Helaman 13-16

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Helaman CHAPTER 13 Samuel the Lamanite prophesies the destruction of the Nephites unless they repent—They and their riches are cursed—They reject and stone the prophets, are encircled about by demons, and seek for happiness in doing iniquity. About 6 B.C.

Helaman CHAPTER 14 Samuel predicts light during the night and a new star at Christ’s birth—Christ redeems men from temporal and spiritual death—The signs of His death include three days of darkness, the rending of the rocks, and great upheavals of nature. About 6 B.C.

Helaman CHAPTER 15 The Lord chastened the Nephites because He loved them—Converted Lamanites are firm and steadfast in the faith—The Lord will be merciful unto the Lamanites in the latter days. About 6 B.C.

Helaman CHAPTER 16 The Nephites who believe Samuel are baptized by Nephi—Samuel cannot be slain with the arrows and stones of the unrepentant Nephites—Some harden their hearts, and others see angels—The unbelievers say it is not reasonable to believe in Christ and His coming in Jerusalem. About 6–1 B.C.

Samuel the Lamanite

Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 40: Samuel the Lamanite Tells about Jesus Christ” Images and Video

Book of Mormon Stories for Young Readers “Samuel Teaches about Jesus”

Helaman 13

God can speak to me in my heart.

Helaman 13:2–5

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Helaman 13-16”

  • How can you teach your children that God can speak to our heart, as He did for Samuel? Perhaps you could ask them to show you different ways to communicate without words (such as gestures or facial expressions). This could lead to a discussion about different ways that Heavenly Father communicates with us. As part of this discussion, you and your children could look at a picture of Samuel the Lamanite (this outline has two) and read Helaman 13:2–5 as your children listen for how God told Samuel what to say.

Friend March 2020 “How Does Heavenly Father Speak to Us?”

When Samuel the Lamanite was commanded to preach to the Nephites, Heavenly Father helped him know in his heart what he should say.

A Lamanite prophet named Samuel went to teach the Nephites in Zarahemla. He taught about repentance. The Nephites would not listen and threw him out of the city.

Samuel was about to go back to his people. But the Lord told him to return to teach the Nephites.

The Lord told Samuel He would tell him what to say. Samuel obeyed the Lord. He returned to Zarahemla. But the Nephites would not let him into the city.

Samuel climbed the city wall. He said the things the Lord put into his heart. He warned the people they would be destroyed because they were doing bad things. He said that only repentance and faith in Jesus Christ could save them. He said Jesus, the Son of God, would be born in five years.

  • Many of us—especially children—need help learning to recognize how and when God is speaking to us. You might tell your children about a time when the Holy Ghost helped you know in your heart what God wanted you to do or say. Explain how you knew that God was communicating with you. Perhaps your children could also share any similar experiences they have had.

Friend January 2021 “The Bread Loaf Prayer” “How do you know when the Holy Ghost is talking to you?” Carver asked his parents. They decide to practice listening for the Holy Ghost. Carver’s mom bakes some bread and each person prays to know who to take it to. Carver thought of Sister Smith and he even listened and said the words to her that popped into his mind when he gave her the bread. He knew it was from the Holy Ghost.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 13–16: Glad Tidings of Great Joy”

  • Teach the children that while we speak to each other using words, the Holy Ghost can communicate through feelings in our hearts. Invite them to hold their hands over their hearts each time you read the word “heart” in Helaman 13:2–5. Help them decorate heart-shaped pieces of paper that say, “The Spirit speaks to me in my heart.”

Friend November 2023 “More than a Good Practice Day” Ismael saw a woman weeding the whole time he and his dad were playing soccer. He felt strongly that he should go over and tell her she was doing a good job. She seemed unhappy and tired until Ismael told her thank you for taking care of the park, and then she got a big smile and thanked him.

  • Show a picture of the living prophet speaking in general conference. Tell the children that God tells the prophet what to say to us, just as He told Samuel what to say to the Nephites. Talk together about things the prophet has said that have been inspiring to you or the children.

Iniquity does not lead to Happiness

Helaman 13:38

The idea that happiness can be found “in doing iniquity” is common in our day. In what ways has living the gospel brought us true happiness?

Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024)

  • Imagine some friends are trying to find a high mountain lake they have heard about but never visited. As they travel through the wilderness, they meet a man who says he has lived in the area for years. He warns them that the path they are on does not lead to the lake and is dangerous in places. He counsels them to turn around and retrace their steps to a different path that will lead them safely there.
  • Like the man in the story, at times, prophets may warn us of choices that will not lead to happiness, progression, and a return to Heavenly Father. They may urge us to repent and change our lives.

One truth we learn from these passages is that the Lord mercifully warns people of the consequences of sin and forgives those who repent.

Helaman 14

Prophets teach about Jesus Christ.

Helaman 14:2–7, 20–25

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Helaman 13-16”

Samuel said there would be signs of Jesus’s birth. He told the people to look for the signs. One sign would be a night with no darkness. Other signs would be that a new star and many wonderful things would appear in the sky.

Samuel wanted people to have faith in Jesus. He said Jesus would die and be resurrected so that all people can be saved if they repent.

Samuel said there would be signs of Jesus’s death. People would not be able to see the sun, moon, or stars. There would be no light for three days.

There would be thunder and lightning. Earthquakes would come, and cities would be destroyed.

The purpose of Samuel’s message was to testify of Jesus Christ and invite the people to repent and come unto Him. Our prophets today have the same role.

Friend September 2020 “Cover”

Lesson 31 “Samuel the Lamanite”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 13–16: Glad Tidings of Great Joy”

  • Junior: Hide pictures around the room that represent the signs that Samuel prophesied of in Helaman 14:2–7 and 20–25. Read a phrase that describes one of the signs, and ask the children to find the picture of that sign. Explain that these signs helped the Nephites know about Jesus Christ. Testify that, like Samuel, all prophets testify of Jesus Christ.

Friend July 1988

Friend July 1988

  • Senior: Invite half of the children to read Helaman 14:2–6 and draw pictures of the signs of Jesus’s birth. Invite the other half of the class to read Helaman 14:20–28 and draw pictures of the signs of Jesus’s death. Then ask each group to share what they drew. Read together Helaman 14:11–12, and ask the children to listen for why Samuel prophesied about these signs. How do we learn about Jesus Christ today?

The purpose of Samuel’s message was to testify of Jesus Christ and invite the people to repent and come unto Him. Our prophets today have the same role.

The prophet points us to Jesus Christ.

  • Explain that just as Samuel the Lamanite taught about Jesus Christ, living prophets do the same today. Share a statement from a recent conference message in which the living prophet testified of Christ. Ask the children to share what the prophet has taught them about Jesus Christ.

Primary 4 Manual: Book of Mormon “Lesson 31: Samuel the Lamanite”

  • Explain that not only did Samuel the prophet prophesy of Jesus Christ, so have all other prophets. Refer to Mosiah 13:33: “Did not Moses prophesy unto them concerning the coming of the Messiah, and that God should redeem his people? Yea, and even all the prophets who have prophesied ever since the world began—have they not spoken more or less concerning these things?” 

Lesson 31 “Samuel the Lamanite”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 13–16: Glad Tidings of Great Joy”

  • Display a picture of the Savior, and ask a child to represent the prophet and lead the other children around the room while they sing a few verses of “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110–11) or another song about prophets. Then ask the child representing the prophet to lead the children to the picture of the Savior. Testify that if we follow the prophet, he will lead us to Jesus Christ. Share some things our prophet has taught about Jesus recently. How can we follow his counsel?

Friend December 2020 “I Can Play It: Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus” Printed song and Sing-Along Video

Helaman 16

I am blessed as I follow the prophet.

Helaman 16:1–6

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Helaman 13-16”

  • You can build your children’s trust in the prophet by showing them examples of people who were faithful. Some of these are found in Helaman 16:1, 5. As you read, your children could stand up when they hear something the people did when they believed Samuel’s words. Then, as you read verses 2 and 6, your children could sit down when they hear something the people did when they did not believe. How can we show that we believe the words of the living prophet? Tell the children how you are blessed as you follow the Lord’s counsel through His prophets.

The Red Crystal For younger children you can put these two prophet pictures on opposite sides of the room, and read the scriptures Helaman 16:1-5 having the children stand under the prophet that is happy when they made good choices and sad when they made sad choices.

Ensign September 2020 “Family Study Fun: Go Forth”

Read Helaman 16:1–3 together. Those who believed Samuel “went forth” to do what he taught. Talk about how we should follow our Church leaders today.

  1. Invite each family member to find a quote from general conference. (Perhaps browse “Inspirational Picture Quotes” at ChurchofJesusChrist.org/media-library/images.)
  2. Take turns standing on a chair or stool, like Samuel on the wall, and reading these quotes to the group.
  3. After each quote, talk about what your family can do to “go forth” and do what was taught.

Discussion: What could we do to get ready for general conference next month? What would help us listen to and act on the teachings of our Church leaders?

Friend June 2022 “I Will Follow the Prophet”

Additional Resources

Sing together the seventh verse of “Book of Mormon Stories” (Children’s Songbook, 118–19). Share something you admire about Samuel, and let the children share what they like about his story.

Friend December 2020 “Samuel and the Star”

Friend September 2020 “Family Night Fun”

New Era October 2020 “Standing Firm with Samuel”

Friend September 2024 “Samuel on the Wall”Samuel was a prophet who taught about Jesus Christ on top of a city wall (see Helaman 13:4). Make the craft to help you tell Samuel’s story. Cut out the pieces. Then carefully cut the dotted lines on the wall to make two slits. Slide the long strip through the slits. Now you can make Samuel climb up and down the wall as you tell the story!

For younger children: Hold your little ones while they stand on a chair and share what they know about Jesus Christ, like Samuel did.

Friend September 2024 “The Signs of Christ’s Coming”

Friend August 2016

Friend August 2016

Book of Mormon Scripture Figures: “Samuel the Lamanite” (August 2012 Liahona and Friend)

Scripture Figures: “Samuel the Lamanite” (September 1992 Friend)

Gospel Art Picture: “Book of Mormon: Samuel the Lamanite on the Wall”

Image: Mormonad, “Popularity”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 13–16: Glad Tidings of Great Joy”

  • Help the children build a small wall with blocks or books. Using a small toy or doll to represent Samuel, let the children take turns helping “Samuel” climb the wall to teach the people about Jesus Christ.

Friend September 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones”

  • Read Helaman 14:11–12 together. Show your little ones a picture of Samuel standing on the wall and teaching people about Jesus. (You could use page FJ4 or the cover.) Then help them take turns standing on a chair or couch—like Samuel on the wall—and saying simple sentences about Jesus, like, “Jesus was born in Bethlehem,” “Jesus is the Son of God,” and “Jesus loves me.”

News with Naylors (See more ideas at link)

  • The Amazing Arrow Trick from The Kids Should See This. I like that this object lesson has to do with arrows! Talk about prophets and the importance of following a prophet. When we obey, we see things clearly (show the clear glass with arrows facing the same direction) and we are protected. When we don’t obey the prophet (add water into the glass, so it only covers the bottom arrow), we don’t see things as clearly. 

Latter Day Kids “Prophets” Lesson ideas

Come Follow Me Kid

The Cozy Red Cottage

The Red Crystal

Helaman 7-12

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Helaman CHAPTER 7 Nephi is rejected in the north and returns to Zarahemla—He prays upon his garden tower and then calls upon the people to repent or perish. About 23–21 B.C.

Helaman CHAPTER 8 Corrupt judges seek to incite the people against Nephi—Abraham, Moses, Zenos, Zenock, Ezias, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lehi, and Nephi all testified of Christ—By inspiration Nephi announces the murder of the chief judge. About 23–21 B.C.

Helaman CHAPTER 9 Messengers find the chief judge dead at the judgment seat—They are imprisoned and later released—By inspiration Nephi identifies Seantum as the murderer—Nephi is accepted by some as a prophet. About 23–21 B.C.

Helaman CHAPTER 10 The Lord gives Nephi the sealing power—He is empowered to bind and loose on earth and in heaven—He commands the people to repent or perish—The Spirit carries him from multitude to multitude. About 21–20 B.C.

Helaman CHAPTER 11 Nephi persuades the Lord to replace their war with a famine—Many people perish—They repent, and Nephi importunes the Lord for rain—Nephi and Lehi receive many revelations—The Gadianton robbers entrench themselves in the land. About 20–6 B.C.

Helaman CHAPTER 12 Men are unstable and foolish and quick to do evil—The Lord chastens His people—The nothingness of men is compared with the power of God—In the day of judgment, men will gain everlasting life or everlasting damnation. About 6 B.C.

Helaman 7-9

Nephi Prophecies

Book of Mormon Stories “The Murder of the Chief Judge” Images and Video

The Lord wants me to remember Him.

Helaman 7:20–21

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Helaman 7-12”

  • To start a conversation about remembering the Lord, you could tell your children about a time when you forgot something. Let them share similar experiences of their own. Then you could read together Helaman 7:20–21 and ask your children what they think it means to forget God. (Explain that the word forget can also mean “to neglect” or “ignore.”) Maybe your children could draw pictures of things that could cause us to forget the Lord and use their drawings to cover a picture of Jesus. Ask the children to think of things they can do each day to remember Heavenly Father and Jesus. As they share their thoughts, they could take away the drawings one by one until the picture of the Savior is revealed.

The Red Crystal

  • Help the children complete this week’s activity page.

Friend August 2020 “Family Night Fun”

  • Sometimes the Nephites forgot to “remember the Lord” and obey His commandments (see Helaman 12:5). How does remembering Jesus help you do what’s right?
  • Read Helaman 8:19–25 together and talk about how Nephi wanted people to remember what the prophets taught.
  • Set out items that represent the gospel (scriptures, pass-along card, Church magazine, CTR ring, etc.).
  • Look at the items for one minute. Then invite someone to leave.
  • Remove one item, then invite the person to return and try to remember what is missing.
  • Play again until everyone has a turn.
  • Discussion: What can we do to remember important gospel lessons that bless our lives?
  • Ensign August 2020 “Family Study Fun”

Prophets testify of Jesus Christ.

Helaman 8:13–23

Lesson 29: Nephi Prophesies

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Helaman 7-12”

  • Help your children search Helaman 8:13–23 to find names of prophets who taught about Jesus Christ. Maybe they can pass around a picture of Jesus each time they find one. What has our living prophet taught about the Savior?
  • You could also sing together a song about prophets, such as “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110–11). Maybe you and your children could pick a key phrase from the song and write one word from the phrase on each of several paper footprints. Then you could lay the footprints on the floor leading to a picture of the Savior, and your children could follow the footprints toward the picture. How has following the prophet led us to Jesus Christ?

The Red Crystal

Friend August 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities” Many people in the scriptures taught and testified of Jesus Christ (see Helaman 8:16–20). You can start building your testimony of Him too! A testimony is something you believe or know is true about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Write down your testimony and practice sharing it with your family or friends.

For younger children: Ask your little ones what they love about Jesus Christ. Then share your testimony of the Savior with them.

Helaman 10-12

Nephi Receives Great Power

I will be spiritually safe as I follow the prophet.

Helaman 7–11

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 7–12: “Remember the Lord”

  • Invite the children to make a list on the board of things a prophet does (see “Prophet,” Guide to the Scriptures, scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Help them search Helaman 7:1–2, 27–298:22–23; and 10:3–4, 6–7 to see how Nephi did some of the things in their list. When have we seen our prophet today do these things? Bear your testimony of the living prophet. To illustrate the importance of prophets, show the first minute of the video “Watchman on the Tower” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org).

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 7–12: “Remember the Lord”

  • Read together Helaman 11:3–7 (or review “Chapter 39: Nephi Receives Great Power,” Book of Mormon Stories,108–10, or the corresponding video on ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Ask the children to listen for what happened to the people who did not listen to the prophet. What can happen when we do not listen to the prophet? How are we blessed when we follow Him? Share something that our prophet has taught, and encourage the children to follow his teachings.

Book of Mormon Stories: Nephi Receives Great Power Images and Video

Friend October 2017 “A Friendly Primary Visitor” A pilot comes to Primary and acts out flying and what could happen if he didn’t listen to the control tower. He likens the control tower to the prophet.

Friend September 2015 – ” How Can I Stay Safe….in Life” – Air traffic controller guides plane through fog. Prophets guide us.

Friend September 2015

Friend August 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Read Helaman 11:18 together and help your little ones say, “I will listen to the prophets and apostles.” Watch a short video of testimonies of the prophet and apostles at http://bit.ly/333rMkn. Teach your children the name of each person who speaks. When you see the prophet, help your children cup their hands around their ears to listen extra closely to what he has to say.

Pondering the words of God invites revelation.

Helaman 10:1–4

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Helaman 7-12”

Nephi was blessed with revelation when he pondered the things the Lord had shown him.

  • To help your children understand what it means to ponder, you could read together “Ponder” in Guide to the Scriptures (Gospel Library). What are some other words that are similar to ponder? Perhaps you could read Helaman 10:1–3 together and replace the word ponder with those other words. Talk with your children about ways to make pondering part of their scripture study.

Ponder means to meditate and think deeply and often upon the scriptures or other things of God. When combined with prayer, pondering the things of God may bring revelation and understanding. (Guide to the Scriptures)

What does it mean to ponder? (To think about and consider) The scriptures tell us that many prophets received revelation from the Lord as they were pondering upon the things of God. We also open ourselves up to revelation as we ponder upon our problems during scripture study, during church meetings, and during our prayers.

I will obey Heavenly Father.

Helaman 10:11–12

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Helaman 7-12”

  • Nephi obeyed Heavenly Father even when it meant doing something difficult. For an example of this, you and your children could read Helaman 10:2, 11–12. Maybe your children could act out what Nephi did—walk toward one side of the room (as if they are going home), stop, turn around, and walk toward the other side of the room (as if they are returning to teach the people). What are some things Heavenly Father wants us to do?

Friend June 2006 “Keep the Commandments”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 7–12: “Remember the Lord”

  • Help the children understand that sometimes Heavenly Father wants us to do something that is different from what we want to do, but we can obey Him like Nephi did. Share statements like “Sometimes I want to get angry, but Heavenly Father wants me to be … ,” and let the children finish the statements. Encourage the children to remember to stop and think about what Heavenly Father wants them to do and then do it.


Helaman 10-11 Nephi receives the sealing power and the protection of the priesthood to do Heavenly Father’s work. 

Lesson 30: Nephi Receives Great Power

Primary 4: Book of Mormon ““Lesson 30: Nephi Receives Great Power”  Begin your class with the lights turned off. Ask the children if they have noticed something unusual. Ask someone to turn on the lights. Talk about the power of electricity that gives light. Discuss what things in the children’s homes run on electricity (stove, refrigerator, fans, tools, and so on). Explain that this lesson is about a different kind of power, a power stronger than electricity: the power of the priesthood of God. (See more lesson ideas at link.)

  • Tell the children you are thinking of a word. Ask them to listen to the following descriptions and raise their hand when they know the word.
    • It is the power of God.
    • Through this power the Lord blesses his children and his church.
    • Those who hold this power represent the Lord Jesus Christ.
    • Those who hold this power are appointed to do the things the Savior wants done.
    • What is the name of this power? (The priesthood.)

Remaining Spiritually Steady

Helaman 12:1–6

Book of Mormon 2020 for Individuals and Family

Can you think of an object lesson you can use to help your family understand what “unsteadiness” means? For instance, you might invite a family member to try balancing something on his or her head. You could then invite family members to look in Helaman 12:1–6 for reasons people can be unsteady in following the Lord. How can we remain spiritually steady?

Additional Resources

The Cozy Red Cottage

The Red Crystal

Alma 53-63

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Alma CHAPTER 53 The Lamanite prisoners are used to fortify the city Bountiful—Dissensions among the Nephites give rise to Lamanite victories—Helaman takes command of the two thousand stripling sons of the people of Ammon. About 64–63 B.C.

Alma CHAPTER 54 Ammoron and Moroni negotiate for the exchange of prisoners—Moroni demands that the Lamanites withdraw and cease their murderous attacks—Ammoron demands that the Nephites lay down their arms and become subject to the Lamanites. About 63 B.C.

Alma CHAPTER 55 Moroni refuses to exchange prisoners—The Lamanite guards are enticed to become drunk, and the Nephite prisoners are freed—The city of Gid is taken without bloodshed. About 63–62 B.C.

Alma CHAPTER 56 Helaman sends an epistle to Moroni, recounting the state of the war with the Lamanites—Antipus and Helaman gain a great victory over the Lamanites—Helaman’s two thousand stripling sons fight with miraculous power, and none of them are slain. Verse 1, about 62 B.C.verses 2–19, about 66 B.C.; and verses 20–57, about 65–64 B.C.

Alma CHAPTER 57 Helaman recounts the taking of Antiparah and the surrender and later the defense of Cumeni—His Ammonite striplings fight valiantly; all are wounded, but none are slain—Gid reports the slaying and the escape of the Lamanite prisoners. About 63 B.C.

Alma CHAPTER 58 Helaman, Gid, and Teomner take the city of Manti by a stratagem—The Lamanites withdraw—The sons of the people of Ammon are preserved as they stand fast in defense of their liberty and faith. About 63–62 B.C.

Alma CHAPTER 59 Moroni asks Pahoran to strengthen the forces of Helaman—The Lamanites take the city of Nephihah—Moroni is angry with the government. About 62 B.C.

Alma CHAPTER 60 Moroni complains to Pahoran of the government’s neglect of the armies—The Lord suffers the righteous to be slain—The Nephites must use all of their power and means to deliver themselves from their enemies—Moroni threatens to fight against the government unless help is supplied to his armies. About 62 B.C.

Alma CHAPTER 61 Pahoran tells Moroni of the insurrection and rebellion against the government—The king-men take Zarahemla and are in league with the Lamanites—Pahoran asks for military aid against the rebels. About 62 B.C.

Alma CHAPTER 62 Moroni marches to the aid of Pahoran in the land of Gideon—The king-men who refuse to defend their country are put to death—Pahoran and Moroni retake Nephihah—Many Lamanites join the people of Ammon—Teancum slays Ammoron and is in turn slain—The Lamanites are driven from the land, and peace is established—Helaman returns to the ministry and builds up the Church. About 62–57 B.C.

Alma CHAPTER 63 Shiblon and later Helaman take possession of the sacred records—Many Nephites travel to the land northward—Hagoth builds ships, which sail forth in the west sea—Moronihah defeats the Lamanites in battle. About 56–52 B.C.

Alma 53

Helaman and the 2000 Stripling Warriors

I can be faithful to God like Helaman’s young soldiers.

Alma 53:20–2156:47–48

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 53-63”

Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 34: Helaman and the 2,000 Young Warriors” Video and Images

Friend August 2024 “The Stripling Warriors”

Book of Mormon Stories for Young Readers “The Stripling Warriors” Video and Images (scroll down to read the captions.)

This week’s activity page can help your children think of ways they can be like the army of Helaman. Consider sharing some of the qualities of the young soldiers from Alma 53:20–21 to get them started.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 53-63” Read Alma 53:20–21, and help the children understand what words like valiant, courage, strength, and true mean. Describe how the stripling warriors showed these qualities. Make simple name tags for the children that read, “When I am , I am like a stripling warrior!” Help the children fill in the blank with a quality they choose from Alma 53:20–21.

Teaching Children the Gospel “Lesson 27: Helaman and the Stripling Warriors” Activity: Divide the children into four groups and explain that each group is going to look up a scripture that tells about one of the righteous characteristics the young Ammonites developed in their youth. Give each group their characteristic card and their scripture and discussion ideas card. Tell them to read their discussion card and scripture and be prepared to tell what their characteristic is, tell about or describe their characteristic, and read the related parts of their scripture to the class. Have them tape their characteristic on the board. (Be prepared to add in any additional needed discussion to what the children present.)

Game: After a group presents their characteristic, do the following game: Have a child stand and tell how they can demonstrate that characteristic as they go about their day to day life. For example “I can courageously stand up for the right by sticking up for a child that is being picked on.” Have the next child stand and say the same thing plus add their own. Continue doing this until all the children have had a turn. (Start with a different child each time a new characteristic is presented.)

You could also sing together “We’ll Bring the World His Truth” (Children’s Songbook, 172–73).

The Red Crystal

I can be faithful to what my parents teach in righteousness.

Alma 56:45–4857:21

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 53-63”

  • Invite a girl and a boy to represent the mothers and fathers of the stripling warriors. As you read Alma 56:27 and 47–48, give these children items to hold that represent how the mothers and fathers helped the warriors, such as a sack of food to represent the “provisions” the fathers sent and scriptures to represent the mothers’ teachings. Ask the children to share things their parents provide for them or teach them.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 53-63”

  • Helaman’s young soldiers looked to their mothers’ faith when they were faced with a great challenge. Perhaps you could read Alma 56:46–48 with your children and invite them to listen for what the mothers of these young men taught them about faith. You might ask them what they’ve learned from their parents—or other faithful adults—about the Savior.

Why is it important to obey “with exactness”? (Alma 57:21).

Ensign August 2020 “Family Study Fun” Read Alma 57:19–27 together and talk about how the stripling warriors were protected when they obeyed “with exactness” (verse 21).

  1. Blindfold one family member and have them stand against a wall.
  2. Place an object anywhere along the opposite wall and have the blindfolded person try to find the object in one minute without any help.
  3. After the time is up, have the person try again, except this time give them instructions to follow “with exactness.”

Discussion: How do God’s “instructions” help us stay safe and reach our goals?

How can you—like the mothers of the stripling soldiers—make sure your children know of your faith in God? One way is to share how your faith affects your life. For example, how has He “delivered” you when you “did not doubt”?

Coloring Page: “We Do Not Doubt” (March 2010 Liahona and Friend)

Friend August 2020 “Cover”

I can keep my covenants with Heavenly Father.

Alma 53:10–18

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 53-63”

  • Your children might be able to talk about a time when someone made and kept a promise with them. How did they feel when the promise was kept? You could read Alma 53:10–18 and invite your children to look for how Helaman, the people of Ammon, and the sons of the people of Ammon made and kept their promises, or covenants. You might share how Heavenly Father blesses you as you keep your covenants.

Gospel Media “The Anti-Nephi-Lehies Burying Their Swords”

Book of Mormon Seminary Teacher Manual (2024) “Alma 53”

Draw a path like the one in the above image to symbolize your life and the covenants we need to make to return to Heavenly Father. Draw pictures or write the covenants that each picture represents. Make a mark (or draw a figure representing yourself) showing where you currently are on the covenant path.

Take a moment to remember the covenants you have already made with Them and the ways you are striving to keep those covenants.

“Now, to each member of the Church I say, keep on the covenant path. Your commitment to follow the Savior by making covenants with Him and then keeping those covenants will open the door to every spiritual blessing and privilege available to men, women, and children everywhere. (Russell M. Nelson, “As We Go Forward Together,” Ensign, Apr. 2018, 7)

Alma 54-55

Moroni reclaims the Captured Prisoners

For the Strength of Youth August 2024 “Fun Stop” Rescue the Prisoner: Can you rescue the prisoner from the Lamanite stronghold? Without passing by any guards, find your way to the prisoner, and then leave by a different path than you came. (For a real-life story about rescuing prisoners, see Alma 55.) (See answer at link)

Alma 56-57

Helaman’s 2000 Young Warriors Trust God and are Preserved in Battle

Lesson 27: Helaman and the Stripling Warriors Lesson

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 53-63”

  • When compared with the Lamanite armies, Helaman’s “little army” (Alma 56:33) of 2,000 young Nephites shouldn’t have stood a chance. Besides being few in number, Helaman’s soldiers “were all … very young,” and “they never had fought” (Alma 56:46–47). In some ways, their situation might seem familiar to those of us who sometimes feel outnumbered and overwhelmed in our latter-day battle against Satan and the forces of evil in the world.
  • But the army of Helaman had some advantages over the Lamanites that had nothing to do with numbers or military skill. They chose Helaman, a prophet, to lead them (Alma 53:19); “they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them” (Alma 56:47); and they had “exceeding faith in that which they had been taught.” As a result, they were protected by “the miraculous power of God” (Alma 57:26). Even though they were all wounded in battle, “there was not one soul of them who did perish” (Alma 57:25). So when life inflicts spiritual wounds on each of us, we can take courage—the message of Helaman’s army is that “there [is] a just God, and whosoever [does] not doubt, [will] be preserved by his marvelous power” (Alma 57:26).

Ensign August 2020

Friend August 2020 “The Stripling Warriors Were Brave” Coloring page

Primary 4 Book of Mormon “Lesson 27: Helaman and the Two Thousand Warriors”

Let children volunteer to complete the following statements:

I can be like the young warriors by how I ______________.

I can be like the young warriors by remembering that my parents taught me to____________ .

I most admire_____________about the young warriors.

My favorite part of the account of the two thousand young warriors is______________

Alma 58

When I am worried, I can trust God.

Alma 58:32–41

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 53-63”

  • Draw a frowning face on the board, and talk about how Helaman was worried because his army didn’t have enough food or enough men to keep fighting (see Alma 58:32–41). Ask the children to share times when they were worried. Read Alma 58:37 (or help a child read it), and help the children change the face on the board to a smiling face to show how Helaman felt because he trusted God. What can we do when we feel worried? Sing together “Smiles” (Children’s Songbook, 267).
  • Write on some slips of paper a few things that children might worry about. Let the children take turns choosing a paper for you to read, and invite the children to share how God could help them with each of these worries. Share an experience in which God helped you when you were worried.

The Red Crystal

Alma 59-62

Moroni and Pahoran

I can choose to not be angry.

Alma 61:3–14

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 53-63”

  • Consider inviting your children to think about a time when they were accused of doing something they didn’t do. Tell them about how this happened to Pahoran (see Alma 60–61; see also “Chapter 35: Captain Moroni and Pahoran,” Book of Mormon Stories, 95–97). To learn about how Pahoran reacted, take turns reading verses from Alma 61:3–14. What did Pahoran do when Moroni accused him? (see Alma 61:2–3, 8–9). What do we learn about forgiveness from the Savior’s example? (see Luke 23:34).

Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 35: Captain Moroni and Pahoran” Video and Images

  • Both Helaman and Pahoran had good reasons to be offended. Helaman was not receiving sufficient support for his armies, and Pahoran was falsely accused by Moroni of withholding that support. Instead of getting angry, Pahoran said, “I … rejoice in the greatness of your heart” (Alma 61:9).

I can choose to think the best of others and not be offended.

For the Strength of Youth March 2023 “When You’re Judged Unfairly”

  • The Right Reply.” Emily wants to write a mean reply when her friend sends her a mean email, but then she thinks of what Jesus would do and responds kindly. (From the Friend.)
  • Bugs and Brothers.” In this Friend story, Lacey learns that she doesn’t have to be angry at her brother Zach for teasing her.

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said: “Endowed with agency, you and I are agents, and we primarily are to act and not just be acted upon. To believe that someone or something can make us feel offended, angry, hurt, or bitter diminishes our moral agency and transforms us into objects to be acted upon. As agents, however, you and I have the power to act and to choose how we will respond to an offensive or hurtful situation.”

Alma 62


Alma 62:33-37

After the War

Hardened or Softened by Adversity

Alma 62:39–41

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 53-63”Here’s an object lesson that can help your family understand that we can choose to be either “hardened” or “softened” by our trials: Place a raw potato and a raw egg in a pot of boiling water. The potato and the egg represent us, and the water represents the trials we face. As the potato and egg boil, you could talk about some of the trials your family faces. What are some different ways to react to trials like these? According to Alma 62:41, how do our reactions to trials affect us? After the potato and egg are fully cooked, cut open the potato and crack open the egg to show that the same “trial” softened the potato and hardened the egg. What can our family do to be sure that our trials humble us and bring us closer to God?

Additional Resources

Friend August 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities” Helaman and other leaders wrote epistles, or letters, to tell each other about the good and bad things happening in the battles (see Alma 56). You can write letters too! Write a letter to a family member or friend. Write down the good things happening in your life and the things that are hard for you. Then send your letter!

For younger children: Practice writing “I love you” or drawing a heart to give to someone you love. Talk about how prophets in the scriptures also wrote letters.

Media Library

Friend August 2020 “Stripling Warrior Challenge” The stripling warriors kept their bodies and spirits strong. Set this page on the floor. Close your eyes and drop a pebble or button onto the page. Then do the challenge for the box it lands closest to.

  • “Stripling-Warrior Search” (August 2019 Friend)
    Find eight letters hidden in this picture of the stripling warriors, and unscramble them to decode a hidden message.

Friend August 2000 “Stripling Warriors Game” Story Review Game

Friend Scripture Figures: “Stripling Warriors”

Media Library “Stripling Warriors”

Book of Mormon Coloring Book “The Stripling Warriors”

Friend May 1986

The Red Crystal

Latter Day Kids “The Valiant Fox- Come Follow Me: August 10th-16th” Video, lesson and activity ideas. Helping children to understand what valiant means.

Mothers & Women: Lesson Ideas

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Influence of Women

Friend September 2023 “Women of Faith” By President Dallin H. Oaks tells about the women who have influenced him in his life.

Honor Your Mother

I can honor my mother as Jesus did.

Jesus Turns Water into Wine video

John 2:1–11

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 2–4” At the wedding in Cana, Mary told Jesus that the wine had run out. According to the Joseph Smith Translation, Jesus responded to His mother by asking, “Woman, what wilt thou have me to do for thee? that will I do” (in John 2:4, footnote a). Jesus is an example of how we should treat our mothers.

  • Invite the children to read John 2:1–11 and take turns retelling the story in their own words.
  • Ask the children to list things their mother might need help with. Invite them to practice what they could say to her using some of Jesus’s words: “What wilt thou have me to do for thee?” (John 2:4, footnote a).

Friend November 2022 “A Happy Helper” Felix helps his mom get ready for Grandpa’s visit. A

  • Invite some mothers to visit your class and share what their children do to show respect for them.

To honor your parents means to love, respect, and obey them.

Friend November 2021 “Jesus Honored His Parents” As He grew up, Jesus obeyed His earthly parents. He loved and cared for them. Even when He was dying on the cross, He asked one of His disciples to take care of His mother. He also honored His Heavenly Father by keeping the commandments.

New Era March 2017 “20 Ways to Honor Mom and Dad”

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “John 2-4” At a marriage feast in Cana, Christ changed water into wine—an event John called the “beginning of miracles” (John 2:11). That’s true in more than one sense. While this was the first miracle Jesus performed publicly, it can also symbolize another miraculous beginning—the process of our hearts being transformed as we become ever more like our Savior. This miracle of a lifetime begins with the decision to follow Jesus Christ, to change and live a better life through Him.

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day Gifts and Cards

No Mother in the Home

Friend June 2019 “For Parent’s of Little Ones” Father’s Day and Mother’s Day can bring up sad feelings for children who don’t have a mom or dad at home. This article gives great ideas on how to honor those days in sensitive ways.

Following Jesus: Light of the World

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Jesus is the Light of the World

Friend January 2023 “Jesus is Our Light” Jesus is the Light of the World because His teachings and example light our way back to Heavenly Father.

Friend January 2023 “Jesus Is My True Light” I Can Play It Song

1. At night when darkness fills my room,

I do not need to fear.

I think of Jesus’ love for me

And know that He is near,

2. When I am tempted to do wrong,

I seek the Savior’s light.

And as I think of all He’s done,

I want to do what’s right,

Chorus: For Jesus is my true light.

He protects me day and night.

He helps me choose the right.

I will follow in His light.

For the Strength of Youth August 2021 “Discovering Light and Truth”

Friend December 2018 “Family Night Fun” Make a cup lantern by making holes all around it and then putting a glow stick or battery candle inside. Use for example of Jesus being a light to the world.

John 1:4–9

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 1“The symbolism of light can help children understand the Savior and His gospel. How can you inspire the children to seek the light of the Savior when the world seems dark?

“Jesus Christ is the light of the world because he is the source of the light that quickens our understanding, because his teachings and his example illuminate our path, and because his power persuades us to do good.” Dallin H. Oaks

Friend January 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities: The True Light”

Story: Jesus Christ is sometimes called the “true Light” (John 1:9). The scriptures teach that we should keep His commandments and follow Him. Then we will have “power to become the sons [and daughters] of God” (John 1:12).

Song: “Jesus Is My True Light” (page 23)

Activity: Draw a picture of a goal you have. Have someone hide your picture somewhere in the room and turn off the lights. Now get a small light and shine it around the room. Can you find your picture now? Talk about how Jesus Christ can help you reach your goals.

Following Jesus brings light to my life. (Jr)

1 John 1:5–72:8–11

Ask the children to name things that give light. Talk with them about the benefits of light, like helping plants grow, allowing us to see, and giving warmth. To understand how Jesus brings us light, they could take turns shining a light at a picture of Jesus Christ as they say, “God is light” (1 John 1:5). Testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can bring light into our lives when we try to follow what They say. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1-3 John; Jude”)

Friend January 2023 “Jesus is Our Light” Jesus is the Light of the World because His teachings and example light our way back to Heavenly Father.

Invite the children to take turns holding a picture of a light bulb or candle. As each child holds the picture, help him or her think of a way we can bring the light of Jesus Christ into our lives. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1-3 John; Jude”)

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1–3 John; Jude” To help your family ponder John’s teachings, gather in a dark room so family members can experience the difference between walking “in darkness” and walking “in the light.” How does hatred cause us to walk in darkness and stumble? How does loving each other bring light into our lives?

Glow Stick Activity: Crystal from www.theredcrystal.org had a super fun idea to use glow sticks for this.
She says to put a bunch of unactivated glow sticks in a bag or pillow case that isn’t see-through. When a
child mentions something that brings more of the “light of Christ” into our lives, pull it out and let them
activate the glow stick. Then set it on the table in the dark room, until all the glow sticks are on that
same table making a considerable amount of light. Talk about the happiness and hope we can feel in our
lives because of Jesus Christ. The printables from here would be great to attach onto the glow sticks
while discussing specific things that bring more of the light of Christ into our lives:

Light of Christ

For the Strength of Youth August 2021 “The Light of Christ”

I can shine the Savior’s light for others.

Isaiah 60:1–3

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Isaiah 58–66” Isaiah prophesied that in the last days, the Lord’s people would be like a light for those who are in darkness. Consider how you can help the children “arise” and “shine.”

  • Invite the children to close their eyes as you read Isaiah 60:1–3. Ask them to open their eyes when they hear the word “light” and close them when they hear the word “darkness.” Explain that Jesus Christ and His gospel are like a light that helps us see our way back to Heavenly Father.
  • Give each child a picture of a light (such as a sun, a candle, or a light bulb). Help them think of ways they can share the Savior’s light with others. As each idea is shared, invite them to “arise” and “shine” their light by holding up their picture. Tell the children about ways you have seen them sharing the Savior’s light.

Friend December 2016 “A Shining Light”

Friend December 2016

Friend November 2015 “Be a Shining Light” Ways we can become examples so our lights will shine.

  • Sing together a song about sharing light, such as “Shine On” (Children’s Songbook, 144). Help the children notice words in the song that reinforce what they learn from Isaiah 60:1–3.

Sharing Light of Christ

Friend December 2022 “Sharing the Light of Jesus Christ”

I can shine the Savior’s light. (Jr)

Revelation 1:20

Ask the children to name things that give light. Talk with them about the benefits of light, like helping plants grow, allowing us to see, and giving warmth. To understand how Jesus brings us light, they could take turns shining a light at a picture of Jesus Christ as they say, “God is light” (1 John 1:5). Testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can bring light into our lives when we try to follow what They say. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 1–5”)

Friend December 2016 “A Shining Light”

Friend December 2016

The Red Crystal

The Red Crystal

Prepare the glow sticks before class, with the pictures on them. Have the students pick one out of a bag at a time and talk about how as members of Jesus’s Church, can be like the light. Then they can crack the glow stick and make it shine. They can put it in a vase or cup till later, when all the glow sticks are ignited. Turn out the lights and testify that all those small acts of kindness, made a big impact and chased away the darkness.

Sing a song about being a light to others, such as “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam” (Children’s Songbook, 60–61). Share ways you have seen the children living the gospel of Jesus Christ and being a light to those around them. Share how being a light to others has helped you feel closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 1–5”)

We Light the World When We Follow Jesus

Friend January 2018 “Let Your Light Shine” President Monson discusses being a light to the world by following Jesus’s example. Activities: Trace this star, or draw your own, and write how you are shining brightly by being a good example or helping others. Also, color a star as you read each scripture about Jesus Christ’s example.

Profanity: Lesson Ideas

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For the Strength of Youth October 2023 “Why is it so important to control my language?”

Your words show what is in your heart. Jesus Christ taught, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” (Matthew 12:34). “Make sure your language reflects love of God and others” (For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices [2022], 12).

Controlling your language shows self-discipline. James taught, “If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body” (James 3:2).

A disciple’s words should be uplifting. The Apostle Paul taught, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29).

What you say affects your ability to have the Spirit. “Foul language is both degrading and harmful to the spirit” (Gospel Topics, “Profanity,” topics.ChurchofJesusChrist.org).

Friend August 2000 “Sharing Time: A Beautiful Tapestry” Ask several children how their parents chose their names. Say their names with varying voice inflections—excitement, annoyance, love, and so on. Ask how hearing their names said different ways made them feel. Display several names of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. Remind the children that they are keeping their baptismal covenant as they speak reverently of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and never swear or use crude words.

Ensign April 2017 “The Words We Use”

The Lord taught that sacred things “must be spoken with care” (D&C 63:64). It’s so common to hear the Lord’s name misused that kids might not understand why it’s wrong. Talk about why we should speak respectfully of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Jean B. Bingham, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency, taught: “Words have surprising power, both to build up and to tear down. … Choosing to say only that which is positive about—and to—others lifts and strengthens those around us” (“I Will Bring the Light of the Gospel into My Home,” Ensign, Nov. 2016, 7).
Object Lesson Idea

Place a clean sponge in clean water and another in dirty water. When the sponges are full, take them out and squeeze them to show what kind of water comes out. Explain that our minds soak up words and ideas; what we’ve soaked up is what comes out. What kind of language do you want to soak up? Using good language doesn’t mean just not swearing—it also means using language that’s honest, kind, and respectful. We can choose to soak up good things that please Heavenly Father so we can have the Holy Ghost with us. Explain how, with repentance, we can become clean from any bad influences we’ve soaked up.

Friend April 2017 Read “Brock and the Bad Word.” Write a list of good ways to use language. What can you do when other people use bad language?

Friend June 2023 “How Can I Learn to Use Good Language?” By Elder D. Todd Christofferson

Profanity Used by Others

Can’t get away from it? Ideas on what to do

Friend August 2019 “Speaking Up” Sometimes people keep swearing, even after we ask them to stop. Or we’re in a situation where we can’t ask others to stop. Here are some things you can do:

Sportsmanship: Stories

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Table of Contents

Happy for Others Accomplishments

Friend September 2024 “Cheering for Both Teams” Jayne wanted to win the family game, but her team was losing. Everyone was surprised when she got angry and didn’t want to play anymore. Her uncle told her that winning is everything and she should just try to have fun. She watched her uncle and she realized he was cheering for both teams. She decided to do that too. She could be happy for her family members even if she lost. She then discovered she was having fun.

Friend February 2016 & Friend March 2016 “Matt and Mandy” A really good player helps to beat Mandy’s soccer team. Mandy sees that player at church, but she doesn’t let competitive feelings interfere with being friends with the girl.

Encourage Each Other

Friend February 2020 “Keep Going, Josie” Josie had been sick and was tired, but she needed to run in the big race with her teammates. She was worried about letting them down. In her first race, others kept passing her and she felt like giving up.  But as her teammates passed her they encouraged her to keep going. Their words gave her strength and she was able to finish the race.


Mosiah 18-24

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Mosiah CHAPTER 18 Alma preaches in private—He sets forth the covenant of baptism and baptizes at the waters of Mormon—He organizes the Church of Christ and ordains priests—They support themselves and teach the people—Alma and his people flee from King Noah into the wilderness. About 147–145 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 19 Gideon seeks to slay King Noah—The Lamanites invade the land—King Noah suffers death by fire—Limhi rules as a tributary monarch. About 145–121 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 20 Some Lamanite daughters are abducted by the priests of Noah—The Lamanites wage war upon Limhi and his people—The Lamanite hosts are repulsed and pacified. About 145–123 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 20 Some Lamanite daughters are abducted by the priests of Noah—The Lamanites wage war upon Limhi and his people—The Lamanite hosts are repulsed and pacified. About 145–123 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 21 Limhi’s people are smitten and defeated by the Lamanites—Limhi’s people meet Ammon and are converted—They tell Ammon of the twenty-four Jaredite plates. About 122–121 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 22 Plans are made for the people to escape from Lamanite bondage—The Lamanites are made drunk—The people escape, return to Zarahemla, and become subject to King Mosiah. About 121–120 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 23 Alma refuses to be king—He serves as high priest—The Lord chastens His people, and the Lamanites conquer the land of Helam—Amulon, leader of King Noah’s wicked priests, rules subject to the Lamanite monarch. About 145–121 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 24 Amulon persecutes Alma and his people—They are to be put to death if they pray—The Lord makes their burdens seem light—He delivers them from bondage, and they return to Zarahemla. About 145–120 B.C.

Alma Baptizes at the Waters of Mormon

Mosiah 18

Friend May 2020 “Alma Believed Abinadi” VIDEO

Book of Mormon Stories “Alma Teaches and Baptizes” Images and Video

Friend April 2016 “Alma Baptizes Many People” For Young Readers VIDEO

Friend April 2000 “Covenants at the Waters of Mormon:”

Introduction Ideas

Give each child a copy of the nine-dot diagram, or draw it on the chalkboard. Tell the children that they are to connect all the dots by drawing four continuous straight lines without lifting the pencil off the paper or chalk off the chalkboard. After they have tried several solutions, show one child the correct solution without telling the others. Have that child show another child, and so on until all the children can connect the dots. Explain that when we learn something, we can help other people when we teach them what we know. When we learn about Heavenly Father, we can help other people by telling them about him. Primary 4 Manual “Lesson 11- Abinadi and King Noah”

There is a saying that you can count the seeds in an apple, but you can’t count the apples that come from one seed. Only one person was receptive to Abinadi’s testimony, but that one person—Alma—influenced generations of Nephites. Perhaps you could use a fruit with seeds to demonstrate this principle. What can we do to share our testimonies with others?(Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 18-24”)

The Cozy Red Cottage

When I am baptized, I make a covenant with God.

Mosiah 18:7–17

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 18-24”

  • One important way to help your children prepare for baptism is to teach them about the covenant they will make when they are baptized. This could be as simple as showing the picture at the end of this week’s outline and reading about the covenant with them in Mosiah 18:9–10. Consider inviting a child who has already been baptized to teach this to the younger children. Your children might enjoy hearing about your baptism. How has keeping your covenants with God blessed your life?

Primary 4 Manual “Lesson 12: Alma Baptizes at the Waters of Mormon” Display a key. Ask the children what a key is used for. You might have a child use the key to open a lock. Hold the paper key so the children cannot see the word Covenant, and tear it in half. Explain that a key would not work if you had only half of it. Turn the pieces of the key over to show the word Covenant. Ask the children if they know what this word means. Explain that in the gospel a covenant is a sacred agreement or promise between Heavenly Father and his children. When we keep our covenants with Heavenly Father, he will always fulfill his part. But if we do not keep our covenant promises, the covenant is broken. Keeping our baptismal covenants is a key to blessings and eternal life. Explain that eternal life is becoming like Heavenly Father and living with him forever. 

Teaching Children the Gospel “Alma Baptizes at Waters of Mormon” Lesson ideas

Friend February 2019 “The Baptism Covenant” Cut out and mix up these cards. Then take turns matching cards that go together. With each match, talk about that part of the baptism covenant.

The Red Crystal

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 18-24”

  • Older Kids: Give each child a piece of paper. Read together Mosiah 18:8–10, and invite the children to write or draw on one side of their paper the promises we make at baptism and, on the other side, the blessings Heavenly Father promises us. Let them share with the class what they find. As they share, ask questions like these: How can we “mourn with those that mourn”? What does it mean to be a witness of God “in all places”? (verse 9). What can we do to keep our covenants?

Primary 4 Manual “Lesson 12: Alma Baptizes at the Waters of Mormon”

Bear One Another’s Burdens

Primary 4 Manual “Lesson 12: Alma Baptizes at the Waters of Mormon” Ask a child to hold on one hand a moderately heavy book with his or her arm straight out while you talk to the class about the baptismal covenants. Ask the child holding the book if his or her arm is getting tired. Have another child help hold the book. Explain that one of the promises we make when we are baptized is to “bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light.” Discuss some burdens children their age might feel, such as being made fun of, being sick, having problems with family members, wanting to belong, or having difficulties in school. Ask the children how they can help make each other’s burdens lighter.

The Cozy Red Cottage

Fill a bag with heavy objects (to represent burdens), and invite a child to hold the bag. Explain that when we are sad, sick, or have other troubles, it can feel like carrying something heavy. Invite the children to take turns helping the child carry the bag so that it becomes lighter. Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 18-24”

Stand as a Witness

The Cozy Red Cottage

Comfort those that stand in need of comfort

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 18-24”

They will promise to follow Heavenly Father and Jesus by comforting people who are sad. Share a story of how you or someone you know has kept these promises. (See also Doctrine and Covenants 20:77, 79; Carole M. Stephens, “We Have Great Reason to Rejoice,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2013, 115–17.)

Friend May 2020 “My Family Night Fun” Care Package

Friend May 2020 “Doing What Jesus Would Do” When Julia heard that her friend’s beloved dog had died, she was sad. She wanted to do something to help her friend feel better, so she made her a care package. (Article also includes ideas for care packages.)

Friend February 2019 “Promise to Try” Tatsuki‘s teacher came to his house to talk to him about his upcoming baptism. He became concened when he learned about the covenants he would be making. He didn’t think he would be like Jesus every day. Then his mom reminded him of the kind things he had done and told him that he was following Jesus by doing those things. He also learned that he could repent and be forgiven if he made mistakes. He was then happy that he could be baptized and try to be like Jesus.

[unitegallery 2019Feb]

For younger children: Ask your child one thing they love about each person in the family. Tell your child something they do that shows love to others!

We renew our covenants during the sacrament

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 18-24”

Children who have been baptized could use frequent reminders about the covenants they made and renew each week with the sacrament. Perhaps your children could compare the baptismal covenant described in Mosiah 18:8–10 with the sacrament prayers (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:77, 79). How can we make the sacrament a special, reverent time, just like our baptisms were?

The Red Crystal

Explain that each Sunday they renew their baptismal covenant when they partake of the sacrament. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah)

Friend May 2020 “Alma’s Baptismal Talk” Wouldn’t it be amazing if a prophet gave a talk at your baptism? In Mosiah 18:7–11, Alma talked to a group of people who wanted to be baptized. Here’s what he taught them.

Come Follow Me Kid Below is an easier version of the above article for younger children.

Gospel Art Book

Scripture Stories Coloring Book—Book of Mormon: Alma Baptized at the Waters of Mormon

Friend May 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones: Joy in Baptism” Read Mosiah 18:10–11 about how Alma’s people clapped for joy when they learned about baptism. Find a picture of someone being baptized and point out what is happening in the scene. Then take turns hiding the picture and finding it. Whenever your child finds it, help them say, “I’m happy I can be baptized” and clap together for joy!

When I am baptized, I become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Mosiah 18:17–28

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 18-24”

Do your children know what it means to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Consider helping them find pictures that represent things Church members did in Mosiah 18:17–28. For example, the pictures Ordination to the Priesthood and Payment of Tithing (Gospel Art Book, nos. 106113) might represent verses 18 and 27–28. Tell them why you are grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ.

The Red Crystal

Sing with the children or read the words to “The Church of Jesus Christ” (Children’s Songbook, 77), and invite them to listen for things that we promise to do as members of the Church. Help them think of ways they can keep these promises.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 18-24”

Helping children feel “knit together in unity and in love” (Mosiah 18:21) helps them stay connected to the Church throughout their lives. Consider inviting your children to read Mosiah 18:17–28. What did members of Christ’s Church in Alma’s day do to love and serve one another? How can we do this in our ward, branch, or community? A song about love, such as “I’ll Walk with You” (Children’s Songbook, 140), could reinforce this message.

Friend May 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Hearts Knit in Unity” Alma taught us to have our “hearts knit together in unity and in love” (Mosiah 18:21). That means we should work together and show love to others. Make a string of hearts to remind you! Cut out some paper hearts and write a family member’s name on each one. Poke a hole in each heart and put a string through them so the hearts are connected. Hang up your string of hearts where you will see it often!

The Cozy Red Cottage

King Noah is Put to Death by His People

Mosiah 19

Book of Mormon Scriptures Stories “King Noah and King Limhi”

The People of Limhi

Mosiah 20-22

Book of Mormon Scriptures Stories “King Noah and King Limhi”

Book of Mormon Stories “King Limhi and his People Escape” Video and Images

Teaching the Scripture Readers

The People of Alma

Mosiah 23-24

Book of Mormon Stories “Alma and His People”

Book of Mormon Stories “Alma and His People Escape” Video and Images

God can make my burdens light.

Mosiah 24:8–17

Friend May 2024 “Alma’s People Pray in Their Hearts”

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 18-24”

  • A simple object lesson can make learning more memorable. Consider filling a bag with heavy objects (to represent burdens) and inviting a child to hold the bag. As you read Mosiah 24:8–17 with your children, ask them to remove an item from the bag every time they hear about something Alma and his people did to seek God’s help with their burdens. You could then talk with them about how Heavenly Father can make our burdens lighter when we seek His help.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 18-24” The story of Alma’s people can show the children that sometimes God helps by strengthening us to endure our trials instead of taking them away.

  • Help the children identify main events from the accounts of Limhi’s people in Mosiah 21:1–5, 13–16; and 22:1–11 and Alma’s people in Mosiah 24:8–22. Then ask each child to draw one of these events. Invite the children to put their drawings in the correct order to tell the story. As they do, emphasize that God helped the people bear their burdens.

Teaching Children the Gospel “Lesson 13 – The People of Alma and the People of King Limhi”

  • Invite the children to read Mosiah 21:14–15 and 24:13–14. How did the Lord respond to the prayers of Limhi’s people and Alma’s people? Ask the children to share times when they prayed for help with a trial and Heavenly Father helped them, or share your own experience.

Additional Resources

The Red Crystal

Friend August 1988 “Scriptural Giants: Gideon” part two


Mosiah 11-17

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Mosiah CHAPTER 11 King Noah rules in wickedness—He revels in riotous living with his wives and concubines—Abinadi prophesies that the people will be taken into bondage—His life is sought by King Noah. About 160–150 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 12 Abinadi is imprisoned for prophesying the destruction of the people and the death of King Noah—The false priests quote the scriptures and pretend to keep the law of Moses—Abinadi begins to teach them the Ten Commandments. About 148 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 13 Abinadi is protected by divine power—He teaches the Ten Commandments—Salvation does not come by the law of Moses alone—God Himself will make an atonement and redeem His people. About 148 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 14 Isaiah speaks messianically—The Messiah’s humiliation and sufferings are set forth—He makes His soul an offering for sin and makes intercession for transgressors—Compare Isaiah 53. About 148 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 15 How Christ is both the Father and the Son—He will make intercession and bear the transgressions of His people—They and all the holy prophets are His seed—He brings to pass the Resurrection—Little children have eternal life. About 148 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 16 God redeems men from their lost and fallen state—Those who are carnal remain as though there were no redemption—Christ brings to pass a resurrection to endless life or to endless damnation. About 148 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 17 Alma believes and writes the words of Abinadi—Abinadi suffers death by fire—He prophesies disease and death by fire upon his murderers. About 148 B.C.

Book of Mormon Stories “Abinadi and King Noah” Images and Video

King Noah rules in wickedness. Abinadi preaches repentance.

Mosiah 11

Mosiah 12-13

We usually try to warn people we love about decisions that could bring pain and suffering. The Lord sent Abinadi with the message for King Noah and his people to repent and avoid the suffering that could come because of their sinful behaviors. (Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024)

I can stand for Jesus Christ, even when I stand alone.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 11-17”

At some time in our lives, we all face pressure to make choices that go against our faith in Jesus Christ. What can your children learn from Abinadi about standing as a witness of Jesus Christ, even when it is unpopular? Ask them what they like about Abinadi.

Your children might enjoy acting out parts of Abinadi’s story. Then they could act out real-life scenarios to practice what they might do if others want them to do something wrong. (For example, what could they do when someone tries to get them to watch an inappropriate movie or when their friends don’t want to include someone in a game they are playing?)

Come Follow Me Kid

Friend April 2019 “What’s on Your Mind” Try explaining why it’s important to you. Even if others don’t understand your reasons, ask them to be respectful.

Friend November 2015 Take turns acting out standing for truth using the provided scenarios. Link also includes other lesson ideas and a story.

Friend November 2015

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 11-17” Or they could share experiences when they were brave in following Jesus Christ. (Help the children think of times when they stood up for what’s right.) How did Abinadi follow Jesus Christ? (see Mosiah 13:2–917:7–10). Why didn’t King Noah do what he knew was right? (see Mosiah 17:11–12).

Friend September 2023 “Building Respect” When Noah’s sister and her friends walked by, a friend of Noah’s said mean things about girls, and that they didn’t want to play with them. Noah stood up for his sister and asked his friend not to say things like that.

Friend February 2024 “Margo and Paulo” Margo refuses to go along with her friends plan to cheat on a test.

Show the video “Dare to Stand Alone” How was President Thomas S. Monson like Abinadi?

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 11-17”

March in place with the children as they sing a song that inspires courage, such as “I Will Be Valiant” (Children’s Songbook, 162). Read the words of the song together, and help the children identify what a valiant or courageous person does. Select a few verses from Mosiah 11–13 and 17 to read to the children to show how Abinadi and Alma were valiant (for example, see Mosiah 13:1–4, 9).

Friend March 2016

Teaching Children the Gospel: Stand for the Right Stories, activities, and song ideas.

I should obey the Ten Commandments.

Mosiah 12:33–3613:11–24

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 11-17”

  • King Noah’s priests knew the commandments but did not have them “written in [their] hearts” (Mosiah 13:11). How will you help your children know the commandments and love them? Maybe they could write the commandments from Mosiah 12:33–36 and 13:11–24 on heart-shaped pieces of paper. As they do, talk with them about what these commandments mean and how to follow them. How do we write these commandments in our hearts?

Old Testament Coloring Book “The Ten Commandments”

  • You could also sing together a song about commandments, such as “Keep the Commandments” (Children’s Songbook, 146–47). What blessings come from keeping the commandments?

Friend May 2020 “My Family Night Fun” Print or draw some road signs that help you stay safe, like stop signs, speed limits, and other warnings. Take turns holding up the signs and having people follow them in pretend cars! What would driving be like without those signs?

Abinadi taught about the Ten Commandments (see Mosiah 13:12–24). How does following the commandments keep you safe and happy?

Friend May 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 11-17”

King Noah’s priests knew the commandments but did not follow them.

Show a picture of Moses with the Ten Commandments and briefly explain how Moses received the commandments from God (see Exodus 19–20).Then show a picture of Abinadi (see this week’s outline. Abinadi reminded King Noah and his priests about the Ten Commandments.

Gospel Art Book, no.14

Give the children heart-shaped pieces of paper, and invite them to write one or more of the Ten Commandments on their hearts (see Mosiah 13:11)—perhaps one they feel they should try harder to obey. Assign each child to read one of the commandments in Mosiah 12:35 and 13:11–24. Help the children think of creative ways to help each other remember each commandment (such as a rhyming phrase, an action, or an acronym). The song “The Commandments” (Children’s Songbook, 112–13) can also help.

Teaching Children the Gospel: Obedience, Commandments

Abinadi Testifies of Christ

Mosiah 14-15

Prophets bravely testify of Jesus Christ.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 11-17” Share with the children some of the things Abinadi taught about Jesus Christ in Mosiah 14:5 and 15:7–9. Help the children understand that Abinadi wanted King Noah and his people to follow Jesus so they could be happy. In our day, living prophets teach us about the Savior. Watch the below video. (Start at 5:20 for a shorter version.)

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 11-17”Show or draw pictures of chains, a jail, and a fire. Teach the children that Abinadi was willing to be tied up, put in jail, and even burned by fire to share his testimony of Jesus Christ. Even though we will probably never face these dangers, how can we be courageous like Abinadi in sharing our testimonies with both our words and our choices?

Come Follow Me Kid

Heavenly Father sent Jesus Christ to lead me back to Him.

When I sin, I become lost; because of Jesus Christ, I can be found.

Mosiah 1416:4–9

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 11-17”

  • Though it’s a short chapter, Mosiah 14 has several words and phrases that describe Jesus Christ. Maybe you and your children could list them as you read the chapter together. Then you could talk about how you feel about the Savior as you study these words and phrases.

Come Follow Me Kid

  • To teach about Jesus Christ, Abinadi quoted the prophet Isaiah, who compared us to lost sheep. Perhaps your children could share experiences when they lost something or were lost themselves. How did they feel? What did they do? Then you could read together Mosiah 14:6 and 16:4–9. How are we like sheep who wander from God? How does Jesus Christ help us come back?

The Red Crystal After teaching this principal, think it would be fun for the students to find their sheep with their names on it. Prep them if they find someone else’s sheep to not say anything, but keep looking.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 11-17”

Read together Mosiah 14:6 and 16:4–9. How do we sometimes go “astray” from God? How does Jesus Christ help us come back?

Invite the children to imagine a herd of sheep. What are some reasons one of the sheep might get lost? List their answers on the board. How are we like sheep who wander? How might Heavenly Father feel when we are “found” through repentance and the Savior’s Atonement? (see Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–13). Share your testimony of the Savior and of repentance.

How is Jesus Christ both the Father and the Son?

Mosiah 15:1–12

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 11-17”

Jesus Christ is also the Father in the sense that when we accept His redemption, we become “his seed” and “heirs of the kingdom of God” (Mosiah 15:11–12). In other words, we become spiritually reborn through Him (see Mosiah 5:7).

A father is someone who gives life. Jesus Christ is like a father to us because He can give us immortality and eternal life.

Why we need a Savior

Mosiah 15:26–2716:1–13

These verses describe what would happen to God’s children if Jesus had “not come into the world” (Mosiah 16:6) or if they did not follow Him. What are the good things that have happened because He came and atoned for us? See also the video “Why We Need a Savior” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org).

Mosiah 16

Jesus is a light that can never darkened

Friend May 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities” Abinadi taught that Jesus Christ is “a light that is endless, that can never be darkened” (Mosiah 16:9). Hide an object in the house. Turn off the lights and have everyone try to find it in the dark. Then hide the object and try to find it with the lights on or with flashlights. Which way was easier? How does Jesus help us like the light helped you?

For younger children: Sing “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110–11) with your kids. Every time you sing the word prophet, point to a picture of the prophet.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 11-17”

Large fires can start from a single spark. Abinadi was only one man testifying against a powerful king and his court. His words were rejected for the most part, and he was sentenced to death. Yet his testimony of Jesus Christ, who is the “light … that can never be darkened” (Mosiah 16:9), sparked something inside the young priest Alma. And that spark of conversion slowly grew as Alma brought many others to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. The flames that killed Abinadi eventually died out, but the fire of faith that his words created would have a lasting influence on the Nephites—and on people who read his words today. Most of us will never face quite what Abinadi did because of our testimonies, but we all have moments when following Jesus Christ is a test of our courage and faith. Perhaps studying Abinadi’s testimony will fan the flames of testimony and courage in your heart as well.

Abinadi Suffers Death for his Faith

Mosiah 17

Additional Resources

Media Library “Abinadi before King Noah (Abinadi Appearing before King Noah)

Teaching Children the Gospel “Lesson 11: Abinadi and King Noah”

Invite the children to draw pictures of different parts of the account of Abinadi, King Noah, and Alma found in Mosiah 11–13 and 17. Help them use their pictures to retell the story.

Primary 4 Manual “Lesson 11- Abinadi and King Noah” Put the following objects in a sack or bag. Have each child pick one of the objects and have them explain what it represents when you come to that part of the story.

A paper mustache (see the illustration at the end of the lesson)
A flashlight or lightbulb
A paper replica of the Ten Commandments (see the illustration at the end of the lesson)
A picture of Christ
A piece of rope or string
A match

Mustache:Abinadi came back in disguise (Mosiah 12:1).
Lightbulb or flashlight:Abinadi’s face shone with luster (Mosiah 13:5).
Ten Commandments:Abinadi taught the Ten Commandments (Mosiah 13:11–24).
Picture of Christ:Abinadi boldly testified of Jesus Christ (Mosiah 151617:8).
Rope or string:Abinadi was bound (Mosiah 17:13).
Match:Abinadi was killed by fire (Mosiah 17:20).

Have the children take the parts of the characters in the story of Abinadi and King Noah, and have a reporter interview them. Make a list of questions for the reporter to ask the characters, such as:

Reporter to Noah:How did you pay for your fancy buildings?
Reporter to priests:Why are you holding Abinadi prisoner?
Reporter to Alma:What do you think about the teachings of Abinadi?
Reporter to Abinadi:Why do these people want to kill you? Why won’t you deny what you have said to these people?

Teaching the Scripture Readers

Teaching the Scripture Readers

Latter Day Kids “Standing for Truth” Lesson ideas

The Red Crystal 2024

Mosiah 7-10

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Mosiah CHAPTER 7 Ammon finds the land of Lehi-Nephi, where Limhi is king—Limhi’s people are in bondage to the Lamanites—Limhi recounts their history—A prophet (Abinadi) had testified that Christ is the God and Father of all things—Those who sow filthiness reap the whirlwind, and those who put their trust in the Lord will be delivered. About 121 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 8 Ammon teaches the people of Limhi—He learns of the twenty-four Jaredite plates—Ancient records can be translated by seers—No gift is greater than seership. About 121 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 9 Zeniff leads a group from Zarahemla to possess the land of Lehi-Nephi—The Lamanite king permits them to inherit the land—There is war between the Lamanites and Zeniff’s people. About 200–187 B.C.

Mosiah CHAPTER 10 King Laman dies—His people are wild and ferocious and believe in false traditions—Zeniff and his people prevail against them. About 187–160 B.C.

While King Mosiah’s people were enjoying “continual peace” in Zarahemla (Mosiah 7:1), their thoughts turned to another group of Nephites, who many years before had left to dwell in the land of Lehi-Nephi. Generations had passed, and Mosiah’s people had heard nothing from them. So Mosiah asked Ammon to lead a search party to find the Nephites who had left. The search party found that the Nephites, “because of iniquity” (Mosiah 7:24), were in captivity to the Lamanites. But with the arrival of Ammon and his brethren, suddenly there was hope for deliverance. (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10”)

Ammon searches for people of Limhi

Mosiah 7

One day King Limhi saw some strangers outside the city. He had them put in prison. The strangers were Nephites from Zarahemla.

Ammon talking to Limhi
Their leader was named Ammon. King Limhi was happy to see him. He knew that Ammon could help his people escape from the Lamanites.
King Limhi talking to people
King Limhi called his people together. He reminded them that their wickedness was the reason they were being held by the Lamanites.
Limhi talking
He told his people to repent, trust God, and obey the commandments. Then God would help them escape.

God helped people in the scriptures, and He can help me.

Mosiah 7:19

Explain that King Limhi’s people were in trouble, so he shared a story to help them have faith. Read Mosiah 7:19 to the children, see “The Passover” and “The Israelites in the Wilderness” and Moses Parting the Red Sea, ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Maybe your children would like to act them out. How did the Lord help the people in these stories? How can He help us?

Old Testament Scripture Stories “The Passover”

Friend April 2022 “Moses and the Manna”

Latter Day Kids “He Will Deliver You” Lesson ideas

For more examples of how the Lord helps us, select some verses of “Book of Mormon Stories” or “Nephi’s Courage” (Children’s Songbook, 118–19, 120–21) to sing with your children. Help them identify how the Lord helped people in the Book of Mormon—and how He can help us.

The Primary Pad “Book of Mormon Stories”

How did the people in these stories show that they trusted in God? How did the Lord help these people?

What stories from our lives or our ancestors’ lives can we share to inspire greater trust in God?

Friend April 2020 “Family Night Fun” Heroes with God’s Help: Make your own faith hero cards! Draw pictures of people in the scriptures who did something hard with God’s help. On one of your hero cards, draw a picture of yourself. What hard things can you do with God’s help?

The Red Crystal

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10”

  • Read Mosiah 7:33 to the children, and help them understand what the verse teaches us to do to receive help from the Lord. Help the children think of actions to represent these things, and repeat the verse while they do the actions. What are some things we need help with? How can we show that we trust the Lord? Share an experience when you trusted the Lord and He helped you.
  • Invite three children to write a trial or challenge they face on the board. Ask a child to read Mosiah 7:33, and encourage the other children to erase one of the trials or challenges each time they hear something they can do to receive the Lord’s help. How can trusting in the Lord help us overcome our challenges?

Ensign April 2020 “Family Study Fun” Paper Chain of Deliverance

In Mosiah 7, Limhi reminds his people of instances when God has delivered groups out of physical bondage. Likewise, the Lord is willing and able to deliver us from spiritual bondage.

  1. On strips of paper, write the tools that Satan uses to keep us in spiritual bondage (pornography, alcohol, immorality, and so on).
  2. Connect the paper strips to make a paper chain.
  3. Bind someone’s wrists with the paper chain.
  4. Read Mosiah 7:33 aloud. As you discuss ways we can turn to the Lord, trust Him, and serve Him, break the chain to represent how the Lord can deliver us.

Discussion: What does it mean to “turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart”? How do we “serve him with all diligence of mind”?

The Red Crystal

Limhi tells of 24 gold plates found in ruins

Mosiah 8

Limhi and his people want to escape bondage so they sought help from the Nephites in the Land of Zarahemla. Limhi sent a group of people to the land of Zarahemla to try to get help, but they lost their way. They traveled far past the land of Zarahemla and found some ruins of a large civilization. They found bones, armor, and 24 gold plates with engravings in an unfamiliar language in the ruins. This group came back to show King Limhi what they found.

King Limhi hoped that Ammon could translate the record or knew someone who could (see Mosiah 8:6, 11–12).

Read Mosiah 8:13–14, looking for who Ammon said could translate the record and why.

God has given us prophets, seers, and revelators.

Mosiah 8:16–18

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 7-10”

  • One way to teach about seers is to compare them to things that help us see better, like glasses, binoculars, or a microscope. [Show the children how to hold their hands up to their eyes as if they were looking through glasses or binoculars. Read Mosiah 8:17, ask the children to put on their “glasses” each time they hear the word “seer.”] (see also Moses 6:35–36). Talk with them about things that the Lord helps prophets “see” that we can’t. What have our prophets or seers, such as Joseph Smith, revealed to us?

Clipart Library

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10” Show the children pictures of tools that help us see things we couldn’t otherwise see, such as binoculars, a telescope, or a microscope. How are these tools like a seer? (see Moses 6:35–36). What can seers see that we do not? Explain that God has given us prophets and that one of the roles of a prophet is to be a “seer” because he can “see” things to come. Share some examples of things that prophets have seen and revealed to us (including the scriptures), or share an example of when a prophet was acting as a seer (such as 1 Nephi 11:20–21).

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 7-10”

  • After reading Mosiah 8:16–18 with your children, you could help them think of ways to complete a sentence like A seer is like a … who helps us … . For example, a seer is like a traffic sign who points us to Jesus.
  • Ask the children to review Mosiah 8:16–18 to learn what a seer is. Write this sentence on the board: A seer is like . Help the children think of ways to complete the sentence to explain why a seer is a blessing to us—for example, a seer is like a lifeguard, who warns us of danger.(Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10”)

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10”

Show a short clip of a recent conference message from the President of the Church (or show a picture of him and read something he has taught). Bear your testimony that he is a prophet, seer, and revelator.

Friend May 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities”Ammon taught that prophets can see things to come (see Mosiah 8:16–17). Turn to page 2 to read President Nelson’s message from general conference. What did he teach us? Draw a picture about it.

In our day, “the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve are sustained as prophets, seers, and revelators” (Bible Dictionary, “Seer”). You might show pictures of our living prophets, seers, and revelators. You might show pictures of our living prophets, seers, and revelators and ask your family what they know about them. How are we following them?

Media Library “First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles”

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 7-10”

You could also make paper footprints and invite your children to draw pictures on them of things that prophets, seers, and revelators have counseled us to do. Place the footprints in a path around the room, and let your children walk on these footprints. How can a seer be “a great benefit” to us? (see Mosiah 8:17–18).

The Red Crystal

For younger children: Sing “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110–11) with your kids. Every time you sing the word prophet, point to a picture of the prophet.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10”

  • Pick a phrase from Mosiah 8:16–17, and write it on the board, replacing each word with a made-up symbol. Give the children a list of the symbols and the words they represent, and let them decode or “translate” the phrase as seers do. What are some other ways that prophets, seers, and revelators are “a great benefit” to us? (Mosiah 8:18).
  • Display the picture in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families, and ask the children to describe what they see. Explain that the Prophet Joseph Smith was a seer. What evidence do we have that Joseph Smith was a seer? The Lord gave him tools called the Urim and Thummim and a seer stone to use in translating the Book of Mormon.

Zeniff leads a group to the land of Lehi-Nephi

Mosiah 9-10

King Limhi brought forth the records of what had transpired with his people from the time Zeniff left Zarahemla to their current time.

Book of Mormon Stories “Zeniff” Images and video

Teaching Children the Gospel “Lesson 11: Abinadi and King Noah” The first part of this lesson is about Zeniff.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10”

Zeniff admitted that he had made mistakes. He was overzealous at times, and he had put his people—the ancestors of Limhi’s people—in a difficult situation by making an ill-advised agreement with King Laman. But later, when he went to battle against the Lamanites, he helped his people face their challenges with faith. As you read Mosiah 9–10, look for what Zeniff’s people did to show their faith. How did God strengthen them? What does it mean to you to go forth “in the strength of the Lord”? (Mosiah 9:1710:10–11).

When I am weak, the Lord can strengthen me.

Mosiah 9:14–1810:10–11

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 7-10”

  • When children face challenges, they sometimes feel weak and helpless. How will you help your children rely on the Lord’s strength? You could ask them what we do to become physically strong. What does it mean to have “the strength of men”? (see Mosiah 10:11). What does it mean to have “the strength of the Lord”? (see Mosiah 9:17–1810:10). How do we receive the strength of the Lord? Your children could draw a picture of things that help them receive the strength of the Lord.

The Red Crystal

The Cozy Red Cottage Download activity at link

Friend April 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Read Mosiah 9:17–18 together and help your little ones say, “God will help me be strong.” Set out objects of different weights and have your children try to lift each one. Then show them that with your help, they can lift so much more! Testify that God will help us be strong enough to do hard things when we trust Him.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10” Invite the children to draw a picture of someone who they feel has the strength of the Lord and share why they drew this person.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10” When the Lamanites attacked, the people of Zeniff were physically and spiritually ready. What can we learn from Zeniff and his people about preparing for challenges?

News with Naylors

My choices can influence generations.

According to Mosiah 10:11–17, how did the actions and attitudes of the Lamanites’ ancestors prevent the Lamanites from knowing the truth? How did the choices of the Lamanites’ ancestors affect future generations?

Additional Resources

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10

The Cozy Red Cottage See activities at link

The Red Crystal