4th Article of Faith

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Memorization Tips

  • Article of Faith 4 is about the first four principles and ordinances of the gospel. (Friend March 2015)
  • Help the children memorize the fourth article of faith. Write it in phrases on separate slips of paper; give each class a phrase to memorize, with younger classes getting the simpler phrases. Have each teacher help her or his class learn its phrase. Ask a member of each class to come to the front and present its phrase. While the entire Primary says the fourth article of faith, have the class representatives quickly but reverently put themselves in the correct order. Then have them repeat their phrases in order for the rest of the children. Repeat this process until all the children who wish to have participated and the article is memorized. Review the article by singing “The Fourth Article of Faith” (p. 124), with each class standing when its phrase is sung.  (Friend October 2002 Sharing Time)

Scripture Story Ideas

  • To help the children understand that the first principles and ordinances of the gospel are the same today as they were in ancient days, review the story of Adam and Eve found on the back of GAK 101. Have the children recite the fourth article of faith, holding up one finger for each principle and ordinance mentioned: faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion, and the gift of the Holy Ghost. Have them locate Moses 6:52 and hold up their fingers, one at a time, as they hear you read these same four principles and ordinances in that scripture.Divide the Primary into four groups, and assign each group one of these scriptures: Moses 5:4–6 (faith), Moses 6:53 (repentance), Moses 6:64 (baptism), Moses 6:65–66 (Holy Ghost). Have each group locate its scripture and decide which principle or ordinance Adam followed. (Friend October 2002 Sharing Time)

Friend March 1990
Friend March 1990

Moses 6:50–62

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 5; Moses 6”

God taught Adam what we need to do to return to Him—have faith, repent, be baptized, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. How can you help the children learn more about these things?

  • Find or draw pictures to represent faith, repentance, baptism, and the gift of the Holy Ghost (see this week’s activity page). Place the pictures in a line leading to a picture of Jesus Christ. Read Moses 6:52 to the children, and ask them to stand next to the correct picture when they hear the words the picture represents (in this verse, the word “believe” is used for “faith”).
  • Sing songs that teach the principles in Moses 6:52, such as “Faith,” “Help Me, Dear Father” (verse 2), “When I Am Baptized,” and “The Holy Ghost” (Children’s Songbook, 96–97, 99, 103, 105). Help the children understand that doing the things taught in the songs will help us return to Heavenly Father.

Faith, repentance, baptism, and receiving the Holy Ghost prepare me to return to God.

Adam and Enoch taught their people the first principles and ordinances of the gospel: faith, repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost (see also Articles of Faith 1:4). What can you do to help the children understand the importance of these principles and ordinances in their lives?

  • Ask the children to read Moses 6:52, 57 to find the principles and ordinances of the gospel mentioned in the fourth article of faith.
  • Write the fourth article of faith on the board, and invite the children to read it. Then erase a word or two, and ask them to read it again, filling in the missing words from memory. Repeat this process until the children have learned the article of faith.
  • Invite the children to write a short talk about faith, repentance, baptism, or receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost—something they could share with their families. Each talk could include a scripture, an experience, and a testimony. The talk could also explain how the principle helps us return to Heavenly Father.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 49-50”

  • Display four paper footprints and four pictures representing believing in Jesus Christ, repenting, being baptized, and receiving the Holy Ghost. Read Doctrine and Covenants 49:12–14, and ask the children to point to the correct picture when each is mentioned in the verses. Let the children help you place the footprints on the floor with the pictures beside them, and invite the children to take turns walking on the footprints. Bear your testimony that when we do the things in these pictures, we are following Jesus Christ.
  • Use this week’s activity page to make finger puppets that can help the children learn how they can follow Jesus Christ by having faith, repenting, being baptized, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 5; Moses 6”

Moses 6:53–62.

How would we answer Adam’s question found in Moses 6:53? What answers do we find in verses 57–62?

How would we answer Adam’s question found in Moses 6:53? What answers do we find in verses 57–62?

Moses 6:59.

What does it mean to be “born again into the kingdom of heaven”?

To have the Spirit of the Lord cause a mighty change in a person’s heart so that he has no more desire to do evil, but rather desires to seek the things of God. (Guide to the Scriptures, “Born Again, Born of God” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org) For additional information click on link.

What can we do to continue to be born again throughout our lives?

Scripture Stories Coloring Book: Pearl of Great Price “4th Article of Faith”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 49-50”

  • Display four paper footprints and four pictures representing believing in Jesus Christ, repenting, being baptized, and receiving the Holy Ghost. Read Doctrine and Covenants 49:12–14, and ask the children to point to the correct picture when each is mentioned in the verses. Let the children help you place the footprints on the floor with the pictures beside them, and invite the children to take turns walking on the footprints. Bear your testimony that when we do the things in these pictures, we are following Jesus Christ.
  • Use this week’s activity page to make finger puppets that can help the children learn how they can follow Jesus Christ by having faith, repenting, being baptized, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.

2 Nephi 31

We can return to God after this life by following the doctrine Jesus Christ taught: faith in Christ, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “2 Nephi 31-33” To help your children visualize the teachings in 2 Nephi 31, they could draw a path with a picture of Christ at the end. You could help them find or draw pictures that represent steps on that path, such as faith in Christ, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. [Could also help them place some pictures along the path.] They could point to the pictures as you read 2 Nephi 31:17–20 together.

Idea for Reading and Listening to the Scriptures: Explain that the doctrine of Christ includes the things Jesus Christ taught that we need to do to return to Heavenly Father. Write on different sheets of paper faith in Christ, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end, (or use the pictures below if you have little children, making one copy per child) and scatter them around the room. Read to the children 2 Nephi 31:11–19, and invite the children to take turns jumping from paper to paper as they hear these principles mentioned. Help them think of an experience they have had with each principle. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 31-33: This is the Way”)

Or make these finger puppets for each child and have them put up the correct puppet as it is mentioned in the scriptures.

Friend April 2011 “Article of Faith 4” Draw a line from the principle or ordinance to the correct picture.

Friend April 2011

Friend July 2003 Fourth Article of Faith Picture Scramble. Cut out the pictures and glue them in place in the right order.

Friend July 2003

Ensign March 2020 “Family Study Fun: Spiritual Stepping Stones” Christ said, “Follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do” (2 Nephi 31:12). Place a picture of Christ on the opposite side of the room. Write on narrow pieces of paper or cards the “stepping stones” to Christ: Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Repentance, Baptism, The gift of the Holy Ghost, Enduring to the end. Have someone put the steps in order. Place the steps on the floor in a “strait and narrow path” (2 Nephi 31:18) to Christ.

Discussion: Which stepping stone is next for each of you? How can we honor the steps we have taken? What can we do to strengthen our resolve to stay on the path?

Friend March 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities” Nephi taught that we follow Jesus Christ when we have faith in Him, repent, are baptized, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end (see 2 Nephi 31). Write each step on a different piece of paper, then spread them on the floor. One person closes their eyes and counts to 10 while everyone else stands on a paper. The person who counted then says one of the steps to follow Jesus. The person on that paper counts next.

For younger children: When we have faith in Jesus Christ, we follow what He says. Form a line and walk around. The person in front is the leader. Each person copies how the leader walks. Take turns being the leader!

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 31-33” Explain that the doctrine of Christ includes the things Jesus Christ taught that we need to do to return to Heavenly Father. Write on different sheets of paper faith in Christ, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end, and scatter them around the room. Read to the children 2 Nephi 31:11–19, and invite the children to take turns jumping from paper to paper as they hear these principles mentioned. Help them think of an experience they have had with each principle.

Help the children learn the fourth article of faith. Sing together a song about one of the first principles of the gospel, such as “Faith,” “When I Am Baptized,” or “Choose the Right Way” (Children’s Songbook, 96–97, 103, 160–61).

Come Follow Me Kid “This is the Way” Click on the link to see lesson ideas to go with the following pictures.


Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021

The Lord needs all of us to teach others that they can come unto Him by having faith, repenting, being baptized, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.

  • Invite the children to compare Doctrine and Covenants 49:12–14 with what Peter taught in Acts 2:38 and with the fourth article of faith. What similarities do they find? Why are these truths important?
  • Invite the children to work in pairs and pretend that one of them wants to know how to follow Jesus Christ. The other child in the pair can teach him or her using Doctrine and Covenants 49:12–14.

Friend March 2021 “Matt and Mandy” Matt invites a friend to his baptism. His friend asks why he is getting baptized. Matt explains the fourth article of faith to him.

Activity Ideas

  • Post pictures of principles and ordinances on board and have children tell which is a principle and which is an ordinance. (But first explain what the difference between a principle of the gospel and an ordinance is. – A principle is a basic doctrine or law. An ordinance is a sacred ceremony with spiritual meaning that is performed by someone with priesthood authority.) Pictures might include the following: prayer, confirmation, sacrament, baptism, temple marriage, service, tithing, repentance, etc.
Friend March 2000
Friend March 2000 Link includes some sharing time and music time ideas.

Friend January 1988

Friend January 1987

Friend July 2003

Friend July 2003

Friend March 1988

Friend March 1988

Friend Nov 2004

Friend Nov 2004

Friend April 1987

Friend August 2004

Friend August 2004

Friend June 2011 link includes discussion info

Friend June 2011

Friend June 2011 coloring page

Friend June 2011

Friend Aug/Sept 1983

Friend Aug/Sept 1983

Friend May 2010 link includes discussion info

Friend May 2010

Friend April 2011 link includes discussion info.

Friend April 2011

Friend March 1997


New Testament: Activities & Games

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Reading Charts

Friend January 2019 “I Can Read the New Testament” The scriptures in this chart coordinate with the Come, Follow Me manuals for home and Primary. Color in the spaces after you read.

Friend Jan 2015


The Twelve Apostles

Friend April 1984

Friend April 1984

Friend February 2023 “Picture Puzzle” What were Peter and Andrew trying to catch when Jesus spoke to them? (See Matthew 4:18–19.) Color in the squares on the grid to answer the question. The first one is done for you.

Sermon on the Mount

Friend March 2019 “Sermon on the Mount” Look up the scriptures and match them with the pictures.

Friend March 1984

Friend March 1984

Friend February 2023 “How to Have Joy” When we follow Jesus Christ, we are blessed even in hard times. Read what Jesus promised us in Matthew 5 and fill in the blanks.

For the Strength of Youth February 2023 “Fun Stop”

Jesus Raises Jarius’s Daughter from the Dead

New Testament Coloring Book “Jesus Raised Jairus’s Daughter from the Dead”

Jesus Walks on Water

The Prodigal Son

Friend March 2015
Friend March 2015 Wise man & Foolish man

Miracles of Jesus

Friend March 2023 “Miracle Maze” Jesus Christ performed many miracles. Answer the questions to go through the maze.

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand


Friend August 2019 “Coloring Page: Paul Saw Jesus”

New Testament Review Activities

Friend May 2015

Friend May 2015 - The Prodigal Son

Friend Jan 2015

Friend Jan 2015
Friend May 1986
Friend May 1986 Women in New Testament

For the Strength of Youth January 2023 “Fun Stop” Let’s see how many of the 27 books of the New Testament you can place in the correct order (without peeking!).

Friend October 2023 “New Testament Sudoku” Use the clues to help you write numbers in the colored boxes. Fill in the empty squares so that the numbers 1–6 are in each row (across), each column (up and down), and each outlined box.

Conference: Activities & Games

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General Conference Activities for Kids Ideas for Games, Crafts, Coloring, Drawing, etc.

Friend March 2024 “Conference Squares” Here’s an activity to do while you listen to conference. When a speaker talks about one of topics, cover the square with a small item. Try to cover four in a row. Then try to cover all the squares!

For the Strength of Youth September 2023 “Fun Stop”

Friend September 2023 “How to Draw” Next month is general conference! Learn how to draw the pulpit and speaker.

Friend May 2023 “Find It” Our prophets and apostles speak to the whole world from the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah! Can you find the hidden items?

Friend September 2022 “Conference Activities”

  • Conference Speakers: Color the picture of the prophet. Draw some other speakers in the spaces to the left.
  • I Will Walk with Jesus: Color a footprint when you hear someone talk about Jesus Christ.
  • Conference Squares: When a speaker talks about one of these things, place a small item on the square. Can you fill a whole row?
  • Joyful Noise: Color in a musical note when you hear a Primary song or another song you like.

For the Strength of Youth September 2021 “Conference Notebook” Prints in Color or Black and White Write down questions, impressions, inspiration, counsel, and goals. Later, review what you wrote so you can follow up on your inspiration and continue learning.

Friend September 2021 “Conference Notebook”

Four in a Row: When you hear someone talk about one of these things, put a marker (like a button or a pebble) on the square. Can you fill out a whole row? What about the whole box?

Conference Coloring: Listen for the words below as you watch conference. Color part of the picture as you hear each word.

Listen with Your Heart: When you hear the words Holy Ghost or Spirit, draw a heart in this space. When you hear the word listen, draw a smiley face.

Friend May 2021 “For Little Friends”

Find General Conference activities for children at http://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/general-conference/activities-for-children?lang=eng

Friend September 2020 “My General Conference Notebook”

Friend September 2020 “Women who Help Lead the Church” Color these pictures and then look for these women during general conference. Which of them spoke or prayed during conference? What did you learn from them?

Friend May 2020 “Conference Dot-to-Dot”

Friend March 2020 “Your General Conference Notes” Color the pictures when you hear the items mentioned in the talks. Write in the speech bubbles other words you hear. Draw the speakers behind the podiums. Color the special bookmark/image while listening to the prophet.

Friend November 2019 “Conference News” The next general conference will celebrate 200 years since Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith. President Nelson invited us to get ready by reading about the First Vision. Color in each scripture icon as you read the verses from Joseph Smith—History.

Friend October 2019 “Prophets and Apostles” Color the pictures during general conference of the people who speak, or after conference as you remember your favorite talks. Color a heart every time you hear someone mention Jesus. He loves you!

Friend September 2019 “Funstuff: Go for Four this Conference” Whenever you hear one of the words in the list, take turns writing your letter (X or O) in one of the circles on the bottom row. See who can build four in a row first.

Friend April 2019 “Conference Building Blocks” Fill in the temple building blocks with numbers from the list. During conference, when you see or hear something from your list, place a marker (like a bean or candy) on that block.

Friend March 2019 “While You’re Watching Conference” Color in each space as you hear the words in the spaces during conference.

Friend October 2018 “Funstuff”  “Conference Hearts: Each time you feel loved or hear the word “love,” color a heart.” “Conference Words: Write down a word to help you remember what a talk was about. For example, if someone speaks about faith, write “faith” in a bubble.”

Friend May 2018 “Our Prophets and Apostles Today” Match the picture with the names and facts about each leader, or tape the top of the picture to the facts about the leader and flip it up and learn more about them during conference.

Friend March 2018 “Pitch Your Tent” Cutout to build a tent like King Benjamin’s people. Children put strips of paper in the tent of things learned during conference.

Friend October 2017 “Conference Quest” Fill in the empty spaces along the path with words from the list, or think of your own. When a speaker says the next word on your path, move a coin or bead forward.

Friend April 2017 Draw lines from the picture of the speaker to what they are speaking about. If a topic isn’t already on the page, write it in!

Friend March 2017 Put a penny or bean on a square each time you hear that word in a talk. Whenever you reach five times on a word, you could switch out the pile with a five-cent coin or different-colored bean.

Friend May 2019 “Cover” Find items in the illustration of a family watching conference.

Friend November 2016 “Show & Tell”  Make cereal necklaces while watching conference (could put one on every time hear a certain word-like prayer). Set up a small tent in living room to watch conference in like King Benjamin’s people did.

Friend April 2015
Friend April 2015

Friend April 2016 “Bulletin Board” Play Conference “I-Spy”! How many of these scenes can you see while watching general conference this month?

Friend April 2016 “Conference Words” As you listen or watch conference, circle or cover (with a small object) the words of the pictures you hear.

Friend April 2016

Friend May 2021 “Find It” Emma and Lily love to draw temples when they watch conference with their grandparents. How does your family watch conference? Can you find the hidden objects?

Friend March 2022 “General Conference Fun!”

Friend October 2022 We made a collage from old Church magazines while we listened to conference. It helped us feel the Spirit and was a lot of fun! (see image at link)

New Era March 2019 “General Conference Notebook” Sixteen pages of conference note taking ideas.

For the Strength of Youth March 2023 “General Conference Notebook” Eight pages of conference note taking ideas

Kindness & Respect: Stories & Poems

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Why Should We Practice Kindness

Helps Us Grow to Become Christlike

Friend July 2020 “Small and Simple” Boy does small, kind acts to help others which help him grow too.

Kindness Can Soften Hearts

Friend March 2022 “Cake and Kindness” Juli didn’t think her aunt liked to her because her aunt was so strict and never smiled. She decided to be patient, kind, and brave in trying to speak Spanish with her aunt. She agreed to help her aunt make a cake for Juli’s parents anniversary. Her aunt was patient with her as she tried to speak Spanish and was less strict and even smiled. Juli was glad her prayer was answered.

Being Kind Helps Us Feel Happy

Friend June 2022 “Coloring the Boring Day Away” Clara was bored and frustrated because there wasn’t anything to do. Her brother decides to color some pictures for their new neighbors. She joined in. It was fun helping bring happiness to others.

Setting an Example of Kindness

Friend April 2018 “A High-Five Example”Students in a special needs class we’re trying to give Lily’s classmates high fives as they walked by, but nobody did it until Lily gave them all high fives then everyone behind her did it.

Friend April 2022 “Brave Friends” Anisha had only been in the country for a few months and was still working on learning English. She was afraid to give her history report because some of the words were hard. Molly helped her practice, but the kids still giggled while Anisha gave her report. When it was Molly’s turn she started by complimenting Anisha on her report and her hard work learning English. After class, several others went to Anisha and complimented her too.

Friend February 2023 “The Happy Note” Riley’s new teacher is nervous when he teaches and the kids can’t hear him very well and are talking about him and laughing. Riley decided to cheer him on. She invited some kids to her house and they made a poster for him. They wrote things they liked about him and things they had already learned from him. He looked so happy when he read it, and Riley heard a kid say they couldn’t wait to go to his class that day.

Caring and Consideration

Friend August 2023 “The Broken Water Bottle” Sophia noticed her friend wasn’t drinking any water on a hot day after school. Her friend said she broke her water bottle and she couldn’t get a new one. Sophia worried about her friend because clean water was hard to come by, and they needed to bring clean water from home. Sophia started bringing plastic bottles of water to school for her friend. Her friend was so grateful. Then Sophia’s mom let her friend use a spare water bottle they had. Her friend was so happy and Sophia felt warm inside. She knew she had helped her friend, like Jesus would.

Friend February 2021 “A Perfect Fit” As they played basketball, Tony noticed that his friend Sean’s shoes were coming apart. Sean explained that he couldn’t get new ones until his dad found a job. Tony wanted to help Sean. He said a prayer. The next morning he noticed some shoes in his closet that his older brother had given him that didn’t fit. Sean was happy when Tony gave them to him and they fit him perfectly.

Friend March 2020 ” The Birthday Markers” Marcus loves to draw and was excited to get a new set of markers for his birthday. He notices that his friend looks sad when Marcus got his markers. Marcis then remembered that his friend had a birthday recently and probably didn’t get any presents because his dad recently lost his job. There are two of each color in Marcus’s new set of markers, and he decides to take one of each of the colors and wrap them up to give to his friend.

Friend June 2019 “Waiting for Ian” Ian was in an accident and was in the hospital and then in recovery for several months. The Primary kids asked if they could postpone the Primary Program until Ian was better because they knew that Ian loved participating in it.

Friend May 2019 “The Red Cupcake” Sam couldn’t wait to have one of Ryan’s birthday cupcakes. But when he finally got to the front of the line to get his cupcake, it was the last one, and Jenny was still behind him. She looked sad, so Sam told the teacher that Jenny could have his cupcake. Jenny suggested that they share it, and they were both happy.   Friend May 2019  “Family Fun Night”Cupcake refreshment idea.  

Friend February 2019 “Ways to Show You I Care” Action rhyme of things to do to show you care about someone.

Friend December 2017 “Warm Hands, Warm Heart” Monroe notices some of her friends don’t have gloves to keep their hands warm at recess, so she brings some gloves to share.

Friend December 2017 “The Red Ticket” Matteo’s Friend was always getting into trouble at school. He had to pay with tickets that could be used for prizes. He ran out of tickets one day and Matteo offered to pay with his own ticket so his friend wouldn’t have to miss recess.

Friend April 2023 “Margo and Paolo” Margo and Paolo invite a friend to dinner who is going to be alone for Easter.

Friend October 2023 “How My Bad Day Got Better” Tucker was having a bad day but had to go to his baseball game. He was sitting sad and alone on a bench and his coach and teammates encouraged him to come play. They helped him feel better.

Kind Words

Friend May 2019 “Choosing Kind Words” Selene called Adriana a mean name when she missed the ball. Adriana told Selene that it hurt her feelings and asked her not to say that. Selene apologized. (Also a lesson idea about kind words children can use and when to use them. Have children tell which ones Adriana and Selene used.)

Friend January 2018 “Lucas and the Bully” Lucas stood up to a bully, but the words he used hurt the bullies feelings. Lucas apologizes and invites the bully to play and they become friends

Friend September 2016 “Super Spencer” Spencer’s friends make fun of his note from his mom, and that makes him feel bad. His mom teaches him that words can hurt, but they can also make people feel happy. Spencer uses kind words and helps people be happy.

Encouraging Others

Friend February 2020 “Keep Going, Josie” Josie had been sick and was tired, but she needed to run in the big race with her teammates. She was worried about letting them down. In her first race, others kept passing her and she felt like giving up.  But as her teammates passed her they encouraged her to keep going. Their words gave her strength and she was able to finish the race.

Friend August 2017 “I was the fastest runner in my class when we were timed for the mile run. I noticed one girl who was having a hard time running, so as soon as I finished, I cheered her on. It made me feel good inside to encourage her.” Josh C., age 8, California, USA

Being Kind to Someone Being Unkind

Friend August 2024 “The Kindness Test” Melanie kept being made fun of by a boy at school, so she asked her sister what to do when someone is being mean to you. Her sister suggested doing something nice for him. A few days later, she shared a treat with him and she found out he was funny and fun to be with when he wasn’t teasing her. Now he was her friend.

Friend November 2019 “Giving Kindness Back” Brooklyn was sad because someone at school was being mean to her. Her mother told her that sometimes people try to make you feel bad when they’re sad about their own lives. Brooklyn decided to try and cheer him up, so she made a card for him with candy on it. He was nice to her from then on.  (If someone’s not kind to you, try being kind to them. It might take a month or a year. By Brooklyn)

Friend September 2022 “Different but Not Alone” Megan is the only member of the church in her school. One day a boy named Bennett scoffed at her religious beliefs. Another boy, who was the only Hindu in the school, helped her feel better. They both wondered if Bennett had been mean because he didn’t feel happy inside and needed a friend. They became his friend, and he apologized for being mean.

Helping Others

Friend July 2023 “The Making Things Better Club” Josie and Ashlyn start a “Making Things Better Club.” They looked for people to help, like kids that need a friend. Soon Josie was doing it without thinking and realized that it was making her better.

Friend January 2022 “Carolina Reaches Out” Carolina’s friend was losing his hair and Carolina wished she could help him feel better. During recess she looked for him and found him being made fun of and bullied by two boys. She rushed over and asked her friend if he wanted to play with her. They walked together to where a teacher was. Her friend smiled and thanked her. She was glad she was able to help.

Friend September 2021 “Hopscotch with Friends” Daya helps her friends by finding more stones for them to play hopscotch with.

Friend May 2021 ” Locked Out! Emma noticed a little girl crying while she and her mom were on a walk. They found out the girl was locked out of her apartment. They helped push the button and call her mom on the intercom. The girlsa nd her mom were so grateful for the help, and Emma felt warm inside.

Friend February 2021 “Lost at the Aquarium” Krista noticed a little girl crying and alone at the aquarium. Krista and her mother waited with the girl until her mother found her.

Friend October 2020 “Lonely Lunchtime” Kali was lonely at school because she didn’t have any friends yet. Her mom sometimes said, “Look for the kids who are lonely.” She saw a boy sitting alone and went over and talked to him. Afterwards, she felt happy knowing she had made someone else’s recess a little better.

Friend March 2020 “I Like to Be a Friend” Kiera and her friend help a girl who is crying because she doesn’t have any friends.

Friend January 2019 “Show and Tell”

There was a new boy in my class in school who couldn’t speak English. In the computer lab, I sat next to him and helped him with the assignment we were given. I felt good after I helped him.

Helping Someone who is Sad

Friend May 2023 “Origami Friends” Ari noticed that the librarian seemed sad when they went to the library to do crafts. They found out that her car had been broken into and several belongings had been stolen. They wanted to help her feel better so they made her a bag full of origami.

Friend May 2023 “Folding Fun”

Friend May 2020 “I’ll Be Kind” Action Rhyme about ways to help someone who is sad.

Helping Those Being Bullied or Teased

Friend August 2024 “A Hug for José” José was new to the school. At first, no one talked to him. Then some of the other kids started to tease him. They always called him names and laughed at him. Adam felt like he should help José, but he never knew what to say. One day after a math test, Jose got a 100% and the kids started calling him a cheater. Jose started to cry. Adam walked over to him and gave him a hug. Pretty soon everyone was coming over and apologizing and trying to cheer him up.

Friend May 2024 “Lunchtime Kindness” Dave’s mom shared a scripture about charity with the family in the morning before school. At school Dave saw some boys bullying another boy. He wanted to help but it was scary, but then he remembered the scripture and he stood up and told the bullies to stop.

Friend May 2024 “Sharing God’s Love” Thais saw a little girl crying during recess. The girl said the other kids were teasing her for being chubby, and they said she wasn’t pretty. Thais told the little girl they were wrong because she was pretty and special, she was a child of God. She explained how important Nicol was to Heavenly Father, her family, and many others who loved her so much. Bit by bit, Nicol began to smile and be happy again.

“Shine On” Friend April 2024 On her way to play kickball, Lynn saw some kids pointing and laughing at a girl named Awesome. Lynn went over and asked if she was okay. Soon they were drawing with sticks and giggling. Lynn invited her to church. At church some of the boys that had made fun of Awesome were there. During the Primary lesson about helping others feel loved, the boys apologized to Awesome.

Friend April 2022 “Go Sit by Him” The Holy Ghost tells Sierra to go sit by a boy who had been bullied and was sad and alone. She felt peaceful all day after she listened to the Holy Ghost.

Friend April 2021 “The CTR Reminder” Raish was afraid to say anything to her friends who were being mean to a new girl, but then she saw her CTR ring and remembered something her teacher had said. Remember who you are and what you stand for. So Raish stood for the right and asked her friends to stop being mean, and then she went and apologized to the new girl and asked to be her friend.

Friend October 2021 “Matt and Mandy” Mandy befriends a girl who is being made fun of because of the religious clothing (hijab) she wears. She shows respect for the girl’s faith and beliefs and invites her to meet her friends.

Friend May 2020 “A Blue-Ribbon Friend” Preston helps Jacob when some kids were making fun of his art. Preston likes Jacob’s art and asks for one of his pictures. He then entered the picture in the fair along with his own. They both won blue ribbons.

Friend June 2019 “Friendship Feud” When some girls won’t let Sadra play with them anymore, one of the friends of the girls decides to be a friend to Sadra even though the other girls threatened not to be her friend anymore too.

Friend October 2018 “I was in school when I saw a new boy. A few days later, some of my classmates hit him in the hallway. They gave him a black eye. I felt so much pain for what they had done to him. I found out where he lived and offered him my friendship. The gospel teaches us that we should be helpful, and I love that.Jeshua O., age 11, Illinois, USA”

Friend August 2017 “A bully was picking on a boy I didn’t know. I told the bully that he should be nice. The bully made fun of me. Then the boy I had stood up for helped me. He said that we should all be friends. I felt good that we could help each other.” James W., age 6, Arizona, USA
Friend September 2016 “Show and Tell” A boy tells a bully to stop being mean to another child.
Friend April 2016 “School Bus Hero” Ryan helps Jason because Jason doesn’t have anyone to sit with on the bus and the older kids tease him.


Friend June 1986 “Truth or Dare” Julie’s friends tease an old woman, whom Julie finds out is sad and lonely. Julie helps the lady not feel so alone.


Repenting of Bullying

Friend January 2020 “The Apology” Some classmates were making fun of a boy and Minchan joined in. Later, he found out how sad it made the boy feel. Minchin felt bad and apologized and tried to get the others to stop making fun of the boy.

Friend February 2017 “Me? A Bully?” Jeff didn’t realize he and his best friend were bullying another boy until his mom got a call from the principal. Jeff wanted to be kind like Jesus, so he decides to fix things.

Including and Welcoming Others

Friend October 2022 “The Friendship Party” Maya decides to help some kids, who recently moved in, feel welcome by having party and introducing them to other kids.

Friend September 2022 “Singing Time Together” During singing time, Sarah notices a girl sitting alone and not singing. Sarah goes and sits by her and whispers the words of the song to her so she can sing too. Sarah finds out that it was the girl’s first time in Primary.

Friend April 2022 “Samuel’s New Team” Samuel was born without a left hand, but he was a very good basketball player. He was joining a new team but was worried about what they would think. They didn’t pass the ball to him at first, but one boy saw he could play well and passed to Samuel to show the others that too. Samuel made a basket and his team cheered.

Friend September 2021 “Kindness at the Primary Program” Paul was excited to be in the Primary Program. While singing in the program he saw Mark coming in late with his family. He looked sad. Paul remembered when he came to Primary for the first time. He was glad that other people sat next to him and were nice. He waved for Mark to come sit by him and he gave him a hug. Mark gave Paul a big smile.

Friend September 2021 “A Special Lunch” When Baylor started 3rd grade he had a hard time making friends. So when two new boys arrive at school, he does his best to make them feel welcome and help them. He also had two coupons for lunch with a friend and the teacher, and he invited the two new boys.

Friend September 2021 “New Amigos” Brigit’s family had just moved to Venezuela and she was worried and scared about going to church because she didn’t speak Spanish. When they walked into the chapel, two girls her age rushed over to meet her. When they realized she didn’t speak English they told her their names, sat with her, and started teaching her Spanish. The girls helped Brigit feel welcomed and happy .

Friend May 2021 “Tara’s New Friend” Tara sees a boy sitting alone at church. She doesn’t speak his language so she decides to draw pictures for him.

There are all kinds of children in the world. And Heavenly Father loves them all! He wants us to love them too. How many hearts can you find?

Friend June 2020 “No One Was Left Out” Justin and his friends were playing a game were they had to hit a ball with their arms to keep it in the air. One of the girls who came to play had a broken arm. Justin said, “I have a great idea. We’re all going to play with one arm.” Everybody played the game using just one arm, including the girl who was wearing a cast. No one was left out.

Friend February 2020 “A Kind Primary Class” Jayden was nervous to go to a different ward when he was out of town. But when he got to Primary he felt better because the other kids included him and were kind. They shared their scriptures with him, talked to him, and helped him. They became his friends. Activity: Aria is new at church. Fill in the speech bubbles with what you could say. How could you help a visitor feel welcome?

Friend September 2019 “Matt and Mandy” Mandy and her friend think about starting a club, but it didn’t feel right to invite a few people and leave out others. They decide to have everyone be in the club.

Friend July 2019 “A New Friend at Lunch” Austin sat with his friends at lunch, and they told jokes and shared cookies. Everyone was happy, except for a boy sitting alone. He was crying and sad. Austin comes up with a plan to help him. He invites the boy to sit with him and his friends, and then everyone is happy.

Friend June 2019 “Say Hello to Halim! Marcus puts a kind note in the new boy’s bucket to help him feel welcome because it looked like Halim was struggling with moving to a new country and a new school. Marcus’s class has buckets on their desks because their teacher wants them to write kind notes to each other to help fill the imaginary buckets inside of them.

Friend July 2018 “Show and Tell” I saw a new girl at school who was alone. I asked my friends to include her in playing with us. They said no, but I went anyway and played with her. We are now friends! Meigan P., age 10, Arizona, USA

Friend July 2018 “Helper for a Day” It’s Elena’s turn to be the special helper in class. She gets to choose someone to help her take the blue folder to the office. She choose Lucas because no one ever chooses him. She wants him to be happy.

Friend June 2018 “The Special Assignment” Oni, a refugee, isn’t included at school, and he is sometimes treated meanly. Elliot prayed about the problem and then talked to his teacher about some of the ideas he and his mom had come up with. The teacher used one of the ideas when she gave some of the students a special assignment to help Oni feel included.

Friend November 2017 “A Picture Perfect Friendship” Avery notices that Jeremy plays alone at recess and sits alone. She prays about how to help him. She draws a picture for him and ask him if he’d like to be friends.

Friend October 2017 “Everybody’s Buddy” Tyler includes someone sitting on the Buddy Bench who needs a friend.

Friend September 2017 “Earings for Jasmine” Abby wants to help those who lost their homes in Hurricane Katrina, so she befriends a girl who moved from there. Abby stand she up for Jasmine even though other kids make fun of her.

Friend September 2015 – Girl is included in group that wear crazy socks. S.O.C.K.S  stands for sisters of caring, kindness and service.

Friend October 2015 ” The Worth of Soles” – Boy teased by his friends about his old shoes. Other boys feel bad about the teasing and are kind.

Friend October 2015 " The Worth of Soles" - Boy teased by his friends about his old shoes. Other boys feel bad about the teasing and are kind.
Friend October 2015

Friend February 2015 “Marisol” Alice is kind and includes a girl who doesn’t speak English. They become good friends.


Friend February 2015 “The Trouble with Recess” Jason feels bad when the kids says mean things about the grumpy playground helper. He figures out a way to make things better.

Friend February 2016
Friend February 2016
Friend February 2016
Friend February 2016

Friend February 1988 “A Valentine for Valerie” A special homemade valentine makes a new shy girl feel cared about and included at school.


Daily Random Acts of Kindness

Friend April 2018 “Dare to Be Kind” Claudia from Australia stands up for others, comforts those who are sad, is a friend to a neighbor in need, and helps bring the Spirit through singing. (Includes photos of Claudia.)

Friend February 2018  “The Friend helps me do something nice every day. Sometimes I hold the door open at school. Doing something nice gives me a good feeling in my heart.”

Rachel I., age 9, Oregon, USA

Being Kind Regardless of Other’s Actions

Friend August 2024 “Fight Bullying with Love” When Matilda moved to a different country she was bullied for looking different than the other kids. Her mom taught her to respond to bullying with love. So now she talks to the person who is saying bad things and tries to stop the situation by explaining how it feels to hear bad things about themselves for being different. (Picture and story at link.)

Friend May 2019 “Choose to Be Kind” A girl pushed her way to the front of the line at the bus stop and sat where Samuel and his friend, Mike, had planned on sitting. This started an argument, but Samuel chooses to be kind instead of right, and figures out a solution.

Friend September 2018 “Show and Tell” “One day I wanted to sit by a bully at school to be friends with her. She yelled at me to go away. I wanted to get her back with my words. But I held my tongue and said, “It’s OK. I’ll sit by someone else.” When I walked away, I felt good for what I did.” Elijah V., age 12, Arizona, USA

Saying Sorry

Friend September 2020 “Amy and Her Trike” Amy accidentally hits Todd while riding trikes. She says sorry, gives him a hug, and asks if he wants to ride trikes with her.

Neighborly Kindness

Friend June 2023 “The Kindness Coin” Nina gave her neighbor free lemonade at her stand as a thank you for all the help he had given to her family. Her neighbor was so kind though that he put it on the porch for her to find. Nina and her neighbor went back and forth finding places to put the coin at each other’s houses. It was a fun game. But then the neighbor had the coin made into a necklace for Nina.

If the Savior Stood Beside Me – Verse Three

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If the Savior Stood Beside Me – Verse Three


  • Items needed: a large piece of white semi-transparent fabric, magnets, and a white poster board.
  • For visuals on this verse I used items from OCD Primary Chorister  to match the visuals I used in the other two verses (or the above posted pictures can be used instead and can be found here). I copied, pasted, and cropped the pictures containing the scriptures, the parents, the boy praying, and one picture each of the boy and the girl doing the right things.  Copy and paste the pictures of the children choosing the right into these thought bubbles. You will also need enlarged individual pictures of the girl and boy that were used in the other verses. Print all the pictures and cut them out. Tape or glue the pictures of the individual boy and girl onto the bottom of the fabric. Put a magnet on the back of the other pictures of the fabric.
  • Print the four parts of the large picture of the Savior. Cut and fit the pieces together using glue or tape. Also print the picture of the prophet and the heart. Cut them out and put a magnet on the back of each.
  • Cut the fabric so that it is the same size as the completed picture of the Savior. Glue or tape magnets to the back, top corners.
  • Print the word pages.


Remind the children that the first two verses consider whether we would do or say certain things differently if we could see the Savior standing next to us.  The third verse tells us that even though we can’t see the Savior, he is always near and is aware of what we are doing and saying.

Put the first line on the board.

He is always near me, though I do not see him there.  Put the large picture of the Savior on the board and the fabric over the top of the large picture as you say the words to the first line.  Cover the picture with the poster board and ask the following question:  Because we can’t see the picture does that mean it isn’t there? The picture is still there even though we can’t see it, which is similar to the Savior. Even though we can’t see the Savior, he is watching over us.

(Take off poster board covering and have the children sing this first line. After the children sing, put the next line on the board.)

And because he loves me dearly, I am in his watchful care.   Put the heart on the picture of the Savior and explain that because the Savior loves us he wants what’s best for us, so he wants us to say and do good things in life. He watches over us and provides help and guidance through the Holy Ghost, the scriptures, parents, the prophet, etc.  (Put up the pictures of the scriptures, family, prophet, and prayer on the board around the top of the large picture of Christ as each are mentioned, then have the children sing this line. After they sing, put up the next line on the board.)

So I’ll be the kind of person that I know I’d like to be   Knowing that the Savior loves us and is watching over us helps us try to be the kind of person that we should be. (Put the thought bubble pictures above the pictures of the children.)

Explain that the last line is the same as in the first two verses, but it is drawn out a little at the end. Have the pianist play it so they can hear how it sounds. Have the children sing these last two lines, and afterwards have them sing the whole verse.)

Take off one of the word pages, or cover parts with cardstock. Choose a volunteer to put up the visuals as the children sing the verse again. Continue in this manner, taking off word pages and having different volunteers try to put the visuals on the board correctly and at the right times in the song, until all the word pages are off the board.

Have the children sing all three verses.


If the Savior Stood Beside Me – verse two

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If the Savior Stood Beside Me – Verse Two


  • Items needed: 18 feet of string or fishing line and two cans, two crayons (one yellow and one dark brown or black), and a small bag or bowl.
  • Print the second verse pictures from the following website – OCD Primary Chorister. I copied and pasted the first picture of the girl onto Microsoft Word and then cropped and enlarged it. I printed two copies and cut out the pictures. I printed two copies of this picture of the Savior and glued on one picture of the girl to the right side of each picture. I used these page for the last line of the verse and for the line “if he were never far away.”
  • Print and cut out the word bubbles.
  • Print the word chart and word strips. Cut out the word strips. Fold them and put them into a small bag or bowl. The word chart is based on the one found in the February Ensign.
  • Make a homemade phone by hammering a hole into the top of each metal can with a nail. Put one end of the string into the hole at the top of one can. Pull it through a little and tie the end into a knot. Put the other end of the string into the hole at the top of the other can. Pull it through and tie its end into a knot.


Explain that the first line in this verse is the same as in the first verse.  – If the Savior stood beside me. (Put up the picture of the Savior with the children (from verse one visuals) at the top of the board. )

Remind the children that the first verse was about the things we do. Explain that the second verse is about the things we say. Show the first word bubble and explain that word bubbles are used as visual aids to help remind them that the verse is about the things we say.

Put the first word bubble and picture on the board.

Would I say the things I say?   Discuss the picture by pointing out that the big sister’s words are making her little brother feel bad and cry. Ask the children if they think she would change how she is talking about her brother if the Savior was standing next to her.  Remind them that the Savior would like our words to be things that would lift and help people, not hurt or make them sad or tear them down.

Put up the next word bubble and picture on the board. (After discussing this line, continue in this manner–putting up the word bubble and matching picture and then discussing it–for the rest of the lines in the verse.)

Would my words be true and kind   Explain that the word “true” in this sentence means sincere and loyal. In this picture it looks like the girl changed her words to be more kind and loving toward her brother. Point out that he is now smiling and looks happy.

 If He were never far away?  Put up the picture of the girl standing by the Savior.  (Have the children sing all of the song lines up to this point.)

Would I try to share the gospel?   Explain that the girl in the picture is telling her friend about the Book of Mormon. Ask the children if they think talking about the gospel would be words that would help and lift others.

Would I speak more reverently?  Point out that the girl in the picture has her arms folded.  Remind the children that when we speak to our Heavenly Father we fold our arms and bow our heads to show reverence. Explain that we should also speak reverently when we talk about the gospel, or about sacred things, or when we are in the Lord’s house. (Though we don’t necessarily need to fold our arms in the process.)

Put up the last picture and explain that the last line is the same as the first verse. Have the children sing these last three lines of the verse, and then have them sing the entire verse.

Memorizing Activity

Tell the children they are going to do an activity as they memorize the verse. The activity will help remind them that our words affect people. Explain that in a recent Ensign article, President Uchdorf said our words should be a “light to others”.  A word chart activity was included in the article (show the word chart and put it on the board) to help children think about different kinds of words and how they can lighten up and brighten someone’s day or make a day dark and dreary.

Get two volunteers, preferably children who have been putting effort into singing the song. Show the children the homemade can phones. Explain that you will choose one of the words from the bag, which contains the same words that are on the chart. You will show it to one of the volunteers. That volunteer will speak the word into the can. The other child will plug one ear and hold the can to the other ear and listen. That child will tell everyone what word was spoken. If the child is correct he/she gets to draw a bright smiley face or dark unhappy face over the word on the chart, depending on how it would make someone feel. The other child will choose one of the word bubbles to take off the board. Have the children sing the song again. Continue in this manner until all the word bubbles are off the board. The pictures can be taken off next using the same activity.

Note: The string should be taut between the two cans while they are doing the activity.

Scriptures: Stories & Poems

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Scriptures are the Words of Christ

Friend March 2020 “Feasting on the Scriptures” Action Rhyme

Reading Scriptures Helps Us Follow Jesus

Friend July 2020 “Helping a Sleepy Sister” While doing family scripture study, Berrett noticed his sister was tired from studying late and he decided to be like Jesus and help her. He made her breakfast and lunch and wrote her a note saying he loved her.

Friend December 1988 “My Scriptures” Poem about family scripture study and why it’s important even when children are small.

Friend January 2019 “The Scriptures are Special Books” Camila loves books. Her favorite book is the scriptures. She feels happy when she reads them with her family. Scriptures are special books because they teach us about Jesus and the commandments.

Reading Scriptures Helps Us Recognize Truth

Friend September 2015 “A New Feeling” – Child feels Holy Ghost while reading about Jesus in the scriptures

Friend December 2015 Reading the bible helped a family recognize the truth of the gospel when the missionaries came.

The Scriptures can Inspire Us

Friend April 2016 “Your Future Home” A favorite scripture of President Eyring’s inspired him to want a home filled with love when he grew up.

Friend April 2016
Friend March 2016

The Scriptures Provide Good Examples for Us to Follow

Friend August 2017 “Being Like Nephi” Mason learns about Nephi and tries to follow his example and make righteous choices.

The Scriptures Teach Us

Friend April 1988 “Magic Garden”  Nicky and his grandfather plant a garden, and they also plant seeds in their minds that grow as they read the scriptures and other inspirational books. The scripture verses Nicky learns helps him deal with death when his grandfather dies.

The Scriptures Teach About Jesus

Friend February 2021 “Feeling Christ’s Love” When Elder Takashi Wada Of the Seventy was young he read the Bible in school and wanted to know more about Jesus. Then he met the missionaries and they gave him a Book of Mormon and her learned more about Jesus. He wanted to be baptized and follow Jesus.

Scriptures Keep Us Safe from Sin

Friend November 2020 “Hyrum Beats the Bad Words” Hyrum figures out a way to help him not think about the bad words that he hears.

Studying the Scriptures can Help Us in Life

Friend September 2020 “Danna and the Math Test” Danna’s family memorized one scripture verse every week because “once it’s in your heart, it’s there whenever you need it.” The scripture they repeated together at the door that week was about praying always. One day, while struggling with some problems on a math test she had studied for, Dana remembered the scripture and said a prayer in her heart, she then remembered how to do the problems.

Friend April 2020 “Comforted by the Scriptures” When Harrison was eight he struggled with nightmares. He had been learning that the scriptures hold the answers to problems and wanted to find a scripture to help. The Holy Ghost guided him to Joseph Smith’s first vision and being reminded that the darkness Joseph felt went away when he prayed and Heavenly Father and Jesus appeared. The scripture was just what Harrison needed.

Friend March 2019 “For Older Kids” Every night I used to have nightmares. When I went to Primary, my teacher said that the prophet told us to read our scriptures every day. Then I got in the habit of reading them every night, and now I never have nightmares. Katie L., age 10, Idaho, USA

God can answer my questions through the scriptures.

Joseph Smith—History 1:10–13

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26: “I Saw a Pillar of Light”

Show the children different books (like an encyclopedia or a cookbook), and help them think of questions these books could answer. Then show them a copy of the scriptures. What questions can these books answer? You might provide an example of a question that is answered in the scriptures. Read together Joseph Smith—History 1:10–11to find out what questions Joseph Smith had and what answers he found in the scriptures.

Scriptures Help Us Feel Love of God

Friend January 2020 “The Best Hug” Ellie loved getting hugs from her family members. Hugs make her feel warm, safe, and happy. One Sunday at church she needed a long hug, but her mom had to go to her class and Ellie needed to go to hers. As tears ran down her cheek she saw a picture of Jesus in her scriptures. She and her family often read the scriptures together. Ellie hugged her scriptures and it felt like she was hugging Jesus. She felt warm, safe, and happy.

Read the Scriptures Daily

Friend May 2019 “For Older Kids” “I was having a really hard time at school. I had the impression that I should read my scriptures. I did, and it helped, so I kept doing it. It helped me have a better day and a better attitude. And it helped my mind work better. I know that if we read the scriptures every day, we will be both spiritually and physically protected.” Sarah W., age 11, Idaho, USA  (Link also includes picture of Sarah.)

Friend January 2016 Joseph reads the scriptures daily so he can become a better reader. He becomes familiar with the stories and it helps him prepare a family home evening lesson.

Friend December 1985 As a boy,  Spencer W. Kimball sets a goal to read the scriptures.


Friend March 2016 “Scripture Power” Boy perseveres in accomplishing the goal of reading the scriptures for 100 days in a row–and continues afterwards.

Friend March 2016
Friend March 2016

Friend June 2017 “Book of Mormon Club” Sydney starts a Book of Mormon club where she and her friends discuss what they have learned.

Ways to Read & Study the Scriptures

The Scripture Readers

Friend January 2020 “Batbayar and the Book with Pictures” Reading was hard for Batbayar, so he struggled with reading the Book of Mormon. The missionaries brought him Book of Mormon Stories instead. Every night he prayed after reading. His heart felt good when he read, and when he prayed he felt like the stories were true, so he asked to be baptized.

Friend November 2018 “Thankful for Scriptures” James likes to act out the stories in his Book of Mormon picture book. He can even imagine sitting with Jesus when he blessed the children. It makes him feel happy and grateful for the scriptures. (Link includes activity about finding the family’s scriptures so they can read together.)

Friend November 2022 “The Special Book” Bernice couldn’t read yet, but she loved repeating the words when her family had scripture study, even though she didn’t understand some of them. Then her father got her Book of Mormon Stories and they read from that every night and looked at the pictures. She loved scripture study and learned many new things

Ways to Remember Scriptures

Friend February 2021 “The Play” James set a goal to put on a scripture story play each week with his brother. Their little brother wanted be in it too. James was kind and gave him the part of playing a lion.

Friend July 2020 “Eva’s Scripture Pictures” Eva loves to draw pictures of scripture stories and she puts them on the fridge to help her and her family to remember them.

Friend November 2019 “For Older Kids” Jordan’s Primary teacher told the class that she posts scripture verses on her door so she can always see them and read them every day. Jordan started doing that too, and soon her door was covered in scriptures.

Friend January 2023 “Lights, Camera, Service!” Because of the COVID-19 pandemic Antonella and Mariana couldn’t go to church in person. There weren’t many video resources in Spanish for Come Follow Me, so they decided to make some to share with others. Making the videos also really helped them learn more as well.

Family Scripture Study

Friend May 2024 “Lunchtime Kindness” Dave’s mom shared a scripture about charity with the family in the morning before school. At school Dave saw some boys bullying another boy. He wanted to help but it was scary, but then he remembered the scripture and he stood up and told the bullies to stop.

Friend October 2019 “Tanya’s Scripture Time” Taya reads scriptures with her family. On Sunday, Taya listens to the Primary lesson. “I know this story!” she says. Taya shares what she knows with her Primary class. She feels happy and warm inside.

Applying the Scriptures

Liken the Scriptures Unto Us

Friend August 2020 “Maddy’s Courage” Maddy didn’t want to start school because she was afraid. Her mom reminded her of sometimes we have to do brave and hard things, such as Daniel facing the lions, or Nephi crossing the ocean, or Esther talking to the king. And just like Heavenly Father helped all of those people, He would help her too.

Friend January 2020 “A Nephi Attitude” Bennett was tired and thirsty and not enjoying doing the service project. He wanted to go home but there was still a lot left to do. His mom talked to him about how Nephi had hard things to do like getting the plates from Laban, but he didn’t give up. Bennett liked the idea of being like Nephi. Nephi was strong and brave and good. So he kept working. He was proud of what they had accomplished when they were done. He was glad he had gotten rid of the Laman and Lemuel attitude.

Friend August 2018 “The No-Fighting Promise” After a few days of staying at cousin Timmy’s house, Madi and Timmy start to fight. Timmy suggests they be like the Anti-Nephi-Lehies and make some toy swords and bury them and promise they won’t fight each other anymore. After that they found ways to compromise so they didn’t fight.

Scripture Heroes

Friend June 2017 “Being Like Shiblon” Elder Ringwood’s scripture hero is Shiblon


Friend September 2024 “The Dart Disaster” Daniel accidentally hit his aunts car with a lawn dart and made a dent. He didn’t say anything when she noticed the dent. He felt awful, but he was afraid. Then he decided to be like his favorite scripture hero, Daniel in the lion’s den. He bravely and he told his mom what happened and that he would work to pay for the damage. The heavy feeling in his stomach left and he felt peaceful.

Come Follow Me


Friend July 2021 “Come, Follow Me during COVID” Sarah studied the Come Follow Me Primary Manual as well as doing her school at home during COVID. Because she studied Come, Follow Me, she believes Heavenly Father helped her with school.

If the Savior Stood Beside Me – verse one

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If the Savior Stood Beside Me

• Items needed: five pages of different colors  of construction paper (not blue or black), three pages of blue construction paper, tape, a black marker, magnets, and a metal chain.
• Print the word strips. Cut the word pages in half. (Trim off any extra paper if desired.)
• Print pictures for the first verse. (Look on Sugardoodle.com.) I used the pictures from the OCD Primary Chorister website. I really appreciated these pictures because they tell the verse in story form. But the pictures of the Savior didn’t portray him as I wanted, so I used this picture for the first line, and I copied, pasted, and enlarged her first picture onto Microsoft Word, and then I printed and cut out the picture of the boy and glued him onto the right side of this picture of the Savior. I used this page for the last line of the verse.
• Cut the construction paper into 1 ½ inch strips. (widthwise)
• Cut pieces of tape and hang them on the bottom rim of the chalkboard.

Put the picture of the Savior with the children at the top, middle of the board and put the song title below it. Explain that these words are the title of the song and they are also the first line of the song.

Next explain that there are five questions that go with this first line. Put the first question on the board with its matching picture above it.

Point out that the child in the picture isn’t being kind. Ask if they think the child would be less likely to do something like that if the Savior was standing next to them. Ask what other kinds of things a person might try more carefully not to do if the Savior was standing next to him. Write each of the children’s responses on a colored strip of paper. After each response, have that child come up and make a chain link with their response(using the tape). Add a blue strip after each response. The answers will form a chain. Make sure their links face forward so people can see their answers. Using the magnets, hang the chain under the question. (Do the same chain activity with each question, taking only three responses per question.)

1. Would I do the things I do?  (After discussing this question have the children sing the first two lines of the verse.)

2. Would I think of His Commandments  Point out that the child in the picture is thinking about the Ten Commandments. Where are the commandments found? In the scriptures. What are some of the commandments Jesus has given us?

3. Try harder to be true? (There is not a picture for this line.) To be true means to be faithful and trustworthy. In what ways can we try harder to be true to the Savior? (Have the children sing these two lines.)

4. Would I follow His example? What is happening in this picture? The boy is trying to be like the Savior and be kind.. What other things did the Savior do that we could follow  and do?

5. Would I live more righteously? Point out the CTR shield in the picture and explain that when we are choosing the right we are living righteously. What things can we do to in order to live more righteously? (Sing these two lines.)

Explain that the last line of the verse is -“If I could see the Savior standing nigh watching over me.” Put the picture that goes with this line on the board. Put half the line above the picture and half below the picture. Explain that the word “Nigh” means close or near.

Show a metal chain and explain that the links help make it stronger than having just a single strip of metal. A single strip of metal might bend and break. Point to the chain the kids made and explain that the blue links represent the Savior standing near to them. Remind them that being near to the Savior makes us more likely to do right things, which makes us spiritually stronger. Explain that in the third verse of the song we will discuss more about the concept of the Savior being near.

Have the children sing the entire verse.

To memorize this verse, take off a couple of lines  at a time (not the pictures), and then have them sing the verse again. Continue in this manner until all the lines are gone. After that remove a few pictures at a time.