3 Nephi 17-19

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3 Nephi CHAPTER 17 Jesus directs the people to ponder His words and pray for understanding—He heals their sick—He prays for the people, using language that cannot be written—Angels minister to and fire encircles their little ones. About A.D. 34.

3 Nephi CHAPTER 18 Jesus institutes the sacrament among the Nephites—They are commanded to pray always in His name—Those who eat His flesh and drink His blood unworthily are damned—The disciples are given power to confer the Holy Ghost. About A.D. 34.

3 Nephi CHAPTER 19 The twelve disciples minister unto the people and pray for the Holy Ghost—The disciples are baptized and receive the Holy Ghost and the ministering of angels—Jesus prays using words that cannot be written—He attests to the exceedingly great faith of these Nephites. About A.D. 34.

Jesus Heals the Sick and Blesses the Children

3 Nephi 17

Primary 4 Manual: Book of Mormon “Lesson 35: Jesus Christ Heals the Sick and Blesses the Children” Because the Nephite people who gathered at Bountiful were not sufficiently prepared, the Savior could not tell them everything that Heavenly Father wanted them to know. What did Jesus ask the people to do? (Have the children fill in the blanks from 3 Nephi 17:3.) Following a conference, sacrament meeting, or Primary, what should you do to help you understand what you have heard?

The Savior loves each of Heavenly Father’s children.

3 Nephi 17:7, 20–25

Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 44: Jesus Christ Blesses the Children” Video and Images

Friend October 2024 “Jesus Blessed One by One”

Lesson 35: Jesus Christ Heals the Sick and Blesses the Children

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 17-19”

  • You could use a picture like those in this outline or the video “Jesus Christ Prays and Angels Minister to the Children” (Gospel Library) to help your children visualize the account in 3 Nephi 17. Consider reading phrases or verses from 3 Nephi 17 that emphasize the Savior’s love for the people (such as verses 7 and 20–25). Your children could then draw a picture of themselves with Jesus. As they do, help them think of ways that Jesus has shown His love for them.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 17–19: “Behold, My Joy Is Full” Have the children draw a picture of themselves with Jesus on the last square.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 17–19:

  • Testify that Jesus loves children very much, and this is why He blessed them and prayed for them.
  • Invite the children to share how they might have felt if they were among the children whom the Savior blessed. If possible, show the video “My Joy Is Full” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org) to help them imagine this event. What did the Savior do to show His love? What can we do to prepare ourselves to be with Him when He comes again?

“Jesus Christ Blesses the Children” (June 2009 Friend)
A rebus story 

Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Jesus Blessed the Children”

Friend September 2020 “Coloring Page”

Ensign October 2020 “Family Study Fun”

Read 3 Nephi 17:21–25 with your family, which describes the Savior ministering to people after His Resurrection. Talk about what it might have felt like to be there.

  1. Draw or write these body parts on pieces of paper: hands, feet, knees, arms, eyes, and mouth. Pass them out to different family members.
  2. Listen to “Had I Been a Child” from pages 80–81 of the Children’s Songbook 
  3. Whenever a body part is mentioned in the song, have the family member holding that paper lift it up for everyone to see.

The Red Crystal

“Had I Been A Child” Lyrics

  1. 1. Had I been a child when Jesus came Unto the Nephites that blessed day And showed them the wounds in his hands and his feet And knelt with them to pray.
  2. 2. Then he might have held me safe in his arms; He might have looked in my eyes and said A word, with his blessing of kindness and love, His hands placed upon my head.
  3. 3. Someday, when the Savior comes again, Oh, how I hope that my heart will be As pure as the hearts of the children that day Who gathered around his knee.

Discussion: Talk about how Jesus has a resurrected body and how one day we’ll have a resurrected body too. Jesus used His body to serve others. How can we serve others and show them love?

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 17-19”

  • As you read this chapter as a family, consider pausing from time to time to invite your family to imagine experiencing these events firsthand. For example, you might ask questions like “What afflictions would you bring to the Savior to be healed?” “What would you want Him to pray for in your behalf?” or “What loved ones would you want Him to bless?” Reading this chapter may also inspire you to pray for your family members, one by one, as Jesus did.

More Ideas for “Jesus Loves Us” Here

Jesus institutes the sacrament among the Nephites

3 Nephi 18-19

I can think about Jesus when I take the sacrament. As I take the sacrament, I can be filled with the Holy Ghost.

3 Nephi 18:1–12

Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 45: Jesus Christ Teaches about the Sacrament and Prayer” Video and Images

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 17-19”

  • Perhaps you could invite your children to tell you what happens during the sacrament. Then you could read 3 Nephi 18:1–12 and ask your children to raise a hand (or stand up) when they hear something that is similar to what we do today. What does Jesus Christ want us to remember or think about during the sacrament? (see 3 Nephi 18:7, 11).

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 17–19:

  • Hum, sing, or play a hymn or Primary song while the children color pictures that can help them remember the Savior during the sacrament (see this week’s activity page). Encourage them to look at these pictures to help them remember Jesus when they partake of the sacrament.
  • Sing together a song about reverence, such as “Reverently, Quietly” (Children’s Songbook, 26). How can reverently taking the sacrament help us feel the Spirit? How does it help us make righteous choices?

Friend May 2024 “Jesus Christ Blesses the Sacrament” In Remembrance of Him (Jesus Institutes the Sacrament) by Casey Childs

Lesson 36: Jesus Christ Gives the Sacrament to the Nephites

Friend October 2024 “A Reminder to Remember” Make this craft to help you remember Jesus Christ! In the white box, write some things you can do during the week to think of the Savior. Then cut on the dotted lines. Hang your goals on a doorknob where you’ll see them often to help you remember Him.

Friend October 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities” For younger children: Read the scripture 3 Nephi 18:7 out loud to your little ones. Tell them to put their hand on their heart every time you hear the word “remember.” Talk about how you can remember Jesus Christ.

Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Jesus Introduced the Sacrament to the Nephites”

Latter Day Kids “Come Follow Me: Renewing Our Covenants” Video and lesson ideas

Friend October 2020 “Come, Follow Me for Little Ones” Read 3 Nephi 18:6 together and help your little ones say, “The sacrament helps me remember Jesus.” Then help them make a booklet to remember Jesus during church. Staple folded pieces of paper together and fill them with gospel pictures or drawings. You could cut out pictures from Church magazines or print coloring pages at lessonhelps.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 17-19”

  • What does it mean to be “filled” by partaking of the sacrament, and how do we experience it? What do we learn from verses 5–7 about why Jesus gave us the ordinance of the sacrament?

More Sacrament Ideas Here

Jesus teaches me how to pray. Praying will help me be close to Heavenly Father.

3 Nephi 18:15–2419:6–9, 15–36

Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 46: Jesus Christ Teaches and Prays with the Nephites” Video and Images

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 17-19”

  • Singing together a song about prayer, such as “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13), is a good way to help your children think about why we pray. (Invite the children to share what they learn about prayer from the song. Share your testimony of prayer.)
  • You and your children could then read 3 Nephi 18:18–21 and talk about what Jesus taught about prayer. (What do we learn from these verses about the purposes of prayer?) Inviting your children to tell you how they feel when they pray could help them share their testimony of prayer.

  • It may be fun for children to go on a hunt for some of the treasured blessings of prayer. You could write the following scripture references on pieces of paper and hide them: 3 Nephi 18:153 Nephi 18:203 Nephi 18:213 Nephi 19:9; and 3 Nephi 19:23. Your children could then find the papers and read the verses, looking for things Jesus Christ or His disciples taught about prayer.

Friend October 2020 “Jesus Taught Us How to Pray”

Lesson 37: Jesus Christ Teaches the Nephites to Pray Lesson ideas

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 17–19: “Behold, My Joy Is Full”

On the board, write I thank thee for _______. Give the children one minute to think of as many things as they can to fill in the blank. Why is it good for us to express gratitude to Heavenly Father? Then write I ask thee for on the board, and read together 3 Nephi 18:18–21 and 19:9, 23, looking for ideas about what we should pray for.

Ensign October 2020 “How can I pray as the Savior taught?” Christ visited the Nephites, He prayed with them 11 times. Through word and example, He taught them how they should pray.

More Prayer Ideas Here

Additional Resources

Friend September 2016 “Jesus Visits the Nephites” & “Book of Mormon Stories for Young Readers” Video

Friend August 1988 “The Book of Mormon: Jesus in America”

Friend August 1988

Friend August 1988

Friend August 1988

Friend August 1988
Friend August 1988

Additional Resources: Resources by Topic ” Jesus Christ Visits the Americas

Primary 4 Manual: Book of Mormon “Lesson 35: Jesus Christ Heals the Sick and Blesses the Children”  Questions to ask for each verse as you read 3 Nephi 17 together as a family.

Primary 4 Manual: Book of Mormon “Lesson 36: Jesus Christ Gives the Sacrament to the Nephites” Questions to ask for each verse as you read 3 Nephi 18: 1-14 together as a family.

Friend October 2020 “Cover”

Book of Mormon Scripture Figures: “Jesus Heals the Sick and Blesses Children” (September 2012 Liahona and Friend)

Coloring page: “Jesus Christ Blesses the Little Children” (January 2013 Friend)

Come Follow Me Kid lesson ideas

The Red Crystal

The Cozy Red Cottage

Lesson 35: Jesus Christ Heals the Sick and Blesses the Children

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Lesson 35

Jesus Christ Heals the Sick and Blesses the Children


  • Items needed: a marker or pen for each child, tape, magnets, a highlighter marker, thread or string, and several pieces of red or pink paper.
  • Print and cut out the visual aids pdf or word.
  • Directions for making the envelope and heart visual aid: Cut the thread into two, 20 inch lengths. Place the first page of cut out hearts face down in two rows in the same order as they were laid out on the page. The hearts should be about 1 ½ inches apart. Place one string on row one with the end of the string in the middle of the bottom heart. Put a piece of tape over the string on each heart so each heart is attached to the string. Do the same thing with the other row of hearts and string. Add the heart labeled “listens” to the top of row one. You should end up with a piece of string at the top that is four inches long on row one and five and half inches on row two. Using an x-acto knife, cut along the dotted line on the envelope. Tape the top of each string to the back of the envelope, each about two inches from a side. Put the string of hearts through the envelope opening you cut. Glue or tape the back edges of the envelope to a piece of heavy paper, leaving the top of the x-acto cut edge open. You should now have an envelope pocket. Stack the rows of hearts in order, and put the two stacks into the envelope.
  • Mobile Handout: Print (or copy) and cut out an envelope for each child. Cut two pieces of string, 13 inches long, per child. Cut out eight hearts per child by folding several pieces of pink or red paper into thirds lengthwise, then placing half of a blank heart along the folded edge, and finally cutting out the hearts using the half a heart as a pattern (or you can purchase precut packages of hearts).
  • Print the word search onto colored paper.
  • Optional: prepare the salt attention activity found here.

Attention Activity

  • In what ways do your mother and father show they love you? (They make rules to keep you safe. They help you and teach you. They give you hugs and kisses. Some parents may even write notes telling you how much they love you.)

Point out that people show love through their actions. Show the children the word search and have them find the words that are actions of love. (All the words are horizontal.) When a child finds a word, have that child come up and mark it with a highlighter or circle it with a pencil.


Put the envelope on the board with the opening facing downward. Explain that in today’s lesson they will learn about the love the Savior has for them. Point out that each of the action words in the crossword puzzle has been demonstrated by the Savior in our behalf. Jesus’s loving actions are like messages that remind us that he loves us.

Scripture Account

Put the flannel board image of Jesus on the board, and remind the children that in last week’s lesson they learned that Jesus taught the Nephites the beatitudes. As he prepared to leave at the end of the day, he perceived that the people did not fully understand what he had taught. Have a child read 3 Nephi 17:1–3 as the other children follow along. Have the children look for what the Savior told the Nephites they should do in order to gain more understanding.

  • What does it mean to ponder? (It means to thoughtfully consider something and deeply think about it.)

Point out the Savior’s instruction found in 3 Nephi 17:3 that the Nephites should “prepare [their] minds for the morrow,” for when Jesus would return to teach them again.

  • How do you prepare your mind for an important lesson such as a school assignment? You read and learn about the subject, you ponder on (or think about) what you have been taught in order to understand it more thoroughly, and you may even ask for help from a parent to help you understand it further.
  • What happens if you don’t prepare for an assignment by doing these things? (You may not properly understand the material.)

It is the same with the gospel; in order to understand the gospel we need to think about what we have been taught, study it thoroughly, and ask our Heavenly Father for help in understanding it. Through the Holy Ghost our minds can be enlightened and we can receive understanding. When we understand a concept better then we are ready to learn more and add to our understanding and knowledge.

  • In the scripture that was just read, what did the Savior do to show his love for the people? (He wanted the people to understand the things he had taught so they could progress spiritually.)

The Savior has taught us many things. These teachings can be found in the scriptures. Someone who loves us teaches us the things that will help us in life. (Take the heart out of the envelope that says “teaches.” It will be the first one in the pile on the left.)

  • Have a child read 3 Nephi 17:4-5, and then ask the children how the Nephites responded when the Savior expressed his intention to depart. (They wept and were sad. They wanted him to stay longer.)
  • Have a child read 3 Nephi 17:6-8. Ask the children how the Savior responded when he saw the Nephite’s sorrow. (He had compassion upon them and asked if they had any sick or afflicted among them. He explained that he would heal them because he had perceived their desire to have the miracles shown to them that he had performed in Jerusalem. He also perceived that they had the faith to be healed. )
  • How did the Savior demonstrate his love for the people? (He was filled with compassion for them. Compassion means he cared about their feelings. He was filled with sympathy and understanding.)

A person who loves us is considerate of our feelings. (Have a child take the heart out of the envelope that says “considerate.” It will be the first heart in the pile on the right.) (Alternate drawing from the left and right when the remaining hearts are mentioned.)

Have a child read 3 Nephi 17:9. Afterwards, put the picture of the sick and afflicted Nephites on the board.

  • What types of ailments did Jesus heal? (The lame (those unable to walk), the blind (those unable to see), the dumb (those unable to speak–which was most likely due to deafness))
  • What types of ailments might be included in afflictions of “any manner”? (All other types of physical illnesses and disorders, but also mental and emotional difficulties and disorders.)

Ask students to ponder ways in which they may be “afflicted” and what they would ask the Savior to heal if he were to bless them personally. Remind them that even though the Savior is not here to minister to them in person, his power to bless and heal is available through the priesthood. If it is his will that they be healed, and if they have faith, then they can be healed. If it is not his will, then we need to trust in the Lord and his purposes, but we also need to remember that the Lord will help us deal with the affliction if we ask for his help.

Point out that someone who loves us will be there for us when we have problems and difficulties. That person would offer comfort, support, and help. (Have children take the hearts out of the envelope that say “comforts”, “supports”, and “helps.”  Remember that they alternate from left to right and then back to left again.)

After Jesus Christ healed the sick, he had the children brought to him. He had the people gather around them and kneel.  He then said a prayer that was so wonderful and marvelous that the people could not even describe it. (Read 3 Nephi 17:14-17) (Optional: Do the salt object lesson.)

The hearts of the people were filled with joy when they heard the words that Jesus prayed to the Father in their behalf.

Point out that someone who loves us will pray for us. They will appeal to Heavenly Father for His help in watching over us, protecting us, and guiding us. (Have a child take the heart out of the envelope that says “prays.”)

After Jesus arose from his prayer, he noticed that the people were overcome with joy. The great faith of the multitude filled him with such joy that he wept.

A person who loves us is filled with joy when we make good choices; but they can also be filled with sadness when we make bad choices. Remind them that Jesus groaned inside himself because of the wickedness of the people of Israel. Explain that those who love us are concerned about us. They want us to make good choices. (Have a child take the heart out of the envelope that says “concerned.”)

After Jesus wept, he took the children one by one and lovingly blessed them and prayed to the Father for them. He tenderly took time for each individual child because of his great love for children.

  • Someone who loves us will share their time with us. They will pay attention to us and listen to us. (Have children take the hearts out of the envelope that say “attentive” and “listens.”)
  • How would you feel if Jesus Christ held you in his arms, blessed you, and prayed to Heavenly Father for you?

After blessing the children, the Savior told the people to look upon their little ones. The heavens opened and angels descended out of heaven and encircled the children. It appeared as if they were in a midst of fire. (Put the picture of the children on the board.) The angels ministered unto the children. The heavenly attention bestowed upon the children of the Nephites is further evidence of the special love Jesus has for children.

Ask the children if they can think of any other things Jesus has done that shows his great love for us. Have them look at the word search to get ideas, but they must explain how Jesus demonstrated that action. For example, Jesus demonstrated sacrifice by suffering and paying the price for our sins. Write on the blank hearts any other actions the children think of that are not included in the word search. Have the children then attach these hearts to the board with magnets or tape, making a pile underneath the other hearts.

Knowing that Jesus loves us helps us to have faith and trust in him. Because he loves us, we know that he wants what is best for us. He wants the things for us that will bring us eternal happiness and peace. If we have faith in Jesus and keep his commandments then we can someday live with him and Heavenly Father. again. One of the greatest joys is being able to be with the people we love and with those who love us.


Have the children make their own mobile with the blank hearts you have prepared. Hand out an envelope, a set of eight hearts, and a marker or pen to each child. Have them write eight of the ways Jesus has shown love for them on their hearts, and then have them tape the hearts to the string and tape the top of the string to the envelope opening. Remind the children that each heart is like a message from Jesus that reminds them that he loves them.

Weekly Reading Assignment

Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: 3 Nephi 17:1-25