“When she said that, I was so surprised. Just earlier, I had prayed and asked my Heavenly Father to help me hear the Holy Ghost. All my life I’d had thoughts that guided me to choose the right. Now I knew that those thoughts came from the Holy Ghost!
Since then, I have noticed the Holy Ghost a lot more. Just last Sunday, we were having home evening again. This time it was about testimonies. I didn’t really know what a testimony was, so I asked my dad. He told me that a testimony is something you know or believe to be true. He said we get our testimonies from the Holy Ghost. I then thought of how I started noticing the Holy Ghost more, and BOOM! I also had a testimony!”
How to have successful FHE’s
Friend February 2019 “For Parents of Little Ones” How to help little ones have a good experience with Family Home Evening.
Ensign April 2017 We began holding family home evenings when our girls were one and two years old. The first time, our lesson was too long and complicated. So the next week I brought 10 different pictures of Jesus. We studied each picture briefly and then I asked, “Who is this?” “Jesus,” we all answered. The lesson lasted about three minutes. The following Monday, we had a similar lesson but with temples. “What is this?” “Temple.” Another success! When we went to church, my two-year-old pointed to a picture on the wall and said, “Look, Mommy, temple!” Silently I rejoiced. Cynthia Green, California, USA
Friend April 2016 “For Parents of Little Ones” Information on how to have a successful Family Home Evening
Friend January 1988 “Charades” A family have a fun, well planned family home evening.
Friend April 2016 “Flashlight Family Night” The lights go out during family night but the family has fun together.
Friend April 2017 “Matt and Mandy” Each family member does a part of the FHE.
Games & Activity Ideas
Friend August 2017 Go on a walk to a quiet place like a nature trail or nearby park. Sit and read “Ralphie’s Amazing Find.” Bring your family night treat with you! Maybe some choc balls?
Friend May 2016 Freeze Dance. Pick one person to be the music master. That person picks songs to play, and everyone else dances to the music. When the music master pauses the song, everyone else freezes! Anyone who moves is out. The last person dancing becomes the new music master, or you can take turns if there is a tie. Download free, fun music at lds.org/youth/music.
Friend July 2019 “A White Cap for Florence” Florence’s parents worked hard to provide for the family, but without an education there was only so much they could do. Florence wanted to go to college so she could get a good-paying job and help her family, but her family couldn’t afford it. Florence decided to work hard for her goal. She was able to get into nursing school, and she graduated with an award as the best student. Because of her hard work she was able to help others and herself have a better life.
Friend July 2019Friend July 2019
Friend April 2023 “Reaching for Mars” Michelle went to college to be an engineer. After college she got a job helping launch rockets to explore space! She helped create a robot called a rover to send to Mars. She was also called to serve with her husband as mission leaders. She bore her testimony that Jesus Christ created worlds without end, and he wants us to learn, grow, and use our talents for good.
Friend June 2024 “Elise the Engineer” Elise wants to be an engineer when she grows up, but one day at school she couldn’t figure out how to do a math problem. She began to think she wasn’t smart enough to be an engineer, but her sister said, “When something is hard, that doesn’t mean you aren’t smart. It just means you need more practice.” With her sister’s help she was able to learn how to do the math problem, and her confidence returned. She knew that if she worked hard, one day she could attain her goal of becoming an engineer.
Friend January 2017 “Jesus Loves Me” Jesus was chosen in the premortal life to be our Savior. On earth he taught us the right way to live and he atoned for our sins because he loves us.
To Be Obedient to the Father & To be an Example for Us
7) But notwithstanding he being holy, he showeth unto the children of men that, according to the flesh he humbleth himself before the Father, and witnesseth unto the Father that he would be obedient unto him in keeping his commandments.
To Show us that We Need to Enter the Gate (Baptism) that Leads to the Path Towards Eternal Life
9) And again, it showeth unto the children of men the straitness of the path, and the narrowness of the gate, by which they should enter, he having set the example before them
5) And now, if the Lamb of God, he being holy, should have need to be baptized by water, to fulfil all righteousness, O then, how much more need have we, being unholy, to be baptized, yea, even by water!
10) And he said unto the children of men: Follow thou me
Friend August 2017 “Jesus Forgives” Jesus teaches Peter to forgive. Jesus forgave sins, and he forgave his crucifiers.
Jesus Healed the Sick and Raised the Dead
Friend May 2019 “The Story of the Ten Lepers” You can read this story in .
Friend June 2017 “Jesus Healed People” Story of Jarius’s daughter being raised from the dead, and the story of the women with an issue of blood being healed when she touches the hem of Jesus’s robe.
Moses is born to Levite parents, is raised by Pharaoh’s daughter, slays an Egyptian in defense of an Israelite, flees to Midian, and marries Zipporah—Israel in bondage cries to the Lord.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Exodus 1–6 Moses had a major role in freeing Israel from bondage. But he wouldn’t have been able to accomplish this if his mother, his sister, Pharaoh’s daughter, and other faithful women hadn’t protected and cared for him. Many people helped fulfill God’s purposes by preserving the life of young Moses. How can you help the children you teach understand the vital role we all play in fulfilling God’s will
Junior: Use this week’s activity page and “Baby Moses” (in Old Testament Stories) to tell the children how Jochebed (Moses’s mother), Miriam (his sister), and Pharaoh’s daughter cared for Moses. Emphasize that because of these and other faithful women, Moses was kept safe and would one day lead the children of Israel to safety. Invite the children to draw a picture of people who care for them
Senior: Invite the children to share what they know about Moses when he was a baby. Use this week’s activity page and Exodus 1:22; 2:1–10 to summarize the story of Moses’s childhood. Read the scripture references on the activity page, and ask the children what each of the women did to preserve Moses’s life.
Lesson 18: The Birth and Calling of Moses,” Primary 6: Old Testament Tie the ends of the yarn together. Hand the yarn to a child and tell him or her to hold it up in a circle using only his or her hands. When the child cannot do so, ask another child to help, then another until all the children are helping form the yarn into a circle. (If you have only two or three children in the class, have them make a square or a six-sided figure.)
Explain that as each person was needed to help make the shape, each of us has a mission to fulfill in the kingdom of God. Tell the children that in this lesson they will learn about the prophet Moses and the mission he was called to perform.
Explain that there are many important things that Heavenly Father and Jesus need us to do. Ask the children to take turns writing their suggestions on the chalkboard. These may include being a parent, a teacher, a Church leader, or a good example. Emphasize that each of us has at least one mission to perform on earth and that God needs all of us to help build his kingdom.
Tell the children about people you admire because of their faithfulness in serving God and those around them, even when they serve in small ways. Invite the children to talk about people they know who have faithfully served God and others. What is our part in God’s work?
Story: When Moses was a baby, his mother hid him in a basket to keep him safe. His sister helped take care of him too. He grew up and became a prophet. (See Exodus 2:1–10.)
Song: “‘Give,’ Said the Little Stream” (Children’s Songbook,236)
Activity: You can help others too! Go to page 12 to make a paper basket, like the one Moses was in. On pieces of paper, write ways you can serve others (and God). Then put the papers in the basket. When you want to help someone, choose a piece of paper and do what it says.
Sing together a song about service, such as “‘Give,’ Said the Little Stream” (Children’s Songbook, 236). Help the children think of simple things they can do to help others at home, at church, and at school.
The Lord appears to Moses at the burning bush—Moses is called to deliver Israel from bondage—The Lord identifies Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and as the Great I AM—He promises to smite Egypt and bring His people out with great wealth.
The Lord asked Moses to remove his shoes at the burning bush as a sign of respect and reverence. How can you use this account to teach the children about reverence?
Read Exodus 3:1–5, and explain that Moses showed reverence by removing his shoes. What do we do to show reverence at church? Sing a song about reverence, such as “Reverence Is Love” (Children’s Songbook, 31). Help the children identify words in the song that teach us how we show reverence. Why does the Lord want us to be reverent? Older Children: Ask each child to write and share a definition of reverence based on the lyrics.
Show some pictures of situations where we should be reverent and some where we don’t need to be reverent, such as a sacrament meeting, a prayer, a park, and a birthday party. Ask the children to sort the pictures to show where we should be reverent.
Invite the children to draw pictures of themselves, and point to their pictures as you discuss ways they can be reverent with different parts of their bodies, such as with their eyes, ears, mouths, hands, and feet.
Friend Oct 1982 use figure to demonstrate ways different parts of the body can be irreverent and reverent
Read Exodus 3:1–5, and ask the children to summarize these verses in their own words. What can we do to show reverence in holy places, such as at church or in the temple? Help the children create “reverence bags” to take home that contain strips of paper with ideas about how to be reverent. Invite them to share these ideas with their families.
Use the picture Jesus Cleansing the Temple (Gospel Art Book, no. 51) to tell the story in Matthew 21:12–13. How was Moses’s attitude in Exodus 3:1–5 different from the moneychangers’ attitude? Why does the Savior want us to treat sacred things with reverence?
When Moses approached the burning bush, the Lord told him to remove his shoes as a sign of reverence. How can we show reverence for sacred places? For example, what can we do to make our home a sacred place where the Lord’s Spirit can dwell? How can we show more reverence in other sacred places?(Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Exodus 1–6”)
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Exodus 1–6 Moses worried about whether he could deliver the Israelites from Egypt. But the Lord promised that He would help Moses. Help the children gain faith that the Savior will help them too.
Tell the children about how the Lord gave Moses an important job to do. Read selected verses from Exodus 3, or read “Moses the Prophet” (in Old Testament Stories). Share how Moses felt (see Exodus 3:6, 11) and what the Lord told him (see verses 12 and 14). Invite the children to repeat with you the phrase “Certainly I will be with thee,” and share a time when the Lord was with you when you had something important to do for Him.
Friend February 2015 “Juliana Gives a Talk” Juliana is scared to give a talk, but Heavenly Father helps her.
Cut out paper hearts and write on them ways the Lord helps the children. Place the hearts facedown on the floor. Invite children to take turns choosing hearts, and help them read what is written on them.
Help the children think of situations when they might be asked to do something that seems hard. Explain that just as Jesus helped Moses, Jesus will also help them. Sing a song about how Jesus helps us, such as “I Will Walk with Jesus” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Testify that the Savior will help us when we are worried or scared.
Using the account in Exodus 3; 4:1–17, let the children take turns pretending to be Moses. If possible, bring props for them to use, such as a flashlight and a plant to represent the burning bush.
Ask the children to read Exodus 3:11; 4:1, 10 and find out how Moses felt about asking Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. When have they had similar feelings? What advice would the children share with Moses to help him? Help them discover how the Lord encouraged Moses (see Exodus 3:12; 4:2–9, 11–12).
Share an experience when you felt God was helping you fulfill a calling or serve Him in some way. Invite the children to share a time when the Lord helped them.
Friend November 2019 “The Primary Talk” Dennis was afraid to give a talk in Primary. He prayed, prepared, and practiced but he was still nervous, so he asked his father to give him a blessing. After the blessing he was able to give the talk with only a few stutters, and he knew Heavenly Father helped him.
Friend June 2020 ” The Only Bald Deacon” Carlos was losing his hair due to cancer, so he shaved the patchy hair off. He was anxious about people staring at him when he passed the sacrament. He and his family said a prayer together before going in to church, and he felt peaceful and ready. When he got into the chapel he found all the other deacons with shaved their heads too.
The Lord gave Moses power to perform three miracles as signs to show the children of Israel that He had sent Moses. What do these signs teach us about Jesus Christ?
Exodus 5:2. And Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go.
What might it mean for us to “know” the Lord? How do we come to know Him? (for example, see Alma 22:15–18). How does our relationship with Him affect our desire to obey Him? (see also John 17:3; Mosiah 5:13).
Jehovah is one of the names of Jesus Christ and refers to the premortal Savior. The Joseph Smith Translation clarifies that the prophets Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew the Lord by this name (see Exodus 6:3, footnote c). Usually, when the phrase “the Lord” appears in the Old Testament, it refers to Jehovah. In Exodus 3:13–15, the title “I AM” is also a reference to Jehovah (see also Doctrine and Covenants 38:1; 39:1).
Jesus Christ is my Deliverer.
One of the central themes in the book of Exodus is that God has power to free His people from oppression. The enslavement of the Israelites as described in Exodus 1 could be seen as a symbol of the captivity we all face because of sin and death (see 2 Nephi 2:26–27; 9:10; Alma 36:28). And Moses, the Israelites’ deliverer, can be seen as a type, or representation, of Jesus Christ (see Deuteronomy 18:18–19; 1 Nephi 22:20–21).
Genesis and Exodus contain many promises from the Lord, along with stories of people patiently waiting upon those promises. Jacob waits to see the blessing of becoming a great nation. Joseph waits for the Lord to help him out of prison. The children of Israel wait to be freed from the rule of Egypt.
Choose one person to be the leader and have everyone else stand across the room.
When the leader raises a hand, everyone takes steps toward him or her. When the leader puts the hand down, everyone stops. If someone is caught stepping when the leader’s hand is down, that person must go to the back of the room to start again.
The first person to reach the leader gets to be the leader for the next game.
Discussion: Read together Mormon 8:22. As you read Genesis and the following books of the Old Testament this year, take special notice of all the promises of the Lord and when they are fulfilled. Why is it important to recognize promises of the Lord in our own lives and to trust in the Lord while we wait upon those promises?
Friend June 2022 “The Firewood Race” In Primary, Luke hears about being prepared. He and his siblings decide to collect firewood to get prepared. That afternoon, their father said everyone had to stay inside for four days to stop the spread of Covid. It was a good thing they had collected enough firewood to last a week.
Natural Disasters
Friend August 2024 “Giulia and the Earthquake” Giulia”s family had a special FHE to prepare in case of an earthquake. The thought of an earthquake scared her, but her mother said not to worry. They would do their best to prepare and the Lord would help them. The scriptures they read made Giulia feel calm and peaceful. A few weeks later they had an earthquake, but she remembered what to do and she felt peace because she remembered that Jesus would help them.
Friend March 2023 “The Earthquake Prayer” Violet woke up when she felt an earthquake. She and her family ran to the kitchen and crawled under the table. They had practiced what to do in an earthquake, but Violet was scared. She said a prayer, and felt like someone was giving her a hug. She was glad Heavenly Father helped her feel peace.
Friend March 2018 “The Great Cereal Sacrifice” Hannah and her family give up cereal and instead eat oatmeal for breakfast so they can save money to buy emergency preparedness items.
Friend March 2016 “Emergency Evacuation” A family has a FHE lesson about preparedness and then experience a real emergency situation.
Friend March 2016
Friend August 2018 “Emergency Scavenger Hunt” Putting together emergency kits by doing a scavenger hunt. (Also add water, blanket, and clothes.)
Listen to the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost
Friend October 2023 “Heavenly Father Knew” Spencer’s parents felt inspired to get preparedness items. A few months later a volcano erupted and they needed the face masks and emergency food that his parents had prepared. Spencer was glad his family listened to the Holy Ghost!
Friend March 1982
In Big Cities
Friend July 2019 “Find It!” The people who live in this big city love their community garden! Can you find the hidden objects? How many veggies can you name?
Pharaoh dreams of the cattle and the ears of grain—Joseph interprets the dreams as seven years of plenty and seven of famine—He proposes a grain storage program—Pharaoh makes him ruler of all Egypt—Joseph marries Asenath—He gathers grain as the sand upon the seashore—Asenath bears Manasseh and Ephraim—Joseph sells grain to Egyptians and others during the famine.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 37–41” God helped Joseph understand that Pharaoh’s dreams were a warning to prepare for hard times coming in the future. Help the children understand that God can warn them of danger, including spiritual danger.
Scatter pictures of food around the room, and invite the children to gather them and “store” them in a container. Use this activity to tell the children about how God warned Pharaoh to prepare for a time when there wouldn’t be food (see Genesis 41:15–36, 47–57). Let the children draw pictures of the things Pharaoh dreamed about and then use their pictures to teach their families at home.
Show a picture of the current prophet. Tell the children about teachings or warnings God has given us through him. Explain that we will be blessed and protected as we follow the prophet. Invite the children to act out things they can do to follow the prophet’s counsel.
Read Genesis 41:53–57, looking for what happened because Pharaoh followed Joseph’s counsel.
What is a principle we can identify from this account about following the counsel of prophets and inspired leaders?
“In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost,”
President Nelson’s Teachings:
Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly.”
“I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation.”
“I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation.”
Humble yourself before God.
Pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father.
Turn to Him for answers and for comfort.
Pray in the name of Jesus Christ about your concerns, your fears, your weaknesses—yes, the very longings of your heart.
Write the thoughts that come to your mind.
Record your feelings.
Follow through with actions that you are prompted to take.
Friend October 2017 “A Friendly Primary Visitor” A pilot comes to Primary and acts out flying and what could happen if he didn’t listen to the control tower. He likens the control tower to the prophet.
Story: Joseph helped the people in Egypt prepare for hard times. You can read this story on page 8 or in Genesis 41.
Activity: Make an emergency plan. Talk about ways your family can prepare for emergencies. What can you start today?
What can we learn about preparing for future emergencies? Discuss what you can do to be better prepared as a family. For ideas, see Gospel Topics, “Emergency Preparedness,” topics.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
Matthew 5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is aangry with his brother bwithout a cause shall be cin danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, dRaca, shall be ein danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
Burying Weapons of Contention
News with Naylors Lesson ideas about contention in the home and finding peace. On the swords write somethings that may be causing contention such as yelling, arguing, not sharing, etc.
Friend July 2020 “My Family Night Fun”The Anti-Nephi-Lehies made a promise with God that they wouldn’t fight again. They buried their weapons in the ground (see Alma 23:7, 24:17). Take a small piece of paper and write down something you want to stop doing, like fighting or complaining. Share what you wrote, and promise to do your best to stop doing that thing. Then rip the paper into tiny pieces and bury it in the ground.
Friend July 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Read Alma 23:7 together and talk about how the Anti-Nephi-Lehies promised never to hurt people ever again. Draw weapons on pieces of paper. As you bury each one under a rug or towel, help your littles ones say, “I will be a peacemaker.”
Friend August 2018 “The No-Fighting Promise” After a few days of staying at cousin Timmy’s house, Madi and Timmy start to fight. Timmy suggests they be like the Anti-Nephi-Lehies and make some toy swords and bury them and promise they won’t fight each other anymore. After that they found ways to compromise so they didn’t fight.
Friend September 2019 “3 Ways to Get Along With Others” Love them, forgive them, treat them the way you wanted to be treated. (Includes Golden Rule activity and coloring page.)
Friend May 2019 “What’s on Your Mind” Ideas on how to get along with siblings.
Friend February 2017 “Question Corner” Children’s ideas in how to deal with family members who are being annoying.
Friend June 2017 “For Parents of Little Ones” Ideas for helping children learn how to get along with each other.
Friend February 2017 “Question Corner” Children’s ideas in how to deal with family members who are being annoying.
Friend May 2017 “Hi Friends” When my brother and I fight, I sing the Primary song “Jesus Said Love Everyone.” It helps me be more like Jesus. Nora P., age 4, Florida, USA
Have the children tell about good experiences they have had with their own brothers and sisters. Remind the children that because families can be together forever, they should love and help their brothers and sisters. Share the following quotation with the children: “Your most important friendships should be with your own brothers and sisters and with your father and mother. Love your family. Be loyal to them. Have a genuine concern for your brothers and sisters. Help carry their load” (Ezra Taft Benson, in Conference Report, Apr. 1986, p. 56; or Ensign, May 1986, p. 43).
Have the children discuss family situations such as the following (adapt these if needed and add others to suit the needs of your class):
Your younger sister wants you to play with her instead of going to your friend’s house.
Your older brother is preparing dinner and asks you to help even though it is not your turn.
Your brother is studying for a test in school. You are watching a television program that is distracting him from his studies.How many solutions can you think of for these situations? Which solutions would bring temporary pleasure? Which solutions would bring eternal happiness? Encourage the children to be forgiving and understanding at home.
Friend February 2018 “Peter the Pest” Matthew is angry that his little brother, Peter, always wants to do everything he does and breaks his model dinosaur. His father explains that Matthew is probably the most important person in the world to Peter, and that is why he wants to do eerything he does. Matthew chooses to calm down and apologize to Peter, and their relationship grows stronger.(Also see Lesson Ideas on how to control anger.)
Friend September 2021 “My Side, Your Side” Megan and Mia argue about who’s mess is who’s when cleaning up their room. They want their own rooms. Their mom puts a curtain up in the room to divide it. At first they like it, but then they got lonely and bored. One of them suggested they make a mailbox to write notes to each other. They invite each other to play. Pretty soon they don’t want the curtain because it just gets in the way.
Friend October 2016 “Gone Fishing” Hayden is annoyed that his noisy little brother, Dan, has come fishing with him and his dad, but when Dan disappears Hayden is fearfully worried and realizes how much he loves his little brother.
Friend September 2020 “Loving Our Families”When President Eyring felt frustrated with one of his children for jumping on the bed and was about to get angry, the Holy Ghost reminded him of what a special person his son is. The Holy Ghost can help us too.
Jesus taught the Golden Rule: “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matthew 7:12).
It is easy to understand why we should treat others the way we would like to be treated. It is because each of God’s sons and daughters is precious (see Matthew 25:40).
Listen to Each Other
Solve the Problem Together
Try to Understand Their Feelings
Respect Each Other’s Feelings
Friend June 2017 “Tickling Trouble” Lizzie and Max learn that we should listen to and respect each other. Pillow fights and tickling is only fun when everyone is having fun.
Try to Show Love (Say and Do Nice Things)
Friend August 2018 “Sisters and Turtles” Ellie’s sister has been grumpy; she got mad at Ellie for sitting on her bed. Ellie gives her sister a special turtle necklace that represents helping someone who gets turned over. Ellie tells her sister she wants to help her get back on her feet whenever she is sad or upset.
Friend February 2019 “Matt and Mandy” Matt and Mandy have a fight, but by dinner time they had forgotten what it was about. They show extra kindness to each other as a way of making amends.
Look for the Good
Friend September 2021 “Saying the Nice Things” Jonathon wasn’t looking forward to the weekend because lately there had been more bickering and teasing in the family. He prayed for help figuring out a way to make things better. Then he had an idea for home evening. When he conducted, he started a new thing where whoever conducts says a nice thing about each family member. Everyone felt warm and happy after Jonathon said nice things about them.
Take Time to Calm Down
Ask Yourself “What Would Jesus Do?”
Friend May 2017 “Hi Friends” When my brother and I fight, I sing the Primary song “Jesus Said Love Everyone.” It helps me be more like Jesus. Nora P., age 4, Florida, USA
Friend August 2017 “For Parents of Little Ones” Teaching little ones empathy and how to apologize and make things right after they have hurt a sibling.
Friend June 2021 “Trying Together” Jack was mad because his mom yelled at him. He had made several wrong choices, including fighting with his brother and not cleaning up his messes. He was also sad. He wished he hadn’t made all those bad choices. He apologized to his mother, and she apologized for yelling. Jack tried to make things right with his mother’s help.
Friend April 2017 “The Blue Sunglasses” Sarah accidently breaks her big sister’s sunglasses. She does her best to make things right.
Friend May 2019 “Five-Year-Olds-Only” Kyle built a great blanket fort but didn’t want to let his little sister in it because she breaks his things. He feels bad though because it made her sad and cry, so he apologizes and invites her in. Afterwards he feels like the fort is even better.
Friend March 2023 “Carousel Kindness” Damien was excited to show his little sister the carousel and the ring game on it. But he got mad at her when she didn’t do it right. He felt bad and apologized and helped her the next time.
Pray for Help
Friend August 1988 “Raymond and the Horrible Little Pest” Raymond says some very mean things to his brother and feels terrible. He prays for help to know how to fix things.
Most children know what it’s like to be angry with a sibling. The story of how Jacob and Esau overcame their anger toward each other may be inspiring to them
Help the children remember why Esau was angry at Jacob (see Genesis 27:41 or “Jacob and Esau” in Old Testament Stories). Ask the children to show you what an angry face looks like. Explain that after many years, Jacob was afraid to visit Esau. Ask the children to show you what a scared face looks like. What should we do when we are afraid? Invite the children to pretend to pray while you read what Jacob said in his prayer (see Genesis 32:11). Then read in Genesis 33:4 what happened when Esau saw Jacob. Ask the children to show you how Jacob’s and Esau’s faces might have looked when they saw each other again.
Show the picture of Jacob and Esau found in this outline. Let the children describe what they see in the picture. Tell them that there had been bad feelings between these two brothers, but they chose to forgive each other. Help the children think of how they could show more love to someone in their family, just as Jacob and Esau showed love to each other.
Friend May 2020 “Sister Squabble” Jaide’s little sister borrowed her tennis shoes without asking and accidentally got them muddy. Jaide was so mad that she told her sister, “I wish you weren’t my sister.” She felt terrible about what she said. She read a scripture about Jesus forgiving and healing someone and she realized, she needed to forgive and try and fix what she had done to her sister with her words.
Friend June 2019 “The Slipper Slip-Up” Bailey loved playing princesses, and she loved the little glass slipper she kept on her shelf that reminded her of princesses. One evening, after reading her a story, her dad accidentally bumped into the shelf and knocked the slipper off and broke it. She was heartbroken, but she told her dad that she forgives him because she loves her dad more than any toy.
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Friend March 2018 “Haircut Disaster” Max is kind to his mom and forgives her when she makes a major mistake while cutting his hair.
Ask the children what they remember about the relationship between Jacob and Esau (see Genesis 27:41 or “Jacob and Esau” in Old Testament Stories). Explain that after being away for about 20 years, Jacob was going to meet Esau again. Read together Genesis 32:6–11. How did Jacob feel? What did he do to get help? Testify that we can ask Heavenly Father for help when our family relationships are difficult. Read together Genesis 33:1–4 to discover how the Lord answered Jacob’s prayer..
“Jacob and Esau” (October 1994 Friend) Find out what happened when Esau met Jacob by matching words to the shapes in a tent.
Spend Quality Time Together
Friend November 2018 “Sister Date” Rachel and Brianna have a bad fight over which tv show to watch. The older sister, Brianna, decides they need to go on sister date and have some fun time together, and this quality time helps them become best friends again.
Friend January 2017 “Time for Addison” Tom doesn’t want his little sister to knock over the tower he built after school, but his little sister misses him and wants to spend time with him, so he figures out something they can do together.
Friend August 2019 “The Get Along Bucket” When Amy and Garrett fight, their mom gets out the “Get-Along Bucket.” They have to choose an activity from the bucket and then do it together, and before long, they are having fun together.
Friend August 2019
Friend July 2015 – A girl learns that she controls how she reacts to annoying brother.
Jacob loves and favors Joseph, who is hated by his brothers—Joseph dreams that his parents and brothers make obeisance to him—His brothers sell him into Egypt.
To tell the story of Joseph and his brothers from Genesis 37. Let the children help by sharing details they know about the story. Ask them questions such as, “How were Joseph’s brothers unkind to him?” Help the children think of things the brothers could have done to show love to Joseph. What should we do when we feel anger toward members of our family?
Friend September 2021 “Saying the Nice Things” Jonathon wasn’t looking forward to the weekend because lately there had been more bickering and teasing in the family. He prayed for help figuring out a way to make things better. Then he had an idea for home evening. When he conducted, he started a new thing where whoever conducts says a nice thing about each family member. Everyone felt warm and happy after Jonathon said nice things about them.
Friend June 2019 “Family Night Fun” Ideas for a FHE lesson on family love. For example: Write on hearts things you love about each other or things you can do to show kindness in your family. Put the hearts around your house to remind you to show love this week. Also, make a strawberry heart shish-ka-bob for the refreshment
Ensign July 2017 Make a paper doll chain and on each doll write something you love about a family member.
Everyone sit in a circle. Discuss some small acts of kindness family members can do for each other.
Place a pencil in the middle of the circle.
Take turns spinning the pencil.
Whoever the pencil points to must act out as many kindnesses as possible in one minute.
Continue until each person has had at least one turn.
Friend October 2019 “Family Night Fun” Have each person write their name at the bottom of a paper and draw an outline of their head in the middle. Have everyone pass their paper to the person next to them. Add something to the head—like eyes or hair—to look like the person whose name is on the paper. Then write something nice about them on the page. Keep passing the papers, adding to the pictures and writing nice things, until everyone gets their own paper back. You can strengthen your family by being kind and seeing the best in each other!
Friend September 2016 “Family Night Fun” Musical chairs but when someone gets out have everyone say one nice thing about them. Look for the good.
Friend September 2016
Friend July 2015 – A girl learns that she controls how she reacts to annoying brother.
Show a picture of a family (see Gospel Art Book, no. 112), or invite the children to draw pictures of their families. Ask them to share ways they can be kind to their family members.
Let the children color this week’s activity page and, in the space provided, draw a picture of family members being kind.
Sing together a song about loving our families, such as “A Happy Family” (Children’s Songbook, 198). What can we do to help our families be happy?
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 37–41”Jealousy led Joseph’s brothers to make terrible choices. Their wrong choices hurt Joseph and broke their father’s heart. This story can help the children choose to be happy when others are blessed by the Lord.
Invite the children to review Genesis 37:3–11 and draw pictures of Joseph’s coat and his two dreams. How did Joseph’s brothers feel about Joseph? How could they have responded differently? Discuss why it is important to be happy when good things happen to other people.
Sometimes a person might feel envious or jealous if a sibling or close friend receives an important award; is selected for an athletic team, band, orchestra, or choir; or performs the best in his or her class on an exam.
What is the danger of feeling envious or jealous of others who experience good fortune?
We can learn the following principle from the account of Joseph and his brothers: Choosing to hate or envy others can lead us to commit additional sins.
When others have possessions, talents, or attention that we would like to have, how can we avoid feelings of hatred or envy toward them? (Be happy for them, be glad that God is kind, give them a hug and say kind, glad words to them, pray for a loving heart, etc.)
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shares some thoughts on this subject.
Ask the children to share some situations in which a person might feel jealous of someone else. Sing together a song about showing love to others, such as “Love One Another” (Children’s Songbook, 136–37). Emphasize that Heavenly Father can help us replace feelings of jealousy with feelings of love.
Additional Teaching Ideas:
“Enough as You Are” (January 2013 Friend) Beth keeps comparing herself to her sister but then learns that Heavenly Father loves her for being who she is.
“Matt and Mandy” (May 2009 Friend) Matt and Mandy learn it’s good that others are better at some things because then we can learn from them
“The Not-So-Perfect-Clarinetest” (March 2014 Friend) Darcie is upset when another clarinetest is chosen as first chair over her.
Joseph, prospered by the Lord, becomes ruler of Potiphar’s house—He resists the advances of Potiphar’s wife, is falsely accused, and is cast into prison—The keeper of the prison commits the prison’s affairs into Joseph’s hands.
Show a picture of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife (see Gospel Art Book, no. 11), and share the story in Genesis 39:7–12. How did Joseph resist temptation? Help the children find words in Genesis 39:7–12 that answer this question—for example, Joseph knew that being with Potiphar’s wife would be a “sin against God” (verse 9).
Physical intimacy between husband and wife is beautiful and sacred. It is ordained of God for the creation of children and for the expression of love between husband and wife. God has commanded that [physical] intimacy be reserved for marriage.“(Sexual Purity” (in For the Strength of Youth [2011], 35–37)
Invite the children to think of situations in which children their age might be tempted to make wrong choices. Ask them to role-play how they could follow Joseph’s example in these situations—for example, what are some ways we can remember God when we are tempted?
Lesson 15: Joseph Was Sold into Egypt,” Primary 6: Old Testament Tell the class that the nail, pin, or paper clip represents us. Place it between the two magnets on a flat surface so it can be attracted by one or the other. Show that the further away from “Satan” we are, the less power he has to tempt us. As you move the metal object toward the magnet representing God, explain that the closer we live to the Lord, the more we are influenced by his goodness. When we seek after good, we are less influenced by that which is evil. (What can we do to draw close to God? How can the Holy Ghost help us?)
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know that it is harder to avoid temptation when we allow ourselves to get close to it. Discuss with the children how they could distance themselves from temptation in the following situations:
A plate of your favorite dessert is on the table, ready to be taken to a sick neighbor.
Your parents have warned you not to swim without someone watching. You are alone by the water on a very hot day; perhaps you could just wade up to your knees …
Some of your friends are trying to convince you to try smoking a cigarette. Whenever you are with them, they dare you to take just one puff.
You are troubled by bad thoughts when you read a certain book.You could make a list on the chalkboard of other temptations, such as gossiping, looking at vulgar magazines, using bad language, dressing immodestly, watching inappropriate movies or television shows, telling unclean jokes or stories, listening to improper song lyrics, or using drugs. Discuss strategies for resisting evil, such as removing ourselves from the situation and replacing the temptation with something wholesome. Erase each harmful influence from the chalkboard as it is discussed.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 37–41” Many bad things happened to Joseph, but he chose to keep the commandments and the Lord was with him. Young children can learn from this that God wants to help them during hard times in their lives. (Older Children: Even though Joseph had many difficult trials, he remained faithful and “the Lord was with him” (Genesis 39:3).Joseph’s experiences can help the children feel confident that God will help them during trials.)
Describe some of the difficult things that happened to Joseph (see Genesis 37:23–28; 39:20; or “Joseph’s Inspired Dreams” and “Joseph in Egypt,” in Old Testament Stories). After you tell the children about each difficulty Joseph faced, invite them to repeat, “The Lord was with Joseph” (Genesis 39:2).
Share pictures of the Savior helping people who were facing challenges (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 40–43). Invite the children to share how the Savior was helping the people. Share your testimony that the Lord can help us when bad things happen to us.
Older Children:
Ask the children to find words or phrases in Genesis 39:1–3, 20–23; 41:38 that show that God was with Joseph during his hard times. If possible, invite the children to make a small sign displaying one of the phrases they found. Encourage them to take their signs home to remind them that the Lord will be with them during their trials.
Invite the children to share what they think the phrase “the Lord was with Joseph” means (Genesis 39:2). Invite them to share experiences when they felt that the Lord was with them or their families during a hard time. Share similar experiences from your life.
Friend April 2018 “Trouble in Adventure Forest” When Owen’s feet get burned he learns that Heavenly Father doesn’t always stop bad things from happening, but He helps us get through them.
Sing a song about the Savior’s loving care for us, such as “Jesus Is Our Loving Friend” (Children’s Songbook, 58). Share an experience when you have felt God’s love during a challenging time. Show a picture of Jesus, and invite the children to share how they feel about Him.
Pharaoh dreams of the cattle and the ears of grain—Joseph interprets the dreams as seven years of plenty and seven of famine—He proposes a grain storage program—Pharaoh makes him ruler of all Egypt—Joseph marries Asenath—He gathers grain as the sand upon the seashore—Asenath bears Manasseh and Ephraim—Joseph sells grain to Egyptians and others during the famine.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 37–41” God helped Joseph understand that Pharaoh’s dreams were a warning to prepare for hard times coming in the future. Help the children understand that God can warn them of danger, including spiritual danger.
Scatter pictures of food around the room, and invite the children to gather them and “store” them in a container. Use this activity to tell the children about how God warned Pharaoh to prepare for a time when there wouldn’t be food (see Genesis 41:15–36, 47–57). Let the children draw pictures of the things Pharaoh dreamed about and then use their pictures to teach their families at home.
Show a picture of the current prophet. Tell the children about teachings or warnings God has given us through him. Explain that we will be blessed and protected as we follow the prophet. Invite the children to act out things they can do to follow the prophet’s counsel.
Read Genesis 41:53–57, looking for what happened because Pharaoh followed Joseph’s counsel.
What is a principle we can identify from this account about following the counsel of prophets and inspired leaders?
“In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost,”
President Nelson’s Teachings:
Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly.”
“I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation.”
“I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation.”
Humble yourself before God.
Pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father.
Turn to Him for answers and for comfort.
Pray in the name of Jesus Christ about your concerns, your fears, your weaknesses—yes, the very longings of your heart.
Write the thoughts that come to your mind.
Record your feelings.
Follow through with actions that you are prompted to take.
Friend October 2017 “A Friendly Primary Visitor” A pilot comes to Primary and acts out flying and what could happen if he didn’t listen to the control tower. He likens the control tower to the prophet.
Story: Joseph helped the people in Egypt prepare for hard times. You can read this story on page 8 or in Genesis 41.
Activity: Make an emergency plan. Talk about ways your family can prepare for emergencies. What can you start today?
What can we learn about preparing for future emergencies? Discuss what you can do to be better prepared as a family. For ideas, see Gospel Topics, “Emergency Preparedness,” topics.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
Lesson 15: Joseph Was Sold into Egypt,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 62–66 Purpose: To teach the children that even though we may not always be able to control the things that happen to us, we can control our attitudes. Lesson 16: Joseph in Egypt,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 67–70 Purpose: To encourage the children to keep themselves pure by staying away from temptation and living close to the Lord.
Tell the children about a time when you gave up something in order to get something better. Invite the children to share examples of their own. Then read together Luke 9:23–25. Explain that Jesus wants us to be willing to give up anything to follow Him. While He may not ask us to literally give up our lives, what does He ask us to give? (see Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 16:26 [in Matthew 16:24, footnote e]).To deny himself all ungodliness, and every worldly lust, and keep my commandments.)
For the Strength of Youth July 2022 “The Choice” Ben forgot to write a book report that was due the next day. He has to make a choice whether he will follow God or cheat and copy a book report from the internet.
Friend February 2020 “Matt & Mandy” When some kids find a wallet, Matt and his friend stand for the right by telling a boy, who wants to keep the money, that they need to return the wallet to its owner.
Write several Christlike qualities on pieces of paper and the opposites of those qualities on other pieces of paper (such as love and selfishness, humility and pride, and so on). Write the words save and lose as headings on the board, and invite the children to sort the qualities under the appropriate headings. Give the children time to ponder the Christlike qualities on the board and to choose one to develop more fully.
Friend September 2018 “Just Like Grandpa” William’s dad received a calling to preside over the sign language branch. William is sad he will have to leave his friends, but his mom helps him by telling him a story about his great grandfather Turner who sacrificed to obey the Lord.
Friend December 2015 “The Woodpile” A family gives away their wood to help a family who needs it to heat their home.
When the translation of the gold plates was almost finished, Joseph Smith began looking for someone to publish the translation as a book. He talked to a printer in Palmyra, Egbert B. Grandin, and asked him to give an estimate of the cost of printing the book. Grandin did not want to print the “golden Bible,” as he called it, because he knew that people were against the book, and he was afraid he would not be paid. Joseph went to Rochester, New York, to see if he could find someone else to do it. One printer refused to print the book because he did not believe Joseph’s account of where he got it; another agreed to print it, but his price was very high. Finally Joseph returned to Palmyra and convinced Grandin to print the book. Grandin agreed only after Martin Harris pledged his farm to guarantee the printing costs.
People in Palmyra who opposed the Book of Mormon held a meeting and resolved not to buy the book when it was published. Grandin again became worried that he would not be paid. Martin Harris was afraid he would lose his farm, and he wondered what he should do. Joseph Smith inquired of the Lord, and the Lord told Martin not to “covet” his own property but to “impart it freely” to cover the costs of printing the Book of Mormon (see D&C 19:26). Martin Harris eventually sold 151 acres of his farm to pay Grandin for publishing the Book of Mormon.
Martin and Lucy Harris had one of the finest farms in Palmyra, New York. It had taken them years to acquire, had enabled them to raise a family, and had given them good standing in the community. But in 1829 it became clear that the Book of Mormon could be published only if Martin mortgaged his farm to pay the printer. Martin had a testimony of the Book of Mormon, but Lucy did not. If Martin went forward with the mortgage and the Book of Mormon did not sell well, he would lose his farm and jeopardize his marriage. At some time or another, we all face questions similar to those that Martin may have been facing: What is the gospel of Jesus Christ worth to me? What am I willing to sacrifice to help build God’s kingdom? It may help us to remember that no one has ever paid a higher price to bless God’s children than Jesus Christ, “the greatest of all” (Doctrine and Covenants 19:18).
Martin made the decision to mortgage his farm. His sacrifice paid for the printing of the first 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon. And now, more than 190 million copies later, millions of souls around the world have been blessed.
For more information about the publication of the Book of Mormon, see Saints, 1:76–84.
The Book of Mormon did not sell very well in Palmyra, and as a result, Martin Harris ended up having to sell a large portion of his farm to pay the debt (see “The Contributions of Martin Harris,” Revelations in Context, 7–8). Ponder that sacrifice—and the blessings you’ve received because of it—as you read these verses. You might also think about what the Lord has asked you to sacrifice. What do you find in these verses that inspires you to make these sacrifices with “rejoicing” and “gladness”? (see also verses 15–20).
Leaving Kirtland may have been particularly hard for people like Newel K. Whitney, who had established a prosperous life for his family there. What do you find in Doctrine and Covenants 117:1–11 that might have helped them make this sacrifice? How do these verses change your perspective on what is really important?
The sacrifice asked of Oliver Granger was different: the Lord assigned him to stay in Kirtland and settle the Church’s finances. It was a heavy task, and while he represented the Church with integrity, he ultimately didn’t recover much money. Consider how the Lord’s words in verses 12–15 might apply to the things the Lord has asked of you.
Your family could compare a “drop” with something more “weighty” (verse 8), like a jug of water. This could lead to a discussion about less important things in our lives that might prevent us from receiving God’s abundant blessings.
In section 117, the Lord counseled William Marks and Newel K. Whitney to sacrifice their possessions in Kirtland for greater blessings in Missouri. He also honored Oliver Granger for the sacrifices he made. What do you feel the children can learn from their examples?
Invite the children to imagine that they were a successful store owner in Kirtland, like Newel K. Whitney. How would they feel if the Lord asked them to leave their store and move someplace new? Read to the children Doctrine and Covenants 117:1–11, and ask the children to stop you when they hear something that would help them have the faith to make sacrifices and obey the Lord. What do we sacrifice today to obey the Lord?
Briefly tell the children why the Saints had to leave Kirtland, or let one of the children do so (see “Chapter 41: Trouble in Kirtland,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 158–60). Explain that the Lord asked Oliver Granger to stay in Kirtland and pay the Church’s debts. Why would that be a difficult job? What did the Lord say in Doctrine and Covenants 117:13 that could help Oliver—or any of us—make sacrifices to obey the Lord?
To encourage William Marks and Newel K. Whitney to sacrifice their property and move to Missouri, the Lord reminded them that He created all things on earth. How might the children be blessed by knowing this truth?
Bring or draw pictures of the creations in Doctrine and Covenants 117:6 that the Lord said He made (or invite the children to draw their own pictures). Invite the children to hold up or point to the pictures as you read the verse. Tell the children why it is important to you to know that Jesus Christ created these things.
Sing together a song about the Lord’s creations, such as “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook, 228–29). Let the children talk about some of the things God has created that help them feel His love.
Sacrificing Temporary Pleasure for Something of Eternal Value
Lesson 13: Jacob and Esau,” Primary 6: Old Testament Display the wordstrips you have prepared (or write Temporary and Eternal on the chalkboard). Discuss as a class what each word means. (Temporary: lasting only a short while, not permanent. Eternal: something that will last forever.) Show the objects, pictures, or wordstrips that represent things of temporary and eternal value. Have the children decide which wordstrip each item belongs under. Briefly discuss each item and why it gives either lasting satisfaction or temporary pleasure.
If you had to choose between going on a picnic and being baptized, which would you choose? Which would give temporary pleasure? Which would make eternal happiness possible?
Explain that some choices we make have either immediate or eternal results. The choices we make show what our values are, or what is most important to us.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 24–27” Esau chose to trade something of great value, his birthright, for something of lesser value, some bread and a bowl of soup. As you read these verses, ponder how you can help the children prioritize things that are eternally important.
Read together the story of Jacob and Esau in Genesis 25:21–34. As you read, invite each child to choose something to draw from the story. Then invite them to use their pictures to tell the story in their own words. If they need help understanding what a birthright is, encourage them to read “Birthright” in the Bible Dictionary or Guide to the Scriptures (ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Invite the children to imagine that Esau asked for our advice about whether he should trade his birthright for the pottage; what would we say to him?
Tell about a time when you had to sacrifice something good for something else of greater value. Or show the video “Continue in Patience” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org). How does your story or the story in the video relate to the choice Esau made in Genesis 25:29–34? Help the children think of blessings Heavenly Father wants to give them (such as a stronger testimony, temple blessings, or eternal life with Him). Encourage them to think of things they would be willing to sacrifice in order to receive these valuable blessings.
“Lesson 33: Genesis 25–27,” Old Testament Seminary Student Material Isaac received more than Abraham’s other children because of Isaac’s birthright. A son who held the birthright not only inherited his father’s lands and possessions, but he also took his father’s position as the spiritual leader of the family and received the “authority to preside” (see Bible Dictionary, “Birthright”). The birthright son was then responsible to provide for the family’s needs. The birthright was often passed from a father to his eldest son. However, righteousness was more important than being the firstborn son. The birthright Isaac received from Abraham also included all the blessings and responsibilities of the Abrahamic covenant.
Friend June 2021 “A Day at the Beach” Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ made a beautiful world for us to enjoy. When we look around, we can remember how much They love us!
Friend February 2019 “What’s in the Box” Ava was excited to see what was in the shiny wrapped box that her Primary teacher had brought. She was even more curious when her teacher said, “Inside this box is one of Heavenly Father’s greatest creations.” When it was her turn to look inside the box, she lifted the lid and found a mirrror. She saw her own face looking back. She realized that she was one of God’s greatest creations and he loved her. She felt warm and happy inside.
Friend November 2022 “Just the Right Size” Kids at school tease Trina because she is so small. Josie, from her Primary class, was kind and made her feel better. Then on Sunday her class decorated a board with hearts that said things they love about her, like her smile and her big heart. Then her teacher told her, “Heavenly Father loves each one of us. Short. Tall. Big. Small. That doesn’t matter to Him. We are all His children, and He loves every single one.”
Friend March 2018 “Heavenly Father Listens” Elder Clayton felt the love of God as a teen when he prayed about some worries. Heavenly Father loves us and is interested in our lives just like a parent would be. (Activity page included: Find the hearts in the room of the girl who is praying.)
Friend February 2017 “Explorer Everett” Everett knows Heavenly Father loves him because He answers Everett’s prayers. Activity: Find the things in the picture that show Heavenly Father and Jesus’s love.
Friend January 2019 “Something Special to Share” Diego wants to take something special to share for Show and Tell. He decides to take a picture of Jesus and tell them that Jesus loves everyone.
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Friend April 2022 “Somebody Loves You” When Sister Susan H. Porter, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency, was on her way to a new job, she started worrying that she wasn’t good enough. Then she had a clear feeling to try her best and remember that even if it doesn’t go well, there’s somebody who loves her.
Friend August 2022 “The 15-Minute Miracle” Sasha and her mom were on vacation and found out they needed to catch a bus quickly to make it to a place they had tickets for. Sasha said a prayer and little miracles happened on their way to the bus. Her mom said, “Sometimes we have little miracles that remind us how much Heavenly Father loves us.”
Doctrine and Covenants Section 19 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, at Manchester, New York, likely in the summer of 1829. In his history, the Prophet introduces it as “a commandment of God and not of man, to Martin Harris, given by him who is Eternal.”
Desiring to support the Prophet Joseph Smith and the publication of the Book of Mormon, Martin Harris promised to help pay for the printing. When he later realized that this may require him to sell his farm, he asked Joseph for a revelation of guidance from the Lord. In Doctrine and Covenants 19, the Savior recounted how He chose to submit to Heavenly Father’s will and gained the power to overcome all things. The Lord counseled Martin to repent and make the sacrifice required to pay the debt he owed to the printer. Martin was promised peace if he would repent and submit to what the Lord had asked him to do.(Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual)
You can help your children feel reverence and gratitude for the Savior by reading together Doctrine and Covenants 19:16–19 or “Chapter 51: Jesus Suffers in the Garden of Gethsemane,” in New Testament Stories, 129–32, or the corresponding video in Gospel Library. Consider pausing to make sure your children understand and to let them express their feelings.
In verse 16, what are “these things” Jesus suffered for us? (see Mosiah 3:7; Alma 7:11–12). What do we learn from His description of His suffering?
Separate into 2 groups, if you have a small class work together. Have them draw and write the things that Christ suffered on this puzzle piece (Mosiah 3:7) and the next puzzle piece (Alma 7:11–12). Then complete the floor puzzle, while they tell you about their drawings.
How can we show our gratitude for what He did for us?
Help the children look in Hymns or the Children’s Songbook for songs that help them express their feelings about Jesus Christ (see the topic indexes in these books). Invite the children to sing the songs they chose and bear their testimonies.
Show a picture of Jesus Christ suffering in Gethsemane (see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Ask the children to tell you what they know about what is happening in this picture. Summarize in your own words what the Savior said in Doctrine and Covenants 19:18–19 about His suffering. Emphasize that suffering for our sins was the hardest thing anyone has ever done, but because Jesus loved His Father and us, He obeyed God’s will. What difficult things does God ask us to do? How can we find courage to obey Him?
What does it mean that Jesus Christ submitted His will to the Father?
How do you think what Jesus Christ taught about Himself could have helped Martin in his situation? How could it help us?
You might help your children think of simple actions that go along with phrases in Doctrine and Covenants 19:23. Read the verse several times while they do the actions. What are some ways we can learn of Christ and listen to His words?
23 Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me. Read the verse several times while the children do the actions. Help them think of ways we can learn of Christ and listen to His words.
The Book of Mormon translation was now finished. Joseph gave the gold plates back to the angel Moroni. Now it was time to print copies of the book so everyone could read it and learn more about Jesus Christ. (Saints, 1:75–76)
It cost a lot of money to print the Book of Mormon. Martin Harris gave up part of his farm to pay for it. He did this because he knew the Book of Mormon is true. Every copy of the book has the testimony of Martin and the other witnesses for all to read. The witnesses never denied their testimony. (Saints, 1:76–78)
God’s blessings are greater than the treasures of the earth.
You and your children could take turns holding a copy of the Book of Mormon and sharing what you love about it. Briefly talk about Martin Harris’s sacrifice so the Book of Mormon could be printed (see Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 33). What did the Lord say to Martin in Doctrine and Covenants 19:38 that might have helped him be faithful and obedient? Help your children think of something they can sacrifice to obey God or help in His work.
Friend January 2017 “The Next Level” Max takes a week off from playing games and he learns new things, spends time with his family, serves, and feels the Spirit.
When the translation of the gold plates was almost finished, Joseph Smith began looking for someone to publish the translation as a book. He talked to a printer in Palmyra, Egbert B. Grandin, and asked him to give an estimate of the cost of printing the book. Grandin did not want to print the “golden Bible,” as he called it, because he knew that people were against the book, and he was afraid he would not be paid. Joseph went to Rochester, New York, to see if he could find someone else to do it. One printer refused to print the book because he did not believe Joseph’s account of where he got it; another agreed to print it, but his price was very high. Finally Joseph returned to Palmyra and convinced Grandin to print the book. Grandin agreed only after Martin Harris pledged his farm to guarantee the printing costs.
People in Palmyra who opposed the Book of Mormon held a meeting and resolved not to buy the book when it was published. Grandin again became worried that he would not be paid. Martin Harris was afraid he would lose his farm, and he wondered what he should do. Joseph Smith inquired of the Lord, and the Lord told Martin not to “covet” his own property but to “impart it freely” to cover the costs of printing the Book of Mormon (see D&C 19:26). Martin Harris eventually sold 151 acres of his farm to pay Grandin for publishing the Book of Mormon.
Martin and Lucy Harris had one of the finest farms in Palmyra, New York. It had taken them years to acquire, had enabled them to raise a family, and had given them good standing in the community. But in 1829 it became clear that the Book of Mormon could be published only if Martin mortgaged his farm to pay the printer. Martin had a testimony of the Book of Mormon, but Lucy did not. If Martin went forward with the mortgage and the Book of Mormon did not sell well, he would lose his farm and jeopardize his marriage. At some time or another, we all face questions similar to those that Martin may have been facing: What is the gospel of Jesus Christ worth to me? What am I willing to sacrifice to help build God’s kingdom? It may help us to remember that no one has ever paid a higher price to bless God’s children than Jesus Christ, “the greatest of all” (Doctrine and Covenants 19:18).
Martin made the decision to mortgage his farm. His sacrifice paid for the printing of the first 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon. And now, more than 190 million copies later, millions of souls around the world have been blessed.
For more information about the publication of the Book of Mormon, see Saints, 1:76–84.