Jesus: Songs

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My Shepherd

Friend January 2021 “My Shepherd” By Blaine Garner (Link includes a sing-along video)

1. Long ago in Galilee Jesus walked along the sea And told the fishermen To follow Him. Like the faithful long ago, I will choose to follow, For Jesus is calling me.

2. Jesus showed us long ago How to help the sick, the cold, To love and care for those Who need us the most. I will comfort those in need. I will strengthen feeble knees And show the love inside of me.

[Chorus] I will follow where my Savior leads. I will listen when He calls to me. I will live what I believe. And when I’m in need, He will carry me. He’s my Shepherd, and I’m His sheep.

When I Return to Him

Friend April 2019 “When I Return to Him” Music Video

Words and music by Sally DeFord

1. The Shepherd loves His little lambs,
And when they go astray,
He seeks them as they wander;
He calls each one by name.
They listen for the Shepherd’s voice;
They run to Him, and then
He welcomes them with loving arms
When they return to Him.

2. The Savior loves His little ones,
And if I leave His side,
He seeks me as I wander
By day or darkest night.
I’ll listen for the Savior’s call.
I’ll come to Him, and then
He’ll welcome me with loving arms
When I return to Him.

3. The Savior marks the path for me;
He shows me how to live.
And if I stray or wander,
I know He will forgive.
So I will heed the Savior’s voice;
I’ll turn away from sin,
And He will fill my heart with joy
When I return to Him.


The Miracle

Friend June 2018 “The Miracle” Jesus did many miracles, but the most incredible is the one that rescued each of us. Music Video


I Know that My Redeemer Lives

Friend June 2019 “I Know That My Redeemer Lives: I Can Play It”  Sing-Along Video

Names of Jesus

Many Names of Jesus

Friend April 2017 ” Many Names of Jesus” Sheet Music, Music Video

Words by Jan Pinborough
Music by Michael F. Moody

Words: Jesus said that He would be my Shepherd.
Jesus said that I would be His lamb.
He calms my fears with tender words of comfort,
So when He calls, I gladly follow Him.
Jesus is my Friend; He’s like no other.
Jesus is the Son, the Bread of Life.
With Him, I’m not afraid; He is my Brother.
He knows my heart. He helps me choose the right.
Jesus said that He would be my Savior.
Jesus said that He would be my Light.
He made the stars, the oceans—my Creator,
Redeemer, Lord, the Way, the Truth, the Life.
So many names of Jesus,
So many ways to know Him,
And every name means, “I love you.”
The Prince of Peace, the King of Kings,
Jesus Christ salvation brings.

Following Jesus

I Will Shine

Friend January 2022 “I Will Shine”

1. There’s a light within me— The perfect light of Christ— And I have made a promise To keep it burning bright By walking in His footsteps And following His plan In every time and every place, In every way I can.

2. One simple act of kindness Will lift a lonely soul; One gentle word that’s spoken Turns sadness to hope. One choice to be like Jesus Will spread the love He gives, And one by one the world becomes A better place to live.

Chorus: I will shine like a candle in the dark; All it takes to make a difference is a spark. And it’s easy to see that the brightest I’ll be Is when I let His light shine through me. When I let His light shine through me.

This is My Beloved

Friend September 2020 “This is My Beloved Song: I Can Play It” Also Sing-along Video

1. Jesus entered Jordan’s waters When His work had just begun. God the Father spoke from heaven:“This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

2. Nephites gazing into heaven Saw their white-robed Savior come. And they heard the Father witness: “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

3. Joseph saw two glorious beings Shining brighter than the sun. God again presented Jesus: “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

4. As I read the scriptures daily— Words of Christ, the Holy One— In my heart I’ll hear God tell me: “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

I Will Walk with Jesus

Friend February 2020 “I Will Walk with Jesus” Song and Sing-Along Video

1. Jesus walked in wisdom; Jesus grew in truth. He showed love to God and man while in His youth. Jesus wants to guide me. Jesus shows the way, Calling me to come and walk with Him each day.

2. I can grow like Jesus. I will try each day— Promising to walk His path and there to stay. Standing by my Savior, safe within His care, Step by step I’ll follow, and His love I’ll share.

3. I will trust in Jesus. I will hear His call. He will never leave me, even when I fall. Jesus gives me power, lifts and comforts me, Helping me to live and grow eternally.

Chorus: I will walk with Jesus to my home above. He will bless me with His Spirit and fill me with His love, Change my heart forever and help me clearly see. I will walk with Jesus, and He will walk with me.

I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus

Friend April 2024 “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus: I Can Play It” Simplified version

Had I Been a Little Child

Ensign October 2020 “Family Study Fun”

Read 3 Nephi 17:21–25 with your family, which describes the Savior ministering to people after His Resurrection. Talk about what it might have felt like to be there.

  1. Draw or write these body parts on pieces of paper: hands, feet, knees, arms, eyes, and mouth. Pass them out to different family members.
  2. Listen to “Had I Been a Child” from pages 80–81 of the Children’s Songbook 
  3. Whenever a body part is mentioned in the song, have the family member holding that paper lift it up for everyone to see.

Discussion: Talk about how Jesus has a resurrected body and how one day we’ll have a resurrected body too. Jesus used His body to serve others. How can we serve others and show them love?

“Had I Been A Child” Lyrics

  1. 1. Had I been a child when Jesus cameUnto the Nephites that blessed dayAnd showed them the wounds in his hands and his feetAnd knelt with them to pray.
  2. 2. Then he might have held me safe in his arms;He might have looked in my eyes and saidA word, with his blessing of kindness and love,His hands placed upon my head.
  3. 3. Someday, when the Savior comes again,Oh, how I hope that my heart will beAs pure as the hearts of the children that dayWho gathered around his knee.

Peace in Christ

Friend September 2021 “Peace in Christ” Song

1. There is peace in Christ When we learn of Him. Feel the love He felt for us When He bore our sins. Listen to His words. Let them come alive. If we know Him as He is, There is peace in Christ.

2. There is peace in Christ When we walk with Him Through the streets of Galilee To Jerusalem. Mend the broken hearts. Dry the tear-filled eyes. When we live the way He lived, There is peace in Christ.

Chorus: He gives us hope When hope is gone. He gives us strength When we can’t go on. He gives us shelter In the storms of life. When there’s no peace on earth, There is peace in Christ.

Second ending: When there’s no peace on earth, There is peace in Christ.

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus

Friend March 2023 “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus” I Can Play It

Gratitude for Jesus


Friend April 2023 “Because’ I Can Play It

1. Because He walked with men, I know the way. Because He calmed the storm, I’m not afraid. Because He bowed beneath all things, He lifted me above. Because I know He died for me, I feel His love.

2. Because He conquered death, I’ll live again. Because He is my Friend, I’ll follow Him. Because He felt all grief and pain, He calms and comforts me. And when He comes again, I’ll kneel before His feet.

Chorus: And I will praise forever The Savior of the world. And I will sing together With all the Saints on earth. Because He gave to me everything He had to give, I breathe, I see, I hope, I love, I live.

Church History: Songs

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Joseph Smith

Praise to the Man

Joseph Smith’s First Vision

Joseph Smith’s First Prayer/ Oh, How Lovely was the Morning

Joseph Smith’s First Prayer: Music & Video – Friend January 2017

[Verse 1]
Oh, how lovely was the morning!
Radiant beamed the sun above
Bees were humming, sweet birds singing
Music ringing thru the grove
When within the shady woodland
Joseph sought the God of love
When within the shady woodland
Joseph sought the God of love

[Verse 2]
Humbly kneeling, sweet appealing—
‘Twas the boy’s first uttered prayer—
When the pow’rs of sin assailing
Filled his soul with deep despair;
But undaunted, still he trusted
In his Heav’nly Father’s care;
But undaunted, still he trusted
In his Heav’nly Father’s care

[Verse 3]
Suddenly a light descended
Brighter far than noonday sun
And a shining, glorious pillar
O’er him fell, around him shone
While appeared two heav’nly beings
God the Father and the Son
While appeared two heav’nly beings
God the Father and the Son

[Verse 4]
“Joseph, this is my Beloved;
Hear him!” Oh, how sweet the word!
Joseph’s humble prayer was answered
And he listened to the Lord
Oh, what rapture filled his bosom
For he saw the living God;
Oh, what rapture filled his bosom
For he saw the living God

The First Vision

Friend April 2020 “The First Vision” Music and Video

  • 1. Joseph had a question about the way to go, So faithfully he studied to help his knowledge grow. A scripture struck his heart, inviting him to pray, And Joseph knew that he could ask for God to show him the way.
  • 2. Seeking peaceful quiet, he chose a grove of trees And prayed with all his power for God to hear his plea. The Father and the Son descended from above To answer Joseph’s question and restore the gospel with love.
  • 3. From that wondrous vision, more revelations flowed. The Lord restored the gospel so everyone can know: The heavens are not closed; the Savior speaks today. He calls a prophet in our time to guide our steps in His way.
  • Chorus: He prayed in faith and heaven answered. The Father and the Son knew his name. I kneel to pray. I know God loves me And hears my prayers the same.

This is My Beloved Son

Verse 3:
Joseph saw two glorious beings
Shining brighter than the sun.
God again presented Jesus:
“This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

On a Golden Springtime

Music: “On a Golden Springtime” (Children’s Songbook, 88)

Third Verse: On a golden springtime, in a forest glade, The Father and the Son appeared as Joseph knelt and prayed. Awake, awake, O nations all! Receive the gospel light! The gospel true is here for you. Receive its glorious light!

The Sacred Grove

Music: “The Sacred Grove” (Children’s Songbook, 87)

The Sacred Grove was green and fresh, The morning sun shone bright around, As Joseph knelt in fervent prayer, As Joseph knelt in fervent prayer Upon that sacred ground.

The Father and the Son appeared. They spoke to him as with one voice. Their message answered all his fears, Their message answered all his fears And made his heart rejoice.

My Own Sacred Grove

Friend January 2025 “My Own Sacred Grove” I Can Play It

Joseph Smith went to a grove full of trees; Seeking Gods wisdom, he fell to his knees. As he pled with the heavens, the sky filled with light, And the Father appeared with His Son, Jesus Christ, Standing above in the air Coming to answer his prayer.

Chorus: I will find my own sacred grove. Away from all of the noise in the world. I will turn to prayer, For I know He’s there I will find my own sacred grove.

So many choices with so much at stake. Life’s full of pathways, but which should I take? If I lift up in prayer in the name of the Son, Through the pow’r of the Holy Ghost answers will come. Heavenly Father is there, Ready to answer my prayer.

Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon

The Golden Plates

Music: “The Golden Plates” (Children’s Songbook, 86)

  1. The golden plates lay hidden Deep in the mountainside, Until God found one faithful, In whom he could confide.
  2. A record made by Nephi, Written in days of old; Now, in the Book of Mormon, The story is retold.

An Angel Came to Joseph Smith

Sing or say the words to “An Angel Came to Joseph Smith”(Children’s Songbook, p. 86)

  1. An angel came to Joseph Smith, And from the ground he took A sacred record hidden there, A precious, holy book.
  2. It tells of people long ago, Led by the Lord’s own hand, Who left their homes and crossed the sea To reach a favored land.
  3. The Nephites and the Lamanites, And all who came to dwell, Had peace when they obeyed the Lord, The sacred records tell.
  4. And now I’ll read the sacred book, And then I’ll understand That Heav’nly Father loves us all In each and ev’ry land.

An Angel From on High

See also “An Angel from on High,” Hymns, no. 13.

1. An angel from on high The long, long silence broke; Descending from the sky, These gracious words he spoke: Lo! in Cumorah’s lonely hill A sacred record lies concealed. Lo! in Cumorah’s lonely hill A sacred record lies concealed.

2.Sealed by Moroni’s hand, It has for ages lain To wait the Lord’s command, From dust to speak again. It shall again to light come forth To usher in Christ’s reign on earth. It shall again to light come forth To usher in Christ’s reign on earth.

3.It speaks of Joseph’s seed And makes the remnant known Of nations long since dead, Who once had dwelt alone. The fulness of the gospel, too, Its pages will reveal to view. The fulness of the gospel, too, Its pages will reveal to view.


Jesus’ Church has been Restored

Jesus’ Church has been Restored: Friend May 2017 – Music & Video

Jesus blessed the children when He walked in Galilee, He brought a young girl back to life. He blessed the blind to see. But some forgot! His Church was lost with its authority. Now priesthood pow’r is back on earth to bless a child like me.

Heav’nly Father and His Son came to the Sacred Grove. They brought the Church to earth again so all could feel Their love. Moroni and Elijah came—and Peter, James, and John—With precious keys and blessings that for centuries were gone.

Temples all around the world, Apostles, revelation: These all are part of God’s great gift—the gospel’s restoration. The sacrament I take each week, baptism, confirmation: I’m thankful for God’s gift to me—the gospel’s restoration.

Now gospel truths are back once more, For Jesus’ Church has been restored.

The Priesthood is Restored

Pioneer Songs

I’m a Pioneer Too

Friend July 2020 “I’m a Pioneer Too” Song and Sing-Along Music Video

  1. From England to Samoa, From Kenya to Peru, Brave pioneers in every land Helped spread the gospel true.
  2. Some pioneers pulled handcarts; Some sailed across the sea. On plains and shores and mountains, they Blazed paths for you and me.
  3. They listened to the prophets, Built towns and temples too. Their faith was strong in Jesus Christ. Their courage saw them through.
  4. Chorus: The Lord has trails for me to blaze And work for me to do. Each time I bravely walk with faith, I’m a pioneer too!

When I Hear of Pioneer Children

Friend July 2016 “When I Hear of Pioneer Children”

  • When I hear of pioneer children,
  • Of trials and courage and faith,
  • I want to be willing as they were
  • To look to the Lord for my strength.
  • I’ll follow the prophets as they did,
  • For I want to build Zion too!
  • I’ll try to have faith to do hard things
  • When that’s what He needs me to do.
  • When I hear of pioneer children,
  • I want to be strong for my day.
  • I’ll try to keep all the commandments
  • And be a true Latter-day Saint.
  • I’ll stand as a shining example
  • That others who follow will see,
  • I’ll be like those pioneer children;
  • The Lord is depending on me.

Come, Come Ye Saints

Friend July 2017 “Come, Come Ye Saints” Simplified sheet music and music video

Pioneer Song Review Games

  Pioneer Choosing Activity

Since it was Pioneer Day this week, I decided to have the children sing pioneer songs for music time. I started out with a choosing activity. I used the crickets and seagull idea from Sugar Doodle. I covered the outside of a metal bowl with green tissue paper to make it look like a green hill. I printed off some crickets and a seagull from clip art on Microsoft Word.  I used double sided tape and taped a strong magnet to the back of each cricket. I also wrote the name of a pioneer song on the back of each cricket. I put the crickets on the bowl. I taped one end of a string to the back of the seagull. I taped the other end to a dowel rod. On the back of the seagull’s beak I attached a paper clip.

In Primary I told the story of the crickets and the seagulls. After that I had a child “fly” the seagull to the crickets and pick one up with the beak. We sang what song was on the back. I chose the following songs to put on the back of the crickets:

Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked

For this song I had the senior primary children get up and move over one seat every time they sang the word “walked”. This only works if you have all the children sitting in an even number of rows and in one section with no aisles. The children in the front row will move to the left, the children in the second row will move to the right, and so forth. When a child comes to the end of their row, they will go to the row in front of them. If they are already on the front row, they will move to the back row.

The children loved this activity. The teachers even wanted to participate, which was good because they helped any children that were unsure of what to do. (I had pages of a flip chart made by Jolly Jen posted on the board just incase someone didn’t know the words.)

For junior primary have them slowly walk randomly around the room as they sing the first two lines. Then have them stop and do the following actions: rub their hands together for washing in the stream, hammering action for work, jumping rope for play, making a tent with finger tips pressed together for camped, making a book with open palms together for read, and making praying hands for the word prayed. Then have them start walking again as they sing the last line, but this time have them walk back to their seats. On the last walk word have them sit down.

The Handcart Song

For the handcart song, I used the hand cart racing activity -July Friend 1981 Funstuff.  Since we aren’t supposed to use competition in Primary, I had the teachers do this activity. The kids thought that was funny. I tied the two strings to two empty chairs in the front row. I had the words/flip-chart made by Laurie Lee posted on the board. I told the teachers they could begin racing when we started singing the second half of the song. (The children knew the second half of the song better than the first, so they were able to watch the race and sing at the same time.)

It is really hard to get those pictures to move along the string, so it was funny watching the teachers try all kinds of ways to make them

To Be a Pioneer

For this song I used the pictures found on page 3 of the July 2010 Friend (flip-chart). I posted them on a display board. You could put the do’s and don’ts on different sides. I had a child wear a bonnet to represent a pioneer. She did the actions to the first part of the song such as: pretending to push a handcart, waving goodbye, walking. Then when it came to the part “to be a pioneer” she pointed to herself.

I told the childen they could develop the characteristics of a pioneer such as courage, faith, and working for a cause that is right. I used a boy with a missionary tag to be a modern pioneer. He pointed to himself when we came to the ending part “to be a pioneer”

Friend July 2019 “To Be a Pioneer” Simplified playing version and music video.

Fun to Do

We also did Sugardoodle pioneer actions to the song Fun to Do. I had them start off with bouncing on their chair to represent riding in a wagon (Riding in wagon is fun to do). Then I asked if they could think of any other actions pioneers did. I gave them some suggestions. They came up with “getting warm by the fire is fun to do”. They put their hands out like feeling the warmth and then rubbed their hands together. They also wanted to do milking a cow.

Christmas: Music

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Friend December 2023 “I Can Sing about Jesus Christ” I can sing songs about Jesus to celebrate His birth.



Friend December 2024 “Music: Gloria” Sheet music

Long ago, far away, There was a baby who lay on the hay. All was calm, all was bright, For Jesus was born on this holy night.

Lo, a star shone so bright. Wise men who saw it were filled with delight. Shepherds heard the angel say, “Good news I bring to you on this day.”

Chorus: Gloria, glory to God, Alleluia, alleluia. Sing and rejoice like the angels above. Sing glory, gloria.

Stars Were Gleaming

Mary’s Lullaby

Friend December 2021 “Mary’s Lullaby: I Can Play It” Also Sing-along video

  1. Lullaby, lullaby, my little one. Lullaby, my child so dear. Thy precious life has just begun; Thy mother holds thee near. While Joseph watches through the night, A star reflects thy radiant light.
  2. Thy gentle head shall wear a crown, For thy Father is the King. Thy tender hands, so tiny now, Have blessings great to bring. Let all creation join my song, For peace and love this night are born.
  3. Chorus: Lullaby, lullaby, my little one. Lullaby, my child so dear.

My Christmas Testimony

Friend December 2019 “My Christmas Testimony”

  1. It’s true. I know What happened in that village long ago— How one bright star did light the way To where the infant Christ Child lay, So humbly in His bed of hay.
  2. It’s true. I know— Because the holy scriptures tell me so— Of angels’ music in the air, Of Babe and mother sweet and fair, And shepherds sent to find them there.
  3. It’s true. I know. The Holy Ghost has whispered that it’s so, That Jesus, born that holy night, Has filled the world with truth and light And showed us how to live what’s right.
  4. I know. Oh, yes! I know!

I’ll Make the World Brighter

Friend December 2020 “I’ll Make the World Brighter”

  1. Like the star that shone over the stable, Guiding Wise Men to Christ through the night, I’ll help to lead others to Jesus By reflecting His love and His light.
  2. Like a lamp shining bright from a window Through the dark at the end of the day, With warm, caring friendship and service, I can help to show others the way.
  3. Chorus: Like bright lights of Christmas that bring joy and cheer, Good deeds can spread happiness all through the year.

Make Room For Him

Friend December 2017 “Make Room for Him” 

  1. When Baby Jesus came to earth So many years ago, The inn was full, no room to spare, Poor Mary found no safe place there For our dear Savior’s birth.
  2. Just like the inn of Bethlehem, Our lives can be so full Of all the busy things we do, That sometimes without meaning to We don’t leave room for Him.
  3. We can’t go back to Bethlehem To let the Dear Child in. But we can open our heart’s door To young and old, to rich and poor. And share Christ’s love with them.

God’s Christmas Gift

“God’s Christmas Gift” Sheet Music

  1. Long ago, in Bethlehem, God sent His Holy Son; A precious Gift to save the world: The pure, Anointed One.
  2. Every year, at Christmastime, The presents ‘round the tree Remind me to receive the Christ: The Gift God gives to me.
  3. Jesus Christ gave His life; God planned it from the start. Each day I live, each gift I give Will show my thankful heart. Jesus is the Christmas gift God gives to you and me.

The Nativity

“The Nativity” Sheet Music

  1. One little shepherd, two baby lambs, Three noble Wise Men with gifts in their hands; A shining angel watches above; I wish I’d been there to give Jesus my love.
  2. Quick to the stable, shepherds make haste; A star through the desert the Wise Men have chased; And down from heav’n came angels to call; So I too will seek Him, the Savior of all.

Our Christmas Story Tree

“Our Christmas Story Tree” Sing before decorating tree.

The Way to Bethlehem

“The Way to Bethlehem”  Sheet Music Four verses: 1. shepherds 2. wiseman 3. Mary and Joseph 4. stars and angels.

  1. Shepherds, shepherds, leave your lambs And find the way to Bethlehem, For the Baby sleeping there Is your Savior good and fair. Stars and angels shine His light. Find the way to Bethlehem tonight.
  2. Wise Men, look up to the sky For one bright star to travel by. Bring your gold and precious things. Kneel before the King of kings. Stars and angels shine His light. Find the way to Bethlehem tonight.
  3. See how Mary holds her Son, Jesus Christ, the Holy One. Joseph guards with tender care. Peace and gladness fill the air. Stars and angels shine His light. Find the way to Bethlehem tonight.
  4. Find your way this holy Christmas night.

The First Noel

Silent Night

Friend December 2023 “Silent Night” I Can Play It

The Nativity Song

The Nativity Song Friend August 1980

The Shepherds Carol

The Shepherds Carol   Teaching Ideas

Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells  Friend December 2018  sheet music     


Friend December 2019 “Christmas Clues” Can you figure out the names of all these Christmas songs?

Friend December 2018 “Have a Song-a-Day Christmas” Starting 12 days before Christmas, sing along each day with one of these Christmas songs on Color the music notes when you hear each phrase!

Friend December 2018 “Funstuff” Have your family or a group of friends take turns unscrambling the titles of the Christmas songs below. (It’s fun to work in teams.) Then have everyone choose a favorite one to sing!

The Messiah by Handel

Friend December 2017 “Christmas Peace” Handel created beautiful music about Jesus. Scriptures were used for the words. Fill in the blank of the scripture. Also, we can create something beautiful to show our love for Jesus.

Friend December 1985 Story of George Frideric Handel the composer of the Messiah.


Scriptures: Songs

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Liken the Scriptures

Friend October 2024 “Liken the Scriptures” I Can Play It!

I may not be asked to build a great big ship, Or sail my family ’cross the ocean blue, But if I had the faith and courage Nephi did, Imagine all the great things I could go and do!

Chorus: The Lord has a special message for me In every scripture story I read, And I can become who I’m striving to be When I liken the scriptures to me.

I won’t raise a tent to hear the prophet speak, But I can listen when he speaks today. And I don’t have a sword to bury ten feet deep, But I can cast my selfish words and deeds away. Chorus

Bridge: Like Enos I will fervently pray. Like the stripling warriors, I will obey. Like Abish I will share what I know, And like Ammon I’ll go where I’m called to go. Chorus

Search, Ponder, and Pray

As I Search the Holy Scriptures

Scripture Power

Teaching Scripture Power Verse one and chorus

Teaching Scripture Power Verse 2

Sing together a song about the scriptures, such as “Scripture Power” (, and ask the children to listen for how the scriptures help us.

If I Listen with My Heart

If I Listen with My Heart Song Teaching Ideas


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The Earth was Created so We Could Become Like Our Heavenly Father

Jesus Christ Created the Earth Under the Direction of Heavenly Father.

Creation Lesson for Little Ones – Teaching the creation story using flannel figures.

Friend November 1996 “For Little Friends: Window Picture” (Print the picture of the earth and the picture of Jesus back to back.) Show the picture of the earth and ask who created it. Have the children hold it up to a light or window to check their answer or find the answer. Explain that the earth was created by Jesus under the direction of Heavenly Father. Question: Why did Heavenly Father want the earth created? (See Abraham 3:24-26 – For us to gain a body and be tried and tested to see if we would learn to exercise control over our bodies and keep the commandments.)


Friend June 2003 “Sharing Time.” Discuss how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ created the earth and all forms of life. Assign each class a scripture about something the Lord created: Gen. 1:11 (grass, herb, tree), Gen. 1:16 (sun, moon, stars), Gen. 1:21 (everything that lives in water and in air), Gen. 1:25 (animals on the earth, everything that creeps on the earth), Gen. 1:26–27 (man, male and female), Amos 4:13 (mountains, wind), John 1:3 (all things), Mosiah 2:23 (you). Have the children locate the scriptures, then take turns reading them aloud while you list the creations on the chalkboard. (Could do a game were the children name as many things as they can think of under each category, like different animals and insects.)

Weather permitting, and if safety is not an issue, have the children take a walk around the church to look for other creations. Or sing “All Things Bright and Beautiful” (p. 231) or “The World Is So Big” (p. 235).

Give each child paper and a pencil to draw something that the Lord created. Show and discuss the pictures by collecting them from the children and using a pretend fishing pond. Have the children take turns “fishing” out each other’s pictures. As a picture is drawn out, invite the child to tell something that he or she could do to treat that creation with respect. Invite the children to share their drawings with family members and discuss ways they can show respect for all of God’s creations.

Teaching the Scripture Readers
Teaching the Scripture Readers

Friend September 1999 “The World Jesus Made” Poem about appreciating the wonderful things in the world

Friend January 2018 “Old Testament Card: Jehovah Helped Create the Earth“

Friend September 1999 “The World Jesus Made” Poem about appreciating the wonderful things in the world

  • Take the children for a walk outside. Let the children take turns describing a creation they see, and ask the class to guess what they are describing.
  • Friend January 2023 Take your little ones for a walk outdoors. Look at the amazing things in nature—like the trees, birds, wind, or sky. Let your children pick up rocks or smell flowers. Tell them, “Jesus loves you and created this beautiful world for you.”

If the weather is not conducive for a walk, try showing pictures. The link below has some images that might work. Or you could bring in some items they could smell and touch.

Ensign July 2020 “Family Study Fun” Read Alma 30:44 and talk about how God created this beautiful world for us. Then play this game to continue thinking about God’s creations.

  • Have each family member write the letters of the alphabet in a list down one side of a paper.
  • For two minutes, everyone should try to write a creation that begins with each letter. For example, you could write “Trees” for the letter T.
  • When time runs out, have everyone share their list.

Discussion: How do these blessings from God make you feel? What can we do to take care of God’s creations?

Days of the Creation

Friend February 2018 “Funstuff: The Earth was Created for You” Find the words of each day of the creation in the word search.

Creation Game: Place the correct picture and label on the chart according to which “day” it took place in the creation.

Friend May 1988

Pictionary Game: Divide the chalkboard into seven sections and number them 1 through 7. Have the children draw cards labeled with the day number and the creation event that happened on that day. Going in order, have the child with number one draw their item and have the other children guess what it is. Read the scripture to the children after the children guess what it is.

Friend August 1999 “Days of Creation” Trying to pull creation cards from a bag in the right order.

Friend August 1999 1of3

Friend May 1986 “Bobby’s Creations” This story has a Family Home Evening idea a child could do.

Individual Days

Day 1: Light and Dark

Day 2: Clouds and Sky

Friend March 2017 “Raining!” Rain makes the earth clean and beautiful. Water helps us in many ways.

Day 3: Oceans, Rivers, Land, Plants

Friend August 2017 “My Favorite Tree” Action Rhyme about a favorite tree. (Could be used in Sunbeams Lesson 10: I Am Thankful for Trees, Plants, and Flowers)

Day 4: Stars, Moon, Sun

Friend February 2018 “Day and Night” Reese is is grateful for day and night.

Day 5: Fish, Whales, Birds

Friend October 2021 “Find It” Jesus Christ created amazing animals that live underwater (see Genesis 1:20–21). Can you find these things in the Caribbean Sea?

Friend September 2020 “Find It” These kids love watching birds with their aunt! Find 15 birds and 10 eggs. Then find the other objects. Bonus: How many times are birds (or “fowls”) mentioned during the Creation, in Genesis 1? ______. (6)

Day 6: Insects, Animals

Friend June 2018 “Family Night Fun” Making insects with fruit.

Friend August 2022 “Miguel and the Worm” As Miguel helped his mother with the garden he found a worm. He didn’t want to hurt it but he didn’t want it to hurt the plants. His mother explained that worms were helpful to gardens because they beak up the dirt. Miguel liked the worms. He wanted to treat all of Heavenly Father’s creatures with respect.

Day 6: God Made People

I Was Created in the Image of God.

Ether 3:13, 15

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Ether 1–5: “Rend That Veil of Unbelief”

  • Show a picture of the Savior, and invite the children to point to various parts of His body. Read Ether 3:13 and 15, and explain that when the brother of Jared saw Jesus Christ, he learned that we all look like Jesus. As you point to a body part in the picture, invite them to point to the same part of their own bodies. Testify that we were created to look like our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
  • Sing together a song related to our bodies, such as “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” (Children’s Songbook, 275). Help the children talk about why they are grateful for different parts of their bodies.

Doctrine and Covenants 130:22

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 129-132”

When we understand that God the Father and Jesus Christ have bodies like ours, we feel closer to Them, and our relationship with Them is strengthened.

  • Show the children a picture of Jesus Christ, and invite them to point to His eyes, mouth, and other parts of His body. Then invite them to stand and point to those same parts of their own bodies. Read from Doctrine and Covenants 130:22: “The Father has a body of flesh and bones … ; the Son also.” Testify that our bodies are like Heavenly Father’s and Jesus’s bodies.
  • Sing together a song about our bodies, such as “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” (Children’s Songbook, 275), and invite the children to do actions that go along with the words. Ask the children to tell you some things they can do with their bodies. Express your gratitude for the body God has given you. How can we show we are thankful for this special gift?
  • Invite the children to draw pictures of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and themselves. Help them see how our bodies are like Heavenly Father’s and Jesus’s.

Friend August 2016 “God is Our Father” God our Father has ears with which to hear our prayers. He has eyes with which to see our actions. He has a mouth with which to speak to us. He has a heart with which to feel compassion and love. He is real. He is living. We are his children made in His image. We look like Him and He looks like us.

Friend November 2020 “Like Him”

Liahona March 2021 “Family Study Fun”

Beautiful Creations of God: Read Doctrine and Covenants 20:17–19 about how God created “heaven and earth, and all things which are in them.”

  1. Take a moment to look out a window or go on a walk.
  2. Point out the creations of God that you see.
  3. Verse 18 tells us that God “created man, male and female, after his own image and in his own likeness, created he them.” We are some of God’s creations too! Take a moment to admire all the things your body can do. What are your talents?
  4. In verse 19 we are commanded to “love and serve him, the only living and true God.” How can you use your talents to serve Him?

Discussion: How can we worship God?

Ensign July 2020 “Family Study Fun” Read Alma 30:44 and talk about how God created this beautiful world for us. Then play this game to continue thinking about God’s creations.

  • Have each family member write the letters of the alphabet in a list down one side of a paper.
  • For two minutes, everyone should try to write a creation that begins with each letter. For example, you could write “Trees” for the letter T.
  • When time runs out, have everyone share their list.

Discussion: How do these blessings from God make you feel? What can we do to take care of God’s creations?

God Made This Beautiful World for Us Because He Loves Us

Doctrine and Covenants 77:2

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 77-80”

  • Show the children pictures of animals, including insects and birds. As you read the words “beasts,” “creeping things,” and “fowls of the air” from Doctrine and Covenants 77:2, invite the children to point to the related pictures. Testify that God created all of these things because He loves us and wants us to be happy (see also Doctrine and Covenants 59:16–20).

Friend July 2021 “Heavenly Father’s Plan of Happiness” Coloring page: What a beautiful world Heavenly Father gave us to live in!

Friend July 2021 “Find It” Julia and Leo went on a nature walk with their dad and stepmom. They loved seeing all of God’s creations! Find the hidden objects below.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 77-80”

After reading this verse, family members could draw pictures of their favorite “beasts, … creeping things, … [or] fowls of the air” created by God. What do we learn about God’s creations from this verse? (see also Doctrine and Covenants 59:16–20). You could also sing a song about God’s creations, such as “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook,228–29), and display the painting that accompanies this outline.

Friend June 2021 “A Day at the Beach” Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ made a beautiful world for us to enjoy. When we look around, we can remember how much They love us!

Friend November 2021 “Find It! These children like to find fun shapes in the clouds! The beautiful world reminds them how much Heavenly Father loves them. Find the hidden items.

Friend March 2023 “Margo and Paolo” Seeing Heavenly Father’s amazing creations (such as a meteor shower) helps Margo and Paulo feel God’s love.

  • Sing with the children a song about God’s creations, such as “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook,228–29). Ask the children how the things they are singing about help them feel God’s love.
  • See the below visuals here.

Friend June 2023 “Have You Seen Jesus?”

“The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.”

PSALM 8 A messianic psalm of David—He says that babes and children praise the Lord—He asks, What is man, that Thou art mindful of him?

Reading Psalms 819; and 33 may inspire you to consider the Lord’s many wonderful creations. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings as you do. How do the Lord’s creations “declare the glory of God” to you? (Psalm 19:1).

“The heavens declare the glory of God.”

PSALM 19 David testifies, The heavens declare the glory of God, the law of the Lord is perfect, and the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

Psalms 19:133:5

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Psalms 1–2; 8; 19–33; 40; 46”

Psalms 19 and 33 teach that we can find evidence of the glory and goodness of God all around us in His beautiful creations. Help the children learn to see God’s hand in the world around them.

  • Show the children some pictures of beautiful things God has created, or look out a window together to see these things. Ask the children what they love about Heavenly Father’s creations. Read either Psalm 19:1 or 33:5, and ask the children how they feel about Heavenly Father when they see His creations.

Media Library Images “Nature and Creation”

  • Sing together a song about God’s creations, such as “The World Is So Lovely” (Children’s Songbook, 233). Invite the children to pick something God has created (such as something mentioned in the song) and draw a picture of it to share with their families

Appreciating God’s Beautiful Creations

Friend June 2020 “Want to Go on a Walk?” As Abby and her little sister, Sophie, go on a walk, Sophie sees many pretty things. Abby begins to  realize how many wonderful creations there are just in their yard.

Friend September 2019 “A Beautiful World for Mason” Mason draws pictures of wonderful things he sees on his nature walk. Mason is glad Jesus made such a beautiful world for him. Can you find the things he saw in the picture below?

Friend April 2019 “The Creations” Poem written by a child about his love of the the wonderful creations.

Go for a nature walk. Wrap a section of duct tape, inside out, around your child’s wrist. Let her collect little treasures along your walk and stick them to her nature bracelet. At home, you can cut off the bracelet and discuss them further.

Friend July 2016 “A Beautiful World” Go for a walk and fill this booklet with the things you see, touch, smell, and hear.


Printable version

Friend September 2017 “Snacks and Crafts” Pick some flowers and make a stain glass window display.

Friend January 2018 “The Creation”

Friend June 2020 “Thankful for Jesus” Brynn loves to draw. One day her art teacher tells the class that she wants them to draw something they are grateful for. Brynn decides to draw Jesus because he created the earth and all the wonderful things in it.

Friend October 2019 “Beautiful World” Action Rhyme: Gratitude for this beautiful world that Heavenly Father made for us.

Friend June 2022 “For Little Friends” Heavenly Father created a beautiful world for us! What do you like to do outside?

Taking Care of the Earth

Friend May 2021 “Jesus Helped Create the Earth” Jesus Christ helped Heavenly Father create the world we live in. They told Adam and Eve and their children to take good care of the earth. We should also treat all of Their creations with kindness and respect.

Friend April 2024 “Bottles of Love” Isabela helped with a project at school to make “bottles of love,” which are plastic bottles filled with single-use plastics. The bottles were sent to an organization that made them into plastic bricks. The bricks could be used to build outdoor benches and houses for people in need.

Friend January 2019 “Food and Fun” Make paper using paper scraps -how recycling works.

Friend February 2018 “Caring for the Earth”

Ensign March 2004 Read the section “Attendant Responsibilities.” Discuss ways we can care for our beautiful home on earth. Plan an activity, such as cleaning up a nearby park, that helps preserve the earth’s beauty.
3. Have family members take turns describing something in nature while the others try to guess what it is. Example: It falls from the sky and makes plants grow. Answer: Rain. Read and discuss Doctrine and Covenants 59:20–21 [D&C 59:20–21]. How can we show our appreciation for the beauty of nature?

Friend March 2021 “Adventures in the UAE” Victoria wants to help people have clean water. You can help too by not wasting water. And you can help keep it clean.

Challenge: Look for living things in a pond, river, or ocean near you. You can help protect them by picking up trash near water and not putting harmful chemicals down drains.

Friend June 2024 “Planting Trees” Falefatu’s Primary got to do community service to help the environment by planting trees. They also learned why trees are so important. Trees help protect the earth. They give us fruits, medicine, and wood. They also give us oxygen to breathe. Falefatu wants everyone to plant more trees.

Friend June 2024 “What We Can Give” Aliya’s class went on a school trip to a nature preserve. She was excited to learn about the animals, but she was new and didn’t know how to make a friend. The class helped clean the ponds because they learned It’s about what we can give. She remembered that saying and met a girl named Zoe by complimenting her shirt. They became friends and had lots of fun together. She was thankful to Heavenly Father for the beautiful world and for her new friend.

Yard Work

Friend November 2024 “Gardening with Mum” Emily wants to help with the garden, but then she gets tired of pulling weeds. It’s hard work taking care of a flower garden and Emily wants to know why they planted so many flowers. Her mom explains that Heavenly Father created flowers so we could have joy, and that it makes her happy when she sees them. They remind her of Heavenly Father’s love.

Being Kind to Animals and Insects

Friend September 2018 “Cole Helps the Baby Birds” When a wind storm knocks a blows a bird nest out of the tree, Cole helps put it back in.

Additional Resources

Activities & Games

Friend January 1998

Friend January 2025 “For Little Ones”

Stories and Poems

Friend January 2022 “The Rainbow Hello” Darcy had a fun day playing in the rain and watching the sunset. Her mom said Heavenly Father could see her so she waved at the sky. The rainbow they saw was like a wave back from Him.


Ideas: Have children each hold one of the song pictures (in random order). Have the children guess what song it is based on the pictures. Ask: Looking at these pictures, why do you think this song is called “My Heavenly Father Loves Me”?  Play a recording of the song. Afterwards, have the other children place the children holding the pictures in the correct order. Play the recording again and see if they got it right.

Friend April 2018 “With Priesthood Power”  First verse is about the creation.   Sing-Along Video


Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 30-31” Coloring Page


Christ Creating the Earth image found in Friend Feb 1999 back cover

Friend November 1998

Sabbath Day: Songs

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Table of Contents

The Sabbath Day

Friend August 2017 “The Sabbath Day: I Can Play It” Words and sheet music

  • Hands are still, heart is full, as I think about what I hear. When I take the sacrament, I can feel the Savior near.
  • I prepare long before Sunday morning comes once again. I am confident and clean; I’ve repented of my sins.
  • In my home, I’ll be kind and invite the Spirit to stay, Making Sunday a delight, not like any other day.
  • On this day I’ll choose the right And remember Jesus Christ, Serve my Savior by the way That I keep the Sabbath day.

Saturday is a Special Day

Remember the Sabbath

Sabbath Day Holy Lesson “Item 5” Song teaching ideas

Missionary: Songs

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Friend August 2020 “We’ll Bring the World His Truth” I Can Play It version, and Sing-Along Video.

Friend June 2020 “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” I Can Play It Song and Sing-Along Video

  1. I want to be a missionary now. I don’t want to wait until I’m grown. I want to share the gospel while I’m young. For I have a testimony of my own.

2. I want to tell my friends about our church And the happiness it brings to me. I’ll tell them how the gospel was restored, Tell them how the Book of Mormon came to be.

3. Then I can be a missionary now. I don’t have to wait until I’m grown. I’ll live each day the best that I know how, And they’ll see I have a testimony of my own, A testimony of my very own.

Because I Have Been Given Much Ideas for using this song to teach about why we should be missionaries.

Book of Mormon: Music & Songs

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The Book of Mormon Tells of Christ

Friend January 2020 “The Book of Mormon Tells of Christ” Song

1. When Lehi listened to the Lord, And his family left their home and riches, His sons returned back home again So they could get the scriptures.

2. So Lehi’s people knew the Lord, As the plates of brass helped them remember. When they obeyed the prophet’s voice, They prospered all together.

3. The Savior visited their land After He had risen in His glory. He blessed the children just like me; I love to read their story.

Chorus: The Book of Mormon tells of Christ And helps me feel the Holy Spirit. Heavenly Father’s voice is calling me, And the scriptures help me hear it.

Nephi’s Courage

Children’s Songbook, Nephi’s Courage, 120

Verse One Visual Aids and Teaching Ideas

Lord commanded Nephi to go and get the plates
From the wicked Laban inside the city gates.
Laman and Lemuel were both afraid to try.
Nephi was courageous. This was his reply:

“I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands.
I know the Lord provides a way; he wants me to obey.
I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands.
I know the Lord provides a way; he wants me to obey.”

Verse Three Visual Aids and Teaching Ideas

The Lord gives us commandments and asks us to obey.
Sometimes I am tempted to choose another way.
When I’m discouraged, and think I cannot try,
I will be courageous, and I will reply:

“I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands.
I know the Lord provides a way; he wants me to obey.
I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands.
I know the Lord provides a way; he wants me to obey.”

Words and music: Bill N. Hansen Jr., b. 1952, and Lisa T. Hansen, b. 1958.

Friend January 2024 “Nephi’s Courage: I Can Play It” Simplified version

The Iron Rod

Song:  “Hold to the Rod

Book of Mormon Stories

The Book of Mormon Teaches Me

Friend January 1988 “The Book of Mormon Teaches Me”

1. The Book of Mormon teaches me That Jesus is the Christ. He lived and died for you and me; With love He sacrificed. It says I must have faith, repent, And live the Savior’s word. It is another testament Of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

2. The Book of Mormon helps me see That truth has been restored, That Joseph Smith was called to be A prophet of the Lord. The book reveals God’s covenant, The fulness of His word. It is another testament Of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

3. I’ll read the Book of Mormon, then; I’ll pray and ponder too. I’ll put my faith in Jesus when I ask if it is true. And when I pray with pure intent, I’ll hear the Spirit’s word: It is another testament Of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Jesus Appears to the Nephites

Had I Been a Child

Friend September 2016 “Had I Been a Child” Video and Music. What it might have been like to have been a child when Jesus appeared to the Nephites and blessed the children.

Had I been a child when Jesus came Unto the Nephites that blessed day And showed them the wounds in His hands and His feet And knelt with them to pray.

Then He might have held me safe in his arms; He might have looked in my eyes and said A word, with His blessing of kindness and love, His hands placed upon my head.

Someday, when the Savior comes again, Oh, how I hope that my heart will be As pure as the hearts of the children that day Who gathered around His knee.

Music Game

Friend October 1988 “Sharing Time: Fun with Favorites” print several copies of the Liahono and put a song title and a question about the song on the back. Children can move across the board as they guess the correct song.

Pioneer: Songs

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I’m a Pioneer Too

Friend July 2020 “I’m a Pioneer Too” Song and Sing-Along Music Video

  1. From England to Samoa, From Kenya to Peru, Brave pioneers in every land Helped spread the gospel true.
  2. Some pioneers pulled handcarts; Some sailed across the sea. On plains and shores and mountains, they Blazed paths for you and me.
  3. They listened to the prophets, Built towns and temples too. Their faith was strong in Jesus Christ. Their courage saw them through.
  4. Chorus: The Lord has trails for me to blaze And work for me to do. Each time I bravely walk with faith, I’m a pioneer too!

When I Hear of Pioneer Children

Friend July 2016 “When I Hear of Pioneer Children”

  • When I hear of pioneer children,
  • Of trials and courage and faith,
  • I want to be willing as they were
  • To look to the Lord for my strength.
  • I’ll follow the prophets as they did,
  • For I want to build Zion too!
  • I’ll try to have faith to do hard things
  • When that’s what He needs me to do.
  • When I hear of pioneer children,
  • I want to be strong for my day.
  • I’ll try to keep all the commandments
  • And be a true Latter-day Saint.
  • I’ll stand as a shining example
  • That others who follow will see,
  • I’ll be like those pioneer children;
  • The Lord is depending on me.

Come, Come Ye Saints

Friend July 2017 “Come, Come Ye Saints” Simplified sheet music and music video

Pioneer Song Review Games

  Pioneer Choosing Activity

Since it was Pioneer Day this week, I decided to have the children sing pioneer songs for music time. I started out with a choosing activity. I used the crickets and seagull idea from Sugar Doodle. I covered the outside of a metal bowl with green tissue paper to make it look like a green hill. I printed off some crickets and a seagull from clip art on Microsoft Word.  I used double sided tape and taped a strong magnet to the back of each cricket. I also wrote the name of a pioneer song on the back of each cricket. I put the crickets on the bowl. I taped one end of a string to the back of the seagull. I taped the other end to a dowel rod. On the back of the seagull’s beak I attached a paper clip.

In Primary I told the story of the crickets and the seagulls. After that I had a child “fly” the seagull to the crickets and pick one up with the beak. We sang what song was on the back. I chose the following songs to put on the back of the crickets:

Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked

For this song I had the senior primary children get up and move over one seat every time they sang the word “walked”. This only works if you have all the children sitting in an even number of rows and in one section with no aisles. The children in the front row will move to the left, the children in the second row will move to the right, and so forth. When a child comes to the end of their row, they will go to the row in front of them. If they are already on the front row, they will move to the back row.

The children loved this activity. The teachers even wanted to participate, which was good because they helped any children that were unsure of what to do. (I had pages of a flip chart made by Jolly Jen posted on the board just incase someone didn’t know the words.)

For junior primary have them slowly walk randomly around the room as they sing the first two lines. Then have them stop and do the following actions: rub their hands together for washing in the stream, hammering action for work, jumping rope for play, making a tent with finger tips pressed together for camped, making a book with open palms together for read, and making praying hands for the word prayed. Then have them start walking again as they sing the last line, but this time have them walk back to their seats. On the last walk word have them sit down.

The Handcart Song

For the handcart song, I used the hand cart racing activity -July Friend 1981 Funstuff.  Since we aren’t supposed to use competition in Primary, I had the teachers do this activity. The kids thought that was funny. I tied the two strings to two empty chairs in the front row. I had the words/flip-chart made by Laurie Lee posted on the board. I told the teachers they could begin racing when we started singing the second half of the song. (The children knew the second half of the song better than the first, so they were able to watch the race and sing at the same time.)

It is really hard to get those pictures to move along the string, so it was funny watching the teachers try all kinds of ways to make them

To Be a Pioneer

For this song I used the pictures found on page 3 of the July 2010 Friend (flip-chart). I posted them on a display board. You could put the do’s and don’ts on different sides. I had a child wear a bonnet to represent a pioneer. She did the actions to the first part of the song such as: pretending to push a handcart, waving goodbye, walking. Then when it came to the part “to be a pioneer” she pointed to herself.

I told the childen they could develop the characteristics of a pioneer such as courage, faith, and working for a cause that is right. I used a boy with a missionary tag to be a modern pioneer. He pointed to himself when we came to the ending part “to be a pioneer”

Friend July 2019 “To Be a Pioneer” Simplified playing version and music video.

Fun to Do

We also did Sugardoodle pioneer actions to the song Fun to Do. I had them start off with bouncing on their chair to represent riding in a wagon (Riding in wagon is fun to do). Then I asked if they could think of any other actions pioneers did. I gave them some suggestions. They came up with “getting warm by the fire is fun to do”. They put their hands out like feeling the warmth and then rubbed their hands together. They also wanted to do milking a cow.