The sons of God marry the daughters of men—Men turn to wickedness, the earth is filled with violence, and all flesh is corrupted—The Flood is promised—God establishes His covenant with Noah, who builds an ark to save his family and various living things.
Noah’s family and various beasts and fowl enter the ark—The Flood comes, and water covers the whole earth—All other life that breathes is destroyed.
The Flood ceases—Noah sends forth a dove, which returns with an olive leaf—He releases all living things from the ark—He offers sacrifices—Seedtime, harvest, and seasons are ensured.
Methuselah prophesies—Noah and his sons preach the gospel—Great wickedness prevails—The call to repentance is unheeded—God decrees the destruction of all flesh by the Flood.
Old Testament Stories “Noah and His Family” Images and video
There is Spiritual Safety in Following the Lord’s Prophet.
Genesis 6:14–22; 7–8; Moses 8:16–30
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 6–11; Moses 8”
Children are growing up in a wicked world, similar in some ways to the world during Noah’s time. Noah’s experience can give them confidence that they can find spiritual safety as they follow the prophet.
- In your own words, tell the story of Noah and the ark (see “Noah and His Family” in Old Testament Stories; see also “Follow the Prophet,” Children’s Songbook, 110–11, verse 3). Help the children act out parts of the story—for example, by pretending to use a tool to build the ark or walking like animals entering the ark.
- Read to the children Moses 8:19–20, emphasizing what the Lord commanded Noah to do. Help the children understand that Noah was a prophet and that his family was saved from the Flood because they followed him. Ask the children if they know who our prophet is today. Show a picture of him, and help the children repeat his name.
- Bring to class pictures or objects that represent teachings of the current prophet, such as the scriptures or a picture of a temple. Let the children take turns selecting an item and telling what they know about it. Explain to them what the item represents. Encourage them to draw a picture of themselves obeying what the prophet has taught. Bear your testimony about the blessings of following the prophet.
- Help the children choose verses from Genesis 6:14–22; 7–8that they could depict in a drawing. Use their drawings to teach them the story of Noah. Ask the children to share what they learn from the story.
- Show a picture of Noah (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 7–8) and the current prophet. Help the children search Moses 8:16, 19–20, 23–24 to find things Noah taught that our Church leaders still teach today. How are we blessed when we obey these teachings?
- Share something that the current prophet has recently taught. Ask the children to write something the prophet has taught on strips of paper, and help them arrange the strips into the shape of an ark. How are these teachings like the ark that Noah built?
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 6–11; Moses 8”
When Jesus Christ taught how we should watch for His Second Coming, He said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be also at the coming of the Son of Man” (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:41). In addition, phrases that describe Noah’s day, like “corrupt” and “filled with violence,” could just as easily be describing our time (Genesis 6:12–13; Moses 8:28).
Noah was one of God’s great prophets. He was ordained and sent forth to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, he walked and talked with God, and he was chosen to reestablish God’s children on the earth after the Flood
As you read about Noah’s day, you might notice similarities to our day. For example:
- Moses 8:18, 20–21, 23–24 (rejection of God’s servants)
- Moses 8:21 (complacency and worldliness)
- Moses 8:22 (evil imaginations and thoughts)
- Moses 8:28 (corruption and violence)
What are prophets teaching today about the gospel of Jesus Christ that could keep you safe in today’s world? As you read about Noah’s experiences, what inspires you to follow the Lord’s prophets today?
How might you use the story of Noah’s ark to teach your family how following the prophet can keep us spiritually safe? Maybe your family could work together to build a simple toy boat out of paper or blocks. As you read Genesis 6–7, you could compare the safety provided by the boat to the safety we find in following the prophet. You may want to discuss recent counsel from the prophet and write his words of counsel on your boat. What else has God given us that might be compared to the ark that saved Noah’s family? (Atonement, scriptures, church, Holy Ghost, etc.)
What does it mean for the Lord’s Spirit to “strive” with us? (see 1 Nephi 7:14; Doctrine and Covenants 1:33). When have we experienced the Spirit striving with us?
Pearl of Great Price Coloring Book “Noah Preaches the Gospel” Find 7 happy people who did listen
Friend February 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”

Liahona February 2022 “Noah’s Ark” For 120 years, Noah repeatedly “called upon the children of men that they should repent; but they hearkened not. … Despite “the longsuffering of God … in the days of Noah, … [only] eight souls were saved” (1 Peter 3:20).
Lesson 8: Noah and the Flood,” Primary 6: Old Testament(1996), 31–33 Purpose: To strengthen each child’s desire to listen to and follow the counsel of the living prophet.
Friend March 2018 “Noah”
These cutouts are from old Primary manuals.

Larger PDF version of the October 2002 Friend activity and story visual aid “Noah’s Ark”

Friend September 2018 Dot to dot.
Friend May 1986 Read the story of Noah’s Ark, and fill in the missing words. Place the words in the ark, noting that the last letter of each filled-in word is the first letter of the next one.
Coloring Page: “Noah Sends the Dove” (March 2010 Friend)

Latter Day Kids “Noah’s Ark” Lesson ideas to go with below video
Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Follow the Prophet” Lesson ides
For Additional Teaching Ideas see Teaching Children the Gospel “Prophets” and Resources for Teaching Children “Prophets”
We Need to Remember Our Covenants.
God will keep His promises to us.
Noah and his sons are commanded to multiply and fill the earth—They are given dominion over all forms of life—The death penalty is decreed for murder—God will not again destroy the earth by a flood—Canaan is cursed; Shem and Japheth are blessed.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 6–11; Moses 8”
It is important for children to know that God keeps His promises, especially as they prepare to make covenants with Him when they are baptized.
- Invite the children to draw pictures of rainbows. Read to them Genesis 9:15–16, and ask them to listen for the word remember. Invite them to hold up their rainbows when they hear the word. Explain that rainbows are reminders of the promises God has made to us.
- Talk with the children about some of God’s promises—for example, that we can return to Heavenly Father if we follow Jesus Christ or that God will send the Holy Ghost to comfort us. Bear your testimony that God always keeps His promises.
- Use pictures to tell the children about covenants we make with God, such as pictures of a child being baptized, the sacrament, and a temple (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 104, 108, 120).
When we are baptized, we make covenants with God to obey His commandments. In Genesis 9:15–17, the rainbow is identified as a reminder of God’s covenant. These verses can inspire the children to seek ways to remember their covenants with God.
- Show the children something you have that reminds you of something important in your life, such as a wedding ring, a picture, or a journal. Let the children share their own examples. Read together Genesis 9:15–17 (see also Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 9:21–25 [in the Bible appendix]). What does Heavenly Father want us to think about when we see a rainbow?
- Remind the children of the covenants they made when they were baptized and that they renew each time they take the sacrament (see Mosiah 18:8–10; Doctrine and Covenants 20:77, 79). Let the children draw or create something to remind them of their covenants.
Young children might enjoy drawing or coloring a rainbow while you talk about what it represents (see also Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 9:21–25 [in the Bible appendix]). You might also discuss things that help us remember our covenants, such as the sacrament, which helps us remember our baptismal covenant to follow Jesus Christ (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:75–79).
Tokens or symbols help us remember our covenants with the Lord.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 6–11; Moses 8”
Gospel covenants can be represented by a sign, symbol, or “token” (Genesis 9:12). For example, think about how the bread and water of the sacrament or the waters of baptism bring to mind sacred truths related to your covenants. According to Genesis 9:8–17, what can a rainbow bring to your mind? What does Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 9:21–25 (in the Bible appendix) add to your understanding? Why does the Lord want you to remember Him and the covenants you have made?
Friend February 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities” Sink or Float?
Story: God told the prophet Noah to build a large boat called an ark. When there was a big flood, Noah, his family, and the animals stayed in the ark while it floated on the water, and they were safe. Today, we can stay safe by following the prophet.
Song: Verse three of “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110–11)
Activity: Fill a bowl with water. Take turns putting leaves, rocks, and other waterproof items in the water. Do they float or sink? Whenever something floats, say something you can do to follow tfrihe prophet.
- “Keeping My Promise” (August 1998 Liahona and Friend)
Includes activity to look up scriptures about the signs of a covenant and then draw a line to the picture that represents the scripture. Then color the pictures.

Old Testament Coloring Book “Noah’s Ark”
Liahona February 2022 “Teaching about God’s Promises”
For Additional Teaching Ideas see Teaching Children the Gospel “Covenants” and Resources for Teaching Children “Covenants”
The descendants of Noah are Japheth, whose descendants are Gentiles; Ham, whose descendants include the Canaanites; and Shem, of whom came Peleg (in whose days the earth was divided).
Tower of Babel
All men speak the same language—They build the Tower of Babel—The Lord confounds their language and scatters them over all the earth—The generations of Shem include Abram, whose wife is Sarai—Abram leaves Ur and settles in Haran.
Old Testament Stories “The Tower of Babel” Illustrations and video
The Only Way to Reach Heaven is by Following Jesus Christ.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 6–11; Moses 8”
The people of Babel thought they could reach heaven by building a tower rather than by living the gospel of Jesus Christ. How can you help the children understand that following the Savior is the only way back to our Heavenly Father?
- Tell the story of the Tower of Babel in your own words, or read the story found in “The Tower of Babel” (in Old Testament Stories). Encourage the children to help you by sharing what they know about the story.
- Let the children build a tower out of blocks or other objects. Then show the children a picture of the Savior, and ask them which is the way to return to Heavenly Father—building a tower or following Jesus Christ? Invite the children to tell about things they can do to follow the Savior.
While people today might not try to build towers in order to reach heaven, many try to find peace and happiness by following paths other than the one Jesus Christ has established. How might you use the story of the Tower of Babel to teach this principle?
- Ask the children to share what they know about the story of the Tower of Babel (see Genesis 11:1–9). According to Helaman 6:28, why did the people of Babel build the tower? Why was building this tower the wrong way to reach heaven? What advice would we give to the people of Babel?
- Invite the children to search 2 Nephi 31:20–21 and Helaman 3:28 to find the right way to reach heaven. Bear your testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 6–11; Moses 8”
The prophet Mormon… wrote that it was Satan “who put it into the hearts of the people to build a tower sufficiently high that they might get to heaven” (Helaman 6:28; What warnings does the story of the Tower of Babel have for you?
It might be helpful to read Ether 1:33–43 as your family studies Genesis 11 and learns about the Tower of Babel. What do we learn from the families of Jared and his brother that can help our family find spiritual safety despite the wickedness in the world? What additional lessons do we learn from Noah and his family as they faced a similar challenge? (see Moses 8:13, 16–30).
Old Testament Coloring Book “The Tower of Babel”
Friend January 1990 “We Cannot Climb to Heaven: The Tower of Babel
Ensign February 2018 “The Tower of Babel”
Ensign March 1998 “The Tower of Babel” Lesson ideas
“Heavenly Father Prepared a Way for Me to Return to Him”(January 2014 Liahona and Friend)
An explanation of the plan of salvation with ideas for talking about it with your family and an activity.

- “On the Right Path” (February 2000 Liahona and January 2000 Friend)
Tells about how we can stay on the path to the celestial kingdom. Includes an activity.
See also Resources for Teaching Children “Plan of Salvation”
Additional Resources
The Red Crystal “Come Follow Me- for Primary. Jan. 31–Feb. 6, Genesis 6–11; Moses 8” Free LDS primary lesson helps
2017 Outline for Sharing Time Identify the doctrine (playing a matching game): Draw a simple ark on the chalkboard. Prepare several sets of two identical animal pictures. Give one picture to each child. Ask the children to stand and make the sound that the animal in their picture makes and to listen for someone else who is making a similar sound. When the children with matching pictures find each other, have them stand together until all the animals have been paired. Ask the children to come as pairs and put their animals on the ark drawing. Ask the children, “Which prophet did the Lord ask to gather the animals into the ark?” Point out that it was probably a difficult task to gather so many animals into the ark, but Noah chose to obey the Lord’s command.

- “Jehovah Keeps His Promises” (March 2010 Friend)
A retelling of the story of Noah and the ark. Includes information on size of the Ark. - “Noah” (June 1994 Friend)
A retelling of the story of Noah and the ark. - “Storm’s A-Coming” (May 1993 Friend)
A fun poem about gathering the animals.
- “Animal Matchup” (February 2006 Friend)
After reading the story of Noah, cut out animal pictures and match the pairs in this memory-style game - Coloring Page: “Noah Sends the Dove” (March 2010 Friend)
- “Mixed-up Animals” (September 2005 Friend)
Connect pictures of the animals in the ark to a scripture reference that mentions that animal. - “Noah and the Ark” (February 2006 Friend)
Instructions for using hand actions to tell the story of Noah. - “Noah and the Ark” (June 1994 Friend)
Match the animal shapes to find the letters to solve this coded message. - “Noah’s Ark” (May 1997 Friend)
Fingerplay actions to use while telling the story of Noah and the ark. - “Noah’s Ark Maze” (May 2005 Friend)
Help the mouse find the door to the ark before the rains come. - “Noah’s Ark Riddle” (March 1990 Friend)
A word search based on the story of Noah and the ark. - “Noah Warns the People” (January 2011 Friend)
Finish a puzzle of Noah warning the people and then find hidden objects in the picture. - “Old Testament Scripture Challenge” (January 2014 Liahonaand Friend)
A coloring page of Noah that you color in by number as you read the Old Testament.
- Gospel Art Picture: “Noah and the Ark with Animals”
- Gospel Art Picture: “Noah Building the Ark”
- Video: Old Testament Stories, “Chapter 6: Noah”
- Music: “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110)
- Music Video: “Build an Ark”
- Sheet Music: “Build an Ark” (September 2010 Friend)
Friend February 2022 “For Little Friends”

Liahona February 2022 “Flood Warning” How can you help…[your children or grandchildren] avoid the obscenity, violence, and pornography in today’s media?
Noah’s Animals—20 Questions
The Lord gave Noah specific instructions to prepare him and his family for the coming flood. “And Noah did according unto all that the Lord commanded him” (Genesis 7:5). Even though there was no evidence of rain, Noah listened and gathered the animals into the ark.
- Briefly tell the story of Noah and the ark (see Genesis 6-8). Discuss how Noah was commanded to help animals enter the ark (see Genesis 6:20; 7:14).
- Name different kinds of animals that Noah might have brought on the ark.
- Then play a game of 20 questions with your family. Have one person think of an animal that was on the ark. Everyone else takes turns asking yes or no questions to try and guess the animal.
- Continue asking questions until someone guesses the animal correctly or until 20 questions have been asked.
- Repeat the game until everyone has had a turn thinking of an animal.
Discussion: What are some ways Noah acted in faith? What are some things the Lord has asked us to do? How will we be blessed as families by following the teachings of Jesus Christ?
Submitted by Lisa Thomas
Friend October 1984 Find the names of animals in this word search
Pingback: Old Testament: Come Follow Me - Teaching Children the Gospel
Thank you for these posts! Your resources are so great and every week I look forward to your posts. You always find things that I can’t. I know that you’re doing this on your own free time but is there anyway you could please post them a week earlier? By the time you post at the beginning of the CFM week, I’ve already done all of my prepping (I have 5 kids and teach CTR 4).
Thank you again for these posts!
The videos I use in my postings are not available on Youtube until Sunday night or Monday morning of the week of the lesson, otherwise I would work on posting them earlier for you. I’m sorry.
My dear, you are so talented! I love your work, I am very grateful that I found your website!
Thank you! You made my day