Psalms 102–103; 110; 116–119; 127–128; 135–139; 146–150

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God’s word is like a light.

Psalm 119:105

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 The children you teach are on the path back to Heavenly Father. The word of God can help keep them on that path now and throughout their lives.

  • Show pictures of the things mentioned in Psalm 119:105, and invite the children to put the pictures in order as you read the verse. Ask the children to repeat phrases from the verse with you as you point to the pictures.

Latter Day Kids “A Light Unto My Path” Lesson ideas

  • Invite the children to talk about what it feels like to be in the dark. What are things that are hard to do in the dark? You might invite a child to try to do something with their eyes closed, like drawing a picture. Why are these things easier to do when there is light? Help the children understand how the word of God, as found in the scriptures and the words of living prophets, lights our way back to Heavenly Father.

God’s word helps me follow His path.

Psalm 119:105

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 Although the world may seem dark at times, God’s word can illuminate our path and help us return to Him.

  • Draw on the board a picture of a light (such as a lamp) and a picture of the scriptures. Invite the children to read Psalm 119:105. How does light help us? How does the word of God help us? Ask the children to write their answers on the board next to the pictures. How is the word of God like a light? How does it help us stay on the path that leads back to Heavenly Father?

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 Perhaps your family could create a path and walk along it in the dark, using a light to illuminate the way ahead. As you walk, you could ask questions like “What in our lives is like this darkness?” or “How is the word of God like a light?” Singing a song about God’s light, such as “Teach Me to Walk in the Light” (Children’s Songbook, 177), can help you reinforce the principle taught in Psalm 119:105.

  • Divide the children into pairs, and give each pair one of the following scripture passages: Psalm 119:47–48Psalm 119:1051 Nephi 11:252 Nephi 31:20. Invite them to read the passages and look for what Heavenly Father has given us to help us stay on the path back to Him. Invite the children to ponder and share what they feel inspired to do because of what they have learned.
  • Sing together a song about following God’s path, such as “I Will Walk with Jesus” ( What do we learn from this song about how to stay on the right path?

For the Strength of Youth “A Lamp to Our Feet” (See more at link)

The Lord offers me comfort and hope.

Psalms 102:1–2103

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 God is aware of our trials and sorrows, and He wants to comfort and encourage us. Help the children build their faith in Him so they will turn to Him in times of need.

  • Ask one of the children to read Psalm 102:1–2. How can the Lord help us during our times of trouble? How do we ask for His help? Share an experience in which you felt that God heard your prayers when you were in need, and invite the children to share their experiences and testimonies.

Friend March 2019 “Missing Mom and Dad” Dylan’s mom and dad were going on a trip, and he was going to stay with his grandparents. He loved staying with his grandparents, but for some reason he was scared about being away from his mom and dad for so long. He decided to pray for help, and he received comforting thoughts and feelings.

  • Invite the children to find words of comfort and hope in Psalm 103. How could these words help people facing challenges? Encourage the children to write down phrases they found meaningful to remind them that the Lord can help them when they have trials.

Could draw a sad face on the board and have the children erase parts (or change them) as they find a word or phrase that helps remind them that the Lord can help them with trials.

3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies;

Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed

Building our homes with the Lord

Psalms 127–28.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 What does it mean for the Lord to help us “build [our] house”? (Psalm 127:1). How can we better involve Him in our efforts to create a righteous home? To help your family answer this question, you might draw a house on a piece of paper and cut it into puzzle pieces. On the back of each piece, family members could write or draw ways to make the Lord part of your home. Then you could put the puzzle together. What else do we find in these psalms that inspires us to walk in the Lord’s ways?

Hubbard’s Cupboard Click on the link to print the 6 pieces of this house. The children (or family members) could each write a way to create a righteous home on the front of a piece and then they could build the house together. Or each child (or family member) could draw a part of the house on a paper or chalkboard as they mention ways make a righteous home.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know me and love me.

Psalm 139:1–3, 23

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 Throughout our lives, we need to be reminded that Heavenly Father and Jesus know us personally. Psalm 139 can help you teach the children that They know them and love them.

  • Make short lists of things you know about each child. As you read the lists one at a time, ask the children to guess who you are describing. Read Psalm 139:1–3, and help the children understand words they might not know. Testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus know them very well—They know their names, what makes them happy and sad, and things they do well.

Friend August 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities”

Guess Who

Song: “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75)

Activity: Write each person’s name on a small piece of paper and put it in a box or bowl. One person pulls out a name. Each person takes a turn to ask yes or no questions until someone guesses the name. Talk about how our Heavenly Father knows us—our name, what we like to do, and everything about us.

“Heavenly Father Loves Me, and He Has a Plan for Me” (January 2013 Liahona and Friend)Nathaniel knows his grandma loves him because she knew the things he liked. His grandma explained that was someone else who had known him and loved him longer than anyone, before he even came to earth. Heavenly Father

  • Read Psalm 139:23, and invite the children to put their hands on their hearts when you say “heart” and to touch their heads when you say “thoughts.” Share a time when you felt God knew your heart and your thoughts.

Friend April 2016 “Your Future Home” Story of President Eyring’s desire for a home full of charity that he wanted for his family when he grew up. He didn’t talk to anyone about those feelings, but when he got his patriarchal blessing the patriarch described what he had been yearning for. It was not secret, because God knew.

"Your Future Home"

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help me know how to improve.

Psalm 139:23–24

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022

Psalm 139 teaches that God knows everything about us, including our strengths and weaknesses. If we turn to Him, He can teach us what we need to do to become more like Him.

  • Write the words of Psalm 139:23–24 on the board, and invite the children to underline words that describe things God can do for us. Why would we want God to do these things? How can we invite Him to “lead [us] in the way everlasting”?

Friend August 2020 “Let God Prevail!” President Russel M. Nelson tells what it means to let God prevail in our lives.

Friend January 2021 “The Party Problem” Luz felt uneasy about going to a graduation party. It didn’t sound like the kind of party where she’d be able to feel the Holy Ghost. She thought about it, made her choice not to go, and then asked Heavenly Father if that was the right choice. Afterwards she felt a wave of warmth and light and knew she had made the right choice.

  • Encourage the children to “search” their own lives for ways they can improve in the four areas of focus in the Children and Youth program—spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual. Remind them that the Lord knows how they can improve in each of these areas, and encourage them to seek His guidance.

Friend June 2021 “Children and Youth Challenge” Do some activities from this board for the Children and Youth program! Can you cross off five in a row?

  • Sing a song about how Heavenly Father can help us improve, such as the second verse of “Help Me, Dear Father” (Children’s Songbook, 99). Share how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have helped you improve.

I can praise the Lord.

Psalm 146:1, 5–9

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 To praise the Lord means to express our gratitude and love for Him. Help the children learn that we are praising Him when we do things like sing, pray, and obey His teachings.

  • Invite the children to share experiences when someone praised them or told them they did a good job. Share some of the good things from Psalm 146:6–9 that the Lord has done, and invite the children to talk about other things He does for us. Help them think of ways they can praise Him for those things.

Friend November 2004 “Blessings Tree” Cut out the leaves and place them in a sack. Have the children take turns picking a leaf from the sack, telling how the item written is a blessing, and gluing it to the tree. When they pick a blank leaf, have them share a blessing of their choice that they are thankful for. Then write the blessing on the leaf and glue it to the tree.

  • Sing together a song of praise, such as “Beauty Everywhere” (Children’s Songbook, 232–33). Explain that for the Israelites long ago, the Psalms were like the songs we sing today to worship and praise God.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 You might invite your family to read a few verses of Psalms 146–50 out loud, trying to convey the feelings of the writer. How can we express our praise to the Lord? Family members might enjoy writing their own psalms of praise and sharing them with each other.

Friend August 2022 “Write a Psalm”

Friend November 2010 “Bright Idea”

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 The traditional Jewish name for the book of Psalms is a Hebrew word that means “praises.” That word, Tehillim, is also related to the exclamation “hallelujah” (meaning “praise Jehovah” or “praise the Lord”). If you had to choose one word to sum up the main message of the Psalms, “praise” would be a good choice. Some of the Psalms contain the direct invitation to “praise ye the Lord” (see especially Psalms 146–50), and all of them can inspire a feeling of worship and praise. The Psalms invite us to reflect on the Lord’s power, on His mercy, and on the great things He has done. We can never repay Him for any of this, but we can praise Him for it. That praise may take different forms for different people—it may involve singing, praying, or bearing testimony. It often leads to a deeper commitment to the Lord and to following His teachings. Whatever “praise ye the Lord” means in your life, you can find more inspiration to do it as you read and ponder the Psalms.

Friend October 1989 “Sing Praises” Lesson ideas and activity. (Activity: Look up scriptures where people in the scriptures sang praises to the Lord and then fill in the blanks.)

Additional Resources

The Red Crystal Lesson ideas

 Psalms 49–51; 61–66; 69–72; 77–78; 85–86

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PSALM 49 Men cannot be ransomed or redeemed by wealth—God alone can redeem a soul from the grave—The glory of a rich man ceases with his death.

PSALM 50 Asaph speaks of the Second Coming—The Lord accepts the sacrifices of the righteous and will deliver them—Those whose conduct is right will see the salvation of God.

When I make a wrong choice, Jesus Christ can help me change.

PSALM 51 David pleads for forgiveness after he went in to Bathsheba—He pleads, Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me.

Psalm 51:10

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 Help the children understand that mistakes are part of mortal life and that we can receive help from Jesus Christ to overcome them.

  • Share a simple story, from your life or from the Friend or Liahona, about a child who made a wrong choice but received help from the Savior to be better (for example, see the video “The Shiny Bicycle” at Read Psalm 51:10, and share the joy you feel when the Savior helps you have “a clean heart” and “a right spirit.”
  • Show the children this week’s activity page. Point to each picture, and ask the children to describe what they see. Read the captions to help the children learn about repentance and forgiveness.

Repentance is a change of heart.

Psalm 51

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022

  • Assign each child to read one of the scripture references on this week’s activity page. Ask them to find words that teach them something about repentance. Let them write the words on the board. After everyone has shared, ask the children how they would answer a friend who asks, “What does it mean to repent?”
  • Draw a heart on the board. Ask the children to name some sins that Satan tempts us to commit. Write those sins inside the heart. Ask the children to find the word heart in Psalm 51:10, 17. What do these verses teach us about repentance? (see also verse 6). Help the children understand that even if we stop committing sin, our hearts need to change in order for us to repent. Ask the children to erase the sins in the heart on the board and to write new words that describe the change in our hearts when we repent. Share your testimony that God can “create in [us] a clean heart” when we repent (verse 10).

Psalm 51:17.

  • Consider how you might teach your family what it means to have a broken heart. For example, family members could take turns breaking open something that has a hard shell, like an egg or a nut. How are our hearts sometimes like that shell? How can we open our hearts to the Lord? Reading Psalm 51 together might provide some ideas. (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022)

Liahona August 2022 “What Can Psalm 51 Teach Us about Repentance?”

Latter Day Kids “Repentance and A New Heart” Lesson ideas

The Lord is My Shelter

PSALM 61 David finds shelter in the Lord, abides in the Lord’s presence, and keeps his own vows.

Psalm 61:2–3.

Family members might enjoy drawing pictures of the symbols in these verses and discussing how Jesus Christ is like a high “rock,” “a shelter for [us],” and “a strong tower.” (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022) Verse four also talks about cover of wings.

“I will remember the works of the Lord.”

PSALM 66 Praise and worship the Lord—He tests and tries men—Sacrifices are to be offered in His house.

PSALM 77 The righteous cry unto the Lord—They remember the wonders of old, how He redeemed the sons of Jacob and led Israel like a flock.

PSALM 78 The Israelites are to teach the Lord’s law to their children—Disobedient Israel provoked the Lord in the wilderness—The Egyptian plagues are recounted—The Lord chooses and blesses Judah and David.

Psalms 66:1677:1178:7

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 The Israelites taught their children about the miracles God had done for them so that the children “might set their hope in God” (Psalm 78:7).

  • Ask the children to share with you some of their favorite stories from the scriptures (pictures from the Gospel Art Book might help them think of stories). Why do they like these stories? What do these stories teach us about the Lord? Read together Psalms 77:1178:7. Why is it important to “remember the works of the Lord”?
  • Read to the children Psalm 77:11, and tell them how you try to “remember the works of the Lord,” including His works in your life. Invite the children to draw pictures to help them remember the great things He has done.
  • Ask the children to read Psalm 66:16 and think about or write down answers to the question “What has the Lord done for my soul?” Then let them share their answers, if they’d like. What can we do to “always remember” (Moroni 4:35:2) what the Lord has done for us?

Friend February 2021 “The Savior and Me” 

Psalms 71:1778:5–7.

What does the Lord want you to “make … known to [your] children”? (Psalm 78:5). Perhaps each family member could share an example of the Lord’s “wondrous works,” such as a scripture story, an experience, or a personal testimony, that helps them “set their hope in God” (Psalms 71:1778:7). (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022)

I can tell others about Jesus Christ.

PSALM 71 David praises God with thanksgiving—Who is like unto the Lord!

Psalm 71:8

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 The faith-filled words of a child have unique power to touch hearts. Give the children confidence that their testimony of Jesus Christ can help others.

  • Read to the children Psalm 71:8, and draw a large mouth on the board. Ask them to help you “fill” the mouth with things we can tell others about Jesus Christ.

Friend January 2019 “Something Special to Share” Diego wants to take something special to share for Show and Tell. He decides to take a picture of Jesus and tell them that Jesus loves everyone.

  • Pass around a picture of Jesus Christ. Ask the children to take turns holding the picture and saying one thing they know about Him. What has He done for us? (Pictures in the Gospel Art Book could provide some ideas.)

Friend April 2019 “God’s Great Gift”

All Nations Will Call Him Blessed

Psalm 72. David speaks of Solomon, who is made a type of the Messiah—He will have dominion—His name will endure forever—All nations will call him blessed—The whole earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord.

(Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022)

Psalm 72 was written by David about his son Solomon, but much of it can also apply to Jesus Christ. As your family reads this psalm, they could hold up a picture of the Savior when they find verses that remind them of Jesus Christ. How can we help fulfill the desire that “the whole earth be filled with his glory”? (Psalm 72:19; see also Doctrine and Covenants 65:2).

The Restoration

PSALM 85 The Lord speaks peace to His people—Truth will spring out of the earth (the Book of Mormon), and righteousness will look down from heaven.

Psalm 85:11.

This verse could inspire a discussion about events of the Restoration of the gospel—how the Book of Mormon is truth that “[sprang] out of the earth” and how heavenly messengers came “down from heaven” (see also Moses 7:62). The video “Preparation of Joseph Smith: Tutored by Heaven” ( depicts some of these events.

Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers.

PSALM 86 David implores God for mercy and is saved from the lowest hell—The Lord is good and generous in mercy—All nations will worship before Him.

Psalm 86:7

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 Many of the psalms are like prayers to God for help, guidance, or protection. Consider how you can help the children build their faith that Heavenly Father hears and answers them when they pray.

  • Ask the children how they talk with people who live far away. Show them things we can use to communicate, such as a phone or a letter. Read to them Psalm 86:7. How do we “call upon” Heavenly Father? How does He answer us?

Little LDS Ideas “Answers to Prayers from Heavenly Father Come in Many Ways” Includes lesson ideas

  • Invite the children to act out things they do every day, such as waking up, eating breakfast, leaving for school, or going to bed. Help them find times during the day when they can pray to Heavenly Father. Testify that we can pray to Him anytime, and He will always hear us.

“Prayer is Reverent Communication Between God and Me” (October 2011 Friend)
Create a matching game showing different situations where children are praying. Includes discussion point suggestions.

  • Sing together a song about prayer, such as “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13). Tell about a time when God answered your prayers.

The Lord wants to forgive.

Psalm 86:5, 13, 15

When we sin, Satan wants us to think that the Lord will never forgive us. Help the children build their faith that the Lord is “ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy” (Psalm 86:5).

  • Show a picture of the Savior (such as one in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families), and ask the children what words they would use to describe Him. Invite them to find words that describe Him in Psalm 86:5, 13, 15. If needed, help them define these words. What could we say to a friend who feels that God is angry at them when they sin?
  • Sing with the children a song that you feel will help them understand the Savior’s forgiving nature, such as “I Stand All Amazed” (Hymns, no. 193). Share your testimony that Jesus Christ wants to forgive us.

Additional Resources

The Red Crystal

 Psalms 1–2; 8; 19–33; 40; 46

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Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 ” Psalms 1–2; 8; 19–33; 40; 46″ We don’t know for certain who wrote the Psalms. Some have been attributed to King David, but for most of them, the writers remain anonymous. What we do know is that the Psalms were an important part of worship among the Israelites, and we know that the Savior quoted them often.

Friend August 2022 “Psalms Teach of Jesus Christ”

Liahona August 2022 “Protecting Our Minds, Bodies, and Spirits”

Nearer, My God, to Thee”

“We often feel the Spirit so powerfully as we sing praises to God” (Ronald A. Rasband, “Build a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection,” Liahona, May 2019, 108).

  1. Place a picture of the Savior on one side of the room and have everyone sit on the opposite side of the room.
  2. Choose a hymn or Primary song about Jesus Christ to sing together.
  3. As each verse is sung, everyone moves closer to the picture of Jesus.
  4. Once everyone is close to the picture, share testimonies of the Savior and what He means to you in your lives.
  5. Some psalms are set to music. You might listen to Psalms 23 and 150 by the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square as part of your activity. Follow the words from your scriptures.

Discussion: What verses from Psalms or other books of scripture remind us of what Jesus Christ has done for us and help us feel His power and love in our lives?

Friend August 2022 Come, Follow Me Activities” and “Write a Psalm”

The Psalms teach us to trust the Lord.

PSALM 1 Blessed are the righteous—The ungodly will perish.

You might notice as you read the Psalms how often the writers express fear, sorrow, or anxiety. Such feelings are normal, even for people of faith. But what makes the Psalms inspiring is the solutions they offer, including complete trust in the Lord. Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 ” Psalms 1–2; 8; 19–33; 40; 46″

The Psalms point our minds to the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

PSALM 2 A messianic psalm—The heathen will rage against the Lord’s anointed—The Lord speaks of His Son, whom He has begotten.

Several of the Psalms point to the mortal life of Jesus Christ. Christians in New Testament times saw these connections too—for example, they recognized in Psalm 2 a reference to Jesus’s trials before King Herod and Pontius Pilate (see Acts 4:24–30). Consider reading Psalms 2 and 22 along with Matthew 27:35–46Luke 23:34–35; and John 19:23–24. Imagine that you were a Jew in Jesus’s time who was familiar with the Psalms and saw connections to the Savior’s life. How might this knowledge have been a blessing to you?

Media Library “Pilate Speaks to the Crowd”

Psalm 22.

While one family member reads this psalm, others could look for similarities in Matthew 27:35–46. Then they could share their feelings about Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us.

Old Testament Seminary Student Material “Psalms (Part 1)”

Watch the video “My Kingdom Is Not of This World” from The Life of Jesus Christ Bible Videos. This video is available on

Following His Resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared to His Apostles and taught them that He had fulfilled the prophecies concerning Him that were written in the psalms and other Old Testament passages (see Luke 24:44–46).

  1. Match the scripture passage in Psalms that includes a prophecy about the Crucifixion with the phrase in the New Testament that records the fulfillment of that prophecy (see Matthew 27:26–43, 46Luke 23:46John 19:31–33, 36).
Psalm 22:1“They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall” (Matthew 27:34).
Psalm 22:7–8“Into thy hands I commend my spirit” (Luke 23:46).
Psalm 22:16“They … parted his garments, casting lots” (Matthew 27:35).
Psalm 22:18“They crucified him” (Matthew 27:35).
Psalm 31:5“He trusted in God; let him deliver him now” (Matthew 27:43).
Psalm 34:20“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).
Psalm 69:21“They brake not his legs” (John 19:33).

“The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.”

PSALM 8 A messianic psalm of David—He says that babes and children praise the Lord—He asks, What is man, that Thou art mindful of him?

Reading Psalms 819; and 33 may inspire you to consider the Lord’s many wonderful creations. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings as you do. How do the Lord’s creations “declare the glory of God” to you? (Psalm 19:1).

“The heavens declare the glory of God.”

PSALM 19 David testifies, The heavens declare the glory of God, the law of the Lord is perfect, and the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

Psalms 19:133:5

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Psalms 1–2; 8; 19–33; 40; 46”

Psalms 19 and 33 teach that we can find evidence of the glory and goodness of God all around us in His beautiful creations. Help the children learn to see God’s hand in the world around them.

  • Show the children some pictures of beautiful things God has created, or look out a window together to see these things. Ask the children what they love about Heavenly Father’s creations. Read either Psalm 19:1 or 33:5, and ask the children how they feel about Heavenly Father when they see His creations.

Media Library Images “Nature and Creation”

  • Sing together a song about God’s creations, such as “The World Is So Lovely” (Children’s Songbook, 233). Invite the children to pick something God has created (such as something mentioned in the song) and draw a picture of it to share with their families

“The Lord is my shepherd.”

PSALM 23 David declares, The Lord is my shepherd.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Psalms 1–2; 8; 19–33; 40; 46”If the children can learn at a young age that the Lord is their shepherd, they will be more likely to follow Him “in the paths of righteousness.”

  • Give each child a copy of this week’s activity page, or give each of them a picture from the activity page. Invite them to listen as you read Psalm 23. Ask them to point to or hold up a picture when they hear it mentioned in the psalm. Bear your testimony that Jesus takes care of us, just as a shepherd takes care of his sheep.
  • Tell the children some ways you know that the Savior loves you. Invite the children to stand one at a time and share some ways they know Jesus loves them. Sing together a song that could give them ideas, such as “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75).

Latter Day Kids “The Lord is My Shepherd” Lesson ideas

Friend August 2022 “The Lord Is My Shepherd”

Psalm 23 was the inspiration for several hymns, such as “The Lord Is My Shepherd” and “The Lord My Pasture Will Prepare” (Hymns, nos. 108, 109). Perhaps your family would like to sing one of these hymns and identify words in the psalm that might have inspired the lyrics. Or they might enjoy drawing pictures of something they find in the psalm or the hymn and letting family members guess the verses or lyrics that go with the pictures. How is the Lord like a shepherd to us? (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 ” Psalms 1–2; 8; 19–33; 40; 46″)

PSALM 25 David pleads for truth and asks for pardon—Mercy and truth are for those who keep the commandments.

PSALM 26 David says that he has walked in integrity and obedience—He loves the Lord’s house.

The Lord offers me peace, strength, and guidance.

Psalms 2327–283246

PSALM 23 David declares, The Lord is my shepherd.

PSALM 27 David says, The Lord is my light and my salvation—He desires to dwell in the house of the Lord forever—He counsels, Wait on the Lord and be of good courage.

PSALM 28 David pleads with the Lord to hear his voice and grant his petitions—David prays, Save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance.

PSALM 32 David says, Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputes not iniquity—David acknowledges his sin—He recommends that the righteous be glad in the Lord and rejoice.

PSALM 46 God is our refuge and strength—He dwells in His city, does marvelous things, and says, Be still and know that I am God.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Psalms 1–2; 8; 19–33; 40; 46” Many of the Psalms testify of the Lord’s blessings in our lives. You can use the Psalms to help the children learn to trust Him and turn to Him.

  • Write on the board The Lord is . Let the children choose one or more of the following scriptures to read: Psalms 23:127:128:128:732:746:1. Ask them to complete the sentence on the board using what they learn from their scripture. Help the children discuss what these symbols teach us about the Lord.
  • Show the children a picture of a lamb. Ask them to name some things a lamb needs to be safe and healthy, and encourage them to look in Psalm 23:1–4 for ideas. Then show a picture of a child. What do we need to be spiritually safe and healthy? Read together Psalm 23, and ask the children how the things the shepherd does in this psalm could be compared to what Jesus Christ does for us.

To enter the temple, we need “clean hands, and a pure heart.”

PSALM 24 David testifies, The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof, he who has clean hands and a pure heart will ascend unto the hill of the Lord, and the Lord of Hosts is the King of Glory.

Psalm 24:3–4

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Psalms 1–2; 8; 19–33; 40; 46” As the children look forward to entering the temple someday, help them understand that they can prepare by becoming spiritually clean through the Savior’s Atonement.

  • Show the children a picture of a temple. Invite them to read Psalm 24:3 and find words that remind them of the temple. Then read together verse 4 to learn who can enter the temple (define any unfamiliar words). How do our hands get physically dirty? How do our hands and hearts get spiritually dirty? How do we clean our hands physically? How does the Savior help us clean our hands and hearts spiritually? (If it is helpful, explain that “hands” in this verse can represent our actions and “heart” can represent our desires.)

For the Strength of Youth “Ascend into the Hill of the Lord”

  • Review with the children the requirements to receive a temple recommend (see Russell M. Nelson, “Closing Remarks,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2019, 120–22; or invite a member of the bishopric to discuss these requirements with the class). Invite the children to choose one thing they feel inspired to do to prepare to be worthy to enter the temple.

Friend September 2019 “What’s on Your Mind? The questions the Bishop or Branch President will ask during the temple recommend interview.

Friend October 2021 “Getting a Temple Recommend” s

Jesus Christ can turn sadness into joy.

PSALM 30 David sings praises and gives thanks to the Lord—David pleads for mercy.

Some family members might enjoy acting out what verse 11 describes.

Psalm 30:5

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Psalms 1–2; 8; 19–33; 40; 46” Ponder how you will help the children gain their own witness of the joy Jesus Christ offers us when we are sad.

  • Invite the children to pretend to cry while you read from Psalm 30:5, “Weeping may endure for a night.” Then ask them to be joyful as you read, “But joy cometh in the morning.” Repeat this phrase a few times, and testify to the children that because of Jesus Christ, the sadness we feel in this life can be replaced with joy.
  • Show a picture of the Savior, and tell the children about some of the things He has done for you that bring you joy. Give each child a turn to hold the picture and share what Jesus has done that brings them joy.

Friend February 2020 “Funstuff: Blessing from Jesus” Match the cards to finish each sentence. Examples: Because Jesus died for us… … everyone who dies will live again. Because Jesus paid for our sins… …we can repent and be forgiven.

“Be still, and know that I am God.”

PSALM 46 God is our refuge and strength—He dwells in His city, does marvelous things, and says, Be still and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Psalms 1–2; 8; 19–33; 40; 46” Taking time to be reverent and still, despite the busyness around us, can help us build our testimonies that God lives.

  • Help the children memorize the first line from Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God.” Talk with them about what it might mean to “be still,” both physically and mentally. Share with the children an experience in which being “still” strengthened your testimony of Heavenly Father. Ask the children to share any experiences they have had. Why is being still an important way to know that God lives?
Friend August 2018

Friend February 2022 “I Can Trust God” Coloring page

  • Invite the children to review with you what they do during a typical day. Help them think of moments during their day when they could try to “be still” and feel close to Heavenly Father. Encourage them to set a goal to use such moments during the coming week to strengthen their testimony of Heavenly Father.

Friend August 2016 “The Little Bottle of Silence” Gage’s grandfather gives him a empty bottle of “silence” at his baptism to remind Gage that quietness helps you hear the Holy Ghost. He feels the Holy Ghost comforting him during a sad time when he seeks quiet time.


You might do something together that requires family members to “be still.” How can being still help us come to know God? What opportunities do we have to be still and come to know God? Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 ” Psalms 1–2; 8; 19–33; 40; 46″

  • Invite the children to list some things we can do to know for ourselves that Heavenly Father is real and that He loves us. Invite them to choose something from the list that they want to do.

Friend January 2013 “How can I get a testimony?”

Friend June 2015 Story included

Friend June 2015

Additional Resources

The Red Crystal “Psalms 1-2;8;19”