9th Article of Faith

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“We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.”

Friend August 2015 – Reveal means to tell something that was not known before. The scriptures contain many things Heavenly Father revealed in the past and events that will happen in the future. He continues to reveal things now to the prophet and apostles. We hear these truths at general conference.

Pertain means “about” or “relating to.”

Memorization Tip
God has revealed many things throughout time—past, present, and future. Nine sounds like time, so Article of Faith 9 is about revelation over time.

Friend Sept 1987

Friend Sept 1987

Friend August 2021 “Matt and Mandy”

Scripture Story Coloring Book: Pearl of Great Price Ninth Article of Faith

4th Article of Faith

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Memorization Tips

  • Article of Faith 4 is about the first four principles and ordinances of the gospel. (Friend March 2015)
  • Help the children memorize the fourth article of faith. Write it in phrases on separate slips of paper; give each class a phrase to memorize, with younger classes getting the simpler phrases. Have each teacher help her or his class learn its phrase. Ask a member of each class to come to the front and present its phrase. While the entire Primary says the fourth article of faith, have the class representatives quickly but reverently put themselves in the correct order. Then have them repeat their phrases in order for the rest of the children. Repeat this process until all the children who wish to have participated and the article is memorized. Review the article by singing “The Fourth Article of Faith” (p. 124), with each class standing when its phrase is sung.  (Friend October 2002 Sharing Time)

Scripture Story Ideas

  • To help the children understand that the first principles and ordinances of the gospel are the same today as they were in ancient days, review the story of Adam and Eve found on the back of GAK 101. Have the children recite the fourth article of faith, holding up one finger for each principle and ordinance mentioned: faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion, and the gift of the Holy Ghost. Have them locate Moses 6:52 and hold up their fingers, one at a time, as they hear you read these same four principles and ordinances in that scripture.Divide the Primary into four groups, and assign each group one of these scriptures: Moses 5:4–6 (faith), Moses 6:53 (repentance), Moses 6:64 (baptism), Moses 6:65–66 (Holy Ghost). Have each group locate its scripture and decide which principle or ordinance Adam followed. (Friend October 2002 Sharing Time)

Friend March 1990
Friend March 1990

Moses 6:50–62

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 5; Moses 6”

God taught Adam what we need to do to return to Him—have faith, repent, be baptized, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. How can you help the children learn more about these things?

  • Find or draw pictures to represent faith, repentance, baptism, and the gift of the Holy Ghost (see this week’s activity page). Place the pictures in a line leading to a picture of Jesus Christ. Read Moses 6:52 to the children, and ask them to stand next to the correct picture when they hear the words the picture represents (in this verse, the word “believe” is used for “faith”).
  • Sing songs that teach the principles in Moses 6:52, such as “Faith,” “Help Me, Dear Father” (verse 2), “When I Am Baptized,” and “The Holy Ghost” (Children’s Songbook, 96–97, 99, 103, 105). Help the children understand that doing the things taught in the songs will help us return to Heavenly Father.

Faith, repentance, baptism, and receiving the Holy Ghost prepare me to return to God.

Adam and Enoch taught their people the first principles and ordinances of the gospel: faith, repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost (see also Articles of Faith 1:4). What can you do to help the children understand the importance of these principles and ordinances in their lives?

  • Ask the children to read Moses 6:52, 57 to find the principles and ordinances of the gospel mentioned in the fourth article of faith.
  • Write the fourth article of faith on the board, and invite the children to read it. Then erase a word or two, and ask them to read it again, filling in the missing words from memory. Repeat this process until the children have learned the article of faith.
  • Invite the children to write a short talk about faith, repentance, baptism, or receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost—something they could share with their families. Each talk could include a scripture, an experience, and a testimony. The talk could also explain how the principle helps us return to Heavenly Father.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 49-50”

  • Display four paper footprints and four pictures representing believing in Jesus Christ, repenting, being baptized, and receiving the Holy Ghost. Read Doctrine and Covenants 49:12–14, and ask the children to point to the correct picture when each is mentioned in the verses. Let the children help you place the footprints on the floor with the pictures beside them, and invite the children to take turns walking on the footprints. Bear your testimony that when we do the things in these pictures, we are following Jesus Christ.
  • Use this week’s activity page to make finger puppets that can help the children learn how they can follow Jesus Christ by having faith, repenting, being baptized, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 5; Moses 6”

Moses 6:53–62.

How would we answer Adam’s question found in Moses 6:53? What answers do we find in verses 57–62?

How would we answer Adam’s question found in Moses 6:53? What answers do we find in verses 57–62?

Moses 6:59.

What does it mean to be “born again into the kingdom of heaven”?

To have the Spirit of the Lord cause a mighty change in a person’s heart so that he has no more desire to do evil, but rather desires to seek the things of God. (Guide to the Scriptures, “Born Again, Born of God” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org) For additional information click on link.

What can we do to continue to be born again throughout our lives?

Scripture Stories Coloring Book: Pearl of Great Price “4th Article of Faith”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 49-50”

  • Display four paper footprints and four pictures representing believing in Jesus Christ, repenting, being baptized, and receiving the Holy Ghost. Read Doctrine and Covenants 49:12–14, and ask the children to point to the correct picture when each is mentioned in the verses. Let the children help you place the footprints on the floor with the pictures beside them, and invite the children to take turns walking on the footprints. Bear your testimony that when we do the things in these pictures, we are following Jesus Christ.
  • Use this week’s activity page to make finger puppets that can help the children learn how they can follow Jesus Christ by having faith, repenting, being baptized, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.

2 Nephi 31

We can return to God after this life by following the doctrine Jesus Christ taught: faith in Christ, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “2 Nephi 31-33” To help your children visualize the teachings in 2 Nephi 31, they could draw a path with a picture of Christ at the end. You could help them find or draw pictures that represent steps on that path, such as faith in Christ, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. [Could also help them place some pictures along the path.] They could point to the pictures as you read 2 Nephi 31:17–20 together.

Idea for Reading and Listening to the Scriptures: Explain that the doctrine of Christ includes the things Jesus Christ taught that we need to do to return to Heavenly Father. Write on different sheets of paper faith in Christ, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end, (or use the pictures below if you have little children, making one copy per child) and scatter them around the room. Read to the children 2 Nephi 31:11–19, and invite the children to take turns jumping from paper to paper as they hear these principles mentioned. Help them think of an experience they have had with each principle. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 31-33: This is the Way”)

Or make these finger puppets for each child and have them put up the correct puppet as it is mentioned in the scriptures.

Friend April 2011 “Article of Faith 4” Draw a line from the principle or ordinance to the correct picture.

Friend April 2011

Friend July 2003 Fourth Article of Faith Picture Scramble. Cut out the pictures and glue them in place in the right order.

Friend July 2003

Ensign March 2020 “Family Study Fun: Spiritual Stepping Stones” Christ said, “Follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do” (2 Nephi 31:12). Place a picture of Christ on the opposite side of the room. Write on narrow pieces of paper or cards the “stepping stones” to Christ: Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Repentance, Baptism, The gift of the Holy Ghost, Enduring to the end. Have someone put the steps in order. Place the steps on the floor in a “strait and narrow path” (2 Nephi 31:18) to Christ.

Discussion: Which stepping stone is next for each of you? How can we honor the steps we have taken? What can we do to strengthen our resolve to stay on the path?

Friend March 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities” Nephi taught that we follow Jesus Christ when we have faith in Him, repent, are baptized, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end (see 2 Nephi 31). Write each step on a different piece of paper, then spread them on the floor. One person closes their eyes and counts to 10 while everyone else stands on a paper. The person who counted then says one of the steps to follow Jesus. The person on that paper counts next.

For younger children: When we have faith in Jesus Christ, we follow what He says. Form a line and walk around. The person in front is the leader. Each person copies how the leader walks. Take turns being the leader!

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 31-33” Explain that the doctrine of Christ includes the things Jesus Christ taught that we need to do to return to Heavenly Father. Write on different sheets of paper faith in Christ, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end, and scatter them around the room. Read to the children 2 Nephi 31:11–19, and invite the children to take turns jumping from paper to paper as they hear these principles mentioned. Help them think of an experience they have had with each principle.

Help the children learn the fourth article of faith. Sing together a song about one of the first principles of the gospel, such as “Faith,” “When I Am Baptized,” or “Choose the Right Way” (Children’s Songbook, 96–97, 103, 160–61).

Come Follow Me Kid “This is the Way” Click on the link to see lesson ideas to go with the following pictures.


Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021

The Lord needs all of us to teach others that they can come unto Him by having faith, repenting, being baptized, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.

  • Invite the children to compare Doctrine and Covenants 49:12–14 with what Peter taught in Acts 2:38 and with the fourth article of faith. What similarities do they find? Why are these truths important?
  • Invite the children to work in pairs and pretend that one of them wants to know how to follow Jesus Christ. The other child in the pair can teach him or her using Doctrine and Covenants 49:12–14.

Friend March 2021 “Matt and Mandy” Matt invites a friend to his baptism. His friend asks why he is getting baptized. Matt explains the fourth article of faith to him.

Activity Ideas

  • Post pictures of principles and ordinances on board and have children tell which is a principle and which is an ordinance. (But first explain what the difference between a principle of the gospel and an ordinance is. – A principle is a basic doctrine or law. An ordinance is a sacred ceremony with spiritual meaning that is performed by someone with priesthood authority.) Pictures might include the following: prayer, confirmation, sacrament, baptism, temple marriage, service, tithing, repentance, etc.
Friend March 2000
Friend March 2000 Link includes some sharing time and music time ideas.

Friend January 1988

Friend January 1987

Friend July 2003

Friend July 2003

Friend March 1988

Friend March 1988

Friend Nov 2004

Friend Nov 2004

Friend April 1987

Friend August 2004

Friend August 2004

Friend June 2011 link includes discussion info

Friend June 2011

Friend June 2011 coloring page

Friend June 2011

Friend Aug/Sept 1983

Friend Aug/Sept 1983

Friend May 2010 link includes discussion info

Friend May 2010

Friend April 2011 link includes discussion info.

Friend April 2011

Friend March 1997


Lesson 40: The Jaredites Are Led to the Promised Land

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Lesson 40: The Jaredites Are Led to the Promised Land

• Items needed: a cellphone GPS (or print the clipart picture of a GPS device), chalk and eraser, tape or sticky tack, pencils.
• Print the scripture story visual aids, and cut them in half so one picture is on each half. Number the back of the pictures in the order they were printed. (Scripture story pictures are from chapters 50 & 51 of Book of Mormon Stories.)
• Print the activity visual aids and the French and English instruction cards. (Optional: Print the pages on colored paper.) Cut out the individual signs and cards.
• Make enough copies of the game handout for each child to have one. (Half a page is one handout.)
• Pre-class prep: Draw the timeline on the board using the provided timeline as the example (do not include the events or names). Tape the “Jaredite’s Journey” activity pages on a side wall (or on the chalkboard)  in the order shown in the above picture. Tape the sign “Jaredite’s Journey” above the pages.  Tape each of the individual signs under the classroom chairs (except for the Tower of Babel sign).

Attention Activity
Show the children the cellphone GPS (or the picture of a GPS). Explain that a GPS is a device that helps a person get to a place they wish to go to. It gives voice directions and diagram directions on the screen. (Demonstrate this if possible by entering a location so they can hear the voice and see the screen.)

• What would happen if you desired to get to a certain destination and you needed help to get there but you didn’t use your GPS to get directions–or you used your GPS but you didn’t follow the directions it gave? You might not find your desired destination.

• Explain that in life we have been given a spiritual GPS to help us reach a wonderful destination called eternal life. What is this spiritual GPS we have been given? The guidance of the Lord throughly the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost can show us the way to eternal life but we must seek for, listen to, and follow the guidance given.

Tell the children that in today’s lesson they will learn of a group of people who followed the guidance of the Lord and were led to a promised land.

Chalkboard Presentation
Remind the children that the Book of Mormon tells of three separate groups of people who were led by the Lord to the Americas. Remind the children that Lehi and his family were one group, and they left Jerusalem at approximately 600 BC. (Write in Lehi by the date 600 B.C. on the timeline.) A group of people called the Mulekites were another group. Mulek and his people escaped the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem at approximately 587 BC. (Write in Mulekites next to Lehi.) Mulek was the son of King Zedekiah. The Nephites eventually found and joined with the Mulekites. (Omni 1:14-19)

The final group that came to the Americas was called the Jaredites. This group actually came to the continent many years before Lehi and his family, sometime between 2500 BC and 2200 BC. (Write in Jaredites between the date 2500 BC and 2200 BC.) The Jaredites eventually completely destroyed themselves sometime around 580 BC during a bloody civil war. (Point out when this happened on the timeline.) The Nephites discovered the ruins of the Jaredite civilization and also found some of the Jaredite records amongst the ruins. (Mosiah 21:25-28) Moroni included an abridged portion of the Jaredite records at the end of the Book of Mormon. This abridged section includes the story of the Jaredite’s journey to the Americas.

The Jaredite’s story begins at the Tower of Babel. (Put the Tower of Babel sign on the first page of the activity “Jaredite’s Journey.”) Ask if any of the children knows and can tell the story of the Tower of Babel. (Following the Flood in Noah’s day, many descendants of those who had been spared became wicked. One group of people attempted to build a tower “whose top may reach unto heaven” (Genesis 11:4). The Lord dealt with the widespread wickedness by confounding (meaning changed or confused).the common language and by scattering the people across the face of the earth. (Ether 1:33; Genesis 11:5–8)

Object Lesson
Have a volunteer stand in front of the class. Give the child the card with the French words on it. Tell the other children that there are directions on the card. Explain that when the volunteer reads the directions, the class needs to follow them. After the child reads the card, give the class a few moments and then ask the children why they didn’t follow the directions. Have the child then read the card with the directions written in English. After the children follow the directions, ask what it would be like if they weren’t able to understand the people around them. Tell the children to hold onto the card the found under their chair. Explain that they will use them later on in the lesson.

Scripture Story
(Show the scripture story visual aids as you tell the following story.)
Explain that a man named Jared and his family lived during the time period when the languages were confounded (meaning changed or confused). Jared had a brother who was highly favored of the Lord. Jared asked his brother to cry unto the Lord to beg of him not to confound the language of their family and friends.

• What is the difference between “crying unto the Lord” and merely saying your prayers? When you cry unto the Lord you are praying with deep feelings and emotions. Sometimes our prayers can become repetitive, where we are just repeating a list and we don’t have strong feelings concerning what we are praying about. When we “cry unto the Lord” our emotions and needs are strong, and we may put more effort into trying to communicate with the Lord and into hearing his responses.

1) The brother of Jared pled with the Lord to preserve the language of his friends and family, and the Lord had compassion upon them, and their language was not confounded.

Jared asked his brother to cry unto the Lord again concerning whether they should leave the land, and if so where should they go. The Lord told them to gather their family, friends, flocks, and seeds and he would lead them to a land choice about all others.

Point out the pages on the wall and explain that they represent the Jaredite’s journey. Explain that the children are going to fill in the spaces with the things the brother of Jared did to help receive the guidance of the Lord. Point out the first space of the journey and ask the following question:

• If you were starting a journey and needed direction and had access to a GPS, what would you need to do first in order to access the help and information that is available through the GPS? (You would first have to input and communicate with the device the direction information that is needed.)

Similarly, when we are need of help and direction in order to find our way through the wilderness of life, we must communicate our needs to Heavenly Father.

•What was the first thing the Brother of Jared did to get help and direction from the Lord?  (He prayed.)

Ask the children which one of them thinks they have the first step to receiving the Lord’s help and guidance. Have the child with the sign “Sincere Prayer” put it on the first space.

• Why did you think the Lord promised the brother of Jared to lead him, his family, and friends to a promised land? (See the last line in the scripture Ether 1:43. “Because this long time ye have cried unto me.”) Explain that the brother of Jared had turned to the Lord regularly and consistently in his life. He was steadfast in his devotion to the Lord.

Ask the children which one of them thinks they have the next item to receiving the Lord’s help and guidance. (“Regular and Consistent Prayers” )

• If you don’t use the GPS often, can it be difficult to remember how to operate it when you need it? Explain that just like a GPS, if a person were to turn to the Lord only during times of dire need, they may become unfamiliar with the ways of the Lord and the workings of the Spirit. It may take time and effort before answers come.

• After the brother of Jared was told to prepare for the journey to the promised land what did he, his friends, and his family do?

2) They went to the valley called Nimrod and did gather and prepare supplies for the journey as the Lord had instructed. (Read Ether 2:1-3)

• What would happen if we inputted our info into the GPS and directions were then supplied, but then we didn’t follow the directions that were given?

If we don’t listen to and follow the direction the Lord gives, we may face great difficulty as we try to go our own way.

• Would the Lord continue to provide direction and help through the Holy Ghost if we do not listen to and obey the direction he gives?

Ask the children which one of them thinks they have the next item to receiving the Lord’s help and guidance. (“Follow the Lord’s Directions”)

After the Jaredites had prepared food and supplies, they began their journey to the promised land.

3) The Lord went before them and talked to them in a cloud and gave them directions where they should go.

4) They were guided to the great sea where they dwelt in tents on the seashore for four years.

5) At the end of four years the Lord did appear to the brother of Jared in a cloud and did talk with him and chasten him because he remembered not to call upon the name of the Lord. (We don’t know how long the brother of Jared was negligent in calling upon the Lord. Sometimes people forget to turn to the Lord when things become nice and easy, and then their progression towards eternal life may become stalled.)

6) The Lord told the brother of Jared that the Spirit of the Lord will not always strive with man unless he continues to petition the Lord in righteousness.

•What happens to a GPS if we don’t maintain it and make sure its battery is charged? We may lose access to the valuable direction and help it could provide in our travels.

• What other things could cause the loss of a GPS signal? Tall buildings, forests, and mountains could block the satellite signal.

Just as certain things can cause interfere with a GPS signal, so does disobedience and sin cause us to lose the guidance of the Holy Ghost. But just as a GPS will recalculate and provide ways to get back on track when mistakes are made (or after wandering into areas that can block the signal), so does the Lord provide a way for us to get back on track if we wander into sinful paths.

• What way has the Lord provided for us to get back on track? (Repentance) Part of the repentance process involves moving away from the thing that is causing interference in living a righteous life (just as a person must move away from the item that is blocking the GPS signal in order to get back on track).

• What did the brother of Jared do after the Lord chastised him? (See Ether 2:15.) The brother of Jared did repent.

Ask the children which one of them thinks they have the next item to receiving the Lord’s help and guidance. (“Repent of Wrong Doings”)

The Lord forgave the brother of Jared and told him to sin no more.

7) The Lord then commanded Jared and his brethren to build barges according to His instructions.

The barges were small–the length of a tree– and the top, bottom, and sides were tight like a dish that could hold water. When the door was shut, it was also tight like a dish.

8) When the barges were complete, the brother of Jared talked to the Lord and reported that they had finished the work according to His command, but he also expressed some concerns he had about the barges.

• What concerns do you think the brother of Jared had regarding the barges? (Remind the children that the barges were tight like a dish.) (See Ether 2:19 for the answer) Write the problems on the left side of the board. Then have the children read Ether 2:20–25 to find the Lord’s solutions to the problems. Summarize them on the right side of the board.

1. When the door was closed tight, no air could get in, so how would they breathe?
2. There was no light in the barges, so how would they be able to see and function in the dark?

9) 1. The Lord instructs the brother of Jared to make holes with removable plugs in the top and bottom of the barges to allow air in. (Ether 2:20)
2. It was left up to the brother of Jared to decide what to do about the light problem, but the Lord reminded the brother of Jared that they couldn’t have fire in the barges, and they couldn’t have windows because the barges would be like whales in the midst of the sea, and waves would dash upon them and break the windows.

• Why do you think the Lord revealed solutions for one of the problems but left the brother of Jared to resolve the problem of not having light? The Lord wants us to grow and learn in life, and we can learn many things in life as we strive to figure out solutions to our problems. (Have the children listen for the things the brother of Jared learned as he worked to resolve the problem of no light.)

10) The brother of Jared went up into the mountain and did molten out of rock sixteen small stones. They were white and transparent like glass.

11) He did cry unto the Lord and asked the Lord to touch the stones. He had faith that if the Lord touched them, the Lord could prepare them with His power to shine forth in the darkness.

12) When the brother of Jared told the Lord of his proposed solution to the problem and of his faith in the Lord’s power, the Lord stretched forth his hand and did touch the stones one by one with his finger. The veil was taken from the eyes of the brother of Jared and he did see the finger of the Lord. He saw that it was the finger of a man, and he fell down in fear. The Lord saw that the brother of Jared had fallen and he said unto him, “Arise, why has though fallen?”

• Point out that the Lord knows all things, and yet he still asked the brother of Jared this question and other questions. How might the questions have helped the brother of Jared? The questions might have helped him think about, sort out, comprehend, and respond to the things he was seeing and experiencing.

The brother of Jared told the Lord that he fell to the earth in fear because he saw the finger of the Lord, and he feared lest the Lord would smite him, for he knew not that the Lord had flesh and blood.

The Lord had always been hidden by a veil or cloud as they spoke, so the brother of Jared had not seen the true form of the Lord.

• Why was the brother of Jared able to see the finger of the Lord? (See Ether 3:9-10) Because of the brother of Jared’s exceeding faith.

• What did the brother of Jared ask the Lord to do? (The brother of Jared desired of the Lord to show himself fully and completely.)

Before showing himself, the Lord asked the brother of Jared, “Believest thou the words which I shall speak?”

He answered saying, “Yea, Lord, I know that thou speakest the truth, for thou art a God of truth, and canst not lie.” The brother of Jared expressed and confirmed his faith in the Lord’s words.

13) When the brother of Jared said these words, the Lord showed himself unto him. The Lord explained that he was Jesus Christ who was prepared from the beginning to redeem the people from their sins so they might gain eternal life if they would believe on his name.

Have the children look up and read Ether 3:15-16 to find out what the brother of Jared learned about the body of Jesus Christ. Help the children understand that the brother of Jared saw the spirit body of Jesus Christ which looked very much like the physical body Jesus would receive when he came to earth. He also learned that men are created in the image of God.

Also point out that the Lord told the brother of Jared, “Never have I showed myself unto man whom I have created, for never has man believed in me as thou hast.” (Ether 3:15)

• The scriptures tell us that Adam and Noah walked and talked with God face to face (Moses 7:4 & Genesis 6:8, 9), so why would this scripture say the Lord had never showed himself to man before? There are several possible explanations including the following from Jeffery R. Holland:

An “explanation—and in terms of the brother of Jared’s faith, the most persuasive one—is that Christ was saying to the brother of Jared, ‘Never have I showed myself unto man in this manner, without my volition, driven solely by the faith of the beholder.’ As a rule, prophets are invited into the presence of the Lord, are bidden to enter his presence by him and only with his sanction. Obviously the Lord himself was linking unprecedented faith with this unprecedented vision.” (Christ and the New Covenant, 21–23). Jeffrey R. Holland

The brother of Jared had great faith in the Lord, and his actions throughout his life demonstrated that faith.

• What things had the brother of Jared done that demonstrated his faith in the Lord? (He had consistently turned to the Lord in prayer. He had obeyed the Lord and left the tower of Babel and travelled across the wilderness. He built the barges the Lord commanded him to build. He made stones, having faith that the Lord’s touch would give them light.)

Call attention to the GPS once again and ask the children if they believe–if everything is in proper working order–that it can provide directions.

• How does someone gain that faith in the GPS’s ability to provide directions? Explain that other’s testimonials of its abilities can lead us to try it out, and then our own experiences using the device also builds that trust. Faith in God works in similar ways: as we listen to the testimonies and teachings concerning God, and as we act on those things, our faith grows. Explain that exercising faith in God and acting upon his words is a necessary part of receiving the Lord’s help and guidance.

Ask the children which one of them thinks they have the next item to receiving the Lord’s help and guidance. (“Exercise Faith”)

After the brother of Jared talked with the Lord, he took the stones which the Lord had touched and he put two in each barge, and they gave light to the vessels.

The Jaredites prepared all manner of food for their voyage, and then they commended themselves to the Lord their God and got aboard the barges and set forth into the sea. By commending themselves to the Lord, they exercised their faith. They had done all the Lord had directed, and then they entrusted their lives into his hands.

14) The Lord God caused a furious wind to blow upon the face of the waters. The wind blew towards the promised land. The barges were tossed upon the waves of the sea, and at times they were buried in the deep from the mighty waves breaking over them, but the water could not hurt the Jaredites because their vessels were tight like a dish.

15) As they journeyed, the Jaredites did sing praises to the Lord.

• Why is expressing gratitude to the Lord important? (One reason is that our faith in the Lord grows as we think about and focus on all he does for us, which also provides peace and courage to our souls. The Lord is also more likely to provide help to those who appreciate it and value it.)

Ask the children which one of them thinks they have the next item to receiving the Lord’s help and guidance. (“Express Gratitude”)

• How long did you think it took for the Jaredites to cross the ocean? (Almost a year.) (See Ether 6:11) They were three hundred and forty four days upon the water.

Have the child with the sign “Promised Land” put it on the last spot on the activity board.

Ask the children what they think the Jaredites did first when they arrived at the promised land.

16) They did bow down and give thanks to the Lord.

The Lord knew the Jaredite’s journey to the promised land would be difficult and dangerous, so he provided guidance and help. Our journey towards eternal life can also be difficult and filled with many dangers that can harm us spiritually. Just as the Lord gave the Jaredites guidance and direction in their journey, he also blesses us with guidance and direction in our lives through the Holy Ghost.

Remind them that we learn important lessons from the Jaredite story concerning the things we need to do in order to receive the help and guidance of the Lord in our lives.

Review Game
Take the signs off the activity board pages. Explain to the children that they are going to do a memory game to see if they can remember the things they need to do in order to receive the guidance of the Lord in their lives. Give each child a pencil and a copy of the paper labeled “Life’s Journey.” Have the children write down the missing items from the activity board onto their blank spaces. (They don’t have to be in the correct order.) Once they are finished, show the signs one at a time and have them check the item off, or add it to their list if it was missed. Ask the children if any of them remembered all the items. Explain that their game paper will help them remember all the items talked about in the lesson. Have them take it home and post it somewhere visible in their rooms. Bear testimony of the importance of doing those things that help us receive the guidance of the Lord in our lives. Remind them that receiving and following the Lord’s guidance in their life will help lead them to a wonderful place called Eternal Life.

Weekly Reading Assignment
Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: Ether 1:1–4, 33–43; 2:1-25; 3:1-16; 6:1–13

Lesson 33: The Savior Appears to the Nephites

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Lesson 33: The Savior Appears to the Nephites

• Items needed: a small paper bag, a flashlight or a candle, a black marker, a general conference CD, a CD player, tape, magnets, pencils, sticky tack, ten sheets of cardstock or construction paper. Recommended: the items to make a roller box: a large empty cereal box, two long metal skewers or dowel rods, wrapping paper or scrapbook paper.
• Print the game pictures. Cut out the two titles and the scriptures. Attach each scripture to its matching drawing from lesson thirty-one.
• Print the worksheet. Each half of the page is one worksheet. Make one copy of the page per every two children, and then cut the pages in half.
• Print the scripture story pictures. (Do not print the pictures onto heavy paper, and do not laminate them if you are making a roller box.) It is recommended that you make a roller box with the pictures, but the pictures can also be used individually. Note: The scripture story pictures are from chapters forty-two and forty-three of Book of Mormon Stories.
Roller Box Instructions: Lay the scripture story pictures face down in a vertical row in the order they were printed. Cut a sheet of plain paper in half vertically. Put one half at the top of the row and the other half at the bottom. Butt together the edges and tape them so they form one long row of pictures. Tape the open end of the cereal box closed with packaging tape. With an exacto knife, cut an 8 ½ x 5 inch hole in the front of the box. Cover the box with wrapping paper or scrapbook paper. Be sure to cut out any paper covering the opening in the front of the box. Poke a metal skewer through the top side of the box about one inch down from the top and one inch from the front of the box. Then poke the end of the skewer going out through the other side of the box. Do the same with the other skewer on the bottom of the box. Roll the pictures into a roll, starting at the bottom. Put the roll through the front window of the box. Line the top edge of the roll with tape and then attach it to the top skewer. Roll all the scroll onto the skewer by turning the handle on the skewer. Put a row of tape onto the bottom edge of the roll and attach it to the bottom skewer.
• Print the 4th Article of Faith chart. Tape the edges of the two pieces together so it forms one complete chart. Cut out the scriptures and attach them to the chart according to where they go using sticky tack. (See the picture above to see where each one should be placed.)
• Classroom Prep: 1) Put the flashlight (or candle) into the paper bag. 2) Tape the drawings from lesson thirty-one (of the signs of Jesus’ death) on the left side of the board. Put the title “Samuel’s Prophecy” above the drawings. On the right side of the board put the pictures of the destructions that occurred at Jesus’ death. Put the title “Prophecy Fulfilled” above those pictures. Attach a cover sheet (cardstock or construction paper) over the top of each of the ten pictures using magnets. 3) Play one of the conference talks on the CD as the children enter the classroom.

Attention Activity
Show the children the bag. Ask a child to reach into the bag without looking and feel the item that is in there. Have the child tell the other children what the item is. Ask another child to do the same.

Ask the children that haven’t felt the item if they know what is in the bag. Ask how they know. (Because the other children who had personal contact with the item told them what was in the bag.) Show the children the flashlight. Ask if the children remember who the light of the world is. (Jesus Christ)

• How can we know of Jesus and that he was resurrected and lives today if we haven’t had personal contact with him? Explain that the experiences recorded in the scriptures are meant to help us know of know of things we have not witnessed for ourselves. As we read the scriptures about Jesus we can gain a witness of their truth through the Holy Ghost. In today’s lesson we learn of an important event recorded in the Book of Mormon concerning Jesus that occurred a long time ago.

Scripture Account
After Jesus’ birth the Nephite people shifted back and forth from righteousness to wickedness. Eventually the people became in such an awful state of wickedness that the more righteous part of the people had nearly all become wicked. The prophets were killed who were sent to testify against the people’s sins. The government was destroyed because of the secret combinations of those who slew the prophets. The people divided up into tribes ruled by their individual leaders. (3 Nephi 6:23 & 3 Nephi 7:6-7)

On the thirty-third year from the birth of Jesus, the people began looking for the sign of Jesus’ death. There was much doubting and disputations concerning the sign even though they had witnessed many other signs come to pass. On the first month of the thirty-fourth year, the signs of Jesus’ death that Samuel the Lamanite had prophesied began to occur.

Point out the two columns of papers on the board and the column titles. Explain that under each paper is a picture. The children will try to find matches by taking turns turning over two pictures, one from the column labeled “Samuel’s Prophecy” and another from the column labeled “Prophecy Fulfilled.” When a match is found, have the children look up and read both scriptures.

After the matches have all been made, explain that the destructive forces lasted for the space of three hours, and after that the three days of darkness began. (3 Nephi 8:19)

Scripture Story Activity
Teach the following scripture story using the roller box. Have the children take turns rolling the pictures down. Read the below numbered captions after a picture is rolled down. Also do any discussion listed below each caption.

1. In the darkness there was great moaning, howling, and weeping. Many were heard to say: “O that we had repented before this great and terrible day”

• Why did the people wish they had repented before the time of destruction? Friends and family who had been lost in the destruction might have been spared if the people had repented and been righteous. (See 3 Nephi 8:25)

• A voice was heard in the darkness among all the inhabitants in the land. What do you think the voice said?

2. The voice said, “Wo unto the inhabitants of the whole earth except they shall repent;”

• What does this mean for us and everyone on the earth? We are all spiritually and physically at risk if we do not repent.

• The voice then told of all the destructions that had occurred to the various Nephite cities and the reason for the destructions. What do you think the reason was for the destructions?

3. “And many great destructions have I caused to come upon this land, and upon this people, because of their wickedness and their abominations.”

• The voice then explained why those who were left were spared. Why do you think they were spared?

4. “All ye that are spared because ye were more righteous than they.”

(Read 3 Nephi 12:10) “And it was the more righteous part of the people who were saved, and it was they who received the prophets and stoned them not; and it was they who had not shed the blood of the saints, who were spared.”

• The voice then invites the people to come unto him and repent and be healed. The voice then declares who he is. Who do you think it was that was speaking?

5. He said, “Behold, I am Jesus Christ the Son of God.”

• What does it mean to come unto Christ? The word “come” means to draw close to. How do we draw close to the Savior? By learning of him and by seeking to follow his example and teachings.

6. The Lord then said, “How oft would I have gathered you as a hen gathereth her chickens, but you would not.”

The Lord yearns to gather his people into the safety and protection of the gospel. He sought to nourish them and teach them the way of salvation, but on many occasions they chose to forsake him. The Lord lamented (grieved or mourned) for those who were lost because they refused to be gathered.

After the people heard these words, they began to weep and howl again because of the loss of their kindred and friends. Possibly they also grieved for those who could have been gathered and thus spared but had refused to do so.

7. After three days passed, the darkness dispersed and the earth did cease to quake. The mourning, weeping, and wailing did cease and they did give thanksgiving unto the Lord Jesus Christ their redeemer. (3 Nephi 10:9-10)

• How difficult would it be to function properly without any light for three days?
• Why was darkness one of the signs of Jesus’ death? The darkness reminds us that we can not function properly on the earth without the light of the world (Jesus Christ). Without Jesus Christ we would be without hope or direction. He makes it possible for us to repent and progress.
• How long did Jesus’ body lay in the tomb? (Three days) On the third day, the day of his resurrection, light came again to the people of America. (Helaman 14:20)

Give each child a worksheet and a pencil. Explain that you want them to listen carefully for the answers to the worksheet questions as you tell the rest of the scripture story. Tell them to write down the answers when they hear them.

8. Sometime after the three days of darkness ended, a great multitude of the people of Nephi gathered around the temple in the land of Bountiful. They were conversing and marveling about all that had occurred. As they were thus conversing one with another, they heard a voice as if it came out of heaven. They cast their eyes round about, for they understood not the voice which they heard.

Have the children look up 3 Nephi 11:3 and describe the voice the Nephites heard. (It was not a harsh voice, neither was it a loud voice; nevertheless, it did pierce them to the very soul, and did cause their hearts to burn.)

9. And they did hear the voice again and they understood it not. And again the third time they did hear the voice and did open their ears to hear it; and their eyes were towards the sound thereof; and they did look steadfastly towards heaven, from whence the sound came. And the third time they did understand the voice which they heard. The voice said “Behold my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name—hear ye him.”

10. The people cast their eyes up again towards heaven; and behold, they saw a Man descending out of heaven; and he was clothed in a white robe; and he came down and stood in the midst of them.

11. He stretched forth his hand and said, “Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world.” When they heard these words, the multitude fell to the earth.

12. Jesus Christ told them to arise and come forth and thrust their hands into his side and also feel the prints of the nails in his hands and feet. The multitude went forth one by one and did feel and see the wounds in his body. They did know of a surety and did bear record, that it was he, of whom it was written by the prophets that should come.

Worksheet Answers
Discuss the worksheet questions and answers.

1. Where did a large group of people gather? The temple in the land of Bountiful.

2. How many times did the voice speak before the people understood it? Three times

3. How were the people finally able to understand the voice? “They did open their ears to hear it”

• Ask the children if they remember the general conference talk that was playing when they entered the classroom. Ask if any of them knows what topic the speaker was talking about. Ask what they would need to do in order to know what the speaker was saying. (They would have to focus, pay attention, and listen.)

• What can we do to better hear and understand God’s words to us? We need to focus and listen so we might feel or hear the gentle promptings of the Spirit. God speaks to our spirits. The Nephite’s spirits burned when they heard the voice.

4. Whose voice did the people hear speaking to them from heaven? Heavenly Father’s

• Very few people in all of history of the world have heard the actual voice of God the Father. Why did you think the Father addressed the Nephites in this instance? To testify to the world and call attention to the significance of who Jesus Christ is– he is the son of God, and he performed the atonement that was necessary for the plan of salvation. Heavenly Father also tells us that we need to listen to and obey Jesus’ words.
• How do we know the Father’s words were meant for the world? They are available for all to read in the scriptures.

5. After Jesus declared who he was, what was the first thing he did? He had the people feel the wounds he bore from hanging on the cross.

• Why did the Savior have the people feel his wounds? So they might know he was the one whom the prophets testified would come into the world to sacrifice and die for their sins.

Show the final picture on the roller box and read the below caption.

13. And when they had all gone forth and had seen the evidence of his sacrifice for them, they did cry out with one accord saying, “Hosanna! Blessed be the name of the Most High God!” and they did fall at his feet and did worship him.

Chart Activity
The word Hosanna means in essence “Oh grant salvation.” The people remembered that only through Jesus Christ could salvation be granted, and they desired the Savior to show them the way to salvation.

• What do you think the Savior taught first concerning gaining salvation? Show the chart with the missing words and explain that each spot where there are scriptures is one of the things Jesus taught. Explain that they are going to look up the scriptures and try and figure out what goes in each spot.

The first thing the Savior did before beginning to teach about salvation was to call his representative amongst the Nephites to come forth– Nephi the prophet.

Have the children look up the chart scripture 3 Nephi 11:21, 33 to discover what the Savior gave to Nephi, and to discover one of the things that is necessary for gaining salvation. (Nephi was given the power to baptize. Baptism is necessary for gaining salvation.) (Have a child take the scripture off the chart and write the word baptism in the spot.)

The Savior also called others and gave them power to baptize. And he gave them specific instructions concerning how to baptize.

• Note: Nephi already had the power to baptize and had performed baptisms earlier. (3 Nephi 7:23-26)  What power did Jesus give him? Nephi had lived through a change of dispensations. The Lord gave Nephi the priesthood keys for the new dispensation. A dispensation is when the gospel is revealed anew. In this new dispensation, Jesus had wrought the atonement, and in D&C 22:1-3 it says old things were done away and all things became new (including baptism). The old covenants were done away and the people were given the new and everlasting covenant (the fullness of the gospel). (Robert J Matthews. Religion A 122 BYU study manual – T. Parker )

Have the children look up 3 Nephi 11:37 to find another of the things Jesus taught the people they must do in order to gain salvation. (Repent) Explain that Jesus repeated these words two times to emphasize their importance. “And again I say unto you, ye must repent, and be baptized in my name, and become as a little child, or ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.” (Have a child take the scripture off the chart and write in the word repentance.)

• Do active members of the church have need of repentance? We all need to repent daily, even if we have not committed serious sins. We need to repent of such things as losing our temper, being selfish, being slothful, etc.

Have the children look up the scripture 3 Nephi 11:32 to find another of the things Jesus told the people they must do in order to gain salvation. (Believe in Jesus, which is the same thing as “Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ” (Have a child take the scripture off the chart and write in the words “Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ”.)

Have the children look up and read 3 Nephi 11:35 and see if they know what goes on the last line. (Holy Ghost) See if the children can tell you what the rest of the missing words are on the chart. (They should recite to you the fourth Article of Faith.)

• What does 3 Nephi 11:35 say the Holy Ghost will bear record of? The Father sends the Holy Ghost to bear record of Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost bears record that Jesus lives, that He is the Son of God, and that through His atonement we can repent and be forgiven of our sins.

Remind the children of the bag at the beginning of the lesson and how they knew what was in the bag (because of others personal contact and declarations concerning what was in the bag). Remind the children that we can each gain a personal testimony of Jesus Christ even though we have not seen or talked to him in person. We can gain that testimony through reading the testimony of others in the scriptures and by seeking for the witness of the Holy Ghost concerning Jesus Christ.

Weekly Reading Assignment
Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: 3 Nephi 8:1-25, 3 Nephi 9:1-2 & 12-22, 3 Nephi 10:1-13, 3 Nephi 11:1-22

Lesson 32: Signs in America of Jesus Christ’s Birth

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Lesson 32

Signs in America of Jesus Christ’s Birth


  •  Items needed: scriptures for every child, tape or magnets, chalk and eraser, and pens.
  • Print the scripture story pictures. Trim the first four pages. Cut each of the remaining pages in half so there is one picture on each half. Number the back of these pictures in the order they were printed.
  • Print and cut out the activity visual aids.
  • Print or copy one page of “I will prepare for the Second Coming” for each child.


Attention Activity
Show the picture of the fall leaves, the lightening, and the spring buds. Point out that when we see these signs in nature they tell us certain events will soon occur. Ask the children what event each item is a sign of (fall leaves – winter is approaching, lightning – a storm is approaching, spring buds – summer is approaching).

Ask the children what we do to prepare when we see these signs indicating environment changes are coming. (Example: We get the cold weather clothes out. We seek shelter from storms. We prepare our gardens to be planted.)

Show the picture of the star. Remind the children that Samuel the Lamanite prophesied many signs would occur before and at the time of two very important events.

• According to the prophet Samuel what event was the new star a sign of? (Jesus Christ’s birth)

Ask the children if they can remember what the other prophesied signs were of Jesus’ birth. (If needed, show them the drawings from last week’s lesson to help remind them.)

• Why did the Lord reveal these signs to the Nephites? (Helaman 14:12–13, 28) So they might know of His coming, so they might believe in Christ and repent, and so they would have no excuse for not believing.

For the faithful, the appearance of these signs confirmed and strengthened their faith. For those who were not as valiant in their faith as they should have been, or for the wicked, these signs gave them warning and an opportunity to change their ways. They were left without excuse for their nonbelief and would be held accountable for their subsequent actions.

Scripture Story
Tell the following story using the scripture story pictures as visual aids.

1) Many great miracles and signs occurred before the birth of Jesus, but many people still refused to believe. When it came time for the main signs of His birth to occur (a night to be as day and a new star to appear) some said the time had passed for the words of Samuel to be fulfilled. The unbelievers began to make an uproar throughout the land, rejoicing over their brethren who believed saying their joy and faith had been in vain. The unbelievers set apart a day where all those who believed would be put to death except the sign should come to pass.

• Why would the unbelievers wish to persecute and kill the believers? The wicked hearken to Satan’s influence. Satan promotes hate, intolerance, and anger, and he uses those who are under his influence to try and destroy righteousness and belief.

• In spite of the challenges to their faith, what did the believers do? (See 3 Nephi 1:8) They did watch steadfastly for the sign of Christ’s birth that they might know their faith had not been in vain.

2) Nephi was sorrowful for the wickedness of the people. He bowed himself down and cried mightily to God all day in behalf of his people. (3 Nephi 1:12.) (Note: The Nephi in this account is the son of the Nephi who has been discussed in the past few lessons. Nephi had given his son charge of all the records and had then departed out of the land (and was probably translated).

3) The voice of the Lord came unto Nephi as he prayed saying: “Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for behold, the time is at hand, and on this night shall the sign be given, and on the morrow come I into the world.” (3 Nephi 1:13–14.)

4) The words spoken to Nephi were fulfilled. The sun went down that evening, but it was still light as mi-day. There was no darkness in all the night. The sun did rise again in the morning according to its proper order. (3 Nephi 1:15, 19, 21) The sign of a new star did also appear.

• How would you feel if the sun went down but it was still light outside? How do you think the righteous felt when the night did not get dark? (Great joy) The birth of Jesus was something the people had looked forward to for many years. The occurrence of the prophesied signs of Jesus’ birth also confirmed their faith.

• How do you think the unbelievers felt when the sign occurred? (Fear)

5) There were many, who had not believed the words of the prophets, that fell to the earth in astonishment and became as if they were dead. They knew it was the day the Lord should be born. They began to fear because of their iniquity and their unbelief. (3 Nephi 1:18)

• Did Satan give up his efforts to destroy people’s beliefs in Christ once the signs had been given? No. Satan continued in his efforts by sending forth lies among the people to harden their hearts so they might not believe in the signs and wonders they had seen. (3 Nephi 1:22.)

• How did the people respond to Satan’s initial efforts to destroy their belief? For the most part the people did believe in the Lord and there was peace in the land. But after a few years Satan did gain possession of the hearts of the people again.

• What does it mean to “gain possession of the hearts of the people”? Hearts of the people refers to their desires. The people once again desired wickedness

6) The people forgot the signs and wonders and were less astonished when a sign or wonder occurred. They imagined up vain things in their hearts that the signs were wrought by men or by the power of the devil to deceive them. They began to harden their hearts and blind their minds and disbelieve all they had seen and heard. (3 Nephi 2:1–2)

• Why did they wish to rationalize away the signs they had seen? Because their hearts desired wickedness.

• What can we learn about the strength of testimonies that are based solely on signs? As time passes, the importance and value of the signs diminishes in people’s thoughts and priorities, and they are easily influenced by Satan to return to their original sinful ways.

• How does someone develop a strong testimony? By living the teachings of the gospel, and by experiencing the powerful witness of the Holy Ghost testifying to their heart of the truth of those teachings.

• Is building a strong testimony something that happens quickly and effortlessly? A testimony grows gradually through a person’s efforts to learn and know the truth. No one receives a complete testimony all at once.

7) After several years the Nephite people began to again wax strong in wickedness and abominations, and they chose to believe there would be no more signs or wonders given. (3 Nephi 2:3)

• What other signs and wonders were still to come? (The signs of Jesus’ death.) Ask the children if they remember what the signs of Jesus’ death were. (Show them the drawings from last week’s lesson to help remind them.)

• What did Samuel say would happen to the people if they did not change their ways and repent? Great destructions would come upon them. (Helaman13:6)

Explain to the children that another great event concerning the Savior is prophesied to occur in the latter days. It is also to be preceded by great signs and wonders. Ask the children if they know what this great event is. Give clues if needed. After the children have guessed correctly, put the sign “Jesus Second Coming” on the right side of the board.

Explain that many of the prophesied signs of Jesus’ Second Coming are similar to the signs and happenings that occurred at Jesus’ birth and death. (Put the sign on the left side of the board that says “Jesus Christ’s birth and death.”)

Put the scripture references in random order on the board under the sign that says “Jesus’ Second Coming.” Explain that these scriptures are all prophesied things that will occur before Jesus Christ’s second coming. Put the list of items on the board that occurred before or during the time of Jesus’ birth under the sign that says “Jesus  Christ’s birth and death.” (Explain that many of these things also occured before Jesus’ death.) Have the children look up the first scripture. Have one of the children read it out loud and then draw a chalk line from the scripture to a similar event that occurred before or during Jesus’ birth.

Activity Answers
 Wickedness among the people increased. (D&C 45:27)

 There were many nonbelievers. (2 Peter 3:3-4)

 Many of the Lamanites became righteous (D&C 49:24)

 There were signs and wonders in the heavens. (D&C 45:40)

 The faithful looked forward to the coming of the Lord. (D&C 45:39)

• Why do the faithful look forward to the coming of the Lord? The faithful Nephites looked forward to the coming of the Lord because they knew that through Him and His atonement they could receive forgiveness of their sins. When the Savior comes again upon the earth, he will bring peace for the nations. He will bring safety and joy for all the righteous. The earth will live in peace. Many look forward to that time. They also look forward to the joy of seeing their Savior Jesus Christ.

After all the answers have been made, put the drawings of the signs of Jesus’ death on the board and explain that similar destructions and happenings to the signs depicted in the pictures are also prophesied to occur before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. But we are told that if we are prepared, the righteous need not fear the second coming or the signs that precede it.

Picture Discussion

Once again show the children the pictures of the fall leaves, the lightening, and the spring buds, and ask the children why it is important to prepare for changes in the weather when we see these signs in nature. Our health, safety, and protection may depend on the preparations we make.

Explain that just as we would need to be prepared for upcoming changes in the weather, we also need to be prepared for the Second Coming of the Lord. Only those with strong testimonies will remain steadfast and faithful in the challenging environment of the latter days, and only the righteous will abide the day of the coming of the Lord and be able to live lives of peace and love during the Lord’s millennial reign. (Read D&C 45:57)

Give each child one of the papers labeled “I will prepare for the Second Coming.” Have them write in each point on the star something they can do to prepare for the second coming. Explain that the signs of light that occurred at Jesus’ birth reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world. He is our shining example. Remind the children of the teachings of Jesus and the examples he set as they think of things they need to do to prepare for his Second Coming. Ideas might include the following: keep the Sabbath day holy, pray, read the scriptures, serve others, forgive others, be humble and meek, share the gospel with others, love one another, etc.

• What is the danger of putting off the day of our preparation? Remind the children that building a strong testimony does not happen instantly overnight; it takes time and effort. If we put off the day of our preparation, the coming of the Lord may come upon us and our time for preparing will be past. (Read Helaman 13:38)

Explain that just as righteous Nephites watched and were prepared for the Savior’s birth, we need to watch and prepare for Jesus’ Second Coming.

Weekly Reading Assignments
Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: 3 Nephi 1:1-23 & 3 Nephi 2:1-3

Lesson 31: Samuel the Lamanite

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 Lesson 31
Samuel the Lamanite

• Items needed: chalk and eraser, a small treat or reward, two blindfolds, about ten sheets of paper, crayons and pencils, tape and magnets, a piece of cardstock put inside a page protector, sticky tack, removable double-sided tape, mini marshmallows or several wadded up small pieces of paper, and a five inch round paper circle. Optional: pictures of Jesus’ birth and death
• Print the timeline visuals. (Note: The dates on the timeline are approximate.) Cut out the timeline pages and tape each page together in order. Cover the prophets’ names on the timeline with strips of one inch by three inch pieces of heavy paper. (Use removable double-sided tape to attach.) Cut out the prophets’ names with the scriptures on them. Attach the names to the page protector with sticky tack.
• Print and cut out the scripture story visuals. Cut the group of people into two parts between the woman in blue and the man with the bow and arrow.
• Print the activity visual aids. (The signs of Christ’s birth and the signs of Christ’s death need to be printed onto two different colors of paper.) Cut out all the items. Optional: Attach the heading “Sign’s of Christ’s Birth” to the top of the picture of Jesus’ birth. Attach the heading “Sign’s of Christ’s Death” to the top of the picture of Jesus’ death.

Attention Activity
Put the timeline on the board. Explain to the children they are going do a review activity regarding the prophets they have learned about this year. Point out the prophet pictures on the timeline, and then show the children the page of prophets’ names. Have the children take turns identifying who each prophet is by putting the name above or below the prophet’s picture it goes with. Give hints about specific prophet’s stories if needed.

After all the prophets’ names are situated, check to see if they are correct by taking off the name covers on the timeline. If one doesn’t match, have a child change it with one they think is correct. After all the names have been revealed, point out that the timeline ends at Jesus’ birth. Explain that all the prophets on the timeline were born and lived before Jesus was born.

• Which of the prophets on the timeline prophesied and taught of Jesus? (All of them.) Point out the scriptures under each name and explain that the scriptures contains a few of the words or teachings of that prophet concerning Jesus.

Read Mosiah 13:33: “Did not Moses prophesy unto them concerning the coming of the Messiah, and that God should redeem his people? Yea, and even all the prophets who have prophesied ever since the world began—have they not spoken more or less concerning these things?”

• What do you think these prophets’ main messages were concerning Jesus? (Have them each look up one of the scriptures and read it to themselves. Then ask a few volunteers to quickly tell what the main message is in their scripture.)That Jesus would come to the earth and atone for the sins of mankind.

Point out the empty spot on the timeline. Explain that the prophet who goes on the empty spot lived in the time period right before the birth of Jesus Christ. This prophet was sent to the Nephites to prepare them for the coming of Jesus. He made specific prophesies about the time and signs of Jesus’ birth and death. Ask if any of the children knows who the prophet is. (If they do not know, ask them to listen carefully to the lesson and see if they can guess who it is.)

Scripture Account
Remind the children of the events that occurred in last week’s lesson. Explain that the people remained righteous for a time after the famine, but within a few years wickedness began to creep back in, and within about ten years after the famine the Nephites were once again ripe for destruction.

Each time the Nephites returned to wickedness they appear to be guilty of committing the same sins they had committed before. See if the children can guess what sins the Nephites were guilty of committing this time. Remind them that the sins are similar to the ones they were committing before. Write their guesses on the board. Have the children read Helaman13:22 and put a check mark next to each one they guessed correctly. (Forgetting the Lord and his blessings, ingratitude, heart set on riches, pride, boasting, envying (jealousy), strifes (fighting), malice (hate), murders, and persecution.)

• What did the Nephites seek for all the days of their live that they could never obtain? (See Helaman 13:38) They sought for happiness in doing iniquity.

• Why can happiness never be found in doing iniquity? (See Alma 41:10-11)

• What other wicked things were the Nephites doing? (See Helaman 13:24) (If the children included any of these sins on their list have them put a check mark next to them also.) They cast out the prophets, mocked them, cast stones at them, and slayed them.

Explain that instead of listening to the true prophets, the Nephites called a man a prophet if he told them flattering words such as, “Do as your heart desires for there is no sin or punishment.” Samuel called these false prophets blind guides. (Helaman 13:27-28)

Object Lesson
Choose two volunteers. Blindfold one of the volunteers. Tell the other child he/she is going to guide the blindfolded child to a special reward, but then explain that he/she is going to be blindfolded also. After blindfolding the second child, quietly put the reward somewhere in the room. Tell the guiding child to lead the other child to the reward. Make sure they don’t fall or get hurt as they attempt this. After a few minutes ask the class the following question:

• Is a blindfolded person a good guide? Why not? (They can’t see the right way to go to get the reward, and they can’t see the dangers that need avoiding.) Take the blindfolds off the children and thank the volunteers for their help, then ask the following question:

• Do people sometimes follow blind guides in today’s world? We have many leaders in the world today who lead but don’t know the way to true happiness. They also don’t see the dangers (Satan’s temptations) that need avoiding.

Heavenly Father wants us to find true, eternal happiness, so He provides true guides that can see the right way to go and the dangers to avoid.

• Who are the guides Heavenly Father provides? Prophets. They know the way because they are directed by divine light and are not blinded by the darkness that is around them. (Have a child who is not blinded by the darkness of a blindfold lead a child who is blindfolded to the reward.) (They must share the reward with the class.)

The Lord wanted the Nephites to follow true guides, but they would not listen to their prophets and were casting them out and killing them, so the Lord sent a Lamanite prophet to preach to them. (Remind the children that at this time in Book of Mormon history many of the Lamanites were righteous. See Helaman 13:1)

Ask the children if they know yet who the prophet is that goes on the empty spot on the timeline. Remind them he is a Lamanite.

Explain that the prophet, Samuel the Lamanite (put his picture on the timeline) went to the Nephites and told them they needed to repent. The people were angry at his message, and they threw him out of the land. As Samuel was returning to his own land, the voice of the Lord came to him and told him to return and tell the people whatsoever thing that came into his heart.

• What did the Lord mean when he told Samuel to speak whatsoever thing that came into his heart? It meant Samuel would receive revelation from God concerning what to say.

Samuel returned to Zarahemla, but the people would not allow him to enter into the city.

• Samuel needed to deliver the message from the Lord. What did he do so he could accomplish this? He went and got up on the city wall. (Put the scripture story figures of Samuel, the wall, and the crowd of people on the board.)

Samuel cried with a loud voice and prophesied what the Lord put into his heart. He prophesied heavy destruction upon the people if they did not repent.

He also delivered another message, a message of glad tidings (which means good news).

• What do you think his message of glad tidings was? Remind the children that Samuel lived in a special time period. He lived during the time period when Jesus Christ, the son of God would come to the earth. His message of glad tidings was that Jesus Christ, the redeemer, would be born on the earth in five years. (Helaman 14:2)

• Why is this good news? (See Helaman 14:2,13) Because Jesus would make an atonement for our sins and redeem all who believe on his name.

• Samuel also prophesied concerning the death of Jesus. According to Samuel why did Jesus have to die? (Helaman 14:15-18) Samuel explained that Jesus must die to redeem all mankind from spiritual death and to bring to pass the resurrection of the dead.

• Samuel told the people that signs would occur when Jesus was born and when he dies. Why did the Lord reveal these signs to the Nephites? (See Helaman 14:12–13, 28.) So they might know of His coming and believe on His name and repent, and that there would be no cause for unbelief.

Give each child, or pairs of children, a piece of paper, a pencil, crayons, and one of the scripture cards. Have them look up their scriptures and draw a picture of the signs described in their scriptures. (Some of the children will only need to draw certain parts of their scripture. You may need to help them understand which part they need draw. The Activity Answers below will help provide those answers.)

Put the picture labeled “Signs of Christ’s Birth” on the left side of the board and the picture labeled “Signs of Christ’s Death” on the right side of the board. After the children have completed their pictures, have them take turns standing up, showing their picture, and telling what it is. Afterwards have the child decide if it is a sign of Jesus’ birth or death. Have them put their picture under the correct heading on the board. Check to see if it is correct by putting the matching sign label above their picture. If it matches the color of the category heading, they are correct.

Activity Answers

Signs of Christ’s Birth
• Helaman 14:3-4 -There will be a day and a night and a day as if there were no night.
• Helaman 14:5-6 – A new star will appear, and there will be many other signs and wonders in heaven.

Signs of Christ’s Death
• Helaman 14:20 – There will be darkness for three days. The sun, moon, and stars shall be darkened.
• Helaman 14:23 (First Part) & Helaman 14:21 (First part) – There will be tempests (severe storms with high winds and possible hail, snow, or rain). There will be thundering and lightening for many hours.
• Helaman 14:24 (Second part) – Cities made desolate (uninhabited).
• Helaman 14:23 (Second part) – The mountains will be laid low and valleys will become mountains.
•Helaman 14:21 (Second part), Helaman 14:22, & Helaman 14:24 (First part) – The earth shall shake and tremble, and rocks and highways shall be broken up.

Scripture Story Continued                                                                                                                                                                                                             

• How did the people react to Samuels words? Some believed and went to find Nephi to confess their sins and be baptized (take off the small group of people), but the majority of the people were angry with Samuel.

• What did the people attempt to do to Samuel because of their anger? Slay him. They cast stones at him on the wall and shot arrows at him. (Put the arrows and stones on the board.) But they could not hit him with their stones or arrows.

Demonstration: Put the five inch round piece of paper on the board. Give a few of the children sitting in the front seats 3-4 mini marshmallows each (or wadded up small pieces of paper). Have them try to hit the target with their items. Have the other children count and point out how many times they were able to hit the target. Ask the children why they think people who were familiar with using a bow and arrow and the people who were throwing rocks couldn’t hit Samuel. (Because the Spirit of the Lord was with him.) (Helaman 16:2)

• When the people saw that Samuel was miraculously protected did they believe his words then? Some believed, but the more part of the people did not believe the words of Samuel, and they went forth to lay their hands upon Samuel. He cast himself down from the wall and did flee out of their lands to preach among his own people.

• Five years after Samuel delivered his message to the Nephites, great signs, wonders, and miracles began to occur. The words of the prophets began to be fulfilled. Did the nonbelievers start to believe when they began to see the prophesied signs and wonders occuring? The most part of the people grew more wicked and did harden their hearts. (Helaman 16:22-23) They contrived foolish excuses to not believe.

• Why did the doubters contrive excuses to not believe even after witnessing great signs and wonders? Because Satan did stir them up to iniquity continually. (Helaman 16:22)

• What lesson do we learn from the account of the unbelievers? We learn that we must do our best to keep ourselves free of the influence of Satan so that our hearts will be open to the whisperings of Holy Ghost concerning the truth of the words of the prophets.


Remind the children of the timeline, and that all the prophets taught of Jesus. Explain that latter-day prophets also testify and teach of Jesus. Our faith and belief in the Savior can be strengthened as we read the prophets’ words in the scriptures and as we listen to and read the words of the latter-day prophets concerning Christ.

Weekly Reading Assignment

Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week – Helaman 13:1-8, 14:1-5, 20-27, 16:1-8

Important Note: Save the children’s drawings. They will be used again in lesson 32 and 33.

Lesson 28 – Nephi and Lehi in Prison

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Lesson 28

 Nephi and Lehi in Prison

• Items needed: a lamp or battery powered lantern, a clear page protector, a half sheet of poster board, double-sided removable tape, a picture of Jesus , scriptures for each child, a table easel, chalk and eraser, a small piece of thick dark paper, a piece of cooking wax paper, and a Pringles potato chip canister with plastic lid (or some other type of container that won’t let light in but is thin enough to cut holes in such as a shoe box.)
• Print the signs. Cut out the sign that says “I am the light of the world” and tape it to the top of the picture of Jesus. Also cut out the direction card that says “Look behind the picture of Jesus.” Tape the direction card to the inside bottom of the canister. Cut out a circle of wax paper and a circle of dark paper using the plastic lid as a guide. Put a hole in the middle of each paper about the size of a pea. Tape the wax paper inside the clear plastic lid. Tape the dark paper under the wax paper. Put the lid on the canister. Optional: glue decorative paper onto the outside of the canister. (If using a shoe box for this activity, poke an eye hole in the tall end of the box about the size of a pea and put the direction card on the opposite end. Cut a golf ball sized hole in the side of the box and tape a piece of thick dark paper over the hole.)
• Print the activity visual aids. Cover the back of the cloud page with glue (Scotch permanent glue stick works well), and adhere it to the front of the picture of Jesus. Cut the combined page into 12 puzzle pieces using the puzzle outline as a guide. Tape a page protector to the middle of the half sheet of poster board. Attach the puzzle pieces around it with double-sided removable tape (see above picture). Press the pieces on lightly so the tape will remain on the puzzle pieces when moving them to the page protector. Have extra tape available in class just in case.
• Print the handouts; one cloud handout will be needed per child. Glue the cloud page on top of the pictures of Jesus (just like the activity page). Cut the page into four sections so one cloud is on each cut section. Put the handouts in a Ziploc baggie. Place the Ziploc baggie on the easel and then put the picture of Jesus in front of it. Display the picture of Jesus on a table in class.
• Print the scripture story visual aids. Cut each page in half so one picture is on each half. Number the back of each picture in the order printed.


Attention Activity
Show the children the canister and explain that there are directions inside the canister that will lead them to a special handout. Have them take turns looking through the eye hole to try and read the directions. Ask the children if any of them can see the directions. Take the dark cover off the lid and ask them to try again. (Tell the children to wait to follow the directions. Explain that they will retrieve the items towards the end of the lesson.)

• Why were the directions visible the second time? Because light was let into the canister.

Ask a child to read the caption on the picture of Jesus. Explain that the full scripture is found in John 8:12 and it says: “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

• What does the “light of life” mean? (The guiding light that leads to eternal life.) How is Jesus the guiding light of the world? Jesus lights the way to eternal life through His example and teachings.

• What might happen if a person didn’t have a light when walking in a dark area such as in a forest on a dark, cloudy night? (They might trip and fall over obstacles and get hurt.) Could the person find their desired destination? It would be difficult.

Just as we would need a light to help us find our way in the dark, we also need a light to help us find our way through the dark clouds of Satan’s lies and temptations on earth and see the way to eternal life.

Scripture Account
Remind the children of last week’s lesson concerning Helaman and the stripling warriors. Explain that after the war with the Lamanites, Helaman once again began to preach the gospel and build up the church. After Helaman died, the records he had kept were eventually given to his son who was also named Helaman. His son Helaman became a chief judge and served righteously. He had two sons by the names of Nephi and Lehi. He taught them many things

• Why do you think Helaman named his sons after Nephi and Lehi? (See Helaman 5:6.) He named them after righteous men hoping his sons would be reminded of their deeds and try to be like them.

• Ask the children if any of them are named after a person with praiseworthy characteristics.  Ask them how they feel when they hear about the characteristics of the person they are named after. Does it inspire them? Do they want to strive to be like that person?

• Remind the children that they took on a special name at baptism. What name is that? (See 2 Nephi 31:13 & Mosiah 6:1-2) The name of Jesus Christ. Explain that in today’s lesson they are going to discuss ways they can become more like Jesus Christ.

Scripture Story Continued
After Helaman died, his son Nephi served as chief judge for a time, but when the people began to become wicked and prideful he gave up the judgment seat to go and preach among them with his brother Lehi.

• The judgment seat was the top political office among the Nephites. It was influential like being a president or a prime minister. Why would Nephi give up a position where he could influence many people for good? The laws of the land were established by the voice of the people, and because of the wickedness of the people the laws had become corrupted and had little influence for good. Nephi felt he would have more influence and do more good by preaching the word of God.

Nephi and Lehi went from city to city preaching the word of God with great power, convincing many to repent. After they had gone among all the people of Nehi in the land southward, they went among the Lamanites and preached to them. Many of the Lamanites and the Nephite dissenters who lived among them were baptized unto repentance.

Scripture Story Activity
Put the scripture story visuals on the right side of the board in random order using tape or magnets. Read the story below to the children in numerical order. After reading each numbered section, stop and have a child choose a visual aid that goes with that part of the story. Have them turn over the card to see if it is right. The number on the back should match the number on the paragraph you read. If it is correct have the child move it to the left side of the board. The pictures on the left should be kept in the correct order.

1. Nephi and Lehi then went to the Land of Nephi to preach to the Lamanites and Nephite dissenters who resided there. In the Land of Nephi the Lamanites cast Nephi and Lehi into prison. They were given no food.

2. After several days the Lamanites came to the prison to slay them. When the Lamanites entered the prison, Nephi and Lehi were encircled about as if by fire. The Lamanites dared not lay their hands on them fearing they would be burned.

3. Nephi and Lehi were not burned by the fire. They told the Lamanites that God was demonstrating his marvelous power by protecting them with the fire.

4. Then the earth and the walls of the prison shook as if they might tumble down. The Lamanites were overshadowed by a cloud of darkness and they were afraid.

5. As they stood there in the darkness they heard a voice as if it were above the cloud of darkness saying, “Repent ye, repent ye, and seek no more to destroy my servants whom I have sent unto you to declare good tidings.” It was not a voice of thunder but a still voice of perfect mildness, and it did pierce them to their souls.

6. The walls and earth shook and the voice spoke to them two more times. The Lamanites were frozen with fear.

7. There was a Nephite among them who had once belonged to the church of God but had dissented. He saw through the cloud of darkness and saw that Nephi and Lehi’s faces were shining with light.

8. Their eyes were lifted up to heaven, and they were in the attitude of talking to some being that they beheld.

9. The Nephite man did cry unto the multitude to turn and look. The Lamanites asked the man what it all meant and who Nephi and Lehi were conversing with. The Nephite, whose name was Aminadab, said that they do converse with the angels of God. The Lamanites asked Aminadab what they could do to make the cloud of darkness disperse. Aminadab told them they must repent and pray to God until they gained faith in Christ.

10. They did as Aminadab said and the cloud of darkness dispersed.

11. When they looked about and saw the cloud of darkness had dispersed, they also saw they were encircled by a pillar of fire. It did not hurt them and they were filled with unspeakable joy. The Spirit of God did enter into their hearts. They saw and heard many marvelous things.

12. There were about three hundred souls who saw and heard these things, and they did go forth and minister to the people declaring all the things they had heard and seen.

13. The more part of the Lamanites were convinced of the truth of the matter because of the great amount of evidence. All those who were convinced did lay down their weapons of war, and they let go of their hatred and the traditions of their fathers.

The Lamanites had been living their lives in darkness by believing Satan’s lies, following the incorrect traditions of their fathers, and filling their lives with hatred for the Nephites.

• What did the Lamanites do to escape the darkness? They prayed for forgiveness and for faith in Jesus Christ. Afterwards they changed their lives and followed the teachings of Jesus.

Put the puzzle and page protector on the board and explain that the children are going to do an activity that will help show them ways they can follow Jesus and fill their lives with light. Have them work in groups of two. Explain that you want them to think of some things that Jesus taught or some examples he set (if they need help they can look in the chapter headlines of the book of Luke in the New Testament for ideas.) Ideas might include the following: ministered to the sick and afflicted, prayed, fasted, kept the Sabbath Day holy, taught the gospel, knew the scriptures, served others, was baptized, was meek and humble, loved others, forgave. (Remind the children that one way to know and remember what Jesus did and taught is to read their scriptures daily. His teachings are found in all the books of scripture.)

Have the groups take turns telling an answer. After they give an answer have them write it on the board and then put a puzzle piece on the page protector. Continue in this manner until all the puzzle pieces are in the correct order on the page protector. When all the pieces are in the correct order, tape or pin the page protector on a lamp (or lantern) and turn on the lamp. The picture of Jesus should shine through. Explain that when we learn and do the things Jesus taught, then we are filling our lives with light: the knowledge, understanding, and truths that lead to eternal life.

Have one of the children now follow the directions they read in the canister. Once the child has retrieved the items from behind the picture of Jesus, explain that the items are miniature copies of the picture on the lamp. Tell them to each take one home and pin or tape it to the outside of a lamp shade (preferably a lamp in their room, and with permission from parents). Explain that every time the lamp is turned on they will see the picture of Jesus, and it will be a reminder for them to follow Jesus because he is the light that leads to eternal life.

Weekly Reading Assignment

Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: Helaman 5:14-52


Lesson 27: Helaman and the Stripling Warriors

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Lesson 27
Helaman and the Stripling Warriors

• Items needed: tape, scriptures for each child, two containers, colored markers, several pieces of chalk and an eraser, scissors for each child (child scissors can usually be checked out at meetinghouse libraries).

• Print and cut out the health statements. Tape the “true” and “false” signs onto the containers, one on each.  Also print and cut out the characteristics activity items.
• Print and cut out the scripture story visual aids. (The footprints are not in the correct order. This is to allow you to use different colored paper for  each of the three groups. To help you identify the groups, there are letters next to each number on the footprints. S stands for stripling warrior, L stands for Lamanites, and N stands for Nephites. Also trace and cut out one blank footprint for each group from the color paper used.)
• Print the small footprints. One copy is needed per child, and they can be printed or copied onto different colored papers if desired.
• Print or obtain the pictures of the Two Thousand Young Warriors and The Anti-Nephi-Lehies Burying their Swords.
• Put the scripture story answer strips on the board using magnets or tape before class begins, or pre-stick them to a small portable display board using sticky tack. Post the big sign that says “Faith in God” on a wall.

Attention Activity
Put the true and false labeled containers on the table. Give each child a health statement, and have them take turns reading their statement. Tell the children to stand up if they hear a statement read that is not true. Ask the children to explain why it is not true. After a statement is read, have the child put their statement in the true or the false container.

Ask the children how they knew when something was false. (Because their mothers or someone had taught them what is correct.)

• What would happen if someone did the things that were on the false statements? (Their body could become unhealthy, sick, or injured). Does knowing the consequences of following the false health statements help you want to do what is correct? Did knowing what was right help you stand up and declare when something was false?

Tell the children that in today’s lesson they will learn about a group of young men who were taught what is right by their mothers; they were taught to have faith in God and to be obedient to God’s commandments. This knowledge helped them be valiant in doing and defending what is right.

Scripture Story
Remind the children of last week’s lesson concerning Amalickiah and his desire to rule over all the land. His wicked desires motivated him to start a war to attain his purposes. Explain that Amalickiah’s quest for power was brief because he was killed by the Nephite Teancum. But Amalickiah’s brother, Ammaron, was appointed to be king over the Lamanites in Amalickiah’s stead. Ammaron also desired power, and he continued the terrible war his brother had started.

There was much suffering and death that occurred because of the war. The Lamanites attacked and captured many Nephite cities. They accomplished this through cunning and through their numberless hosts. The cities they captured were all strongly fortified after the manner of the fortifications of Moroni; all of which afforded strongholds for the Lamanites.

Show a picture of the “Anti-Nephi-Lehies Burying Their Swords”, and ask the children if they remember who the people in the picture are and why they were burying their weapons. Remind the children that after the Anti-Nephi-Lehies (the people of Ammon) repented of their many sins, they made a covenant to never shed blood again. Because of their covenant they would not defend themselves against the Lamanites. In order to protect the people of Ammon, the Nephites gave them the land of Jershon to live in. (Put the land of Jershon picture on the top left of the board (or wall).

When the people of Ammon saw the danger, the afflictions, and the many tribulations the Nephites were enduring in the war against the Lamanites, they were moved to compassion and wished to take up arms in defense of their country. Helaman persuaded them not to break their oath because Helaman feared they would lose their souls if they broke their covenant.

The people of Ammon had many sons who had not entered into the covenant. These young sons gathered and covenanted to fight for the liberty of the people. (Put the picture of the stripling warriors at the top right of the board.) These young warriors chose a leader, and then they marched toward the southern borders in support of the people there.

Put footprint number one on the board, next to the land of Jershon, heading towards the bottom right of the board. Have a child read the question on the footprint and then find the matching answer. Have the children look up and read the scripture reference to make sure the answer is correct. If the answer is incorrect have the child exchange their answer for the correct one. Afterwards, add any additional discussion or comments that are listed under the question below. Continue in this manner with each footprint, going in numerical order.

1-S) Who did the young Ammonites choose as their leader? (Alma 53:19) The stripling warriors desired Helaman to be their leader.

• Who was Helaman? He was the oldest son of the prophet Alma the younger. He had been chosen to be the next spiritual leader of the people and the keeper of the records.

• Why would choosing and following a righteous leader make a difference in the young Ammonite’s effectiveness and safety in battle? A righteous leader would seek for, be worthy of, and follow the guidance of the Holy Ghost as he made decisions concerning their endeavors.

2-S) How many of these young Ammonite warriors were there at first? (Alma 53:22) There were two thousand of these young men called stripling warriors.

• What does “stripling” mean? The dictionary defines it as a boy in his teenage years who has not yet grown to his full size.

3-S) What did Helaman call the stripling warriors? (Alma 56:10) Sons

• Why did Helaman call the stripling warriors sons? They were young and worthy to be called sons, and Helaman loved each of these young men like a father loves his children.

4-S) What city did the sons of Helaman march to? (Alma 56:9) The city of Judea (Put the picture of the city of Judea on the board, along with footprint five leading to its entrance.)

5-S) How did the Nephites in Judea respond when they saw the stripling warriors? (Alma 56:10 & 16-17) (Joyfully)  The leader Antipus rejoiced to have reinforcements to strengthen his army. The Nephite soldiers were also joyful. They had lost many men and had suffered much in defense of their cities, and it gave them hope and joy to see the stripling warriors.

Now that the Nephites had reinforcements they wished to try and draw out the Lamanites from the Nephite cities they had taken. They did not desire to attack the Lamanites in their strongholds.

6-S) Who did Antipus send out of the city of Judea as bait to pretend to take provisions to a neighboring city? (Alma 56:30) Helaman and the stripling warriors

7-S) Which Lamanite conquered city did Helaman and his two thousand stripling warriors march past in order to try and draw the Lamanites out? (Alma 56:31) Antiparah (Put the city of Antiparah just below footprint number six.)

(Put the next footprint (8-L) coming out of the city of Antiparah.)

8-L) What did the Lamanites in Antiparah do when they saw Helaman and his young warriors? (Alma 56:35-36) The Lamanites came forth from Antiparah with their army and pursued after them. Helaman and his stripling warriors did flee before the Lamanites, and thus they did accomplish their goal of leading away a large Lamanite army from their stronghold.

(Put the next footprint coming out of the city of Judea. The footprints after that will be added to the end of the footprints of each group according to their label of L for Lamanites, N for Nephites, and S for the stripling warriors.)

9-N) What were Antipus and part of his army doing when the stripling warriors were marching past Antiparah? (Alma 56:33) They were marching forth from Judea to go attack the Lamanites that came out of Antiparah.

10-L) What did the Lamanites desire to do before the Nephite army overtook them? (Alma 56:37) Slay Helaman and his stripling warriors so they would not be surrounded when the Nephite army overtook them.

11-N) What did Antipus do when he saw the danger to the young stripling warriors? (Alma 56:38) Increased the speed of his army

12 -S) How many days did the Lamanites pursue Helaman and the stripling warriors? (Alma 56:42) Two days and two nights, and into the morning of the third day. (Put one blank footprint on each group to represent the pursuit, and then explain that on the morning of the third day the Lamanites halted their pursuit.

13-S) What did the stripling warriors want to do when they saw they were no longer being pursued? (Alma 56:43-46) They wanted to turn back, even though the situation could be a trap. They wanted to make sure Antipus and his army had not been overcome by the Lamanites.

(Put the next footprints turning back to head towards the Lamanite footprints).

14-S) Why were the stripling warriors not afraid to fight in the battle against the Lamanites? (Alma 56:47) (Love for family & faith in God) They had been taught by their mothers that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.

15-S) What did the stripling warriors discover when they turned back? (Alma 56:49) They discovered a terrible battle had commenced between the Lamanites and the army of Antipus. (Put the visual aid that is labeled battle area between the end of the Lamanite and Nephite footprints.)

(Put the next footprint on top of the battle area.)

16-N) What would have happened to the army of Antipus if the stripling warriors had not turned back? (Alma 56:50) The army of Antipus was weary from their long, fast march and they were about to fall into the hands of the Lamanites. If Helaman and his stripling warriors had not returned, the army would have fallen.

(Put footprint sixteen on top of footprint fifteen.)

17-L) The Lamanites surrendered to the Nephites. What factors compelled them to surrender? (Alma 56:54 & 56) With the arrival of the two thousand stripling warriors into the battle, the Lamanites were surrounded, but the most compelling reason for their surrender was that they became afraid when they saw the mighty power and strength the two thousand warriors fought with.

(Put footprint eighteen on top of footprint seventeen, and tell the children that after the Lamanites surrendered, Helaman numbered his young men fearing that many had been slain.)

18-S) How many stripling warriors died in battle? (Alma 55-56) To his great joy he discovered that not one of them had been slain by the sword

After returning to the city of Judea and receiving reinforcements, the Nephites and stripling warriors waged other battles against the Lamanites, and they took back several cities. After one great battle, where they were outnumbered and many people were killed, Helaman was once again worried that that some of his young men might have been killed.


Have six children, in sets of two, quickly draw on the board some stick figures under the title of Nephites, Lamanites, and stripling warriors. Have a child erase some of the Nephites. Explain that a thousand Nephites were killed in the terrible battle. Have another child erase some the Lamanites. Explain that many Lamanites were also killed in the battle. (Activity Source: Teaching the Scripture Readers)

• How many of the stripling warriors were killed in the battle? Every one of the stripling warriors had several injuries, but Helaman was happy to find out that not one of them had perished. (Alma 57:25)

The stripling warrior’s preservation was astonishing to the Nephite army, and they attributed it to the stripling warrior’s great faith in the Lord that He would preserve them.

The stripling warriors gained their great faith while in their youth as they listened to and obeyed the teachings of their mothers. Heavenly Father gives us parents to love, teach, and guide us through our lives.

• What are some things that your parents or other family members (such as grandparents) have taught you that led you to gaining faith in the Lord?

Give each child a page of the small footsteps and have the children write their answers on the small footsteps. (For example: Keep the Sabbath Day holy, read the scriptures, say prayers, be honest, be forgiving, serve others, etc.) Have them roughly cut a few out and post them on the wall heading toward the sign that says “Faith in God.” Tell the children that at the end of class you want them to take their footsteps (cutting out the rest later) and put them on a wall in their room leading to their sign that says “Faith in God”. This will help remind them that following the righteous teachings of their parents and family members can lead them to gaining faith in God.

Activity & Game
As the Ammonites listened to and obeyed the righteous teachings of their mothers, not only did they gain great faith but they also developed other strong, righteous characteristics.

Divide the children into four groups and explain that each group is going to look up a scripture that tells about one of the righteous characteristics the young Ammonites developed in their youth. Give each group their characteristic card and their scripture and discussion ideas card. Tell them to read their discussion card and scripture and be prepared to tell what their characteristic is, tell about or describe their characteristic, and read the related parts of their scripture to the class. Have them tape their characteristic on the board. (Be prepared to add in any additional needed discussion to what the children present.)

After a group presents their characteristic, do the following game: Have a child stand and tell how they can demonstrate that characteristic as they go about their day to day life. For example “I can courageously stand up for the right by sticking up for a child that is being picked on.” Have the next child stand and say the same thing plus add their own. Continue doing this until all the children have had a turn. (Start with a different child each time a new characteristic is presented.)

Trustworthy and Reliable (Read the second half of Alma 53:20) The stripling warriors were “true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted.” The Lord could count on them to always do the right things and firmly follow through with whatever he asked of them. The people around them could also rely on them to be dependable and trustworthy.

Courageous (Read the first half of Alma 53:20) “They were exceedingly valiant for courage.” They had great courage and did not fear death. “They did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives.” (Alma 56:47) They courageously stood for what is right because of their love for their family. Our family and friends are also under attack – spiritual attack. We need to have the courage to stand up for what is right and defend truth and right to help make the world a safer and better place for them.

Hard Working (Read the first half of Alma 53:20) “They were exceedingly valiant for courage and also for strength and activity.’ Valiant for strength and activity means they worked hard to do whatever needed to be done.

Obedient – to parents, leaders, and the commandments of God. (Read the scriptures below.)
• How did the young Ammonites respond to the commands they received from their leaders and from God? (See Alma 57:21) “They did obey…. every word of command with exactness.” (Alma 58:40) “They are strict to remember the Lord their God from day to day; yea, they do observe to keep his statutes, and his judgments, and his commandments continually.”

(Read this quote after the characteristic of obedience is presented.) “The key to their success was to obey every word and command. Yes, if we are going to draw upon the powers of heaven, intention is not enough. We must obey every word of command with exactness…We must actually obey the law; intention is not enough!” Rex C. Reeve, New Era, Jul 1981

Explain to the children that they can be given the strength and power to stand up for what is right and gain characteristics of great worth like the stripling warriors if they will listen to and follow the righteous teachings and examples of their parents and leaders.

Weekly Reading Assignment

Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: Alma 53: 10–22 & Alma 56:21-56

Resurrection – Easter, Item #5 – Song

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Resurrection – Easter
Item #5- Song
“Did Jesus Really Live Again?”


  • Items needed: removable double-sided tape, a clear page protector, a recording of the song with words and a device to play it on.
  • Print the two small pages of visual aids. Glue the two pages together, back to back. (All parts of the picture will need to have glue on it.) Cut the small pictures apart into individual sections.
  • Note: If using this idea in Primary, print the larger version of the visual aids. You will need to tape four page protectors together, edge to edge, using clear tape, and also tape or glue the four pages of the picture of Jesus together. The song pictures will need to be glued to the back of the picture of Jesus in the right order as displayed in the above picture. Then cut apart the song cards so a part of the picture of Jesus is attached to each piece.
  • Note: The song comes from the Children’s Songbook Pg 64, and the pictures are from the Friend Magazine and Primary Manuals.



Give one or two of the song pictures to each class or child. Tell them they are going to put the song words in order on the clear page protector. Have them listen to the song once, then ask who has the first part of the song. Have them put it on the page protector.  (The page protector should be horizontal, and the pictures should start at the top left corner and go towards the right. Each row will be a verse.) Ask who has the second part of the song. You may need to listen to the song again if they aren’t sure what comes next. Also have them sing what they have put in order so far as they listen.  Continue in this manner until all the pictures have been put on the page protector. Turn over the page to sing the final sentence. If the pictures are in the correct order, a picture of the resurrected Jesus Christ will be seen through the page protector.

To help the children learn the song, have a child take one or two of the small pictures off the page protector. Sing the song again to see if they can remember the part that has been taken off. Repeat this process until all the pictures have been removed and the children can sing the song without them. The following actions could be used in place of a removed picture:

Did Jesus really live again (hold hands out with palms up)
Yes, when the third day came (hold up three fingers)
He wakened and he left the tomb (walk in place)
He called Mary’s name (cup hands around mouth)
Did Jesus come to those he loved (Put hands over heart)
Yes, people touched his feet (bend over and touch feet),
And of the fish and honeycomb (wiggle hand back and forth like a fish swimming)
He did truly eat (pantomime eating).
And there were nail prints in his hands (point to hand)
And a spear wound in his side (point to side)
Did Jesus really live again after he had died (hold hands out with palms up)
Oh yes! And so shall I (nod head)!