Genesis 24–27

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Genesis CHAPTER 24

Abraham commands that Isaac shall not marry a Canaanite—The Lord guides Abraham’s servant in choosing Rebekah as a wife for Isaac—Rebekah is blessed to be the mother of thousands of millions—She marries Isaac.

Latter Day Kids “Rebekah at the Well” Lesson ideas

I Can Be Kind to Others.

Genesis 24:10–21

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 24–27” Abraham’s servant was impressed with the remarkable kindness that Rebekah showed to him by offering water not only to him but to his 10 camels as well. Her example can be a reminder for the children to always be kind to others.

  • Show the picture of Rebekah in this week’s activity page. Point out details in the picture as you summarize the story in Genesis 24:10–21, in which Rebekah showed kindness to the servant of Abraham. Point out that her words and act of kindness were the sign that Rebekah was the one that God wanted to marry Abraham’s son Isaac. Invite the children to pretend to be the servant arriving with his camels or Rebekah getting water for them. Give them phrases to recite from the scriptures, such as “Let me … drink a little water” (verse 17) and “I will draw water for thy camels also” (verse 19). Why is it important for us to be kind to others?
  • Tell a story about how the Savior showed kindness to someone. Invite some of the children to share their own experiences of showing kindness.

Friend November 2019 “Being an Example” Activity Included: Draw a line to match the pictures of Jesus with ways you can be kind too.

  • Suggest several scenarios in which a child can show kindness, such as playing with friends or meeting someone new at school. Ask the children what they could do to be kind in these scenarios.

Friend July 2019 “A New Friend at Lunch” Austin sat with his friends at lunch, and they told jokes and shared cookies. Everyone was happy, except for a boy sitting alone. He was crying and sad. Austin comes up with a plan to help him. He invites the boy to sit with him and his friends, and then everyone is happy.

Friend May 2019 “The Red Cupcake” Sam couldn’t wait to have one of Ryan’s birthday cupcakes. But when he finally got to the front of the line to get his cupcake, it was the last one, and Jenny was still behind him. She looked sad, so Sam told the teacher that Jenny could have his cupcake. Jenny suggested that they share it, and they were both happy.   Friend May 2019  “Family Fun Night”Cupcake refreshment idea.  

  • Sing with the children a song about kindness, such as “Kindness Begins with Me” or “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, 145, 78–79). Invite the children to listen for the word “kindness” (or a similar word) and stand when they hear it. How can we show kindness to others? This week’s activity page could help with this discussion.

Primary 4 Manual: Book of Mormon ““Lesson 46: The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ (Christmas)” 

I Will Be Blessed as I Act in Faith and Show Kindness to Others.

Genesis 24:1–28

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 24–27” Abraham’s servant showed faith by trusting God’s guidance to find a wife for Isaac. Rebekah showed kindness in the way she treated Abraham’s servant. How can you help the children you teach follow the examples of Abraham’s servant and Rebekah?

  • Read Genesis 24:1–28 together, and help the children identify examples of faith and kindness (see, for example, verses 12–14 and 17–20). How were Abraham’s servant and Rebekah blessed by showing faith and kindness? Write on the board We can show faith by … and We can show kindness by … , and invite the children to suggest ways to complete these sentences.
  • On strips of paper, write things Abraham’s servant said or did and things Rebekah said or did in Genesis 24:1–28. Invite the children to each select a strip of paper and work together to guess who said or did these things (they can refer to the scriptures if they need help). What does this story teach us about kindness? What does it teach us about faith? Other examples of kindness and faith are found in Genesis 24:29–33, 58–61.
  • Invite the children to think of an act of kindness they have seen. Invite them to write it down and share it with the class or their families at home. How do we feel when someone is kind to us?

Friend February 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”

Friend February 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities” Ten-Camel Kindness

Story: Rebekah helped Abraham’s servant by bringing water for his 10 camels (see Genesis 24:10–20). Abraham’s servant was thankful for her kindness.

Song: “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, 78–79)

Activity: You can serve like Rebekah! Draw 10 camels (see page 12 to learn how). Hang them up where your family can see them. Each time you do something kind for someone else, color in a camel.

Friend February 2022 “Draw a Camel” Use this page to do the activity on page 7. One camel can drink 30 gallons (114 liters) of water in just a few minutes! How much water do you think Rebekah brought for the 10 camels to drink?

Coloring page: “Rebekah at the Well” (May 2002 Friend) Coloring page

Friend April 2018

Friend June 1989 “Scriptural Giants: Rebekah”

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Our Divine Birthright” Lesson ideas

“Lesson 12: Isaac and Rebekah,” Primary 6: Old Testament To teach the children that the same eternal blessings promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob can be theirs if they make and honor temple marriage covenants.

I Can Choose the Things that are Most Important.

Genesis CHAPTER 25

Abraham marries, has descendants, dies, and is buried in the cave of Machpelah—His descendants through Ishmael are listed—Rebekah conceives, and Jacob and Esau struggle in her womb—The Lord reveals their destiny to Rebekah—Esau sells his birthright for a mess of pottage.

Old Testament Stories “Jacob and Esau”

Genesis 25:29–34

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 24–27” Because Esau was the oldest child in his family, he was supposed to get special responsibilities and privileges, called a birthright. One day when Esau was hungry, he traded his birthright to his brother, Jacob, for some food. This story can teach the children that we should choose lasting things over temporary satisfaction.

  • Bring to class some objects that could help tell the story of Esau selling his birthright, such as a bowl and a picture of someone getting a priesthood blessing. Invite the children to use the objects as they tell you what they know about the story. “Jacob and Esau” (in Old Testament Stories) can help. Read together Genesis 25:34, and explain that whoever had the birthright would have special privileges and responsibilities to care for the rest of the family.
  • Show the children two pictures: one of something of great spiritual worth (like a temple) and one of something that brings only temporary happiness (such as a game, toy, or treat). Ask them to choose which thing will better help us return to our Heavenly Father. Repeat with other pictures.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 24–27” As you discuss Esau selling his birthright, you might also talk about what matters most to your family, like your relationships with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Perhaps family members could find objects or pictures that represent what they consider to be of eternal value. Let them explain why they chose those things.

Friend August 2018 “Soccer and Sundays” When we try to live the gospel and put the most important things first, we are blessed! Follow the path of scriptures to help the boy get to church.

  • Sing a song about making good choices, such as “Choose the Right Way” (Children’s Songbook, 160–61) with the children. Testify that we are blessed and happy when we choose the right.

I Will Value Eternal Things Instead of Temporal Things.

Genesis 25:21–34

Lesson 13: Jacob and Esau,” Primary 6: Old Testament Display the wordstrips you have prepared (or write Temporary and Eternal on the chalkboard). Discuss as a class what each word means. (Temporary: lasting only a short while, not permanent. Eternal: something that will last forever.) Show the objects, pictures, or wordstrips that represent things of temporary and eternal value. Have the children decide which wordstrip each item belongs under. Briefly discuss each item and why it gives either lasting satisfaction or temporary pleasure.

  • If you had to choose between going on a picnic and being baptized, which would you choose? Which would give temporary pleasure? Which would make eternal happiness possible?

Explain that some choices we make have either immediate or eternal results. The choices we make show what our values are, or what is most important to us.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 24–27” Esau chose to trade something of great value, his birthright, for something of lesser value, some bread and a bowl of soup. As you read these verses, ponder how you can help the children prioritize things that are eternally important.

  • Read together the story of Jacob and Esau in Genesis 25:21–34. As you read, invite each child to choose something to draw from the story. Then invite them to use their pictures to tell the story in their own words. If they need help understanding what a birthright is, encourage them to read “Birthright” in the Bible Dictionary or Guide to the Scriptures ( Invite the children to imagine that Esau asked for our advice about whether he should trade his birthright for the pottage; what would we say to him?
  • Tell about a time when you had to sacrifice something good for something else of greater value. Or show the video “Continue in Patience” ( How does your story or the story in the video relate to the choice Esau made in Genesis 25:29–34? Help the children think of blessings Heavenly Father wants to give them (such as a stronger testimony, temple blessings, or eternal life with Him). Encourage them to think of things they would be willing to sacrifice in order to receive these valuable blessings.

“Lesson 33: Genesis 25–27,” Old Testament Seminary Student Material Isaac received more than Abraham’s other children because of Isaac’s birthright. A son who held the birthright not only inherited his father’s lands and possessions, but he also took his father’s position as the spiritual leader of the family and received the “authority to preside” (see Bible Dictionary, “Birthright”). The birthright son was then responsible to provide for the family’s needs. The birthright was often passed from a father to his eldest son. However, righteousness was more important than being the firstborn son. The birthright Isaac received from Abraham also included all the blessings and responsibilities of the Abrahamic covenant.

Additional Resources

Old Testament Coloring Book “Jacob and Esau”

  • “Jacob” (October 1994 Friend)
    A retelling of the story of Jacob and Esau.
  • “Jacob and Esau” (February 1990 Friend)
    An illustrated retelling of the story of Jacob and Esau.
  • Lesson 13: Jacob and Esau,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 52–55 Purpose: To help the children recognize how our values influence our choices.
  1. Have a child put a large coin or cardboard circle up to one eye, close the other one, and then slowly move the object away from the eye that is open. Have the child tell what he or she could see with the coin up close and how much more there is to see when the coin is moved away.Explain that the coin could represent an immediate desire, such as hunger, that blinds us to other things around us. Like Esau, sometimes we experience failure or unhappiness because we trade what we want most for what we want at the moment.Present several situations such as the following for the children to discuss:
    • You are tempted to miss church to watch a sports event or go hunting.
    • You are tempted to buy a toy rather than pay your tithing.
    Explain that temptations, like the coin, keep us from seeing the entire picture. Encourage the children not to be blinded by such temptations.

Genesis 18–23

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Genesis CHAPTER 18

Abraham entertains three holy men—They promise that Sarah will have a son—Abraham will command his children to be just—The Lord appears to him—They discuss the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

“Lesson 28: Genesis 18,” Old Testament Seminary Student Material (2018)

According to Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 18:3 (in Genesis 18:3, footnote a), the three messengers who visited Abraham were referred to as “My brethren” instead of “My Lord,” indicating that the Lord was not one of the three men. Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 18:23 (in Genesis 18:22, footnote a) clarifies that these three messengers were “holy men … sent forth after the order of God.” In the King James Version of the Bible, the word angels, which was used in reference to these men (see Genesis 19:1), was translated from the Hebrew word malakhim, which can also mean “messengers.”

Although we do not know the identity of the three messengers, Abraham treated them as if they were presiding authorities of the Lord’s kingdom then on the earth, and their messages were directly from the Lord (see Bruce R. McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary[1973], 3:235; Sidney B. Sperry, “Abraham’s Three Visitors,” Improvement Era, Aug. 1931, 583, 585).

The Lord Keeps His Promises, Even when They Seem Impossible.

Genesis 18:9–1421:1–7

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 18–23” Even though God had promised that Sarah and Abraham were going to have a son, as they got older it seemed impossible—Abraham was 100 years old, and Sarah was 90 (see Genesis 17:17). How can you use this story to help the children have faith that God will always keep His promises?

Younger Kids

  • Summarize God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah that they would have a child and the fulfillment of this promise (see Genesis 17:15–1918:9–1421:1–7). Or invite a couple in the ward to dress up as Abraham and Sarah and tell their story. Help the children understand that Abraham and Sarah were too old to have children. Ask them the question from Genesis 18:14, “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?” Testify that the Lord can fulfill His promises, even if they seem impossible.

Older kids:

Write on the chalkboard: Is anything too hard for the Lord? Invite the children to discuss this question. Or write each word from the first sentence of Genesis 18:14 on a separate piece of paper, and give one to each child. Then ask the class to put the words in the correct order. Read Genesis 18:9–1421:1–7 with the children to find one example from the lives of Sarah and Abraham when the Lord did something that seemed impossible. What can we learn from the experience of Sarah and Abraham that can encourage us to trust God’s promises?

“Lesson 11: Abraham and Isaac,” Primary 6: Old Testament Show the pictures The Crossing of the Red Sea, Daniel in the Lions’ Den, and Three Men in the Fiery Furnace. Briefly explain that the Lord parted the waters of the Red Sea to let Moses and the Israelites escape from the Egyptian army, he protected Daniel from a den of lions, and he kept three young men from being burned when they were cast into a fiery furnace. (Note: Do not teach these stories in detail. Tell the children that they will learn more about these stories later in the year.) Point out that these people trusted in the Lord and had faith that his will would be done. Their faith was rewarded with miracles.

Abraham and Sarah had a baby boy, just as the Lord promised. They named him Isaac. Genesis 17:921:1–3

Friend February 2022 “Abraham and Sarah”

  • Show a picture of a baptism or of the sacrament (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 103104107108). Help the children learn about the promises we make with God, and what God promises in return, when we are baptized and take the sacrament. (See True to the Faith, 23–25.)

The below handout is from Rachel’s Booknook

Friend February 2019 “The Baptism Covenant” Cut out and mix up these cards. Then take turns matching cards that go together. With each match, talk about that part of the baptism covenant.

  • Make a promise to the children that you will fulfill at the end of class (for example, that you will allow them to color a picture). Throughout class, remind them of your promise, and then fulfill it. Explain that the Lord always keeps His promises.
  • Ask the children to share a time when they had to wait for something that they really wanted. With the children, sing a song that testifies of God’s promises, such as “Keep the Commandments” (Children’s Songbook, 146–47). Help the children identify things that God has promised us if we are faithful.
This video is going too fast during the second verse and you will need to use the pictures below during that part.

I Can Flee Wickedness.

Genesis CHAPTER 19

Lot entertains holy men—The men of Sodom seek to abuse Lot’s guests and are smitten with blindness—Lot is sent out of Sodom—The Lord rains brimstone and fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah—Lot’s daughters preserve his seed in the land.

Institute: Old Testament Student Manual Genesis-2 Samuel “Genesis 18–23”

When these three messengers arrived in Sodom, they met Lot, Abraham’s nephew. For reasons that are not clear, Lot had moved his family from living near Sodom (see Genesis 13:12) to living in Sodom (see Genesis 14:12). In the last lesson, you learned about the great wickedness that existed in Sodom and the Lord’s decision to destroy the city (see Genesis 18).

There are two indications in the scriptures that the phrase “looked back” was an idiomatic way of saying “she turned back” or “returned to Sodom.” The implication is that Lot’s wife started back to Sodom, perhaps to save some possessions, and was caught in the destruction.

Most scholars agree that the most probable site of Sodom is now covered by the southern part of the Dead Sea, a body of water with a high salt content. If Lot’s wife returned to Sodom, she would have been caught in the destruction. Her becoming a pillar of salt could be a figurative way of expressing this outcome.

Genesis 19:15–26

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 18–23” The account of Lot and his family fleeing a wicked city could inspire the children you teach to flee evil influences in their lives.

  • Summarize Genesis 19:15–26 by explaining that Lot’s family lived in a very wicked city, and angels warned them to leave. Read together verses 15–17, 26, and help the children think about what it might mean for them today to “escape” evil and “look not behind” (verse 17).
  • Display a picture of the Savior, and ask the children to take a step toward it as they share one thing they can do to flee wickedness and come closer to Christ.

Avoiding temptation is easier than resisting it.

  • Discuss situations in which a friend might invite the children to do something they know isn’t right. How would we “flee” these situations? What could we say to our friend?

Friend November 2017 “Peer Pressure Problems” Ideas on how to deal with peer pressure to avoid making wrong choices

Genesis 19:15–17.These verses can help your family members prepare for times when they need to flee from wicked situations. What might some of these situations be? For example, you might have a discussion about inappropriate media or the temptation to gossip. How can we flee from such situations? (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 18–23”)

Friend February 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities”

Story: Heavenly Father gives us commandments to help us and keep us safe. Angels told a man named Lot to leave his home in a wicked city. Because Lot listened and obeyed, he stayed safe.

Song: “Keep the Commandments” (Children’s Songbook, 146–47)

Activity: Now play a game! Take turns being the leader. The leader tells others to do actions, like “jump up and down” or “run in a circle.” Everyone else follows them. How can following the commandments help you?

Abraham Obeyed the Lord.

Genesis CHAPTER 22

Abraham is commanded to sacrifice Isaac, his son—Both father and son yield to the will of God—Abraham’s seed will be as the stars and the sand in number—In his seed, all nations will be blessed—Rebekah is born to Bethuel.

Old Testament Stories “Abraham and Isaac” Illustrations

Genesis 22:1–14

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 18–23” It was very difficult for Abraham to follow the commandment to sacrifice his son. Ponder how you can appropriately use this story to encourage the children to obey God even when it is hard or they don’t fully know the reasons for His commandments.

  • Show a picture of Abraham and Isaac (see this week’s study outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families), and use it to tell the story of Abraham and Isaac (see also “Abraham and Isaac” in Old Testament Stories). Show a picture of Jesus Christ, and talk to the children about how the story of Abraham and Isaac can remind us of the sacrifice Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ made for us.
  • Play a simple game that requires the children to follow directions. For example, the directions could lead to a picture of the Savior hidden in the classroom. What are some things Heavenly Father has asked us to do? Help the children understand that keeping His commandments will help us return to live with Him and Jesus Christ again.

Old Testament Coloring Book “Abraham and Isaac”

Heavenly Father Sent His Son, who Sacrificed Himself for Us.

Genesis 22:1–14

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 18–23” As you teach about Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac, be sensitive to the feelings of the children. Use this story to help the children strengthen their love and appreciation for the Savior’s sacrifice.

  • Show the video “For God So Loved the World” (, or sing together a song about the Savior’s sacrifice, such as “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook,34–35). Invite the children to talk about how Jesus’s sacrifice shows Heavenly Father’s love for us. What can we learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ from the accounts of Abraham and Isaac and of the Crucifixion? What similarities do you find?

What have we been asked to sacrifice as a family? How have these sacrifices brought us closer to God?

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Obedience and Sacrifice” Lesson, activity, and refreshment ideas

Additional Resources

Genesis CHAPTER 20

Abimelech desires Sarah, who is preserved by the Lord—Abraham prays for Abimelech, and the Lord blesses him and his household.

Genesis CHAPTER 21

Sarah bears Isaac—He is circumcised—Hagar and her son are cast out of Abraham’s household—The Lord saves Hagar and Ishmael—Abraham and Abimelech deal honorably with each other.

Latter Day Kids “Abraham and Isaac” Lesson ideas

Friend February 2022 “For Older Kids”