John 1

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John Chapter 1: Christ is the Word of God—He created all things and was made flesh—John baptizes Jesus and testifies that He is the Lamb of God—John, Andrew, Simon, Philip, and Nathanael believe in Christ and follow Him.

Jesus lived with Heavenly Father before He was born.

John 1:1–2

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 1” John taught that Jesus Christ lived with God before His mortal experience. We too lived with God before we were born (see “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 129). How will you teach the children this truth?

Even before He was born, Jesus Christ played important roles in Heavenly Father’s plan. As you read John 1:1–5, what impresses you about Christ’s premortal work?

  • Explain that “the Word” in John 1:1 refers to Jesus. Read the verse aloud, and ask the children to say “Jesus” each time you read “the Word.” Show the line drawing Premortal Life ( Explain that Jesus Christ lived with Heavenly Father before He came to earth.

Ask the children if they know anything about what Jesus did before He was born. Invite them to look for answers in John 1:1–5. It might help to look in Joseph Smith Translation, John 1:1–5 (in the Bible appendix).

Joseph Smith Translation, John 1:1, reads: “In the beginning was the gospel preached through the Son. And the gospel was the word, and the word was with the Son, and the Son was with God, and the Son was of God” (in the Bible appendix).

Jesus created all things.

John 1:3

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 1” Many children naturally enjoy being among the Lord’s creations. Knowing about Christ’s role as Creator can help increase their reverence for Him.

  • Read John 1:3 with the children, and show the picture from this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families. Help the children memorize the phrase “all things were made by [Jesus Christ].”

Friend November 1996 “For Little Friends: Window Picture” (Print the picture of the earth and the picture of Jesus back to back.) Show the picture of the earth and ask who created it. Have the children hold it up to a light or window to check their answer or find the answer. Explain that the earth was created by Jesus under the direction of Heavenly Father. Question: Why did Heavenly Father want the earth created? (See Abraham 3:24-26 – For us to gain a body and be tried and tested to see if we would learn to exercise control over our bodies and keep the commandments.)


Latter Day Kids “Jesus Created All Things” Lesson ideas

Friend September 1999 “The World Jesus Made” Poem about appreciating the wonderful things in the world

  • Take the children for a walk outside. Let the children take turns describing a creation they see, and ask the class to guess what they are describing.
  • Friend January 2023 Take your little ones for a walk outdoors. Look at the amazing things in nature—like the trees, birds, wind, or sky. Let your children pick up rocks or smell flowers. Tell them, “Jesus loves you and created this beautiful world for you.”

If the weather is not conducive for a walk, try showing pictures. The link below has some images that might work. Or you could bring in some items they could smell and touch.

Go for a nature walk. Wrap a section of duct tape, inside out, around your child’s wrist. Let her collect little treasures along your walk and stick them to her nature bracelet. At home, you can cut off the bracelet and discuss them further.

Friend July 2016 “A Beautiful World” Go for a walk and fill this booklet with the things you see, touch, smell, and hear.


Printable version

  • Ask the children to think of ways in which they can take care of the creations around them (for example, being kind to animals).

Friend February 2018 “Caring for the Earth”

Jesus Christ is my light.

John 1:4–9

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 1“The symbolism of light can help children understand the Savior and His gospel. How can you inspire the children to seek the light of the Savior when the world seems dark?

“Jesus Christ is the light of the world because he is the source of the light that quickens our understanding, because his teachings and his example illuminate our path, and because his power persuades us to do good.” Dallin H. Oaks

Friend January 2023 “Jesus is Our Light” Jesus is the Light of the World because His teachings and example light our way back to Heavenly Father.

Friend December 2016 “A Shining Light”

Friend December 2016

Friend December 2022 “Sharing the Light of Jesus Christ”

  • Show a picture of the Savior and some objects that give light, such as a flashlight. How is Jesus Christ like these objects? How can we share His light with others? Sing together “The Lord Is My Light” (Hymns, no. 89) or another song about gospel light.

Friend January 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities: The True Light”

Story: Jesus Christ is sometimes called the “true Light” (John 1:9). The scriptures teach that we should keep His commandments and follow Him. Then we will have “power to become the sons [and daughters] of God” (John 1:12).

Song: “Jesus Is My True Light” (page 23)

Activity: Draw a picture of a goal you have. Have someone hide your picture somewhere in the room and turn off the lights. Now get a small light and shine it around the room. Can you find your picture now? Talk about how Jesus Christ can help you reach your goals.

  • Give each child a picture of a light (such as a sun, a candle, or a light bulb). Help them think of ways they can share the Savior’s light with others. As each idea is shared, invite them to “arise” and “shine” their light by holding up their picture. Tell the children about ways you have seen them sharing the Savior’s light.
  • Ask the children what they do when they are in darkness and feel afraid. Testify that they can always turn to the Savior when they are afraid.

I can invite others to come to Jesus Christ and learn of Him.

John 1:35–51

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 1

John 1 contains accounts of disciples who invited people to “come and see” that Jesus is the Son of God. Even small children can follow this example.

  • Describe how Andrew learned about Jesus, and tell how Andrew in turn taught Peter (see John 1:35–42). Share how you learned about the Church, or invite a new member to share how he or she learned about the Church.

Come and See Stories

Friend November 2020 “For Older Kids” I recently invited a friend to a stake activity. She said she was pretty confused about most of it. But when she heard the missionaries’ stories, she said she felt a warm, happy feeling inside. Then she said that she wanted to come again! I said I would invite her to more activities when I could. I really hope she studies the gospel more. Samantha T., age 9, Arizona, USA

Friend July 2019 “Will You Come to My Baptism” Oliver tells everyone about his upcoming baptism and invites them to it.

Friend December 2022 “Chieko Learns about Jesus” Chieko’s family were Buddhists and she had never heard of Jesus, but she was invited to be in a nativity play. Years later she met missionaries who asked if she would like to learn more about Jesus. She accepted and was later baptized.

Friend February 1985 “Best Friends”- Boy invites neighbor  friend to Primary sacrament program

Friend May 1984 – “Grandpa’s Trunk” – Boy Shares gospel with his grandfather by inviting him to hear his Primary talk.

  • Share the story of Philip inviting Nathanael to “come and see” (John 1:43–51). Hide a picture of Jesus in a box, and invite one child to “come and see” it and then tell the other children about what he or she saw.
  • Let the children color this week’s activity page, and encourage them to use it to invite someone to learn about Jesus.
  • Ask a child to tell about a time when he or she shared something, such as a toy or gift, with someone. How can we share the gospel? Tell a story of a child who shared the gospel with a friend, such as “A Friend and a Missionary,” Friend, July 2018, 12–13; Liahona, July 2018, 70–71.

Friend July 2018 “A Friend and a Missionary” Juan invited his best friend to lots of church activities and family dinner and family home evening. His friend sees the family praying and learning the gospel at these activities and starts to ask questions.

Friend June 2020 “Finish the Pattern” Four ways we can invite others to learn about the gospel.

Click here for additional stories of ways to share the gospel

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I can invite others to follow Him.

John 1:35–51

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 1” Consider how you can use the examples in John 1:35–51 to encourage the children to invite others to learn about the Savior.

  • Help the children search John 1:35–51 to find things that people said to invite others to learn about the Savior. Let them practice what they might say to invite a friend to learn about Him.

(For example: Have the children explain how the gospel of Jesus Christ has blessed their lives, such as how the teachings of the savior help with contention at home, or how prayer helped them in their lives, or how they are grateful to be able to repent of wrong things they have done, or how they are grateful they can live with their family again after death, etc. At the end they could say “Come and see.”)

Elder Neil L. Andersen taught:

Come Follow Me for Sunday School New Testament 2023 John 1 Elder Neil L. Andersen taught: “The Savior taught us how to share the gospel. I like the story of Andrew, who asked, ‘Master, where dwellest thou?’ [John 1:38]. Jesus could have responded with the location of where He lived. But instead He said to Andrew, ‘Come and see’ [John 1:39]. I like to think that the Savior was saying, ‘Come and see not only where I live but how I live. Come and see who I am. Come and feel the Spirit.’ We don’t know everything about that day, but we do know that when Andrew found his brother Simon, he declared, ‘We have found … the Christ’ [John 1:41].

  • Ask the children to use this week’s activity page to make an invitation they could use to invite a friend or family member to learn more about Jesus Christ. (Maybe include it in a Friend magazine or a Book of Mormon)
  • Give the children the opportunity to tell the class about something that they love. Help the children see how sharing the gospel can be like sharing other things we love (for an example, see the video “Good Things to Share” on

Friend May 2016  “A Tower for King Benjamin”  Brady tells his friend, Jamie, about Book of Mormon heroes as they play.

Friend September 1988 “Missionary Book Report” A boy gives a book report about the Book of Mormon.

Share Your Testimony

Friend November 2019 “Jesus is Real” Everyone at Ismay’s table at school were excitedly talking about Christmas and their favorite traditions such as going to a church service. Suddenly Charlotte spoke up and said, “Jesus isn’t even real.” Ismay was sad to hear this and she quietly bore her testimony to Charlotte that Jesus was real, and that she felt it in her heart. She was glad she had spoken up and planted a seed about Jesus.

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Friend July 2019 “Show and Tell” :Sometimes at school when I have no work to do, I read the Book of Mormon. When I read it while at school, many kids ask, “What is that?” so I tell them what it is and a little about the gospel. It makes me feel good to share.” Will M., age 12, California, USA

Friend November 2018 “Sharing Friendship” Elenoa’s parents buy extra copies of the Friend when they go to the temple and Elenoa and her sister share the Friend magazine with their friends. (Photos included in article.)

Additional Resources:

Come Follow Me With Living Scriptures “Preparing the Way” Lesson ideas

Doctrine and Covenants 60-62

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Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 60–62”

In June 1831, Joseph Smith held a conference with the elders of the Church in Kirtland. There, the Lord organized some of the elders into companionships and sent them to Jackson County, Missouri, with this charge: “Preach by the way” (Doctrine and Covenants 52:10).

Many of the elders did so diligently, but others did not. So when the time came to travel back to Kirtland, the Lord said, “With some [elders] I am not well pleased, for they will not open their mouths, but they hide the talent which I have given unto them, because of the fear of man” (Doctrine and Covenants 60:2).

We’ve all had experiences when we could have shared the gospel with someone, but for some reason, we didn’t. As you read the Lord’s words to early missionaries who failed to “open their mouths,” think about your own opportunities to share the gospel. How is your testimony of the gospel like a “talent,” or a treasure from God? In what ways do we sometimes “hide [our] talent”? [How can we share our “talent” and “treasure”?](Doctrine and Covenants 60:2; see also Matthew 25:14–30).

Friend December 1991 “I Have a Testimony of Jesus Christ” One possible way to use this activity would be to have each child choose a testimony card below and write or think about what their testimony is about that that topic. Then have them share their testimony (if they would like to). Could also have them work in pairs so it’s easier to share together. (For little ones you could use pictures instead of the testimony cards.) Help the children understand that their testimonies are gifts and treasures that can be shared with others

Friend September 1999 “We Can Testify of Jesus Christ and His Gospel” Lesson ideas about testimonies and sharing them.

We bear testimony not only in words but in the way we act—even in the way we dress. Write out a role-play situation for each class to help the children see that there are many times when they can share their testimonies. Give the classes a few minutes to prepare their role plays; then present them. Possible situations:

  • You are playing with a group of friends. Two of you are wearing CTR rings. One of the other children asks what the letters mean.
  • You have a friend who is ill or injured, and you visit her. She is very discouraged. What can you say to help her understand that Heavenly Father loves her and will bless her?
  • Two of your friends at school are talking about a child who is new in your class. They think that he dresses strangely, and they don’t want to play with him. You think that you should follow what Jesus taught and be a friend. What can you say to them? How can you include him?
  • Your family listened to a talk by President Gordon B. Hinckley. He said that every member of the Church needs a friend, a responsibility, and nurture (spiritual nourishment) with the good word of God. A family who lives not too far from you has just joined the Church. They have children your age. As you ride home in the car, you start to discuss what you might do for this family, since you have a testimony that President Hinckley is a prophet.
  • Your class has been asked to give a Sharing Time presentation about prayer. Have you or has someone in your family had an experience in which your prayers were answered? Ask if two or three class members would like to briefly share their experiences, their testimonies that prayers are answered.
  • You have a friend who has a serious problem. You know that reading the scriptures would help her. What could you tell her?
  • A repairman comes to your house and sees a Book of Mormon sitting on the table. He asks what it is about. What would you tell him?

In conclusion, thank the children and remind them that we can share our testimonies in testimony meeting, when we give talks, when we sing, when we interact with our friends, whenever we are prompted to by the Spirit, and by our examples. 

Friend November 2008 “Sharing a Testimony”

The other day I had a friend over who is not a member of the Church. He saw a picture of Jesus on our refrigerator, and told me that he did not believe that Jesus was real. I said, “Jesus is real, and I believe in Him!” I then told him that Jesus really lived on this earth a long time ago and that He died, but on the third day He was resurrected. I told him that because of Jesus, we will be able to live again after we die too.

My friend listened to what I was saying as he looked at the picture of Jesus. He seemed to believe that what I was telling him was true. I want to give him a Book of Mormon with my testimony written in it for his birthday. I know this Church is true, and I am thankful when I can share my testimony with my friends. (Brigham P., age 6, Montana)

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 60–62”

Jesus Christ wants me to share His gospel.

Doctrine and Covenants 62:3

Children love to share what they know with others. Help them understand that when they share what they know about the gospel, Heavenly Father is pleased with them.

  • Explain that the Lord asked the Prophet Joseph Smith and other Church leaders to travel from Kirtland, Ohio, to Jackson County, Missouri. He asked them to preach the gospel along the way and as they returned home. Read Doctrine and Covenants 62:3, and ask the children to listen for what the missionaries did that pleased the Lord. Testify that the Lord is pleased with us when we share the gospel with others.
  • Help the children make badges that show they want to be missionaries of the Church. Let them wear their badges and practice sharing their testimonies with each other.
  • Sing together a song about sharing the gospel, such as “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” (Children’s Songbook, 168). Help the children think of what they could say if someone asked them what they love about Jesus Christ and His Church. Invite them to draw pictures of things they love about Christ’s gospel.

I can open my mouth to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Doctrine and Covenants 60:7, 1362:3, 9

A child’s testimony can be as powerful as an adult’s, because the power of testimony comes not from a person’s age or experience but from the Holy Ghost. Help the children gain confidence that they can open their mouths and share with others what they know is true.

  • What blessings did the Lord promise in Doctrine and Covenants 60:762:3, 9 to those who share His gospel? How does sharing the gospel bless others? Consider sharing an experience from your life when you shared the gospel—what blessings came from your efforts? Invite the children to share any experiences they have had. You could also sing a song about missionary work, such as “Go Forth with Faith” (Hymns, no. 263), and talk about the blessings mentioned in the song.
  • Help the children role-play situations in which they might share the gospel with their friends. For example, what would they say if someone asked them why they go to church? Or what if a friend saw them wearing a CTR ring or reading the Book of Mormon and asked questions? What would they say?

Friend June 2021 “Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones” Make simple missionary name tags out of paper. Help your little ones say, “I can be a missionary!”

The Scriptures Teach Me about Jesus Christ.

Help the children find and make a list of some of the characteristics of Jesus as you read Doctrine and Covenants 60–62 

The Lord is all powerful and can preserve me [and help me].

Doctrine and Covenants 60:461:1–2, 3662:1

On the way back to Kirtland, Joseph Smith and other Church leaders had a life-threatening experience on the Missouri River (see Saints, 1:133–34).

The Lord used this opportunity to warn and instruct His servants. What do you find in Doctrine and Covenants 60:461:1–2, 3662:1 that encourages you to put your trust in the Lord as you face your own challenges?

Friend April 2006 “Miracles”

(Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 60–62”)

How could you help your family remember that the Savior is “in [our] midst”? (Doctrine and Covenants 61:36) You could decide together where to prominently display a picture of Him in your home. How can we invite the Savior into our daily lives?

What reason do we see in Doctrine and Covenants 61:36 to “be of good cheer”? (see also John 16:33). Perhaps your family could write or draw pictures of things that bring them joy and collect them in a “good cheer” jar. (Be sure to include pictures of the Savior and reminders of His love for us.) Throughout the week when family members need a reminder of reasons to be happy, they could choose something from the jar.

The Lord is willing to forgive me if I repent.

Doctrine and Covenants 60:761:1–2, 3662:1

Joseph Smith and other leaders of the Church were not perfect. Sometimes they argued and were impatient (see “Ezra Booth and Isaac Morley,” Revelations in Context, 133). But the Lord was merciful to them and always offered forgiveness if they repented.

  • Read with the children Doctrine and Covenants 60:761:2, and ask them to find words that these verses have in common. Remind the children that these revelations were given to Joseph Smith and other Church leaders. What did the Lord want them to know? What do we learn from these verses about how the Savior feels about us when we make mistakes?

Friend August 2017 “Jesus Forgives” Jesus teaches Peter to forgive. Jesus forgave sins, and he forgave his crucifiers.

Friend May 2020 “Sister Squabble” Jaide’s little sister borrowed her tennis shoes without asking and accidentally got them muddy. Jaide was so mad that she told her sister,  “I wish you weren’t my sister.” She felt terrible about what she said.  She read a scripture about Jesus forgiving and healing someone (people who came to arrest him in Garden of Gethsemane), and she realized she needed to forgive and try and fix what she had done to her sister with her words. 

Ensign January 2018 “Repentance is a Gift” Match each picture with a different step of repentance.

Friend February 2019 “A Little Better Every Day” Heavenly Father can help us make better choices every day. That’s part of what it means to repent! Match the wrong choices with the better choices these kids made the next day.

Jesus is also….

  • Show a few pictures of Jesus from His earthly ministry [possibly where he is illustrating some of the other characteristics found in Doctrine and Covenants 60-62 such as forgiveness, mercy, power, succoring the weak] (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 34–61). Let the children help you explain what Jesus is doing in the pictures. Tell the children about one of your favorite scriptures that teaches about Jesus. Share how you feel about Jesus Christ. Ask the children to share why they love Jesus. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 60–62”)

Friend January 2018

The Lord wants me to use my Agency and His Spirit to make Good Choices.

Doctrine and Covenants 60:561:2262:5–8

Friend May 2017 “Why Do We Need the Gift of the Holy Ghost”

Sometimes the Lord gives us specific direction, and other matters He leaves up to us to decide. Why doesn’t the Lord give commandments about every aspect of our lives? According to verse 8, how are we to make decisions? Why is it good for us to make some decisions without specific direction from God?(Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 60–62”)

Story below about rolypolys that didn’t do anything until they got instructions.

Friend June 2021 “Scripture Time Fun” What good choices have you made today? Together, make a CTR shield to remind you to choose the right. You could draw it on a poster or make the shape out of items in your home.

Additional Resources

Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources “Doctrine and Covenants 60–62

Doctrine and Covenants 30-36

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I should focus more on the things of God than the things of the earth.

Doctrine and Covenants 30:1–2

Friend February 2017 “Conference Cards” Handout that says, ““The only opinion of us that matters is what our Heavenly Father thinks of us.”

Friend August 2018 “Soccer and Sundays” When we try to live the gospel and put the most important things first, we are blessed! Follow the path of scriptures to help the boy get to church.

Two Stories of people who believed the gospel was worth more than the things of the world.

Parley and Thankful Pratt

Parley and Thankful Pratt responded to spiritual stirrings to leave their prosperous farm in Ohio with the intent to preach the gospel as they understood it from the Bible. As Parley told his brother, “The spirit of these things had wrought so powerfully on my mind of late that I could not rest.”3 When they reached eastern New York, Parley had a prompting to stay awhile in the area. Thankful, they decided, would continue on without him. “I have a work to do in this region of country,” Parley told her, “and what it is, or how long it will take to perform it, I know not; but I will come when it is performed.”4 It was there that Parley first heard of the Book of Mormon. “I felt a strange interest in the book,” he said.5 He requested a copy and read through the night. By morning, he knew the book was true, valuing it “more than all the riches of the world.6 Within a few days Parley was baptized. He then returned to Thankful, who was also baptized. (For more information about Parley P. Pratt, see Doctrine and Covenants 32.) Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 30–36”

Sidney and Phebe Rigdon

For the Strength of Youth April 2021 “To Do the Will of God”

How are we doing as a family at focusing on the things of God rather than “the things of the earth”?

First Missionaries in the Church

Doctrine and Covenants 33:2–3, 6–10

Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 13: The First Missionaries Preach the Gospel,” 

Scatter the small pictures of people or papers with names around the room. Ask for a volunteer. When you say “go,” have the volunteer gather as many “people” (pictures or pieces of paper) as possible in a specified amount of time (about five seconds, or the amount of time it takes the other children to count slowly to five). Count how many people the child was able to gather.

Ask the children if more people could be gathered if the child had help. Scatter the pictures or papers around the room again, and ask for a second volunteer. Have the two children gather as many people as possible in the same amount of time as before. Count how many people the two children were able to gather.

  • How many people did one child gather? How many people did two children gather?
  • How many people do you think could be gathered if the whole class worked together?

Display the picture of Joseph Smith.

Explain that after the Book of Mormon had been printed and the Church was organized, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ wanted everyone to hear the gospel and have the opportunity to become a member of the Church.

Help the children look up Doctrine and Covenants 133:37, and ask a child to read the verse aloud. Explain that this verse is part of a revelation given to Joseph Smith in 1831, the year after the Church was organized.

  • To whom does the gospel need to be preached?
  • How long do you think it would take for one person to teach the gospel to everyone on the earth?

Explain that Joseph Smith knew it would be impossible for him to teach the gospel to everyone by himself. He needed others to help him. Just as two children were able to gather more pictures (or pieces of paper) than one child was, more members of the Church working to share the gospel would be able to teach more people than Joseph alone could teach.

Friend April 2017 “First Missionaries”

Friend April 2017

Doctrine and Covenants Scripture Stories “Samuel Smith’s Mission” Images and video

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 30–36”

Parley P. Pratt had been a member of the Church for about a month when he was called “into the wilderness” to preach the gospel (Doctrine and Covenants 32:2). Thomas B. Marsh had been a member for even less time than that when he was told, “The hour of your mission is come” (Doctrine and Covenants 31:3). Orson Pratt, Edward Partridge, and many others had likewise barely been baptized when their mission calls came. Perhaps this timing was all of necessity—in the fall of 1830, no one had been a member of the Church for more than six months. But there’s also a lesson in this pattern for us today: if you know enough to accept the restored gospel by baptism, you know enough to share it with others. Of course we always want to increase our gospel knowledge, but God has never hesitated to call upon the “unlearned” to preach His gospel (Doctrine and Covenants 35:13). In fact, He invites all of us, “Open your mouth to declare my gospel” (Doctrine and Covenants 30:5). And we do that best not through our own wisdom and experience but “by the power of [the] Spirit” (Doctrine and Covenants 35:13).

Friend April 2021 “Missionaries Shared the Gospel”

Mission to the Lamanites

Doctrine and Covenants 3235

Doctrine and Covenant Stories “A Mission to the Lamanites” Images and video

Doctrine and Covenants Coloring Book “Missionaries Called to the American Indian Nations”

See also “A Mission to the Lamanites,” Revelations in Context,45–49.

Invite a ward member to learn about one of the missionaries called in Doctrine and Covenants 30–34 and to share with the children what they learned (see “Voices of the Restoration: Early Converts” in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families or “The Faith and Fall of Thomas Marsh,” “Ezra Thayer: From Skeptic to Believer,” “Orson Pratt’s Call to Serve,” Revelations in Context, 54–69).

I can share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Invite the children to try to say a phrase like “God loves you” with their mouths closed. Point out that we can’t teach people about the gospel if we don’t open our mouths. Read Doctrine and Covenants 33:8–10, and invite the children to open their mouths every time they hear the phrase “open your mouths.” Why does Heavenly Father want us to open our mouths and share the gospel with others?
  • Whisper something very quietly to the children, such as “Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God,” and ask them to repeat what you said. Then say the same phrase in a louder voice. Read Doctrine and Covenants 33:2. Help the children understand that “lift[ing] up [our] voices” means to not be afraid to tell others about Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon, and other gospel truths.
  • Pick a phrase from verse 10, and invite a family member to whisper it. Other family members could try to guess the phrase. Then ask a family member to say the phrase in a loud voice. How does this activity help us understand why the Lord commands us to “lift up your voice”?
  • Draw a large mouth on the board, and help the children find in Doctrine and Covenants 33:8–10 the Lord’s promises to us when we open our mouths to share the gospel. Let the children write these promises on the board, and help them understand what these promises mean. Ask each child to write inside the mouth a gospel truth they can share with others.
  • Show a picture of a trumpet, and talk about what it means to preach the gospel “as with the sound of a trump.” How do we “lift up” our voices? (Doctrine and Covenants 33:234:6).
  • Place paper dolls or pictures of people around the room. Invite the children to find the people and gather them to the front of the room. Read Doctrine and Covenants 33:6, and explain what it means that the Lord will “gather [His] elect.” Testify that we can help gather people to the Lord as we share the gospel.
  • Ask the children to share how they are preparing to serve missions someday. If they know someone (perhaps a family member) who is serving, invite them to tell about his or her experiences. Or invite missionaries, a returned missionary, or someone preparing for a mission to share his or her enthusiasm for missionary work. Share some of your experiences sharing the gospel, including experiences in your daily life.

Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 13: The First Missionaries Preach the Gospel,” 

Set up a row of dominoes (or similar items such as thin blocks of wood, slender boxes, or small books). Place them on end just far enough apart so that if one is knocked down, it will knock down the next one. As you knock the first domino down, ask the children to observe the chain reaction. Call attention to the effect of one domino upon all the others. Explain that we too may affect the lives of others in a chain reaction. By sharing the gospel with even one person, we sometimes touch the lives of many others. (You may want to remind the children of how Samuel Smith sold a Book of Mormon to Phineas Young, who gave it to his brother Brigham, who passed it on yet again. Samuel Smith’s small action of selling one Book of Mormon affected many people.)

Sing a song about sharing the gospel, such as “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” (Children’s Songbook, 168). Help the children think of ways they can help other people learn about Jesus Christ.

Friend April 2021 “I Can Share the Gospel” Coloring Page

As you read the Lord’s promises to Thomas B. Marsh about his family, you could talk about the blessings that have come to your family because of missionary work. You could also sing a related hymn, such as “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go” (Hymns, no. 270). How has your family been blessed by sharing the gospel with others?

Friend April 2021 “Scripture Time Fun”

  • Sing “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” (Children’s Songbook, 168).
  • After Jesus Christ’s Church was restored, God called missionaries to go and teach more people about it. You can read about some of the first missionaries on page 42.
  • Write letters or draw pictures to send to the missionaries! You could give them to the missionaries serving in your area or send them to a missionary serving somewhere else. Talk about ways you can share the gospel too.

See also Missionary and Resources by Topic: Missionary Work

I can build my life on the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Doctrine and Covenants 33:12–17

  • Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 30–36”
    • Show the children a picture of the foundation of a building, and ask them to describe it. Why does a building need a strong, solid foundation? Read with the children Doctrine and Covenants 33:12–13, and explain that the Lord wants us to build our lives on His gospel. Help the children think of some ways they can build their lives on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    • Give the children some objects that they can use to build a tower, such as blocks or plastic cups. Label each object with a picture representing things the Lord said in Doctrine and Covenants 33:14–17. Invite the children to build a tower as you talk with them about how these things help us build our lives on Jesus Christ’s gospel.
    • Bring to class items of differing hardness, such as a stuffed animal, a sponge, clay, and a rock. Allow the children to handle each one. Ask them to look in Doctrine and Covenants 33:12–13 to find out how the Lord describes His gospel. Why is “rock” a good word to describe the gospel? How can we build our lives on the rock of the gospel?
    • Help the children to read Doctrine and Covenants 33:12–17 and find things we can do to build our lives on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Invite the children to draw a picture of something they find, and let them guess what each other’s pictures are portraying.

    Friend August 2020 “A Strong Foundation” We need to build our foundation on the gospel Jesus Christ. When we do, we will be able to withstand hard things in life.

    Sing “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man

    Additional Resources:

    See also Historical Resources “Doctrine and Covenants 30-36”

    Sidney and Phebe Rigdon

    On his way from New York to a mission in Missouri, Parley Pratt and his fellow laborers stopped in Mentor, Ohio, at the home of Sidney and Phebe Rigdon—old friends Parley knew from his days in Ohio. Sidney was a Christian minister, and Parley was once a member of his congregation and considered him a spiritual mentor. Parley eagerly told his friends about the Book of Mormon and the Restoration of Jesus Christ’s gospel. Sidney himself had been searching for a restoration of the true Church that he found described in the New Testament, though he was skeptical about the Book of Mormon at first. “But I will read your book,” he told his friend Parley, “and will endeavor to ascertain, whether it be a revelation from God or not.”7 After two weeks of study and prayer, both he and Phebe were convinced the book was true. But Sidney also knew that joining the Church would be a major sacrifice for his family. He would obviously lose his job as a minister, along with his social status in the community. As he and Phebe discussed this possibility, Phebe declared, “I have counted the cost, and … it is my desire to do the will of God, come life or come death.”8 Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 30–36”

    Alma 17-22

    Posted on

    Alma CHAPTER 17 The sons of Mosiah have the spirit of prophecy and of revelation—They go their several ways to declare the word to the Lamanites—Ammon goes to the land of Ishmael and becomes the servant of King Lamoni—Ammon saves the king’s flocks and slays his enemies at the water of Sebus. Verses 1–3, about 77 B.C.verse 4, about 91–77 B.C.; and verses 5–39, about 91 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 18 King Lamoni supposes that Ammon is the Great Spirit—Ammon teaches the king about the Creation, God’s dealings with men, and the redemption that comes through Christ—Lamoni believes and falls to the earth as if dead. About 90 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 19 Lamoni receives the light of everlasting life and sees the Redeemer—His household falls into a trance, and many see angels—Ammon is preserved miraculously—He baptizes many and establishes a church among them. About 90 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 20 The Lord sends Ammon to Middoni to deliver his imprisoned brethren—Ammon and Lamoni meet Lamoni’s father, who is king over all the land—Ammon compels the old king to approve the release of his brethren. About 90 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 21 Aaron teaches the Amalekites about Christ and His Atonement—Aaron and his brethren are imprisoned in Middoni—After their deliverance, they teach in the synagogues and make many converts—Lamoni grants religious freedom to the people in the land of Ishmael. About 90–77 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 22 Aaron teaches Lamoni’s father about the Creation, the Fall of Adam, and the plan of redemption through Christ—The king and all his household are converted—The division of the land between the Nephites and the Lamanites is explained. About 90–77 B.C.

    Friend July 2024 “I Can Read the Book of Mormon” After you read, color part of the picture. You can read these scriptures that go along with each week’s reading from Come, Follow Me.

    Sons of Mosiah fast, pray, and study before their mission

    Alma 17

    My testimony of Jesus Christ grows when I read the scriptures, pray, and fast.

    Alma 17:2–3

    Mosiah’s sons grew strong in the gospel and became mighty missionaries because they diligently studied the scriptures, prayed, and fasted.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”

    • How can the examples of Mosiah’s sons help your children build their testimonies of Jesus Christ? You could help your children find what the sons of Mosiah did to build their spiritual strength in Alma 17:2–3. Then they could draw pictures or find objects that represent these things. Help them plan what they will do to strengthen their testimonies of the Savior.

    The Red Crystal

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 Bring to class items that represent scriptures, prayer, and fasting, such as a set of scriptures, a picture of someone praying, and a picture of food, and explain what each item represents. Read Alma 17:1–4, and ask the children how these things helped the sons of Mosiah. How does reading the scriptures, praying, and fasting help us come closer to Heavenly Father?

    Use the topics index of the Children’s Songbook to help the children find songs about scripture study and prayer. Sing some of these songs together, and help the children identify what the songs teach about

    Alma 17:1–2). What do you learn from the sons of Mosiah about how to keep your faith in the gospel and commitment to it strong?

    (Alma 17:3). How did the spiritual preparation of the sons of Mosiah affect their work with the Lamanites?

    Ammon and King Lamoni

    Book of Mormon Stories “Ammon a Great Servant” Images

    Friend May 2016 “Ammon’s Good Example” Video

    Media Library “Ammon Defends the Flocks of King Lamoni”

    Friend May 2012 “Ammon, a Great Servant”

    Alma 17-19

    I can share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.

    Alma 17–19

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 17-22” Think of all of the reasons people might give for not sharing the gospel: “I don’t know enough” or “I’m don’t know if they would be interested.” The Nephites had an additional reason for not sharing the gospel with the Lamanites: they were “a wild and a hardened and a ferocious people; a people who delighted in murdering the Nephites” (Alma 17:14; Alma 26:23–25). But the sons of Mosiah had an even stronger reason why they felt they must share the gospel with the Lamanites: “They were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish” (Mosiah 28:3). This love that inspired Ammon and his brothers can also inspire you to share the gospel with your family, friends, and acquaintances—even those who may not seem likely to accept it.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”

    • To learn about being an instrument in God’s hands, as the sons of Mosiah were, you and your children could look at an instrument or tool and talk about what it’s used for. Then you could read Alma 17:11 and talk about what it means to be Heavenly Father’s instruments to help people learn about Jesus Christ.

    The Red Crystal

    Primary 4 Manual: Book of Mormon Chapter 17 Show the children a few tools or instruments used by builders, doctors, gardeners, painters, and so forth. Ask the children to tell what they know about each one, who uses it, and how it is used.

    Friend July 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Instruments in God’s Hands” Ammon said to his brothers, “We have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work” (Alma 26:3). Gather objects you can use to make music. Then make up beats and songs. Just like we use instruments to make music, God can use us to help build Jesus Christ’s Church.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 Explain that just as we use instruments or tools to get things done, Heavenly Father can use us to do His work. Read Alma 17:11, and explain that Ammon and his brothers were Heavenly Father’s instruments to help the Lamanites learn the gospel. How can you be an instrument in God’s hands to bless others? President Thomas S. Monson said, “I always want the Lord to know that if He needs an errand run, Tom Monson will run that errand for Him” (“On the Lord’s Errand: The Life of Thomas S. Monson,”

    Help the children act out Ammon’s story in Alma 17–19. If you think the children would enjoy it, bring simple costumes and props. Tell the children what you learn from the story, and invite them to do the same.

    Friend June 2013 “Let’s Put on a Pageant!” Script for acting out the story of Ammon (for older kids)

    Friend October 2000 “Missionary Challenge” Modern day Ammon story

    Invite the children to draw a picture of themselves sharing the gospel with someone. Help them think of specific things they can share.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”

    • This week’s activity page has pictures representing truths Ammon taught King Lamoni. You could help your children find these truths in Alma 18:24–40. Your children could pretend to be missionaries and share what they know about these truths.

    The Red Crystal

    Friend July 2024 “Plan of Happiness Craft” Aaron and Ammon both taught about Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness. They called it the plan of redemption (see Alma 18:36–39 and Alma 22).


    Abish, in gathering the people together to witness the power of God and reaching out her hand to the queen, she played a crucial role in the conversion of many of King Lamoni’s people.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”

    • After you read about Abish with your children (see Alma 19:16–20, 28–29), they could pretend to be like Abish by running in place, knocking on doors, and telling about what happened in Alma 19:1–17. How can we be like Abish and share what we know about Jesus Christ and His gospel? Your children could draw pictures of themselves sharing the gospel with someone (Help them think of specific things they can share), or sing together a song about sharing the gospel, such as “Called to Serve” (Children’s Songbook, 174–75).

    Friend July 2024 “Who Was Abish?”

    Friend February 1988 “Abish, Lamanite Woman of God”

    Friend June 2020 “Abish had Faith in God” Coloring page

    Friend November 2016  “Abish and Abby” Abby, like Abish, knows when it is time to share the gospel with her neighbors.

    Ammon and Lamoni’s father

    Alma 20-21

    I can help others come unto Christ by showing my love for them.

    Alma 17:21–2520:8–2722:1–3

    Ammon’s love and service softened the hearts of King Lamoni and his father.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”

    • At first, both King Lamoni and his father had hard hearts toward the gospel. Later, their hearts were softened, and they believed in Jesus Christ. How did this happen? Help your children discover answers to this question as you review with them Ammon’s experiences. They could act out “Chapter 23: Ammon: A Great Servant” and “Chapter 24: Ammon Meets King Lamoni’s Father” (Book of Mormon Stories, 64–68, 69–70). Or perhaps your children would like to draw pictures of different parts of the story and use the pictures to tell the stories. What did Ammon do to help Lamoni and his father open their hearts to the gospel of Jesus Christ? (see Alma 17:21–2520:8–2722:1–3).

    Book of Mormon Stories: Ammon Meets King Lamoni’s Father Images

    • Perhaps you and your children could think of someone who needs to know about Jesus Christ. Help them think of ways they can be good examples and show love to that person, like Ammon did for Lamoni and his father.

    Ensign June 2020″ Family Study Fun” Read Alma 17:27–39 together. Talk about how Ammon agreed to serve King Lamoni and saved the king’s flocks that had been scattered.

    1. Sit around a table or in a circle on the floor. Put 5–10 cotton balls in the center to represent flocks, such as sheep.
    2. On the count of three, everyone tries to “scatter” the sheep by blowing on the cotton balls for about 10 seconds.
    3. To “gather” the sheep, go around the circle and have each person put the cotton ball nearest to them back in the center. As they do, ask them to share one act of service they could do for someone this week. Keep going until all the cotton balls are returned.

    Discussion: What can we learn from Ammon’s example of humility? What blessings can we experience as we serve others?

    Lesson 17 Ammon: A Mighty Missionary Has an activity about service breaking the barriers people put up.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020

    • Invite the children to think of someone they can serve today, and discuss how they can serve that person.
    • Read Alma 22:1–3, and ask the children to listen for how Ammon’s good example affected King Lamoni’s father. Invite them to think of someone they know who needs to know about the gospel. Suggest to the children that their love and good example might help this person see how great the gospel is. Help the children think of ways they can be good examples and show love to the people they thought of.
    • Invite full-time missionaries or a recently returned missionary to share the story of Ammon in Alma 17–18. Ask them to share what they learned about missionary work from Ammon and the role service played in their efforts. Discuss with the children ways they can follow Ammon’s example.

    Lesson 18 – King Lamoni’s Father Lesson and activity ideas

    Aaron teaches Lamoni’s Father

    Alma 22

    Alma 20:8–27

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 Point out that one reason the heart of Lamoni’s father changed was because Ammon loved Lamoni so much. Invite the children to draw a picture of something they can do to show love for someone.

    Book of Mormon Stories: Aaron Teaches King Lamoni’s Father” Images

    Friend July 2024 “Aaron Teaches the King”

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020  Alma 20:23  Review to see what Lamoni’s father was willing to give up in order to save his life. Then review Alma 22:15 to see what he was willing to give up in order to receive the joy of the gospel. What was he willing to give up in order to know God? (see verse 18). Perhaps family members could each write a plan to give up something in order to know God more fully.

    Additional Resources

    Primary 4: Book of Mormon “King Lamoni’s Father Is Converted”

    1. Draw a large square on the chalkboard or paper, and divide it into nine equal squares. Number the squares from one to nine as shown:
    1. Divide the class into two teams. Assign each team a mark, such as X and O. Ask someone from the first team to choose a number from one to nine; then read the corresponding question below. Any member of the team may answer the question. If the team members answer the question correctly, they can put their team’s mark in the square that has the same number as the question they answered. If they don’t answer the question correctly, leave the square blank. Have the two teams alternate turns. The game is over when either team gets three marks in a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
      1. What is Heavenly Father’s great plan for us called? (The plan of salvation, the plan of redemption, or the plan of happiness.)
      2. What does redeem mean? (Save us from the bondage of sin.)
      3. Who created the earth? (Jesus Christ, under Heavenly Father’s direction.)
      4. Who were the first people on the earth? (Adam and Eve.)
      5. What happened because Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit? (They were cast out of the Garden of Eden, they could have children, they became mortal, and they were able to choose between right and wrong [see Moses 5:11].)
      6. Aaron taught the king from the scriptures or the brass plates. What are the four books of scripture we use to teach the gospel, or plan of redemption? (The Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price.)
      7. What was the first thing Aaron taught King Lamoni’s father? (There is a God.)
      8. How did Jesus make it possible for us to return to live with him again? (He suffered and died for our sins.)
      9. What must we do to be able to return to Heavenly Father? (Repent of our sins, keep our covenants, do good works.)To play the game again, make up questions from the lesson.

    Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024)

    Book of Mormon Stories

    The Red Crystal

    Missionary: Songs

    Posted on

    Friend August 2020 “We’ll Bring the World His Truth” I Can Play It version, and Sing-Along Video.

    Friend June 2020 “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” I Can Play It Song and Sing-Along Video

    1. I want to be a missionary now. I don’t want to wait until I’m grown. I want to share the gospel while I’m young. For I have a testimony of my own.

    2. I want to tell my friends about our church And the happiness it brings to me. I’ll tell them how the gospel was restored, Tell them how the Book of Mormon came to be.

    3. Then I can be a missionary now. I don’t have to wait until I’m grown. I’ll live each day the best that I know how, And they’ll see I have a testimony of my own, A testimony of my very own.

    Because I Have Been Given Much Ideas for using this song to teach about why we should be missionaries.

    Missionary: Activities & Games

    Posted on

    Friend April 1986 Try to figure out what the riddle is about (missionaries). Read the rebus clues. From the list choose the word that best describes the picture and draw a line from it to the picture.

    Friend April 1986

    Why Share the Gospel

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020: Jacob 5-7 Missionaries help God’s children like laborers who care for trees in a vineyard. Help the missionaries find their way through the maze. How do missionaries help God’s children?

    Preparing for a Mission

    Answering Investigator’s Questions

    Friend February 2020 “More Important than Basketball” Game: Play this game to practice sharing the gospel! Cut out the squares and crumple them into balls. Set a bowl at the end of a table or desk. Then take turns shooting the balls into the bowl. When a ball lands in the bowl, open the paper and read the question. Practice answering it as if you were talking to someone who wants to learn more about the Church.

    Friend July 1986 Game: Children practice teaching and giving talks.

    Sharing the Gospel Now

    Friend July 2019 “Coloring Page: Jesus Wants Me to Share the Gospel”

    Friend October 2020 “Sharing the Gospel” Write down the letter that each picture starts with. Check your answer below. (Answer: Share the gospel)

    Friend July 2017 Write the first letter of the word that describes each picture to discover how to share the gospel with anyone at anytime.

    Missionaries Throughout History

    Friend January 1984

    Friend January 1984

    Going on a Mission

    Missionaries Share the Gospel All Around the World

    Friend July 2021 “Draw the Town” Missionaries share the gospel all around the world. These missionaries are walking around town looking for people to teach. Pick a town below, then draw it in! Add some people for them to teach too.

    Friend June 2019 “Find It” Maria and Daniel are from the Philippines. Their grandmother tells them about the  missionary who baptized her. Find nine things below that Maria and Daniel might use on a mission someday.

    Friend July 2023 “Missionary Matching” Follow the lines to match the missionaries with who they are teaching or serving.

    Missionaries also Serve People

    Ensign June 2017

    Missionaries Serve Around the World

    Friend July 2019 “Funstuff: Modern Pioneers” Put the pictures in order of a family joining the Church in Nigeria.

    Friend October 1988

    Missionaries Teach the Gospel

    Friend April 2020 “Learning about the Restoration “The missionaries are teaching this family about how the gospel of Jesus Christ was restored. Find the items below that represent parts of the Restoration.

    Just for Fun

    Friend February 2025 “For Older Kids”

    Friend Jan 1981 Find words that are often associated with missionary work.

    Friend Jan 1981

    Friend April 2016 “Cover” Find seven pairs of missionaries.

    Friend April 2016

    Lesson 17 – Ammon – A Mighty Missionary

    Posted on

    Lesson 17
    Ammon – A Mighty Missionary

    • Items needed: several wrapped treats, a plate or platter for the treats, tape, marbles (or some other small, heavy  items), a few small vegetables, a Kleenex, a large rubber band, a large clear vase or jar, 26 inches of cord or twine, a small piece of thick cloth, several four inch square pieces of paper, and some thick thread.
    • Print and cut out the activity visual aids. Tape each gospel blessing card to a wrapped treat.
    • Tape the pictures of the sheep to the inside of the large clear vase. Separate the two layers of a Kleenex sheet. Cover the top opening of the vase with one layer of the Kleenex. Put a large rubber band around the Kleenex to secure it. The Kleenex should be stretched tight across the opening of the vase.
    • Print the scripture story visual aids. Cut the pages in half, and number the back of each page to help keep them in the correct order. (The scripture story visuals come from chapter twenty-three of Book of Mormon Stories.)
    • Make an example slingshot. Cut two, thirteen inch pieces of cord or twine. Cut out a piece of thick cloth 1¾ inches by 4 inches. Put one inch of the cord on top of one end of the fabric. Gather the fabric around the cord end and tightly wrap a piece of tape around it. Wrap thick thread around the tape several times and tie it off. Do the same with the other piece of cord and the other end of the fabric. The fabric should form a pocket when you are done. Also make several paper balls by tightly crumpling 4 inch square pieces of paper. Try out the slingshot by using the instructions found in the lesson.

    Attention Activity
    Show the children the treat you brought. Point out how wonderful and mouth watering it looks. Take a bite and describe the texture and flavor; tell them how delicious it is. Ask the children how they would feel if you ate the treat in front of them and didn’t share.

    Show the treats with the gospel blessing labels attached. Explain to the children that the labeled treats represent the many blessings they enjoy because they are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Read the labels to the children. Ask if it would be fair or right if we kept the blessings of the gospel to ourselves and didn’t share with anyone else.

    • Tell the children that you brought treats to share with each of them. Ask how that makes them feel. Inform the children that in today’s lesson they will learn of the joy experienced by the Lamanites when a missionary named Ammon shared the gospel with them.

    Ammon was one of the sons of Mosiah. The sons of Mosiah desired to share the joy of redemption they had found in the gospel. They had sinned much in their youth. They had felt the sorrow and suffering that occurs when someone realizes the awfulness of their sins. They wanted to go on a mission and teach repentance to the Lamanites because they could not bear the thought of any human soul suffering the consequences of sin.

    • If you were given the choice between serving a mission to a people who regarded you as their enemy or becoming a king with great power and honor, which would you choose? Mosiah was king of the Nephites and his sons were the heirs to the throne, but the sons of Mosiah gave up the throne to serve a mission to the Lamanites. Mosiah’s sons were taking on a very difficult task. The Lamanites were a wild and ferocious people, and they hated the Nephites.

    Before leaving on their mission, the sons of Mosiah prepared diligently. They searched the scriptures, fasted, and prayed.

    • Why did they search the scriptures, fast, and pray to prepare for their mission? (To help the children learn the answer to this question have them do the following role play activity.)

    Role Play Activity
    Choose a child to pretend to be an investigator, and give that child the list of questions they will ask. Have the other children take turns pretending to be missionary companions responding to the investigator’s questions. When they are done, ask the children if it was hard to answer the questions.

    • How can someone gain the knowledge to answer those kinds of questions? Missionaries must study the scriptures to gain a knowledge and understanding of the gospel, and they must fast and pray for divine help in teaching and testifying about those gospel precepts.

    The sons of Mosiah had searched the scriptures, fasted, and prayed so they could effectively teach the gospel with the Spirit and bring the Lamanites to a knowledge of the truth.

    Scripture Story
    Tell the following story using the pictures from chapter twenty-three of Book of Mormon Stories as visual aids. (Optional activity: Put the pictures on the board in random order and have the children choose a picture that depicts what happens next after each story part is told.)

    When the sons of Mosiah arrived in the land of the Lamanites they separated and went to different parts of the land.

    One of the sons, whose name was Ammon, went to the land of Ishmael. As he entered the land of Ishmael the Lamanites took him, bound him, and carried him before their king to decide whether he should be killed, imprisoned, or thrown out of their land. The king’s name was Lamoni.

    Ammon told the king he wanted to dwell among the Lamanites. King Lamoni was so pleased with Ammon that he offered Ammon one of his daughters as a wife. Ammon declined the generous offer and said he would be the king’s servant. The king assigned him to help watch the flocks.

    As Ammon and the other servants were driving the flocks to water, thieving Lamanites scattered the king’s flocks to plunder them. The servants were afraid. They said the king would kill them because the flocks were scattered and lost. They were so afraid they wept.

    • In Alma 17:29 it says that Ammon’s heart swelled with joy when he saw the fears of the servants. Why do you think he felt that way? Ammon was looking for an opportunity to win the hearts of the servants and show them the power of God.

    Ammon convinced the servants to search for the flocks and gather them back together. After they had gathered the flocks, the wicked Lamanites sought to scatter them again because they delighted in the destruction of others. Ammon told the servants to watch the flocks and that he would go and contend with the evil, trouble causing Lamanites.

    The wicked Lamanites did not fear him. They thought one of their men could easily slay Ammon. Ammon began to cast stones at them with his sling.

    • How does a sling work? Show the children the example sling you made. Demonstrate how to use it by holding one string firmly in your fist. Hold the other string in the same hand between your thumb and index finger. Put a paper ball in the pouch of the sling. Whirl the sling around your head and let go of the string between your thumb and index finger. Hold the other string tightly. Let a few of the class members try and throw a paper ball at a target. Ask them if it was difficult. (Teaching the Scripture Readers pg.75)

    Ammon was probably very practiced at using a sling, but he also had the power of God with him. Ammon cast the stones with so much power and accuracy that he killed several of the evil Lamanites who were maliciously trying to destroy him and his companions.

    The wicked Lamanites were astonished at Ammon’s power, but they were also angry because he had slain some of their companions They tried to throw stones at Ammon. They could not hit him because he was under the Lord’s protection, so they attacked him with their clubs. With his sword, Ammon smote off the arm of every man that lifted his club to smite him. The wicked Lamanites ran away in fear.

    The servants told the king what had happened, and they showed him the arms that had been smitten off by Ammon. When the king learned of the faithfulness of Ammon in preserving his flocks, and had heard of his great power in contending against those who sought to slay him, he was astonished. The king thought Alma was more than a man, that he must be the Great Spirit.

    Lamoni asked the servants where Ammon was. When Lamoni heard that Ammon was carrying out his orders to prepare the horses and chariots, he was even more astonished because of the faithfulness and diligence of Ammon.

    When Ammon finished preparing the horses and chariots, he went to the king to ask what the king desired him to do next. The king did not answer him. Ammon, being filled with the Spirit of God, perceived the thoughts of the king. He asked the king why he was marveling at the deeds he had done. King Lamoni was astonished even more because Ammon could discern his thoughts.

    King Lamoni asked Ammon if he was the Great Spirit. Ammon told him he was not, that he was just a man. Lamoni wanted to know by what power Ammon was able to do the things he had done.

    Ammon taught Lamoni of God and told him that the Lord had given him the power to contend with the wicked Lamanites. Ammon also taught Lamoni many other things about God and about the words of God found in the scriptures. The king believed his words, and he cried unto the Lord for mercy and forgiveness.

    • Would the king have listened to Ammon’s message if Ammon had tried to teach him the first time they had met? Why not? The king didn’t know Ammon then. He might not have trusted or believed the message because he didn’t know what Ammon’s intentions were.

    • Why did the king believe Ammon after seeing his actions? Through Ammon’s actions the king got to know that Ammon sincerely cared about his welfare and the welfare of his servants. He came to trust Ammon.

    When the king cried to the Lord for mercy, he fell to the earth as if he were dead. Lamoni lay as if he were dead for two days and nights. His wife and children mourned over him.

    The servants were about to take his body to be buried, but Lamoni’s wife did not believe that her husband was dead. She sent for Ammon. Ammon told the queen that the king was not dead, and that on the next day he would rise.

    The next day Lamoni rose according to the words of Ammon. The king said, “Blessed be the name of God.” Then he told the queen that he had seen the redeemer. He was filled with great joy.

    Lamoni taught his people about Jesus Christ and God. Many who heard his words were converted. Those who believed were baptized and they became a righteous people.

    The Savior once told his disciples, “Feed my sheep”, which means to teach the people and feed them spiritual food. While Ammon was on his mission to the Lamanites, not only did he feed and take care of the king’s flocks he also fed the people of the land spiritually.

    • Remind the children of the treats at the beginning of the lesson, and ask if they remember what the treats represent. (The gospel blessings) Explain to the children that the Lord has asked us to share the gospel with others and help feed his children spiritual food so they can enjoy the blessings of the gospel too.

    • Do you have to be an adult before you can be a missionary? Latter day prophets have told us that every person in the church should be a missionary. We should all share the gospel with the people we know and associate with.

    Show the container with the sheep inside it. Point out the Kleenex, and explain that it represents the barrier that people put up against things they don’t trust or understand. Put some vegetables onto the Kleenex, and tell the children the vegetables represent the gospel, which is food for our spirits.

    Tell the children they are going to do an activity where they will share ways to help feed Heavenly Father’s children. Remind the children of Ammon’s example and how he showed the king that he cared and that he could be trusted. Have the children think of ways they can show neighbors and friends that they care about them and that they are trustworthy. Also have the children think of ways they can be good examples of gospel standards. Have them take turns telling their ideas and then putting a marble or other weighted item on the Kleenex. (Eventually the barrier will break and the food will pour out.) (If the items you chose aren’t very heavy, have the children put several on the Kleenex each time they give an answer. Experiment with this activity before teaching the lesson.)

    Explain to the children that each of our actions makes an impression, and when people realize they can trust us and that we care about them, then the barriers will come down and a way will open for us to share with them the spiritual food of the gospel.

    Weekly Reading Assignment Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: Alma 17:19-39, Alma 18:8-43 and Alma 19:1-36


    Missionary #1

    Posted on

    Why Share the Gospel –  Activity

    • Items needed: A gift bag or gift box, paper and pencils, scriptures

    Attention Activity
    Show the family the gift bag/box. Hand out a paper and pencil to each person. Have the family members write down what they think would be the greatest gift they could give to someone. Collect the papers and put them in the gift bag/box. Pull out one response at a time, and read and discuss the responses. (Make sure to point out the positive of each person’s response, such as fun, needed, useful, long lasting, etc)

    Have the family look up and read D&C 14:7 – “If you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.”

    God has given us many wonderful things on this earth, but according to this scripture the gift of eternal life is better than anything we could ever receive on earth. Eternal life (or exaltation) is to live in God’s presence and live the kind of life He has.

    We can not give someone eternal life, but we can share something with others that will help them get on the path towards gaining eternal life.

    • What do you think that is? The gospel (The gospel is all the doctrines, laws, and ordinances needed to gain eternal life.)

    Missionary #2

    Posted on

    Why Share the Gospel – Scripture Story and Object Lesson


    • Print pictures from Doctrine-and-Covenant-Stories. Divide each picture page by cutting on the dotted lines.
    • Gather ingredients to make a chocolate cake. Also collect a mixing bowl, a spoon, and a few extra odd items such as pickles, mustard, etc.


    Scripture Story – Apostasy and Restoration

     (Teach the following story using the pictures from Doctrine and Covenants Stories as visual aids.  Read the following corresponding text as you show the pictures to the family.)

    #1) The gospel has been on the earth since the time of Adam, whenever there has been a righteous man who has authority to administer in God’s name, and a people who are willing to listen to and accept the gospel.

    #2) When people reject and rebel against the commandments of God, they are in a state of apostasy (a turning away from truth). They lose the blessings of divine guidance and authority. This happened several times during the Old Testament time period. Another time period apostasy occurred was after the Savior was resurrected.

    #3) After Jesus’ death and resurrection, the apostles continued to teach people about Jesus and his gospel. Many people joined the church, but soon apostasy began to creep into the church. Some of the people began to turn away from the truth and teach false ideas based on their old religious beliefs.

    #4) During this time period, there was also persecution going on from outside the church. Many church members were persecuted and killed because of their beliefs. One by one the apostles were all killed by these persecutors.  After the apostles died, the priesthood keys and authority were no longer on the earth.  Because of the wicked state of the people, they were not restored to the earth at that time. Without prophets and apostles to lead and guide, more and more error crept into church doctrine. Knowledge and understanding about many important doctrines were lost, including the knowledge of the purpose of life.

    #5) Ordinances were also changed. Baptisms began to be preformed on babies instead of waiting until a child had grown to the age of accountability. Baptisms also began to be done by sprinkling water instead of  by immersion.  Because of the changes to doctrine and ordinances, and the loss of priesthood keys and authority, the true church was no longer on the earth.

    Object Lesson

    Show the family the chocolate cake ingredients you gathered. Tell them you don’t have the recipe, but  it doesn’t matter because you think you can remember how to do it. Tell them you also want to make a few changes and add some things to the cake that you think will make it taste better.  Mix ingredients in random amounts, and add a few of the extra items.  Ask the family if they think your concoction will make a delicious chocolate cake? Why not? Without the right ingredients and recipe, the end result won’t be as hoped for.

    Tell the family that just as the cake needed the correct ingredients, it is also necessary for a church to consist of the correct components, which includes correct doctrines and ordinances, and power and authority from God.

    •  How and when was the gospel of Jesus Christ restored to the earth again?  In 1830, through Joseph Smith


    #6) When Joseph Smith was young, he noticed how the different churches interpreted the same things in different ways. He wanted to know which of all the teachings and churches were correct.

    #7) As he prayed for an answer, God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him. The restoration process then began. Joseph Smith, who had been chosen for this responsiblity because of his faithfulness in the preexistence, helped restore the gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth once again.  Because of the restoration we now have vital truths, knowledge, and the true priesthood authority that had been lost.