Experiences of children under age five living the gospel (“Hi, Friends” and “For Little Friends”)
(See links for photos, names, and ages)
- Prayer, Fear: I pray when I am scared because I know Heavenly Father will help me. James T., age 4, North Carolina, USA
- Service, Family: I help cheer up my baby brother when he is sad and my mom is busy. Penny S., age 5, Alberta, Canada
- Prayer: I pray for people who are sick. Charlotte P., age 4, Macau, China
- Sharing, Following Jesus: I follow Jesus by sharing toys. Boyd L., age 3, Sorsogon, Philippines
- Service: I help bring my elderly neighbor’s empty trash can in from the street. Kyle E., age 5, Utah, USA
Friend May 2024 “For Little Friends”
- Family Service: I serve my family by drying dishes. Patrick M., age 3,
- Music, Following Jesus: I love to follow Jesus by singing Primary songs! Nicci M., age 3,
Friend March 2024 “For Little Friends”
- Easter, Resurrection: We have a special Easter egg for Jesus. His egg is empty because He is resurrected.
- Family: My little brother cried because he missed our mom. I comforted him and helped him be calm.
Friend January 2024 “For Little Friends” “I felt scared to try a new food, so I said a prayer. I know Heavenly Father helped me be brave to try it.” Olivia C., age 4, Tennessee, USA
Friend November 2023 “For Little Friends”
- Articles of Faith: I learned the first six Articles of Faith. Maia S., age 5, Málaga, Spain
- Following Jesus: I follow Jesus when I help and pray for other people. Erick A., age 5, Nuevo León, Mexico
Friend October 2023 “For Little Friends”
- I love my brother and sister. I get water for them when they are thirsty. Charles A., age 5, Central Region, Ghana
Friend September 2023 “For Little Friends”
- Family prayer: I help my family remember to say prayers.
Friend July 2023 “For Little Friends”
- Kindness: A girl was crying on the first day of school because she missed her mom. I held her hand, and she stopped crying.
Friend June 2023 “For Little Friends”
- Modesty: I dress modestly to show respect to Heavenly Father and myself.
- Service: I feel good when I help others!
Friend May 2023 “For Little Friends”
- Service: I helped clean an orphanage. I feel happy when I serve! Richard E., age 4, Guárico, Venezuela
- Family Service: I help my family by playing with my little brother, Pablo. Luciana M., age 3, Michoacán, Mexico
- Temples: I like to build temples! Me and my papa look at the photos of the Salt Lake Temple renovation. Jack B., age 3
- Family, Kindness: I help my sister learn new words. Ruth G., age 4
Friend January 2017 February 2018, April 2018,
June 2018 (Sharing at playground, Helping with housework)
August 2018 (Family service and kindness)
October 2018 (likes the scriptures, helped with a blood drive, draws rainbows for mom when she’s sad).
March 2019 (donated toys to refugees, loves Jesus, likes being reverent)
May 2019 (Likes going to temple, helps mom, takes brownies to lonely or sick, picks up litter)
July 2019 (showing love and helping))
September 2019. (being kind like Jesus, family sealed in temple, obedience, learning from scripture stories, helping mom)
November 2019 (being kind to those who are feeling sad, being brave and giving a Primary talk, serving neighbor by pulling weeds)
February 2020 Helps dad by handing tools to him while fixing truck, says his prayers, paint temples on rocks and hides them in the park for people to find.
April 2020 Smiles at people to see if she can get them to smile back, likes to help bake cookies for neighbors, shares toys.
June 2020 Chooses right by helping mom, likes Book of Mormon story when Nephi tells his brothers to be nice and repent, likes reading about Jesus in Book of Mormon
- Tithing : I paid my tithing for the first time!
- Love: I show love to others by giving hugs and kisses.
- Friend Magazine: As friends, we read the entire Friend Junior together!
- Fathers: We have daddy-daughter dates. I love my daddy!
- Kindness, Service: I give people hugs when they are sad to cheer them up!
- Kindness, Caring: I like to wear my mask because it protects people from the sickness.
- Goals: I made goals to pray, share toys, eat healthy, and read. Gray, age 5, Rizal, Philippines
- Family, Following Jesus: I like to help my little brother! I love following Jesus. Tory, age 4, Wyoming, USA
- Family History, Service: I help my mom index family history names. My job is to find the letters and numbers on the keyboard! TK C., age 5, Wyoming, USA
- Family, Service: I like to teach my sister, Franky, about numbers and letters.
- Conference: I made a conference collage! Every time there was a new speaker, I put up a picture.
- Service, Kindness: I like to give cards to people!
- Family: I like to sing to my sister to keep her from crying.
- Sharing: I like to share with my family because sharing is caring!
- Family, Helping: We like to help our mommy and daddy in the garden!
- Strengthening Family: I help my family remember to pray and read the Book of Mormon.
- Prayer: Rock art
February 2022
- Obedience, Following Jesus: I follow Jesus by being obedient. I go to bed when my mom tells me it’s time.
- Jesus: I like to learn about Jesus and feel His love.
- Family: I like to help my older brother.
- Temple, Families are Forever: I wore a white tie like my daddy when my family was sealed in the temple!
- Family, Service: I helped my little sisters stay clean during COVID. I also help clean the street outside our home.
- Following Jesus
- Pioneers: I love the pioneers. They were hard workers. Their faith in Jesus Christ was big.
- Holy Ghost, Friend Magazine: We read one story from the Friend every day! It helps bring the Spirit into our home.
- Words: I say polite words because I think Jesus would like me to.
- Temple, Family Sealing: It was a great day when we were sealed to our parents in the temple!
- Kindness, Sportsmanship: A boy on the other team fell at my soccer game. I helped him up and felt good inside.
Friend November 2022 “Hi Friends”
- Conference: We cut out pictures of Jesus to make collages when we watched conference.
- Prayer: I prayed to find my ball. After my prayer, I found it!
- Conference: We cut out pictures of Jesus to make collages when we watched conference.
- Prayer: I prayed to find my ball. After my prayer, I found it!
Experiences of children over age five living the gospel (See photos at the links)
Friend February 2025 “Following Jesus Together”
I made a temple night light to make me feel comforted and to help me choose the right. Riley J., age 10, Utah, USA
- Holy Ghost, Service: My mom needed help with an errand. I felt the Holy Ghost prompting me, and I helped her. Phyllis O., age 12, Central Region, Ghana
- Love of God, Scriptures: Heavenly Father guides us when we read the Book of Mormon. I know He loves us because He gives us things to learn and books to read to give us knowledge. Filipe U., age 9, Tailevu Province, Fiji
- Prayer, Holy Ghost: I had a question during an exam that I didn’t know how to answer. I said a prayer in my head, and Heavenly Father helped me understand the question. Gabriel W., age 11, Luxembourg, Belgium
- Kindness, Following Jesus: I saw a girl at the playground who looked sad. I asked her if she wanted to play with me. It made her happy, and it made me happy to do what Jesus would do. Daisy M., age 8, Florida, USA
Friend January 2025 “Following Jesus Together”
- Talents, Music: My goal is to share my talents. I sing along while my brother plays the piano. I want to help others feel the Savior’s love through music. Elena A., age 9, Puerto Rico
- Church Attendance, Choices: I enjoy attending church on Sundays and learning about the gospel. Attending church strengthens my spiritual foundation and helps me make difficult decisions. Daniel C., age 8, Hawaii, USA
- Music: I led the music for our Primary program in church! I love singing the hymns. It inspired me to start learning to play the piano from a senior missionary. I can play some of the songs from the hymnbook. Gabriella G., age 10, Harare, Zimbabwe
Friend December 2024 “Following Jesus Together”
- Christmas, Light the World, Friends, Gratitude: I saw an idea from #LighttheWorld to write a letter to a friend and tell them why I was thankful for them. I wrote it to my friend who goes to another church. When I gave him the letter, he smiled and I felt happy. Luis R., age 10, San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Prayer, Love of God: I feel Heavenly Father and Jesus’s love for me when I pray. Caston N., age 9, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe
- Family: My grandfather has been sick. I visited him when he was in the hospital so he wouldn’t feel sad and alone. Keanu M., age 8, Tahiti, French Polynesia
- Christmas, Around the World: We make presents for our family out of wood, paper, and glue for Christmas. We read a story every night for our Advent calendar and go sand sledding on the big sand dunes near where we live! Washington, Liberty, Maren, and William R., ages 6, 9, 10, and 3, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
- Christmas Around the World: Christmas is a special time for my family. We eat asado (Argentinian barbeque) together. We feel more united because we spend time with our grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Sofia N., age 8, Río Negro Province, Argentina
- Christmas, Service, Kindness: I received a toy grill one year for Christmas. The next Christmas I heard about a boy who didn’t have any toys. It was hard for me, but I gave him my toy grill. Jackson B., age 7, Florida, USA
Friend October 2024 “Following Jesus Together”
- Stand for the Right, Bullying, Kindness, Love of God: Some of my friends teased a classmate because he has medical problems. I told them the Savior loves everyone. Now my classmate feels loved. Gift A., age 12, Cross River State, Nigeria
- Missionary: On the bus, I have been teaching my friend about Jesus and how to pray. I wrote my testimony inside the Book of Mormon and gave it to her. Zoey R., age 7, Minnesota, USA
- Service, Family: I follow Jesus by helping my granddad in the garden and picking up leaves. When I follow Jesus, I feel happy. Jude L., age 10, Antrim, Northern Ireland
- Scriptures, Prophets: The Lord commanded prophets to write things down to help us in our lives. I know the scriptures are the true word of God. Tevita U., age 11, Tailevu Province, Fiji
- Primary-Activity Days: I learned to make pasta with my nana for an activity day goal. She taught me how to make the dough and flatten it into noodles. It taught me I can learn new things. It tasted really good! James N., age 7, Colorado, USA
Friend September 2024 “Following Jesus Together”
- Family: I play with my younger brothers and help them get dressed while my mom gets ready for church. I feel the Lord’s love for me when I help my family. Spencer F., age 8, South Carolina, USA
- Service: I sweep the floor and set the table before meals to help my mom. I help my classmates with their homework and help my teachers move books at school. Kayser I., age 7, Macau, China
- Fear, Following Jesus: I was nervous to go to Primary after my family moved to a new country. I prayed so I would feel welcome. We learned at family scripture study how Jesus loved and served everyone. Little by little, I am choosing to become more like Jesus and am thankful for my new friends at Primary. Jenika K., age 10, Mashonaland, Zimbabwe
- Music: My mother turned on hymns for me to listen to. It made me feel good, and I felt like Jesus was near me. Laura O., age 6, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Friend August 2024 “Following Jesus Together”
Primary Activity: Primary children in Utah, USA, brought cardboard cars made at home for a Primary activity. They sat in their cars and watched Church videos together.

- Adversity: I am dyslexic, which means it’s hard for me to learn some things at school like reading and writing. I have a tutor who helps me. I pray to Heavenly Father for help and comfort when it is hard for me. Collins M., age 7, Arizona, USA
- Temples, Families Forever: My family is in the process of adopting my little brother. We will go the temple to be sealed as a family for all eternity once his paperwork is finished. I’m grateful for the temple because it means he will be my brother forever! Corinne B., age 7, California, USA
Friend August 2024 “Friends by Mail”
- Friend Magazine: We cut out pictures from the Friend while we listen to uplifting music. We talk about the pictures each night before bed to learn more about the gospel. Zoe and Abby Z., ages 5 and 7, Oregon, USA
Friend July 2024 “Following Jesus Together” See also art at link
- Book of Mormon: We have many books in our home, but the book we read most is the Book of Mormon. I learned from my dad that every time you read the Book of Mormon, you will learn new things. Louie C., age 10, Taoyuan District, Taiwan
- Prayer: I couldn’t find my shoes and said a prayer for help. I thought an answer would come right away, but it didn’t. I was frustrated, so I picked up a shirt on the floor and threw it. Under my shirt were my shoes! My prayer wasn’t answered the way I expected, but I knew my prayer was heard. Cosette K., age 10, Queensland, Australia
- Service: I planted flowers for a sister in my neighborhood and fed her kitten. I felt happy to serve just like Jesus did. Matías V., age 8, Santiag Metropolitan Region, Chile
Friend June 2024 “Following Jesus Together”
- Prayer, Testimony, Baptism: I love to pray. Praying makes me feel safe. Before I was baptized, I prayed to know if Jesus is real, and my answer was YES! My answer helped me know getting baptized was the right choice. Hayden B., age 8, Washington, USA
- Music: I love to sing with the stake choir. When I’m singing with them, I feel like I’m teaching the gospel through music. Damaris G., age 10, Jalisco, Mexico
- Testimony: I love to share my testimony and was asked to share it in stake conference. I know Jesus Christ loves me! Ezra C., age 8, Wyoming, USA
- Testimony: I wanted to know if I had a testimony. My mom asked me if I believed in Jesus, if I believed Joseph Smith was a prophet, and if I believed the Church is true. I said yes! My mom said that meant I had a testimony. I’m so grateful I have a testimony of my own. Matthew G., age 8, Missouri, USA
- Charity, Love, Service: I learned about charity from my mom. Charity means we love one another. I have charity when I help my classmates. Sophie C., age 8, Taoyuan District, Taiwan
Friend April 2024 “Following Jesus Together”
- Service: I served at the food bank with my family. I washed eggs, threw the cracked eggs away, and sorted frozen meat. I know Jesus teaches us to serve others. Saylor B., age 9, Oklahoma, USA
- Family Service, Sabbath: I follow Jesus by helping my little sister get dressed on Sunday mornings. Malea R., age 9, with Estelle R., age 3, Lucerne, Switzerland
- Testimony: My favorite part of church is when I bear my testimony because I feel like I am getting closer to Heavenly Father. Max S., age 7, Cautín Province, Chile
- Prayer: I couldn’t find my eraser to correct my homework. I prayed to Heavenly Father for help, and soon I found it in my English class bag. Terry X., age 9, New Taipei City, Taiwan
- Holy Ghost, Anger, Prayer: I get mad sometimes. I take deep breaths and say prayers to help me feel good inside. I know the Holy Ghost is that good feeling. Gwen S., age 7, New York, USA
Friend March 2024 “Following Jesus Together”
- Easter, Resurrection: We love to color eggs and do an Easter egg hunt. There is always one plastic egg that is empty. It reminds us of the empty tomb after Jesus was resurrected! Eli W., age 6, California, USA
- Easter, Resurrection: On Easter morning, we go to church and come back home to learn more about our Savior. We have 12 Easter eggs that represent things He did. The last egg is always empty because it represents that Jesus is risen! Scarlet A., age 10, New Mexico, USA
- Talents: I have been playing the piano since I was five, and I practice a lot. I feel happy when I play the piano. I really like playing for my friends at their baptisms. Julián G., age 7, Maule, Chile
- Baptism: I learned the Articles of Faith to prepare for my baptism. My parents helped me learn about the covenants I would make at my baptism. Logan M., age 9, Coahuila, Mexico
- Friendship: My family moves a lot. I’ve learned how to make new friends in new places. I ask people if I can sit by them at lunch. I make friends when I ask questions and talk to others. Annie W., age 11, Capital Governorate, Bahrain
Friend February 2024 “Following Jesus Together”
- Service, Disabilities: I help my elderly neighbor who has a disability. When I see her bringing in bags of groceries, I help her carry them. Bryan H., age 9, San José, Costa Rica
- Sportsmanship, Adversity: I’m not very good at sports and don’t like competitive games. I’ve been trying to have a good attitude when I lose. Adelaide S., age 9, Georgia, USA
- Prayer, Fear: I was nervous to perform a dance with my homeschool friends. I prayed for help to be brave. We went on stage and performed the dance. I know Heavenly Father gave me courage and helped me. Thoreau R., age 6, Nebraska, USA
- Music: I feel Jesus’s love for me when I sing my favorite hymn. I try to follow in His footsteps by loving and helping others. Sophia A., age 7, Rondônia, Brazil]
- Family, Following Jesus: I’m trying to be like Jesus by playing with my brother. Garrett N., age 8, California, USA
Friend February 2024 “Friends by Mail”
- Family, Friend Magazine: Sometimes I read the Friend to my little brother before bed. It helps us feel peace so we can go to sleep easier. Stran B., age 11, with Stu B., age 9, Oregon, USA
Friend January 2024 “Following Jesus Together”
- Testimony: I love to share my testimony in church on fast Sunday. It makes me feel good inside. I know it helps my testimony grow. Ruby B., age 10, Massachusetts, USA
- Service: My friends and I like to bake treats and give them to our neighbors. We leave a little note to cheer them up. Then we ring the doorbell and run away fast! Alexis M., age 10, Maryland, USA
- Family Service: My brother fell off the swing and started to cry. I helped him get up. We went to buy ice pops and sat on a bench to eat them together. I feel happy when I help others. Ethan M., age 8, Coahuila, Mexico
- Sabbath: I was invited to a pool party on Sunday, but I chose not to go. I felt good because I was keeping the Sabbath day holy. Dez Z., age 11, Texas, USA
- Prayer: I hit my head and hurt my eye. I asked my sister to say a prayer for me and felt calm after the prayer. I know prayer is a gift from Heavenly Father. Lydie O., age 6, Fort-de-France, Martinique
- Creation: My family likes to visit special places God created near our home! Flor R., age 9, Mendoza, Argentina
Friend January 2024 “I Can Read the Scriptures”
Scriptures: When I go to church, I try to find a quiet room to read my scriptures. I feel happy inside when I read the scriptures. My favorite scripture story is when Jesus was born because I feel the Holy Ghost the most when I read it. Jack W., age 10, Bratislava, Slovakia
Friend October 2023 “Following Jesus Together”
- Remembering Jesus, Temples: Primary children in Cakaudrove, Fiji, put pictures of the Savior and the temple in their home.
- Scriptures: I like to sit by my sister and look at the Book of Mormon storybook while she is reading her Book of Mormon. I pray to ask Heavenly Father to help me learn, and I thank Him for His help.
- Prayer: I forgot my lunch for school. I calmed myself down and prayed for help to make it through the day. It helped me have a good rest of my day.
- Primary: My first day going to senior Primary was a little scary at first, but I had a lot of fun! My class sat on the front row. I can’t wait to go to senior Primary again!
- Service, Happiness: I feel happy when I help others!
- Scriptures: I like to read the scriptures and underline them.
- Service: I help my mom do chores like gathering the laundry. I try to do my best to serve others like Jesus.
Friend September 2023 “Following Jesus Together”
- Fellowshipping, blessings from serving: I am shy around new people. I knew there would be a new girl at a Primary activity. I said hi to her, and we talked for a while. The other girls also helped include her. It was so much fun! Our leaders were proud of us for helping her feel welcome, and it made me feel good.
- Temple: I attended the Washington D.C. Temple open house. The temple was so beautiful! I met with my bishop to get a recommend so I could attend the rededication. It was very special and holy.
- Service, Following Jesus: I helped my friend who uses a wheelchair move around the schoolyard. I felt that I helped like Jesus would because He always served others.
- Prayer: I forgot to study for a religion test at school. I was nervous and felt I should say a prayer. When I read the first and second questions, they were about a topic I learned at Primary! I know Heavenly Father answers our prayers and listens to us.
- Adversity: I have had many surgeries because I was born with hemifacial microsomia. It means half of my face is smaller than the other. I have learned from my challenges that Heavenly Father will always help me.
Friend August 2023 “Following Jesus Together”
- Baptism, Following Jesus: I chose to walk a new path and follow Jesus Christ when I was baptized. My baptism was simple but rich in emotions, and I felt new. I want to serve a full-time mission.
- Following Jesus, Kindness, Family: I try to follow Jesus since I was baptized by being kind to my baby sister. I help by pushing her stroller. I feel happy when I am kind, and I know it makes Jesus happy too.
- Service, Following Jesus: On Christmas Day my father and I delivered food to people without homes. It was fun! Following Jesus makes me feel happy.
- Following Jesus: I follow Jesus by reading my scriptures and following His commandments.
- Following Jesus: I follow Jesus by loving my family and being a little helper to my mom.
- Holy Ghost: Whenever I pray, read the scriptures, or do something good, I feel happy. It feels like a hug by someone I love. I know it’s the Holy Ghost.
- Holy Ghost: I feel the Holy Ghost when I am going through hard times. It helps me feel better.
- Holy Ghost: I feel the Holy Ghost when I calm my mind and choose the right. When I am listening to my mom and dad, I can feel the Holy Ghost close.
- Holy Ghost: The Holy Ghost feels warm and strengthening. The Holy Ghost is there for you when you need it, which makes it so special.
- Holy Ghost: The Holy Ghost makes me feel happy, glad, and strong.
- Baptism: When I was baptized, I felt cold because of the water. Then when I was done, I felt warm and clean. By being baptized I took a giant step toward Christ and our Heavenly Father.
Friend June 2023 “Following Jesus Together”
- Prayer: My favorite stuffed animal was missing. I looked for it and prayed for help. After a week, my brother found it. I remembered a Primary lesson about how God answers prayers. It can take a day, a week, or even 10 years, but He still answers our prayers.
- Pioneers: My family and I went to the Nauvoo Illinois Temple. I thought of the pioneers who worked hard to build the temple and my ancestors who were forced to leave Nauvoo and cross the frozen Mississippi River. I’m not old enough to go inside the temple, but I feel close to my ancestors and the Holy Ghost whenever I am near it.
- Disabilities, Family: I love being a big sister to Macy, who has Down syndrome. I like to push her on the swings at the park and help her climb the stairs to go down the slide!
Friend June 2023 “Following Jesus Together”
- Forgiveness: I forgave my friend for being mean to me and felt peace. I knew Jesus was pleased with my choice.
- Service: I made muffins for a family when they were in quarantine. I felt happy to help others!
- Kindness to Animals: I love taking care of my pets with my brother. Our guinea pigs like to be outside, and I pet them while they eat the grass in our backyard.
- Missionary: I invited my friends and neighbors to my Primary program. It was nice to sing for them. I love Jesus and telling others about Him!
- Fear: Sometimes at night I’m scared even when my service dog is lying next to me. When I think about Jesus and pray, I feel better.
- Service: My ward gathered items for refugees. I gave my stuffed animals and felt the Holy Ghost. I’m glad I could help!
- Scriptures: When I listen to the scriptures, I feel the Holy Ghost. I know Jesus loves us.
Friend April 2023 “Following Jesus Together”
- Adversity: I got a pet salamander just before my 11th birthday. I was super excited. Sadly, it died six months later. This was very hard for me, but remembering Jesus and why we have trials gave me comfort.
- Service: I went with my grandma to give some bread to a lady who was sick. It made me happy to serve.
- Testimony, Music: At school I was humming a song about Jesus. A friend heard me and said she listens to the same song. I can share my testimony of Jesus through music.
- Easter: Art
Friend March 2023 “Following Jesus Together”
- Family: I’m trying to be kind and play with my little sister, and it’s been fun! I know being nice and showing love makes me, my family, and Heavenly Father happy.
- Baptism: I felt very calm and happy when I was baptized.
- Creation, Love of God: We visited the tulip fields near where we live. I felt my Savior’s love when I saw the bright, happy colors in the sunshine. I’m glad I live in this beautiful world!
- Fear, Prayer, Holy Ghost: I was scared to take swim lessons. I said a prayer to help me be brave enough to learn to swim. The Holy Ghost is the best!
- Service, Kindness, Disabilities: I have a classmate who is deaf. I sign words for her to help her in class. I feel warm inside when I help!
- Nephi: I built Nephi’s boat out of craft sticks. I’m thankful for Nephi’s example.
- Service: I pray often and try my best to help, even if it’s in a small way.
Friend February 2023 “Following Jesus Together”
- Temple: I can’t go in the temple yet, but I still feel close to my ancestors and the Holy Ghost whenever I am near the temple.
- Service: I play the piano for my great-grandpa!
- Scriptures, Book of Mormon, Adversity: When I feel lonely and afraid, I pray and read the Book of Mormon. It makes me feel closer to Heavenly Father. I know He will always be with me.
- Service: I helped my grandma fill out her tithing form. I felt good I could help her.
- Choosing the Right: There are kids on my bus who try to make me do bad things. But I choose to follow God and not do them, which makes me happy.
- Prayer: I was on a hike with my family and began to feel sick. I prayed to Heavenly Father for help and was able to finish the hike!
Friend January 2023 “Following Jesus Together”
- Kindness, Following Jesus: I help my friend at school with math. I try to follow the Savior by helping others.
- Baptism: I prepared for my baptism by listening to the scriptures, reading the Friend, and praying. When I was baptized, I felt happier than I ever had before.
- Family Home Evening: I like to teach the lesson for home evening.
- Priesthood Blessing, Adversity: I got sick on a trip. My family prayed for me, I took some medicine, and my dad gave me a priesthood blessing. All of this helped me feel better!
- Kindness: I’m nice to my friends and brother because it makes them happy, and it makes me happy too!
Friend December 2022 “Following Jesus Together”
- Christmas: I made scones in my cooking class at school. I delivered them with my brother and mum to our elderly neighbors for #LightTheWorld.
- Christmas: Christmas makes me happy because I think about Jesus and Heavenly Father. I like to draw pictures and give them to my family for Christmas.
- Service: I helped with a food drive in our city. I dropped off donation bags and later collected the bags when they were filled with food. Helping people makes me happy!
Friend October 2022 “Following Jesus Together”
- Talents, Adversity: I had more time during COVID-19 because school was closed. I decided to learn all the songs in the Children’s Songbook and the hymnbook. Now I can play any song, any time!
- Baptism: My baptism was extra special to me because I was baptized in the same dress my sisters, mom, and aunts were baptized in.
- Family: A boy pushed my little brother at school, so I helped my brother feel better. I look out for him and play with him at school.
- Animals: Heavenly Father wants us to take care of animals. I have a pet tortoise who is a picky eater. I feed her no matter how hard it is.
- Kindness: I gave one of my awards to a friend who was sad because she didn’t have an award.
- Music: My favorite part of Primary is singing together. The songs bring the Spirit, and I feel Jesus’s love.
Friend September 2022 “For Older Kids”
Stand for the Right, Bullying: My friends were making fun of a younger kid at school. I told them to stop making fun of her.
Friend September 2022 “Following Jesus Together”
- Holy Ghost, Prayer: I studied for a math test and prayed I would do well. I forgot how to solve one problem. So I said a prayer for help. A few minutes later, I saw in my mind how to solve it. I said a silent prayer thanking Heavenly Father for help.
- Fasting: I fasted for the first time! I felt the Holy Ghost.
- Prayer: There was a tornado where I live. I prayed that it wouldn’t hit our house. In the morning, we saw branches everywhere! People from our ward came and helped clean up. I thanked Heavenly Father for helping us be safe.
- Priesthood Blessing: I got sick on a trip and received a blessing. I had faith I would be healed and was able to enjoy the rest of the trip with my family.
- Love of God: I have been frustrated with school and the pandemic, but Heavenly Father has helped me be calm. I know Heavenly Father and Jesus love me.
Friend August 2022 “Following Jesus Together”
- Book of Mormon, Testimony: I finished reading the Book of Mormon and prayed to know if it was true. After my prayer, I felt happy and knew it was true.
- Missionary: I miss my brother who is serving a mission. I talk to him every week and love to hear how he is teaching people about Jesus Christ.
- Baptism: I was sad my brother couldn’t come to my baptism because the government rules for COVID-19 allowed only four people to gather. But I’m glad I made my baptism covenant with Heavenly Father. I know God will lead me every day and send the Holy Ghost to help me.
- Priesthood Blessing, Holy Ghost: Before each school year begins, my dad gives us a blessing to help us feel comforted and confident. I feel the warmth of the Holy Ghost whenever my dad puts his hands on my head for a blessing. I know the Holy Ghost will comfort me during hard times.
- Prayer, Faith: If I lose something, I pray with faith and search to find it.
- Samuel the Lamanite: Made with legos
Friend July 2022 “Following Jesus Together”
- Book of Mormon, Baptism Prep, Scriptures: I started reading the Book of Mormon when I turned seven to prepare for my baptism. I finished it on my eighth birthday! There were difficult words but many interesting stories.
- Book of Mormon, Scriptures: I always read the Book of Mormon. My favorite part is the story of Nephi. Jared C., age 6, Sololá, Guatemala
- Temple: We went to the temple grounds. It made me excited to do temple baptisms when I’m old enough. I felt happy when I was there. The temple is so beautiful.
- Prayer, Scriptures: When I pray and read the scriptures each day, I feel close to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
- Sabbath Day: Some of my baseball games are on Sunday. I’m sad I can’t go to all of them but happy I can go to church. I always want to be at the right place on the Sabbath day.
- Tithing: My mom said I could get a reptile if I earned the money. It took a while because I paid tithing. When a reptile cage went on sale, I had enough money to buy it! The next day I got my chameleon for my birthday. This helped me get my testimony of tithing.
Friend June 2022 “For Older Kids”
- Adversity: When I have problems, I pray to Heavenly Father to help me. I play good music, and it helps me feel better. I know Heavenly Father answers my prayers and that He will help us. It’s going to be OK.
Friend June 2022 “Following Jesus Together”
- Temple Prep: I was excited to hear that a temple will be built in my country! I am preparing now to go to the temple by praying daily, studying the scriptures, and doing family history.
- Scriptures, Example: I like to read about Nephi in the Book of Mormon. I admire how obedient he is.
- Kindness, Service, Happiness: I look for friends at school who need someone to play with. It makes me happy to serve by helping others feel loved.
- Missionary, Stand as a Witness: At school we were asked to learn about a religion and teach the class about it. I was excited to choose The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! I talked about the Book of Mormon and how Jesus Christ loves us. It was difficult to do, but I loved telling people about our church.
- Prayer, Fear: I love horses but was scared to ride one. I prayed for help and felt comforted and safe. I was thankful to Heavenly Father for answering my prayer.
- Jesus, Faith: When I think of Jesus, I feel safe and happy.
- Temple, Goals: I built a model of the Salt Lake Temple for one of my Children and Youth goals.
Friend June 2022 “Friends by Mail”
- Work, Effort: It took time and effort for Joseph Smith to set up Jesus Christ’s Church. It took time and effort for me to build this church from the Come, Follow Me ideas (March 2021). President Nelson taught that the Lord loves effort!
Friend April 2022 “Following Jesus Together “
- Missionary: I was reading the Book of Mormon at school. My teacher asked me about it. I said it was about Jesus Christ, and I invited her to church. This was my first missionary experience inviting someone to church. I felt so happy inside!
- Resurrection: My brother died in a car accident. It was the hardest day of my life. I know I will see my brother again because of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Friend April 2022 “Friends by Mail”
Temple: Even though I can’t go inside the temple yet, I can still feel peace by visiting the temple grounds.
Friend March 2022 “Following Jesus Together”
- Testimony: I shared my testimony for the first time! I was shaking, so I thought of Jesus and didn’t feel as scared.
- Sabbath Holy: My friend invited me to play on Sunday. I thought of a nice way to explain to her that Sunday is a spiritual day for me to worship God and spend time with my family. I felt warm inside after that.
- Prayer: My bedroom is a calm and peaceful place where I can get answers to my prayers. It makes me happy to know Heavenly Father hears my prayers.
- Temples: My grandma and I play a computer game together and build temples on it. They look amazing!
Friend March 2022 “Friends by Mail”
- Family, Siblings: My favorite part of the Friend is Matt and Mandy. Sometimes one of my brothers helps me read the stories because I have dyslexia. (see photo)
Friend February 2022 “Following Jesus Together”
- Fasting, Prayer: My family and I fasted and prayed together several times for my cousin who was sick. I said my own prayers for her too. I know Heavenly Father heard our prayers.
- Testimony of Book of Mormon, Holy Ghost: I know that the Book of Mormon is true because the Holy Ghost spoke to me. I was excited to tell my mom. She hugged me tightly, and I was very happy.
- Friendship, Kindness: I saw a boy at school who was alone. I invited him to be friends with me, and now we are friends!
- Service: I made knitted bears and gave them as a thank-you to nurses who treated COVID-19 patients. I am grateful to serve my community.
- Adversity: During the pandemic I focused on what I could do instead of what I couldn’t do. It helped me become closer to my family and to Jesus.
Friend January 2022 “For Older Kids”
Good People in Other Religions, Prayer: One time I lost one of my hearing aids at school. We were all panicking. Then one of the teachers said a prayer. She was not a member of our Church. We found my hearing aid on the ground. Her prayer was answered! I am thankful for my teacher.
Friend January 2022 “Following Jesus Together” See link for images.
- Scriptures, Missionary: I read my scriptures every day to learn something new. I look forward to serving a mission!
- Adversity, Prayer: I have anxiety. My mom gave me some ideas that made it shrink, but it didn’t go away. I prayed for help, and my anxiety started to dissolve!
- Service: I decorated a box and filled it with water bottles and hand warmers for the delivery people who visit our apartment building. I try to serve like Jesus!
- Missionary: We were studying about Saskatchewan at school. I was able to share with my classmates and teacher that my sister is serving as a missionary there!
- Family History: We made boats! One was a boat our ancestors sailed in when they immigrated to the United States from Sweden six generations ago.
- Profanity, Prayer: I heard some bad words, which made me feel uncomfortable. Once I was home, I prayed for help to forget the words. Heavenly Father answered my prayer.
- Service: One of my classmates was scared about going to school. I came early every day to wait for him so he wouldn’t be alone. Helping others makes me feel happy because I’m following Jesus.
Friend January 2022 “Jesus Helped People in Need”
My family ministers to Sister Rosa. Sister Rosa is 90, so she can’t go out of her home. I help Dad to load and transport firewood for Rosa. (Ignacio G., age 9, Canelones Department, Uruguay)
Friend December 2021 “For Older Kids”
- Missionary, Service: I helped at a service activity in our neighborhood. My family, friends, neighbors, and the missionaries were there. We shared food and gave copies of the Book of Mormon to people who wanted to hear about the Church. I am growing my love and testimony of my Savior and my Heavenly Father. Valentina C., age 11, Baja California, Mexico
Show and Tell
- Temple: When I think about the temple, I have a good feeling. I look forward to turning 11 and serving in Heavenly Father’s temple.
- Family History, Service: My family tree looks beautiful because it has names and pictures of my grandparents and cousins on it. I have indexed 1,156 names! I believe indexing is a way to bring families together.
- Kindness, Friendship: A new boy moved to our school class in the middle of the year. I volunteered to help him feel welcome. He’s one of my new friends!
- Family History: I was born in Guatemala, and for Día de Muertos, or Day of the Dead, people there make kites to remind them of their family members who have died. I made a kite with pictures of my ancestors and a picture of myself in the middle to remind me of their love.
- Service: I helped deliver wood to a family so they would have heat in their home.
- Service: We helped at the food pantry by loading boxes of food. It reminded us to be grateful for what we have. We felt happy we were able to serve with our ward.
- Book of Mormon, Following the Prophet, Scripture Study: When President Nelson asked us to read the Book of Mormon, I decided to read it with my parents. I felt the Holy Ghost tell me the Book of Mormon is true. I have been reading my scriptures every day and have gained a stronger testimony.
- Reverence, Helping: It was hard to listen and be reverent when we had church at home during the pandemic. I tried to think of how I could help make it feel special and reverent. I got an idea. I took two big boxes and made them into a podium. I felt happy to help make our home church feel special.
- Kindness: When I see someone at school who is alone or having a bad day, I invite them to play with me.
- Scriptures: I am grateful for a living prophet. I enjoy studying the scriptures with my family each week using Come, Follow Me. It helps me understand the teachings of Jesus.
- Scriptures: I was reading the Book of Mormon after I got in trouble. My mom came in and saw me reading and said it was a great idea to help me calm down. I had a warm feeling.
- Priesthood Blessing, Holy Ghost: When I was sick, I felt the Holy Ghost when my dad gave me a priesthood blessing. I am thankful for my mom and dad.
- Prayer: I have a pet iguana, and whenever it runs away I say a prayer to Heavenly Father asking that it will come back.
- Sabbath: My friend asked me to play a video game on Sunday. I really wanted to but said no. I want to keep the Sabbath day holy.
- Service, sacrifice: There was a huge fire nearby. We donated items to people who lost their homes. My mom asked if we should give away our keyboard. I didn’t want to, but I said a prayer to help me decide. After my prayer, I thought about someone who lost their piano and was missing it. I decided to give away our keyboard. It made me feel good to share.
- Satan, Holy Ghost: I woke up from a nap with bad thoughts. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind to tell my mom. To help me get rid of those thoughts, she said to look at good things and to say them out loud. I know that with Heavenly Father’s help, all things are possible!
- Profanity: I was running with my friends for our school gym class. They started to take the Lord’s name in vain, and I asked them not to. They agreed. I’m glad I stood up for what I know is right.
- Baptism: My baptism was delayed during the COVID-19 pandemic. I was anxious because my father is not a member of our Church and could not baptize me. Heavenly Father answered my prayers, and I was baptized outdoors in a lake. Only my family could come, but the Spirit was very strong. I felt special and loved.
- Prayer: I asked my mom if I could ride my scooter. She said I could only ride it around the block. I went a little further and got lost. I felt scared and said a prayer. Afterward, I recognized some places and knew I was near my house. I am grateful Heavenly Father helped me.
- Baptism: I know I was choosing the right and following Jesus Christ’s example by being baptized. I felt happy and warm afterwards. I love my Savior.
- Service, Disabilities: My dad ministers to a man who is blind. I wanted to do something for him. My dad helped me safely poke a special message into cardboard so the man could trace it with his fingers. It read, “Jesus loves you.” I went with my dad to give it to him. The man was surprised and happy when he felt the letters.
- Nephi: We felt like Nephi when we made our bows.
- Temple, Book of Mormon Temple: My school did remote learning for a while because of COVID-19. I made a model of a Nephite temple in between my classes.
- Loving and Remembering Jesus: We love our Savior and always remember Him. (children with pictures of images of Jesus)
- Art work of “I love to see the temple”, second coming , & pioneers (legos of handcart)
Friend June 2021 See photos and art at link.
- Scriptures, Prophet, Obedience: I read the scriptures with my family at night. I like to obey the prophet.
- Service: I did a 5-km (3-mile) walk to raise awareness and money for homeless people. It made me feel good that I could serve!
- Family: I like helping my brother with his homework. I love my brother.
- CTR: Our dad cut a piece of wood into a funny shape. We made it into a CTR shield. It reminds us to choose the right!
- Prayer: Praying to Heavenly Father every night helps me feel closer to Him.
- Sacrament, Example, Family, Adversity: We learned how to make bread for the sacrament when we had home church. My dad and brothers blessed and passed the sacrament. I like having good examples in my family.
Friend March 2021 “For Older Kids”
- Prayer, Anger: I was kind of mad at my parents for not letting me do something. I went to my room and said a prayer, asking Heavenly Father to help me be less mad. I know that when you pray to Heavenly Father in faith, He will answer your prayers.
- Example: When we had church at home, I taught my family about shining like a star. Everyone made a star and wrote on it about how they shine.
- Holy Ghost: I got a feeling at lunch not to play on the bars at recess. I ignored that feeling and played on the bars anyway. I fell off and broke my arm. I know the Holy Ghost will give me quiet warnings.
- Temple, Family Forever: I love to hear the story of when my mom and dad took me to the Denver Colorado Temple to be sealed when I was five months old. It makes me happy to know our family is forever.
- Choice, Honesty: My uncle and I found a lot of cash on the airport sidewalk. We turned it in to the police because that is what Jesus would want us to do.
- Fasting, Prayer: When there were wildfires in Australia, I fasted for the animals in danger. We prayed each night for the firemen so the Lord would protect them. I felt so happy when Mum told me the fires were going away. I know Heavenly Father hears us when we fast and pray.
- Kindness Including Others: I have many friends at school, and we have a lot of fun. One day I saw a girl alone, and I wanted to be her friend. I knew it was the right thing because the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.
- Kindness: I was swimming with my family and noticed a boy who was struggling in the water. I went over and helped him. His older brother told me that I was a star for helping. After, I felt the Holy Ghost.
- Church Around the World: Our Primary class in Greater Accra Region, Ghana, had fun learning about the commandments and holding to the iron rod! (includes picture of kids holding rod)
- Fasting, Gratitude, Adversity: When there were fires in my country, I was eager to fast for rain and for help when our Church leaders asked us to. I wrote messages to the firefighters to tell them thank you. I felt the Holy Ghost.
- Book of Mormon Testimonies
- Service: I made dog toys and cat beds from towels and fleece for the local animal shelter. When I delivered the toys and beds, I got to see the animals who were waiting to be adopted. I felt happy that I helped.
- Christmas: Every year, my family and I make Christmas treats and deliver them. It makes me happy to know that we made someone smile. I am grateful that Jesus was born.
- Adversity: I dove off the diving board at the end of my swimming lesson. I wasn’t focused and bonked my chin. I went to the hospital and was scared I would get stitches. The doctor put some glue on my chin instead. I was grateful that Heavenly Father protected me.
- Fasting, Family (siblings): I decided to fast to not get so annoyed with my brother. At the time, I didn’t know that soon we would be quarantined because of COVID-19. Little by little, Heavenly Father helped me have a better relationship with my brother. I know that if we fast and pray, our prayers will be heard.
- Missionary, Baptism: Last year, we gave invitations to all of our neighbors to come to our Primary program. One of our neighbors came and wants to come again.
- Obedience, Missionary, Book of Mormon: I am reading the Book of Mormon like President Nelson asked us to. I read with my family, on my own at night, and sometimes at school. At school, kids ask me what book I’m reading. I tell them what it is and about the gospel. It makes me feel good that I get to talk about the Church to others who haven’t heard about it.
- Gratitude: I say thank you to my mom each day for making dinner.
- Service, Talents: I learned to sew at the beginning of the pandemic and starting sewing masks to donate to ward members and senior homes. My sisters and I have sewn over 500 masks!
- Family, Kindness: My sister and brother have autism. When I saw my sister at recess with no one to play with, I felt sad. So I played with her. Being compassionate made me feel the warmth of the Holy Ghost. Jesus was compassionate, and I want to be like Jesus.
- Prayer: I lost my brother’s jacket when my family went on a walk. We prayed that Heavenly Father would help us find it. We felt that we should take the same walk again. We found his jacket! This helped me realize that everything in my life is important to Heavenly Father and He is always ready to help me.
- Jesus Parables: We listened to Jesus’s parable of the sower and then planted sunflower seeds. It’s not very hot or sunny where we live, so we were excited when the seeds pushed through the soil. The plants got taller and taller until they bloomed, just like the seeds in Jesus’s story!
- Service: I helped clean up debris from flooding with other members of our stake. I will always remember this because it made me feel so good inside. I love to serve!
- Temple: I was excited and nervous about becoming a deacon. When they announced the youth would be going to the temple for baptisms, I thought I would mess up since it was my first time. But when we walked in, it was quiet and everyone was happy. I’m excited for the next temple trip!
- Media: Someone showed me a bad video. That night I couldn’t get the video out of my head. I talked to my mom, and she told me to say a prayer to ask for help to forget it. Soon, I was able to fall asleep and not think of the video again. I am thankful I can talk to my Heavenly Father whenever I need help.
- Primary Talks: I was asked to give a talk in Primary. I was so nervous that my hands started sweating. When I gave my talk, I felt better thinking about Jesus and how He loves us. After I got home, I realized my talk could help teach other people about the gospel.
- Sabbath: Drawing of girls choosing to go to church or a party
- Sibling Example: My sister is a good example to me by choosing the right. We like to be nice to each other, play together, and go to church together.
- Family Service:I like to help my sisters with their chores.
- Scriptures: We like watching the scripture story videos in the Gospel Library app. It helps us understand the scriptures. We track our progress in the “study plans” feature. My favorite story in the scriptures is where Jesus told the rich young man to give everything to the poor and then follow Him.Prayer: Once during a rainstorm, the front door was accidentally left open and my aunt’s four dogs got out. We couldn’t find them. I remembered to say a prayer. We soon found all of the dogs. I love Heavenly Father so much.
- Kindness: I gave a card and a compliment to someone who was not very nice to me at school. It made me feel good!
- Prayer, Adversity: When I was younger, I had a skin disease. Every day I prayed for Heavenly Father to heal me. I learned to be patient, and after five years I was healed. I know that Heavenly Father hears our prayers.
- Kindness: My friend’s little sister is afraid of dogs. When some dogs came near us, I shooed them away so she wouldn’t be scared.
- Fear, Prayer: At school, some of the students like scary stories. They told one story to me that really started haunting me at night. One night, I decided to pray to Heavenly Father to keep my mind off it. He helped me sleep every single night. That’s when I realized I can pray to Him anywhere and anytime.
- Music: I love playing the cello because when I play good songs, it helps me feel the Spirit.
- Honesty: I had a spelling test, and my teacher said I got 100%. My friend looked at my test and told me that one of the words wasn’t right. I told the teacher, so she corrected the score. I felt happy because I was honest.
- Example, Family: I remind my family to pray and read the scriptures every night.
- Prayer, Animals: I love having pet stick insects. One of them became very sick. I said a prayer that she would recover. The next morning, I looked into her cage, and she was all better. I know Heavenly Father heard my prayer.
- Bullying: At school, a new kid was in my class. At first I went with the crowd and bullied him. I talked to my parents, and they told me that I should change. The next day I played with him. Now we are friends. It’s better to help people than to bully them.
- Prayer, Holy Ghost: child is scared when he finds no one at his house. He prays and feels he should check at the neighbors, where he finds his family.
- Standing for the Right: asking friends on bus to not talk about inappropriate things.
- Missionary: “At our family reunion, we did a mini-mission activity. My companion was my cousin, and we taught our uncles and grandma a discussion. It was fun and got me excited to go on a real mission someday!” Calvin M., age 9, Texas, USA
- Priesthood Blessings: “When I moved, I was super nervous to start third grade. The day before school started, my dad gave me a blessing. I felt like I would have an awesome school year. After a few days, I had made a friend with someone in the ward. I am thankful for Luke and the wonderful friendship we have.” Kason H., age 11, Maryland, USA
Friend May 2021 “For Older Kids”
- Example, Obedience, Choosing the Right: I listen to my parents and try to be an example to those around me. At school, I try to do what’s right even when others are doing bad things. Kiana M., age 11, Western Australia, Australia
Friend August 2022 “Jesus Promised Us Comfort”
- Service: My mom, dad, and I gave blankets to a children’s hospital. The hospital workers said the blankets would help the kids not feel afraid anymore. I am glad that our blankets will help cheer the kids up and make them happy. It made me feel happy too. Brooklyn D., age 9, Texas, USA
Friend December 2022 “Jesus was Patient”
Kindness, Friendship: I work hard to be a good friend and be kind to everybody, especially those that seem lonely or are being treated differently just because they look or act a little different. I want them to know that they are loved and that they have a friend in me who cares for and respects them.