Doctrine and Covenants 6–9

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Doctrine & Covenants Section 6 Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829. Oliver Cowdery began his labors as scribe in the translation of the Book of Mormon, April 7, 1829. He had already received a divine manifestation of the truth of the Prophet’s testimony respecting the plates on which was engraved the Book of Mormon record. The Prophet inquired of the Lord through the Urim and Thummim and received this response.

Doctrine & Covenants Section 7 Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829, when they inquired through the Urim and Thummim as to whether John, the beloved disciple, tarried in the flesh or had died. The revelation is a translated version of the record made on parchment by John and hidden up by himself. 1–3, John the Beloved will live until the Lord comes; 4–8, Peter, James, and John hold gospel keys.

Doctrine & Covenants Section 8 Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Oliver Cowdery, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829. In the course of the translation of the Book of Mormon, Oliver, who continued to serve as scribe, writing at the Prophet’s dictation, desired to be endowed with the gift of translation. The Lord responded to his supplication by granting this revelation.

Doctrine & Covenants Section 9 Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Oliver Cowdery, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829. Oliver is admonished to be patient and is urged to be content to write, for the time being, at the dictation of the translator, rather than to attempt to translate.

Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 7: Joseph Smith Translates the Gold Plates,”  

  • Because of the lost 116 pages of manuscript, the angel Moroni took the gold plates and the Urim and Thummim away from Joseph Smith for a time (see lesson 6). After Joseph repented, these items were returned. As Joseph continued the translation, he found that he did not have time to take care of his family and farm and still translate as fast as he wanted to. The work of translation was also slowed because Joseph had no scribe to write for him as he translated. Martin Harris was no longer allowed to be Joseph’s scribe. Emma sometimes served as scribe, but she had other work to do also. Joseph knew that the translation was not going as fast as it needed to, so he prayed and asked Heavenly Father for help.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 6–9: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation””

  • In the fall of 1828, a young schoolteacher named Oliver Cowdery took a teaching job in Manchester, New York, and stayed with the family of Lucy and Joseph Smith Sr. Oliver had heard about their son Joseph, who was now living in Harmony, Pennsylvania, and Oliver, who considered himself a seeker of truth, wanted to know more. The Smiths described visits from angels, an ancient record, and the gift to translate by the power of God. Oliver was fascinated. Could it be true? Lucy and Joseph Sr. gave him advice that applies to anyone seeking truth: pray and ask the Lord. Oliver did, and the Lord answered, speaking peace and reassurance to Oliver’s mind.
  • In spring 1829 Oliver Cowdery traveled to Harmony and volunteered to be Joseph Smith’s scribe as he translated the Book of Mormon.

For the Strength of Youth January 2021 “An Answer for Oliver”

Heavenly Father speaks to me through the Holy Ghost.

Doctrine and Covenants 6:5, 15–16, 22–238:29:7–9

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “D&C 6-9

  • The truths Oliver Cowdery learned about personal revelation can help your children as they develop their ability to recognize the Holy Ghost. You could use “Chapter 5: Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery” (in Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 22–25, or the corresponding video in Gospel Library) to teach them about Oliver and what he learned. Share with each other your favorite parts of the story. As you do, emphasize things the Lord taught Oliver about how to hear God’s voice, and read relevant verses, such as Doctrine and Covenants 6:23 or 9:7–9.

Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Chapter 5: Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery” Video and Images

The Holy Ghost speaks to my mind and my heart.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “D&C 6-9 & CFM Primary 2021

  • Invite the children to touch their heads and their chests as you read the words “mind” and “heart” in Doctrine and Covenants 8:2. Help them understand that Heavenly Father speaks to us through the Holy Ghost, who gives us thoughts and feelings.

Feelings in Our Heart

Thoughts in Our Mind

Friend May 2024 “Listening to the Holy Ghost” At FHE Warner’s mom taught that often the Holy Ghost speaks by giving you a thought in your mind.

“When she said that, I was so surprised. Just earlier, I had prayed and asked my Heavenly Father to help me hear the Holy Ghost. All my life I’d had thoughts that guided me to choose the right. Now I knew that those thoughts came from the Holy Ghost!

Doctrine and Covenants Coloring Book “Oliver Received Answers from the Lord”

Sing together a song about the Holy Ghost, such as “The Holy Ghost” (Children’s Songbook, 105). What does the song teach about how the Spirit speaks to us?

Oliver Tries Translating

Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 7: Joseph Smith Translates the Gold Plates,”  

  • With Oliver assisting, the translation of the Book of Mormon went faster. After working as scribe for some time, Oliver wanted to translate. He was given permission to translate but failed when he tried. Oliver thought that the ability to translate would be given to him by merely asking Heavenly Father for it, but he learned that it required great mental and spiritual effort. The ability to translate had to come through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost

Friend February 2025 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Flashlight Fun”

  • God can give us answers to our questions through the Holy Ghost (see Doctrine and Covenants 6:23). Sometimes we need to really focus to understand the message. Get a flashlight and turn off the lights in a room. One person uses the flashlight to draw a picture or letters on the wall. The others try to guess what it is. How is the flashlight like the Holy Ghost?

Write on the board How does the Holy Ghost speak to us? Invite the children to search in Doctrine and Covenants 6:15–16, 22–238:29:7–9 for answers to the question.

Friend January 2021 “The Party Problem” Luz felt uneasy about going to a graduation party. It didn’t sound like the kind of party where she’d be able to feel the Holy Ghost. She thought about it, made her choice not to go, and then asked Heavenly Father if that was the right choice. Afterwards she felt a wave of warmth and light and knew she had made the right choice.

Latter Day Kids “The Holy Ghost” Lesson, song, and activity ideas

Riches of Eternal Life

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 6–9: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation””

Doctrine and Covenants 6: 7, 13

  • How can you help your family understand that real “riches” are found in eternal life? (verse 7). You could invite family members to make pretend money and write or draw on it some of the many blessings your family has received because of the restored gospel.

Liahona February 2025 ” Treasures in Heaven”

Because of Jesus Christ, I can “fear not.”

Doctrine and Covenants 6:34

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 6–9: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation”

  • Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery had many reasons to be afraid—persecution and poverty were just some of the challenges they faced. The Lord’s message to Joseph and Oliver can also encourage the children when they feel afraid.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “D&C 6-9

  • The Lord told Joseph and Oliver, “Fear not, little flock” (Doctrine and Covenants 6:34). You might invite your children to repeat that phrase with you several times. They might also enjoy pretending to be a flock of frightened sheep. What might sheep be afraid of?
  • Then you and your children could look at a picture of the Savior as a shepherd (there’s one at the end of this outline) and talk about how He watches over us like a shepherd watches over His sheep.

    Sing together a song about the Savior, such as “Little Lambs So White and Fair” (Children’s Songbook, 58)

    Help the children think of ways that they can “look unto,” or remember, the Savior during the coming week (see also this week’s activity page).

    Come Follow Me Kid “D&C 6-9”

    Each person will write their name on a sheep. Take turns sharing something that makes us fearful. Either
    write/draw those fears on the back of the sheep or just share them out loud. After sharing, that person will place their sheep on the “I Will Encircle Thee in the Arms of My Love” picture of Jesus Christ. He loves us and can help us with our fears. Remind them that we are part of His flock. Every one of us is important to Him, and He wants to take care of us.

    Color the outline of one of these people to look like yourself. Glue it onto the “I Will Encircle Thee in the Arms of My Love” page.

    Jesus Is My True Light

    “Fear not to do good.”

    Doctrine and Covenants 6:33–37

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 6–9: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation”

    The children you teach may at times feel afraid to stand for the right. Doctrine and Covenants 6:33–37 can inspire them to be courageous, even in difficult circumstances.

    Consider playing or singing a song about finding courage in Christ, such as “Dare to Do Right” (Children’s Songbook, 158) or “Let Us All Press On” (Hymns, no. 243). What does the song teach about how the Savior helps us not be afraid? Ask the children to find in the song some reasons why we should “fear not” (verse 36).

    Come Follow Me Kid “D&C 6-9” Cut apart the following strips and spread them out far enough in a room so that the kids will need to hop from one strip to another. Make sure to keep them in the correct order. Have them stand by the first one and help them say the top line out loud. Explain what it means. Then have them jump to the next one and do the same thing until they’ve jumped on each of them, said them out loud, and discussed them one at a time. Then have them start back at the beginning and practice saying the phrases from D&C 6:33 in order while hopping from strip to strip again. Try going a little faster each time. Repeat as many times as wanted/needed.

    For the Strength of Youth February 2021 “Fear Not” A line-by-line explanation for the words in D&C 6:33-37

    I can look to Jesus Christ in every thought.

    Doctrine and Covenants 6:36

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “D&C 6-9

    • After reading together Doctrine and Covenants 6:36, you and your children could make drawings to help you remember to “look unto [Jesus Christ] in every thought.” Share with each other your drawings, and help your children think of places they could put them so they will see them often.

    Friend August 2020 “Let God Prevail!” President Russel M. Nelson tells what it means to let God prevail in our lives.

    I can ask in faith.

    Doctrine and Covenants 8:10

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 6–9: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation”

    • Write on the board Without_______  you can do nothing; therefore ask in ________ . Invite the children to try to think of a word that fits in both blanks. Then read together Doctrine and Covenants 8:10 to find the answer. What are some things we can do if we have faith?

    Additional Resources

    Saints, 1:58–64

    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints “Gospel Media: Days of Harmony” Video of Oliver Cowdery’s experience as Joseph Smith’s scribe during the translation of the Book of Mormon

    Click to see more

    Emma Smith

    Emma Smith

    “When my husband was translating the Book of Mormon, I wrote a part of it, as he dictated each sentence, word for word, and when he came to proper names he could not pronounce, or long words, he spelled them out, and while I was writing them, if I made any mistake in spelling, he would stop me and correct my spelling although it was impossible for him to see how I was writing them down at the time. Even the word Sarah he could not pronounce at first, but had to spell it, and I would pronounce it for him.”4

    “The plates often lay on the table without any attempt at concealment, wrapped in a small linen tablecloth, which I had given him to fold them in. I once felt of the plates, as they thus lay on the table, tracing their outline and shape. They seemed to be pliable like thick paper, and would rustle with a metallic sound when the edges were moved by the thumb, as one does sometimes thumb the edges of a book. …

    “My belief is that the Book of Mormon is of divine authenticity—I have not the slightest doubt of it. I am satisfied that no man could have dictated the writing of the manuscripts unless he was inspired; for, when acting as his scribe, [Joseph] would dictate to me hour after hour; and when returning after meals, or after interruptions, he would at once begin where he had left off, without either seeing the manuscript or having any portion of it read to him. This was a usual thing for him to do. It would have been improbable that a learned man could do this; and, for one so ignorant and unlearned as he was, it was simply impossible.”5

    The Red Crystal

    Lesson 40: The Jaredites Are Led to the Promised Land

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    Lesson 40: The Jaredites Are Led to the Promised Land

    • Items needed: a cellphone GPS (or print the clipart picture of a GPS device), chalk and eraser, tape or sticky tack, pencils.
    • Print the scripture story visual aids, and cut them in half so one picture is on each half. Number the back of the pictures in the order they were printed. (Scripture story pictures are from chapters 50 & 51 of Book of Mormon Stories.)
    • Print the activity visual aids and the French and English instruction cards. (Optional: Print the pages on colored paper.) Cut out the individual signs and cards.
    • Make enough copies of the game handout for each child to have one. (Half a page is one handout.)
    • Pre-class prep: Draw the timeline on the board using the provided timeline as the example (do not include the events or names). Tape the “Jaredite’s Journey” activity pages on a side wall (or on the chalkboard)  in the order shown in the above picture. Tape the sign “Jaredite’s Journey” above the pages.  Tape each of the individual signs under the classroom chairs (except for the Tower of Babel sign).

    Attention Activity
    Show the children the cellphone GPS (or the picture of a GPS). Explain that a GPS is a device that helps a person get to a place they wish to go to. It gives voice directions and diagram directions on the screen. (Demonstrate this if possible by entering a location so they can hear the voice and see the screen.)

    • What would happen if you desired to get to a certain destination and you needed help to get there but you didn’t use your GPS to get directions–or you used your GPS but you didn’t follow the directions it gave? You might not find your desired destination.

    • Explain that in life we have been given a spiritual GPS to help us reach a wonderful destination called eternal life. What is this spiritual GPS we have been given? The guidance of the Lord throughly the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost can show us the way to eternal life but we must seek for, listen to, and follow the guidance given.

    Tell the children that in today’s lesson they will learn of a group of people who followed the guidance of the Lord and were led to a promised land.

    Chalkboard Presentation
    Remind the children that the Book of Mormon tells of three separate groups of people who were led by the Lord to the Americas. Remind the children that Lehi and his family were one group, and they left Jerusalem at approximately 600 BC. (Write in Lehi by the date 600 B.C. on the timeline.) A group of people called the Mulekites were another group. Mulek and his people escaped the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem at approximately 587 BC. (Write in Mulekites next to Lehi.) Mulek was the son of King Zedekiah. The Nephites eventually found and joined with the Mulekites. (Omni 1:14-19)

    The final group that came to the Americas was called the Jaredites. This group actually came to the continent many years before Lehi and his family, sometime between 2500 BC and 2200 BC. (Write in Jaredites between the date 2500 BC and 2200 BC.) The Jaredites eventually completely destroyed themselves sometime around 580 BC during a bloody civil war. (Point out when this happened on the timeline.) The Nephites discovered the ruins of the Jaredite civilization and also found some of the Jaredite records amongst the ruins. (Mosiah 21:25-28) Moroni included an abridged portion of the Jaredite records at the end of the Book of Mormon. This abridged section includes the story of the Jaredite’s journey to the Americas.

    The Jaredite’s story begins at the Tower of Babel. (Put the Tower of Babel sign on the first page of the activity “Jaredite’s Journey.”) Ask if any of the children knows and can tell the story of the Tower of Babel. (Following the Flood in Noah’s day, many descendants of those who had been spared became wicked. One group of people attempted to build a tower “whose top may reach unto heaven” (Genesis 11:4). The Lord dealt with the widespread wickedness by confounding (meaning changed or confused).the common language and by scattering the people across the face of the earth. (Ether 1:33; Genesis 11:5–8)

    Object Lesson
    Have a volunteer stand in front of the class. Give the child the card with the French words on it. Tell the other children that there are directions on the card. Explain that when the volunteer reads the directions, the class needs to follow them. After the child reads the card, give the class a few moments and then ask the children why they didn’t follow the directions. Have the child then read the card with the directions written in English. After the children follow the directions, ask what it would be like if they weren’t able to understand the people around them. Tell the children to hold onto the card the found under their chair. Explain that they will use them later on in the lesson.

    Scripture Story
    (Show the scripture story visual aids as you tell the following story.)
    Explain that a man named Jared and his family lived during the time period when the languages were confounded (meaning changed or confused). Jared had a brother who was highly favored of the Lord. Jared asked his brother to cry unto the Lord to beg of him not to confound the language of their family and friends.

    • What is the difference between “crying unto the Lord” and merely saying your prayers? When you cry unto the Lord you are praying with deep feelings and emotions. Sometimes our prayers can become repetitive, where we are just repeating a list and we don’t have strong feelings concerning what we are praying about. When we “cry unto the Lord” our emotions and needs are strong, and we may put more effort into trying to communicate with the Lord and into hearing his responses.

    1) The brother of Jared pled with the Lord to preserve the language of his friends and family, and the Lord had compassion upon them, and their language was not confounded.

    Jared asked his brother to cry unto the Lord again concerning whether they should leave the land, and if so where should they go. The Lord told them to gather their family, friends, flocks, and seeds and he would lead them to a land choice about all others.

    Point out the pages on the wall and explain that they represent the Jaredite’s journey. Explain that the children are going to fill in the spaces with the things the brother of Jared did to help receive the guidance of the Lord. Point out the first space of the journey and ask the following question:

    • If you were starting a journey and needed direction and had access to a GPS, what would you need to do first in order to access the help and information that is available through the GPS? (You would first have to input and communicate with the device the direction information that is needed.)

    Similarly, when we are need of help and direction in order to find our way through the wilderness of life, we must communicate our needs to Heavenly Father.

    •What was the first thing the Brother of Jared did to get help and direction from the Lord?  (He prayed.)

    Ask the children which one of them thinks they have the first step to receiving the Lord’s help and guidance. Have the child with the sign “Sincere Prayer” put it on the first space.

    • Why did you think the Lord promised the brother of Jared to lead him, his family, and friends to a promised land? (See the last line in the scripture Ether 1:43. “Because this long time ye have cried unto me.”) Explain that the brother of Jared had turned to the Lord regularly and consistently in his life. He was steadfast in his devotion to the Lord.

    Ask the children which one of them thinks they have the next item to receiving the Lord’s help and guidance. (“Regular and Consistent Prayers” )

    • If you don’t use the GPS often, can it be difficult to remember how to operate it when you need it? Explain that just like a GPS, if a person were to turn to the Lord only during times of dire need, they may become unfamiliar with the ways of the Lord and the workings of the Spirit. It may take time and effort before answers come.

    • After the brother of Jared was told to prepare for the journey to the promised land what did he, his friends, and his family do?

    2) They went to the valley called Nimrod and did gather and prepare supplies for the journey as the Lord had instructed. (Read Ether 2:1-3)

    • What would happen if we inputted our info into the GPS and directions were then supplied, but then we didn’t follow the directions that were given?

    If we don’t listen to and follow the direction the Lord gives, we may face great difficulty as we try to go our own way.

    • Would the Lord continue to provide direction and help through the Holy Ghost if we do not listen to and obey the direction he gives?

    Ask the children which one of them thinks they have the next item to receiving the Lord’s help and guidance. (“Follow the Lord’s Directions”)

    After the Jaredites had prepared food and supplies, they began their journey to the promised land.

    3) The Lord went before them and talked to them in a cloud and gave them directions where they should go.

    4) They were guided to the great sea where they dwelt in tents on the seashore for four years.

    5) At the end of four years the Lord did appear to the brother of Jared in a cloud and did talk with him and chasten him because he remembered not to call upon the name of the Lord. (We don’t know how long the brother of Jared was negligent in calling upon the Lord. Sometimes people forget to turn to the Lord when things become nice and easy, and then their progression towards eternal life may become stalled.)

    6) The Lord told the brother of Jared that the Spirit of the Lord will not always strive with man unless he continues to petition the Lord in righteousness.

    •What happens to a GPS if we don’t maintain it and make sure its battery is charged? We may lose access to the valuable direction and help it could provide in our travels.

    • What other things could cause the loss of a GPS signal? Tall buildings, forests, and mountains could block the satellite signal.

    Just as certain things can cause interfere with a GPS signal, so does disobedience and sin cause us to lose the guidance of the Holy Ghost. But just as a GPS will recalculate and provide ways to get back on track when mistakes are made (or after wandering into areas that can block the signal), so does the Lord provide a way for us to get back on track if we wander into sinful paths.

    • What way has the Lord provided for us to get back on track? (Repentance) Part of the repentance process involves moving away from the thing that is causing interference in living a righteous life (just as a person must move away from the item that is blocking the GPS signal in order to get back on track).

    • What did the brother of Jared do after the Lord chastised him? (See Ether 2:15.) The brother of Jared did repent.

    Ask the children which one of them thinks they have the next item to receiving the Lord’s help and guidance. (“Repent of Wrong Doings”)

    The Lord forgave the brother of Jared and told him to sin no more.

    7) The Lord then commanded Jared and his brethren to build barges according to His instructions.

    The barges were small–the length of a tree– and the top, bottom, and sides were tight like a dish that could hold water. When the door was shut, it was also tight like a dish.

    8) When the barges were complete, the brother of Jared talked to the Lord and reported that they had finished the work according to His command, but he also expressed some concerns he had about the barges.

    • What concerns do you think the brother of Jared had regarding the barges? (Remind the children that the barges were tight like a dish.) (See Ether 2:19 for the answer) Write the problems on the left side of the board. Then have the children read Ether 2:20–25 to find the Lord’s solutions to the problems. Summarize them on the right side of the board.

    1. When the door was closed tight, no air could get in, so how would they breathe?
    2. There was no light in the barges, so how would they be able to see and function in the dark?

    9) 1. The Lord instructs the brother of Jared to make holes with removable plugs in the top and bottom of the barges to allow air in. (Ether 2:20)
    2. It was left up to the brother of Jared to decide what to do about the light problem, but the Lord reminded the brother of Jared that they couldn’t have fire in the barges, and they couldn’t have windows because the barges would be like whales in the midst of the sea, and waves would dash upon them and break the windows.

    • Why do you think the Lord revealed solutions for one of the problems but left the brother of Jared to resolve the problem of not having light? The Lord wants us to grow and learn in life, and we can learn many things in life as we strive to figure out solutions to our problems. (Have the children listen for the things the brother of Jared learned as he worked to resolve the problem of no light.)

    10) The brother of Jared went up into the mountain and did molten out of rock sixteen small stones. They were white and transparent like glass.

    11) He did cry unto the Lord and asked the Lord to touch the stones. He had faith that if the Lord touched them, the Lord could prepare them with His power to shine forth in the darkness.

    12) When the brother of Jared told the Lord of his proposed solution to the problem and of his faith in the Lord’s power, the Lord stretched forth his hand and did touch the stones one by one with his finger. The veil was taken from the eyes of the brother of Jared and he did see the finger of the Lord. He saw that it was the finger of a man, and he fell down in fear. The Lord saw that the brother of Jared had fallen and he said unto him, “Arise, why has though fallen?”

    • Point out that the Lord knows all things, and yet he still asked the brother of Jared this question and other questions. How might the questions have helped the brother of Jared? The questions might have helped him think about, sort out, comprehend, and respond to the things he was seeing and experiencing.

    The brother of Jared told the Lord that he fell to the earth in fear because he saw the finger of the Lord, and he feared lest the Lord would smite him, for he knew not that the Lord had flesh and blood.

    The Lord had always been hidden by a veil or cloud as they spoke, so the brother of Jared had not seen the true form of the Lord.

    • Why was the brother of Jared able to see the finger of the Lord? (See Ether 3:9-10) Because of the brother of Jared’s exceeding faith.

    • What did the brother of Jared ask the Lord to do? (The brother of Jared desired of the Lord to show himself fully and completely.)

    Before showing himself, the Lord asked the brother of Jared, “Believest thou the words which I shall speak?”

    He answered saying, “Yea, Lord, I know that thou speakest the truth, for thou art a God of truth, and canst not lie.” The brother of Jared expressed and confirmed his faith in the Lord’s words.

    13) When the brother of Jared said these words, the Lord showed himself unto him. The Lord explained that he was Jesus Christ who was prepared from the beginning to redeem the people from their sins so they might gain eternal life if they would believe on his name.

    Have the children look up and read Ether 3:15-16 to find out what the brother of Jared learned about the body of Jesus Christ. Help the children understand that the brother of Jared saw the spirit body of Jesus Christ which looked very much like the physical body Jesus would receive when he came to earth. He also learned that men are created in the image of God.

    Also point out that the Lord told the brother of Jared, “Never have I showed myself unto man whom I have created, for never has man believed in me as thou hast.” (Ether 3:15)

    • The scriptures tell us that Adam and Noah walked and talked with God face to face (Moses 7:4 & Genesis 6:8, 9), so why would this scripture say the Lord had never showed himself to man before? There are several possible explanations including the following from Jeffery R. Holland:

    An “explanation—and in terms of the brother of Jared’s faith, the most persuasive one—is that Christ was saying to the brother of Jared, ‘Never have I showed myself unto man in this manner, without my volition, driven solely by the faith of the beholder.’ As a rule, prophets are invited into the presence of the Lord, are bidden to enter his presence by him and only with his sanction. Obviously the Lord himself was linking unprecedented faith with this unprecedented vision.” (Christ and the New Covenant, 21–23). Jeffrey R. Holland

    The brother of Jared had great faith in the Lord, and his actions throughout his life demonstrated that faith.

    • What things had the brother of Jared done that demonstrated his faith in the Lord? (He had consistently turned to the Lord in prayer. He had obeyed the Lord and left the tower of Babel and travelled across the wilderness. He built the barges the Lord commanded him to build. He made stones, having faith that the Lord’s touch would give them light.)

    Call attention to the GPS once again and ask the children if they believe–if everything is in proper working order–that it can provide directions.

    • How does someone gain that faith in the GPS’s ability to provide directions? Explain that other’s testimonials of its abilities can lead us to try it out, and then our own experiences using the device also builds that trust. Faith in God works in similar ways: as we listen to the testimonies and teachings concerning God, and as we act on those things, our faith grows. Explain that exercising faith in God and acting upon his words is a necessary part of receiving the Lord’s help and guidance.

    Ask the children which one of them thinks they have the next item to receiving the Lord’s help and guidance. (“Exercise Faith”)

    After the brother of Jared talked with the Lord, he took the stones which the Lord had touched and he put two in each barge, and they gave light to the vessels.

    The Jaredites prepared all manner of food for their voyage, and then they commended themselves to the Lord their God and got aboard the barges and set forth into the sea. By commending themselves to the Lord, they exercised their faith. They had done all the Lord had directed, and then they entrusted their lives into his hands.

    14) The Lord God caused a furious wind to blow upon the face of the waters. The wind blew towards the promised land. The barges were tossed upon the waves of the sea, and at times they were buried in the deep from the mighty waves breaking over them, but the water could not hurt the Jaredites because their vessels were tight like a dish.

    15) As they journeyed, the Jaredites did sing praises to the Lord.

    • Why is expressing gratitude to the Lord important? (One reason is that our faith in the Lord grows as we think about and focus on all he does for us, which also provides peace and courage to our souls. The Lord is also more likely to provide help to those who appreciate it and value it.)

    Ask the children which one of them thinks they have the next item to receiving the Lord’s help and guidance. (“Express Gratitude”)

    • How long did you think it took for the Jaredites to cross the ocean? (Almost a year.) (See Ether 6:11) They were three hundred and forty four days upon the water.

    Have the child with the sign “Promised Land” put it on the last spot on the activity board.

    Ask the children what they think the Jaredites did first when they arrived at the promised land.

    16) They did bow down and give thanks to the Lord.

    The Lord knew the Jaredite’s journey to the promised land would be difficult and dangerous, so he provided guidance and help. Our journey towards eternal life can also be difficult and filled with many dangers that can harm us spiritually. Just as the Lord gave the Jaredites guidance and direction in their journey, he also blesses us with guidance and direction in our lives through the Holy Ghost.

    Remind them that we learn important lessons from the Jaredite story concerning the things we need to do in order to receive the help and guidance of the Lord in our lives.

    Review Game
    Take the signs off the activity board pages. Explain to the children that they are going to do a memory game to see if they can remember the things they need to do in order to receive the guidance of the Lord in their lives. Give each child a pencil and a copy of the paper labeled “Life’s Journey.” Have the children write down the missing items from the activity board onto their blank spaces. (They don’t have to be in the correct order.) Once they are finished, show the signs one at a time and have them check the item off, or add it to their list if it was missed. Ask the children if any of them remembered all the items. Explain that their game paper will help them remember all the items talked about in the lesson. Have them take it home and post it somewhere visible in their rooms. Bear testimony of the importance of doing those things that help us receive the guidance of the Lord in our lives. Remind them that receiving and following the Lord’s guidance in their life will help lead them to a wonderful place called Eternal Life.

    Weekly Reading Assignment
    Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: Ether 1:1–4, 33–43; 2:1-25; 3:1-16; 6:1–13

    Holy Ghost: Stories

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    Hearing the Holy Ghost before Baptism

    Friend February 2022 “Helping and the Holy Ghost” Mateo really wanted to be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, but it seemed like it would never happen because of Covid. His father explained that he can feel the Holy Ghost before being baptized, such as a warm feeling when he helps others.

    Gift of the Holy Ghost

    Friend February 2021 “Wrapped Up in Love” Abby received a soft white blanket from her grandparents at her baptism to remind her of how the Holy Ghost feels. After her baptism she felt warm and happy and knew she had made the right decision. She knew it must be the Holy Ghost.

    Choosing the Right Helps Us Feel Holy Ghost

    Friend April 2017 “Game Changer” Caleb feels like it is hard to have to make different choices than his friends, but the Holy Ghost comforts him and and helps him.

    Friend March 2017 “A Great Feeling” Paulo didn’t want the feeling he had when he was baptized to go away, but the next day he yelled at his brother. Through repentance and the sacrament he was able to get the feeling of the Holy Ghost back.

    Hearing the Still, Small Voice

    Friend March 2025 “Searching for Monkeys” Boston’s family was visiting a rainforest to see wild monkeys. They were seeing lots of them, but Boston didn’t see any because he was blind. He could only see things very close to him. Usually, he didn’t mind being blind. He could still do lots of cool things. But today was hard being blind. He said a prayer that a monkey would come close enough for him to see it. He realized he was able to hear the monkeys and began pointing out to his family where they were. He realized it was kind of like the Holy Ghost. He could hear the Holy Ghost when he listened. Suddenly a monkey ran out right in front of him. He got to see one after all!

    Friend August 2023 “A Special Gift” The missionaries teach Mehrimah’s family that the Holy Ghost helps us feel peace and comfort from Heavenly Father. He also encourages us to do good things, and He helps us know what is true. They invited the family to pay close attention to their thoughts and feelings that week, and look for times when when the Holy Ghost is speaking to them. Mehrimah notices that she felt felt calm and peaceful when they said family prayer. When she listened to a song about Jesus Christ she felt happy. It made her want to help other people. She felt warm and happy when she repented of a wrong doing. And when she was baptized she felt peaceful, like someone was telling her to live a good life, to help people, and to keep the commandments. She knew she all those feelings were from the Holy Ghost.

    Friend January 2021 “The Bread Loaf Prayer” “How do you know when the Holy Ghost is talking to you?” Carver asked his parents. They decide to practice listening for the Holy Ghost. Carver’s mom bakes some bread and each person prays to know who to take it to. Carver thought of Sister Smith and he even listened and said the words to her that popped into his mind when he gave her the bread. He knew it was from the Holy Ghost.

    Friend August 2016 “The Little Bottle of Silence” Gage’s grandfather gives him a empty bottle of “silence” at his baptism to remind Gage that quietness helps you hear the Holy Ghost. He feels the Holy Ghost comforting him during a sad time when he seeks quiet time.

    Friend June 2015 stories of when Elder Curtis felt Holy Ghost as a child

    Friend June 2015

    Friend September 2015 “Sister Pettigrew’s Lesson”  Child learns to listen to the still, small voice

    Friend September 2015

    Friend April 2019 “ A Comforting Song “ Mia is feeling sad, so she sings a Primary song, and she feels the comforting influence of the Holy Ghost.

    Friend August 2016 “Show and Tell” After arguing, two sisters can’t feel the Holy Ghost, so they sing Primary songs so they can feel that peace again.

    Friend August 2021 “The Important Guest” Ammon mother told him to tidy his room and she told him, “We want to invite someone important to be our guest. So we want our house to be clean and neat.” That night Ammon found out that the special guest was the Holy Ghost. The family also discussed additional ways to help the Holy Ghost feel welcome in their home.

    Act on the Promptings

    Friend October 2020 “Call Dad” Yu felt the prompting to call his dad to give him a ride home from school during a big storm, but he ignored it because he had argued with his dad the night before. But after becoming soaked, cold, exhausted, and afraid while riding and pushing his bike in the storm with the streets flooded, he wished he had acted on the prompting.

    Friend March 2020 “Check the Kittens” After everyone has gone to bed, a girl kept having the thought to go and check on their kittens. She acted on the prompting and found that a warming light had fallen over onto the kittens cardboard box and would have caught on fire. The Holy Ghost helped keep their family and kittens safe.

    Friend October 2017 “Guided by the Holy Ghost” Elder Robert D. Hales learned to follow the Holy Ghost to help others.

    Friend November 2018 “Friends by Mail”

    I read the “Let Your Light Shine” article (Jan. 2018) and had a chance to let my light shine with my friend. I had a feeling that I should grab a bag of my favorite chips before school. After lunch my friend looked sad, and I asked him what was wrong. He said he had forgotten his lunch. I remembered my chips, so I gave them to him. After school he came up to me and said, “That was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me at school.”Durham M., age 11, Utah, USA

    Friend September 2017 “Don’t Play With Fire” When Jean was a little girl her job was to burn the garbage, but one day it was too windy to light with a match so she tried a different method, even though she felt a prompting not to do it. She ended up burn off her eyebrows and eyelashes. She relates this to being obedient and listening to the Holy Ghost.

    Friend October 2016 “Searching for Church” President Eyring’s father searched for a ward to attend when he was visiting Australia. He prayed and followed the promptings and he found a church.


    To Help Others

    Friend November 2023 “More than a Good Practice Day” Ismael saw a woman weeding the whole time he and his dad were playing soccer. He felt strongly that he should go over and tell her she was doing a good job. She seemed unhappy and tired until Ismael told her thank you for taking care of the park, and then she got a big smile and thanked him.

    Friend April 2022 “Go Sit by Him” The Holy Ghost tells Sierra to go sit by a boy who had been bullied and was sad and alone. She felt peaceful all day after she listened to the Holy Ghost.

    To Repent

    Friend January 2021 “Courage from the Holy Ghost” Parker felt guilty about some things he had done. When he prayed, the Holy Ghost told him to tell his mom. When he got the courage to do that, he was surprised at how well it went. He was glad he listened to the Holy Ghost and repented.

    The Holy Ghost Guides

    Friend February 2016 “Savannah the Engineer” Savannah needs to decide whether or not to join an after school science team.


    Listen to the Holy Ghost

    Friend September 2021 “The Mushroom Lesson” Annie got to go with her mom and older siblings to pick mushrooms because she was a good listener. They needed to be good listeners because many of the mushrooms were poisonous to touch. An expert showed them which were good mushrooms and which were poisonous. Annie thought that listening to the guide was kind of like listening to the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost can warn us of the bad and help us know what is right and good.

    Warns of Physical Danger

    Friend January 2024 “The Potato Chip Prompting” Maya had a lot of food allergies. She had to be careful because eating the wrong food could make her really sick. At a dinner with family and friends, she started to eat some potato chips but felt a prompting to check the ingredients. They had milk in them which could cause her to not be able to breathe.

    Friend August 2023 “Hearing the Holy Ghost” Rowen and her siblings went for a hike and waded in a stream. Her older sister wanted to go in a deeper part where some kids were playing, but a little voice in her head told her she and her younger brother shouldn’t go. She knew it was the Holy Ghost. When her sister got back, she said the water was really rough and hard to walk in. Rowen was glad she listened and they were safe.

    Friend October 2018 “Shining Bright in the Czech Republic” “My friends and I were going downstairs. When we got to the elevator, I had an uncomfortable feeling and asked my friends not to use it. They decided to do it anyway. I took the stairs. When I got downstairs, my friends weren’t there. The elevator had gotten stuck! It was a while before they got out. I was happy that nothing serious happened. I also felt good that I followed the Holy Ghost.” Amalie N., age 10

    Friend August 2018 “Show and Tell” “I was racing my sister on our bikes when I felt the urge to stop and pull over on the grass. Then a huge truck came speeding by. I’m grateful I listened to the promptings from the Holy Ghost” John H., age 9, Suffolk, England

    Friend May 2018 “Bullfight”  Two fighting bulls bust through a gate where Brody had been standing. The Holy Ghost had prompted him to move to keep him safe from being trampled or even killed.

    Friend March 2018 “Show and Tell” “ I was swinging on the new saucer swing at school when I flew off. I immediately felt prompted to stay low. I am thankful that I listened to the prompting because if I hadn’t, I would have been hit in the head and hurt. The Holy Ghost protects us when we follow His promptings.” Anastasia C., age 10,

    Friend May 2017 “A Quiet Warning” The Holy Ghost warns Rykin about the presence of a snake.

    Friend Aug/Sept 1985 – Wilford Woodruff listens to the warning of the spirit and was kept safe from a steamer ship fire.

    Friend August 2016 “Show and Tell” Personal story of a boy who is protected because his mother listened to the Holy Ghost.

    Friend October 2016 “Show and Tell” A girl is protected because she listened to the Holy Ghost and went inside right before a car crashed into their trampoline.

    Friend July 1987 “Whisperings” A skit about boys being warned by the Spirit to not go into a gully after a rain storm.

    Friend February 2021 “Pioneers in Every Land: Vicky Tadić” Vicky was curious why the family next door was different. The mom invited her to church in their home (because there wasn’t a church building in Bosnia). Vicky learned about the Holy Ghost. The next day a voice in her mind told her to stay away from some trash cans. Suddenly a car crashed into them. She was glad she listened. Soon her whole family was learning about the gospel and was baptized.

    Warns of Spiritual Danger

    Friend February 2019 “Yo-Yo Decision” While shopping with her mom, Lea found a yo-yo. Oscar had brought one to school and had impressed everyone with tricks. Lea wanted to do that too, but she didn’t have enough money to buy the yo-yo. A thought came into her mind that she could just put it in her pocket, but then she had a bad feeling. She realized it was the Holy Ghost warning her, so she put it back and felt peaceful and happy.

    Friend July 2017 “Friends and Faith” Gary had fun playing with some new friends until one of them started showing inappropriate videos on his phone. Gary had a bad feeling as he watched, but it was replaced by a good feeling when he was courageous and left.

    Friend June 2023 “Margo and Paolo” When Paulo began to read his library book, he didn’t feel good because it had some bad parts in it, so he stopped reading it. The Holy Ghost was warning him of spiritual danger.

    Helps Us Choose the Right

    Friend August 2017 “The Rocket Fiasco” Andrew’s friends convince him to try out his birthday rocket that he’s supposed to wait and do with his dad’s supervision. He has a bad feeling about the choice but does it anyway. The rocket lands in the neighbors car and starts a fire.

    Gift of the Holy Ghost– The Holy Ghost helps a newly baptized girl to choose the right and be honest. Friend April 1984

    Winnie Wins – A girl is tempted to cheat in a geography test to beat a boy who teases her. Friend May 1984

    A Gift From Heaven – A boy, who is about to break a promise, listens to the still small voice and chooses the right. Friend March 1985

    Friend February 2016 “The Trouble with Recess” Jason feels bad when the kids says mean things about the grumpy playground helper. He figures out a way to make things better.

    Testifies of Truth

    Friend January 2022 “Dinis Finds an Answer” Dinis and his family had joined the church, but a couple of years afterwards Dinis was questioning that decision. He knew he needed to ask God if the Church was true. He prayed harder than he ever had before. Then Dinis felt something. The feeling was strong and warm. It grew until he felt it all over his body. He knew it was the Holy Ghost telling him that the church was true.

    Testifies of the Savior

    Friend May 2018 “Conference Notes” President Eyring remembers a sacrament meeting when he was young. They sang “Abide with Me; ’Tis Eventide” (Hymns,165). Even though he had heard the words of that song before, he felt something special that night. He felt closer to the Savior. A memory of the Holy Ghost touching our hearts is the most precious thing we can have.

    Friend September 2015 “A New Feeling” – Child feels Holy Ghost while reading about Jesus in the scriptures


    Friend February 2021 “A Warm Feeling” After his baptism and his confirmation, Joshua’s dad said, “The Holy Ghost can always be with you. You’ll never really be alone.” A few months later, Joshua had to go to the doctor because his stomach hurt so bad. When he found out he had to have surgery and his parents couldn’t come in with him, he was scared. He then remembered what his father had said about the Holy Ghost, and he had a warm feeling in his heart. He woke up feeling better, and he knew he was going to be okay.

    Friend August 2020 “The Mooncake Festival” Vincent was excited to explore at the mooncake festival, but while exploring he fell and hit his chin. He had to go to the hospital and he was scared, so he prayed and felt the comfort of the Holy Ghost. He knew that everything would be okay.

    Friend March 2020 “Hayfields and Priesthood Blessings” When Elder Gerard was a boy he lived on a farm. The dust from the hay sometimes made him sick because of his allergies. One windy summer day there was a lot of dust in the air and he was having a hard time breathing. His mother brought him in and had two farmers who were members of church give him a priesthood blessing because his father wasn’t a member.  As they blessed him, he felt warm, peaceful, and calm. He realized later that it was the Holy Ghost comforting him. (Maze Activity: There are many ways you can feel comfort from the Holy Ghost. Find a path through the maze to see just a few.)

    Friend February 2020 “Show and Tell” On our way driving home from a swim meet, it was dark and snowing. My mom was worried and asked us to pray. I remembered how Jesus taught us to pray when we need help. So I bowed my head and closed my eyes to pray to get home safely. After I prayed and opened my eyes, I felt a warm feeling in my heart. Then I heard a still, small voice whisper, “Everything will be all right.” Peichi C., age 10, Massachusetts, USA

    Friend June 2019 “Praying for Leif” Magnus’s brother got sick with leukemia. When Magnus went to the hospital to see his brother, he could feel the Spirit comforting him. The Spirit also inspired many people with ways to help him and his family.

    Friend September 2018 “A Voice of Peace” Grace Vlam was a nine-year-old girl living in Holland in 1940, during World War II. Nazi Germany had just begun attacking Holland. When Holland was taken over by the Nazis, Grace’s Father was taken prisoner. Grace was comforted by the Holy Ghost .

    Friend March 2018 “Conference Blessings” When Sierra’s little Sister was sick in the hospital, Sierra was comforted by the Holy Ghost. She knew her sister would be okay.

    Friend October 2017 “Sarah and the MRI” Sarah had to have another scary MRI where she was all alone in a tube. Her mother reminder her that there was someone who could be with her to comfort her—the Holy Ghost. Her dad blessed her that she would feel the comfort of the Holy Ghost, and she did.

    Friend June 2015

    Things that Block the Spirit

    Friend June 2023 “The Dance Choice” Maddie didn’t feel good about a song that her dance class was going to dance to. She remembered that her mom had said music with bad words could make it harder to feel the Spirit. Maybe the Holy Ghost was telling her the song wasn’t good. Maddie’s teacher said she could sit out during the song. Even though it was scary to sit out alone, she chose to do that and felt good that she had listened to the Holy Ghost.

    Word of Wisdom #2

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     How the Word of Wisdom Came to Be – Story


    Print one copy of the pictures from Doctrine and Covenant Stories chp 31. Cut the printed sheets in half  on the dotted lines.


    (Going in order, read the numbered paragraphs below as you show the corresponding numbered Doctrine and Covenant Stories picture to the family.)

    1. How did we get the Word of Wisdom? In Kirtland, Ohio the Lord instructed Joseph Smith to form a school to teach the leaders of the Church about the gospel and prepare them to serve the members of the Church. This school was called the School of the Prophets.

     2. The school was held in the evenings in an upstairs room of Newel K. Whitney’s store.

     3. Many of the men smoked pipes or cigars which filled the room with smoke. Some of the men chewed tobacco and spit it all over the floor making it very dirty. People at this time did not know that tobacco was bad for their bodies. Joseph Smith did not like teaching the school “in a cloud of tobacco smoke,” because the meetings there were sacred.

    4. Emma Smith, Joseph’s wife, cleaned the room after each meeting. She and Joseph became concerned about the brethren’s use of tobacco, and Emma did not like cleaning up the mess the men made with their pipes and chewing tobacco.

    5. On 27 February 1833 Joseph Smith entered the room where the School of the Prophets was held. The room was filled with tobacco smoke. Joseph had just come from the clean outside air, and the smell of smoke was offensive to him. He left the room and asked the Lord what he should do about the situation. The Lord answered Joseph’s prayer with the revelation we now call the Word of Wisdom (D&C 89). In the Word of Wisdom the Lord tells us what things are good for the body and what things are bad for the body.