Translating the Gold Plates

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What does translate mean? Translate means to change from one language to another.

Show the paper with the words “Le Livre De Mormon” written on it. Tell the children that the words are French. The English version of these words is “The Book of Mormon”. Show this paper. Both sets of words mean the same thing, but they are different languages.

Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 6: Joseph Smith Begins to Translate the Gold zPlates”

The gold plates were written in an ancient language that needed to be translated into a language others could read.

Discuss the many languages used throughout the world, and explain that the word translate means to change writing or speech from one language to another.

  • What was the language of the writings on the gold plates? (Reformed Egyptian.)

Explain that usually translators need to understand both of the languages they work with. Joseph Smith, however, had had very little schooling and could not speak or read languages other than English. The reformed Egyptian characters on the plates were very strange to him. As he studied and prayed, the Urim and Thummim helped him understand the characters on the plates. Joseph learned that the process of translation requires faith, hard work, worthiness, patience, and obedience.

Doctrine and Covenants Coloring Book “Translation of the Book of Mormon”

Show the children an image of characters from the golden plates. Explain that God helped Joseph translate these characters into words we can read and understand.

If someone asked you where the Book of Mormon came from, what would you say? How would you describe God’s involvement in giving us the Book of Mormon?

Lost 116 Pages

Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual “Doctrine and Covenants 3”

Martin Harris was a respected citizen of Palmyra and successful farmer who was one of only a few people in the area who believed Joseph Smith. Though almost twice his age, Martin was Joseph’s friend and gave him money so he could move to Harmony, Pennsylvania, to translate the Book of Mormon undisturbed. Martin also sacrificed to travel there himself and serve as scribe. As Joseph read out loud from the plates, Martin Harris wrote down the words Joseph read. 

Martin’s wife, Lucy, was not supportive of his involvement with the Book of Mormon translation. Martin asked Joseph if he could show the first 116 pages of the translation to Lucy as evidence of their work. Joseph prayed about it twice and each time was told not to allow Martin to take the pages.

Joseph prayed a third time, and the Lord gave permission with strict conditions. Martin took the pages to Palmyra to show them to his wife.

  • Why do you think Joseph did not follow through with the first two responses he received from the Lord?

The day after Martin left, Emma Smith gave birth to her and Joseph’s first child, a son. Tragically, the infant lived only a few hours, and it seemed Emma might die too. Thankfully, Emma’s health started improving after a couple weeks. Though Joseph did not want to leave her side, Emma urged him to travel to Palmyra and inquire about the manuscript.

When Joseph arrived at his parents’ home, they invited Martin to join them for breakfast. Martin didn’t come for more than four hours. When he finally arrived and sat down, he mournfully exclaimed, “I have lost my soul!” He had not followed the strict guidelines and had lost the manuscript.

“Oh, my God, my God. All is lost!” Joseph said. “Must I return to my wife with such a tale? And how shall I appear before the Lord?”

After Joseph returned to Harmony, Moroni appeared and took the plates from him. (See Saints, 1:50–54.)

Shortly after this experience, the Lord spoke to Joseph Smith, chastising him and giving him words of comfort.

Video and Images from Doctrine and Covenants Stories

Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 6: Joseph Smith Begins to Translate the Gold Plates”
Explain that even though Martin Harris lost the 116 pages of translation, he repented and went on to make important contributions to the Church. He was not permitted to assist Joseph further in the translation of the gold plates, but later he sold part of his farm to help pay for the printing of the Book of Mormon. He was one of the Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon and testified of the truthfulness of the book throughout his life. Show the children “The Testimony of Three Witnesses,” printed at the front of the Book of Mormon.

Explain that the Lord told Joseph that Satan had influenced some wicked people
to take the pages. These people intended to change the words so people would
not believe the Book of Mormon (see D&C 10:10–19). Joseph was told not to
retranslate the first portion of the plates (see D&C 10:30–31). Because the Lord
knows all things, he knew that this incident would happen. He had therefore
commanded the ancient prophet Mormon to write a similar account of what
was included in the 116 pages in another part of the gold plates (see Words
of Mormon 1:3–7). Joseph translated this part instead of retranslating the lost
part (see D&C 10:38–42). Joseph learned that Satan and wicked people could
not stop Heavenly Father’s work (see D&C 3:1; 10:43).

As Nephi was writing the record of his people, God directed him to create two sets of plates, called the small plates and the large plates of Nephi. Nephi didn’t know why he was commanded to create two sets of plates, but he trusted that the Lord had “a wise purpose … , which purpose I know not” (1 Nephi 9:5

Centuries later, as Mormon was abridging Nephi’s large plates, he came across the small plates. The small plates covered many of the same events described in the large plates that Mormon had already abridged, but the small plates focused more on spiritual matters and the ministry and teachings of the prophets. God inspired Mormon to include the small plates of Nephi in his record in addition to the large plates.

Like Nephi, Mormon didn’t understand God’s purpose for having both sets of plates, but he trusted that it was “for a wise purpose” (Words of Mormon 1:7).

Today we know what God’s purpose was. In 1828, after Joseph Smith had translated part of Mormon’s abridgment of Nephi’s large plates (116 manuscript pages), Martin Harris lost those pages. God commanded Joseph not to retranslate this portion because evil men would change the words and try to discredit Joseph (see Doctrine and Covenants 10, section heading; Doctrine and Covenants 10:14–19, 30–45).

See Doctrine and Covenants 3-5 for lesson ideas about the topic “I can choose the right when others try to get me to do wrong.”

Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 6: Joseph Smith Begins to Translate the Gold Plates” Write the following on the chalkboard: “When the Lord commands, do it.” Explain that Joseph Smith learned from his mistakes and challenges. Even though he faced despair when the 116 pages were lost, he learned the importance of obedience, repentance, and accepting the will of Heavenly Father. He learned to listen to the promptings of the Spirit and grew in his ability to use the Urim and Thummim. Later in life he was able to say, “I made this my rule: When the Lord commands, do it” (History of the Church, 2:170).

Marvelous Work and Wonder

2 Nephi 27

Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) “2 Nephi 27” In 2 Nephi 27, the Lord testified of something marvelous He would do to help us through the wickedness and apostasy of the last days.

Read 2 Nephi 27:25–26, looking for what the Lord promised He would do. Nephi prophesied that the Book of Mormon would come forth to help with the problems of the last days (see 2 Nephi 27:6).

President Russell M. Nelson stated that this “marvelous work would include the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and the Restoration of the gospel” (“Scriptural Witnesses,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2007, 46).

Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) “2 Nephi 27” Read 2 Nephi 27:20–23, looking for reasons why God chose someone who was not learned to translate the Book of Mormon.

Emma Smith (1804–1879), the wife of the Prophet, testified of the divine assistance Joseph received in his translation of the Book of Mormon:

Emma Smith

Joseph Smith could neither write nor dictate a coherent and well-worded letter, let alone dictat[e] a book like the Book of Mormon. And, though I was an active participant in the scenes that transpired, … it is marvelous to me, “a marvel and a wonder.” …

My belief is that the Book of Mormon is of divine authenticity—I have not the slightest doubt of it. … It would have been improbable that a learned man could do this; and, for one so ignorant and unlearned as he was, it was simply impossible. (Emma Smith, in “Last Testimony of Sister Emma,” The Saints’ Herald, Oct. 1, 1879, 290)

2 Nephi 27:15–20

Nephi also wrote that God would allow a few witnesses to behold the plates the Book of Mormon was translated from and to testify of the truthfulness of the book to the world (see 2 Nephi 27:12–14).

D&C Come Follow Me 2021

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The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Restoration Proclamation

Section 1

Reading Chart

An Overview of the Doctrine and Covenants: How it Came to Be and What it Contains

Topics from Doctrine Covenants 1:1-38

Joseph Smith History 1:1-26

Joseph Smith’s Childhood

The First Vision

Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65

The Angel Moroni Appears to Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith Learns about the Gold Plates

Elijah and the Sealing Keys

Doctrine and Covenants 3–5

Joseph Begins to Translate the Gold Plates

Martin Harris and the Lost 116 Pages

Doctrine and Covenants 6-9

Oliver Cowdery and Joseph work on Translation

Oliver Cowdery Tries to Translate

Doctrine and Covenants 10-11

Joseph and Oliver wonder if they should Retranslate the Lost 116 Pages

Hyrum Smith asks Joseph to Seek the Lord’s Will on His Behalf

Doctrine & Covenants 12-13 and Joseph Smith—History 1:66–75

Joseph Knight wanted to know how he could help in the work of the Lord. The Lord’s answer is D&C 12.

John the Baptist restores the Aaronic Priesthood.

Joseph and Oliver are Baptized

Doctrine and Covenants 14-17

The Whitmer Family: Miracle of the Plowed Field, Joseph and Oliver Stays with them while Translating, and a Revelation for the Whitmer Family

The Three Witnesses and the Eight Witnesses

Doctrine and Covenants 18-19

Printing of the Book of Mormon

Doctrine and Covenants 20-22

Restoration of the Church

Doctrine and Covenants 23-26

People disrupt baptisms and break dam and make trouble for the church and Joseph

Revelation for Emma, including selecting hymns for the saints to sing

Doctrine and Covenants 27-28

An angel tells Joseph not to buy wine from their enemies for the sacrament.

Hiram Page claims to receive revelations for the church

Oliver Cowdery’s mission to the Lamanites

Doctrine and Covenants 29

The Gathering of God’s People and Second Coming Revelation

Doctrine and Covenants: Easter

Some scriptures in the D&C about the death, resurrection, and atonement of Jesus Christ

Doctrine and Covenants 30-36

First Missionaries

Doctrine and Covenants 37-40

The Saints are Commanded to Gather to Kirtland, Ohio

James Covel covenants to obey the commandments but doesn’t keep his promise.

Doctrine and Covenants 41-44

Early Days in Kirtland

The First Bishop: Edward Partridge

Law of Consecration

Doctrine and Covenants 45

Revelation about Second Coming

Doctrine and Covenants 46-48

Gifts of the Spirit

Church Historian Called

Doctrine and Covenants 49-50

Leman Copley and the Shakers

False Spirits Manifest in Strange Behavior

Doctrine and Covenants 51-57

Leman Copley breaks his covenant to allow the Coleman saints to settle on his land

Doctrine and Covenants 58-59

Saints begin to settle in Missouri, including the Coleman saints

Doctrine and Covenants 60-62

Joseph and the missionaries travel to and from Missouri.

The Missouri River is dangerous traveling on.

Some of the missionaries are chastised for not sharing the gospel.

Doctrine and Covenants 63

Ezra Booth converted by a healing and then falls away from church.

Preparations to move to Zion

Warnings to dissenters

Doctrine and Covenants 64-66

Building Zion Difficulties

William E. McLellin receives answers to his questions through a revelation

Doctrine and Covenants 67-70

The Latter-day Revelations Are Published (the Doctrine of Covenants)

Doctrine and Covenants 71-75

Ezra Booth publishes letters trying to discredit the church. Joseph and Sydney go on a mission to teach the truth.

Newel K. Whitney is called to serve as bishop in Kirtland.

Joseph Smith is commanded by the Lord to work on inspired revisions to the Bible.

Doctrine and Covenants 76

Vision of the Three Degrees of Glory

Doctrine and Covenants 77-80

Joseph receives answers to questions about the Book of Revelations

Organizing the United Firm (United Order)

Doctrine and Covenants 81-83

Frederick G. Williams called to be a counselor to the Prophet Joseph Smith

Instructions reiterated to establish a firm—known as the United Firm

Doctrine and Covenants 84

Revelation about the Priesthood

Doctrine and Covenants 85-87

85 Letter to William W. Phelps about those who had not obeyed commandment to consecrate their properties

86 Revelation about the meaning of the Second Coming wheat and tares parable.

87 Civil War Prophecy

Doctrine and Covenants 88

School of the Prophets

The Lord wants the Saints to build a temple, a “house of God.”

Doctrine and Covenants 89-92

Word of Wisdom

Establishment of First Presidency

Revelation about Apocrypha

Doctrine and Covenants 93

Revelation about Jesus Christ and Premortal Life

Doctrine and Covenants 94-97

The Saints are Commanded to Build the Kirtland Temple

Doctrine and Covenants 98-101

The Saints Are Expelled from Jackson County, Missouri

Doctrine and Covenants 102-105

Zion’s Camp

Doctrine and Covenants 106-108

Priesthood Organization

Doctrine and Covenants 109-110

Dedication of the Kirtland Temple

Jesus Christ, Moses, Elias, and Elijah appear to Joseph and Oliver in Kirtland Temple

Doctrine and Covenants 11-114

Financial difficulties and apostasy in the church

Doctrine and Covenants 115-120

Name of the Church



Doctrine and Covenants 121-123

More Mobs in Missouri

Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail

The Saints leave Missouri

Doctrine and Covenants 124


Saints Commanded to Build the Nauvoo Temple

Doctrine and Covenants 125-128

Baptisms for the Dead

Doctrine and Covenants 129-132

Revelation about Eternal Marriage

Doctrine and Covenants 133-134

Appendix to Book of Commandments

Doctrine and Covenants 135-136

Martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith

Brigham Young is the new leader of the church

The Saints leave Nauvoo and establish Winter Quarters.

Doctrine and Covenants 137-138

Joseph Smith’s vision of brother Alvin in Celestial Kingdom.

Salvation for the dead

Joseph F. Smith’s vision about the Spirit World

The Articles of Faith and Official Declarations 1 and 2

Articles of Faith

End of the practice of plural marriage

Blessings of the priesthood made available to people of all races.

The Family: A Proclamation to the World

Christmas: The Living Christ