Matthew 2 The wise men are directed by a star to Jesus—Joseph takes the child to Egypt—Herod slays the children in Bethlehem—Jesus is taken to Nazareth to dwell.
Luke 2 Heavenly messengers herald the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem—He is circumcised, and Simeon and Anna prophesy of His mission—At twelve years of age, He goes about His Father’s business.
Ancient prophets foretold the Savior’s birth.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 2; Luke 2” Prophets and believers had been looking forward to the Savior’s birth for centuries. Understanding this truth can help the children gain a deeper appreciation for the Savior’s life and mission.
- Ask the children to talk about things they look forward to, such as a birthday or holiday. Have the children read Helaman 14:2–5 to find something prophets were looking forward to.
Ensign December 2020 “What do Book of Mormon prophets teach us about Christmas?”
Friend December 2018 “Prophecies of Jesus Christ” Match the prophecies with the picture.
- Read together some prophecies of the Savior’s birth (see Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; 1 Nephi 11:18; Helaman 14:5). Help the children list details these prophecies contain and find their fulfillment in Luke 2:1–21 and Matthew 2:1–12.
Jesus Christ’s Birth: Prophets Foretold the Birth of Jesus Christ Mobile

- Invite the children to draw a picture of something from Matthew 2:1–12 or Luke 2:1–21 and share why they are grateful Jesus was born.
Jesus was born.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 2; Luke 2” Jesus left His home with Heavenly Father to be born on earth so He could be our Savior. How can you help the children remember the story of Christ’s birth?
- As you read the story of Christ’s birth, invite the children to act out the story themselves, or use this week’s activity page to review the story. (See also “Chapter 5: Jesus Christ Is Born,” in New Testament Stories, 13–15, or the corresponding video on
Mary and Joseph Travel to Bethlehem

Shepherds Learn of the Birth of Christ Video
- If you have one, bring a Nativity set, and invite the children to set the pieces in appropriate places as you tell them the story of Jesus Christ’s birth. You could also show a picture of the Nativity (see, for example, this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Point to different people in the Nativity, and invite the children to share what they know about each person.
Friend December 2004 “The Christmas Story” Flannel board figures
- Sing together the children’s favorite songs about Jesus’s birth. As you do, look for opportunities to bear your testimony of the Savior. Invite the children to share why they love Jesus.
Witnesses of Jesus Birth
The Christ Child is Presented at the Temple video
New Testament Scripture Stories “Presentation at the Temple”

Liahona January 2023 “How Can I Be a Witness of Jesus Christ?” Read how the witnesses responded when they first saw Jesus Christ.
“Lesson 5: The Childhood of Jesus Christ,” Primary 7: New Testament Lesson discusses the witnesses of Jesus birth
New Testament Coloring Book “Jesus’s Birth”
I can give good gifts to Jesus.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 2; Luke 2” The Wise Men gave Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. How can you use this story to teach the children that they can give gifts to Jesus too—gifts like love, service, and obedience?

- Show a picture of the Wise Men as you review their story, found in Matthew 2:1–12, with the children. You could show the picture Wise Men Present Gifts (
Friend January 2023 “Gifts for Jesus”

Latter Day Kids “Gifts for Jesus” Lesson ideas
- Gift wrap pictures or objects that represent gifts we can give to Jesus. Invite the children to help you open the gifts, and discuss how we give these gifts to the Savior
- Help each child draw or write a list of gifts they can give Jesus, such as “being a good friend” or “praying.” Invite the children to share their lists with the class and choose one “gift” they will give Jesus today.
Friend December 2017 “Family Night Fun” Make these cute gift boxes, and write a gift you want to give Jesus, like being kind, and put it in your gift box to remember!
Friend December 2017 “Dear Friends” One reason we give Christmas presents is to remember the gift of Heavenly Father and His Son. They love us so much. And we can show how much we love Them by being kind to others. You are a gift to the world too. Your life is a blessing to those around you.

Jesus was once a child like me.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 2; Luke 2” Learning about the Savior’s childhood may help the children you teach relate to Him. Ask the children what they can learn from these verses about how they can be like Jesus now.
- Invite one of the youth in the ward to visit your class and share the story of Jesus teaching in the temple when He was a young man.

Young Jesus Teaches in the Temple video
What is the “Father’s business”? (Luke 2:49; see Moses 1:39; General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1.2, What do we learn about that business from the story in Luke 2:41–49? Consider writing down some ways your family can participate in the Father’s business and placing them in a jar. During the coming week, as your family looks for ways to help with Heavenly Father’s work, they can select ideas from the jar. Plan a time when you will share your experiences. Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 2, Luke 2”)
Friend January 2019 “Jesus Learned and Grew”
Friend February 2017 “When Jesus was a Child” Jesus found teaching in the temple as a child.
Friend January 2011 “Jesus as a Child”
Friend May 2009 “Jesus Christ Teaches at the Temple”
Primary Visual Aids Cutouts Set 6 “Jesus as a Young Child” Church use only
Media Library “In Favour with God (Jesus Praying with His Mother)” Image (church use only)
Media Library “Jesus Teaching the Elders in the Temple”
Media Library “Jesus Teaches in the Temple”
Media Library “The Young Jesus Coming Out of the Temple with Mary and Joseph”
Media Library “Childhood of Jesus Christ”
Media Library “Jesus and his Mother”
New Testament Coloring Book “Jesus’s Childhood”
- Ask several children ahead of time to bring pictures of themselves as babies to share. Ask them how they have grown. Share some of the ways Jesus grew (see Luke 2:40, 52). Sing with the children “Jesus Once Was a Little Child” (Children’s Songbook, 55) or another song about the Savior.
Friend March 2018 “Jesus was a Child Too!” Action poem
- Read Luke 2:52, and explain what “wisdom” and “stature” mean. You might ask the children to perform actions that show what it means to increase in wisdom and in favor with God and other people. For example, they could act out reading a book or helping someone in need.
Friend January 2019 “Family Night Fun”

“Lesson 5: The Childhood of Jesus Christ,” Primary 7: New Testament
Jesus grew “in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 2; Luke 2” Like Jesus, the children you teach have an important mission to prepare for. What can they learn from Jesus’s example?
- As you read Luke 2:40, 52, tell the children to listen for the things Jesus did. Invite the children to share ways in which they have grown since they were little. Share your own experience of learning the gospel little by little. Bear your testimony of the Savior.
Friend January 2020 “Growing Like Jesus” Growing like Jesus did spiritually, physically, intellectually, and socially by setting goals in the Personal Development: Children’s Guidebook. (“Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52).)
- Complete activities that illustrate phrases in Luke 2:40, 52. For example, you could measure each child’s height (“Jesus increased in … stature”) or ask the children to share their favorite scripture (“waxed strong in spirit”). Help the children notice ways they are growing and share these with their families.
- After reviewing Luke 2:40, 52, invite the children to share what they think Jesus would have been like when He was their age. How would He have treated His mother? His brothers and sisters?
I can follow Jesus’s example.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 2; Luke 2” Even as a young man, Jesus was teaching the gospel in the temple. Similarly, the children in your class have much to teach those around them.
- Invite a child to come prepared to summarize the story in Luke 2:41–52. To help the children understand the story, teach what the “Father’s business” (verse 49) means. For example, you could tell the children what you or your parents do for a job. What was the job or “business” of Joseph, Jesus’s earthly father? (see Matthew 13:55). What is the business of His Heavenly Father? (see Luke 2:46–49; see also Moses 1:39).
What is the “Father’s business”? (Luke 2:49; see Moses 1:39; General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1.2, What do we learn about that business from the story in Luke 2:41–49? Consider writing down some ways your family can participate in the Father’s business and placing them in a jar. During the coming week, as your family looks for ways to help with Heavenly Father’s work, they can select ideas from the jar. Plan a time when you will share your experiences. Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 2, Luke 2”)
- With the children, read Luke 2:46–49, and ask, “How was Jesus doing His ‘Father’s business’?” Help the children list or draw on the board ways they can help do Heavenly Father’s business too.
- To help the children build their confidence that they, like the boy Jesus, can teach the gospel, help them practice teaching each other a principle from For the Strength of Youth.
Friend February 2016
Friend December 1991 “I Have a Testimony of Jesus Christ”

Additional Resources
Red Crystal Lesson ideas
The First Christmas Spirit (movie) A depiction of what Joseph may have felt as he faced the responsibility of caring for the Son of God.
Friend January 2023 “Journey to Egypt” After the Wise Men saw Jesus, an angel came to Joseph in a dream. The angel said that Jesus was in danger. He said they should go to Egypt, where they would be safe (see Matthew 2:13–14). Follow the maze to help Mary, Joseph, and Jesus find their way to Egypt.