Old Testament: Come Follow Me

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Moses 1, Abraham 3

Premortal life

Plan of Salvation

Genesis 1–2; Moses 2–3; Abraham 4–5


Adam & Eve Created in God’s Image

God Rested on Seventh Day

Genesis 3-4; Moses 4-5

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

The Fall of Adam and Eve

Genesis 5; Moses 6

Enoch Called to Preach

City of Enoch Taken Up to Heaven

Genesis 6–11; Moses 8

Noah and the Ark

Tower of Babel

Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2

The Lord delivers Abraham from wicked priests

Abraham gives Lot his choice of land

Abraham pays his tithes to Melchizedek

Abraham marries Sarah’s handmaiden, Hagar

Abraham and Sarah make covenants with the Lord

Genesis 18–23

Abraham and Sarah have a son, Isaac

Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah

Abraham and Isaac sacrifice

Genesis 24–27

Rebekah at the well

Rebekah and Isaac have twins, Jacob and Esau

Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for pottage

Jacob receives the birthright blessing from Isaac

Genesis 28–33

Jacob goes to marry a daughter of Laban in the covenant

Jacob sees in vision a ladder reaching up into heaven

Jacob meets Rachel at the well—He serves Laban seven years for her

Laban tricks Jacob and gives him first Leah and then Rachel in marriage—Jacob serves another seven years

Jacob marries Leah’s and Rachel’s handmaids He has 12 sons with his wives.

The Lord commands Jacob to return to Canaan

He asks God to preserve him from Esau. He wrestles all night with a messenger of God. Jacob’s name is changed to Israel. He sees God face to face.

Jacob and Esau meet and are reconciled

Genesis 37–41

Joseph dreams of his family bowing down to him

Joseph’s brothers are jealous and sell him as a slave.

Joseph serves Potiphar.

Joseph resists the advances of Potiphar’s wife, is falsely accused, and is cast into prison

Joseph interprets the dreams of Pharaoh’s chief butler and chief baker while in prison

Joseph interprets pharaoh’s dreams. Pharaoh makes him a ruler of all Egypt

Joseph prepares Egypt for a famine and then distributes the food during the famine.

Genesis 42-50

Joseph forgives his brothers

Jacob and family comes to Egypt

Jacob blesses his children

Jacob dies. Joseph dies

Exodus 1-6

Baby Moses

Burning Bush

Exodus 7-13

The Plagues of Egypt

The Passover

Exodus 14-17

Parting the Red Sea

Manna from heaven

Smiting a rock for water

Holding up Moses’s arms during battle

Old Testament Easter

Exodus 18-20

Moses Tells Jethro What the Lord Did for the Israelites

Jethro Counsels Moses to Delegate

The Ten Commandments

Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me

Honoring Mother and Father

Exodus 24; 31–34

Sabbath Day Holy

Ten Commandment Tablets

Golden Calf

Exodus 35–40; Leviticus 1; 16; 19

Building the Tabernacle

Burnt Offerings

Numbers 11–14; 20–24

Quail is Provided when Israelites Lust for Meat

Miriam and Aaron Speak Against Moses

Israelite Spies Fear the Strength of Canaan

The Brass Serpent

Balak Asks Balaam to Curse the Israelites

Deuteronomy 6–8; 15; 18; 29–30; 34

Moses final instructions and exhortations to the Israelites.

Joshua 1–8; 23–24

Joshua is the Prophet

Crossing the River Jordan

Rahab and the Spies

Walls of Jericho

Judges 2–4; 6–8; 13–16

Israelites worship idols

Judges help deliver Israel

Deborah the Prophetess



Ruth; 1 Samuel 1–3

Ruth and Naomi

Hannah Prays for a Child


1 Samuel 8–10; 13; 15–18

Saul is made king

David is chosen to be king

David and Goliath

Friendship of David and Jonathon

2 Samuel 5–7; 11–12; 1 Kings 3; 8; 11

David is anointed king

Throne shall be established forever through David’s descendent of Jesus Christ

David and Bathsheba

The Wisdom of King Solomon

The Temple of Solomon

Solomon Turns from God

1 Kings 17-19

Elijah is Fed by Ravens and a Widow

Elijah and the Priests of Baal

The Lord speaks to Elijah in a still small voice not in the wind, earthquake, or fire.

2 Kings 2–7

Elijah is Translated. The Mantle of Elijah falls on Elisha

Elisha Preforms Many Miracles

Naaman Comes to Elisha to be Healed of Leprosy

Elisha’s Servant is Afraid and is Allowed to See the Lord’s Army

2 Kings 17–25

Ten Tribes Carried Away Captive by Assyrians

Hezekiah Reigns in Righteousness in Judah

Hezekiah tears down idols.

Hezekiah trust in the Lord to save Judah from the Assyrians. An angel slays 185,000 Assyrians

Hezekiah is told he will die and pleads with the Lord; his life is lengthened fifteen years.

Josiah Reigns in Righteousness in Judah

Josiah tears down the idols. He repairs the temple.

The book of law is found in the temple. He reads God’s law to the people.

Ezra 1; 3–7; Nehemiah 2; 4–6; 8

King Cyrus of Persia Allows the Jews go back to Jerusalem to build the temple

The Foundations of the Temple are Laid and the People Rejoiced

Opposition from the Samaritans Hinders the Work

The Temple is Dedicated and the People Rejoice

Nehemiah Rebuilds the Jerusalem Wall to Keep Their Enemies Out

Ezra Reads the Scriptures to the People


Job 1–3; 12–14; 19; 21–24; 38–40; 42

Psalms 1–2; 8; 19–33; 40; 46

Psalms 49–51; 61–66; 69–72; 77–78; 85–86

Psalms 102–103; 110; 116–119; 127–128; 135–139; 146–150

Proverbs 1–4; 15–16; 22; 31; Ecclesiastes 1–3; 11–12

Isaiah 1-12

Isaiah 13–14; 24–30; 35

Isaiah 50–57

Isaiah 58-66

Jeremiah 1–3; 7; 16–18; 20

Jeremiah is called to be a prophet

Jeremiah 30–33; 36; Lamentations 1; 3

Ezekiel 1–3; 33–34; 36–37; 47

Daniel 1-6

Daniel and his friends refuse the kings’s food

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego are thrown in a fiery furnace

Daniel and the lion’s den

Hosea 1–6; 10–14; Joel

Amos; Obadiah

Jonah; Micah

Haggai; Zechariah 1–3; 7–14



Song: Come Follow Me

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Friend October 2020 “I Can Play It: Come Follow Me” Also includes a Sing-Along video.

Teaching Idea: Walking in His Footsteps Activity

To introduce the song “Come Follow Me”, I did the song “Do As I’m Doing” with the children.  We did cleaning (washing windows and dishes), and we did praying (folding arms, bowing head, closing eyes). We also did jumping jacks, but singing the song three times was a little much.

I had the children guess what action we were doing. After they guessed, I asked if it was important that we do that thing and why? After the song, I pointed out that they had followed my actions during the song, doing important things we should do every day. Then I explained that following Jesus’ example (July’s theme) means doing the same things Jesus did. I asked the children, “What things did Jesus do when he was on the earth?”.

I had made copies of the footprints found on page fifteen of the 2010 Outline for Sharing Time (click on blue words under the footprints). On the blank side, I had put one of the following labels on each footprint: forgave, prayed, loved, was baptized, taught, obedient, served, humble. We talked about the ways Jesus did each one of these things. 

I used the flip chart from Primary Singing Ideas  to introduce the words to the song. We talked about how “following in Jesus’ footsteps” meant to follow him and to do the same things he did.

We also discussed the part where it talks about being one with the Savior. I explained that being one with the Savior means having the same purposes, desires,and goals he has. I asked the children what his main goal is. They responded that it was to help people return to Heavenly Father’s kingdom.  I expained that as we do the same things Jesus did, our hearts gain that same goal, and that it was the only way (for thus alone) to become one with the Savior.  

Activity                                                                                                                                                                                                                               After we were done reviewing the words to the song, we sang the song once, and then we did the activity that would help them learn the song. I put the footprints on the floor in a circle, with the words of the song facing down and the labels of things Jesus did facing up. I picked four volunteers. I had them walk around the footprints while everyone sang the song.  The pianist stopped playing half way through, and the kids stopped walking. I had folded papers in a small bowl with the same labels that were on the footprints. I picked one out and whoever was standing on that footprint picked it up. That child then told how they could follow Jesus by doing the thing that was on the footprint. Sometimes they had a hard time thinking of things, so I told them they could call on someone else to answer.

The child then showed the words that were on the bottom of the footprint, and we took those words off the flip chart. (In order to make the words removable, I had cut the words off the flip chart pages and had put the pictures into page protectors. I taped the words to the outside of the page protectors so they could be removed.)

After we took those words off, I had that child stay and pick the next word from the bowl when we stopped singing again.  When there were four footprints left, I had another four children come up. This group could only walk on one foot print at a time.

The activity was an effective way to teach the meaning of the song and have repetition so they could learn the song.

Note: The children do have a hard time singing at first when they are watching the other children walk around the footsteps. Tell the children you are watching for good singers to be the helpers in doing the footstep activity. This well help them sing.