Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65

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Joseph Smith History 27-65 Moroni appears to Joseph Smith—Joseph’s name is to be known for good and evil among all nations—Moroni tells him of the Book of Mormon and of the coming judgments of the Lord and quotes many scriptures—The hiding place of the gold plates is revealed—Moroni continues to instruct the Prophet.(Verses 21–26.) Joseph Smith marries Emma Hale—He receives the gold plates from Moroni and translates some of the characters—Martin Harris shows the characters and translation to Professor Anthon, who says, “I cannot read a sealed book.” (Verses 55–65.)

Doctrine and Covenants 2 An extract from Joseph Smith’s history relating the words of the angel Moroni to Joseph Smith the Prophet, while in the house of the Prophet’s father at Manchester, New York, on the evening of September 21, 1823. Moroni was the last of a long line of historians who had made the record that is now before the world as the Book of Mormon. (Compare Malachi 4:5–6; also sections 27:9110:13–16; and 128:18.)

The Angel Moroni Visits Joseph Smith

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 & Doctrine and Covenants Stories “The Angel Moroni Visits Joseph Smith”

It had been three years since God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith in the grove, but Joseph hadn’t received any additional revelations since then. He began to wonder about his standing before the Lord. Like all of us, he had made mistakes, and he felt condemned by them.

One night, after everyone was asleep, Joseph decided to pray. God had answered his prayers before, and Joseph knew He would answer them again.

While Joseph was praying, light filled the room. Joseph saw an angel standing in the air by his bed. The angel said that his name was Moroni. God had sent him. He said God had forgiven Joseph and had a work for him to do.

I can repent and be forgiven.

Joseph Smith—History 1:28–29

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025

  • We all sometimes feel “condemned for [our] weakness and imperfections,” as Joseph Smith did. You and your children could study Joseph Smith—History 1:29 together, looking for what Joseph did when he felt that way. What can we learn from his example that can help us when we make mistakes? Why is it important to know that Joseph was called by God even though he was not perfect?

What does it mean to know your “standing before [God]”? (Joseph Smith—History 1:29).

  • Why is it important to think about our “standing before [God]”?

Friend April 2023 “Repentance” What is repentance and how is it possible. Also, the steps of repentance.

Joseph Smith was called by God to do an important work.

Joseph Smith—History 1:27–54

Moroni said there was a book made of gold pages or plates. It was buried in a hill near Joseph’s home. The book was about people who lived in the Americas long ago. They knew about Jesus Christ and His gospel. Moroni said God would help Joseph translate the book so people could read it.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65:

Read with the children Joseph Smith—History 1:33–35, and ask them to listen for what Moroni wanted Joseph to know about the work Joseph was called to do. How we are blessed as a result. For example, how have we been blessed because Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon? How has his work helped us come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? Invite the children to read the Book of Mormon regularly.

Draw students’ attention to Moroni’s prophecy about Joseph Smith’s name in Joseph Smith History—1:33. Why do you think there is so much opposition to the Prophet Joseph Smith? You could point out that Satan always opposes truth.

What are ways you can help fulfill Moroni’s prophecy to speak good of Joseph Smith?

Why do you think Moroni appeared to Joseph four times (three times during the night and once the next morning), giving him the same message each time?

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65:

You could ask a family member to read aloud part or all of Moroni’s message from Joseph Smith—History 1:33–42 four times (because Moroni repeated this message four times). Between each reading, ask the other family members to share what they remember from his message, without looking at the scriptures. Why might the Lord repeat important messages several times? What are some other ways the Lord teaches us through repetition?

(Another option would be to have some items covered on a tray that are related to Moroni’s message. Uncover the tray for a short time and then recover it. See if the children can remember what was on the tray. Do this three more times and see if they remember more each time. Afterwards, use the items on the tray to teach about the words Moroni spoke.)

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65

Display a picture of Moroni visiting Joseph Smith (see Gospel Art Book, no. 91). Ask the children to point out things they notice in the picture. Summarize the account of Moroni’s visits to Joseph.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 and CFM Primary 2021

Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Chapter 3: The Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates” Images and Video

  • Or, invite the children to act out or draw pictures of events from Joseph Smith—History 1:30–54, such as Moroni appearing to Joseph (verses 30–47), Joseph talking to his father (verses 48–50), and Joseph finding the plates (verses 51–54). What do we learn from this account about the work Joseph was called to do?
  • Let the kids have fun showing how the angel came back twice more while Joseph was in bed, and then showing Joseph going back to Hill Cumorah each year.

“Receiving the Gold Plates” (June 2008 Liahona and May 2008 Friend)
An illustrated retelling of the story of Joseph Smith receiving the plates from Moroni.

Friend May 2008

Friend January 2021 “Getting the Gold Plates” Coloring Page

Sing or say the words to “An Angel Came to Joseph Smith”(Children’s Songbook, p. 86)

*Link to additional resources about Joseph Receiving the Golden Plates

God has a work for me to do.

Joseph Smith—History 1:27–33

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025

It’s one thing to believe that God had a work for Joseph Smith to do—we can look back on his life and clearly see what he accomplished. But have you ever considered that God has a work for you too?

Elder Gary E. Stevenson taught: “As we come unto Christ and help others do the same, we participate in God’s work of salvation and exaltation.

God will prepare me to work in His kingdom.

Joseph Smith—History 1:48–60

Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 4: Joseph Smith Prepares to Receive the Gold Plates”

Tell the children that you would like them to help you prepare some things for the lesson. Give some of the children blank wordstrips and pens or pencils, and have them write the following words on the wordstrips: Joseph Smith, prayer, light, Moroni, message, four times. Have another child display the picture of Moroni appearing to Joseph Smith. Thank the children for helping you prepare.

  • Why is it important that we prepare for certain events, such as taking a test in school or giving a talk in Primary? What happens when we do not prepare? Using the wordstrips and the appropriate pictures, have the children help you review what they learned in lesson 3 about Moroni’s visits to Joseph Smith. Remind the children that Joseph was not allowed to take the plates the first time
    he saw them. Explain that Joseph had a great work to do, but he needed to be better prepared in order to do it.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025

Joseph was only 17 years old when he first saw the gold plates. They weren’t entrusted to his care, however, until four years later. Read Joseph Smith—History 1:48–60, looking for what happened in Joseph’s life during that time. How do you think these events prepared him for the work God called him to do? What experiences have you had that have prepared you to serve God and others? What are you currently experiencing that can help you prepare for future service?

Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 4: Joseph Smith Prepares to Receive the Gold Plates”

What have Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ given us to help us prepare to
serve them? (Answers may include scriptures, parents, prophets, teachers,
the gift of the Holy Ghost, and Primary.) Write the children’s answers to this
question under the heading Heavenly Father helps me prepare by:.

  • What is our responsibility to help prepare ourselves? Using the items
    listed on the chalkboard, discuss with the children what each of us needs
    to do with the things that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have given us
    (for example: scriptures—study them daily; parents—follow their counsel).
    Summarize their answers under the heading I can prepare myself by:.
  • What are we preparing to do? (Serve Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
    and others, in positions such as teacher, missionary, or parent.) How does
    this preparation help us now? How will it help us in the future? Help the
    children realize their responsibility to prepare themselves now to serve (See more at lesson link.)

Joseph and Emma

Saints volume 1 “Chapter 4 “Be Watchful”

Heavenly Father wants families to be sealed in the temple.

Doctrine and Covenants 2

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2

Moroni told Joseph Smith that Elijah would come to “reveal … the Priesthood” (verse 1). This refers to the sealing power of the priesthood that allows families to be united eternally and enables us to receive ordinances for our ancestors in the temple.

Display a picture of a temple, and help the children name some of the things we do in temples. Explain that baptisms for the dead, eternal marriage, and sealing families in the temple are all possible because of the priesthood keys Elijah restored.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025

  • Perhaps you and your children would enjoy looking at some pictures of your family, possibly including a picture of your family at a temple (or see Gospel Art Book, no. 120).
  • You could then read Doctrine and Covenants 2 and share with each other your thoughts about why we have temples and why Heavenly Father wants families to be together forever.
  • Consider singing together “Families Can Be Together Forever” (Children’s Songbook, 188). What does this song say we can do to be with our family forever?

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2

  • Ask the children to read or listen to the prophecy in Doctrine and Covenants 2:1. Ask them to look for who the Lord would send in the last days and what this person would reveal. Display a picture of Elijah in the Kirtland Temple (see Gospel Art Book, no. 95), and talk about how this prophecy was fulfilled 13 years after Moroni’s visit (see Doctrine and Covenants 110:13–15).
  • Explain that Elijah restored priesthood keys that allow families to be sealed together eternally. Show some objects that could help the children understand what it means to seal something, such as a can of food or a plastic storage bag with a zipper lock. How do these objects help us understand what it means for a family to be sealed?

Latter Day Kids “Come Follow Me: A Welding Link: (The Sealing Power)” Videos, songs, activities, and lesson ideas.

  • Friend April 2020 “Alonso’s Forever Family” Alonso learned that because of Jesus’s resurrection people who have died will live again. He also learned about being sealed to his family. His parents had both died and he was living with his grandma. He couldn’t wait to go to the temple and be sealed to his parents. He saved any money he got so he and his grandma could make the trip to the temple. He was so grateful that  families can be together forever

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65

Learning about my ancestors can bring me joy

Doctrine and Covenants 2

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025

  • Children can become excited about and feel the joy of family history. To help them, you could share stories or pictures of your ancestors. Talk with your children about what life was like for their ancestors when they were children. Your children could also enjoy some of the family history activities on

Friend July 2018 “Find the people in your family tree who were pioneers, such as the first person to join the church or the first to graduate from college.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65

  • How have you felt your heart turn toward your ancestors? Think of ways you can experience such feelings more often. Perhaps you could ask a relative to share a story with you about one of your ancestors—even better, you could record it. Or you could invite [a family member] to learn about an ancestor and to share what they learn with the rest of the family.
  • Maybe you could identify a deceased ancestor who never received gospel ordinances and then have a family member perform that work in the temple.

Friend August 2018 “Temple Tracker” Some of your ancestors might need ordinances done for them in the temple. Use the chart below to keep track.

Why does the Lord want us to learn about our family members and perform temple ordinances for them?

Most of Heavenly Father’s children don’t know about His plan. They don’t know about Jesus Christ. They don’t know they can be baptized or sealed to their families. Heavenly Father wants us to help gather His children so they can come home to Him. And you can help, starting with your ancestors. (Friend October 2022 “Gathering Heavenly Father’s Children”)

Friend January 2021 “Come Follow Me” When we turn our hearts to our families, we remember them and do temple work for them.

Cut out paper hearts. Write a family member’s name on each one. Take turns holding up the hearts and sharing stories about each person. You could ask your parents to tell stories about their parents or grandparents.

How are we blessed when we participate in family history and temple work?

Friend January 2025 “Come, Follow Me Activities”

  • When we learn more about our ancestors, we feel closer to them and to Heavenly Father (see Doctrine and Covenants 2). Ask a family member to tell you a story from their life or from the life of one of your ancestors. Then recreate the story as a play or drawing!

For younger children: To teach your little ones about family history, teach them the name of someone in your family that they didn’t know before.

Gospel Media: Hearts of the Children Sing-along video

Additional Family History Resources

Martin Harris Visits Professor Anthon

Replica of gold plate and ancient Egyptian type writing from article in Church News

Teach the children about Martin Harris’s experiences with Professor Anthon and Dr. Mitchell, as recorded in Joseph Smith—History 1:62–65. Help the children understand that these events fulfilled a prophecy made by the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 29:11–12; see also 2 Nephi 27:15–20) thousands of years before Joseph Smith’s time. (Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History: Lesson 5)

Church History Topics “Martin Harris’s Consultations with Scholars” This article tells the story and has pictures of Martin Harris and Professor Anthon.

  • What did Professor Anthon say when Martin Harris first showed him a copy of some of the Book of Mormon writings? (JS—H 1:64.) Why do you think Professor Anthon tore up the certificate when he learned that an angel had shown Joseph Smith where to find the gold plates? (JS—H 1:65.

Additional Resources

Review Ideas

Friend December 2015 Beginning at the star, draw lines from dot to dot as instructed in the answers to the following questions.

Friend December 2015
  1. After reading the Book of Matthew, Joseph Smith decided to pray about which church to join. (See JS—H 1:11.)
    • True: Move right three dots
    • False: Move left three dots
  2. Joseph Smith was instructed to join any church he wanted to. (See JS—H 1:19.)
    • True: Move up one dot
    • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
  3. Joseph Smith was fourteen years old when he received the First Vision. (See JS—H 1:23.)
    • True: Move down two dots
    • False: Move left two dots
  4. Joseph Smith received a strong testimony of the reality and divinity of Heavenly Father and Jesus, which he never denied. (See JS—H 1:25.)
    • True: Move right three dots
    • False: Move down two dots
  5. Joseph Smith had forgotten to say his prayers the night Moroni first appeared to him. (See JS—H 1:29–30.)
    • True: Move down and right one dot
    • False: Move diagonally up and right two dots
  6. Joseph Smith’s room was very dark while Moroni was there. (See JS—H 1:32.)
    • True: Move down two dots
    • False: Move up two dots
  7. Moroni told Joseph Smith that he, Moroni, had been sent by Noah to teach Joseph. (See JS—H 1:33.)
    • True: Move down one dot
    • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
  8. Moroni told Joseph Smith about certain gold plates that contained the gospel. (See JS—H 1:34.)
    • True: Move down two dots
    • False: Move up two dots
  9. Moroni quoted prophecies from the Old Testament. (See JS—H 1:36–40.)
    • True: Move up two dots
    • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
  10. The Book of Mormon was translated from the gold plates. (See JS—H 1:66–67.)
    • True: Move left three dots
    • False: Move right one dot.


Friend December 1988 “Do You Know” Joseph is visited by Moroni. Story and question.

On the way home Joseph passed out. When he came to, Moroni was there calling his name. The angel repeated what he’d told Joseph the night before; he also told Joseph to do something then. What did Moroni tell Joseph to do? Do you know?

A. Joseph was to tell his father everything that Moroni had told him.

B. Joseph was to go home to bed until he felt strong enough to work with his father again.

C. Joseph was to go immediately to where the gold plates were hidden and dig them up.

D. Joseph was to get his five brothers to help him get the gold plates and translate them.


The Red Crystal

Joseph Smith History 1:1-26

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Joseph Smith—History Chapter 1 Joseph Smith tells of his ancestry, family members, and their early abodes—An unusual excitement about religion prevails in western New York—He determines to seek wisdom as directed by James—The Father and the Son appear, and Joseph is called to his prophetic ministry. (Verses 1–20.)

Joseph Smith’s Childhood

Joseph Smith was prepared to be a prophet of God.

The home life and nurture provided by Joseph Smith’s parents and siblings shaped much of Joseph’s early prophetic work. His attention to prayer and Bible study owed much to his parents’ religious commitments. (Church History Topics: Joseph Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Family)

Joseph Smith—History 1:3–14

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26”

  • Learning about Joseph Smith’s youth could help your children relate to him as they learn from his experiences. Maybe they could hold a picture of Joseph Smith and share what they know about him. If needed, you might add some facts about him from Joseph Smith—History 1:3–14 (see also “Chapter 1: Joseph Smith and His Family,” in Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 6–8, or the corresponding video in Gospel Library). What did Joseph experience that helped prepare him to become a prophet? What might God be preparing us to do?

Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Chapter 1: Joseph Smith and His Family” Images and Video

Friend January 2017 “The Smith Family”

Primary 5 Manual “Doctrine and Covenants and Church History” “Lesson 1: Joseph Smith and the First Vision,”  (See the lesson for additional story, activity, and question ideas.)

Joseph Smith was born in 1805 in the state of Vermont in the United States of America. He was the fourth of nine children. When Joseph was ten years old, he and his family moved to the state of New York, settling near the town of Palmyra (point out this area on the map). The Smith family was poor, and all the members of the family had to work hard to provide food and other necessities for the family. The family had moved many times before settling near Palmyra, where they found farmland on which crops would grow well.

Joseph did not have much opportunity to attend school, so he learned only the basics of reading, writing, and simple arithmetic. Joseph’s mother said that he seemed just like other boys his age until the time of his vision. She said he was quiet and well-mannered and liked to study and think about important things. He was a tall, athletic, cheerful boy who seldom got angry.

Friend February 2008 “An Operation on Joseph’s Leg”

Latter Day Kids “”My Servant Joseph” Lesson, story, and song ideas

See more about Joseph Smith’s childhood here

Joseph Smith’s First Vision

Primary 5 Manual “Doctrine and Covenants and Church History” “Lesson 1: Joseph Smith and the First Vision,”  (See the lesson for additional story, activity, and question ideas.)

Ask a child to leave the room for a moment. Show the two containers to the rest of the class without letting them see inside. Divide the class into two groups and give each a container. Tell the children in each group that when the child who left the room returns, they are to try to persuade him or her to choose their container. Invite the child to return to the room and choose one of the containers. Ask the child who chose the container questions such as the following:

  • Why did you choose that container?
  • How did you feel when others were trying to tell you what to do?

Explain that when Joseph Smith was fourteen years old, he was confused about a choice he needed to make. He was trying to decide which church he should join. Other people tried to help him choose a church, but he only became more confused. He felt that he needed more information to make a wise decision: he wanted to know which church was true. Joseph’s situation was similar to that of the child who had to choose between the two containers. Everyone wanted him to choose their church, but he did not know which church was the right choice.

Why was Joseph confused about which church he should join? (JS—H 1:5–10.)

New Era February 2020 “Joseph’s Search for the Truth”

God can answer my questions through the scriptures.

Joseph Smith—History 1:10–13

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26” and CMF for D&C Primary 2021

  • Consider showing your children a variety of books, (like an encyclopedia or a cookbook), and help them think of questions these books could answer. Then show them a copy of the scriptures. What questions can these books answer? Then you could read together Joseph Smith—History 1:10–11 to find out what questions Joseph Smith had and what answers he found in the scriptures.
  • Your children might be able to find words in verse 12 that describe how reading James 1:5 affected Joseph. Then you could share experiences with each other in which a passage of scripture had a powerful influence on you.

Friend November 2023 “James Says “Ask of God”

New Era January 2017 “Line upon Line: James 1:5–6”

Come Follow Me Kid Hop from one scripture line to another and read it out loud and then discuss what it means. For memorizing the scripture have them do it again and say the phrases, and maybe a little faster each time.

Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers.

Joseph Smith—History 1:10–19

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26” and CMF for D&C Primary 2021

To start a discussion about how we communicate with Heavenly Father, perhaps you and your children could ask each other questions using various communication methods, like a text message, a phone call, or a handwritten note.

How do we ask questions to Heavenly Father? How do we show Him that we love and honor Him in our prayers? Read together Joseph Smith—History 1:16–19 and discuss how Heavenly Father answered Joseph Smith’s prayer. You and your children could then share experiences when you asked God for help and received an answer.

New Era February 2020 “Joseph’s Search for the Truth”

Friend January 2025 “Coloring Page: Heavenly Father Hears and Answers My Prayers”

Friend January 2025 “My Own Sacred Grove” I Can Play It

Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Joseph Smith—History 1:17–19

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26” and CMF for D&C Primary 2021

  • Young children might enjoy standing with outstretched arms pretending to be trees in the Sacred Grove while you tell them about the First Vision. Ask the children to sway as if being blown by the wind while you talk about Joseph praying. Then ask them to stand very still and quiet when you tell them Heavenly Father and Jesus appeared to Joseph.

Gospel Art Picture: “The First Vision”

  • Older children might enjoy using one or more of the pictures in this outline to tell you what they know about the First Vision. Encourage them to refer to Joseph Smith—History 1:14–17 and to share their thoughts and feelings about Joseph’s experience (see also “Chapter 2: Joseph Smith’s First Vision,” in Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 9–12, or the corresponding video in Gospel Library).

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26: “I Saw a Pillar of Light”

  • To review the account of the First Vision, write summaries of each verse from Joseph Smith—History 1:14–19 on separate slips of paper. Place the papers in a container, and invite the children to choose them one by one and place them on the board in the correct order.

Invite the children to color this week’s activity page and use it to tell the story of the First Vision.

Primary 5 Manual “Doctrine and Covenants and Church History” “Lesson 1: Joseph Smith and the First Vision,”  (See the lesson for additional story, activity, and question ideas.)

I can remain true to what I know, even if others reject me.

Joseph Smith—History 1:21–26

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26: “I Saw a Pillar of Light”

  • Read together Joseph’s testimony in Joseph Smith—History 1:25. Ask the children to look for words and phrases that show Joseph’s faith. How can we remain faithful to God and our testimonies when other people disagree with us?

Friend November 2019 “Jesus is Real” Everyone at Ismay’s table at school were excitedly talking about Christmas and their favorite traditions such as going to a church service. Suddenly Charlotte spoke up and said, “Jesus isn’t even real.” Ismay was sad to hear this and she quietly bore her testimony to Charlotte that Jesus was real, and that she felt it in her heart. She was glad she had spoken up and planted a seed about Jesus.

Additional Resources

More resources about the First Vision can be found here

The Red Crystal

Doctrine & Covenants 1

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Doctrine and Covenants “Section 1” Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, on November 1, 1831, during a special conference of elders of the Church, held at Hiram, Ohio. Many revelations had been received from the Lord prior to this time, and the compilation of these for publication in book form was one of the principal subjects passed upon at the conference. This section constitutes the Lord’s preface to the doctrines, covenants, and commandments given in this dispensation.

The Doctrine and Covenants

Reading Charts

Friend January 2021 “Hear Him” Doctrine and Covenants reading chart

About the Doctrine and Covenants

Doctrine and Covenants Scripture Stories “Chapter 23: The Doctrine and Covenants: August–November 1831” Images and Video

Friend March 2021 “Getting to Know the Doctrine and Covenants” Jesus gave Joseph Smith special messages, called revelations, to help set up His Church. These messages were written down so people could remember them. Then Church leaders put these messages together in a book. That’s how we got the Doctrine and Covenants! (Match each scripture to the special message taught in the Doctrine and Covenants.)

For the Strength of Youth January 2021 “The Doctrine and Covenants: An Overview”

Friend January 1989 Information about the Doctrine & Covenants

Ensign January 2021 “Prophets and Revelation: Family Study Fun” President Ezra Taft Benson (1899–1994) taught, “Virtually every page of … the Doctrine and Covenants … teaches about the Master.”1 Doctrine and Covenants teaches us of Christ.

Finding Christ Activity

  1. Set a timer for two minutes.
  2. Family members will quickly look through the beginning of the Doctrine and Covenants to count the number of references they can find to Christ. Start in the introduction and end with section 9.
  3. After the time is up, give additional time for each person to choose one of these verses that is especially meaningful to them. Take turns sharing.

Ensign January 2021 “Prophets and Revelation: Family Study Fun The Doctrine and Covenants accompanies the Bible and the Book of Mormon in teaching us of Christ and His revelations to us. The introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants explains that we can hear “the tender but firm voice of the Lord Jesus Christ” in the revelations contained in this book.

1,2,3, He Speaks to Me Activity

  1. Secretly assign each family member a number: (1) Bible, (2) Book of Mormon, or (3) Doctrine and Covenants.
  2. Each person will find a meaningful verse in that book which has the “tender and firm voice” of the Lord teaching or explaining principles to us.
  3. Without revealing scripture references, take turns sharing verses out loud. Others will hold up either 1, 2, or 3 fingers to guess which book of scriptures each verse came from.

Discussion: How do scriptures from ancient times work together with modern revelations found in the Doctrine and Covenants to help us learn more of Christ and hear His voice?

Title Page

“This title which the Lord gave when they got out this edition—let me refer to the title page: ‘The Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’—is very significant and tells the story of what this book actually is. It contains the doctrine of the Church; it contains the covenants the Lord will make with the Church, if we are willing to receive them.” (Joseph Fielding Smith Doctrines of Salvation, volume 3, page 198)

For the Strength of Youth January 2021 “Hear, Hearken, and Heed” “The very first word in the Doctrine and Covenants is hearken (see Doctrine and Covenants 1:1). It means “to listen with the intent to obey.” To hearken means to “hear Him”—to hear what the Savior says and then to heed His counsel. Where can we go to hear Him? We can go to the scriptures. We also hear Him more clearly as we refine our ability to recognize the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. And, finally, we hear Him as we heed the words of prophets, seers, and revelators.”(President Russell M. Nelson)

Doctrine and Covenants 1

Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual “Doctrine and Covenants 1”

  • Prior to the printing of the Book of Commandments, which later became part of the Doctrine and Covenants, the Prophet Joseph Smith petitioned the Lord for a preface to the book. In response, the Lord revealed what is now Doctrine and Covenants section 1 as an introduction of the revelations to the world. This lesson can help students understand why the Lord gives warnings to the world.

Through His prophets, the Lord warns me of spiritual danger.

Doctrine and Covenants 1:4, 37–39

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “Doctrine and Covenants 1” & 2021

  • To start a discussion about warnings from the Lord, you could talk about warnings we receive from other people about dangers we cannot see. Some examples might include a slippery floor, a coming storm, or an approaching car. Maybe you and your children could look at examples of warning signs and compare these warnings to the warnings the Lord gives us. Testify that He warns us because He loves us and wants us to be safe (see also this week’s activity page).
  • According to Doctrine and Covenants 1:4, 37–39, how does the Lord warn us? What has He warned us about recently? Perhaps you could watch or read parts of recent general conference messages and look for examples of God’s “voice of warning.” Talk about how you are following the prophet’s counsel.

The Red Crystal

  • Let the children hold pictures of warning signs—such as traffic hazards, bad weather, or poison—and talk about how they warn us of danger. Or tell a story about a time when you obeyed a warning. Compare these warnings to the warnings the Lord gives us through His prophets.

Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual “Doctrine and Covenants 1”

Imagine that a friend is making a decision that will lead to negative consequences. (Invite students to share realistic examples of what this decision could be. Some examples might be lying to parents, breaking the Word of Wisdom, cheating in school, or leaving the Church.)

  • Why would you want to warn your friend about this decision?

The Savior also gives a “voice of warning” (Doctrine and Covenants 1:4). Ponder the following questions:

  • Why might the Savior warn us?
  • What does this teach you about Him?

Latter Day Kids “The Voice of Warning” See link for more lesson ideas and questions to ask after watching the video.

  • Sing together a song about prophets, such as the last verse of “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 111). Share your testimony that the prophet speaks the word of God.

The Lord knew the challenges we would face. The Restoration helps me face the challenges of the latter days.

Doctrine and Covenants 1:15–17

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “Doctrine and Covenants 1” & CFM Primary 2021

  • To encourage discussion about Doctrine and Covenants 1:17, you and your children could imagine you are preparing for a trip. What would you pack? If you knew ahead of time that it would rain or that your car or bus would get a flat tire, how would that affect the way you prepared for the trip?

The Red Crystal

  • Help the children think of some of the problems in the world today. Review Doctrine and Covenants 1:15–16 with them, and help them identify some of the problems that the Lord prophesied would occur.
  • Invite them to discover in verses 17 and 30 what the Lord has done to help us face the challenges of our time. If necessary, explain that a “calamity” is a disaster or terrible thing.) How do God’s commandments help us deal with the challenges of our time?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s “true and living church.”

Doctrine and Covenants 1:30

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “Doctrine and Covenants 1”

  • What does it mean to say that the Church is “true and living”? To get your children thinking about this question, perhaps you could show them living and nonliving things—such as a live plant and a dead plant. How do we know something is living? Then you could read Doctrine and Covenants 1:30 and talk about what it might mean for the Church to be “true and living.”

Clipart Library

The Church is guided by Jesus Christ, who reveals His will in our day to living prophets and other inspired leaders. Continuing revelation from the Savior allows the Church to be aligned with heaven and also to grow and progress—to be both a true and a living church. All living things grow and change. (Topics and Questions “The Only True and Living Church”)

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 1: “Hearken, O Ye People”

  • Display a picture, such as a painting of the Savior, and ask the children to describe it with the lights in the room turned off. Use this activity to help the children see that for many people, the Savior’s true Church is in “obscurity” and “darkness.” How can we help others learn about the Church?

For the Strength of Youth January 2021 “To the Point” The Lord Himself said to Joseph Smith that this Church is “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth.(Doctrine and Covenants 1:30). This statement certainly does not mean that we’re better than anyone else. But it does mean that this is Jesus Christ’s Church. He leads it, He restored it, and He gave it His authority. Because of this, there are certain things that only this Church can offer, such as prophets and apostles, temple ordinances and covenants, and the Book of Mormon. We’re grateful for these things, and we want to share them with others out of genuine love—not because we want to “be right” or “grow the Church.”

While we can boldly and confidently testify of the Church, we should never be arrogant toward others or disrespect their beliefs. The Prophet Joseph Smith once said, “We don’t ask any people to throw away any good they have got; we only ask them to come and get more” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 155).

The Lord called Joseph Smith to be a prophet.

Doctrine and Covenants 1:17, 29

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “Doctrine and Covenants 1”

  • To learn about the role of Joseph Smith in restoring the Savior’s gospel, you and your children could look at a picture of the Savior and a picture of Joseph Smith (see the pictures in this outline) and talk about what the Savior gave us through Joseph Smith. Your children could look for examples in Doctrine and Covenants 1:17, 29. Tell your children how you know that God “called upon my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and spake unto him from heaven” (verse 17).

The prophet’s words are God’s words.

Doctrine and Covenants 1:38

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 1: “Hearken, O Ye People”

The children you teach may have heard the President of the Church speak, but they may not realize that his words come from God.

Play a simple game by giving instructions to one child and asking him or her to repeat the instructions for the other children. Help them see that following the child’s instructions is the same as following your instructions and that following the prophet is the same as following the Lord. Read to them the last line of Doctrine and Covenants 1:38: “Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.”

Friend November 2024 “What Are Prophets?”

The word of the Lord lasts forever.

Doctrine and Covenants 1:37–38

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 1: “Hearken, O Ye People”

  • Help the children compare things that are temporary, like a bubble or a snowflake, with things that seem permanent, like a mountain or the sun. Ask them to find in verses 37–38 something that the Lord said is permanent. Why is it a blessing to know that God’s word “shall not pass away”?
  • Help the children understand that the “voice of my servants” includes the voices of our apostles and prophets. Help the children find “prophecies and promises” in a recent general conference address by one of the Lord’s servants. Bear your testimony that these words are inspired by the Lord and “shall all be fulfilled.”

Doctrine and Covenants Coloring Book “Doctrine, Covenants, and Commandments”

Additional Resources

Come Follow Me Kid “Hearken O Ye People!” See more lesson ideas at link

The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Posted on

The Restoration

Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual “The Great Apostasy” Jesus Christ established His Church during His mortal ministry. Following His death and Resurrection, the Savior commissioned His Apostles to guide the Church with His priesthood authority and keys. Due to intense persecution and the death of the Apostles, people were left without divine direction from living prophets. Jesus Christ’s teachings and doctrine were altered, resulting in a period called the Great Apostasy. This lesson can help students understand the need for a restoration of Jesus Christ’s true Church in the latter days.

Restoration Proclamation

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ” How do you commemorate the 200th anniversary of an event that changed the world? That’s the question the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles pondered as April 2020 approached, marking 200 years since Joseph Smith’s First Vision. “We wondered if a monument should be erected,” President Russell M. Nelson recalled. “But as we considered the unique historic and international impact of that First Vision, we felt impressed to create a monument not of granite or stone but of words … , not to be carved in ‘tables of stone’ but rather to be etched in the ‘fleshy tables’ of our hearts [2 Corinthians 3:3]” (“Hear Him,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 90).

The monument of words they created is titled “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World.” It’s a monument not just to the First Vision but also to everything Jesus Christ has done—and is still doing—since then. The Restoration of His gospel started when one person turned to God and heard Him. It continues that same way: one heart, one sacred experience at a time—including yours.

“We solemnly proclaim.”

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”

  • As you read parts of the Restoration proclamation with your children (or watch the video of President Nelson reading it), help them find sentences that begin with phrases like “we proclaim,” “we declare,” or “we testify.” What truths are our prophets and apostles declaring? Perhaps you and your children could share your own testimonies of some of these same truths.

Cranial Hiccups “Memorize the Restoration Proclamation” Flipchart or cards with pictures to go with each part of the Restoration Proclamation.

“Joseph Smith … had questions.”

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”

  • It might be interesting to your children to explore some of the questions Joseph Smith had that led to the Restoration of the Savior’s gospel. Help them find some examples in Joseph Smith—History 1:10, 29, 68. How are we blessed today because God answered Joseph Smith’s questions?

New Era February 2020 “Joseph’s Search for the Truth”

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”

  • You might also give your children a chance to talk about questions they have. What do we learn from Joseph Smith about how to find answers? (see Joseph Smith—History 1:8–17; see also verses 3 and 4 of “This Is My Beloved Son,” Children’s Songbook, 76).

Friend November 2019

Doctrine and Covenants Coloring Book “Joseph Smith Prayed for Answers”

Friend April 2020 “Heavenly Father Hears My Prayers”

Friend November 2023 “I Can Ask God”

“Heavenly messengers came to instruct Joseph.”

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”

  • Who were the “heavenly messengers [who] came to instruct Joseph”? Your children might enjoy looking for pictures of them in the Gospel Art Book (see nos. 91939495). How did each of these messengers help “re-establish the Church of Jesus Christ”? The scriptures suggested in this week’s activity page can help your children answer this question.

Jesus Christ has restored His Church.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”

  • How might you help your children understand what it means for the Savior’s Church to be restored? Maybe they could build a simple tower with blocks or cups and “restore,” or rebuild, it. Or, if your children have ever had to replace something because it was lost or damaged, you could compare that experience to the Savior restoring His Church. Help them find specific things mentioned in the Restoration proclamation that the Savior restored.

Friend December 2015 “The Restoration Puzzle” Story about how to teach restoration using a puzzle.

Friend December 2015

Friend January 2025 “Come, Follow Me Activities” Puzzle Restoration

To restore something means to put it back together. Read “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World” in Gospel Library to learn more about how the Church was restored. Then play a restoration game! Find or draw a picture and cut it into puzzle pieces. Trade puzzles with a family member and restore each other’s pictures. Why was it important that Joseph Smith restored Jesus Christ’s gospel?

“Jesus Christ Restored His Church in the Latter Days” (April 2013 Liahona and Friend)
Create a gospel treasure box with gold coins representing truths that were restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Friend April 1988 Restored Blessings

Friend April 1988
Friend April 1988 Restored Blessings

“The heavens are open.”

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”

  • To illustrate what the phrase “the heavens are open” means, maybe you could share a message with your children, first behind a closed door and then through an open door. Let them take turns sharing a message too. What messages does Jesus Christ have for us? What experiences have helped us know that the heavens are open to us?
Media Library “First Vision Movie Still”

Additional Resources

See additional resources about the restoration here

Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Introduction: Before the Doctrine and Covenants” Story, images and video. The last part is about the apostasy and restoration.

The Red Crystal

Church History: Joseph Receives the Gold Plates

Posted on

Visit by Angel Moroni

The Book of Mormon was given to us by the power of God.

Show the children a picture of Moroni talking to Joseph Smith as you read Revelation 14:6 (see Gospel Art Book, no. 91). Invite the children to point to the angel in the picture. Share with them the account of Moroni’s visit (see “Chapter 3: The Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates,” in Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 13–17, or the corresponding video on, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 6–14”)

Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Chapter 3: The Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates” Images and Video

Friend January 2021 “Joseph Smith and the Gold Plates”

Why were some ancient records written on metal plates? (Take a piece of paper, tear it, and pour a little water on it.) Explain that during ancient times, the people used other materials than paper for written communications, but those materials could also be easily damaged and could decompose and disintegrates over time. Some ancient historians used metal if they had an important message that they wanted to endure for a long period of time.

Book of Mormon Stories: Chapter One “How We Got the Book of Mormon” Video and images about the story of Joseph Smith and the golden plates.

By restoring His gospel, the Savior fulfilled ancient prophecies.

Joseph Smith—History 1:34–47

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025

When Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith, he quoted several Old and New Testament prophecies, such as Isaiah 11Acts 3:22–23; and Joel 2:28–32. As you read Joseph Smith—History 1:34–47, think about why these prophecies might have been important for Joseph to know. Why are they important for you to know?

“Receiving the Gold Plates” (June 2008 Liahona and May 2008 Friend)
An illustrated retelling of the story of Joseph Smith receiving the plates from Moroni.

Friend May 2008

Liahona January 2021 “What did Moroni Teach Joseph” A short explanation of what Moroni taught Joseph when he appeared to him four times.

Friend January 2021 “Joseph Smith and the Gold Plates”

After receiving the plates from the angel Moroni, Joseph hid them in a hollow log to keep them safe until he could get a box to lock them in. The next day, while Joseph Smith was at work, his father overheard a group of men plotting to steal the plates. Emma went to warn Joseph, and he, through the Urim and Thummim, was able to see that the plates were safe. He also knew it was time to get the plates from the log to keep them safe.

“Hurrying to the hill, Joseph found the log where the plates were hidden and carefully wrapped them in a shirt. He then ducked into the woods and headed for home, his eyes alert to danger. …

“Straining under the weight of the record, Joseph tramped through the woods as fast as he could. A fallen tree blocked the path ahead of him, and as he bounded over it, he felt something hard strike him from behind. Turning around, he saw a man coming at him, wielding a gun like a club.

“Clutching the plates tightly with one arm, Joseph knocked the man to the ground and scrambled deeper into the thicket. He ran for about half a mile when another man sprang from behind a tree and struck him with the butt of his gun. Joseph fought the man off and darted away, desperate to be out of the woods. But before he could get very far a third man attacked, landing a heavy blow that sent him reeling. Gathering his strength, Joseph hit the man hard and ran for home. …

“After Joseph brought the gold plates home, treasure seekers tried for weeks to steal them. To keep the record safe, he had to move it from place to place, hiding the plates under the hearth, beneath the floor of his father’s shop, and in piles of grain. He could never let his guard down.

“… He was determined to care for the plates, trusting in the Lord’s promise that if he did everything he could, they would be protected” (Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days, vol. 1, The Standard of Truth, 1815–1846 [2018], 40-4143).

Saints volume 1 “Chapter 4 “Be Watchful”

Friend May 2008 “Protecting the Gold Plates”

Joseph Smith’s mother, Lucy Mack Smith, wrote that after the first visits of Moroni,
“Joseph continued to receive instructions from the Lord, and we continued to
get the children together every evening for the purpose of listening while he
gave us a relation of the same. . . . During our evening conversations, Joseph
would occasionally give us some of the most amusing recitals that could be
imagined. He would describe the ancient inhabitants of this continent, their
dress, mode [method] of traveling, and the animals upon which they rode; their
cities, their buildings, with every particular; their mode of warfare; and also their
religious worship. This he would do with as much ease, seemingly, as if he had
spent his whole life among them” (Lucy Mack Smith, History of Joseph Smith,
pp. 82–83). Because he had always been honest, Joseph Smith’s parents and
brothers and sisters believed all Joseph told them.

Friend December 2015

Friend December 2015
  1. After reading the Book of Matthew, Joseph Smith decided to pray about which church to join. (See JS—H 1:11.)
    • True: Move right three dots
    • False: Move left three dots
  2. Joseph Smith was instructed to join any church he wanted to. (See JS—H 1:19.)
    • True: Move up one dot
    • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
  3. Joseph Smith was fourteen years old when he received the First Vision. (See JS—H 1:23.)
    • True: Move down two dots
    • False: Move left two dots
  4. Joseph Smith received a strong testimony of the reality and divinity of Heavenly Father and Jesus, which he never denied. (See JS—H 1:25.)
    • True: Move right three dots
    • False: Move down two dots
  5. Joseph Smith had forgotten to say his prayers the night Moroni first appeared to him. (See JS—H 1:29–30.)
    • True: Move down and right one dot
    • False: Move diagonally up and right two dots
  6. Joseph Smith’s room was very dark while Moroni was there. (See JS—H 1:32.)
    • True: Move down two dots
    • False: Move up two dots
  7. Moroni told Joseph Smith that he, Moroni, had been sent by Noah to teach Joseph. (See JS—H 1:33.)
    • True: Move down one dot
    • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
  8. Moroni told Joseph Smith about certain gold plates that contained the gospel. (See JS—H 1:34.)
    • True: Move down two dots
    • False: Move up two dots
  9. Moroni quoted prophecies from the Old Testament. (See JS—H 1:36–40.)
    • True: Move up two dots
    • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
  10. The Book of Mormon was translated from the gold plates. (See JS—H 1:66–67.)
    • True: Move left three dots
    • False: Move right one dot.

The Golden Plates

Music: “The Golden Plates” (Children’s Songbook, 86)

Martin Harris Visits Professor Anthon

Replica of gold plate and ancient Egyptian type writing from article in Church News

A Marvelous Work and a Wonder Video

Teach the children about Martin Harris’s experiences with Professor Anthon and Dr. Mitchell, as recorded in Joseph Smith—History 1:62–65. Help the children understand that these events fulfilled a prophecy made by the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 29:11–12; see also 2 Nephi 27:15–20) thousands of years before Joseph Smith’s time. (Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History: Lesson 5)

Church History Topics “Martin Harris’s Consultations with Scholars” This article tells the story and has pictures of Martin Harris and Professor Anthon.

  • What did Professor Anthon say when Martin Harris first showed him a copy of some of the Book of Mormon writings? (JS—H 1:64.) Why do you think Professor Anthon tore up the certificate when he learned that an angel had shown Joseph Smith where to find the gold plates? (JS—H 1:65.

Saints volume 1 “Chapter 4 “Be Watchful”

Scriptures Coloring Book: Pearl of Great Price “Joseph and Emma”

Music: “An Angel Came to Joseph Smith” (Children’s Songbook, 86)

An angel came to Joseph Smith, And from the ground he took A sacred record hidden there, A precious, holy book.

It tells of people long ago, Led by the Lord’s own hand, Who left their homes and crossed the seaTo reach a favored land.

The Nephites and the Lamanites, And all who came to dwell, Had peace when they obeyed the Lord, The sacred records tell.

And now I’ll read the sacred book, And then I’ll understand That Heav’nly Father loves us all In each and ev’ry land.

Music: “An Angel from on High” (Hymns, no. 13)

Who was Moroni? Show the children the book of Moroni in the Book of
Mormon. Explain that Moroni was the last of the Nephite prophets. He lived
about A.D. 400 and wrote some of the Book of Mormon. What did Moroni do
with the gold plates when he finished writing on them? (Mormon 8:1, 4.) Why
was Moroni chosen to visit Joseph Smith?

Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Moroni Buried the Gold Plates”

    Pearl of Great Price Scriptures Coloring Book “Angel Moroni Appears to Joseph”

    Scriptures Coloring Book: Pearl of Great Price “The Gold Plates”

    Friend January 2021 “Show and Tell” Anna made a diorama of Joseph Smith getting the gold plates.

    Additional Resources

    People, Places, Events

    Click to see more

    Reconstructed Smith home where Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith

    Gospel Art Picture: “Joseph Smith Receives the Gold Plates”

    Church History: The First Vision

    Posted on

    The First Vision


    Doctrine and Covenant Stories “Joseph Smith’s First Vision”

    Latter Day Kids “If Any of You Lack Wisdom” Lesson ideas


    Illustrated Story

    New Era February 2020 “Joseph’s Search for the Truth”

    “The First Vision” (March 2008 Friend)

    Book of Mormon Stories: Chapter One

    Friend October 2017 “Jesus Visited Joseph”

    Friend April 2020 “Jesus Christ’s Church Is Restored!”

    Friend November 2019 “James Taught the Gospel”

    Friend November 2023 “James Says “Ask of God”

    Friend April 2020 “Hello from the Sacred Grove” Photos of the sacred grove and the recreated home of the Smith family. Also tells the story about Joseph.

    Flannel Board Figures

    Cutout Figures: “Joseph Smith’s First Vision” (March 2008 Friend)

    Friend February 2001 “Joseph Smith’s First Vision”

    Shadow Box/ Diorama Figures

    Friend January 2001 “The First Vision”

    Friend January 2025 “First Vision Diorama”

    For younger children: Go on a walk somewhere peaceful, just like Joseph Smith went to a grove of trees to pray. Tell your little ones the story of the First Vision as you walk.


    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26: “I Saw a Pillar of Light”

    Friend January 2025 “Cover”


    Gospel Art Picture: “First Vision”

    Gospel Art Picture: “The First Vision”

    Lesson Ideas

    “Joseph Smith … had questions.”

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”

    • It might be interesting to your children to explore some of the questions Joseph Smith had that led to the Restoration of the Savior’s gospel. Help them find some examples in Joseph Smith—History 1:10, 29, 68. How are we blessed today because God answered Joseph Smith’s questions?

    Which Church to Join?

    Primary 5 Manual “Doctrine and Covenants and Church History” “Lesson 1: Joseph Smith and the First Vision,”  (See the lesson for additional story, activity, and question ideas.)

    Ask a child to leave the room for a moment. Show the two containers to the rest of the class without letting them see inside. Divide the class into two groups and give each a container. Tell the children in each group that when the child who left the room returns, they are to try to persuade him or her to choose their container. Invite the child to return to the room and choose one of the containers. Ask the child who chose the container questions such as the following:

    • Why did you choose that container?
    • How did you feel when others were trying to tell you what to do?

    Explain that when Joseph Smith was fourteen years old, he was confused about a choice he needed to make. He was trying to decide which church he should join. Other people tried to help him choose a church, but he only became more confused. He felt that he needed more information to make a wise decision: he wanted to know which church was true. Joseph’s situation was similar to that of the child who had to choose between the two containers. Everyone wanted him to choose their church, but he did not know which church was the right choice.

    Why was Joseph confused about which church he should join? (JS—H 1:5–10.)

    New Era February 2020 “Joseph’s Search for the Truth”

    God can answer my questions through the scriptures.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26” and CMF for D&C Primary 2021

    • Consider showing your children a variety of books, (like an encyclopedia or a cookbook), and help them think of questions these books could answer. Then show them a copy of the scriptures. What questions can these books answer? Then you could read together Joseph Smith—History 1:10–11 to find out what questions Joseph Smith had and what answers he found in the scriptures.
    • Your children might be able to find words in verse 12 that describe how reading James 1:5 affected Joseph. Then you could share experiences with each other in which a passage of scripture had a powerful influence on you.

    Friend November 2019 “James Taught the Gospel” James, the brother of Jesus, taught the gospel and helped lead the church when he grew up. One of his teachings in James 1:5. says that if we have questions, we can ask God. Many years after James wrote this scripture, a boy named Joseph Smith read it. He prayed to know which church to join. Joseph’s prayer was answered! When I have questions, I can ask God, like James taught. (Memorize James 1:5 as a family. Talk about how this verse led Joseph Smith to receive the First Vision.)

    Friend November 2023 “James Says “Ask of God”

    New Era April 2009 “Line upon Line: James 1:5–6”

    New Era January 2017 “Line upon Line: James 1:5–6”

    Come Follow Me Kid Hop from one scripture line to another and read it out loud and then discuss what it means. For memorizing the scripture have them do it again and say the phrases, and maybe a little faster each time.

    Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26” and CMF for D&C Primary 2021

    To start a discussion about how we communicate with Heavenly Father, perhaps you and your children could ask each other questions using various communication methods, like a text message, a phone call, or a handwritten note.

    How do we ask questions to Heavenly Father? How do we show Him that we love and honor Him in our prayers? Read together Joseph Smith—History 1:16–19 and discuss how Heavenly Father answered Joseph Smith’s prayer. You and your children could then share experiences when you asked God for help and received an answer.

    New Era February 2020 “Joseph’s Search for the Truth”

    Read with the children Joseph Smith—History 1:10–14. Invite the children to find things Joseph Smith did to receive answers to his questions. How can we follow Joseph’s example when we have questions?(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

    Help the children repeat the phrase “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God” (James 1:5). How do we ask God questions? How does He answer us? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

    Friend November 2023 “I Can Ask God”

    Little LDS Ideas “Answers to Prayers from Heavenly Father Come in Many Ways” Includes lesson ideas

    Friend January 2025 “Coloring Page: Heavenly Father Hears and Answers My Prayers”

    Come Follow Me Kid “We can all receive, if not a heavenly vision, at least a clearer vision, illuminated by heavenly light.” (CFM manual) Cut apart the puzzle pieces and hide them in a dark room. Give each child a flashlight to find the hidden pieces in the dark room. Explain that Heavenly Father will always give us a clearer vision to find answers to our questions when we pray in faith.

    Share your testimony that God answers prayers, and testify that the children can pray to Him when they have questions.

    Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

    Joseph Smith—History 1:17–19

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26” and CMF for D&C Primary 2021

    • Young children might enjoy standing with outstretched arms pretending to be trees in the Sacred Grove while you tell them about the First Vision. Ask the children to sway as if being blown by the wind while you talk about Joseph praying. Then ask them to stand very still and quiet when you tell them Heavenly Father and Jesus appeared to Joseph.

    Gospel Art Picture: “The First Vision”

    • Older children might enjoy using one or more of the pictures in this outline to tell you what they know about the First Vision. Encourage them to refer to Joseph Smith—History 1:14–17 and to share their thoughts and feelings about Joseph’s experience (see also “Chapter 2: Joseph Smith’s First Vision,” in Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 9–12, or the corresponding video in Gospel Library).

    “Lessons from the Prophet Joseph” (February 2014 Friend)

    Ensign January 2021 “How can I Know for Myself” What can we learn from Joseph’s example? How can we “know for ourselves” what is true? He read the scriptures. He asked God in prayer. Sometimes we have to wait for answers. He put effort into finding answers to his questions.

    Friend June 2015

    Friend June 2015

    “Lessons from the Prophet Joseph” (February 2014 Friend) Read the article by President Eyring and then do the crossword puzzle.

    Sing together “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13). Youtube video

    I can remain true to what I know, even if others reject me.

    Joseph Smith—History 1:21–26

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26: “I Saw a Pillar of Light”

    • Read together Joseph’s testimony in Joseph Smith—History 1:25. Ask the children to look for words and phrases that show Joseph’s faith. How can we remain faithful to God and our testimonies when other people disagree with us?

    How can we handle disagreements without becoming contentious like the people described in this verse?

    For the Strength of Youth January 2025 “The Impossible Paper” I can cut a hole in a regular piece of paper big enough to step through. Don’t believe me? Think it’s impossible? I promise, it’s no trick.

    There may be times your beliefs are challenged by others, or you come across confusing questions. When this happens, think about the “impossible” paper. Decide to trust God and to turn to Him and other good sources for answers.

    Friend November 2019 “Jesus is Real” Everyone at Ismay’s table at school were excitedly talking about Christmas and their favorite traditions such as going to a church service. Suddenly Charlotte spoke up and said, “Jesus isn’t even real.” Ismay was sad to hear this and she quietly bore her testimony to Charlotte that Jesus was real, and that she felt it in her heart. She was glad she had spoken up and planted a seed about Jesus.

    What We Learn from the First Vision

    Primary 5 Manual “Doctrine and Covenants and Church History” “Lesson 1: Joseph Smith and the First Vision,”  (See the lesson for additional story, activity, and question ideas.)

    For the Strength of Youth January 2025 “Looking for Jesus Christ”

    When Heavenly Father appeared to Joseph Smith, the first thing He said was “Joseph” (see Joseph Smith History 1:17). Not “you’ve made a lot of mistakes,” or “I don’t have time for you.” It seems like the first thing Heavenly Father did in restoring the gospel was to make sure Joseph knew that his Father in Heaven knew him and loved him.

    The second thing He did was to introduce Jesus Christ. “This is my Beloved Son. Hear Him!” (Joseph Smith History 1:17). Among all the doctrine, eternal truths, principles, and organization to be restored, two things God wanted Joseph (and us) to know upfront were:

    • God knows you personally and loves you.
    • Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and we need to listen to what He has to say.

    Come Follow Me Kid

    Name Treat – Point out that in Joseph Smith – History 1:17, Joseph Smith tells us that Heavenly Father said his (Joseph’s) name. Does Heavenly Father know each of our names? (Yes!) Does He love us? (Yes!) Does He want us to talk to Him through prayer? (Yes!) (Make a treat with each child’s name, or let them decorate a treat with their name.

    Review Activities

    Friend January 2018

    Media Library “The Desires of My Heart” & “The First Vision” (April 2009 Friend)
    A quiz with questions about the First Vision from Joseph Smith—History

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26: “I Saw a Pillar of Light”

    • To review the account of the First Vision, write summaries of each verse from Joseph Smith—History 1:14–19 on separate slips of paper. Place the papers in a container, and invite the children to choose them one by one and place them on the board in the correct order.


    Joseph Smith’s First Prayer/ Oh, How Lovely was the Morning

    Joseph Smith’s First Prayer: Music & Video – Friend January 2017

    [Verse 1]
    Oh, how lovely was the morning!
    Radiant beamed the sun above
    Bees were humming, sweet birds singing
    Music ringing thru the grove
    When within the shady woodland
    Joseph sought the God of love
    When within the shady woodland
    Joseph sought the God of love

    [Verse 2]
    Humbly kneeling, sweet appealing—
    ‘Twas the boy’s first uttered prayer—
    When the pow’rs of sin assailing
    Filled his soul with deep despair;
    But undaunted, still he trusted
    In his Heav’nly Father’s care;
    But undaunted, still he trusted
    In his Heav’nly Father’s care

    [Verse 3]
    Suddenly a light descended
    Brighter far than noonday sun
    And a shining, glorious pillar
    O’er him fell, around him shone
    While appeared two heav’nly beings
    God the Father and the Son
    While appeared two heav’nly beings
    God the Father and the Son

    [Verse 4]
    “Joseph, this is my Beloved;
    Hear him!” Oh, how sweet the word!
    Joseph’s humble prayer was answered
    And he listened to the Lord
    Oh, what rapture filled his bosom
    For he saw the living God;
    Oh, what rapture filled his bosom
    For he saw the living God

    The First Vision

    Friend April 2020 “The First Vision” Music and Video

    • 1. Joseph had a question about the way to go, So faithfully he studied to help his knowledge grow. A scripture struck his heart, inviting him to pray, And Joseph knew that he could ask for God to show him the way.
    • 2. Seeking peaceful quiet, he chose a grove of trees And prayed with all his power for God to hear his plea. The Father and the Son descended from above To answer Joseph’s question and restore the gospel with love.
    • 3. From that wondrous vision, more revelations flowed. The Lord restored the gospel so everyone can know: The heavens are not closed; the Savior speaks today. He calls a prophet in our time to guide our steps in His way.
    • Chorus: He prayed in faith and heaven answered. The Father and the Son knew his name. I kneel to pray. I know God loves me And hears my prayers the same.

    This is My Beloved Son

    Verse 3:
    Joseph saw two glorious beings
    Shining brighter than the sun.
    God again presented Jesus:
    “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

    On a Golden Springtime

    Music: “On a Golden Springtime” (Children’s Songbook, 88)

    Third Verse: On a golden springtime, in a forest glade, The Father and the Son appeared as Joseph knelt and prayed. Awake, awake, O nations all! Receive the gospel light! The gospel true is here for you. Receive its glorious light!

    The Sacred Grove

    Music: “The Sacred Grove” (Children’s Songbook, 87)

    The Sacred Grove was green and fresh, The morning sun shone bright around, As Joseph knelt in fervent prayer, As Joseph knelt in fervent prayer Upon that sacred ground.

    The Father and the Son appeared. They spoke to him as with one voice. Their message answered all his fears, Their message answered all his fears And made his heart rejoice.

    My Own Sacred Grove

    Friend January 2025 “My Own Sacred Grove” I Can Play It

    Joseph Smith went to a grove full of trees; Seeking Gods wisdom, he fell to his knees. As he pled with the heavens, the sky filled with light, And the Father appeared with His Son, Jesus Christ, Standing above in the air Coming to answer his prayer.

    Chorus: I will find my own sacred grove. Away from all of the noise in the world. I will turn to prayer, For I know He’s there I will find my own sacred grove.

    So many choices with so much at stake. Life’s full of pathways, but which should I take? If I lift up in prayer in the name of the Son, Through the pow’r of the Holy Ghost answers will come. Heavenly Father is there, Ready to answer my prayer.

    Historical Sites of the First Vision

    Friend April 2020 “Hello from the Sacred Grove” Photos of the sacred grove and the recreated home of the Smith family. Also tells the story about Joseph.

    Church History: Songs

    Posted on

    Joseph Smith

    Praise to the Man

    Joseph Smith’s First Vision

    Joseph Smith’s First Prayer/ Oh, How Lovely was the Morning

    Joseph Smith’s First Prayer: Music & Video – Friend January 2017

    [Verse 1]
    Oh, how lovely was the morning!
    Radiant beamed the sun above
    Bees were humming, sweet birds singing
    Music ringing thru the grove
    When within the shady woodland
    Joseph sought the God of love
    When within the shady woodland
    Joseph sought the God of love

    [Verse 2]
    Humbly kneeling, sweet appealing—
    ‘Twas the boy’s first uttered prayer—
    When the pow’rs of sin assailing
    Filled his soul with deep despair;
    But undaunted, still he trusted
    In his Heav’nly Father’s care;
    But undaunted, still he trusted
    In his Heav’nly Father’s care

    [Verse 3]
    Suddenly a light descended
    Brighter far than noonday sun
    And a shining, glorious pillar
    O’er him fell, around him shone
    While appeared two heav’nly beings
    God the Father and the Son
    While appeared two heav’nly beings
    God the Father and the Son

    [Verse 4]
    “Joseph, this is my Beloved;
    Hear him!” Oh, how sweet the word!
    Joseph’s humble prayer was answered
    And he listened to the Lord
    Oh, what rapture filled his bosom
    For he saw the living God;
    Oh, what rapture filled his bosom
    For he saw the living God

    The First Vision

    Friend April 2020 “The First Vision” Music and Video

    • 1. Joseph had a question about the way to go, So faithfully he studied to help his knowledge grow. A scripture struck his heart, inviting him to pray, And Joseph knew that he could ask for God to show him the way.
    • 2. Seeking peaceful quiet, he chose a grove of trees And prayed with all his power for God to hear his plea. The Father and the Son descended from above To answer Joseph’s question and restore the gospel with love.
    • 3. From that wondrous vision, more revelations flowed. The Lord restored the gospel so everyone can know: The heavens are not closed; the Savior speaks today. He calls a prophet in our time to guide our steps in His way.
    • Chorus: He prayed in faith and heaven answered. The Father and the Son knew his name. I kneel to pray. I know God loves me And hears my prayers the same.

    This is My Beloved Son

    Verse 3:
    Joseph saw two glorious beings
    Shining brighter than the sun.
    God again presented Jesus:
    “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

    On a Golden Springtime

    Music: “On a Golden Springtime” (Children’s Songbook, 88)

    Third Verse: On a golden springtime, in a forest glade, The Father and the Son appeared as Joseph knelt and prayed. Awake, awake, O nations all! Receive the gospel light! The gospel true is here for you. Receive its glorious light!

    The Sacred Grove

    Music: “The Sacred Grove” (Children’s Songbook, 87)

    The Sacred Grove was green and fresh, The morning sun shone bright around, As Joseph knelt in fervent prayer, As Joseph knelt in fervent prayer Upon that sacred ground.

    The Father and the Son appeared. They spoke to him as with one voice. Their message answered all his fears, Their message answered all his fears And made his heart rejoice.

    My Own Sacred Grove

    Friend January 2025 “My Own Sacred Grove” I Can Play It

    Joseph Smith went to a grove full of trees; Seeking Gods wisdom, he fell to his knees. As he pled with the heavens, the sky filled with light, And the Father appeared with His Son, Jesus Christ, Standing above in the air Coming to answer his prayer.

    Chorus: I will find my own sacred grove. Away from all of the noise in the world. I will turn to prayer, For I know He’s there I will find my own sacred grove.

    So many choices with so much at stake. Life’s full of pathways, but which should I take? If I lift up in prayer in the name of the Son, Through the pow’r of the Holy Ghost answers will come. Heavenly Father is there, Ready to answer my prayer.

    Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon

    The Golden Plates

    Music: “The Golden Plates” (Children’s Songbook, 86)

    See also “An Angel from on High,” Hymns, no. 13.

    Sing or say the words to “An Angel Came to Joseph Smith”(Children’s Songbook, p. 86)


    Jesus’ Church has been Restored

    Jesus’ Church has been Restored: Friend May 2017 – Music & Video

    Jesus blessed the children when He walked in Galilee, He brought a young girl back to life. He blessed the blind to see. But some forgot! His Church was lost with its authority. Now priesthood pow’r is back on earth to bless a child like me.

    Heav’nly Father and His Son came to the Sacred Grove. They brought the Church to earth again so all could feel Their love. Moroni and Elijah came—and Peter, James, and John—With precious keys and blessings that for centuries were gone.

    Temples all around the world, Apostles, revelation: These all are part of God’s great gift—the gospel’s restoration. The sacrament I take each week, baptism, confirmation: I’m thankful for God’s gift to me—the gospel’s restoration.

    Now gospel truths are back once more, For Jesus’ Church has been restored.

    The Priesthood is Restored

    Pioneer Songs

    I’m a Pioneer Too

    Friend July 2020 “I’m a Pioneer Too” Song and Sing-Along Music Video

    1. From England to Samoa, From Kenya to Peru, Brave pioneers in every land Helped spread the gospel true.
    2. Some pioneers pulled handcarts; Some sailed across the sea. On plains and shores and mountains, they Blazed paths for you and me.
    3. They listened to the prophets, Built towns and temples too. Their faith was strong in Jesus Christ. Their courage saw them through.
    4. Chorus: The Lord has trails for me to blaze And work for me to do. Each time I bravely walk with faith, I’m a pioneer too!

    When I Hear of Pioneer Children

    Friend July 2016 “When I Hear of Pioneer Children”

    • When I hear of pioneer children,
    • Of trials and courage and faith,
    • I want to be willing as they were
    • To look to the Lord for my strength.
    • I’ll follow the prophets as they did,
    • For I want to build Zion too!
    • I’ll try to have faith to do hard things
    • When that’s what He needs me to do.
    • When I hear of pioneer children,
    • I want to be strong for my day.
    • I’ll try to keep all the commandments
    • And be a true Latter-day Saint.
    • I’ll stand as a shining example
    • That others who follow will see,
    • I’ll be like those pioneer children;
    • The Lord is depending on me.

    Come, Come Ye Saints

    Friend July 2017 “Come, Come Ye Saints” Simplified sheet music and music video

    Pioneer Song Review Games

      Pioneer Choosing Activity

    Since it was Pioneer Day this week, I decided to have the children sing pioneer songs for music time. I started out with a choosing activity. I used the crickets and seagull idea from Sugar Doodle. I covered the outside of a metal bowl with green tissue paper to make it look like a green hill. I printed off some crickets and a seagull from clip art on Microsoft Word.  I used double sided tape and taped a strong magnet to the back of each cricket. I also wrote the name of a pioneer song on the back of each cricket. I put the crickets on the bowl. I taped one end of a string to the back of the seagull. I taped the other end to a dowel rod. On the back of the seagull’s beak I attached a paper clip.

    In Primary I told the story of the crickets and the seagulls. After that I had a child “fly” the seagull to the crickets and pick one up with the beak. We sang what song was on the back. I chose the following songs to put on the back of the crickets:

    Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked

    For this song I had the senior primary children get up and move over one seat every time they sang the word “walked”. This only works if you have all the children sitting in an even number of rows and in one section with no aisles. The children in the front row will move to the left, the children in the second row will move to the right, and so forth. When a child comes to the end of their row, they will go to the row in front of them. If they are already on the front row, they will move to the back row.

    The children loved this activity. The teachers even wanted to participate, which was good because they helped any children that were unsure of what to do. (I had pages of a flip chart made by Jolly Jen posted on the board just incase someone didn’t know the words.)

    For junior primary have them slowly walk randomly around the room as they sing the first two lines. Then have them stop and do the following actions: rub their hands together for washing in the stream, hammering action for work, jumping rope for play, making a tent with finger tips pressed together for camped, making a book with open palms together for read, and making praying hands for the word prayed. Then have them start walking again as they sing the last line, but this time have them walk back to their seats. On the last walk word have them sit down.

    The Handcart Song

    For the handcart song, I used the hand cart racing activity -July Friend 1981 Funstuff.  Since we aren’t supposed to use competition in Primary, I had the teachers do this activity. The kids thought that was funny. I tied the two strings to two empty chairs in the front row. I had the words/flip-chart made by Laurie Lee posted on the board. I told the teachers they could begin racing when we started singing the second half of the song. (The children knew the second half of the song better than the first, so they were able to watch the race and sing at the same time.)

    It is really hard to get those pictures to move along the string, so it was funny watching the teachers try all kinds of ways to make them

    To Be a Pioneer

    For this song I used the pictures found on page 3 of the July 2010 Friend (flip-chart). I posted them on a display board. You could put the do’s and don’ts on different sides. I had a child wear a bonnet to represent a pioneer. She did the actions to the first part of the song such as: pretending to push a handcart, waving goodbye, walking. Then when it came to the part “to be a pioneer” she pointed to herself.

    I told the childen they could develop the characteristics of a pioneer such as courage, faith, and working for a cause that is right. I used a boy with a missionary tag to be a modern pioneer. He pointed to himself when we came to the ending part “to be a pioneer”

    Friend July 2019 “To Be a Pioneer” Simplified playing version and music video.

    Fun to Do

    We also did Sugardoodle pioneer actions to the song Fun to Do. I had them start off with bouncing on their chair to represent riding in a wagon (Riding in wagon is fun to do). Then I asked if they could think of any other actions pioneers did. I gave them some suggestions. They came up with “getting warm by the fire is fun to do”. They put their hands out like feeling the warmth and then rubbed their hands together. They also wanted to do milking a cow.

    Doctrine & Covenants Table of Contents

    Posted on

    Church History

    Church History: Lesson Ideas

    Church History: Stories

    Church History: Activities & Games

    Church History: Songs

    Church History: Clipart

    Come Follow Me Lessons

    The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    • Restoration Proclamation

    Doctrine and Covenants 1

    • Reading Chart
    • An Overview of the Doctrine and Covenants: How it Came to Be and What it Contains

    Joseph Smith History 1:1-26

    • Joseph Smith’s Childhood
    • The First Vision

    Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65

    • The Angel Moroni Appears to Joseph Smith
    • Joseph Smith Learns about the Gold Plates
    • Elijah and the Sealing Keys
    • Joseph Marries Emma
    • Martin Harris Visits Professor Anthon

    Doctrine and Covenants 3–5

    • Joseph Begins to Translate the Gold Plates
    • Martin Harris and the Lost 116 Pages

    Doctrine and Covenants 6-9

    • Oliver Cowdery and Joseph work on Translation
    • Oliver Cowdery Tries to Translate

    Doctrine and Covenants 10-11

    • Joseph and Oliver wonder if they should Retranslate the Lost 116 Pages
    • Hyrum Smith asks Joseph to Seek the Lord’s Will on His Behalf

    Doctrine & Covenants 12-13 and Joseph Smith—History 1:66–75

    • Joseph Knight wanted to know how he could help in the work of the Lord. The Lord’s answer is D&C 12.
    • John the Baptist restores the Aaronic Priesthood.
    • Joseph and Oliver are Baptized

    Doctrine and Covenants 14-17

    • The Whitmer Family: Miracle of the Plowed Field, Joseph and Oliver Stays with them while Translating, and a Revelation for the Whitmer Family
    • The Three Witnesses and the Eight Witnesses

    Doctrine and Covenants 18-19

    • Printing of the Book of Mormon

    Doctrine and Covenants 20-22

    • Restoration of the Church

    Doctrine and Covenants 23-26

    • People disrupt baptisms and break dam and make trouble for the church and Joseph
    • Revelation for Emma, including selecting hymns for the saints to sing

    Doctrine and Covenants 27-28

    • An angel tells Joseph not to buy wine from their enemies for the sacrament.
    • Hiram Page claims to receive revelations for the church
    • Oliver Cowdery’s mission to the Lamanites

    Doctrine and Covenants 29

    • The Gathering of God’s People and Second Coming Revelation

    Doctrine and Covenants: Easter

    • Some scriptures in the D&C about the death, resurrection, and atonement of Jesus Christ

    Doctrine and Covenants 30-36

    • First Missionaries

    Doctrine and Covenants 37-40

    • The Saints are Commanded to Gather to Kirtland, Ohio
    • James Covel covenants to obey the commandments but doesn’t keep his promise.

    Doctrine and Covenants 41-44

    • Early Days in Kirtland
    • The First Bishop: Edward Partridge
    • Law of Consecration

    Doctrine and Covenants 45

    • Revelation about Second Coming

    Doctrine and Covenants 46-48

    • Gifts of the Spirit
    • Church Historian Called

    Doctrine and Covenants 49-50

    • Leman Copley and the Shakers
    • False Spirits Manifest in Strange Behavior

    Doctrine and Covenants 51-57

    • Leman Copley breaks his covenant to allow the Coleman saints to settle on his land

    Doctrine and Covenants 58-59

    • Saints begin to settle in Missouri, including the Coleman saints

    Doctrine and Covenants 60-62

    • Joseph and the missionaries travel to and from Missouri.
    • The Missouri River is dangerous traveling on.
    • Some of the missionaries are chastised for not sharing the gospel.

    Doctrine and Covenants 63

    • Ezra Booth converted by a healing and then falls away from church.
    • Preparations to move to Zion
    • Warnings to dissenters

    Doctrine and Covenants 64-66

    • Building Zion Difficulties
    • William E. McLellin receives answers to his questions through a revelation

    Doctrine and Covenants 67-70

    • The Latter-day Revelations Are Published (the Doctrine of Covenants)

    Doctrine and Covenants 71-75

    • Ezra Booth publishes letters trying to discredit the church. Joseph and Sydney go on a mission to teach the truth.
    • Newel K. Whitney is called to serve as bishop in Kirtland.
    • Joseph Smith is commanded by the Lord to work on inspired revisions to the Bible.

    Doctrine and Covenants 76

    • Vision of the Three Degrees of Glory

    Doctrine and Covenants 77-80

    • Joseph receives answers to questions about the Book of Revelations
    • Organizing the United Firm (United Order)

    Doctrine and Covenants 81-83

    • Frederick G. Williams called to be a counselor to the Prophet Joseph Smith
    • Instructions reiterated to establish a firm—known as the United Firm

    Doctrine and Covenants 84

    • Revelation about the Priesthood

    Doctrine and Covenants 85-87

    • 85 Letter to William W. Phelps about those who had not obeyed commandment to consecrate their properties
    • 86 Revelation about the meaning of the Second Coming wheat and tares parable.
    • 87 Civil War Prophecy

    Doctrine and Covenants 88

    • School of the Prophets
    • The Lord wants the Saints to build a temple, a “house of God.”

    Doctrine and Covenants 89-92

    • Word of Wisdom
    • Establishment of First Presidency
    • Revelation about Apocrypha

    Doctrine and Covenants 93

    • Revelation about Jesus Christ and Premortal Life

    Doctrine and Covenants 94-97

    • The Saints are Commanded to Build the Kirtland Temple

    Doctrine and Covenants 98-101

    • The Saints Are Expelled from Jackson County, Missouri

    Doctrine and Covenants 102-105

    • Zion’s Camp

    Doctrine and Covenants 106-108

    • Priesthood Organization

    Doctrine and Covenants 109-110

    • Dedication of the Kirtland Temple
    • Jesus Christ, Moses, Elias, and Elijah appear to Joseph and Oliver in Kirtland Temple

    Doctrine and Covenants 11-114

    • Financial difficulties and apostasy in the church

    Doctrine and Covenants 115-120

    • Name of the Church
    • Tithing
    • Adam-ondi-Ahman

    Doctrine and Covenants 121-123

    • More Mobs in Missouri
    • Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail
    • The Saints leave Missouri

    Doctrine and Covenants 124

    • Nauvoo
    • Saints Commanded to Build the Nauvoo Temple

    Doctrine and Covenants 125-128

    • Baptisms for the Dead

    Doctrine and Covenants 129-132

    • Revelation about Eternal Marriage

    Doctrine and Covenants 133-134

    • Appendix to Book of Commandments

    Doctrine and Covenants 135-136

    • Martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith
    • Brigham Young is the new leader of the church
    • The Saints leave Nauvoo and establish Winter Quarters.

    Doctrine and Covenants 137-138

    • Joseph Smith’s vision of brother Alvin in Celestial Kingdom.
    • Salvation for the dead
    • Joseph F. Smith’s vision about the Spirit World

    The Articles of Faith and Official Declarations 1 and 2

    • Articles of Faith
    • End of the practice of plural marriage
    • Blessings of the priesthood made available to people of all races.

    The Family: A Proclamation to the World

    Christmas: The Living Christ