?

Friend May 2021 “Pioneers in Every Land: Sam Beazley”Sam loved to build things. He was called to serve as a Labour Missionary building a church school for teenagers. His labor also helped build the Hamilton New Zealand Temple which he later was called to serve in.

Friend March 2022 “Jesus Cared for the Sick” Wherever Jesus went, He cared for people who were sick or hurt.

Holy Ghost Can Guide Us

Ensign July 2019 “Family Study Fun”

After His Ascension, the Lord directed his Church through the Holy Ghost. Revelation helped leaders call a new Apostle, spread the gospel, and find those in need. This same practice is followed today.

  1. Scatter pillows, couch cushions, and other soft objects throughout the room.
  2. Assign someone in the family to be the “person in need” at the end of the obstacle course.
  3. Place a blindfold on a member of the family and assign someone else to whisper directions into the person’s ear to guide them safely through the course to the person in need.

Discussion: When was a time you felt directed by the Holy Ghost to help someone else? How did you recognize those promptings? What recent changes have been announced by President Russell M. Nelson and others? How are these changes evidence of the Lord guiding His Church today?

Never too Young to Serve

Friend November 2017 Sarah helps her little sister when her mom is sick.

Friend November 2017

Friend August 2016 “For Parents of Little Ones” Letting children help when they ask to help teaches them to serve others.

Friend March 2016 Ideas on what to talk about when visiting patients at hospitals or nursing homes.

“Cheer up a Friend” – Ideas of things to make and do for a friend who is sick. Friend February 1984

Friend January 2016 – Our Father lifts us and we can lift and help others.

Friend January 2016 - Our Father lifts us and we can lift and help others.

Friend May 2016  Ideas on how to help family member who is grieving the loss of a loved one

Humanitarian Aid

Friend August 2019 “Elder Rasband Visits Cape Verde” Elder Rasband visited a school were many of the children don’t have parents to take care of them. The Church gives money to help the children’s school that Elder Rasband visited. (Activity: Four children donated money to the Church’s Humanitarian Aid Fund. Follow the shapes along the path to see what each child’s money was used for. (Also includes instructions on how to donate money to humanitarian aid.)

Community Service

Friend May 2022 “Sandy Service” This family is helping clean up the beach. Follow each path! Who picked up the most trash? Who saw the most starfish?

Serving Homeless

Friend June 2022 “Jesus Fed the Hungry” A group of boys in Utah, USA, organized a sock drive to help local charities that serve people without homes. They delivered flyers. Then a few days later, they collected socks and money to buy more socks. They were able to donate 750 pairs of socks! (Photo at link)

Service Ideas

Friend June 2023 “For Older Kids” Walking dogs is a fun act of service for people who can’t walk their dogs or for people who are out of town. It makes me happy to walk people’s dogs because it makes them so thankful. Alli G., age 11, Nevada, USA

Friend July 2022 “For Older Kids” Simple Service

Friend February 2021 “For Older Kids: Secret Service”

  • Make a homemade gift for someone.
  • Leave a nice note for someone to find.
  • Help a friend or sibling with their schoolwork.

Primary 4 Manual: Book of Mormon ““Lesson 46: The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ (Christmas)” Service Calendar

  • Make a copy of the calendar for each child to color and take home as a gift for the family. This calendar could be used during the year as a reminder to follow Jesus Christ.
  • Read the ideas to the children and let them choose some they want to do.
  • Make a copy of the calendar and cut out each section. The children can choose those ideas they want to take home as reminders.
  • Using the calendar as a pattern, have the children make their own calendars.
  • Draw the calendar on a poster for display in the classroom.

Friend May 2019 “Friends by Mail” Children rake their neighbor’s leaves. (Picture included)

Friend January 2021 “Show and Tell” “I went on a litter-picking walk with my dad and collected 322 pieces of litter! It felt good to make our neighbourhood cleaner and tidier for other people to enjoy.” Sam D., age 8, Suffolk, England

Friend February 2019 “Show and Tell” Our family decided to collect food in our neighborhood for the homeless shelter. My brother and I decorated notes to tell our neighbors about it. A few days later we collected the food. It made me feel happy to help lots of people. Asher W., age 6, Ontario, Canada

Friend July 2018 “Show and Tell” As friends, we wanted to honor the people in our neighborhood who serve our country in the military. We sang patriotic songs and shared cupcakes with them!

Addelyn S., Julianne W., Connor M., Eli S., Ansel S., and Easton M., ages 5, 11, 8, 7, 11, and 6, Missouri, USA

To celebrate Pioneer Day, Primary children of the Lebanon Pennsylvania Ward, USA, and their friends helped refugees close to home by making cards and putting together hygiene, school, and cleaning kits to help welcome them.

Friend June 2018 “Show and Tell” “I was excited to donate 12 inches (30.5 cm) of my hair to make wigs for children with cancer!” Lavona R., age 8, West Java, Indonesia

Friend April 2018 “Furry Fun” Camila and her brother Tomás found a fun and furry way to serve their neighbors! Every Saturday, they walk dogs for people who have a hard time getting around.

Friend April 2018

Friend February 2018 “Show and Tell” I like to serve the sisters in our ward by playing with their children. I love the happy feeling I get from serving! Masha K., age 11, Central Federal District, Russia

Friend January 2018 “Show and Tell” (Click on link to show pictures of the following children.)

We made a paper kindness garden and put a flower or bug sticker on it every time we served or were kind to others. At Christmas, we sent it as a gift to our grandparents who live very far away. Adding stickers reminded us how much we love them! Deltree and Calan A., ages 10 and 8, Victoria, Australia

I fasted for my brother-in-law so he could get a good job. A week later, he got a job! Caden J., age 8, Ohio, USA

At school, I help a friend understand the assignments. Serving my friend helps me feel the love of my Heavenly Father. Allison M., age 9, Santa Ana, El Salvador

I like to play soccer with younger kids and teach them new skills. It is one way I like to serve! Sasha K., age 11, Moscow, Russia

Secret Service

Print the following secret service slips and put them in a jar. Have the children draw one a day or one week to do.

Friend November 2022 “For Older Kids”

Friend September 2022 “For Older Kids”

Friend May 2022 “For Older Kids”

Friend March 2022 “For Older Kids”

Friend January 2022 “For Older Kids”

Friend December 2021 “For Older Kids”

  • Read a story to a younger child.
  • Make a Christmas present for someone in your family.
  • Write thank-you letters to your teachers.

Friend October 2021 “For Older Kids” Secret Service

  • Make a card for your Primary teacher.
  • Call a family member you haven’t seen in a while.
  • Pray to know who needs your help this week.

Friend June 2021 “For Older Kids” Secret Service

  • Write a note or poem for someone telling them how great they are.
  • Say a prayer for someone who is going through a hard time.
  • Multiply your age by two. Then pick up that many pieces of trash!

Friend August 2021 “For Older Kids” Secret Service

  • Surprise a parent by doing something kind for them.
  • Write a letter to a missionary or someone in the military.
  • Forgive your friend or sibling when they do something that upsets you.
Friend February 2017

Child of God: Stories & Poems

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God is Our Father

Friend January 2017 “Kylie’s Parents” Kylie is like her earthly parents, and she is also like her Heavenly Parents. PDF version

We Can Become Like Our Heavenly Father

Friend February 2019 “He Wants the Best for Me” Elder Martinez recalls a time his earthly father demonstrated his love by wanting his son to be a better doctor than him when he grew up. This made it easier for Elder Martinez to accept the missionaries teachings that he could become like God because God the Father would want the best for his children. (Activity: Baby animals also grow up to be like their parents. Follow the path from the baby animals to their parents.)

Heavenly Family

Friend July 2016 “No Matter Who You Are” Andi worries because her family aren’t members and they haven’t been sealed in the temple, but her teacher reminds her she is also a child of God.

Heavenly Father Loves All His Children

Friend January 2018 “Am I a Child of God?” Chloe hears the song “I am a Child of God”in Primary and wonders why she wasn’t born to “parents kind and dear,” and wonders whether or not she’s is a child of God. She was adopted out because her original parents weren’t kind.

Friend May 2021 “A Birthday Crown” Wyatt wonders if he is special because he gets to wear a birthday crown on his birthday. His father tells him he is special because he is a child of God and that everyone else is too. When a girl was afraid to go down the slide, Wyatt remembered that everyone is special to Heavenly Father and he encouraged her and praised her.

We Feel His Love When We Pray

Friend February 2017 “Explorer Everett” Everett knows Heavenly Father loves him because He answers Everett’s prayers. Activity: Find the things in the picture that show Heavenly Father and Jesus’s love.

Different but all Children of God

Friend September 2020 “Children of Heavenly Parents” Lisa Harkness of the General Primary Presidency visited the people in Africa. She found that the people of Africa come from many different countries and cultures and they speak many different language, but they are rich in their faith and their knowledge that they are children of God.

Temple: Stories

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Temples Remind Us of Our Heavenly Home

Friend June 2022 “No Place Like Home” Sister Wright tells of her family history and how they lived at the base of the mountain Ben Lomond. Her grandmother would say that as long as they could see the mountain they were home. Sister Wright says temples are like that. When we see the temple it reminds us of our heavenly home, and to be strong, brave, and faithful.


Friend November 2024 “Do I Have to Be Perfect?” His Primary class had been asked to talk about going to the temple. But Henry felt sad. He wanted to go to the temple when he was old enough, but he felt like he made too many mistakes. His teacher told him “Being worthy to go to the temple doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. We can be worthy by trusting Jesus Christ and sincerely trying to keep the commandments. We all make mistakes, but we can repent and be clean again.” The weight of Henry’s worries began to lift. He knew the Holy Ghost was helping him feel peace.

Friend October 2017 “Worthiness Worries” Matthew can’t get the image of an immodestly dressed woman out of his head that he saw on an advertisement. He worries that he isn’t worthy to receive the priesthood (story could apply to temple worthiness worries too).

Sacrifices and Blessings Getting to Temple

Friend October 2021 “Margaret Cummings” Margaret’s family experienced difficulties getting to the temple to be sealed together, but their prayers were answered and they were blessed.

Friend July 2018 “Isabella’s Journey” On their long six day trip to get to the temple, Isabella’s stake members are blessed with help, such as rain when drinking water runs out and member support and food along the journey.

Friend February 2023 “Is God in There?” Elder Vaiangina Sikahema made a very long trip to the temple to be sealed with his family when he was a child. It was worth it to be at God’s house.

Friend August 2021 “Olga Šnederfler” Olga longed to go to the temple but there were no temples close by, and it was too hard to leave her country or even worship. Many years passed before they were able to go to the temple and be sealed. Later her husband became the temple president of the Germany Temple and she became the temple matron.

Friend July 2015 – Boy helps with family history on computer so his parents can do the work at the temple.

Friend July 2015 "Temple Time"

Friend July 2015  – Can feel the Holy Ghost in the temple.

Friend July 2015 "Matt & Mandy"

Friend May 2022 “For Older Kids”

I didn’t feel like going to the temple for my first time. I wanted to sleep in. Then the Holy Ghost prompted me to go, so I went. The next day, the temple closed because of COVID-19. When the temple reopened for baptisms, I got to go again. I’m so grateful for temples and how special they are to me!

Dillon N., age 12, Idaho, USA

Visiting the Temple Grounds

Friend October 2021 “A Temple Birthday” Lydia wants to visit the temple for her birthday because it is a happy place.

Friend August 2021 “Taye Visits the Temple”

Friend July 2015 “The Temple Grounds”

Friend July 2015

Temple Prayer Roll

Friend October 2021 “Prayers for Tessa” Tessa felt so angry and sad sometimes and she had a hard time keeping it in; as a result, nobody wanted to play with her. The principal said Tessa had trouble getting along with other kids, and she called Tessa’s mom when Tessa had anger issues at school. Her family was praying for her. Her grandmother told her she even put Tessa’s name on the temple prayer roll. The next time Tessa felt upset at school, she remembered all of the people who were praying for her. That helped her feel a little better. 


Friend April 2019 Fill in the temple blocks with lesson information, or have the children fill in the blocks with their ideas about the lesson topic.

“Sharing Time: A Temple is the House of the Lord” Friend January 1993

Friend Jan 1993

“Sharing Time: Father We Thank Thee” Friend Dec 1993

“Sharing Time: The Greatest Gift” Friend April 2002

“Sharing Time: Temples and Ordinances” Friend March 1993

“Sharing Time: The Lord Commands His People to Build Temples” Friend Feb 1993 Includes game and images about temple builders called “Who Am I”


“Sharing Time: A House of God” Friend March 2002

“Sharing Time: The House of the Lord” Friend Nov 1990

“Sharing Time: A Place of Love and Beauty” Friend Jan 2002 – Includes a temple dedication booklet to make.

“Sharing Time: The Temple is a Place of Revelation” Friend May 1993


*Friend July 2015 “What do we do in the Temple?” (Picture and explanation of different rooms in temple.)

Media: Stories

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Media Can be Used for Good

Friend April 2017 The kids on my bus are really inappropriate, and I used to dread getting on the bus. My older sister let me borrow her MP3 player full of Church songs, and now I don’t dread going on the bus, as long as I have the MP3 player and some Church magazines. I am really glad the Church can help me stay on the right path. Savannah N., age 11, Arizona, USA

Media Affects Us

Friend August 2016 “Matt and Mandy” Mandy learns it is hard to get rid of things in the brain that we see and hear.


Courage to Choose the Right Media

Friend August 2020 “Choosing the Channel” Camille’s best friend told her about a funny TV show, but it had some bad words in it so she turned it off. Camille was afraid to tell her friend that she didn’t watch it. They were best friends that did everything together and liked the same things. She was afraid they wouldn’t be friends anymore. But her friend was supportive of her choice and said they could find a show they both liked. 

Friend February 2024 “True Friends?” Henry’s friends did things that made him uncomfortable like watching bad videos. He was afraid to say anything because he didn’t want to be alone and friendless. His mom told him that true friends help you do what’s right. The next time they watched a bad video he said he didn’t want to watch it. His friends made fun of him and said mean things about him. “Is this what true friends would do?,” Henry thought. He left and felt peaceful. He realized he wasn’t alone. The Holy Ghost was with him.

Video Games

Friend October 2022 “Video Game Stoplight” Nathan is missing out on family time and he isn’t getting his work done because he gets caught up in video games. His mom and dad help him make a plan to balance things out better.

Friend September 2020 “Video Game Explosion” After losing to his brother in a video game car race, Jared felt frustrated and kicked the wall and made a hole in it. Then he was scared about what his mom and Dad would say. He prayed for help, and he and his parents tried to figure out what made him feel so frustrated and angry. They all decided maybe he should cut back on video games for awhile. He was glad to have a good feeling again.

Friend June 2018 “Bedtime For Felix” Anton can’t wait to get back to his game, but he has to put his baby brother to bed first. As he snuggled with his brother he realized he felt the happiest he had been all day.

Friend April 2017 “Game Changer” Caleb wants to play his online game with his friends, but some players are using bad words. Caleb feels like it is hard to have to make different choices than his friends, but the Holy Ghost comforts him and helps him see that the game was getting addicting.

Friend January 2017 “The Next Level” Max takes a week off from playing games and he learns new things, spends time with his family, serves, and feels the Spirit.

Friend August 2016 “The Hidden Video Game” Ava’s big brother doesn’t feel good about a video game they are playing so he wants to get rid of it.

Friend February 2019 “Monster Quest” A boy learns it’s more fun to go on a pretend monster quest than it is to play the video game Monster Quest.

Friend June 2015 Building a fort instead of playing video games.

Friend June 2015


Friend September 2015 “Flipping Channels”  Girl feels guilty watching a movie with bad ratings and tries to hide that she is watching it.

Friend September 2015 - Girl feels guilty watching a movie with bad rating and tries to hide that she is watching it.

Friend November 2018 “Sister Date”  Rachel and Brianna have a bad fight over which tv show to watch. The older sister, Brianna, decides they need to go on sister date and have some fun time together, and this quality time helps them become best friends again.


Friend October 2019 “Should I Keep Reading?” While Brooklyn is reading a book about a girl who started a blog, the girl took the Lord’s name in vain. Brooklyn didn’t feel very good when she read that, but she kept reading hoping it was just a one time thing, but it wasn’t. Brooklyn stopped reading and took the book back to the library. She felt glad that she had followed the “My Gospel Standards” about only reading and watching things that are pleasing to Heavenly Father.

Friend June 2016 “Goodbye to Scary Stories” Reading scary books makes a girl feel anxious and scared so she gets rid of them.


Friend June 2023 “Margo and Paolo” When Paulo began to read his library book, he didn’t feel good because it had some bad parts in it, so he stopped reading it. The Holy Ghost was warning him of spiritual danger.


Friend November 2020 “Conference Notes” Sister Craig felt the Holy Ghost tell her to stop looking at her phone in line at the store. One day she noticed an elderly man in front of her in line. He said it was his birthday, but nobody else knew. She was glad she took the time to notice others. This teaches me:

Friend March 2019 “The No-Phone Zone” At a family reunion, Tyler’s grandmother has everyone put their phones in a basket before dinner. At dinner (and after dinner), Tyler listened to all the family stories. He learned more about his dad as a child. He didn’t think about his phone at all. He told his grandma it was the best dinner ever.


Friend March 2024 “Janeelyn Stops Scrolling” Janeelyn was watching videos on the phone. Most were good, but some had bad things in them. Janeelyn started to feel like she should stop watching them, but she really wanted to see the next video. And the next. And the next. She had a hard time stopping even though the Holy Ghost had prompted her. She said a prayer asking for help. Her mom helped her, and they decided she would only watch videos when she was watching with her mom and dad.


Friend June 2023 “The Bad Website” While on the internet, Kevin clicked on a website link and found it had pictures of people without clothes. He was curious, so he looked and felt sick. The bad feeling didn’t go away. He realized the Holy Ghost had helped him know he shouldn’t look at the pictures and that he should talk to his mom about it. He and his mom came up with a computer safety plan together.

Friend October 2022 “Speaking Up at Soccer Camp” A boy walks away when other kids are showing pornography on a phone.

Internet Safety

Friend October 2020 “Chat-Box Mess” Myra accepted someone she didn’t know as a friend on an online game she was playing. She quickly regretted her decision when he began asking personal questions. Then the person began sending her bad messages. She told her dad and he was able to block the him and report him. He reminded her that it was safer to only play with kids she knows.

Emails and Texts

Friend April 2019 “The Right Reply” Emily received a mean email from a friend. She wanted to send a not-so-nice reply, but her mom suggested she wait and little bit. While she waited, she saw a picture of Jesus. She remembered that people had been mean to him, but he was never mean back. She decided to follow Jesus and not send the mean reply.

Friend April 2023 “The Big, Bad, Rotten Text” Zach got mad at his older sister and sent a mean text to her on his mom’s phone, but he sent it to the wrong Rachel. The person who received it helped him realize that it was important to use his words to say kind things, not to hurt others.


Online Bullying

Friend September 2018 “Cyberbash” Kaela’s friend posted a picture online of herself  being funny and goofy with her checks full of cereal like a chipmunk. Kaela was shocked when she saw mean comments about the picture. She lets her friend know that those comments were wrong, and she tells her mom about the bullying.


Friend October 2015 “Standing Strong”  Boy leaves when other boys are viewing pornography but is later teased.

Friend June 2018 “Filter Fail” While researching on the internet for a school paper a picture of a naked person pops up. Kylie is shocked and feels guilty because she can’t get the image out of her mind. She talks to her parents and they help her see that it wasn’t her fault, and they tell her that filling her mind with goood things will help push the bad things out.

Friend August 2017 “The Bad Picture” A boy shows Taran a bad picture from a magazine, but Taran lets him know that he doesn’t look at things like that. He also tells his mom about what happened. His family celebrates and talk about his good decision.

Limiting Time

Friend March 2021 “The Adventures Just Outside” After playing a math game on her tablet for a long time, Rylee’s mom explained that doing math is good for her brain, but too much screen time isn’t good for her brain, or for the rest of her body. They decide to go for a walk to the park, and Rylee finds lots of things to do that helps her brain grow stronger.

Listen to the Spirit

Friend September 2017 “For Older Kids” By McKay H., age 9, Utah, USA “One night as I was watching TV, a show came on that I had never seen before. I got a dark feeling inside. Then a very still, small voice told me to turn off the TV. After that I went to play a Primary song on the piano.”

Individual Stories

Friend August 2015 “Show & Tell” Two children make good choices about media.

Friend August 2016 “Show & Tell”  A boy shuts off a game when he hears inappropriate language.

Friend July 2018 “Show and Tell” I was playing with a friend who showed me a video. At first it was funny, but then a character said a bad word. When I hear bad words, it feels bad in my body, so I asked him if we could do something else. He said OK. I felt happy inside! Javaan F., age 9, North Carolina, USA

Work & Responsibility: Stories

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Table of Contents

Friend March 2021 “Working Together” Caleb works hard with his mom cleaning out the weeds so they can plant a garden.

Friend August 1988 “Allie’s Choice” Allie shows she is responsible while her mother is away by taking care of work instead of going to a horse show and she is than allowed the responsibilty of boarding a horse.

Making Work Fun

Friend January 2022 “Songs and Soap Bubbles” Alice has a lot of responsibility helping with her five younger siblings. One of her chores is to do the dishes. She decides to make doing the dishes fun by learning hymns as she does them. The hymns help her feel peace in her busy, noisy life.

Friend October 2016 “Matt and Mandy” Matt and Mandy have a big chore of raking leaves, but they add some fun and surprise their parents.

Friend August 2019 “Matt and Mandy” Matt and Mandy decide to surprise their mom by cleaning their rooms the night before. It goes fast because they work together and the surprise is fun. They want to surprise her by doing other chores too.

Friend July 2016 Picking thorny blackberries was not fun, but a boy learned about responsibility and the rewards of work.


Friend July 2016  “Ryan the Unstoppable Reader” Ryan has a reading disability and has to spend his summer working on his reading, but his hard work pays off and his reading level increases.

Friend April 1983– interview with Paul H Dunn. His father had him work for any spending money.

Friend May 1988 “Sweet Peas” Children grow vegetables in a garden to sell and make spending money.

Friend February 1987 “Blake’s Lucky Socks” Ethan studies hard to win a spelling bee. His friend, Ethan, doesn’t study but thinks he’ll win because he’s wearing his lucky socks.


Friend May 2016 “The Laundry Monster” It’s time to help put laundry in a basket, but Ana wants to keep playing. Her guilt grows.

Friend February 2016 “Happy Faces” Easton earns happy faces on a bedtime chart. Link includes chart. Parent Information 

Friend June 1987 “Lipstick and Hot Chocolate” Tanya finds that baby-sitting to earn dance lessons is more difficult than expected, but she is responsible and fixes her mistakes.


Friend August 2016 “When I Grow Up” Rosemary starts her own business designing temple dresses. It takes discipline, study, and prayer to make it work.

Friend March 2019 “Becoming Dr. Cannon” Mattie Hughes was excited when she heard Brigham Young encouraging women to become doctors. She worked hard and saved her money so she could go to medical school. Eventually she became a doctor and helped many people.


Friend January 2018 “Matt and Mandy” Mandy and her friend both have to practice piano. They work together and it makes it fun. Then they both try to do their own thing and it turns out terrible.

Pet Care

Friend June 2018 “Stacie’s Puppy” Stacie takes care of her puppy.

Priesthood: Stories

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Boys and Men Receive the Priesthood

Friend April 2018 “The Priesthood and Me” Journal entries from a girl who wonders why only boys receive the priesthood. She learns that both boys and girls use priesthood power for their callings and responsibilities.

Receiving the Priesthood

Friend May 2017 “Awesome! Robert receives the Aaronic Priesthood and learns about the line of authority.

Friend June 2016 “Was I Ready” A boy prays to know if he is ready to receive the priesthood.


Friend October 2017 “Worthiness Worries” Matthew can’t get the image of an immodestly dressed woman out of his head that he saw on an advertisement. He worries that he isn’t worthy to receive the priesthood. His mother helps him remember that the Savior took on himself all our difficulties and he can help us.

Duties of the Priesthood

Friend November 2015 “Priesthood Power” Bobby learns that the priesthood is about serving people.

Friend November 2015

Friend January 2016 President Monson fulfilled his deacon duties by taking the sacrament to a home bound man and by being a good secretary.


Passing the Sacrament

Friend November 2020 “Help Passing the Sacrament” Brayden was almost old enough to pass the sacrament, but he didn’t know how he was going to do it because he used a walker to help him walk. But then the other deacons volunteered to take turns pushing him in his transport chair so he could carry a tray. He was glad to be part of such a great deacons quorum!

Friend January 2023 “Representing Jesus” The older boys were going to show David and the other 11-year-old boys how to pass the sacrament. David was nervous because his autism sometimes made it hard for him to learn new things, but he practiced and had lots of help.

Father’s Blessings

Friend November 2019 “The Primary Talk” Dennis was afraid to give a talk in Primary. He prayed, prepared, and practiced but he was still nervous, so he asked his father to give him a blessing. After the blessing he was able to give the talk with only a few stutters, and he knew Heavenly Father had helped him.

Friend June 2019 “A New Chapter” Sarah’s dad died in an accident and she and her mom had to move to a new place. Sarah is sad a lot and she is also worried about not knowing anyone in church or school. She would like a blessing, but her dad isn’t there to give her one. Her mom suggests her uncle give the blessing. After the blessing, Sarah quickly makes friends at church and school.

Friend September 2017 “Moresby the Brave” Moresby is worried about starting school, so his father gives him a blessing. Moresby’s day goes well, and he is even brave enough to help someone else who is having a hard time on their first day.

Friend February 2016 “You are Special” In Emma’s blessing from her father, Emma gets a message from Heavenly Father.


Friend June 2018 “Twin Jitters” Kaylee is nervous about getting baptized. She worries about being dropped or not being able to breath. Her twin brother is also nervous. Her grandmother suggests they get a blessing from their father. Afterwards they feel much better.

Healing Blessings

Friend August 2024 “Margo and Paolo” Margo and Paulo and receive a blessing but don’t feel better afterwards. Their mother tells them to be patient, that sometimes blessings from the Lord take time, but she is sure He heard their prayers. A few days later they are healthy and strong again.

Friend October 2023 “Timeon’s Priesthood Blessing” Timeon fell and hurt his arm when playing monkeys with his friends at an empty tree hut. He was in a lot of pain, but there were no doctors close enough to visit in the dark. The elders gave him a priesthood blessing. Soon Timeon’s arm didn’t hurt so much. He felt calm and peaceful. He was even able to fall asleep. They were able to go see a doctor in the morning. Timeon was grateful for priesthood power.

Friend August 2021 “Peace through Priesthood Power” When Elder Steven R. Bangerter was a child, he had gamma globulin anemia which made it hard for his body to fight off germs, so he got sick a lot. One night he had an earache so bad that he thought his head would explode. He father gave him a blessing and he was able to sleep through the night and feel better the next day. The next few year his father continued to give him priesthood blessings. He taught him that those blessings were opportunities for Heavenly Father to speak to him.

Friend August 2021 “The Power of a Priesthood Blessing” Russell M. Nelson gave a very sick doctor a priesthood blessing when they were in Mexico and not near any medical facilities. The next morning he was feeling better.

Friend March 2020 “Hayfields and Priesthood Blessings” When Elder Gerard was a boy, he lived on a farm. The dust from the hay sometimes made him sick because of his allergies. One windy summer day there was a lot of dust in the air and he was having a hard time breathing. His mother brought him in and had two farmers who were members of church give him a priesthood blessing.  As they blessed him, he felt warm, peaceful, and calm.

Friend October 2019 “Matt and Mandy” Matt hurt his arm and needs surgery. He asks to get a blessing before the surgery.

Friend February 2017 “Danger at the Ice Pond” Alice tries to help push the blocks of ice in the pond, but the ice she is standing on cracks and breaks. Her father rushes her home and gives her a priesthood blessing and she has no ill effects.

Friend July 1988 “Power of Prayer” A pioneer father is inspired that something was wrong at home. When he arrives he finds that his daughter has fallen into the fireplace. He gives her a blessing and every promise is fulfilled.


Friend May 2016 “Bad Day in the Badlands” Topher and his classmates get sick on a school trip. Topher gets a priesthood blessing.

Friend May 2016
Friend May 2016

Friend April 2018  “I got sick when my dad was on a business trip. My mom called Brother Hillstrom and Brother Judkins, and they gave me a blessing. They told me that the priesthood was real and Heavenly Father could help me get better. I knew that I might not get better right away, but I would get well soon. I love the priesthood.”

Sienna P., age 8, Utah, USA

Baby Blessings

Friend June 2019 “Baby’s Blessing Day”  Kate learns that a baby blessing is special when her baby sister gets blessed.

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Blessings Without a Father

Priesthood Ordinations and Organization


The First Bishops

Doctrine and Covenants 41

Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 17: Edward Partridge Is Called as the First Bishop,” Click on link to find additional teaching ideas

In early 1831, almost a year after the Church was organized, many people were joining the Church and gathering in Ohio, as the Lord had commanded. As the Church grew, Joseph Smith needed additional leaders to help with the work of the Church. The Church was facing many financial (money-related) challenges. Many of the Saints who gathered to Kirtland were poor. They had no land or money and little food, clothing, or other things that were necessary for them to live. The Church also needed money to build a temple and to publish written materials such as revelations and missionary pamphlets. The Prophet himself did not have a home or a way to provide for his family, and other Church leaders who were serving in the Church full-time also needed help in supporting their families.

The Prophet asked the Lord what should be done to provide for all of these needs. In February 1831 the Prophet received a revelation calling Edward Partridge, who had only been a member of the Church for two months, to serve as the first bishop of the Church. The bishop’s first responsibility was to help the Prophet provide for the physical and financial needs of the members of the Church. Joseph Smith received other revelations in the next few months that helped Bishop Partridge know what else he was to do as bishop.

Bishop Partridge was asked to help provide the needy members of the Church with food, clothing, and shelter (see D&C 42:30–31, 34). Members who had extra food or other supplies were asked to share with those who did not have enough. Bishop Partridge received and distributed these donations, keeping them in a storehouse where members in need could come.

Another duty given to Bishop Partridge was to purchase and distribute land for individual homes and Church buildings (see D&C 42:35).

Ensign April 2021 “How can we be like Edward Partridge?” Edward Partridge was the first bishop of the restored Church of Jesus Christ. With his firm testimony, he was willing to sacrifice everything he had and endure hardship after hardship, for he knew the Church to be true.

Friend March 2017 “My Dad the Bishop” Syrena was surprised when her dad was called as bishop because she thought bishops were solemn and had perfect families, but she learns that they are men with strong testimonies.