Table of Contents
Heavenly Father wants me to take care of my body.
DANIEL CHAPTER 1 Daniel and certain Hebrews are trained in the court of Nebuchadnezzar—They eat plain food and drink no wine—God gives them knowledge and wisdom beyond all others.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Daniel 1–6” Daniel and his friends refused the meat and wine the king offered them because they wanted to follow God’s commandments and avoid harming their bodies. Today the Word of Wisdom helps us avoid substances that would harm our bodies.
- Share with the children “Daniel and His Friends” (in Old Testament Stories), or summarize Daniel 1:1–17. Invite the children to act out the story. Help them understand how the Lord blessed Daniel and his friends for choosing to obey Him (see verse 17). What blessings do we receive from God when we choose the right?
Old Testament Scripture Readers “Daniel and His Friends”
Show the children pictures of things the Word of Wisdom teaches us to eat or use and things it tells us not to eat or use (see Doctrine and Covenants 89). Invite the children to pretend to eat the good things and say no to the bad things. Testify that the Lord blesses us when we care for our bodies. Sing together a song about caring for our bodies, such as “The Lord Gave Me a Temple” or “The Word of Wisdom” (Children’s Songbook, 153, 154–55). What does this song teach us?
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 89-92” Your family members might enjoy drawing or finding pictures of foods and other substances mentioned in Doctrine and Covenants 89. Then you could play a game—family members could take turns selecting pictures at random, putting the things we shouldn’t use in the trash and the things we should use on a plate. How have the promises in verses 18–21 been fulfilled in our lives?
What does the Word of Wisdom say is good for our bodies? – Game

What does the Word of Wisdom say is bad for our bodies? – Game
- “Daniel Obeys the Lord” (June 1998 Friend)
A retelling of the story of Daniel and his friends refusing to eat the king’s food. Includes flannel board figures.
See also “Lesson 40: Daniel and the King’s Food,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 176–79
See more at Word of Wisdom
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the kingdom of God on earth.
Daniel Chapter 2 Nebuchadnezzar’s dream is revealed to Daniel—The king saw a great image, a stone cut from the mountain without hands destroyed the image, and the stone grew and filled the whole earth—The stone is the latter-day kingdom of God.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Daniel 1–6” When Daniel gave his inspired interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, he saw a stone “cut out of the mountain without hands” (Daniel 2:45). This stone represents The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is destined to fill the earth.
- Read Daniel 2:31–35, 44–45 with the children, and invite them to draw a picture of what Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream. Ask the children what they learn from these verses about the stone in the dream.
“Lesson 146: Daniel 1–2,” Old Testament Seminary Teacher Material
(2018) Who did Daniel say the head represented? (Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian Empire.) What else did Daniel reveal about the king’s dream? (The other sections of the image represented kingdoms that would rise after Babylon fell.)
“Lesson 146: Daniel 1–2,” Old Testament Seminary Teacher Material
Many kingdoms” next to verses 41–43. Point out that the time of many kingdoms includes the latter days (see verse 44, footnote a).
- What might the phrase “cut out of the mountain without hands” in verse 45 mean? (The kingdom was established by God, not by man.)
Explain that this stone represents The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Ask the children to name some things Heavenly Father did to set up His Church in the latter days. To give them ideas, show pictures of events in the Restoration of the Church (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 90–95).
- Why is it important for you to understand that the Church was established by God and not by man?
- What does Daniel’s prophecy teach us about the Church? (After students respond, write the following truth on the board: The Lord established His Church—The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—and it will continue to grow until it fills the whole earth.)
- Give each child a crumpled-up piece of paper to represent the stone in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Ask each child to share how he or she knows that the Church was restored by God. As the children share, invite them to give their “stones” to you. Wrap the stones together using tape or string to form a large stone. Testify that as we strengthen our testimonies and share the gospel with others, we unite our faith to help the kingdom of God “[fill] the whole earth” (Daniel 2:35).
Old Testament Coloring Book “Daniel and the King’s Dream”
Invite a student to read Daniel 2:46–49 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for King Nebuchadnezzar’s response to the interpretation of his dream.
- What did Nebuchadnezzar do for Daniel and his friends?
God will bless me as I choose to follow Jesus Christ.
Daniel CHAPTER 3 Nebuchadnezzar creates a golden image and commands all men to worship it—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego refuse and are cast into the fiery furnace—They are preserved and come out unharmed.
- Show a picture of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in the fiery furnace (see Gospel Art Book, no. 25), and ask the children to count the people in the furnace. Read Daniel 3:24–25 to find out who else was in the furnace. Share your testimony that the Lord is with us as we follow Him.

Friend November 2022 “Saved from the Fire”

“Lesson 41: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 180–84 Lesson ideas
Daniel CHAPTER 4 Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the great tree, describing the king’s fall and madness—The king learns that the Most High rules and sets the basest of men over earthly kingdoms.
The below video is not produced by the church or its members but it has a good overview of Daniel 3-5.
Daniel CHAPTER 5 Belshazzar and his revelers drink from the vessels of the temple—A hand writes upon the wall, telling of Belshazzar’s downfall—Daniel interprets the words and reproves the king for pride and idolatry—That night Babylon is conquered.
Heavenly Father wants me to pray often.
Daniel CHAPTER 6 Darius makes Daniel the first of his presidents—Daniel worships the Lord in defiance of a decree of Darius—He is cast into the den of lions—His faith saves him, and Darius decrees that all people are to revere the God of Daniel.
Old Testament Stories “Daniel and the Lion’s Den”
Friend November 2018 “Daniel and the Lions”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Daniel 1–6” Daniel was willing to risk his life so he could pray to Heavenly Father each day. How can you help the children develop a similar desire to pray?
- Tell the story in Daniel 6 (see “Daniel and the Lions’ Den” in Old Testament Stories), and invite the children to draw a picture of the story. Ask them to use their pictures to tell the story to each other. Why does Heavenly Father want us to pray to Him? Share why prayer is important to you.
- Talk with the children about times when they can pray, such as when they are scared, when they make mistakes, or when they need help in school. Why is it good to pray in these situations? Teach the children that no matter where they are, they can always pray in their hearts.
- Sing together a song about prayer, such as “We Bow Our Heads” (Children’s Songbook, 25). Talk with the children about things we can pray for.
“Daniel and the Lions’ Den” (October 2005 Friend)
A retelling of the story of Daniel and the lions’ den told with pictures. Includes an activity.
Latter Day Kids “Daniel and the Lion’s Den” Lesson ideas
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Daniel 1-6”
According to these verses, how was King Darius affected when the Lord delivered Daniel from the lions? You could also read in Daniel 2:47; 3:28–29 about how King Nebuchadnezzar was affected in a similar way. What opportunities do we have to influence others? Discuss examples you have seen of how the faith of other people, including family members, has influenced others for good.
“Lesson 42: Daniel in the Lions’ Den,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 185–88 To help each child understand the value of daily prayer.
I can do what is right even when it’s hard.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Daniel 1–6” The book of Daniel contains stories of people who chose to follow God’s commandments even when doing so was hard. How will you help the children learn from these examples?
- Find pictures of the stories in Daniel 1, 3, and 6 (see this week’s activity page, this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families, or Gospel Art Book, nos. 23, 25, 26). Place the pictures facedown on the board or on the floor. Invite a child to turn over one of the pictures, and help him or her tell the story it represents. (For help, see “Daniel and His Friends,” “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego,” and “Daniel and the Lions’ Den” in Old Testament Stories.) After each story, discuss questions like these: What did the people do to follow the Lord? How did the Lord bless them? Share how you have been blessed for choosing to follow Jesus Christ. Ask the children to share their experiences.

- Invite the children to act out situations where they can show their faith in God by keeping His commandments. These could include being kind to a sibling, telling someone about the Savior, or praying each night.
Friend November 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Daniel and the Lion’s Den”
Story: The prophet Daniel prayed each day. Some jealous men tricked the king into making a bad law. Anyone who prayed to God would be thrown into a den of lions! Daniel prayed anyway. He was thrown into the lions’ den, but God sent an angel to protect him. (See Daniel 6.)
Song: “I Want to Live the Gospel” (Children’s Songbook, 148)
Activity: Cut out the finger puppets on page 17 and use them to tell the story of Daniel and the lions’ den. Why is it good to pray?
Friend October 2018 “The T-E-S-T” One day, when Sharon’s father was reading to her the Bible story about Daniel in the lion’s den, he traced the word “test” on her forehead. He told her she would have tests like Daniel, but she should follow Heavenly Father’s commandments and not give into fear. (Also includes a lion activity of ways Heavenly Father helps us with challenges. )

Coloring page: “Daniel Chooses the Right” (September 2010 Friend)
The stories in Daniel 1, 3, and 6 can give the children you teach courage and faith to make good choices, even when they feel alone.
- Draw on the board several arrows all pointing in the same direction and then one arrow pointing in the opposite direction. How are Daniel and his friends like this one arrow? Invite the children to give examples from the stories in Daniel 1, 3, and 6 (see “Daniel and His Friends,” “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego,” and “Daniel and the Lions’ Den” in Old Testament Stories). Ask the children why they think it might have been hard for Daniel and his friends to make good choices. How did the Lord bless them for choosing the right?
- Help the children think of situations when they might be pressured to make a wrong choice. Invite them to share experiences when they were blessed for choosing the right even when it was hard. Sing together a song related to this topic, such as “Choose the Right” (Hymns, no. 239).
- “The Rule Review” (May 2014 Friend)
Joseph keeps the family rules instead of giving in to peer pressure. - “Luke the Leader” (July 2014 Friend)
When Luke’s friends want him to say a bad word, he makes up silly words instead. - “Matt and Mandy” (March 2011 Friend)
Matt chooses the right even when his friend pressures him to do something bad. - “The Bad Movie” (June 2013 Liahona and Friend)
When her class chooses a movie, Evelyn decides to watch only things that would be pleasing to Heavenly Father.

Friend November 2018 “Daniel Bravely Followed God” Story and goal card. (I can stand up for what I believe)
Additional Resources
Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Trust in God” Lesson ideas
“Daniel, Lions, and Me” (October 2005 Friend) Color and cutout a lion that will remind you to have faith and courage like Daniel.
Friend January 1983 “Strolling Puppeteer”
“Daniel in the Lions’ Den” (September 2007 Friend)
Find the hidden objects and then color this illustration of Daniel praying in the lions’ den.
Friend November 2018 “Coloring Page: I Love Scripture Stories” Children acting out story of Daniel in lion’s den.