Prayer: Songs

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Friend March 2019 “Close as a Quiet Prayer” by Sally DeFord

We Bow Our Heads

A Child’s Prayer

Friend September 2019 “A Child’s Prayer” Simplified “I Can Play It” version. Also a music video

Did You Think to Pray

I Thank Thee Dear Father

I Pray in Faith

Friend August 2018 “I Pray in Faith” Simplified “I Can Play It”, and a music video.

Genesis 1–2; Moses 2–3; Abraham 4–5

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Pearl of Great Price Coloring Book “Planning the Creation”

Jesus Christ Created the Earth Under the Direction of Heavenly Father.

Moses 2

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 1–2; Moses 2–3; Abraham 4–5” Knowing about the Creation can help the children feel God’s love and increase their appreciation for the world. How can you make learning about the Creation inspiring?

  • Show the children pictures of things that represent different periods of the Creation (as described in Moses 2; see also “The Creation of the Earth” in Old Testament Stories), and help the children think of actions to go along with the pictures. For instance, they could make a fist to represent dry land or wave their arms like waves of water (see Moses 2:9–10). Share your testimony that Jesus Christ made these things because He and Heavenly Father love us.
  • Sing a song about things Jesus Christ created for us, such as “The World Is So Lovely” (Children’s Songbook, 233). Ask the children to draw pictures of the creations described in the song.

  • Help the children think of times when they made something by following another person’s directions. For example, maybe they have made a recipe with a parent or sibling guiding them. Write Who created the earth? on the board, and invite the children to find the answer in Moses 2:1. Testify that Jesus Christ created the earth under the direction of Heavenly Father.
  • Assign each child verses in Moses 2 related to one of the days of creation, and ask him or her to draw a picture of the things Heavenly Father and Jesus created on that day. Ask the children to hold their pictures and stand in the order of the days of Creation, and then invite each child to teach the rest of the children what happened on the day they were assigned. What do we learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ from the story of the Creation?

Old Testament Stories “The Creation of the Earth” Images and Video

Latter Day Kids “The Creation” Lesson ideas

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “The Creation” Lesson ideas

Creation Lesson for Little Ones – Teaching the creation story using flannel figures.

 Friend March 2002 “For Little Friends”  Place the correct picture and label on the chart according to which “day” it took place in the creation (one square will get two pictures). Check your answers in Genesis 1:1-27, and move pieces to their correct position as needed (Visuals: Black and white game board. Note: Color cardstock can be used for the game boards.)

Old Testament Coloring Book “The Creation”

Pearl of Great Price Coloring Book “The Creation”

Liahona January 2022 “The Creation”

The earth was created by Jesus Christ under Heavenly Father’s direction so that we could have a place to live, learn, and use our agency to make good choices (see Abraham 3:24–26).

The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that to “create … does not mean to create out of nothing; it means to organize, the same as a man would organize materials and build a ship.”1 The Hebrew word for “create” means to shape, fashion, organize, and form (see Genesis 1:1Abraham 3:24).

President Russell M. Nelson explained that “the physical Creation itself was staged through ordered periods of time,” not calendar days. “Whether termed a day, a time, or an age, each phase [of the Creation] was a period between two identifiable events—a division of eternity.”2

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 1–2; Moses 2–3; Abraham 4–5”

While there’s a lot we don’t know about exactly how the world was created, ponder what you learn about the Creation from what God has revealed in Genesis 1:1–25Moses 2:1–25; and Abraham 4:1–25. What do you notice in these accounts that is similar? What do you notice that is different?

How can you make learning about the Creation fun for your family? You could take your family on a search outside for the kinds of things that were made during each period of the Creation story, such as stars, trees, or animals. You might also show pictures of things created in each period and invite family members to put the pictures in order after reading one of the accounts of the Creation together. What do these creations teach us about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?Genesis 1Moses 2Abraham 4.

One way to approach the Creation story is to invite your family to find how many times in Genesis 1 or Moses 2 God calls the things that he made “good.” What does this suggest about how we should treat God’s creations—including ourselves? What do we learn from the way these events are worded in Abraham 4?

Genesis 1:28Moses 2:28Abraham 4:28. What does it mean to “have dominion … over every living thing that moveth upon the earth”? (see also Doctrine and Covenants 59:16–21). How can our family fulfill our responsibility to care for the earth?

Friend January 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities” Thankful Memory Game

Story: Heavenly Father told Jesus Christ to create the earth for us to live on (see Genesis 1–2). Jesus created plants and animals for us to take care of. We can be thankful for the earth.

Song: “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook,228–29)

Activity: Now play a game! The first person says, “I am thankful for …” and then says something Heavenly Father and Jesus created. The next person repeats it and then adds something new. Keep going around in a circle as long as you can.

Liahona January 2022 “God’s Plan Is for You: Come, Follow Me Family Fun”

Stewards over the Earth: Moses 2:28 explains that humankind was given dominion over all living things. President Russell M. Nelson said, “We should care for the earth, be wise stewards over it, and preserve it for future generations” (“The Creation,” Liahona, July 2000, 104).

  1. Go on a short walk around the area you live in or look at pictures and videos of beautiful landscapes.
  2. Point out different parts of the environment that you notice. This could be plants, animals, or landforms.
  3. Notice each living thing and discuss specific ways we can take care of them and the environment around them.

Discussion: In what ways do Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ take care of us? How can we follow Their examples as we take care of the living things around us? In what ways can our actions show our gratitude for God’s creations? (Submitted by Mitzi Schoneman)

Creation Charades: President Russell M. Nelson taught: “Grand as it is, planet Earth is part of something even grander—that great plan of God. Simply summarized, the earth was created that families might be” (“The Creation,” Liahona, July 2000, 104).

  1. Study the days of Creation with your family (found in Genesis 1–2Moses 2–3; or Abraham 4–5). See “The Creation” from this issue for a summary.
  2. Each person can take a turn acting out a day or part of the Creation.
  3. The rest of the family members guess the day or the part of Creation that was chosen.

Discussion: Follow up by reading Abraham 3:22–27 together. How can knowing God’s purpose for creating the earth affect our daily lives? How can we better show appreciation for God’s creations?(Submitted by Brenda Slade)

Additional Resources

Teaching Children the Gospel: Creation & Resources for Teaching Children “Creation”

I Was Created in God’s Image.

Moses 2:26–27

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 1–2; Moses 2–3; Abraham 4–5” When children understand that they were created in God’s image, they can develop a sense of reverence and respect for their own and others’ bodies.

  • Help the children repeat “I, God, created man in mine own image” several times (Moses 2:27). Explain that Heavenly Father created our bodies to look like His. Invite the children to point to parts of their bodies as you name them, or sing a song about our bodies, such as “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” (Children’s Songbook, 275).
  • Invite the children to act out things they can do with their bodies, while the other children guess what they are doing. Invite the children to share why they are grateful for their bodies.
  • Draw an outline of a body on paper, and make a puzzle by cutting it into parts. Pass the parts out, and let the children work together to put them together to form a body. Ask the children to share the things they can do with each of the parts. Share your testimony that our bodies are created in God’s image.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 129-132”

  • [Using the picture below invite the children] to point to His eyes, mouth, and other parts of His body. Then invite them to stand and point to those same parts of their own bodies. Read from Doctrine and Covenants 130:22: “The Father has a body of flesh and bones … ; the Son also.” Testify that our bodies are like Heavenly Father’s and Jesus’s bodies.

Friend November 2020 “Like Him”

LessonPix “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” Song idea. Print the pictures, cut them apart into cards, and then use them to sing the song. To make the song more interesting, have the children mix up the pictures on the top two rows and/or the bottom two rows and then have them do the actions and sing the words in their mixed up order.

Head Shoulders Knees & Toes

Visual support to sing Head Shoulders Knees & Toes.

Friend May 2017 “At the Playground” Emilie uses different parts of her body while at the playground.

Friend August 2019 ” My Body”  An action rhyme about the things “my body” can do.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 1–2; Moses 2–3; Abraham 4–5” The world will give children many false messages about their bodies. The doctrine in Moses 2:26–27 is powerful motivation to respect and care for our bodies.

  • Read together Moses 2:26–27. What do these verses teach us about our bodies? Show the video “God’s Greatest Creation” (, or play the game “Your Body Is a Temple” (Friend, Aug. 2019, 24–25). You could also read together related quotations from President Russell M. Nelson’s message “Your Body: A Magnificent Gift to Cherish” (New Era, Aug. 2019, 2–7) that will help the children feel gratitude to Heavenly Father for their bodies.
  • Draw a figure of a body on the board, and invite the children to choose a part of the body and write next to it why they are thankful for it. Express your gratitude for your body, and testify that we were created in God’s image.

Friend August 2019 “Your Body is a Temple” Activity comparing how the body is like a temple.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 1–2; Moses 2–3; Abraham 4–5” Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are Creators. They can transform us into the beautiful creations we were meant to be. That’s part of what it means to be created in God’s image, after His likeness (see Genesis 1:26). We have the potential to become like Him: exalted, glorified, celestial beings.

For additional teaching ideas see Teaching Children the Gospel “Body” and Resources for Teaching Children “Body”

The Sabbath Day is Holy.

Moses 3:2–3

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 1–2; Moses 2–3; Abraham 4–5” Children who develop a habit of keeping the Sabbath day holy when they are young are more likely to keep this commandment when life becomes busier and more demanding.

  • Read Moses 3:2–3, and ask the children to listen for what God did on the seventh day. Bring pictures (or make simple drawings) of things we do on Sunday to make it a holy day and things we do on other days. Let the children sort the pictures into two piles, one for Sunday and one for other days. Testify of why it is important to keep the Sabbath day holy.
  • A few days before class, invite one of the children and his or her parents to come prepared to share things they do in their family to keep the Sabbath day holy. Invite the other children to share what their families do.

Teaching Children the Gospel “Sabbath Day: Lesson Item 4” Chart activity

Come Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 1–2; Moses 2–3; Abraham 4–5” Children may have to explain to their friends why they treat Sunday different from other days. Genesis 2:2–3 teaches why the Sabbath day is a holy day. What can you do to help the children better understand and explain this doctrine?

  • How does keeping the Sabbath day holy show our love and respect for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? Help the children role-play scenarios in which they explain to a friend why they choose to do things on Sunday that honor Heavenly Father and Jesus. Suggest that they use Genesis 2:2–3 in their explanations.
  • Give the children a few minutes to write a list of as many things as they can think of that they can do to make the Sabbath a holy day. Invite the children to share their lists, and encourage them to add to their lists as others share suggestions they didn’t think of. Suggest that the children take the lists home with them and refer to them when they need ideas of good things to do on the Sabbath.

For additional teaching ideas see Teaching Children the Gospel “Sabbath Day” and Resources for Teaching Children “Sabbath Day”

Reverence: Lesson Ideas

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What is Reverence?

Friend October 2017 “For Parents of Little Ones” Teaching little ones what reverence means.

Why Should I Be Reverent?

It Shows Respect & Love for Heavenly Father and Jesus

Friend November 2024 “Margo and Paolo” Margo wants to know why they need to be reverent.

Friend November 2024 “I Can Follow Jesus by Being Reverent”

So I Am Ready to Learn

Friend January 2016

Friend January 2016

When Should I Be Reverent

Friend April 2022 “Reverence Matching”

Friend May 2023 “I Can Follow Jesus by Being Reverent”

How Can I Be Reverent

Friend April 2022 “How Can I Be More Reverent?”

I Can Be Reverent

Friend November 2016

Friend November 2016

I Can Be Reverent in Holy Places.

Exodus 3:1–5

The Lord asked Moses to remove his shoes at the burning bush as a sign of respect and reverence. How can you use this account to teach the children about reverence?

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Exodus 1–6

  • Read Exodus 3:1–5, and explain that Moses showed reverence by removing his shoes. What do we do to show reverence at church? Sing a song about reverence, such as “Reverence Is Love” (Children’s Songbook, 31). Help the children identify words in the song that teach us how we show reverence. Why does the Lord want us to be reverent? Older Children: Ask each child to write and share a definition of reverence based on the lyrics.
  • Show some pictures of situations where we should be reverent and some where we don’t need to be reverent, such as a sacrament meeting, a prayer, a park, and a birthday party. Ask the children to sort the pictures to show where we should be reverent.
  • Invite the children to draw pictures of themselves, and point to their pictures as you discuss ways they can be reverent with different parts of their bodies, such as with their eyes, ears, mouths, hands, and feet.
Friend Oct 1982
Friend Oct 1982 use figure to demonstrate ways different parts of the body can be irreverent and reverent
  • Read Exodus 3:1–5, and ask the children to summarize these verses in their own words. What can we do to show reverence in holy places, such as at church or in the temple? Help the children create “reverence bags” to take home that contain strips of paper with ideas about how to be reverent. Invite them to share these ideas with their families.
  • Use the picture Jesus Cleansing the Temple (Gospel Art Book, no. 51) to tell the story in Matthew 21:12–13. How was Moses’s attitude in Exodus 3:1–5 different from the moneychangers’ attitude? Why does the Savior want us to treat sacred things with reverence?

Friend September 2022 “For Older Kids” Practice keeping things clean

When Moses approached the burning bush, the Lord told him to remove his shoes as a sign of reverence. How can we show reverence for sacred places? For example, what can we do to make our home a sacred place where the Lord’s Spirit can dwell? How can we show more reverence in other sacred places?(Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Exodus 1–6”)

Old Testament Coloring Book “Moses and the Burning Bush”

I Should Treat Sacred Things with Reverence.

Doctrine and Covenants 63:64

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 63”

We live in a day when sacred things are often disregarded or even mocked. You can help the children develop a sense of reverence for sacred things.

  • Read to the children from Doctrine and Covenants 63:64: “That which cometh from above is sacred.” Ask them to think of an item that is special to them, such as a favorite toy or book. How do they take care of it and protect it? (or show your family a precious family treasure. How do we treat this item differently than other things that aren’t as valuable?) Help them think of things that are special—or sacred—to Heavenly Father. How should we speak of these things? How should we treat them?

Heavenly Father has given us many gifts—like temples, scriptures, our bodies, and our Savior. He wants us to treat and talk about these gifts with respect and reverence. When we do this, we show Heavenly Father we are grateful for the gifts He has given us. Help the children think of ways they can show reverence for sacred things.

Friend June 2021 “Respect for Sacred Things” The word sacred means holy and special. Heavenly Father wants us to show respect for the sacred things He has given. (Cut out the cards of sacred things and put them face down.Take turns picking a card. Tell why the sacred thing on the card is important to you. For each card, choose one option from the “Ways to Show Respect” and talk about how you can show respect for that sacred thing.)

Sing “Reverence Is Love” (Children’s Songbook, 31).

13th Article of Faith

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Friend January 1988

Friend January 1987

Friend December 2015

Friend December 2015

Friend December 2021 “Matt and Mandy”

Read Philippians 4:8 together, and help the children think of things that fit the descriptions in the verse (see also Articles of Faith 1:13). Invite the children to draw pictures of these things. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

Ask the children to name things that fit the descriptions in Philippians 4:8. Invite them to keep a list this week of anything they notice that fits these descriptions. Encourage them to bring their lists to Primary next week and share what they found. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

See also:

LDS Living “FHE: The Thirteenth Article of Faith” Great lesson ideas

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “The Admonition of Paul” Lesson ideas

Tithing: Songs

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Table of Contents

I’m Glad to Pay a Tithing

I’m Glad to Pay a Tithing Teaching ideas

Song -“I’m Glad to Pay a Tithing”  Children’s Songbook pg 150

Part one of an interactive lesson that teaches the song “I’m Glad to Pay a Tithing.”

Launch Presentation

Part Two

Launch Presentation

I Want to Give the Lord My Tenth

Tithing #5 – Song “I Want to Give the Lord my Tenth”

Prophets: Songs

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If I Listen with My Heart (Verse 2)

I hear a living prophet speak the things that Christ would say
If He were here upon the earth to talk with me today.
The prophet teaches how to live in righteousness and peace,
And if I listen with my heart I hear the Savior’s voice.

Teaching the song I”f I Listen with My Heart” Verse Two

Follow the Prophet

Follow the Prophet

Friend June 2001 “Follow the Prophet”

Song Review for “Follow the Prophet”

When I Hear the Prophet’s Voice

When I hear the prophet’s voice, I feel closer to God.

I listen and feel the Savior’s love deep within my heart.

When I hear the prophet’s voice, I will gladly obey.

I know that the Savior speaks through him for our day.

We Listen to a Prophet’s Voice

We listen to a prophet’s voice and hear the Savior too. With love he bids us do the work the Lord would have us do. The Savior calls his chosen seer to preach the word of God, That men might learn to find the path marked by the iron rod.

In ev’ry land, in ev’ry tongue, our prophet will be heard; How swiftly round the world his voice reveals the gospel word! The sacred message that he brings will witness and agree With ev’ry prophet called of God throughout earth’s history.

Hosanna! Let our praise ascend unto the Savior’s throne; Rejoice! The prophet has confirmed that by Him we are known. Attend, ye earth! The prophet speaks; come listen and obey. He is the man who holds the keys of priesthood pow’r today.

Friend January 2001 “We Listen to a Prophet’s Voice”

Latter Day Prophets

Friend February 2001 “Latter-day Prophets Wheel” Fasten the two circles together with a metal fastener through the center dots. Find the picture of Joseph Smith; in the window below his picture you can read an interesting fact about him. Continue turning the top circle to the right to see the men in the order that they served as Presidents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and to read something that that prophet is remembered for. You might want to use the wheel to help you sing “Latter-day Prophets”* in a family home evening.

Friend May 2018 Latter-day prophets song with the addition of Russell M. Nelson.

Come Listen to a Prophet’s Voice

Come, listen to a prophet’s voice, And hear the word of God, And in the way of truth rejoice, And sing for joy aloud. We’ve found the way the prophets went Who lived in days of yore. Another prophet now is sent This knowledge to restore.

We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet

We thank thee, O God, for a prophet To guide us in these latter days. We thank thee for sending the gospel To lighten our minds with its rays. We thank thee for every blessing Bestowed by thy bounteous hand. We feel it a pleasure to serve thee And love to obey thy command.

Friend March 2017: I Can Play It

Stand for the Right

Our prophet has some words for you, And these are the words:

“Be true, be true.”

At work or at play, in darkness or light,

Be true, be true, And stand for the right.

Teaching Stand for the Right

Jacob 1-4

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Jacob CHAPTER 1 Jacob and Joseph seek to persuade men to believe in Christ and keep His commandments—Nephi dies—Wickedness prevails among the Nephites. About 544–421 B.C.

Jacob CHAPTER 2 Jacob denounces the love of riches, pride, and unchastity—Men may seek riches to help their fellowmen—The Lord commands that no man among the Nephites may have more than one wife—The Lord delights in the chastity of women. About 544–421 B.C.

Jacob CHAPTER 3 The pure in heart receive the pleasing word of God—Lamanite righteousness exceeds that of the Nephites—Jacob warns against fornication, lasciviousness, and every sin. About 544–421 B.C.

Jacob CHAPTER 4 All the prophets worshiped the Father in the name of Christ—Abraham’s offering of Isaac was in similitude of God and His Only Begotten—Men should reconcile themselves to God through the Atonement—The Jews will reject the foundation stone. About 544–421 B.C.

God calls Church leaders to help me follow Jesus Christ

Jacob 1: 1-19

Book of Mormon Stories Before Nephi died, he gave the plates he had written on to his younger brother Jacob. This meant that Jacob would also be the spiritual leader of the people. Jacob 1:1–2, 8

Nephi told Jacob to write the things that would help the people believe in Jesus Christ. Jacob 1:4–6

Nephi gave his younger brothers Jacob and Joseph the power to be priests and teachers in the Church and to teach the Nephites the word of God. Jacob 1:18

Go through the Fifth Article of Faith and explain that Nephi would have prayed to find out who God wanted called to certain responsibilities. He then would have “consecrated” Jacob and Joseph for those responsibilities by the laying on of hands because he had the priesthood authority from God to do so.

Jacob and Joseph labored diligently among their people, that they might persuade them to come unto Christ and partake of the goodness of God Jacob 1:7

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Jacob 1-4”

Junior Primary

  • Make simple puppets to represent Jacob and Joseph, Nephi’s younger brothers, who were leaders in the Church. Share some verses from Jacob 1 and 2 to explain what Church leaders are called to do. For example, leaders persuade us to “believe in Christ” (Jacob 1:8), invite us to repent (see Jacob 2:5–6, 9–10), and “declare [God’s] word” (Jacob 2:2, 11). Let the children use the puppets to pretend to do some of these things.
  • Invite the children to name some Church leaders they know, like Primary leaders, bishopric members, and prophets and apostles. Help the children think of ways these leaders bless us.

Senior Primary

  • Read with the children Jacob 1:6–8 and 2:1–6, 11, helping them look for phrases that describe how God’s servants lead the Church. Ask them to write these phrases on pieces of paper and then display the papers on the board. Why does God call Church leaders to guide us? Ask the children to share experiences with learning or receiving guidance from a Church leader or teacher and the blessings they received.
  • Ask the children to draw a picture of a Church leader they know about, and let the rest of the class guess who they drew. What do these leaders do to help us follow Jesus Christ? Invite the children to write notes to Church leaders, thanking them for their service.
  • Invite a local Church leader to tell the children what he or she does to fulfill his or her calling. Ask the children to name some things they can do to sustain their leaders.

Nephi began to be old, and he saw that he must die soon; so he anointed a man to be a king and a ruler over his people, according to the reigns of the kings. (Jacob 1:9) Because of the great love of the people for Nephi, all kings after Nephi were called Nephi (1st Nephi, 2nd Nephi, etc.). (Jacob 1:11)

God heals the wounded soul.

Jacob 2:8

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Jacob 1-4” To help your children understand how a “wounded soul” can be healed, you could discuss together how our bodies get wounded and what helps them heal. Perhaps your children could talk about times when they got hurt and what helped them heal. You could even show them bandages or medicine as part of this conversation. Maybe you could share with them how the Savior has helped you when your spirit needed healing.

I Can Help Others in Need when I Share with Them

Jacob 2:17–19

The people began to grow wicked during the reign of the second king, wanting lots of riches.

Some of the people in Jacob’s time were very rich and prideful, and they didn’t want to share what they had with people who were poor.

Jacob taught in the temple and told the people to repent of the bad things they were doing.

Jacob taught the following: “And the hand of providence hath smiled upon you most pleasingly (this phrase means that Heavenly Father had blessed them), that you have obtained many riches; and because some of you have obtained more abundantly than that of your brethren ye are alifted up in the pride of your hearts, and wear stiff necks and high heads because of the costliness of your apparel, and persecute your brethren because ye suppose that ye are better than they.” (Jacob 2:13)

Jacob taught that we should clothe the naked, and feed the hungry, liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted. (Jacob 2:19)

Friend April 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities”

Jacob taught that we should be “free with [our] substance” (Jacob 2:17). That means sharing what we have with others. Make a treat to share with some neighbors or friends!

For younger children: Even small acts of service can help people feel lots of love. Help your children think of a kind thing they can do for someone else.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Jacob 1-4”

  • Some of the people in Jacob’s time were very rich, but they didn’t want to share what they had with others. As you read Jacob’s teachings to them in Jacob 2:17–19, you could give your children pictures or objects to hold that go with words or phrases in these verses. You might explain that you are sharing these objects with them; maybe you could then invite them to share the objects with you or with each other. Talk about how you feel when you share. What else could we share with others to help them feel happy?
  • After reading together Jacob 2:17, perhaps your children could name some blessings Heavenly Father has shared with them. Why does He want us to share with each other?

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Jacob 1-4”

Jacob 2:12–14, 17–21

  • Invite the children to act out ways they can share what they have with someone in need. Testify that we are blessed as we share with others.
  • Bring something to class that you can share with the children. Give some of it to each child, and explain that you are sharing. Ask them how they felt when you shared with them. How do they feel when they share with others? Help them think of something they could share to help someone feel happy.
  • Tell the children that many people in Jacob’s time became prideful and unkind because they loved riches (see Jacob 2:12–14, 17–21). Invite a few children to read Jacob 2:17–19 out loud, and help them understand any difficult words. What should we seek before we seek riches? What should we seek to do with any riches we receive?
  • Read Jacob 2:17 to the children. What blessings has Heavenly Father shared with us? Why does He want us to share with each other? Invite the children to share times when they shared something with someone else, including how they felt and how the other person felt.

Story Ideas

Friend March 2020 “Harry Shares” Harry is playing with toys. He is having fun. Harry sees a girl who looks sad. Harry shares toys with her. Now they are both having fun!

Friend November 1987 “Hand-Me-Down Box” Leigh is fortunate to have a caring friend who shares her hand-me-down clothes with her. She wants to grow up to be someone who shares with others.

  • Was there someone in the story who was prideful and made fun of Leigh for her hand-me-down clothes?

Jacob taught the following: Think of your brethren like unto yourselves, and be familiar with all and free with your substance, that they may be rich like unto you. Jacob 2:17 

  • What does it mean to think of others like unto yourselves? (Treat others like you would like to be treated, and give to others like you would give to yourself. (Think about the things you need and then help others who don’t have those types of things so they can have them too.)

Friend December 2019 “Martin’s Favorite Toys” Martin was not happy about having to move, but eventually he got used to his new home. One Sunday, he noticed a lot of new people at church. He found out that they were refugees. He wanted to help them, but he didn’t want to give them any of his toys. Then he realized that many of the children had to leave everything behind. He remembered how hard it was for him to move, but at least he got to bring his things with him. He then wanted to give them his favorite toys to help them be happier.

Friend December 2019
Friend December 2019

Invite the children to think of something they could share to help someone feel happy.

Cut out the arrow, and attach it to the center of the circle. Spin the arrow, and tell about how you can share what the arrow points to. CFM for Primary: BofM

Friend March 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Play a sharing game. Give each person a toy and set a timer. When it dings, everyone should run to someone else and say, “God is happy when I share!” and trade toys.

Friend July 2018 “Coloring Page: I Can Share with Others”

Unshaken in Their Faith

Jacob 4:4–11

I can strengthen my faith in Jesus Christ.

Jacob 4:6, 10–11

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Jacob 1-4”

  • Jacob’s faith in Christ was so strong it could not be shaken. To teach your children how to build faith like this, you could ask them about things we do to make our bodies stronger. What can we do to make our faith in Jesus Christ stronger? Read Jacob 4:6 together to help the children discover what Jacob and his people did to make their faith “unshaken.”
  • Another way to help your children understand what it means to be “unshaken” in their faith would be to find a large tree and ask them to shake individual branches. Then let them try to shake the trunk. Why is it harder to shake the trunk? What phrases in Jacob 4:6, 10–11 describe what we can do to make our faith in Jesus Christ unshaken?

How did Jacob and others develop faith in Christ that is “unshaken” ?

Wherefore, we search the prophets, and we have many revelations and the spirit of prophecy; and having all these witnesses we obtain a hope, and our faith becometh unshaken, insomuch that we truly can ccommand in the name of Jesus and the very trees obey us, or the mountains, or the waves of the sea.

Jacob studied the words of the prophets, and he received revelations from the Spirit. How can we follow his example and develop unshaken faith?

Missing the Mark

Jacob 4:14

The “Mark” is Christ

All the Prophets Taught of Christ
Jacob 4:4 For, for this intent have we written these things, that they may know that we knew of Christ, and we had a hope of his glory many hundred years before his coming; and not only we ourselves had a hope of his glory, but also all the holy prophets which were before us.

Jacob taught this about the Jews: “Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall.”

The Jews misunderstood the law of Moses and its intent to lead them to the Savior. They were looking for a different kind of deliverance than the kind Jesus, the Messiah, offered them—they were looking for deliverance from foreign rule and oppression.

If we fail to keep focused on our Savior Jesus Christ, what could happen?

Activity Ideas

Ensign March 2020 “Family Study Fun” Off-Target Ball Toss

The prophet Jacob taught that the spiritual blindness of the Jews caused them to look “beyond the mark” (Jacob 4:14), which resulted in their stumbling spiritually and missing many gospel truths.

  1. Place a bucket or sturdy bowl in the backyard.
  2. Take turns tossing a ball into the bucket, standing a short distance away.
  3. Now try tossing the ball into the bucket without looking at the bucket.

Discussion: Why was it harder to hit the target when we’re not looking at it? How did the Jews look “beyond the mark”? (Jacob 4:14). Read “Looking beyond the Mark” by Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (Ensign, Mar. 2003, 40–44). Discuss how we might find ourselves looking beyond the mark today.

Come Follow Me Kid Blank Arrows (I Can Be Reconciled to God through the Atonement of Jesus Christ) The manual asks, “What has God provided to point you to Christ? How are you using these things to draw closer to God?” Write/draw answers on blank arrows (below) and place around the bucket pointing to it.

Book of Mormon Study Guide “for Home-Study Seminary Students” Lift your pen or pencil at least two feet or one meter above this target, and try to drop it so that it hits the center of the target—“the mark.” You may want to try this several times. Think about how less effective your efforts would be if you were looking somewhere other than the target. How well do you think people would do in archery if they never looked at the target, or mark, while they were shooting or if they looked at what was beyond the mark? Read Jacob 4:14, and identify characteristics of the people Jacob prophesied would look “beyond the mark.”

Song: Wise Man and the Foolish Man

Jacob teaches that the Jews rejected the stone upon which they might build and have safe foundation. (Jacob 4:15-17)

Sing “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man” See here for teaching ideas, sing-along videos, and visual aid ideas.

Additional Resources

The Red Crystal