Prophets: Joseph Smith

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Joseph Smith was Chosen Before the World Began

2 Nephi 3:6–24

Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) Chapter 3 of 2 Nephi records Lehi’s dying words to his youngest son, Joseph. Lehi quoted a prophecy [from the brass plates] made by Joseph of Egypt roughly 1,700 years before the birth of Christ. Imagine Joseph Smith’s surprise when he discovered that he was the subject of much of the prophecy made by Joseph of Egypt. (see also Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 50:24–38 (Note that “fruit of thy loins” refers to children or posterity.)

Read the verses for each picture and identify who these four pictures represent. 2 Nephi 3:32 Nephi 3:42 Nephi 3:112 Nephi 3:15

  • Invite the children to search 2 Nephi 3:6–24 for clues about which prophet is being spoken of. List the clues on the board. Why is Joseph Smith called a “choice seer”? What did Joseph Smith do that is “of great worth to [his brethren]”? (verse 7).

Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) It was decreed in the counsels of eternity, long before the foundations of the earth were laid, that he, Joseph Smith, should be the man, in the last dispensation of this world, to bring forth the word of God to the people, and receive the fulness of the keys and power of the Priesthood of the Son of God.(Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young [1997], 96343)

Joseph Smith was a prophet and seer

2 Nephi 3:6–24

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “2 Nephi 3-5”

  • Consider how you can teach your children about the great work that God accomplished through Joseph Smith. To begin, you could help your children find the word “seer” in 2 Nephi 3:6 and explain that prophets are called seers because Heavenly Father helps them see things we can’t see. Share why you are grateful to have a seer leading the Church.

To help family members understand what a seer is, perhaps you could show them pictures of tools that help us see things we couldn’t otherwise see, such as binoculars, a telescope, or a microscope. How are these tools like a seer? (see Moses 6:35–36). What can seers see that we do not? What evidence do we have that Joseph Smith was a seer?

  • The Gospel Art Book has several pictures you could use to teach about the work God did through Joseph Smith (see pictures 89–95). Let your children share what they know about the pictures. Why is Joseph Smith called a “choice seer”? What did Joseph Smith do that is “of great worth”? (verse 7).

Liahona February 2020 “Meet the Four Josephs” Lehi tells his son Joseph about some of the prophecies that Joseph of Egypt made about Joseph Smith, who was named after his father, Joseph. The article includes the following: What Did Joseph of Egypt Say about Joseph Smith? How Was Joseph Smith Like Joseph of Egypt? How Did Lehi Know about Joseph of Egypt?

Friend February 2020 “My Family Night Fun: Pretend Plates”

  • Prophets long ago knew that a man named Joseph would translate the scriptures (see 2 Nephi 3:7, 15). They wrote about him on the gold plates. Can you imagine how Joseph Smith felt when he translated those words?
  • Make your own metal plates! Wrap heavy aluminum foil around a piece of cardboard and tape it in place. Use a matchstick and press gently to write on your “plates.”

Joseph’s Childhood

See “Teaching Children the Gospel” Joseph Smith History 1:1-26 Includes stories, lesson ideas, song ideas, and activities.

For the Strength of Youth February 2021 “Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith”

Friend December 1981 “Brother Joseph” – Stories about Joseph Smith

Friend December 2018 “Digging into History” Children help archaeologists dig for clues for what life was like for Joseph Smith when he was young living in Vermont with his family. They find stone fences and some artifacts. The article includes photos.

The First Vision

New Era February 2020 “Joseph’s Search for the Truth”

Friend June 2015

Friend June 2015

Friend December 1984 “Joseph Smith, the Prophet” – history of church- also timeline on next page

Friend October 2017 “Jesus Visited Joseph”

Doctrine and Covenant Stories “Joseph Smith’s First Vision”

Latter Day Kids “”My Servant Joseph” Lesson, story, and song ideas

The Red Crystal

Friend November 2023 “James Says “Ask of God”

Friend November 2019

Latter Day Kids “If Any of You Lack Wisdom” Lesson ideas

Friend April 2020 “Hello from the Sacred Grove” Photos of the sacred grove and the recreated home of the Smith family. Also tells the story about Joseph.

Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates

Book of Mormon Stories: Chapter One “How We Got the Book of Mormon” Video and images about the story of Joseph Smith and the golden plates.

Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Chapter 3: The Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates” Images and Video

Friend February 2017 “Golden Plates to Book of Mormon”

Friend July 1988 “Calendar Cutouts” Read one scripture each day. Match the highlighted scriptures to the correct picture. Ezekiel 37:15-20, 2 Nephi 3:12; 29:8, Psalm 85:11& Mormon 8:16, Moses 7:62 & Isaiah 29:4, 2 Nephi 26:14-17, Ether1:1 & 2:11, Enos 1:15-16, Mormon 5:12-14, Revelation 14:6, 1 Nephi 1:1 & 9:5, Omni 1:8-9, Introduction to Helaman, 3 Nephi 23:4-5, 3 Nephi 23:6-14, Words of Mormon 1:1-2, Mormon 8:1 & Moroni 10:1-2, Joseph Smith History 1:30-35, D&C 27:5 & 128:20, Joseph Smith History 1:44-47, Joseph Smith History 1:48-50, Joseph Smith History 1:51-52, Joseph Smith History 1:53-54, Joseph Smith History 1:59, Joseph Smith History 1:62, Joseph Smith History 1:67 & D&C 3:preface, D&C 25:1&5-6, Isaiah 29:11, Joseph Smith History 1:61 & 63-65, 2 Corinthians 13:1 & D&C 5:4 &11&13, D&C 19:preface & 26 & 34-35, Joseph Smith History 1:60

Friend July 1988

What does translate mean? Translate means to change from one language to another.

Show the paper with the words “Le Livre De Mormon” written on it. Tell the children that the words are French. The English version of these words is “The Book of Mormon”. Show this paper. Both sets of words mean the same thing, but they are different languages.

The gold plates were written in an ancient language that needed to be translated into a language others could read.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon”

Show the children an image of characters from the golden plates. Explain that God helped Joseph translate these characters into words we can read and understand.

For the Strength of Youth January 2921 “Joseph Smith Jr.”

Lost 116 Pages

Friend January 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Plain and Precious Plates” The Lord told Nephi to make another set of plates for a special and wise purpose (see 1 Nephi 9). Make your own set of plates out of folded paper or pieces of cardboard. (You can even wrap your paper or cardboard with aluminum foil!) Write or draw what you learn from the Book of Mormon on your plates.

Emma Smith

Friend January 2021 “Church History Cards”

What the Lord accomplished through the Prophet Joseph Smith

  • Show the children pictures that represent important things Joseph Smith did or taught (see, for example, Gospel Art Book, nos. 89–959798117118). Help the children think of blessings we have because of Joseph Smith. For example, how has his work helped us come closer to Jesus Christ?
  • Display items that represent some of the Lord’s marvelous works during the latter days, such as a picture of the First Vision or of Joseph Smith receiving the priesthood (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 909394) or a copy of the Book of Mormon. Invite the children to choose an item and share why it is marvelous to them.

Friend January 2021 “Church History Cards” Cut out the cards, fold on the dotted line, and tape them closed.

Lehi Refers to a Prophecy About Joseph Smith

Liahona February 2020 “Meet the Four Josephs” Lehi tells his son Joseph about some of the prophecies that Joseph of Egypt made about Joseph Smith, who was named after his father, Joseph. The article includes the following: What Did Joseph of Egypt Say about Joseph Smith? How Was Joseph Smith Like Joseph of Egypt? How Did Lehi Know about Joseph of Egypt?

Joseph of Egypt Prophesied about Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 50:27–33 (in the Bible appendix)Joseph in Egypt prophesies of Moses freeing Israel from Egyptian bondage; of a branch of Joseph’s descendants being led to a faraway land, where they will be remembered in the covenants of the Lord; of God calling a latter-day prophet named Joseph to join the records of Judah and of Joseph; and of Aaron serving as a spokesman for Moses.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 42–50” Thousands of years in advance, Joseph of Egypt saw that the Lord would call Joseph Smith to do a great work in the latter days. Teach the children how the Lord has blessed us through the Prophet Joseph Smith.

  • Give the children descriptive clues about Joseph Smith, and invite them to guess who you are describing. Include clues from Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 50:27–33 (in the Bible appendix), such as “he taught us about covenants” (see verse 28), “he gave us the word of the Lord” (see verse 30), and “he was named after his father” (see verse 33). After the children guess correctly, invite them to find these clues in the verses. What else do we learn about Joseph Smith from the prophecy of Joseph in Egypt?


Friend May 2021 “Draw Joseph Smith”

Friend May 2011 “The Church of Jesus Christ Has Been Restored” Hidden in the picture of Joseph in the Sacred Grove are items related to the restoration of the Church.

  • Gold plates (the word of the Lord)
  • Kirtland Temple (temple work)
  • Sacrament tray (remembering Jesus Christ)
  • Missionary name tag (missionary work)
  • Baptismal font (covenanting with the Lord)
  • Keys (the priesthood)
  • Dove (the Holy Ghost)

Word of Wisdom #2

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 How the Word of Wisdom Came to Be – Story


Print one copy of the pictures from Doctrine and Covenant Stories chp 31. Cut the printed sheets in half  on the dotted lines.


(Going in order, read the numbered paragraphs below as you show the corresponding numbered Doctrine and Covenant Stories picture to the family.)

1. How did we get the Word of Wisdom? In Kirtland, Ohio the Lord instructed Joseph Smith to form a school to teach the leaders of the Church about the gospel and prepare them to serve the members of the Church. This school was called the School of the Prophets.

 2. The school was held in the evenings in an upstairs room of Newel K. Whitney’s store.

 3. Many of the men smoked pipes or cigars which filled the room with smoke. Some of the men chewed tobacco and spit it all over the floor making it very dirty. People at this time did not know that tobacco was bad for their bodies. Joseph Smith did not like teaching the school “in a cloud of tobacco smoke,” because the meetings there were sacred.

4. Emma Smith, Joseph’s wife, cleaned the room after each meeting. She and Joseph became concerned about the brethren’s use of tobacco, and Emma did not like cleaning up the mess the men made with their pipes and chewing tobacco.

5. On 27 February 1833 Joseph Smith entered the room where the School of the Prophets was held. The room was filled with tobacco smoke. Joseph had just come from the clean outside air, and the smell of smoke was offensive to him. He left the room and asked the Lord what he should do about the situation. The Lord answered Joseph’s prayer with the revelation we now call the Word of Wisdom (D&C 89). In the Word of Wisdom the Lord tells us what things are good for the body and what things are bad for the body.

Missionary #2

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Why Share the Gospel – Scripture Story and Object Lesson


  • Print pictures from Doctrine-and-Covenant-Stories. Divide each picture page by cutting on the dotted lines.
  • Gather ingredients to make a chocolate cake. Also collect a mixing bowl, a spoon, and a few extra odd items such as pickles, mustard, etc.


Scripture Story – Apostasy and Restoration

 (Teach the following story using the pictures from Doctrine and Covenants Stories as visual aids.  Read the following corresponding text as you show the pictures to the family.)

#1) The gospel has been on the earth since the time of Adam, whenever there has been a righteous man who has authority to administer in God’s name, and a people who are willing to listen to and accept the gospel.

#2) When people reject and rebel against the commandments of God, they are in a state of apostasy (a turning away from truth). They lose the blessings of divine guidance and authority. This happened several times during the Old Testament time period. Another time period apostasy occurred was after the Savior was resurrected.

#3) After Jesus’ death and resurrection, the apostles continued to teach people about Jesus and his gospel. Many people joined the church, but soon apostasy began to creep into the church. Some of the people began to turn away from the truth and teach false ideas based on their old religious beliefs.

#4) During this time period, there was also persecution going on from outside the church. Many church members were persecuted and killed because of their beliefs. One by one the apostles were all killed by these persecutors.  After the apostles died, the priesthood keys and authority were no longer on the earth.  Because of the wicked state of the people, they were not restored to the earth at that time. Without prophets and apostles to lead and guide, more and more error crept into church doctrine. Knowledge and understanding about many important doctrines were lost, including the knowledge of the purpose of life.

#5) Ordinances were also changed. Baptisms began to be preformed on babies instead of waiting until a child had grown to the age of accountability. Baptisms also began to be done by sprinkling water instead of  by immersion.  Because of the changes to doctrine and ordinances, and the loss of priesthood keys and authority, the true church was no longer on the earth.

Object Lesson

Show the family the chocolate cake ingredients you gathered. Tell them you don’t have the recipe, but  it doesn’t matter because you think you can remember how to do it. Tell them you also want to make a few changes and add some things to the cake that you think will make it taste better.  Mix ingredients in random amounts, and add a few of the extra items.  Ask the family if they think your concoction will make a delicious chocolate cake? Why not? Without the right ingredients and recipe, the end result won’t be as hoped for.

Tell the family that just as the cake needed the correct ingredients, it is also necessary for a church to consist of the correct components, which includes correct doctrines and ordinances, and power and authority from God.

  •  How and when was the gospel of Jesus Christ restored to the earth again?  In 1830, through Joseph Smith


#6) When Joseph Smith was young, he noticed how the different churches interpreted the same things in different ways. He wanted to know which of all the teachings and churches were correct.

#7) As he prayed for an answer, God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him. The restoration process then began. Joseph Smith, who had been chosen for this responsiblity because of his faithfulness in the preexistence, helped restore the gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth once again.  Because of the restoration we now have vital truths, knowledge, and the true priesthood authority that had been lost.