3 Nephi 12-16

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3 Nephi CHAPTER 12 Jesus calls and commissions the twelve disciples—He delivers to the Nephites a discourse similar to the Sermon on the Mount—He speaks the Beatitudes—His teachings transcend and take precedence over the law of Moses—Men are commanded to be perfect even as He and His Father are perfect—Compare Matthew 5. About A.D. 34.

3 Nephi CHAPTER 13 Jesus teaches the Nephites the Lord’s Prayer—They are to lay up treasures in heaven—The twelve disciples in their ministry are commanded to take no thought for temporal things—Compare Matthew 6. About A.D. 34.

3 Nephi CHAPTER 14 Jesus commands: Judge not; ask of God; beware of false prophets—He promises salvation to those who do the will of the Father—Compare Matthew 7. About A.D. 34.

3 Nephi CHAPTER 15 Jesus announces that the law of Moses is fulfilled in Him—The Nephites are the other sheep of whom He spoke in Jerusalem—Because of iniquity, the Lord’s people in Jerusalem do not know of the scattered sheep of Israel. About A.D. 34.

3 Nephi CHAPTER 16 Jesus will visit others of the lost sheep of Israel—In the latter days the gospel will go to the Gentiles and then to the house of Israel—The Lord’s people will see eye to eye when He brings again Zion. About A.D. 34.

Friend October 2024 “I Can Read the Book of Mormon” After you read, color part of the picture. You can read these scriptures that go along with each week’s reading from Come, Follow Me.

3 Nephi 12

Jesus Called Twelve Apostles

Who did Jesus Christ say the Nephites should listen to and obey? (3 Nephi 12:1.) Why is it important that we listen to and obey our Church leaders today?

Jesus Teaches the Beatitudes

Lesson 34: Jesus Teaches the Beatitudes

Friend March 1984

Friend March 1984

I should hunger and thirst after righteousness.

3 Nephi 12:6

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 12–16:

  • Without letting the other children hear, ask one child to pretend to eat or drink, and let the other children guess what he or she is doing. How does it feel to eat good food or drink clean water? How do we nourish our spirits? Invite the children to read 3 Nephi 12:6 to find out what the Savior wants us to “hunger and thirst after.” How do we show that we want righteousness as much as we want food and drink?
  • Have pictures of food and drink with scriptures printed on them. Cut off a little piece like a bite and see what the children can learn from that piece. Give them the rest of the that item and ask what they learn from the whole scripture. Explain that a little nibble here and there isn’t enough to keep us spiritually fed and strong.

See more ideas here Feast Upon the Words of Christ

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

Ensign September 2020 “Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon—Support Articles and Activities: 3 Nephi 12-16”

  • Jesus Christ taught the twelve Nephite disciples that they would be blessed as they followed His commandments. Our Heavenly Father knows that we need certain things, and He promises that we will receive them as we seek His kingdom first in our lives. (See 3 Nephi 13:31–33.)

I can be a good example by following Jesus.

3 Nephi 12:14–16

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 12-16”

  • Sometimes children might not realize how much their examples can bless others. Use 3 Nephi 12:14–16 to encourage them to let their light shine. For example, when you read “you” or “your” in these verses, ask your children to point to themselves. Tell the children about the light you see in them when they follow Jesus Christ and how it inspires you to follow Him too. You could also sing together a song that encourages the children to shine like a light, such as “I Am like a Star” (Children’s Songbook, 163).
  • To encourage your children not to hide their light (see 3 Nephi 12:15), let them take turns hiding or covering a lamp or other light. They could uncover the light each time they name something they can do to be a good example to others.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 12–16: “I Am the Law, and the Light” Tell the children about the light you see in them when they do “good works,” and explain how their light and examples help others and inspire you to do good works too.

Latter Day Kids “Let Your Light So Shine”- Come Follow Me” Video and lesson ideas to go along with it.

Video: The moose gets lost at sea and he doesn’t know which way to go. A lighthouse light guides him back home.

More ideas for being a good Example

3 Nephi 13

I should do good things for the right reasons.

3 Nephi 13:1–8, 16–18

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 12–16: “I Am the Law, and the Light”

  • Ask each child to search 3 Nephi 13:1–45–8, or 16–18 and identify the good works mentioned in these verses (explain that doing “alms” means giving to the poor). Why did the Savior say not to be like some of the people doing these things?

New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “Matthew 6:1–18”

Think about the following statement: Gustavo fixed his neighbor’s fence.

Stick Figure
  • What do you think about Gustavo?

Would your opinion change if Gustavo fixed the fence because he broke it in a fit of rage? What if he fixed it as part of a service project that his mom made him attend? What if he fixed it because he didn’t want his neighbor’s dog coming into his yard or because he was trying to impress his neighbor’s daughter? Or what if he simply wanted to be kind?

  • Why are our motives important?

We read in Matthew 6 that the Savior continued His Sermon on the Mount and taught about motives for doing good works. To help you think about the reasons you do good works such as ministering, serving others, praying, and attending [church], do the following activity.

Create a three-column chart in your study journal. Fill out the top of the chart as follows:

What are three good works you have done in the past week? (List one per row.)What were your reasons for doing them?How did you feel after you did these good works?
  • Give each child a slip of paper with a righteous act written on it (or let them think of their own examples). Ask them to think of good reasons and bad reasons for doing those things. Encourage them to always do good things for the right reasons.

“Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.”

3 Nephi 13:19–21

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 12-16”

  • Reading these verses could prompt a discussion about the things we treasure. Maybe you could lead your children on a treasure hunt to find things that remind them of treasures with eternal value.
  • Are there some treasures on earth that are keeping you from laying up treasures in heaven?

Friend January 2017 “The Next Level” Max takes a week off from playing games and he learns new things, spends time with his family, serves, and feels the Spirit.

Friend October 2016 Which is laying up treasures in heaven.

Ensign September 2020 “Family Study Fun”

Read 3 Nephi 13:19–21 together and talk about what it means to focus on heavenly treasure.

  1. Decorate or label a box as a “treasure chest.” Invite each family member to put a gospel item inside (Book of Mormon, picture of ancestor, temple recommend, etc.).
  2. Tell everyone to close their eyes while one person hides the treasure chest nearby. Then everyone should try to find it.
  3. When someone finds the treasure, they should take their item out of the box and share why it is special to them.
  4. Take turns hiding and sharing until all the treasure is gone.

Discussion: Why is spiritual treasure more valuable than earthly treasure? What can our family do to focus on spiritual instead of earthly treasure this week?

Friend October 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Treasure Box” Jesus Christ said, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (3 Nephi 13:21). Decorate a box with hearts and pictures of the Savior. Then write or draw things that you can do to be like Him and put them in your new treasure box. You can look through your box each Sunday to remind you to follow Jesus that week!

For younger children: Help your child find their heartbeat or your heartbeat. Talk about how we can’t see our hearts but we can feel them. Similarly, we can’t see God but we can feel His love.

3 Nephi 14

Heavenly Father answers my prayers.

3 Nephi 14:7–11

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 12-16”

  • As you read 3 Nephi 14:7, your children could do actions that represent each of the Savior’s invitations in this verse. For example, they could raise their hands (ask), make binoculars with their hands (seek), or pretend to knock on a door (knock). Help your children think of things they can say and ask for in their prayers.

Friend January 2021 “Jaechan’s First Day” Jaechan was excited to start school. But after his mom dropped him off at the gate, he got lost in the school halls and couldn’t find his classroom. He was scared and said a prayer asking for his mom to come find him. A few minutes later his mom came around the corner. She had a feeling she should check to make sure he made it to class okay.

  • Your children might enjoy a game in which they ask for something and receive something entirely different. In 3 Nephi 14:7–11, what did the Savior want us to know about our Father in Heaven?

Come Follow Me Kid

Friend September 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones”

  • Read 3 Nephi 13:9–13 together and help your little ones say, “Heavenly Father wants me to pray to Him.” Collect pictures of people doing different gospel activities, including praying, from Church magazines or at medialibrary.ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Turn all the pictures upside-down, then take turns flipping them over. Whenever you see someone praying, help everyone practice folding their arms, bowing their heads, and closing their eyes.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 12–16: “I Am the Law, and the Light”

  • President Russell M. Nelson said: “Does God really want to speak to you? Yes! … Oh, there is so much more that your Father in Heaven wants you to know” (“Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 95).

The Savior wants me to hear and do what He teaches.

3 Nephi 14:21–2715:1

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 12-16”

  • Think of ways you could help your children visualize the parable in these verses. Perhaps they could draw pictures, do actions, or build things on solid and sandy foundations. They could also substitute their names for “wise man” as they read 3 Nephi 14:24–27 or sing “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man” (Children’s Songbook, 281). Or they could stand up every time they hear the word “doeth” in 3 Nephi 14:21–27 and 15:1.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 12–16: “I Am the Law, and the Light”

  • As a class, read 3 Nephi 14:21–27 and 15:1, and ask the children to stand up every time you read the word “doeth.” Why does the Savior emphasize doing His sayings, not just hearing or remembering? Invite the children to draw a picture of verses 24–25 and write on the rock “Jesus” and something Jesus taught us to do.
Friend March 2015
Friend March 2015 Wise man & Foolish man

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 12-16”

  • Here’s an object lesson you could try: ask your children to imagine that one of their legs represents hearing the Savior’s words and the other represents doing what the Savior taught. Invite your children to try to balance only on their “hearing” leg. What would happen if a strong wind blew through the room? Then you and your children could look for specific things the Savior taught us to do: see 3 Nephi 12:3–12, 21–2613:5–8.

Use this example to illustrate why it is safer to do what the Savior says and not just hear His words.

Spiritual safety comes from hearing and doing what the Savior teaches.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 12–16: “I Am the Law, and the Light”

  • Show the children a rock and some sand. Ask them to point to the rock when you describe a choice to follow the Savior and point to the sand when you describe a choice not to follow Him. Testify that when we do what the Savior says, we are strong like a house built on a rock.

Come Follow Me Kid

Some possible choices:
Sleeping during scripture study time.
Sharing your favorite treat with a friend.
Listening carefully to the scriptures.
Telling someone thank you.
Hurting someone because you’re mad at them.
Sitting in sacrament meeting reverently.
Saying meaningful prayers.
Telling Mom/Dad “no” when they ask you to help them clear the table.
Giving your sibling a hug.
Saying nice words to other people.

Sing together “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man” (Children’s Songbook, 281), or read 3 Nephi 14:24–27. Help the children substitute their names for “the wise man” as they sing. Why did the wise man’s house stay standing during the storm? Review verse 24 to emphasize that he both heard and did what the Savior said.

3 Nephi 15-16

Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Book of Mormon Stories “The Good Shepherd” Images and Video

Friend September 2020 “Family Night Fun”

See more about Jesus being the Good Shepherd here.

Additional Resources

Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) “3 Nephi 12:1-16”

The Beatitudes

3 Nephi 12:3Poor in spirit. To be humble, or “to recognize gratefully [one’s] dependence on the Lord—to understand that [one has] constant need for His support. Humility is an acknowledgment that [one’s] talents and abilities are gifts from God” (True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference [2004], 86).
3 Nephi 12:4Mourn. To feel and express sorrow about something. A person may mourn for the trials of mortality that they and others experience. A person may also mourn because of sorrow for sin.
3 Nephi 12:5Meek. To be “Godfearing, righteous, humble, teachable, and patient under suffering” (Guide to the Scriptures, “Meek, Meekness,” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org).
3 Nephi 12:6Hunger and thirst after righteousness. To have a great desire to know and do the will of God.
3 Nephi 12:7Merciful. To be “compassionate, respectful, forgiving, gentle, and patient, even when you are aware of others’ shortcomings” (True to the Faith, 103).
3 Nephi 12:8Pure in heart. To be counted among those who “love the Lord, who seek to follow Him and keep His commandments, who are striving to live virtuous lives and endure faithfully to the end. The pure in heart are those who control their thoughts to keep themselves free from immoral fantasies and deeds” (Sheldon F. Child, “Words of Jesus: Chastity,” Ensign or Liahona, Jan. 2003, 44).
3 Nephi 12:9Peacemaker. “To help people find common ground when others are seeing differences” (Henry B. Eyring, “Learning in the Priesthood,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2011, 63).
3 Nephi 12:10–12 Persecuted for Christ’s name’s sake. To be willing to obey and defend Jesus Christ and His teachings, even when one may be mocked or mistreated for doing so.

The Red Crystal

News with Naylors

Come Follow Me FHE

Uncover things that we should treasure in our hearts.” Give your child the paintbrush and have them slowly brush away the rice or sand to uncover the gold coins. Discuss these pictures with your child and describe their importance. On the coins are images of things that we should value. If they get a blank coin, have them share something important to them.

3 Nephi 8-11

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3 Nephi CHAPTER 8 Tempests, earthquakes, fires, whirlwinds, and physical upheavals attest the crucifixion of Christ—Many people are destroyed—Darkness covers the land for three days—Those who remain bemoan their fate. About A.D. 33–34.

3 Nephi CHAPTER 9 In the darkness, the voice of Christ proclaims the destruction of many people and cities for their wickedness—He also proclaims His divinity, announces that the law of Moses is fulfilled, and invites men to come unto Him and be saved. About A.D. 34.

3 Nephi CHAPTER 10 There is silence in the land for many hours—The voice of Christ promises to gather His people as a hen gathers her chickens—The more righteous part of the people have been preserved. About A.D. 34–35.

3 Nephi CHAPTER 11 The Father testifies of His Beloved Son—Christ appears and proclaims His Atonement—The people feel the wound marks in His hands and feet and side—They cry Hosanna—He sets forth the mode and manner of baptism—The spirit of contention is of the devil—Christ’s doctrine is that men should believe and be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. About A.D. 34.

Signs of Christ’s Crucifixion Occur: Disasters and Darkness

Lesson 33: The Savior Appears to the Nephites

3 Nephi 8-9

When I am in darkness, Jesus Christ can be my light.

3 Nephi 8–9

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 8-11”

  • To help your children relate to the experiences described in 3 Nephi 8–9, you could retell or listen to a recording of portions of these chapters in a darkened room. Discuss what it might have been like to be in darkness for three days. Then you could talk about why Jesus Christ called Himself the Light of the World (see 3 Nephi 9:18). What did Jesus invite the people, and us, to do so He can be our light? (see 3 Nephi 9:20–22).

Ensign September 2020 “Come, Follow Me Shareable Scriptures”

Just as the sun is necessary for light which living things on the earth need to live, it is necessary for us to follow Jesus because he is the light that shows the way to Eternal Life.

Friend September 2020 “Family Night Fun”

Friend September 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones”

Turn off the lights and shine a light on a picture of Jesus as you read 3 Nephi 9:18. Then help your little ones say, “Jesus is the Light of the World.” You could also read the scripture story on pages FJ4–FJ6. Testify that Jesus knows each one of us individually. He loves us!

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 8–11: “Arise and Come Forth unto Me”

  • Show the children a map of the world, and help them find Jerusalem and the Americas. Explain that the destruction described in 3 Nephi 8 was a sign to the people in the Americas that Jesus Christ had been crucified in Jerusalem. Read together 3 Nephi 11:1–15, and ask the children to tell you when they find something in these verses that helps them feel God’s love. Share verse 37, and testify that the Savior loves all children. Bear your testimony about the truth of what you are reading.

The Red Crystal

Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit

For the Strength of Youth September 2024 “Fun Stop” The Savior has taught us that we should have a “broken heart,” which means to be humble, repentant, and meek (3 Nephi 9:20; Guide to the Scriptures, “Broken Heart,” Gospel Library). Can you break this heart symbol into seven pieces by drawing only three straight lines? There is more than one right answer. (Write on each piece a broken heart characteristic.)

3 Nephi 10

Jesus protects His people as a hen protects her chicks.

3 Nephi 10:4–6

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 8-11”

  • The imagery of a hen gathering her chicks can be a powerful teaching tool to help children understand the Savior’s character and mission. You could read 3 Nephi 10:4–6 while your family looks at a picture of a hen and chicks. Why would a hen need to gather her chicks? Why does the Savior want to gather us close to Him? How do we come to Him for safety?

Latter Day Kids “Come Follow Me: How Oft Will I Gather You?” Videos and Lesson ideas.

Media Library: Come Create with Me | Games | Find the Chicks

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 8-11”

  • Show a picture of a hen caring for her chicks. Read 3 Nephi 10:6, and tell the children about how a hen calls to her chicks and protects them under her wings when there is danger. Discuss how Jesus is like the hen and we are like the chicks. How can we come to Him to find safety?
  • Place a picture of Jesus on a wall. Invite the children to walk around the classroom as you read 3 Nephi 10:4 out loud. Tell them to move toward the picture of Jesus when they hear the words “gathered” or “gather.” Repeat this activity as you read verses 5 and 6. Share with the children how you have come to the Savior for safety, and testify that He will protect us from spiritual dangers as we keep His commandments.

Friend September 2024 “Jesus Gathers Us Like a Hen Gathers Her Chicks”

Come Follow Me Kid

Hen Craft – Let each family member choose a chick on page 9 below Have them write their name on that chick and color it. Discuss specific ways Christ can protect us and take care of us when we come to Him. Put the hen together (on page 8 below) with a brad or tape holding the wing on at the top. Have each family member take turns stating something they can do to come unto Christ and/or a way Christ has or will protect them when they’re close to Him. As they share, they can place their chick underneath the hen’s wing to visualize the comfort and safety that can come to us as we follow and stay close to Christ. (Hen and chicks designed by Crystal from theredcrystal.org).

Jesus Christ Appears to the Nephites

3 Nephi 11

Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 43: Jesus Christ Appears to the Nephites” Video and Images

Friend November 2013  “Jesus Appears to the Nephite People”

God speaks to me in a soft, small voice.

3 Nephi 11:1–8

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 8-11”

  • Perhaps you could read some of these verses in a soft, “small voice” (3 Nephi 11:3). Or you could play a recording of a song like “This Is My Beloved Son” (Children’s Songbook, 76) softly so that it is difficult to hear. What did the people have to do to understand the voice from heaven? (see verses 5–7). What do we learn from their experience?

Liahona September 2024 “Come, Follow Me Family Fun: Hearing God’s Voice”

3 Nephi 11:5

In 3 Nephi 11, we read how the Nephites could not hear the voice of God until they turned their eyes toward the voice and opened their ears.

  1. Stand across from someone. Turn around so you’re not looking at each other.
  2. One person is the speaker, and the other is the listener. Have the listener cover his or her ears.
  3. Have the speaker say a phrase in a quiet voice, like “I’m trying to be like Jesus.”
  4. See if the listener can tell what the speaker is saying.
  5. Now have the listener uncover his or her ears and turn toward the person speaking.
  6. The speaker repeats the same phrase.

Discussion: Was it easier to hear the voice when the listener faced the speaker? Read 3 Nephi 11:5. How can you turn your eyes and open your ears to God’s voice today?

I can learn to recognize God’s voice in my life.

3 Nephi 11:1–8

Ask the children to read verses 5–7 to find out what the people did that helped them understand the voice.

Ensign September 2020 “Family Study Fun”

Read 3 Nephi 11:3–7 together. Before Jesus Christ appeared to the people in Bountiful, they had to “open their ears” to the words of God.

  1. Invite everyone to turn to each other and talk about their day.
  2. Meanwhile, have someone softly read 3 Nephi 11:7. Then ask the group if they can repeat what was said.
  3. Read the scripture again, this time with everyone listening quietly. Now repeat the verse together.

Discussion: Why was it easier to remember the verse the second time? How can we eliminate distractions and “open our ears” to the Spirit this week?

Jesus Christ invites me to come to Him.

3 Nephi 11:1–15

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 8-11”

  • How will you help your children feel the Spirit as you read 3 Nephi 11:1–15 together? Perhaps you could ask them to tell you when they find something in these verses that helps them feel God’s love. You could do the same with the pictures in this outline or the video “Jesus Christ Appears at the Temple” (Gospel Library). Tell your children about how you feel when you read and ponder these events. Let them share their feelings too.

Jesus Called Twelve Apostles

Friend November 2024 “Christ Gives Power to Bless the Nephites” The Disciples Whom He Had Chosen by Casey Childs

Jesus Christ wants me to be baptized.

3 Nephi 11:21–26

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 8-11”

  • As you read 3 Nephi 11:21–26, you could invite your children to stand up every time they hear the word baptize. What did Jesus teach about baptism? If your children have seen a baptism before, ask them to describe what they saw. Why does Jesus want us to be baptized?

Friend March 2021 “Matt and Mandy” Matt invites a friend to his baptism. His friend asks why he is getting baptized. Matt explains the fourth article of faith to him.

Additional Resources

Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Jesus Appears to the Nephites”

Friend August 1988 Review

Friend August 1988

Book of Mormon Stories for Young Readers  “Jesus Visited the Americas” Video and Images (Also found in Friend September 2016)

Friend September 2020 “One by One” Action Rhyme

Gospel Art Book, no. 82

Friend April 2017

Image: “Christ Comes to America”

Coloring page: “Jesus Appears to the Nephites” (November 2013 Friend)

The Red Crystal

The Cozy Red Cottage Lesson ideas

Activity 3: Heart demonstration & journal page. Print and cut out the heart. Tape two different colored
papers (preferably a light and dark color) together and place behind the heart opening. Elder Hales taught “Light and darkness cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Where the light of Christ is found, the darkness of Lucifer, even Satan, must depart, defeated.” This idea is based off this quote and I hope I explain this idea in a way that makes sense. What do we allow to take up space in our heart? Is it kindness, joy, gratitude, faith, hope, love or is it anger, fear, jealously, guilt, contention, etc. Share some of these things with your family and as you do move the heart towards the dark or the light. Notice how the colors in the heart change. Do we allow so much anger to fill up our heart that there is little room for joy. Or do we allow faith to fill our heart that there is little to no room for fear? There is only so much space-what are we filling our hearts with?

News With Naylors

Lesson 33: The Savior Appears to the Nephites

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Lesson 33: The Savior Appears to the Nephites

• Items needed: a small paper bag, a flashlight or a candle, a black marker, a general conference CD, a CD player, tape, magnets, pencils, sticky tack, ten sheets of cardstock or construction paper. Recommended: the items to make a roller box: a large empty cereal box, two long metal skewers or dowel rods, wrapping paper or scrapbook paper.
• Print the game pictures. Cut out the two titles and the scriptures. Attach each scripture to its matching drawing from lesson thirty-one.
• Print the worksheet. Each half of the page is one worksheet. Make one copy of the page per every two children, and then cut the pages in half.
• Print the scripture story pictures. (Do not print the pictures onto heavy paper, and do not laminate them if you are making a roller box.) It is recommended that you make a roller box with the pictures, but the pictures can also be used individually. Note: The scripture story pictures are from chapters forty-two and forty-three of Book of Mormon Stories.
Roller Box Instructions: Lay the scripture story pictures face down in a vertical row in the order they were printed. Cut a sheet of plain paper in half vertically. Put one half at the top of the row and the other half at the bottom. Butt together the edges and tape them so they form one long row of pictures. Tape the open end of the cereal box closed with packaging tape. With an exacto knife, cut an 8 ½ x 5 inch hole in the front of the box. Cover the box with wrapping paper or scrapbook paper. Be sure to cut out any paper covering the opening in the front of the box. Poke a metal skewer through the top side of the box about one inch down from the top and one inch from the front of the box. Then poke the end of the skewer going out through the other side of the box. Do the same with the other skewer on the bottom of the box. Roll the pictures into a roll, starting at the bottom. Put the roll through the front window of the box. Line the top edge of the roll with tape and then attach it to the top skewer. Roll all the scroll onto the skewer by turning the handle on the skewer. Put a row of tape onto the bottom edge of the roll and attach it to the bottom skewer.
• Print the 4th Article of Faith chart. Tape the edges of the two pieces together so it forms one complete chart. Cut out the scriptures and attach them to the chart according to where they go using sticky tack. (See the picture above to see where each one should be placed.)
• Classroom Prep: 1) Put the flashlight (or candle) into the paper bag. 2) Tape the drawings from lesson thirty-one (of the signs of Jesus’ death) on the left side of the board. Put the title “Samuel’s Prophecy” above the drawings. On the right side of the board put the pictures of the destructions that occurred at Jesus’ death. Put the title “Prophecy Fulfilled” above those pictures. Attach a cover sheet (cardstock or construction paper) over the top of each of the ten pictures using magnets. 3) Play one of the conference talks on the CD as the children enter the classroom.

Attention Activity
Show the children the bag. Ask a child to reach into the bag without looking and feel the item that is in there. Have the child tell the other children what the item is. Ask another child to do the same.

Ask the children that haven’t felt the item if they know what is in the bag. Ask how they know. (Because the other children who had personal contact with the item told them what was in the bag.) Show the children the flashlight. Ask if the children remember who the light of the world is. (Jesus Christ)

• How can we know of Jesus and that he was resurrected and lives today if we haven’t had personal contact with him? Explain that the experiences recorded in the scriptures are meant to help us know of know of things we have not witnessed for ourselves. As we read the scriptures about Jesus we can gain a witness of their truth through the Holy Ghost. In today’s lesson we learn of an important event recorded in the Book of Mormon concerning Jesus that occurred a long time ago.

Scripture Account
After Jesus’ birth the Nephite people shifted back and forth from righteousness to wickedness. Eventually the people became in such an awful state of wickedness that the more righteous part of the people had nearly all become wicked. The prophets were killed who were sent to testify against the people’s sins. The government was destroyed because of the secret combinations of those who slew the prophets. The people divided up into tribes ruled by their individual leaders. (3 Nephi 6:23 & 3 Nephi 7:6-7)

On the thirty-third year from the birth of Jesus, the people began looking for the sign of Jesus’ death. There was much doubting and disputations concerning the sign even though they had witnessed many other signs come to pass. On the first month of the thirty-fourth year, the signs of Jesus’ death that Samuel the Lamanite had prophesied began to occur.

Point out the two columns of papers on the board and the column titles. Explain that under each paper is a picture. The children will try to find matches by taking turns turning over two pictures, one from the column labeled “Samuel’s Prophecy” and another from the column labeled “Prophecy Fulfilled.” When a match is found, have the children look up and read both scriptures.

After the matches have all been made, explain that the destructive forces lasted for the space of three hours, and after that the three days of darkness began. (3 Nephi 8:19)

Scripture Story Activity
Teach the following scripture story using the roller box. Have the children take turns rolling the pictures down. Read the below numbered captions after a picture is rolled down. Also do any discussion listed below each caption.

1. In the darkness there was great moaning, howling, and weeping. Many were heard to say: “O that we had repented before this great and terrible day”

• Why did the people wish they had repented before the time of destruction? Friends and family who had been lost in the destruction might have been spared if the people had repented and been righteous. (See 3 Nephi 8:25)

• A voice was heard in the darkness among all the inhabitants in the land. What do you think the voice said?

2. The voice said, “Wo unto the inhabitants of the whole earth except they shall repent;”

• What does this mean for us and everyone on the earth? We are all spiritually and physically at risk if we do not repent.

• The voice then told of all the destructions that had occurred to the various Nephite cities and the reason for the destructions. What do you think the reason was for the destructions?

3. “And many great destructions have I caused to come upon this land, and upon this people, because of their wickedness and their abominations.”

• The voice then explained why those who were left were spared. Why do you think they were spared?

4. “All ye that are spared because ye were more righteous than they.”

(Read 3 Nephi 12:10) “And it was the more righteous part of the people who were saved, and it was they who received the prophets and stoned them not; and it was they who had not shed the blood of the saints, who were spared.”

• The voice then invites the people to come unto him and repent and be healed. The voice then declares who he is. Who do you think it was that was speaking?

5. He said, “Behold, I am Jesus Christ the Son of God.”

• What does it mean to come unto Christ? The word “come” means to draw close to. How do we draw close to the Savior? By learning of him and by seeking to follow his example and teachings.

6. The Lord then said, “How oft would I have gathered you as a hen gathereth her chickens, but you would not.”

The Lord yearns to gather his people into the safety and protection of the gospel. He sought to nourish them and teach them the way of salvation, but on many occasions they chose to forsake him. The Lord lamented (grieved or mourned) for those who were lost because they refused to be gathered.

After the people heard these words, they began to weep and howl again because of the loss of their kindred and friends. Possibly they also grieved for those who could have been gathered and thus spared but had refused to do so.

7. After three days passed, the darkness dispersed and the earth did cease to quake. The mourning, weeping, and wailing did cease and they did give thanksgiving unto the Lord Jesus Christ their redeemer. (3 Nephi 10:9-10)

• How difficult would it be to function properly without any light for three days?
• Why was darkness one of the signs of Jesus’ death? The darkness reminds us that we can not function properly on the earth without the light of the world (Jesus Christ). Without Jesus Christ we would be without hope or direction. He makes it possible for us to repent and progress.
• How long did Jesus’ body lay in the tomb? (Three days) On the third day, the day of his resurrection, light came again to the people of America. (Helaman 14:20)

Give each child a worksheet and a pencil. Explain that you want them to listen carefully for the answers to the worksheet questions as you tell the rest of the scripture story. Tell them to write down the answers when they hear them.

8. Sometime after the three days of darkness ended, a great multitude of the people of Nephi gathered around the temple in the land of Bountiful. They were conversing and marveling about all that had occurred. As they were thus conversing one with another, they heard a voice as if it came out of heaven. They cast their eyes round about, for they understood not the voice which they heard.

Have the children look up 3 Nephi 11:3 and describe the voice the Nephites heard. (It was not a harsh voice, neither was it a loud voice; nevertheless, it did pierce them to the very soul, and did cause their hearts to burn.)

9. And they did hear the voice again and they understood it not. And again the third time they did hear the voice and did open their ears to hear it; and their eyes were towards the sound thereof; and they did look steadfastly towards heaven, from whence the sound came. And the third time they did understand the voice which they heard. The voice said “Behold my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name—hear ye him.”

10. The people cast their eyes up again towards heaven; and behold, they saw a Man descending out of heaven; and he was clothed in a white robe; and he came down and stood in the midst of them.

11. He stretched forth his hand and said, “Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world.” When they heard these words, the multitude fell to the earth.

12. Jesus Christ told them to arise and come forth and thrust their hands into his side and also feel the prints of the nails in his hands and feet. The multitude went forth one by one and did feel and see the wounds in his body. They did know of a surety and did bear record, that it was he, of whom it was written by the prophets that should come.

Worksheet Answers
Discuss the worksheet questions and answers.

1. Where did a large group of people gather? The temple in the land of Bountiful.

2. How many times did the voice speak before the people understood it? Three times

3. How were the people finally able to understand the voice? “They did open their ears to hear it”

• Ask the children if they remember the general conference talk that was playing when they entered the classroom. Ask if any of them knows what topic the speaker was talking about. Ask what they would need to do in order to know what the speaker was saying. (They would have to focus, pay attention, and listen.)

• What can we do to better hear and understand God’s words to us? We need to focus and listen so we might feel or hear the gentle promptings of the Spirit. God speaks to our spirits. The Nephite’s spirits burned when they heard the voice.

4. Whose voice did the people hear speaking to them from heaven? Heavenly Father’s

• Very few people in all of history of the world have heard the actual voice of God the Father. Why did you think the Father addressed the Nephites in this instance? To testify to the world and call attention to the significance of who Jesus Christ is– he is the son of God, and he performed the atonement that was necessary for the plan of salvation. Heavenly Father also tells us that we need to listen to and obey Jesus’ words.
• How do we know the Father’s words were meant for the world? They are available for all to read in the scriptures.

5. After Jesus declared who he was, what was the first thing he did? He had the people feel the wounds he bore from hanging on the cross.

• Why did the Savior have the people feel his wounds? So they might know he was the one whom the prophets testified would come into the world to sacrifice and die for their sins.

Show the final picture on the roller box and read the below caption.

13. And when they had all gone forth and had seen the evidence of his sacrifice for them, they did cry out with one accord saying, “Hosanna! Blessed be the name of the Most High God!” and they did fall at his feet and did worship him.

Chart Activity
The word Hosanna means in essence “Oh grant salvation.” The people remembered that only through Jesus Christ could salvation be granted, and they desired the Savior to show them the way to salvation.

• What do you think the Savior taught first concerning gaining salvation? Show the chart with the missing words and explain that each spot where there are scriptures is one of the things Jesus taught. Explain that they are going to look up the scriptures and try and figure out what goes in each spot.

The first thing the Savior did before beginning to teach about salvation was to call his representative amongst the Nephites to come forth– Nephi the prophet.

Have the children look up the chart scripture 3 Nephi 11:21, 33 to discover what the Savior gave to Nephi, and to discover one of the things that is necessary for gaining salvation. (Nephi was given the power to baptize. Baptism is necessary for gaining salvation.) (Have a child take the scripture off the chart and write the word baptism in the spot.)

The Savior also called others and gave them power to baptize. And he gave them specific instructions concerning how to baptize.

• Note: Nephi already had the power to baptize and had performed baptisms earlier. (3 Nephi 7:23-26)  What power did Jesus give him? Nephi had lived through a change of dispensations. The Lord gave Nephi the priesthood keys for the new dispensation. A dispensation is when the gospel is revealed anew. In this new dispensation, Jesus had wrought the atonement, and in D&C 22:1-3 it says old things were done away and all things became new (including baptism). The old covenants were done away and the people were given the new and everlasting covenant (the fullness of the gospel). (Robert J Matthews. Religion A 122 BYU study manual – T. Parker )

Have the children look up 3 Nephi 11:37 to find another of the things Jesus taught the people they must do in order to gain salvation. (Repent) Explain that Jesus repeated these words two times to emphasize their importance. “And again I say unto you, ye must repent, and be baptized in my name, and become as a little child, or ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.” (Have a child take the scripture off the chart and write in the word repentance.)

• Do active members of the church have need of repentance? We all need to repent daily, even if we have not committed serious sins. We need to repent of such things as losing our temper, being selfish, being slothful, etc.

Have the children look up the scripture 3 Nephi 11:32 to find another of the things Jesus told the people they must do in order to gain salvation. (Believe in Jesus, which is the same thing as “Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ” (Have a child take the scripture off the chart and write in the words “Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ”.)

Have the children look up and read 3 Nephi 11:35 and see if they know what goes on the last line. (Holy Ghost) See if the children can tell you what the rest of the missing words are on the chart. (They should recite to you the fourth Article of Faith.)

• What does 3 Nephi 11:35 say the Holy Ghost will bear record of? The Father sends the Holy Ghost to bear record of Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost bears record that Jesus lives, that He is the Son of God, and that through His atonement we can repent and be forgiven of our sins.

Remind the children of the bag at the beginning of the lesson and how they knew what was in the bag (because of others personal contact and declarations concerning what was in the bag). Remind the children that we can each gain a personal testimony of Jesus Christ even though we have not seen or talked to him in person. We can gain that testimony through reading the testimony of others in the scriptures and by seeking for the witness of the Holy Ghost concerning Jesus Christ.

Weekly Reading Assignment
Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: 3 Nephi 8:1-25, 3 Nephi 9:1-2 & 12-22, 3 Nephi 10:1-13, 3 Nephi 11:1-22