Jesus: Songs

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My Shepherd

Friend January 2021 “My Shepherd” By Blaine Garner (Link includes a sing-along video)

1. Long ago in Galilee Jesus walked along the sea And told the fishermen To follow Him. Like the faithful long ago, I will choose to follow, For Jesus is calling me.

2. Jesus showed us long ago How to help the sick, the cold, To love and care for those Who need us the most. I will comfort those in need. I will strengthen feeble knees And show the love inside of me.

[Chorus] I will follow where my Savior leads. I will listen when He calls to me. I will live what I believe. And when I’m in need, He will carry me. He’s my Shepherd, and I’m His sheep.

When I Return to Him

Friend April 2019 “When I Return to Him” Music Video

Words and music by Sally DeFord

1. The Shepherd loves His little lambs,
And when they go astray,
He seeks them as they wander;
He calls each one by name.
They listen for the Shepherd’s voice;
They run to Him, and then
He welcomes them with loving arms
When they return to Him.

2. The Savior loves His little ones,
And if I leave His side,
He seeks me as I wander
By day or darkest night.
I’ll listen for the Savior’s call.
I’ll come to Him, and then
He’ll welcome me with loving arms
When I return to Him.

3. The Savior marks the path for me;
He shows me how to live.
And if I stray or wander,
I know He will forgive.
So I will heed the Savior’s voice;
I’ll turn away from sin,
And He will fill my heart with joy
When I return to Him.


The Miracle

Friend June 2018 “The Miracle” Jesus did many miracles, but the most incredible is the one that rescued each of us. Music Video


I Know that My Redeemer Lives

Friend June 2019 “I Know That My Redeemer Lives: I Can Play It”  Sing-Along Video

Names of Jesus

Many Names of Jesus

Friend April 2017 ” Many Names of Jesus” Sheet Music, Music Video

Words by Jan Pinborough
Music by Michael F. Moody

Words: Jesus said that He would be my Shepherd.
Jesus said that I would be His lamb.
He calms my fears with tender words of comfort,
So when He calls, I gladly follow Him.
Jesus is my Friend; He’s like no other.
Jesus is the Son, the Bread of Life.
With Him, I’m not afraid; He is my Brother.
He knows my heart. He helps me choose the right.
Jesus said that He would be my Savior.
Jesus said that He would be my Light.
He made the stars, the oceans—my Creator,
Redeemer, Lord, the Way, the Truth, the Life.
So many names of Jesus,
So many ways to know Him,
And every name means, “I love you.”
The Prince of Peace, the King of Kings,
Jesus Christ salvation brings.

Following Jesus

I Will Shine

Friend January 2022 “I Will Shine”

1. There’s a light within me— The perfect light of Christ— And I have made a promise To keep it burning bright By walking in His footsteps And following His plan In every time and every place, In every way I can.

2. One simple act of kindness Will lift a lonely soul; One gentle word that’s spoken Turns sadness to hope. One choice to be like Jesus Will spread the love He gives, And one by one the world becomes A better place to live.

Chorus: I will shine like a candle in the dark; All it takes to make a difference is a spark. And it’s easy to see that the brightest I’ll be Is when I let His light shine through me. When I let His light shine through me.

This is My Beloved

Friend September 2020 “This is My Beloved Song: I Can Play It” Also Sing-along Video

1. Jesus entered Jordan’s waters When His work had just begun. God the Father spoke from heaven:“This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

2. Nephites gazing into heaven Saw their white-robed Savior come. And they heard the Father witness: “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

3. Joseph saw two glorious beings Shining brighter than the sun. God again presented Jesus: “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

4. As I read the scriptures daily— Words of Christ, the Holy One— In my heart I’ll hear God tell me: “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

I Will Walk with Jesus

Friend February 2020 “I Will Walk with Jesus” Song and Sing-Along Video

1. Jesus walked in wisdom; Jesus grew in truth. He showed love to God and man while in His youth. Jesus wants to guide me. Jesus shows the way, Calling me to come and walk with Him each day.

2. I can grow like Jesus. I will try each day— Promising to walk His path and there to stay. Standing by my Savior, safe within His care, Step by step I’ll follow, and His love I’ll share.

3. I will trust in Jesus. I will hear His call. He will never leave me, even when I fall. Jesus gives me power, lifts and comforts me, Helping me to live and grow eternally.

Chorus: I will walk with Jesus to my home above. He will bless me with His Spirit and fill me with His love, Change my heart forever and help me clearly see. I will walk with Jesus, and He will walk with me.

I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus

Friend April 2024 “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus: I Can Play It” Simplified version

Had I Been a Little Child

Ensign October 2020 “Family Study Fun”

Read 3 Nephi 17:21–25 with your family, which describes the Savior ministering to people after His Resurrection. Talk about what it might have felt like to be there.

  1. Draw or write these body parts on pieces of paper: hands, feet, knees, arms, eyes, and mouth. Pass them out to different family members.
  2. Listen to “Had I Been a Child” from pages 80–81 of the Children’s Songbook 
  3. Whenever a body part is mentioned in the song, have the family member holding that paper lift it up for everyone to see.

Discussion: Talk about how Jesus has a resurrected body and how one day we’ll have a resurrected body too. Jesus used His body to serve others. How can we serve others and show them love?

“Had I Been A Child” Lyrics

  1. 1. Had I been a child when Jesus cameUnto the Nephites that blessed dayAnd showed them the wounds in his hands and his feetAnd knelt with them to pray.
  2. 2. Then he might have held me safe in his arms;He might have looked in my eyes and saidA word, with his blessing of kindness and love,His hands placed upon my head.
  3. 3. Someday, when the Savior comes again,Oh, how I hope that my heart will beAs pure as the hearts of the children that dayWho gathered around his knee.

Peace in Christ

Friend September 2021 “Peace in Christ” Song

1. There is peace in Christ When we learn of Him. Feel the love He felt for us When He bore our sins. Listen to His words. Let them come alive. If we know Him as He is, There is peace in Christ.

2. There is peace in Christ When we walk with Him Through the streets of Galilee To Jerusalem. Mend the broken hearts. Dry the tear-filled eyes. When we live the way He lived, There is peace in Christ.

Chorus: He gives us hope When hope is gone. He gives us strength When we can’t go on. He gives us shelter In the storms of life. When there’s no peace on earth, There is peace in Christ.

Second ending: When there’s no peace on earth, There is peace in Christ.

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus

Friend March 2023 “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus” I Can Play It

Gratitude for Jesus


Friend April 2023 “Because’ I Can Play It

1. Because He walked with men, I know the way. Because He calmed the storm, I’m not afraid. Because He bowed beneath all things, He lifted me above. Because I know He died for me, I feel His love.

2. Because He conquered death, I’ll live again. Because He is my Friend, I’ll follow Him. Because He felt all grief and pain, He calms and comforts me. And when He comes again, I’ll kneel before His feet.

Chorus: And I will praise forever The Savior of the world. And I will sing together With all the Saints on earth. Because He gave to me everything He had to give, I breathe, I see, I hope, I love, I live.

If I Listen With My Heart – Verse Three

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“If I Listen With My Heart” – Verse Three


  • Items needed: light weight colored paper, clear stick glue, magnets, a page protector, clear tape, a lamp or lantern, a large envelope, and chalk and eraser.
  • Print the story pictures, stain glass pattern, and word pages (make sure and print the picture of Christ onto light weight white paper). Cut out the story pictures. Cut apart the word pages on the dotted lines. Put a magnet on the back of each item. (Optional: Put a black background paper on the word cards.)
  • Cut the stain glass pattern along the lines so that you have nine pieces. Using the pieces as patterns, cut out each piece from  different colors of light weight paper (or print Emilie Hanson’s pre-made version) Glue the pieces to the front of the picture of the Savior. Make sure the picture of the Savior doesn’t show through the colored paper, but try not to use dark colors over the face. Using the photo above as your guide, cut  the pieces into four parts. Cut out the labels and glue each one to a piece as shown above. Put the pieces into an envelope.
  • Cut strips of dark paper and tape them to the edges of the page protector to make a frame.


Tell the children that they are now going to learn the third verse of the song “If I Listen with My Heart.” Explain that this verse is about the Holy Ghost being a way we can hear the Savior’s voice. The Savior communicates with us through the Holy Ghost. There are many different things that the Holy Ghost tells us that the Savior wants us to know.

Ask the children if they have ever seen a stain glass window. Explain that a stain glass window is many pieces of colored glass combined to make a beautiful picture. When light comes through the window, it’s beauty can fill us with joy and uplift and warm our souls. Explain that the Holy Ghost can also fill our lives with joy, warm our souls, and light up our life with beauty. Like the different colored pieces of stain glass, there are different things the Holy Ghost does. A few of those things are mentioned in this verse.

Put the page protector on the board. Explain that you have several colored pieces of paper inside the envelope that will make a pretty stain glass type picture on the framed page protector. Each of these colored pieces of paper has a label on it. The labels are things the Holy Ghost does that are mentioned in the verse.

Choose a child helper. Draw out the piece of colored paper from the envelope that says “teaches truth and right.”  Give the piece to the child and have him or her put it on the page protector using rolled pieces of tape. Tell the children that the helpers will need to try to put each piece in the right spot on the page protector. Disclose that the picture should form a heart when completed.

Tell the children that in the July 1997 Friend there is a story about a boy named Christopher. Christopher had been given the gift of the Holy Ghost, but he had become concerned because he had never heard the still small voice.  (Put the picture of  the upset Christopher on the board.) Christopher told his parents how he was feeling (put picture of parents on board), and they explained that the Holy Ghost can communicate in other ways besides a still small voice.  They reminded Christopher of the good feeling he had after telling the truth about spilling the red punch on the carpet. (Put the picture of the spilled drink on the board. Also put the word card next to it that says “I feel the Holy Spirit as He teaches truth and right”.) Read the card to the children and explain that it is the first line in the verse. Ask “Does the Savior want us to know truth and right?”

Choose another helper. Give that child the piece of colored paper that says “comforts”. Have the child put it on the page protector. Explain that  the Holy Ghost can comfort us when we are afraid, sad, or worried. Tell the children that when Christopher was lost in the mall and was afraid,  he prayed for help. He felt calm and reassured. He also felt he should sit on a bench and wait, (put on the board the picture of  Christopher sitting on the bench), and his parents were able to find him there. (Put the word card on the board that says “He comforts me in times of need” next to the picture of Christopher on the bench.) Tell the children that those are the words of the next line in the verse.  Ask, “Do you think Jesus wants to comfort and help us?”  Explain that in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus not only suffered for our sins, but he also suffered our pains, heartaches, and fears so he would know how to comfort and help us.

Choose another helper, and give that child the piece of colored paper that says “Testifies of Christ”. Have the child put it on the page protector. Tell the children that in the story about Christopher, his parents also reminded him of the time when he was reading the scriptures, and he suddenly understood a parable that Jesus taught. (Put picture of Christopher and the scriptures on the board.)  Explain that the Holy Ghost can testify to us that Jesus is the son of God and that His words are divine truth. The Holy Ghost can also help us understand His words.   (Put the word card on the board that says “He testifies of Christ”  next to the picture of Christopher with scriptures. Tell the children that is the next line in the verse.)  Explain to the children that the Holy Ghost also testifies that Jesus is our Savior and redeemer,  and that because of His sacrifice and atonement we can repent and be forgiven of our sins. Ask, “Why does Jesus want us to know this?”

Draw out the last colored piece of paper that says “Fills with peace”. Put it on the page protector, and then put the word card on the board that says “He speaks to me in quiet ways that fill my soul with peace”.  Point out to the children that Christopher didn’t even realize that the Holy Ghost was speaking to him because it was in quiet ways such as warm feelings and thoughts that came to him. But those thoughts and feelings filled Christopher with peace.

Put the stain glass picture in front of a turned on lamp or lantern so that the children can see the picture of Jesus.  Explain that we learn in this verse that if we listen with our hearts, we will realize that the Holy Ghost is telling us the things that the Savior wants us to know.

 The chorus pages will not be needed. Hopefully by this time they know that part, but the stain glass picture can be used to help remind them of the words of the chorus.

(In Junior Primary you may want to sing each line of the verse as you put it on the board, and then review the lines at the end and try to sing the whole verse.)

To help the children memorize this verse, take off the first word card. Write its words on the board, but leave the main words blank except for the first letter. See if the children can remember what those words are, and then sing the verse. Do the same with the next word card. Continue in this manner until the children have each line memorized. Many junior Primary children know letters, so prompt them with the sound of the letter to help remind them of the word.

Safety Reminder: Use only battery powered lanterns. If you use a lamp, put the paper on the lamp shade using a straight pin. Do not put the paper near the hot light bulb.

If I Listen With My Heart – Verse Two

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If I Listen With My Heart – Verse Two


  • Items needed: two hinged rings or two pieces of ribbon, a marker, strong magnet strips, a hole punch, and a lamp or lantern. You will also need the chorus cards, the black and white picture of the prophet, and the picture of the Savior from the previous week’s lesson. Put the black and white picture of the prophet into a page protector, and slip the picture of the Savior behind it. Print the pictures and word cards onto cardstock. Cut out each picture around its subject’s outline. Attach a strong magnet to the back of each picture. Cut out the word bubbles. Glue the word bubbles that say “Love & Serve” to the picture of the prophet and to the picture of the Savior. Attach a magnet to the back of the rest of the word bubbles.
  • Cut the word cards in half on the dotted line. Stack the word cards in order with the start of the song on top. Attach strong magnets between each card (on the top, middle of the cards) so the cards stick together.  Hole punch the bottom of each card on the corners, and connect the six cards together with the rings or ribbon. Put a long strip of a strong magnet onto the top back of the last card.


Tell the children they are now going to learn the second verse of the song “If I Listen With My Heart.” Remind them that it is about the prophet’s words being a way to hear the Savior’s voice. Put the black and white picture of the prophet in front of the lantern, and turn on the lantern. Put the flip chart on the board with the first lines of the verse showing. Go through the words of the flip chart with the children, and put the following corresponding pictures on the board for each page.

 I hear a living prophet speak – Put the picture of the prophet and the podium on the board.

the things that Christ would say –  Put the picture of the Savior to the left of the picture of the prophet.

if He were here upon the earth – Put the picture of the Savior over the picture of the prophet.

to talk with me today – Put the picture of the children to the left of the podium.

Put the word bubbles on the board to the left of the the picture of Jesus, and ask the children what the Savior would tell them to do if he were here upon the earth today. Write a response with the marker in each word bubble.

The prophet teaches how to live – Take off the picture of the Savior so that the prophet is showing, and explain that the prophet tells us the same things because he tells us the Savior’s words–the things the Savior wants us to know.

in righteousness and peace – Explain that the Savior wants us to live in righteousness and peace, so the prophet teaches us the Savior’s words on how to do that. Point out the word peace, and remind the children that the word peace is in each verse of the song. This is to help remind us that if we listen to and obey the Savior’s words, we can have peace in our lives. (When singing the song, put the labeled word bubbles up during this line of the song.)

Put the chorus pages on the board, and remind the children that they sing the chorus at the end of each verse.

Note: You may wish to teach Junior Primary a couple of lines of the verse at a time, and then have them sing those lines before teaching the next two lines.

Prepare to have the children sing the verse by resetting the flip chart and taking off the pictures.  Have a child helper put the pictures on the board at the appropriate times as you turn the pages of the flip chart. Go through the words and visuals again before singing the verse to make sure the helper knows how they go. Have a different child help with the visuals each time you sing the verse.

Tell the children they are now going to memorize the second verse. Review the words on the first flip chart card. Put it down so it isn’t showing, and have the children sing the song again. Do the same with the second card in the flip chart, then have them tell you what the first line is again. Sing the song again without the first and second cards showing. Continue in this manner until they can sing the song without the flip chart.

Note: To help the children review lines, tell them the line, but stop at certain points and see if they can tell you the next word or words.

Safety Reminder: Use only battery powered lanterns. If you use a lamp, put the paper on the lamp shade using a straight pin. Do not put the paper near the hot light bulb.

If I Listen With My Heart

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 If I Listen With My Heart – Verse One


  • Items needed: a lamp or lantern, and a large display board (dry erase board, or poster/foam board). Optional item: a recording of the song from,17631,7206-1,00.html
  • Print all the verse one pictures and words, pictures of Jesus with the children, and a child reading the scriptures. Note: Be sure to print the three black-and-white pictures, and the large picture of the Savior onto light weight paper. Put all the pictures in page protectors, and slide the picture of the Savior behind the picture of the scriptures. Cut out the two sets of the song words, and cut out the round song notes. Tape the three pictures from the flipchart onto the display board and a set of the cut out words next to their corresponding  picture.
  • Tape one set of the song words, in random order, under  the children’s chairs before Primary starts. Put a few in each row. Count how many rows there are, then put a number in a container for each row you have.
  • (Optional idea is to put the words that go under the chairs on hearts, and put magnets on the back of each one to make them easier to attach to the chairs.)

Introduce the name of the song, and then tell the children that the song has three verses and a short chorus. Post the two chorus picture pages on the board. Explain that each of the three verses of the song tells a way we can hear the Savior’s words if we listen with our hearts (with the spirit and with love in our hearts). Verse one tells us that even though we weren’t on the earth when Jesus was, we can still hear his words through the scriptures. (Put the picture of the scriptures on the board.)  The second verse explains that the living prophet tells us what the Savior wants us to know. (Put the picture of the prophet on the board.) In the third verse we learn that the Holy Ghost also tells  us what the Savior wants us to know. (Put the words “Whisperings of the Holy Ghost” on the board.)

Tell the children that when we read the scriptures, listen to the prophet, or listen to the whisperings of the Holy Ghost we can imagine that the Savior himself is telling us those words because they are his words and what he wants us to know. (Put the picture of the scriptures  in front of a lamp so the picture of the Savior can be seen through the scriptures.) Explain to the children that they are going to learn the first verse of the song which is about the scriptures being a way we can hear the Savior’s voice. (Take down the other two black and white pictures from the board.) Show the display board, or put it to the left of the chorus pages on the board.

Go over each line of the verse with the children and explain the words “search” and the word “peace”. Also tell the children that the word peace is in each verse. Play a recording of the first verse for the children, or sing the verse for them so they can hear how it sounds. Have the senior children sing the verse (you may have to review and sing one line at a time with junior primary). Point out that the melody in the third phrase builds up to emphasize the word peace. Also point out to the children that there are a lot of words in the song where they have to slide their voices up or down a note. (Put the eighth notes under or above the words that do this. Angle them up or down slightly for more emphasis.) (Personal note: I do realize that some of the notes are backward. I didn’t have time to make new ones. Sorry.) Have the children sing the song again, and have them pay attention to how their voice slides up or down as they sing those words.

Senior Primary – Explain to the children that they are going to start memorizing the verse. Tell them that the words of the verse are under some of their chairs, but they can’t get them yet. Number off each row, and then have a child reach into the container of numbers and pull one out. Have all the children in that row look under the chairs and find the words. Have the children take their words off the display board. Go over the words of the song again, and see if the children can remember what words are missing. Sing the song again. Have another child pick a number from the container, and do the activity again. Continue in this manner until all the words are gone and the children have the song memorized.

To review the song the following week, show the bulletin board with the words. Cover the first line and give a child the magnet words of the first line to put in order on the board as everyone sings the song. Tell the child that he/she has until the song is finished to put the words in the right order. Do the same with the other lines in the song until you feel they have reviewed the song sufficiently.

Junior Primary – Use the following actions to help teach the song:  If I (point to self) had been a little child (put hand out, palm down, as if to measure the height of a small child)  when Jesus (point to a picture of Jesus) lived on earth (point down as if pointing to the earth), I (point to self) would have liked (smile and nod) to walk with him (walk in place) and listen (hand cupped around edge of ear) to his words (point to mouth). But as I (point to self) search the scriptures (one hand stretched out with palm up, like a book, and the other hand pretending to turn the pages) I can hear (hand to ear)  his words (point to mouth) of peace (wrap arms around self  and have a contented, peaceful expression on face).  And if I (point to self)  listen (hand to ear) with my heart (hands over heart) I can hear (hand to ear) the Savior’s voice (point to picture of Savior).

Have the children do the actions as they sing the song. Review by saying the words of the verse and stop at the words with actions and just do the action. See if children know what that word is.

Safety Note: Use only battery powered lanterns. If you use a lamp, put the paper on the lamp shade using a straight pin. Do not put the paper near the hot light bulbs.

If the Savior Stood Beside Me – Verse Three

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If the Savior Stood Beside Me – Verse Three


  • Items needed: a large piece of white semi-transparent fabric, magnets, and a white poster board.
  • For visuals on this verse I used items from OCD Primary Chorister  to match the visuals I used in the other two verses (or the above posted pictures can be used instead and can be found here). I copied, pasted, and cropped the pictures containing the scriptures, the parents, the boy praying, and one picture each of the boy and the girl doing the right things.  Copy and paste the pictures of the children choosing the right into these thought bubbles. You will also need enlarged individual pictures of the girl and boy that were used in the other verses. Print all the pictures and cut them out. Tape or glue the pictures of the individual boy and girl onto the bottom of the fabric. Put a magnet on the back of the other pictures of the fabric.
  • Print the four parts of the large picture of the Savior. Cut and fit the pieces together using glue or tape. Also print the picture of the prophet and the heart. Cut them out and put a magnet on the back of each.
  • Cut the fabric so that it is the same size as the completed picture of the Savior. Glue or tape magnets to the back, top corners.
  • Print the word pages.


Remind the children that the first two verses consider whether we would do or say certain things differently if we could see the Savior standing next to us.  The third verse tells us that even though we can’t see the Savior, he is always near and is aware of what we are doing and saying.

Put the first line on the board.

He is always near me, though I do not see him there.  Put the large picture of the Savior on the board and the fabric over the top of the large picture as you say the words to the first line.  Cover the picture with the poster board and ask the following question:  Because we can’t see the picture does that mean it isn’t there? The picture is still there even though we can’t see it, which is similar to the Savior. Even though we can’t see the Savior, he is watching over us.

(Take off poster board covering and have the children sing this first line. After the children sing, put the next line on the board.)

And because he loves me dearly, I am in his watchful care.   Put the heart on the picture of the Savior and explain that because the Savior loves us he wants what’s best for us, so he wants us to say and do good things in life. He watches over us and provides help and guidance through the Holy Ghost, the scriptures, parents, the prophet, etc.  (Put up the pictures of the scriptures, family, prophet, and prayer on the board around the top of the large picture of Christ as each are mentioned, then have the children sing this line. After they sing, put up the next line on the board.)

So I’ll be the kind of person that I know I’d like to be   Knowing that the Savior loves us and is watching over us helps us try to be the kind of person that we should be. (Put the thought bubble pictures above the pictures of the children.)

Explain that the last line is the same as in the first two verses, but it is drawn out a little at the end. Have the pianist play it so they can hear how it sounds. Have the children sing these last two lines, and afterwards have them sing the whole verse.)

Take off one of the word pages, or cover parts with cardstock. Choose a volunteer to put up the visuals as the children sing the verse again. Continue in this manner, taking off word pages and having different volunteers try to put the visuals on the board correctly and at the right times in the song, until all the word pages are off the board.

Have the children sing all three verses.


If the Savior Stood Beside Me – verse two

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If the Savior Stood Beside Me – Verse Two


  • Items needed: 18 feet of string or fishing line and two cans, two crayons (one yellow and one dark brown or black), and a small bag or bowl.
  • Print the second verse pictures from the following website – OCD Primary Chorister. I copied and pasted the first picture of the girl onto Microsoft Word and then cropped and enlarged it. I printed two copies and cut out the pictures. I printed two copies of this picture of the Savior and glued on one picture of the girl to the right side of each picture. I used these page for the last line of the verse and for the line “if he were never far away.”
  • Print and cut out the word bubbles.
  • Print the word chart and word strips. Cut out the word strips. Fold them and put them into a small bag or bowl. The word chart is based on the one found in the February Ensign.
  • Make a homemade phone by hammering a hole into the top of each metal can with a nail. Put one end of the string into the hole at the top of one can. Pull it through a little and tie the end into a knot. Put the other end of the string into the hole at the top of the other can. Pull it through and tie its end into a knot.


Explain that the first line in this verse is the same as in the first verse.  – If the Savior stood beside me. (Put up the picture of the Savior with the children (from verse one visuals) at the top of the board. )

Remind the children that the first verse was about the things we do. Explain that the second verse is about the things we say. Show the first word bubble and explain that word bubbles are used as visual aids to help remind them that the verse is about the things we say.

Put the first word bubble and picture on the board.

Would I say the things I say?   Discuss the picture by pointing out that the big sister’s words are making her little brother feel bad and cry. Ask the children if they think she would change how she is talking about her brother if the Savior was standing next to her.  Remind them that the Savior would like our words to be things that would lift and help people, not hurt or make them sad or tear them down.

Put up the next word bubble and picture on the board. (After discussing this line, continue in this manner–putting up the word bubble and matching picture and then discussing it–for the rest of the lines in the verse.)

Would my words be true and kind   Explain that the word “true” in this sentence means sincere and loyal. In this picture it looks like the girl changed her words to be more kind and loving toward her brother. Point out that he is now smiling and looks happy.

 If He were never far away?  Put up the picture of the girl standing by the Savior.  (Have the children sing all of the song lines up to this point.)

Would I try to share the gospel?   Explain that the girl in the picture is telling her friend about the Book of Mormon. Ask the children if they think talking about the gospel would be words that would help and lift others.

Would I speak more reverently?  Point out that the girl in the picture has her arms folded.  Remind the children that when we speak to our Heavenly Father we fold our arms and bow our heads to show reverence. Explain that we should also speak reverently when we talk about the gospel, or about sacred things, or when we are in the Lord’s house. (Though we don’t necessarily need to fold our arms in the process.)

Put up the last picture and explain that the last line is the same as the first verse. Have the children sing these last three lines of the verse, and then have them sing the entire verse.

Memorizing Activity

Tell the children they are going to do an activity as they memorize the verse. The activity will help remind them that our words affect people. Explain that in a recent Ensign article, President Uchdorf said our words should be a “light to others”.  A word chart activity was included in the article (show the word chart and put it on the board) to help children think about different kinds of words and how they can lighten up and brighten someone’s day or make a day dark and dreary.

Get two volunteers, preferably children who have been putting effort into singing the song. Show the children the homemade can phones. Explain that you will choose one of the words from the bag, which contains the same words that are on the chart. You will show it to one of the volunteers. That volunteer will speak the word into the can. The other child will plug one ear and hold the can to the other ear and listen. That child will tell everyone what word was spoken. If the child is correct he/she gets to draw a bright smiley face or dark unhappy face over the word on the chart, depending on how it would make someone feel. The other child will choose one of the word bubbles to take off the board. Have the children sing the song again. Continue in this manner until all the word bubbles are off the board. The pictures can be taken off next using the same activity.

Note: The string should be taut between the two cans while they are doing the activity.

If the Savior Stood Beside Me – verse one

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If the Savior Stood Beside Me

• Items needed: five pages of different colors  of construction paper (not blue or black), three pages of blue construction paper, tape, a black marker, magnets, and a metal chain.
• Print the word strips. Cut the word pages in half. (Trim off any extra paper if desired.)
• Print pictures for the first verse. (Look on I used the pictures from the OCD Primary Chorister website. I really appreciated these pictures because they tell the verse in story form. But the pictures of the Savior didn’t portray him as I wanted, so I used this picture for the first line, and I copied, pasted, and enlarged her first picture onto Microsoft Word, and then I printed and cut out the picture of the boy and glued him onto the right side of this picture of the Savior. I used this page for the last line of the verse.
• Cut the construction paper into 1 ½ inch strips. (widthwise)
• Cut pieces of tape and hang them on the bottom rim of the chalkboard.

Put the picture of the Savior with the children at the top, middle of the board and put the song title below it. Explain that these words are the title of the song and they are also the first line of the song.

Next explain that there are five questions that go with this first line. Put the first question on the board with its matching picture above it.

Point out that the child in the picture isn’t being kind. Ask if they think the child would be less likely to do something like that if the Savior was standing next to them. Ask what other kinds of things a person might try more carefully not to do if the Savior was standing next to him. Write each of the children’s responses on a colored strip of paper. After each response, have that child come up and make a chain link with their response(using the tape). Add a blue strip after each response. The answers will form a chain. Make sure their links face forward so people can see their answers. Using the magnets, hang the chain under the question. (Do the same chain activity with each question, taking only three responses per question.)

1. Would I do the things I do?  (After discussing this question have the children sing the first two lines of the verse.)

2. Would I think of His Commandments  Point out that the child in the picture is thinking about the Ten Commandments. Where are the commandments found? In the scriptures. What are some of the commandments Jesus has given us?

3. Try harder to be true? (There is not a picture for this line.) To be true means to be faithful and trustworthy. In what ways can we try harder to be true to the Savior? (Have the children sing these two lines.)

4. Would I follow His example? What is happening in this picture? The boy is trying to be like the Savior and be kind.. What other things did the Savior do that we could follow  and do?

5. Would I live more righteously? Point out the CTR shield in the picture and explain that when we are choosing the right we are living righteously. What things can we do to in order to live more righteously? (Sing these two lines.)

Explain that the last line of the verse is -“If I could see the Savior standing nigh watching over me.” Put the picture that goes with this line on the board. Put half the line above the picture and half below the picture. Explain that the word “Nigh” means close or near.

Show a metal chain and explain that the links help make it stronger than having just a single strip of metal. A single strip of metal might bend and break. Point to the chain the kids made and explain that the blue links represent the Savior standing near to them. Remind them that being near to the Savior makes us more likely to do right things, which makes us spiritually stronger. Explain that in the third verse of the song we will discuss more about the concept of the Savior being near.

Have the children sing the entire verse.

To memorize this verse, take off a couple of lines  at a time (not the pictures), and then have them sing the verse again. Continue in this manner until all the lines are gone. After that remove a few pictures at a time.

I’m Trying to be Like Jesus

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I’m Trying to be Like Jesus pg 78  


Activity Description: Each class chooses a picture that best depicts an assigned line from the song. The classes then take turns posing like the people in their picture, and the other children guess which picture they chose.


  • Items needed: nine file folders and sticky tack.
  • Print two copies of the song lines. Cut out the song lines and glue one set onto the file folders (one song line on each folder).
  • Print the picture pages. Put each of the picture pages in their correct file. The pages are numbered to help you know which file to put them in.
  • Obtain matching copies of all the pictures from the library. The pictures are from the Gospel Art Kit, the Primary 2, 4, and 7 manual picture packets, and the Gospel Art Book. (If you can’t find a certain picture just cross it off in the file.)
  • Using sticky tack, hang the pictures from the library on the walls around the primary room before primary starts.


Most of the older children already know this song. This activity will help them think more about what it means.

Put the second set of song lines on the board, horizontally, in the correct order.

Show the children the file folders. Explain that each folder has a line from the first verse on it, and each folder has some pictures in it. Point out the pictures that are displayed around the room of scenes from when Jesus was on the earth, and explain that the pictures in the files each match one of the pictures on the wall.

Explain that you are going to give each class (or group of kids) a file. Each class needs to pick one of the pictures in the folder that best goes with the line that is on their folder. Tell them not to let anyone else see or know which picture they picked.

Explain to the children that each class will try to pose like the people in the picture, and everyone else will try to guess which picture they chose. (Note: The handbook says the Savior should not be portrayed by children in dramatizations. I had the children pose like all the people in the picture except for Jesus, but you may feel this doesn’t qualify as a dramatization. If you do have children pose as Jesus, remind them to portray Jesus with reverence and dignity.)

Send the first class out into the hall to prepare their pose. Explain that the other children are going to sing the verse one time while they prepare. Once the children are done singing, invite the class back in to the front of the room to do their pose. Have a child, who thinks they know which picture the class is doing, go and point at the picture. The class tells if it is the correct picture or not. Choose another child to guess if it is not correct. Continue in this manner until someone guesses the correct picture.

Discuss the picture that was chosen. (Review the stories ahead of time so you are familiar with them.) Ask the children what they can learn concerning how to be like Jesus from the picture. (Such as, Jesus raised the dead – we can’t raise the dead, but we can comfort those who experience the loss of a loved one. Or, Jesus loved us and sacrificed his life for us  – we can show our love for others by sacrificing our time in service to them.)

Explain why the picture goes with the song line, and then take the song line off the board and put the picture in its place. Remind little ones what the words are and have them repeat them. Hopefully this will help those who aren’t familiar with the song to memorize it.

Send the class with line number two out into the hall to prepare their pose. Continue the activity as explained above until all the lines have been replaced with pictures on the board.

Note: Some of the pictures are in more than one file. If the children see a class doing the picture they chose they need to choose another picture.


Preparation – Print and cut out the second verse lines.

Explain to the children that they will be doing another activity where they mimic the actions of someone else. This is to help remind them to try and be like Jesus.

  • Why should we try to be like Jesus? Because he showed us the type of person we should be in order to gain eternal life; his life was full of love and service for other. We need to follow his example and fill our lives full of love and service for others. Point out that the second verse starts off with that theme. (Put the first line on the board.)


Have the children put their seats in a circle or stand in a circle. Explain that you are going to choose someone to do some actions for the words in the line. Everyone else will  follow and do the actions that person is doing while they sing the line slowly three times. Explain that you are also going to choose someone else to try and figure out who is leading the actions. Send that person out in the hall while you choose the leader. Tell the chosen leader some actions they can do for the line. They will have to do a couple different types of actions so the children are following them and not just repeating. Tell the other children to do their best to follow the actions without looking directly at the leader. After the child comes back into the room, have the leader stand up if the child can’t guess who it is after the line has been sung three times.

Repeat and do the same activity above with each line of the verse.

Take off the lines from the board and have the children sing that part after every couple of lines are learned. Also remind the children now and then that they are following the actions of the activity leader, but in real life they should be trying to be like who?… (Jesus)

Action Suggestions:

I’m trying to love my neighbor – Hands form a heart, or put hands over heart for love. Put an arm around a child, or point to child next to you for neighbor.

I’m learning to serve my friends – Point to head for learning. Service actions – raking leaves, washing dishes, etc – helping them with chores

I watch for the day of gladness – A hand curved above eyes, or hands formed into goggles for watching. Point to smiling face for gladness.

when Jesus will come again – Point to a picture of Jesus and then to the earth, or have hands facing each other and coming down from heaven.

I try to remember the lessons he taught – Point to side of forehead for remember, or put both hands on sides of head. Palms like an open book for lessons taught, or one hand open in front of you as if explaining something.

Then the Holy Spirit enters into my thoughts, saying – One hand on top of the other as if giving a blessing for Holy Spirit. Hands on top of head for enters into my thoughts, or point to side of head.


Resurrection – Easter, Item #5 – Song

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Resurrection – Easter
Item #5- Song
“Did Jesus Really Live Again?”


  • Items needed: removable double-sided tape, a clear page protector, a recording of the song with words and a device to play it on.
  • Print the two small pages of visual aids. Glue the two pages together, back to back. (All parts of the picture will need to have glue on it.) Cut the small pictures apart into individual sections.
  • Note: If using this idea in Primary, print the larger version of the visual aids. You will need to tape four page protectors together, edge to edge, using clear tape, and also tape or glue the four pages of the picture of Jesus together. The song pictures will need to be glued to the back of the picture of Jesus in the right order as displayed in the above picture. Then cut apart the song cards so a part of the picture of Jesus is attached to each piece.
  • Note: The song comes from the Children’s Songbook Pg 64, and the pictures are from the Friend Magazine and Primary Manuals.



Give one or two of the song pictures to each class or child. Tell them they are going to put the song words in order on the clear page protector. Have them listen to the song once, then ask who has the first part of the song. Have them put it on the page protector.  (The page protector should be horizontal, and the pictures should start at the top left corner and go towards the right. Each row will be a verse.) Ask who has the second part of the song. You may need to listen to the song again if they aren’t sure what comes next. Also have them sing what they have put in order so far as they listen.  Continue in this manner until all the pictures have been put on the page protector. Turn over the page to sing the final sentence. If the pictures are in the correct order, a picture of the resurrected Jesus Christ will be seen through the page protector.

To help the children learn the song, have a child take one or two of the small pictures off the page protector. Sing the song again to see if they can remember the part that has been taken off. Repeat this process until all the pictures have been removed and the children can sing the song without them. The following actions could be used in place of a removed picture:

Did Jesus really live again (hold hands out with palms up)
Yes, when the third day came (hold up three fingers)
He wakened and he left the tomb (walk in place)
He called Mary’s name (cup hands around mouth)
Did Jesus come to those he loved (Put hands over heart)
Yes, people touched his feet (bend over and touch feet),
And of the fish and honeycomb (wiggle hand back and forth like a fish swimming)
He did truly eat (pantomime eating).
And there were nail prints in his hands (point to hand)
And a spear wound in his side (point to side)
Did Jesus really live again after he had died (hold hands out with palms up)
Oh yes! And so shall I (nod head)!