Church History: The First Vision

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The First Vision


Doctrine and Covenant Stories “Joseph Smith’s First Vision”

Latter Day Kids “If Any of You Lack Wisdom” Lesson ideas


Illustrated Story

New Era February 2020 “Joseph’s Search for the Truth”

“The First Vision” (March 2008 Friend)

Friend October 2017 “Jesus Visited Joseph”

Friend April 2020 “Jesus Christ’s Church Is Restored!”

Friend November 2019 “James Taught the Gospel”

Friend November 2023 “James Says “Ask of God”

Friend April 2020 “Hello from the Sacred Grove” Photos of the sacred grove and the recreated home of the Smith family. Also tells the story about Joseph.

Flannel Board Figures

Cutout Figures: “Joseph Smith’s First Vision” (March 2008 Friend)

Friend February 2001 “Joseph Smith’s First Vision”

Shadow Box/ Diorama Figures

Friend January 2001 “The First Vision”

Friend January 2025 “First Vision Diorama”


Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26: “I Saw a Pillar of Light”

Friend January 2025 “Cover”


Gospel Art Picture: “First Vision”

Gospel Art Picture: “The First Vision”

Lesson Ideas

“Joseph Smith … had questions.”

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”

  • It might be interesting to your children to explore some of the questions Joseph Smith had that led to the Restoration of the Savior’s gospel. Help them find some examples in Joseph Smith—History 1:10, 29, 68. How are we blessed today because God answered Joseph Smith’s questions?

Which Church to Join?

Primary 5 Manual “Doctrine and Covenants and Church History” “Lesson 1: Joseph Smith and the First Vision,”  (See the lesson for additional story, activity, and question ideas.)

Ask a child to leave the room for a moment. Show the two containers to the rest of the class without letting them see inside. Divide the class into two groups and give each a container. Tell the children in each group that when the child who left the room returns, they are to try to persuade him or her to choose their container. Invite the child to return to the room and choose one of the containers. Ask the child who chose the container questions such as the following:

  • Why did you choose that container?
  • How did you feel when others were trying to tell you what to do?

Explain that when Joseph Smith was fourteen years old, he was confused about a choice he needed to make. He was trying to decide which church he should join. Other people tried to help him choose a church, but he only became more confused. He felt that he needed more information to make a wise decision: he wanted to know which church was true. Joseph’s situation was similar to that of the child who had to choose between the two containers. Everyone wanted him to choose their church, but he did not know which church was the right choice.

God can answer my questions through the scriptures.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26” and CMF for D&C Primary 2021

  • Consider showing your children a variety of books, (like an encyclopedia or a cookbook), and help them think of questions these books could answer. Then show them a copy of the scriptures. What questions can these books answer? Then you could read together Joseph Smith—History 1:10–11 to find out what questions Joseph Smith had and what answers he found in the scriptures.
  • Your children might be able to find words in verse 12 that describe how reading James 1:5 affected Joseph. Then you could share experiences with each other in which a passage of scripture had a powerful influence on you.

Friend November 2019 “James Taught the Gospel” James, the brother of Jesus, taught the gospel and helped lead the church when he grew up. One of his teachings in James 1:5. says that if we have questions, we can ask God. Many years after James wrote this scripture, a boy named Joseph Smith read it. He prayed to know which church to join. Joseph’s prayer was answered! When I have questions, I can ask God, like James taught. (Memorize James 1:5 as a family. Talk about how this verse led Joseph Smith to receive the First Vision.)

Friend November 2023 “James Says “Ask of God”

  • You could also sing together a song about reading the scriptures, such as “Search, Ponder, and Pray” (Children’s Songbook, 109). What does the song teach about why we read the scriptures?

Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26” and CMF for D&C Primary 2021

  • To start a discussion about how we communicate with Heavenly Father, perhaps you and your children could ask each other questions using various communication methods, like a text message, a phone call, or a handwritten note. How do we ask questions to Heavenly Father? What are some of the ways Heavenly Father communicates with us? (see “Revelation,” Guide to the Scriptures, Read together Joseph Smith—History 1:16–19 and discuss how Heavenly Father answered Joseph Smith’s prayer. You and your children could then share experiences when you asked God for help and received an answer.
  • You might also give your children a chance to talk about questions they have. What do we learn from Joseph Smith about how to find answers? (see Joseph Smith—History 1:8–17; see also verses 3 and 4 of “This Is My Beloved Son,” Children’s Songbook, 76).

Read with the children Joseph Smith—History 1:10–14. Invite the children to find things Joseph Smith did to receive answers to his questions. How can we follow Joseph’s example when we have questions?(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

Help the children repeat the phrase “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God” (James 1:5). How do we ask God questions? How does He answer us? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

Friend November 2023 “I Can Ask God”

Little LDS Ideas “Answers to Prayers from Heavenly Father Come in Many Ways” Includes lesson ideas

Friend January 2005 “Coloring Page: Heavenly Father Hears and Answers My Prayers”

Share your testimony that God answers prayers, and testify that the children can pray to Him when they have questions.

Ensign January 2021 “How can I Know for Myself” What can we learn from Joseph’s example? How can we “know for ourselves” what is true? He read the scriptures. He asked God in prayer. Sometimes we have to wait for answers. He put effort into finding answers to his questions.

Friend June 2015

Friend June 2015

Sing together “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13). Youtube video

Review Activities

Friend January 2018

Media Library “The Desires of My Heart” & “The First Vision” (April 2009 Friend)
A quiz with questions about the First Vision from Joseph Smith—History

Primary 5 Manual “Doctrine and Covenants and Church History” “Lesson 1: Joseph Smith and the First Vision,”  (See the lesson for additional story, activity, and question ideas.)


Joseph Smith’s First Prayer/ Oh, How Lovely was the Morning

Joseph Smith’s First Prayer: Music & Video – Friend January 2017

[Verse 1]
Oh, how lovely was the morning!
Radiant beamed the sun above
Bees were humming, sweet birds singing
Music ringing thru the grove
When within the shady woodland
Joseph sought the God of love
When within the shady woodland
Joseph sought the God of love

[Verse 2]
Humbly kneeling, sweet appealing—
‘Twas the boy’s first uttered prayer—
When the pow’rs of sin assailing
Filled his soul with deep despair;
But undaunted, still he trusted
In his Heav’nly Father’s care;
But undaunted, still he trusted
In his Heav’nly Father’s care

[Verse 3]
Suddenly a light descended
Brighter far than noonday sun
And a shining, glorious pillar
O’er him fell, around him shone
While appeared two heav’nly beings
God the Father and the Son
While appeared two heav’nly beings
God the Father and the Son

[Verse 4]
“Joseph, this is my Beloved;
Hear him!” Oh, how sweet the word!
Joseph’s humble prayer was answered
And he listened to the Lord
Oh, what rapture filled his bosom
For he saw the living God;
Oh, what rapture filled his bosom
For he saw the living God

The First Vision

Friend April 2020 “The First Vision” Music and Video

  • 1. Joseph had a question about the way to go, So faithfully he studied to help his knowledge grow. A scripture struck his heart, inviting him to pray, And Joseph knew that he could ask for God to show him the way.
  • 2. Seeking peaceful quiet, he chose a grove of trees And prayed with all his power for God to hear his plea. The Father and the Son descended from above To answer Joseph’s question and restore the gospel with love.
  • 3. From that wondrous vision, more revelations flowed. The Lord restored the gospel so everyone can know: The heavens are not closed; the Savior speaks today. He calls a prophet in our time to guide our steps in His way.
  • Chorus: He prayed in faith and heaven answered. The Father and the Son knew his name. I kneel to pray. I know God loves me And hears my prayers the same.

This is My Beloved Son

Verse 3:
Joseph saw two glorious beings
Shining brighter than the sun.
God again presented Jesus:
“This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

On a Golden Springtime

Music: “On a Golden Springtime” (Children’s Songbook, 88)

Third Verse: On a golden springtime, in a forest glade, The Father and the Son appeared as Joseph knelt and prayed. Awake, awake, O nations all! Receive the gospel light! The gospel true is here for you. Receive its glorious light!

The Sacred Grove

Music: “The Sacred Grove” (Children’s Songbook, 87)

The Sacred Grove was green and fresh, The morning sun shone bright around, As Joseph knelt in fervent prayer, As Joseph knelt in fervent prayer Upon that sacred ground.

The Father and the Son appeared. They spoke to him as with one voice. Their message answered all his fears, Their message answered all his fears And made his heart rejoice.

My Own Sacred Grove

Friend January 2025 “My Own Sacred Grove” I Can Play It

Joseph Smith went to a grove full of trees; Seeking Gods wisdom, he fell to his knees. As he pled with the heavens, the sky filled with light, And the Father appeared with His Son, Jesus Christ, Standing above in the air Coming to answer his prayer.

Chorus: I will find my own sacred grove. Away from all of the noise in the world. I will turn to prayer, For I know He’s there I will find my own sacred grove.

So many choices with so much at stake. Life’s full of pathways, but which should I take? If I lift up in prayer in the name of the Son, Through the pow’r of the Holy Ghost answers will come. Heavenly Father is there, Ready to answer my prayer.

Historical Sites of the First Vision

Friend April 2020 “Hello from the Sacred Grove” Photos of the sacred grove and the recreated home of the Smith family. Also tells the story about Joseph.

2 thoughts on “Church History: The First Vision

  1. Pingback: Church History: Lesson Ideas - Teaching Children the Gospel

  2. Pingback: Church History: Stories - Teaching Children the Gospel

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