1 and 2 Peter

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I can be happy even during hard times. (Jr)

1 Peter 1:6–73:14

Help the children think of examples of hard things that Jesus went through, such as being mocked or made fun of. Explain that we will have hard times in our lives. Read 1 Peter 1:6–73:14 together, and share an experience when you faced a “trial of your faith” and the Savior helped you find joy. Or you could share the Prophet Joseph Smith’s prayer in Liberty Jail and the comfort God gave him (see Doctrine and Covenants 121:1–8123:17). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Peter”)

Friend November 2023 “The Tryouts” Jared was excited to try out for the regional basketball team. Only a few players get invited to try out for it. But when he found out it was on Sunday his excitement faded. But he knew God was more important than basketball. He said a prayer and afterwards felt a comforting feeling that everything would be okay. Two days later he got an email saying tryouts would be on Saturday instead. He prepared very hard for the tryout and did his best but wasn’t selected. Then, a comforting thought came to him. “Things won’t always work out how I want,” he said. “But Jesus Christ knows exactly how I feel. He’s on my side.”

Em is Crafty “Come Follow Me 2019 – Lesson Plans for young kids: Lesson 43” Popcorn Kernels – Since God and Jesus know and love us, does that mean we’ll never have to go through anything hard in our lives? Set out an uncooked popcorn kernel and ask if this looks good to them. What needs to happen in order to make this kernel even better? (We need to give it some heat). Read/discuss/summarize 1 Peter 1:7 and 1 Peter 5:10-11 and explain that hard things we go through (trials of our faith) are more precious than gold and can help turn us into better people than we would’ve been otherwise. Remind them that God is “the God of all grace,” and He is the one who can change us into better people. Just like heat applied to popcorn kernels can change them into something much better, trials that we go through can turn us into better people if we rely on the Lord. Pop some popcorn to eat while sharing the examples in the following activity.

Brainstorm some things that could be trials of our faith and talk about how we can remain strong and
become better people because of them (getting up to do the primary program in front of everyone, listening to scriptures instead of playing with toys, sharing instead of keeping favorite toy to self, sitting through sacrament quietly, obeying Mom/Dad when don’t want to, being patient instead of getting mad, etc.)

Display a picture that shows Jesus and other people (the Gospel Art Book has many; so does Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Ask the children to find Jesus in the picture. Testify that if we look to the Savior, He can help us find joy in our lives. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Peter”)

Friend November 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones” Take your little ones outside. Is it a sunny day? A rainy day? Think of something you can do to enjoy the weather. Teach that we can be happy, no matter how things are around us.

Latter Day Kids “Joy in Every Season” Lesson ideas

I can find joy and peace even during hard times. (Sr)

1 Peter 3:12–174:13–14, 16

The children you teach may have experienced some form of teasing or mocking because of what they believe. These verses can help them during those times.

Summarize a few stories about Jesus being persecuted, or invite the children to read them—see, for example, Matthew 12:9–14 or Luke 22:47–54. Ask the children if they have ever been teased or mocked because they live the teachings of Jesus Christ. How did it make them feel? Then read together 1 Peter 3:12–144:13–14, 16, and ask the children to look for what Peter said about suffering “for righteousness’ sake.” Why can we still be happy when other people mock us for doing what is right? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Peter”)

New Testament Stories “The Trials of Jesus”

Friend July 2021 “Vaha’i Tonga”Vahai’ was determined to remain faithful, so he said his prayers every night at boarding school. At first the other kids made fun of him, then they started to join him. He invited them to a district conference and 77 of them came. Seven of them wanted to be baptized after the conference.

Share an experience when you found joy or peace during a trial, or share how the Prophet Joseph Smith found peace when he was in Liberty Jail (see Doctrine and Covenants 121:1–8123:17). How can we find joy and peace in Christ during our trials? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Peter”)

Heavenly Father wants me to be an example to others. (Jr)

1 Peter 2:9–12

Describe things that stand out from their surroundings, or show pictures of such things. For example, a temple stands out from the buildings around it or a mountain rises above a valley. Explain that when we keep the commandments, we stand out and other people can see our examples. Talk about some “good works” that you have seen the children do. Explain that good works like these “glorify God”—they help others feel more love for God and desire to serve Him. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Peter”)


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A happy smiley stands out from the crowd

Complete the activity page with the children. How are the people they found in the picture glorifying God?(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Peter”)

I can always be ready to share the gospel. (Sr)

Tell about a time when someone asked you a question about the Church, and describe whether you felt prepared to answer. Ask the children to talk about any times when people have asked them questions about the Church. Read together 1 Peter 3:15. How can we follow Peter’s counsel in this verse? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Peter”)

Help the children think of a few questions people might ask about Jesus Christ or His Church. Let the children take turns explaining how they would answer these questions so that they can “be ready always.” The Articles of Faith provide simple truths that the children could use to answer questions about the Church. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Peter”)

Come Follow Me Primary 2020: Introductory Pages Ask the children to pretend you have never heard of the Book of Mormon before. Invite them to work with a partner to think of ways they could explain to you what it is and where it came from, using details from the introduction. Then let each pair take turns teaching you.

Friend February 2016
Friend February 2016

Friend February 2020 “More Important than Basketball” Game: Play this game to practice sharing the gospel! Cut out the squares and crumple them into balls. Set a bowl at the end of a table or desk. Then take turns shooting the balls into the bowl. When a ball lands in the bowl, open the paper and read the question. Practice answering it as if you were talking to someone who wants to learn more about the Church.

Friend April 2017 “Question Corner” If a neighbor asked you why you got to church, what would you say?

Spirits in the spirit world learn about the gospel. (Jr)

1 Peter 3:18–204:6

Tell the children about someone you know who has died. Explain that when people die, their spirits leave their bodies and go to the spirit world. Read 1 Peter 3:19 and explain that when Jesus died, he went to visit the spirit world. There, He asked the righteous spirits to teach the gospel to other spirits who had not yet accepted the gospel (see Doctrine and Covenants 138:30).(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Peter”)

Show a picture of a temple. Explain to the children that when they are old enough, they can go to the temple and be baptized for their ancestors who were not baptized while on earth. Help the children fill out a simple family tree (see an example at “Family History Coloring Pages,” ChurchofJesusChrist.org).(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Peter”)

Friend July 2023 “My Family Tree”

Spirits in the spirit world learn about the gospel. (Sr)

1 Peter 3:18–204:6

Draw on the board a circle with a line through the middle. Write Spirit Paradise on one half of the circle and Spirit Prison on the other half. Invite one of the children to read 1 Peter 3:18–204:6 (see 1 Peter 4:6, footnote a, for revisions from the Joseph Smith Translation). Explain that when Jesus died, He went to spirit paradise. He instructed the righteous spirits there to teach the gospel to the spirits in spirit prison. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Peter”)

Seminary Doctrine and Covenants and Church History Seminary Teacher Manual

President Joseph Fielding Smith: “[The Father] is going to give to every man the privilege of hearing the gospel. Not one soul shall be overlooked or forgotten. This being true, what about the countless thousands who have died and never heard of Christ, never had an opportunity of repentance, never met an elder of the Church holding the authority?…The Lord has so arranged his plan…that all who have died without this opportunity shall be given it in the spirit world.”

Invite a parent or an older sibling of one of the children to tell about going to the temple and receiving ordinances for one of their ancestors. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Peter”)

Why Are Mom and Dad Going to the Temple?”(August 2009 Friend)vNoah learns why his mom and dad keep going back to the temple.

Invite the children to fill out a simple family tree (see an example at “Family History Coloring Pages,” ChurchofJesusChrist.org). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Peter”)

Friend July 2023 “My Family Tree”

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Peter” What can your family do to feel connected to your ancestors? Perhaps you could celebrate deceased ancestors’ birthdays by preparing their favorite meals, looking at pictures, or telling stories from their lives. If possible, you could also plan to receive ordinances for your ancestors in the temple (for help, visit FamilySearch.org).

Additional Resources

The Red Crystal


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James CHAPTER 1 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God—Resist temptation—Be doers of the word—James explains how to recognize pure religion.

James CHAPTER 2 God has chosen the poor of this world who are rich in faith—Salvation is gained by keeping the whole law—Faith without works is dead.

James CHAPTER 3 By governing the tongue, we gain perfection—Heavenly wisdom is pure, peaceable, and full of mercy.

James CHAPTER 4 Wars are born of lusts—The friends of the world are the enemies of God—Sin is failure to walk in the light we have received.

James CHAPTER 5 Misery awaits the wanton rich—Await the Lord’s coming with patience—The elders are to anoint and heal the sick.

I can ask Heavenly Father to help me learn what is true. (Jr)

Help the children repeat the phrase “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God” (James 1:5). How do we ask God questions? How does He answer us? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

The Red Crystal

Little LDS Ideas “Answers to Prayers from Heavenly Father Come in Many Ways” Includes lesson ideas

Show a picture of the First Vision (Gospel Art Book, no. 90), or show the video “Joseph Smith’s First Vision” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Explain how reading James 1:5 prompted Joseph Smith to ask Heavenly Father to help him with a question (see Joseph Smith—History 1:1–20). Share your testimony that God answers prayers, and testify that the children can pray to Him when they have questions. Let the children draw their own pictures of Joseph Smith reading James 1:5 and praying to Heavenly Father. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

Friend November 2023 “James Says “Ask of God”

Friend November 2023 “I Can Ask God”

Friend November 2019

Latter Day Kids “If Any of You Lack Wisdom” Lesson ideas

Heavenly Father will help me learn truth if I seek His help.(Sr)

Ask the children to tell you the story of Joseph Smith’s First Vision in their own words (see Joseph Smith—History 1:5–20; see also the video “Joseph Smith’s First Vision” on ChurchofJesusChrist.org). How did reading James 1:5 help Joseph? Help the children think of other examples of people in the scriptures who received an answer to their prayers, such as Nephi (see 1 Nephi 11:1–6) and the brother of Jared (see Ether 2:18–3:9). What are some things we can ask Heavenly Father in prayer? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

Read with the children Joseph Smith—History 1:10–14. Invite the children to find things Joseph Smith did to receive answers to his questions. How can we follow Joseph’s example when we have questions?(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

“Faith without works is dead.”(Sr)

James 1:22–272:14–26

Show the children a flashlight without batteries, a pencil without lead, or something else that is useless or “dead.” Ask the children to read James 2:14–17. How do these objects illustrate the truth in these verses? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

Media Library “Faith without Works Doesn’t Work”

Works—deeds, actions, labor, something you do.

“Faith is much more than passive belief. You express your faith through action—by the way you live.” (True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference (2004), 54.)

James says that having faith without works is like telling a poor man to be warmed and clothed without actually giving him something to warm or clothe himself.

Friend November 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Service Shuffle”

Story: The Apostle James taught that we should help those in need (see James 1:27). Who needs your help?

Song: “When We’re Helping” (Children’s Songbook, 198)

Activity: Have a race! Set a start and finish line. Then move to the finish line by sliding your feet forward without lifting them. The winner of the race chooses a simple act of service for the group to do, like sending a kind message to someone or visiting someone who is lonely.

Invite some of the children to quietly read James 1:22–27 and others to read 2:14–18. Then invite them to share what they could do to show that they are doers of the word. For instance, how are they keeping their baptismal covenant? Do they know someone who is sick or lonely who they might visit? How could they serve their families more? You could also remind them of words they might have heard in sacrament meeting today. How can we be doers of these words? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

Explain that we show our faith in Jesus Christ by obeying Him. Hide pictures around the room of people doing what Jesus has asked us to do. Let the children take turns finding and describing the pictures. What can we do to follow Jesus?

  • The below images in the circle are some ways we show our faith in Jesus Christ. We obey the commandments, we go to church and take the sacrament, we study his words in the scriptures, we share his gospel with others, we follow his example by helping others, etc.

Latter Day Kids “Live by Faith” Lesson ideas about faith and works.

Em Is Crafty “Come Follow Me 2019 Lesson 42”

Talking About Candy – Set out a bag of candy. Read the descriptions of the candy of the bag. Ask if family members think it sounds like something good. Now that we’ve had a great discussion about this candy, should we put it away and forget about it or do we want to eat it? Compare this to the things we learn about Jesus and His gospel. Hearing about these things is great, but we have to also DO something about what we’ve learned if we want the full joy from it.
 Read/discuss/summarize James 1: 22-25. Emphasize the difference between HEARING what Christ has taught us and DOING what Christ has taught us.
 Discuss: What are some things we’ve HEARD from the prophet and apostles? What have they caused us to
DO differently? What are some things we’ve HEARD from the scriptures? What have they caused us to DO
differently? Remind them that if we believe in (have faith in) things we hear, we internalize them and they
affect our actions.

  1. Picture Quiz of DOERS vs. HEARERS – If we’re hearers of the things Jesus taught, what kinds of things might we DO if
    we actually have faith in Him and His words?
     Show the kids the pictures in the picture quiz below. Read the options for each picture and have them tell
    you which of the options would be the best. Remind them that when we have faith in Christ, we DO things
    the way he taught us to do things. Let them have a piece of candy from the bag in the “Talking About Candy”
    activity for each correct answer they can give.
     Read/summarize/discuss James 2:14-26 and James 4:17.
     Brainstorm times in our lives when we could improve at being better DOERS of the things we’ve learned.
  1. Joseph Smith Was an Example of Being a Doer of the Word – Ask if they remember who Joseph Smith was.
     Share the following quote from Elder David A. Bednar: “Joseph’s questions focused not just on what he needed to know but also on what was to be done!…Joseph went to the grove to ask in faith, and he was determined to act. True faith is focused in and on the Lord Jesus Christ and always leads to righteous action.”
     Talk about some of the things Joseph Smith DID because of his faith. Some examples:
     He read the scriptures and then DID what they told him to do in James 1:5 (ask of God).
     He did what Heavenly Father and Jesus asked him to do (wait for the fullness of the gospel to be
    made known to him).
     He taught people about Heavenly Father and Jesus, even when some people were mean to him.

I can speak with kindness.(Jr)

James 3:1–13

Show pictures of something sweet and something sour. Help the children understand that Heavenly Father asks us to use our tongues to say sweet (or kind) things and not sour (or unkind) things (see James 3:10). Help them think of examples of nice things we can say to others. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

Clipart Library

Friend October 2019 “Words Matter” The words we say make a big difference. Trace your finger along the lines to see how the words you say can make others feel. Also, make some kind notes to give to others.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “James”

James 3 includes many images that could inspire memorable object lessons to help your family remember to speak kindly. For example, you could build a fire together and talk about how a small, unkind word can cause a big problem (see verses 5–6). Or you could serve something sour in something that is usually used for sweet food—such as lemon juice in a honey jar. This could lead to a discussion about using sweet and uplifting words (see verses 9–14).

Give each child a simple drawing of a person speaking. Invite the children to hold it up when you say something nice that we can do with our words (such as telling the truth, giving compliments, and offering to help someone) and put it down when you say something that we shouldn’t do with our tongues (such as telling lies, calling other people names, and refusing to obey a parent).(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

Friend June 2023 “I Can Follow Jesus by Using Good Words”

Activity Time: Match the good words with the picture. How can you use good words?

Reinforce the message of James 3:1–13 by singing together a song about being kind, such as “Kindness Begins with Me” (Children’s Songbook, 145).(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

Em Is Crafty “Come Follow Me 2019 Lesson 42”

TOOTHPASTE WORDS: The words we speak have the power to hurt or bless others. Get a small tube of
toothpaste. Let family members take turns squeezing some of it out onto a plate until it’s empty. Challenge them to get the toothpaste back into the tube. Help them see that once it’s been squeezed out, you can’t put it back in. Similarly, words are hard to take back. Once we speak hurtful words to or about someone, we can’t take them back. Are the words we’re saying words that would hurt or lift others? How can we be better at blessing others with our words?

I can speak with kindness.(Sr)

James 3:1–13

Is there someone in the ward, perhaps one of the children you teach, who has worked with horses or knows something about boats? You could invite him or her to provide insights about James’s teachings in James 3:3–4 about using kind words. Or provide some of your own insights. What do we learn about controlling our tongues from these examples?(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

Clipart Library Gemi Clipart

Invite the children to read James 3:1–13 and to draw a picture of something they find that teaches about controlling our tongues. Give them time to share their pictures and what they learned. Sing together a song about using kind words, such as “Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words” (Hymns, no. 232). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

  • Bugs and Brothers.” In this Friend story, Lacey learns that she doesn’t have to be angry at her brother Zach.
  • The Right Reply.” Emily wants to write a mean reply when her friend sends her a mean email, but then she thinks of what Jesus would do and responds kindly. (From the Friend.)

After reviewing James 3:1–13 together, review the standards for language in For the Strength of Youth ([booklet, 2022], 12). Help the children set a goal to improve the way they speak to others, and encourage them to ask Heavenly Father to help them with this goal. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

Children and Youth Development: Goals and Activities

Goal Ideas

  • Make a list of kind, positive things you could say to those around you. Post this list where you can see it every day as a reminder.
  • Look for examples in the scriptures of how the Savior spoke to those around Him. How did His words teach, lift, and help others? Write in your journal the impressions you receive about how you can follow the Savior’s example.
  • Your thoughts affect your words. Do you have unkind thoughts about someone? Every time you have an unkind thought about someone, think of something positive about the person instead. You’ll be more likely to speak kindly, and you might even find a new friend!
  • How do you and your friends talk about others? Set an example of using kind words. For example, if your friends start gossiping about someone, find a kind way to stand up for that person or change the subject. You could even ask your friends to join you in your goal to speak kindly about others.

Or So She Says

Em Is Crafty “Come Follow Me 2019 Lesson 42”

TOOTHPASTE WORDS: The words we speak have the power to hurt or bless others. Get a small tube of
toothpaste. Let family members take turns squeezing some of it out onto a plate until it’s empty. Challenge them to get the toothpaste back into the tube. Help them see that once it’s been squeezed out, you can’t put it back in. Similarly, words are hard to take back. Once we speak hurtful words to or about someone, we can’t take them back. Are the words we’re saying words that would hurt or lift others? How can we be better at blessing others with our words?

Receiving God’s blessings requires patience. (Jr)

James 5:7–11

Help the children think of times when they have had to wait for something that they really wanted. Share an experience when you had to wait. Explain that waiting for something we want without complaining is called being patient. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

Summarize James 5:7 in your own words, and show a picture of a seed or seedling. Why do we need patience when we grow plants? What would happen if we tried to pull on the seedling to make it grow faster? You might also talk with the children about what it means to be patient with others and ourselves. Testify that God can help us learn to be patient. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

Friend June 2019 “Weak Things Stronger” Parker gets frustrated with himself when he doesn’t succeed at something he is trying to do like playing the piano or dirt biking. His moms shows him a scripture about Jesus helping him with his weaknesses. She also reminds him that it takes time to learn, grow, and get better.

Share the story of Job, who is mentioned in James 5:11 as an example of patience (see “Job,” in Old Testament Stories, or the corresponding video on ChurchofJesusChrist.org). How was Job blessed for being patient? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “James”)

Additional Resources

The Red Crystal

Hebrews 7–13

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Hebrews CHAPTER 7 The Melchizedek Priesthood brings exaltation and administers the gospel—It is received with an oath and covenant—The superiority of the Melchizedek Priesthood over the Aaronic Priesthood is explained—Salvation comes through the intercession of Christ.

Hebrews CHAPTER 8 Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice for sin—God promised to make a new covenant with Israel.

Hebrews CHAPTER 9 The Mosaic ordinances prefigured Christ’s ministry—Christ is the Mediator of the new covenant.

Hebrews CHAPTER 10 We are sanctified by the shedding of the blood of Christ—The superiority of His sacrifice is explained—Those who fall from grace through willful sin are damned—The just will live by faith.

Hebrews CHAPTER 11 By faith we understand the word and work of God—The faith of the ancients was centered in Christ—By faith, men subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, and worked miracles.

Hebrews CHAPTER 12 Whom the Lord loves He chastens—God is the Father of spirits—To see God, follow peace and holiness—Exalted Saints belong to the Church of the Firstborn.

Hebrews CHAPTER 13 Marriage is honorable—Christ is the same everlastingly—Paul explains how the Saints are to offer acceptable sacrifices.

The priesthood can help us in many ways. (Jr)

Hebrews 7:1–6

Briefly explain who Abraham was, and then use Hebrews 7:1–6 to teach that Abraham paid tithing to Melchizedek (see also Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 14:36–40 [in the Bible appendix]). Explain that Melchizedek held the priesthood, which is God’s power, and Melchizedek used it to bless Abraham. The children may enjoy acting out the story with simple props, like a crown and a tithing envelope. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

Invite an Aaronic and a Melchizedek Priesthood holder to visit the class and tell the children how they have used the priesthood to bless others. Then show the children pictures of different priesthood ordinances (for examples, see pictures 103–8 in the Gospel Art Book). Help the children determine which priesthood is required for each ordinance and give that picture to the appropriate priesthood holder to hold. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

Church leaders follow the Savior. (Sr)

Hebrews 7:1–4

Those who are called to serve in the Lord’s Church are to be faithful and serve others as He did.

Help the children list things they know about the two great leaders Abraham and Melchizedek. They can find help in Hebrews 7:1–4Abraham 1:1–2; and Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 14:25–40 (in the Bible appendix). What Christlike qualities did these men have that helped them honor the priesthood? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13“)

Friend April 1994 “Melchizedek” Story of Melchizedek

Old Testament Scripture Stories “Abraham and Sarah”

Ask the children to read Hebrews 7:1–2 and look for the titles used to describe Melchizedek. How do these titles remind us of Jesus Christ? Help them think of ways in which Jesus was a “King of peace.” Invite them to talk about other priesthood holders who are also an example of following the Savior. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

New Era July 2015 “Jesus Christ—Our Prince of Peace” Russel M. Nelson explains how Jesus is the prince of peace

Friend October 2023 “Cover”

Joseph Smith Translation, Hebrews 7:3, 21: Those who are ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood “are made like unto the Son of God” and are “[priests] forever.”

Share an experience in which your faith in the Savior was strengthened because of the service of a righteous priesthood holder. Help the children think of ways the priesthood has blessed them. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

  • Friend August 2021 “The Power of a Priesthood Blessing” Heavenly Father’s priesthood power blesses our lives in many ways. The cards below show some of the blessings we can all have because of the priesthood. Cut them out and put them face down. Then take turns choosing one and telling how it has helped you or will help you someday!

Faith is believing in things we cannot see.(Jr)

Hebrews 11:1–32

Display a picture of Jesus. Place around the room several objects to represent “evidences” that He is real even though we can’t see Him (such as the scriptures, a picture of the First Vision, and a picture of the earth). Invite the children to locate the items, and then share with them how each item helps us have faith that Jesus lives. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

Bring a paper fan, and let the children take turns feeling the fan blow air across their faces. Teach them that we can’t see air, but we can feel it. Similarly, we can’t see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, but we can feel Their love and have faith that They are real. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

The Red Crystal

Share the stories of one or more people mentioned in Hebrews 11:4–32. You can also find stories about these people in Old Testament Stories. What did these people do to show they had faith in something they couldn’t see? Share some blessings you have received because of your faith. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

The Red Crystal

Latter Day Kids “Faith is the Evidence of Things Not Seen” Lesson ideas

Heavenly Father rewards those who have faith.(Sr)

Invite the children to make a list on the board of the things they learn about faith in Hebrews 11:1–3, 6. Give each of the children the name of someone mentioned in Hebrews 11, and invite them to read the verses associated with that person. Ask them to share clues about the person so that the other children can guess who it is. How did these people show faith, and how did Heavenly Father reward them? (For pictures of these people, see the Old Testament section of the Gospel Art Book.)(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

Come Follow Me 2019 #41

 Matching Game: Cut apart the squares and turn upside-down. Take turns finding matches. As each
match is found, read and discuss the scripture references and what that person was able to do through
faith. When you get to the one that says “ME,” talk about many of the things we have done/can do
because of faith.

The Red Crystal

After reading about some of the faithful examples in Hebrews 11, ask the children to write about a person they know who showed faith. Invite several children to share their examples with the class. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

  • “Lead Me, Guide Me” (July 2010 Liahona and Friend)

    A brother and sister have faith that the Lord will help them find their way home in an unfamiliar country.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will help us and never leave us. (Jr)

Hebrews 13:5–6

Review some New Testament stories the children have learned this year in which the Savior helped others, such as when He healed the man with palsy (see Luke 5:18–26) or fed the 5,000 (see Matthew 14:15–21). Help the children learn the phrase “The Lord is my helper” (Hebrews 13:6). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

“Friend August 2013 “Friend August 2013 “Jesus Heals a Sick Man” By Margo Mae

Friend July 2017 “Jesus Fed Many People”

Invite the children to draw a picture of a time when someone comforted them when they were afraid. Read Hebrews 13:5–6 to them, and testify that Heavenly Father will help us and never leave us. Help the children cut out paper hearts large enough to cover the drawings. What are some things that help us feel closer to Heavenly Father? Write some of these things on the hearts. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

Friend December 2021 “Carrying Spotty” Abbie got a new puppy. She helped him feel safe when he was scared. She carried him when he was tired. In Primary, Abbie learned that Jesus suffered for us and took upon him our sorrows. He can carry us through our trials. She realized that Jesus helps her kind of like she helps her puppy. He helped her feel safe when she was afraid of the dark. He helped her feel stronger when she was worried.

Print the below hearts onto pink or red paper, one page per child.

Teach the children a song about how Heavenly Father and Jesus love and help us, such as “Tell Me, Dear Lord” (Children’s Songbook, 176). How can we know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are near us? Talk about a time when you felt “the Lord [was your] helper.” (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

The Lord chastens those He loves. (Sr)

Hebrews 12:5–11

These verses can help the children understand that Heavenly Father, their parents, and others correct them because they love them and want them to learn from their mistakes.

Read together Hebrews 12:5–11, and ask the children to find reasons why Heavenly Father chastens us (corrects or disciplines us). What does this teach us about why earthly parents also correct their children? How should we respond to loving correction? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

We are his sons and daughters and he loves us and wants what is best for us.

Divine chastening has at least three purposes: (1) to persuade us to repent, (2) to refine and sanctify us, and (3) at times to redirect our course in life to what God knows is a better path. …

… If we are open to it, needed correction will come in many forms and from many sources. It may come in the course of our prayers as God speaks to our mind and heart through the Holy Ghost [see Doctrine and Covenants 8:2]. It may come in the form of prayers that are answered no or differently than we had expected. Chastening may come as we study the scriptures and are reminded of deficiencies, disobedience, or simply matters neglected.

(D. Todd Christofferson, “As Many as I Love, I Rebuke and Chasten,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2011, 98, 100)

Share examples of people in the scriptures who were chastened by the Lord and repented (for example, see 1 Nephi 16:25–27Ether 2:13–15). How are they good examples of the principles in Hebrews 12:5–11? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

25 And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came unto my father; and he was truly achastened because of his murmuring against the Lord, insomuch that he was brought down into the depths of sorrow.

Lehi is Chastened

One day while Nephi was hunting, his steel bow broke. The families could not get food without it. Nephi’s brothers were angry with him and the Lord.

They were all very tired and hungry. Some of them were sad and complained. They were scared that they would starve. Even Lehi complained to the Lord.

Nephi made a new bow and an arrow out of wood. He had faith that the Lord would help him find food.

Nephi asked Lehi where to go to hunt. Lehi was sorry that he had complained. He repented and asked the Lord for help. The Lord told Lehi to look at the Liahona. A message was written on it. The families learned that the Liahona only worked when they had faith in the Lord and obeyed the commandments.

The Lord sometimes changed the message on the Liahona to help them during their travels. The Liahona helped Nephi know where to hunt. He brought back food to eat, and they were all happy. They repented and thanked the Lord.

The Brother of Jared is Chastened

After reading Hebrews 12:5–11, invite the children to write down a few things they will try to remember when they are corrected for their mistakes. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 7-13” )

Additional Resources

The Red Crystal

Hebrews 1–6

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Hebrews CHAPTER 1 The Son is in the express image of the person of the Father—Christ is the Only Begotten Son and thus above the angels.

Hebrews CHAPTER 2 Jesus came to suffer death and save men—He came to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.

Hebrews CHAPTER 3 Christ is the Apostle and High Priest of our profession—Jesus, being the Son, is more than a servant—Now is the time and the day of our salvation.

Hebrews CHAPTER 4 The gospel was offered to ancient Israel—Saints enter into the rest of the Lord—Though tempted in all points, Jesus was without sin.

Hebrews CHAPTER 5 For a man to hold the priesthood, he must be called of God as was Aaron—Christ was a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek—Jesus Christ is the Author of eternal salvation.

Hebrews CHAPTER 6 Let us go on to perfection—The sons of perdition crucify Christ anew—God swears with an oath that the faithful will be saved.

I believe in Jesus Christ. (Jr)

Hebrews 1:1–102:8–10, 17–18

Find some truths about Jesus Christ in Hebrews 1:1–102:8–10, 17–18, and write them on strips of paper. Hide the papers around the room, and invite the children to find them. Help the children read the truths written on the papers, and talk about what these truths mean. If necessary, explain that Jesus is called the Son of God because Heavenly Father is the father of both His spirit and His body. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6 )

The Red Crystal

The Red Crystal

Hold up a picture of the Savior, and share why you are thankful for Him. Let each child take a turn holding the picture and sharing why he or she is thankful for Jesus Christ. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6 )

The Red Crystal
After they have found the pictures above and discussed them, they can add them to the matching faded pictures next to the picture of Jesus. Have them hold up this picture and say why he or she is thankful for Jesus Christ

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6

Friend November 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Jesus Christ is Our Guide”

Story: Jesus Christ is “the captain of [our] salvation” (Hebrews 2:10). A captain guides a ship on the sea. Jesus can also guide us to heaven so we can live with Him someday!

Song: “I Need Thee Every Hour” (Hymns, no. 98)

Activity: Draw a picture of a boat on the waves. Then write or talk about ways you can follow Jesus Christ. How does He guide you in your life?

Friend October 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones”

Pretend you’re sailing a ship together. How will you know where to go? Talk about how Jesus Christ is like a captain (see Hebrews 2:10). When we believe in Him, He can guide us safely through life.

I believe in Jesus Christ. (Sr)

Hebrews 1:1–102:8–10, 17–18

Assign each child a few verses in Hebrews 1:1–102:8–10, 17–18, and invite the children to search in those verses for truths about Jesus Christ. Let them share or write on the board what they find. What else do we know about Jesus Christ? The children might find some ideas in songs such as “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” (Hymns, no. 136) or “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook, 34–35). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6 )

The Red Crystal

The Red Crystal
After they have found the pictures and discussed them, they can add them to the matching faded pictures next to the picture of Jesus. Have them hold up this picture and say why he or she is thankful for Jesus Christ

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6

Invite the children to draw pictures of themselves with their parents. Ask them to share what they have in common with their parents. Explain that when Hebrews 1:3 says that Jesus Christ is “the express image of [God’s] person,” it means that Jesus and Heavenly Father have the same qualities and attributes. Talk with the children about how following Jesus Christ brings us closer to Heavenly Father. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6 )

Ensign July 2019 “Family Study Fun”

  1. Pass out paper to each family member and instruct them to list on the paper the traits they’ve inherited from their parents, such as physical traits or personality traits. Discuss how these traits help you and your family members know who their parents are.
  2. Next, have each family member list traits they inherited from Heavenly Father.

Explain that Jesus Christ is “the express image of [God’s] person,” it means that Jesus and Heavenly Father have the [exact]same qualities and attributes. When we follow Jesus we can come closer to God and we can develop more of His divine traits.

The Red Crystal

Heavenly Father wants us to “harden not [our] hearts.” (Jr)

Hebrews 3:8

Hebrews 3 describes the Israelites hardening their hearts and rejecting the Lord’s blessings. This can be a warning to all of us not to harden our hearts.

Bring to class something absorbent (like a sponge or a washcloth) and something hard (like a rock). Invite the children to touch the objects and describe how the objects feel. Put a few drops of water on each object, and point out that water soaks into the absorbent object better than into the rock. Explain that our hearts need to be soft and not hard so that we can accept Heavenly Father’s truths and His love [into our hearts]. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6 )

The Red Crystal Sorting mat. Have pieces of soft fabric, cotton balls, soft feathers, sponges, tissues, etc, in a pile. In the same pile have small sticks, dice, small rocks, small pieces of sand paper, etc. Have the children sort through the pile and place them on the sorting map according to where they should go. Hard things in hard heart side, soft things in soft heart side.

Cut a heart shape out of a soft material, such as cloth, and a harder material, such as cardboard. Discuss with the children the difference between having a soft heart and having a hard heart. Share some examples from the scriptures of people who had soft hearts or hard hearts, such as Nephi, Laman, and Lemuel (1 Nephi 2:16–19); Paul (Acts 9:1–22); or Joseph Smith (Joseph Smith—History 1:11–20). As you share each example, invite the children to point to the soft heart or the hard heart. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6 )

Latter Day Kids “A Soft Heart” Lesson ideas This site has a great object lesson about a marble and a plate and a blanket. The marble bounces of the plate but the blanket catches the marble. See more at link.

To receive Heavenly Father’s guidance and blessings, we must “harden not [our] hearts.” (Sr)

Hebrews 3:7–19

In Hebrews 3, the story of the Israelites in the wilderness is used to teach the importance of not hardening our hearts.

Ask the children to think of things that are hard and soft. (If possible, bring some examples to show them.) Read together Hebrews 3:8. What does it mean to have a hard heart? Why does God want us to have soft hearts? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6 )

The Red Crystal Sorting mat. Have pieces of soft fabric, cotton balls, soft feathers, sponges, tissues, etc, in a pile. In the same pile have small sticks, dice, small rocks, small pieces of sand paper, etc. Have the children sort through the pile and place them on the sorting map according to where they should go. Hard things in hard heart side, soft things in soft heart side.

In your own words, share the story of the Israelites hardening their hearts against the Lord in the wilderness (see Numbers 14:1–12Hebrews 3:7–19). Let the children act out the story. What will happen if we harden our hearts against the Lord and His gospel? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6 )

The Red Crystal Has an acting script and face masks to use for the different people such as Moses below.

Invite the children to read Matthew 13:15Hebrews 3:15Mosiah 11:29; and Moses 6:27. Ask them to draw on the board the body parts mentioned in these verses. What does it mean to have spiritually dull ears, blind eyes, and hard hearts? How can we make sure that our ears, eyes, and hearts are ready to recognize the voice of the Spirit? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6 )

The Red Crystal

Priesthood holders are called of God. (Jr)

Hebrews 5:4

Hebrews 5:4 is an important verse because it clarifies that priesthood holders must be called by God. The same is true of anyone who is called to serve in the Lord’s Church.

Read Hebrews 5:4 to the children. Ask a priesthood holder to explain what the priesthood is. He could also share how he serves others as he fulfills his duties. Also ask a sister in the ward to share her experience being set apart to a calling in the Church. Encourage her to share how the Lord blessed her with the power to fulfill her calling. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6 )

Help the children memorize phrases from the fifth article of faith. Bear your testimony that people who are called to do God’s work are called by God through revelation.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6 )

  • “Article of Faith 5” (May 2011 Friend) Number pictures relating to how a person receives a calling in the right order.

Priesthood holders are called of God. (Jr)

Hebrews 5:1–4

Hebrews 5 provides an opportunity to discuss what priesthood is—the power and authority to act in God’s name—and how it is received.

Show the picture Moses Gives Aaron the Priesthood (Gospel Art Book, no. 15) while a child reads Hebrews 5:4. Explain that the Aaronic Priesthood was named after Aaron. Help the children think of duties Aaronic Priesthood holders perform (such as baptizing, blessing and passing the sacrament, and inviting others to come unto Christ; see Doctrine and Covenants 20:46–48, 59). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6 )

Help the children think about different ways in which people receive authority. For example, how does a teacher, doctor, or political leader receive authority? How does God give His authority? Invite the children to think about this question as they read Hebrews 5:4 and the fifth article of faith. Help the children think of people in the ward who have authority from God—including priesthood holders, as well as men and women who have been set apart to serve in specific callings.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Hebrews 1–6 )

  • “Article of Faith 5” (May 2011 Friend) Number pictures relating to how a person receives a calling in the right order.

Additional Resources

Keep a Firm Hold on the Gospel

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families “Hebrews 1-6”

Hebrews 2:1–4.

Can you think of an object lesson to help your family understand what it means to keep a firm hold on the gospel truths “which we have heard”? You might illustrate this with an object that is hard to hold onto. (Maybe an oily object) How are our efforts to maintain our testimony like catching and holding this object? How can we make sure “the things which we have heard” do not “slip” away from us? (verse 1).

Come Follow Me 2019 – Lesson Plans for young kids “Download #40”

Not Letting Truths Slip from Us Penny Game- Read/discuss/summarize Hebrews 2:1. How can we give more
“earnest heed to the things which we have heard” and make sure we don’t let them “slip” away from us?
Remind them that we need to CONTINUALLY read scriptures, pray, listen at church, etc.
 Set out a pile of pennies in a cup. Tell them that these represent gospel truths that are valuable to us.
Family members take turns naming one specific thing they’ve learned about Jesus and His gospel or one
thing they can do to deepen their faith. For each thing they can think of, they can grab another penny.
Continue until pennies are gone or nobody can think of anything else.
 Now that they have these pennies, would they want to take good care of them so they don’t get lost?
Have them show you how they could keep a firm hold on these pennies in their hands so they don’t slip
 Take turns letting family members try to steal pennies away from each other.
 Discuss what would happen if we lost our “firm holds” on the pennies (we’d lose them).
 Compare this to the things we learn about Jesus and His gospel. What can we do to keep a “firm hold”
on the valuable truths we’ve learned? Why is it important to not lose our testimonies of Jesus? How can
our testimony help us in life? How does Satan try to take our testimonies away from us?
 Share and discuss the following quote from President Russell M. Nelson:
“Because the evil one is ever at work, our vigilance cannot be relaxed – not even for a moment…Night
and day, at home or away, we must shun sin and ‘hold fast that which is good’.”

The Red Crystal

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures

1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon

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  • 1 Timothy CHAPTER 1 Counsel is given to teach true doctrine only—Christ came to save repentant sinners.
  • 1 Timothy CHAPTER 2 We should pray for all people—Christ is our Mediator—Women should dress modestly—Women are blessed in childbearing and are admonished to continue in faith, charity, and holiness.
  • 1 Timothy CHAPTER 3 Qualifications are given for bishops and deacons—Great is the mystery of godliness.
  • 1 Timothy CHAPTER 4 Paul describes the latter-day apostasy—Christ is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe.
  • 1 Timothy CHAPTER 5 Saints are to care for their worthy poor—Policies concerning elders are given.
  • 1 Timothy CHAPTER 6 The love of money is the root of all evil—Fight the good fight of faith—Do not trust in worldly riches.
  • 2 Timothy CHAPTER 1 Christ brings immortality and eternal life through the gospel—Be strong in the faith.
  • 2 Timothy CHAPTER 2 Christ gives eternal glory to the elect—Shun contention and seek godliness.
  • 2 Timothy CHAPTER 3 Paul describes the apostasy and perilous times of the last days—The scriptures guide man to salvation.
  • 2 Timothy CHAPTER 4 Paul gives a solemn charge to preach the gospel in a day of apostasy—Paul and all Saints are assured of exaltation.
  • Titus CHAPTER 1 Eternal life was promised before the world began—The qualifications of bishops are given—Unto the pure, all things are pure.
  • Titus CHAPTER 2 Saints should live righteously, deny ungodliness, and seek the Lord.
  • Titus CHAPTER 3 Saints must live righteously after baptism.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” Unlike Paul’s other epistles to entire congregations, these were written to individuals—Paul’s close friends and associates in God’s work—and reading them is like listening in on a conversation. We see Paul encouraging Timothy and Titus, two leaders of congregations, in their Church service. We see him entreating his friend Philemon to reconcile with a fellow Saint and treat him like a brother in the gospel.

Bishops lead the ward as servants of God. (Jr)

1 Timothy 3:1–2Titus 1:7–9

Draw a simple picture of your bishop on the board. Ask the children to name some things they know about the bishop. What is he like? What does he do? How does he bless the ward? (You can find some characteristics of a bishop in 1 Timothy 3:1–2 and Titus 1:7–9.) As the children share their ideas, write them on strips of paper and let the children place them on the board by the drawing.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

The Red Crystal

This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.

A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;

But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;

Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.

Write the duties of a bishop on slips of paper—such as helping children and youth in the ward, accepting tithing and fast offerings, extending callings, interviewing members, and helping those in need. Place these slips in a bowl, and invite each child to pick one. Then help the child to role-play these duties with you. Share your testimony that your bishop is called of God. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 71–75”

  • “A Day with the Bishop” (August 1990 Liahona and July 1989 Friend)
    Explains some of the things a bishop does. Includes an activity.

Invite the children to draw a picture of the bishop serving ward members. Suggest that they give their drawings to him to thank him. What can we do to help him? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

The Red Crystal

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 71–75”

  • Take the children on a walk to the bishop’s office (you may want to coordinate with other teachers). Describe for them some situations when they might meet with the bishop in his office (such as a baptismal interview or tithing settlement). Tell the children how you have been blessed by the bishop’s service.
  • Help the children make cards to give to the bishop, thanking him for what he does to help with the Lord’s work.

Friend June 2021 “Scripture Time Fun” Secret Service for Bishop

  • Sing “Teach Me to Walk in the Light” (Children’s Songbook,177).
  • Jesus taught that His Church should have bishops to lead and help the members (see Doctrine and Covenants 72:2).
  • Say thanks to your bishop or branch president by doing something kind. You could write him nice notes or bring him a treat. You could even do your plan without letting him know who did it!

I can be “an example of the believers.” (Jr)

1 Timothy 4:12

Timothy was relatively young, but Paul knew that he could be a great Church leader despite his youth. What counsel did Paul give to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12? (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

Sing with the children “Do as I’m Doing” (Children’s Songbook, 276). Ask the children to follow your example by doing the actions you do. Let the children take turns leading the rest of the class in following their actions. Read 1 Timothy 4:12, and ask the children what they can do to be good examples to others. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

The Red Crystal

Share an experience when you tried to be a good example to someone or when someone was a good example to you (perhaps including the children in your class). Invite the children to be good examples to their family members and friends. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

Friend April 2018 “A High-Five Example”Students in a special needs class we’re trying to give Lily’s classmates high fives as they walked by, but nobody did it until Lily gave them all high fives then everyone behind her did it.

  • “A Brother’s Example” (December 2005 Friend)
    Elder Gene R. Cook tells about the powerful influence of his older brother’s example in re-activating his entire family.

Turn the lights out, and give a flashlight to one student at a time to talk about how they were an example (or light)to someone in there lives, OR how someone is an example in their life. Then they can pass the flashlight to someone else to share. If you feel inspired you can take the last turn and share how each child in your class has been a light to you. Testify that light is from the Savior, and they are making good choices to be more like Him.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” To help your family members desire to be “an example of the believers,” consider inviting them to draw pictures of people who have been good examples to them. How have these people inspired us to follow Jesus Christ? President Thomas S. Monson’s message “Be an Example and a Light” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 86–88) can give some ideas on how to be an example to others.

Friend October 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities”

Story: You can do great things, no matter how young you are! Timothy was a young Church leader, and Paul taught him to be a good example (see 1 Timothy 4:12–16). How can you be a leader and help those around you?

Song: “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam” (Children’s Songbook, 60–61)

Activity: Sit in a circle. Use your hands or sticks to tap out rhythms on the ground. One person taps a short rhythm, and all the others copy. Take turns being the leader. After your turn, tell about a time when you were a good example to others.

Friend October 2023 “Paul Teaches Us to Follow Jesus Christ”

I can be “an example of the believers.” (Sr)

Timothy was relatively young, but Paul knew that he could be a great Church leader despite his youth. What counsel did Paul give to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12? (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

1 Timothy 4:12

Read together 1 Timothy 4:12, and ask the children to find six ways Paul said we can be “an example of the believers.” Divide the children into pairs, and invite each pair to think of a situation in which they can be an example of the believers. Ask them to role-play their situation for the rest of the class. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

That means, we should use good clean language, say kind words, help people when they need help, listen to the Holy Ghost, keep the commandments, and keep our covenants.

Ask the children if they would like to share any experiences when they tried to be a good example to others. Tell them how they have been examples of the believers to you and how you have noticed them setting good examples for others. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

Turn the lights out, and give a flashlight to one student at a time to talk about how they were an example (or light)to someone in there lives, OR how someone is an example in their life. Then they can pass the flashlight to someone else to share. If you feel inspired you can take the last turn and share how each child in your class has been a light to you. Testify that light is from the Savior, and they are making good choices to be more like Him.

Friend October 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities”

Story: You can do great things, no matter how young you are! Timothy was a young Church leader, and Paul taught him to be a good example (see 1 Timothy 4:12–16). How can you be a leader and help those around you?

Song: “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam” (Children’s Songbook, 60–61)

Activity: Sit in a circle. Use your hands or sticks to tap out rhythms on the ground. One person taps a short rhythm, and all the others copy. Take turns being the leader. After your turn, tell about a time when you were a good example to others.

Eternal things are more valuable than money. (Sr)

1 Timothy 6:7–12

Invite the children to talk about what they would buy if they had all the money in the world. Read 1 Timothy 6:7–12 with the children, and ask them to summarize what Paul taught Timothy about money. Then invite the children to read verses 11–12 again, searching for things Paul mentioned that are more valuable than money. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

Lay out pictures of worldly things (such as money, toys, or entertainment) and eternal things (such as families or temples). Invite the children to sort the pictures into two piles—things that bring us closer to Christ and things that might distract us from Christ if we love them more than we love Him. Why is “the love of money … the root of all evil”? How does focusing on Jesus Christ make us happy? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

The Red Crystal

Why do you think “the love of money is the root of all evil”? What are the dangers of focusing our lives on money or possessions? How can we be content with the blessings we have?Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon”

The scriptures will help me learn truth. (Jr)

2 Timothy 3:14–17

Display a set of scriptures, and help the children become familiar with them by showing them the title pages of the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Invite a child to hold these books as you read 2 Timothy 3:15–17. Tell the children why you love the scriptures, and let the children express their feelings. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

Ask the children to talk about their most prized possession. What do they do with it? How do they treat it? Let them take turns holding the scriptures and carefully turning the pages. What do we use the scriptures for? Why should we take good care of them? Testify that the scriptures contain truths that Heavenly Father wants us to know. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

Friend January 2019 “The Scriptures are Special Books” Camila loves books. Her favorite book is the scriptures. She feels happy when she reads them with her family. Scriptures are special books because they teach us about Jesus and the commandments.

Help the children create actions to go with songs about the scriptures, such as “Search, Ponder, and Pray” (Children’s Songbook, 109). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

Search, Ponder, and Pray Action Words Video

Friend October 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones”Give your little ones scriptures to hold. Explain that the scriptures are very special because they teach about Jesus Christ. Count together how many times Jesus is written in 2 Timothy 1–2. (There are 10 times.)

Latter Day Kids “The Scriptures Teach Me Truth” Lesson ideas

Heavenly Father gave us scriptures to help us know truth from error. (Sr)

2 Timothy 3:14–17

Invite the children to read 2 Timothy 3:15–17. Display pictures depicting a story from each of the four standard works, and invite several children to pick a picture and tell the story. (You can find pictures in the Gospel Art Book and in Come, Follow Me materials.) Ask the children to share anything else they know about that book of scripture. How do the scriptures “make [us] wise unto salvation”? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

Show the children each of the standard works one at a time, and as you hold each one up share a little about how we got it. For example:

The Bible tells us about prophecies of Jesus Christ and about the Savior’s life and teachings when he was on the earth.

The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and tells us about the Savior’s dealings with the people on the American continent.

The Doctrine and Covenants is a collection of revelations from Jesus Christ for the latter days, or our times.

The Pearl of Great Price gives us teachings and testimonies of Jesus Christ from ancient prophets as well as Joseph Smith’s history and testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Friend April 2018 “Family Night Fun”

  • Bring objects to represent different scripture stories. See if your family can guess the stories.
  • Draw scriptures stories or act them out for others to guess.
  • Show pictures from Gospel Art Book Old Testament and invite a child to secretly pick one out they could act out. Let the other children guess which story it is. Do the same with the New Testament, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants/Pearl of Great Price.

Friend February 2020 “Scripture Boats” Who Am I?  Match each person with their story. Each story has boats in it.

News with Naylors Game

Share a favorite scripture verse or an experience when the scriptures helped you build your faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Invite the children to share a favorite verse or experience of their own. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

Friend April 2020 “Comforted by the Scriptures” When Harrison was eight he struggled with nightmares. He had been learning that the scriptures hold the answers to problems and wanted to find a scripture to help. The Holy Ghost guided him to Joseph Smith’s first vision and being reminded that the darkness Joseph felt went away when he prayed and Heavenly Father and Jesus appeared. The scripture was just what Harrison needed.

Ask a child to read Moroni 10:4–5. What did Moroni promise in these verses? Ask the children how they have gained a testimony that the scriptures are true. Invite them to read or listen to the scriptures regularly and to ask God if they are true. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” )

Moroni writing on plates
Before Moroni buried the plates for the last time, he wrote a promise to the Lamanites and to anyone else who would read the records.
young boy reading scriptures
He told people to read the records, really think about them, and then ask Heavenly Father if they are true.
young boy praying
Moroni promised that if people would ask sincerely, with faith in Christ, the Holy Ghost would help them know the records are true.

Friend December 2020 “How I Know” Before bed, Damon’s father reads to the boys about Moroni’s promise and then he tells the boys how he prayed and gained his testimony of the Book of Mormon. That night, Damon prays to know if the Book of Mormon is true and he feels warm and good inside.

The Red Crystal

Ensign October 2023 “Family Study Fun” Scripture Treasure Hunt

Paul taught that scriptures bless us with wisdom, doctrine, correction, instruction, and faith.

  1. On separate pieces of paper, write “wisdom (Acts 18:28)”; “doctrine (Titus 1:9)”; “correction (Matthew 4:3–10)”; “instruction (Acts 17:2–3)”; and “faith (Romans 10:17).”
  2. Send everyone out of the room.
  3. Hide the five papers in the following locations: table, window, door, pillow, book.
  4. Invite everyone back. Have them read these scriptures to identify the keyword clue to find each hidden paper. (John 18:16=door; Mark 4:38=pillow; Revelation 22:7=book; Acts 20:9=window; Luke 22:21=table.)
  5. Read aloud the scripture on each found paper and discuss how it’s an example of that blessing.

Discussion: What can we do to improve our personal and family scripture study?

Additional Resources

Adorn Yourselves with Good Works

1 Timothy 2:9–10

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon” What does it mean to “adorn [ourselves] … with good works”? What are some good works our family could do this week? You might sing together a song about doing good, such as “Have I Done Any Good?” (Hymns, no. 223).

Good Works Fashion Show The family Come Follow Me manual had a super fun idea for a good works fashion show that we’re going to use. Our girls LOVE dressing up, so here’s how we’re planning on doing it:
Explain that 1 Timothy 2:9-10 tells us we should “adorn [ourselves]…with good works.” Summarize what
this means. How are we better examples to people when we do good works?

Come Follow Me For Kids

  • Set out a pile of fun clothing/jewelry/sunglasses.
  • Cut up the scenario pieces below and place them in a bowl or bag. Take turns drawing pieces out of the bowl/bag.
  • When the piece is pulled out, read it and ask: Is this a good/beautiful thing to do? If the answer is YES, then they can choose an item from the pile, tape the good work paper onto it, and wear that item.
  • Continue until all of the pieces have been talked about. After this, to earn any remaining items in the
    pile, family members can take turns stating additional good works they could do.
  • Wrap it up by reading D & C 25:15 and tell them to listen carefully for what kind of item we will receive if we follow the Lord and keep His commandments (a crown of righteousness). 2 Timothy 4:8 also
    mentions a “crown of righteousness.”

I Have Fought a Good Fight. I have Kept the Faith

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon”

2 Timothy is believed to be the last epistle Paul wrote, and it seems that he knew his time on earth was short (see 2 Timothy 4:6–8). How might Timothy have felt, knowing that he might soon be without his trusted mentor and leader? What did Paul say to encourage him? You might also read with your own challenges and fears in mind. What messages of hope and encouragement does the Lord have for you in 2 Timothy?

Liahona October 2023 “Come Follow Me Family Fun”

Near the end of his life, the Apostle Paul told Timothy, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7). Try this activity to learn about “keeping the faith”:

Before Home Evening

  1. Interview some older people who have been faithful in the gospel. These could be grandparents or members in your ward or branch.
  2. Ask them questions you are interested in or questions like these: What trials did you experience and overcome? Did you have an experience when it took courage to live the gospel? What was most helpful in remaining faithful to your belief in Jesus Christ?
  3. Write down or record their testimonies and experiences.

During Home Evening

  1. Share with your family the testimonies you heard and lessons you learned.
  2. What did these people teach you about overcoming difficulties through faith?

Discussion: How can you keep the faith throughout your life, despite challenges?

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon”

Living the gospel provides safety from the spiritual dangers of the last days.

We are living in “the last days” that Paul spoke of, and the “perilous times” have come (2 Timothy 3:1). As you read 2 Timothy 3, write down the perils of the last days that are mentioned (see also 1 Timothy 4:1–3):

Can you think of examples of these perils in the world around you—or in your own life? How do these perils, like the people described in verse 6, “creep into [your house], and lead [you] captive”? What counsel do you find in 2 Timothy 3, and elsewhere in these epistles, that could keep you and your family safe from these spiritual dangers? (see, for example, 1 Timothy 1:3–112 Timothy 2:15–16Titus 2:1–8).

Who was Philemon?

Philemon was a Christian who had been converted to the gospel by Paul. Philemon owned a slave named Onesimus, who apparently escaped to Rome. There Onesimus met Paul and converted to the gospel. Paul sent Onesimus back to Philemon with a letter encouraging Philemon to receive Onesimus “not now as a servant, but above a servant, a brother beloved” (Philemon 1:16).

What was Paul willing to do for Onesimus? How is this similar to what the Savior willingly did for us? (see also 1 Timothy 2:5–6Doctrine and Covenants 45:3–5). How can we follow the examples of Paul and the Savior?

The Red Crystal

The Cozy Red Cottage

1 and 2 Thessalonians

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1 Thessalonians CHAPTER 1 The gospel comes both in word and in power.

1 Thessalonians CHAPTER 2 True ministers preach in a godly manner—Converts are the glory and joy of missionaries.

1 Thessalonians CHAPTER 3 The Saints are told to perfect that which is lacking in their faith.

1 Thessalonians CHAPTER 4 The Saints are told to be holy, sanctify themselves, and love one another—The Lord will come, and the dead will rise.

1 Thessalonians 5 The Saints will know the season of the Second Coming of Christ—Live the way Saints should live—Rejoice evermore—Do not despise prophesyings.’

2 Thessalonians CHAPTER 1 At His Second Coming, the Lord Jesus will take vengeance upon the ungodly.

2 Thessalonians CHAPTER 2 Apostasy is to precede the Second Coming—The gospel prepares men for eternal glory.

2 Thessalonians CHAPTER 3 Pray for the triumph of the gospel cause—Paul preaches the gospel of work—Be not weary in well-doing.

As I follow God’s commandments, I will be ready for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. (Jr)

1 Thessalonians 5:1–6

Invite a mother to briefly share what it was like to wait for her baby to be born. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:2–3, and tell the children that Jesus Christ will come to earth again, but no one knows exactly when—just as a mother doesn’t know exactly when her baby will be born.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Clipart Library

Ask the children to talk about a time when they prepared for a trip or event. What did they do to prepare? Bring a suitcase or bag, and let the children pretend to pack it to get ready for a trip. With each item they pretend to pack, help the children think of one way we can prepare for Jesus Christ to come again. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

The Red Crystal

Read 1 Thessalonians 5:6 to the children, and explain that if we are not preparing for Jesus to come again, it’s like we have fallen asleep and we won’t be ready for Him. Invite the children to pretend they are asleep. Explain that if we do prepare, it’s like we are awake and waiting for Him. Invite them to wake up.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Sing together a song about the Second Coming, such as “When He Comes Again” (Children’s Songbook, 82–83).(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Latter Day Kids “Preparing for the Second Coming” Lesson ideas

As I follow God’s commandments, I will be ready for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. (Sr)

1 Thessalonians 5:1–6

Invite a child to read 1 Thessalonians 5:1–6 while the other children follow along. After each verse, ask a child to summarize what he or she thinks the verse is saying. You may want to explain that “the day of the Lord” means the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Why is the Second Coming compared to a thief in the night or a woman about to have a baby? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Ensign October 2019 “Family Study Fun”

Second Coming Surprise Jesus Christ will come again “as a thief in the night” (1 Thessalonians 5:2), meaning unexpectedly and at an unknown time. Are we preparing each day for that event? On small, individual slips of paper, have family members write down what they did yesterday (soccer practice, school, and so on). Put the slips into a hat (or bag). Parents secretly add another slip that reads: “Second Coming.”Take turns drawing an activity from the hat and reading it aloud. When someone draws “Second Coming,” the game’s over. Discussion: Which of the activities drawn from the hat helped prepare our family for Christ’s return? What should we add to our daily routines to prepare us more?

Story Images

Tell the children to imagine that the Savior will be visiting your class sometime today. How can we prepare for His visit? Help the children think of things we can do to prepare ourselves for the day Jesus Christ returns. For example, we can repent, forgive, improve our relationships with our family, follow the prophet, seek to have the Holy Ghost’s influence, and keep our covenants. Encourage the children to choose one thing they will do to prepare themselves to receive the Savior at His Coming.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Sharing Time: What a Joyful Day” (December 2001 Friend)
Includes an activity to color various pictures of activities that can prepare children for the Second Coming.

Primary 7: New Testament “Lesson 46: Jesus Christ Will Come Again”

Paul taught that an apostasy would happen before Jesus Christ comes again. (Jr)

2 Thessalonians 2:1–3

After reading 2 Thessalonians 2:3 with the children, let them help you build a tower out of plastic cups or blocks. Tell the children that the cups or blocks represent important parts of the true Church, such as gospel truths, the priesthood, temple sealings, and prophets. After Paul and the other Apostles died, these things were lost, and the true Church was not on the earth for many years. Invite a child to knock the tower over, and explain that this was called the Apostasy or “falling away.” When Jesus Christ brought His Church back, it was called the Restoration. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

The Great Apostasy “News with the Naylors” Lesson ideas

Display a Book of Mormon and pictures of the prophet and a temple. Invite the children to say “Apostasy” when you hide the items in a bag and “Restoration” when you bring the items back out.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Sing songs that teach truths that were taken away during the Apostasy and restored in our day, such as “The Church of Jesus Christ,” “The Priesthood Is Restored,” and “I Love to See the Temple” (Children’s Songbook, 77, 89, 95). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Paul taught that an apostasy would occur before Jesus Christ comes again.(Sr)

2 Thessalonians 2:1–3

Amid increasing persecutions, many Thessalonian Saints believed the Savior’s Second Coming must be near. But Paul knew that before Jesus returned to earth there would be an apostasy—a rebellion or “falling away” from the truth (see 2 Thessalonians 2:1–4). (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians”)

Invite one of the children to read 2 Thessalonians 2:1–3. According to these verses, what had to happen before “the day of Christ,” which means the Second Coming? What does the phrase “a falling away” mean? Make sure that the children understand that it means the Great Apostasy, which occurred after the deaths of the Savior’s Apostles. You might want to share information from “Apostasy” in the Guide to the Scriptures (scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Introduction: Before the Doctrine and Covenants” Video. The last part is about the apostasy and restoration

Jesus taught people His gospel. He taught them to obey Heavenly Father’s commandments.

Jesus ordaining Apostles
Jesus chose twelve men to be Apostles and gave them the priesthood. He started His Church. Many people loved Jesus. They were righteous and obeyed His teachings.
Jesus nailed to cross
Satan did not want people to follow Jesus. He tempted people to hate Jesus, and some of them nailed Him to a cross and killed Him.
Jesus and Apostles
Three days after Jesus died, He was resurrected. He was alive again! He talked with His Apostles and told them to teach the gospel to all people. Jesus also visited the righteous people in the Americas. Then He went to heaven to be with His Father.
Apostle teaching
The Apostles were the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ. They went to many lands and taught people about Jesus. Many people believed in Him and were baptized. The Apostles gave righteous men the priesthood. There were many members of the Church.
evil people stoning prophet
Satan wanted to destroy the Church. He tempted people to stop believing in Jesus. The Apostles and many other members of the Church were killed. Soon there were no leaders to guide the Church. Heavenly Father took the priesthood away from the earth.
priest baptizing infant
The church that Jesus had started was gone. People started churches of their own. They changed many of the teachings of Jesus. They also changed some of the commandments.
three leaders of different religions
Hundreds of years went by. There were many churches on earth, but none of them was the true Church of Jesus Christ. Members of these churches believed in Jesus, but the churches did not have the true gospel. They did not have the authority of the priesthood. They did not have prophets or apostles.
young boy being baptized
Jesus had said He would come to earth again. But first His Church had to be restored. The priesthood also had to be restored. These blessings were restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Prophet Joseph writing
Heavenly Father has again called prophets and apostles to lead the Church in our day. Jesus gives revelations to the prophets and apostles to tell us what He wants us to know and do.

Help the children list on the board some of the truths and blessings we enjoy because of the gospel. Erase these things one by one, and ask the children how their lives would be different without these things. Explain that these truths were lost during the Great Apostasy. Why was it important that the Church of Jesus Christ be restored to the earth in the latter days? Invite the children to “restore” or rewrite the truths and blessings on the board. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

The Great Apostasy “News with the Naylors” Lesson ideas

Heavenly Father wants me to work.(Sr)

2 Thessalonians 3:7–13

Invite the children to take turns reading verses from 2 Thessalonians 3:7–13 and look for the problem the Saints were facing. Why does Heavenly Father want us to work? What would happen if we never learned to work hard? Let the children take turns acting out simple chores while the other children guess what they are doing. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Friend July 2016 Picking thorny blackberries was not fun, but a boy learned about responsibility and the rewards of work.


Invite the children to talk about a time when they worked hard on a task, a project, or a goal. How did they feel about themselves when they finished? What does it mean to “be not weary in well doing”? (2 Thessalonians 3:13). What helps us keep going when work feels hard? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Draw attention to skills and talents each individual in the family has worked to develop in the past few months, or year. (Mention skills such as tying shoes, making the bed, reading, playing an instrument, or cooking.) Ask each person how he felt when he accomplished that skill or developed that talent. Discuss how these new skills improve the individual, the family, and the community.

Discuss as a family the good feeling that can come while working to accomplish a chore or a job and the satisfaction that comes when that job is completed. Point out that this satisfaction is part of the reward.

Additional Resources

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Friend October 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities”

Story: Paul taught, “In every thing give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). We can show our gratitude by thanking others for their help. We can also thank Heavenly Father when we pray.

Song: “Thanks to Our Father” (Children’s Songbook, 20)

Activity: What are some of your blessings? Draw or cut out pictures from a magazine of what you’re grateful for. Then give your art to someone you want to thank.

1 Thessalonians 5:14–25.

As you review Paul’s counsel in 1 Thessalonians 5:14–25, invite each family member to find a phrase that the family could focus on. Find creative ways to display these phrases in your home as a reminder. For example, each person might find or draw pictures that illustrate or reinforce the phrase he or she chose. (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians”)

The Red Crystal Lesson ideas

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures

Philippians; Colossians

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Philippians CHAPTER 1 All that happened to Paul furthered the gospel cause—Our conduct should be worthy of the gospel.

Philippians CHAPTER 2 Saints should be of one mind and one spirit—Every knee will bow to Christ—Saints must work out their salvation—Paul faces martyrdom with joy.

Philippians CHAPTER 3 Paul sacrifices all things for Christ—True ministers set examples of righteousness.

Philippians CHAPTER 4 Stand fast in the Lord—We believe in being honest, true, and chaste.

Colossians CHAPTER 1 Redemption comes through Christ—He created all things, is in the image of God, and is the Firstborn of the Father.

Colossians CHAPTER 2 The fulness of the Godhead dwells in Christ—Beware of being deceived by the traditions of men—The handwriting against us was nailed to the cross of Christ.

Colossians CHAPTER 3 Some lives are hidden with God in Christ—The Saints are told to be holy and to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

Colossians CHAPTER 4 The Saints are told to be wise in all things—Luke and others greet the Colossians.

Church leaders love me and pray for me.(Jr)

Philippians 1:3–4Colossians 1:3, 9

Read Philippians 1:3–4 and Colossians 1:3, 9 aloud, and ask the children to fold their arms and bow their heads every time they hear the words praypraying, and prayer. Explain that the Apostle Paul prayed for Church members, just as our Church leaders pray for us today. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

Show a picture of Jesus Christ, and read some scripture verses that describe Him praying for someone (for example, Luke 22:323 Nephi 19:21, 23). What did Jesus ask for when He prayed for others? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

The Red Crystal

Help the children name some of their Church leaders, such as the Primary president, the bishop, and the President of the Church. Explain that these leaders ask Heavenly Father to bless the children and help them live righteously. Consider telling the children what you say when you pray for them. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

The Red Crystal Put the stepping stones on the ground and say the words as the students step on each one. Then move them farther apart so they have to hop to each stone while saying the same words

I can rejoice in the Lord. (Jr)

Philippians 4:4, 8

(Paul encouraged the Saints to rejoice—even though they faced difficult trials and Paul himself was in prison. How will you help the children see that following Jesus Christ brings joy?) Ask the children to listen for a repeated word as you read Philippians 4:4. Ask the children to show you what they do when they rejoice. Tell the children why you “rejoice in the Lord”—why you feel happy because of Jesus Christ. Let the children share how they feel about Jesus. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

Friend April 2023 “Because of the Savior”

Show objects or pictures that represent things that help you “rejoice in the Lord” (Philippians 4:4), such as His creations, a temple, His Resurrection, or a family. Let the children take turns selecting a picture or object, and then tell them why it makes you happy. Invite them to share things that help them rejoice in the Lord.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

Media Library Images “Nature and Creation”

Friend September 2019

Read Philippians 4:8 together, and help the children think of things that fit the descriptions in the verse (see also Articles of Faith 1:13). Invite the children to draw pictures of these things. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

If I have faith in Jesus Christ, I can be happy even during hard times. (Sr)

Philippians 4:4–13

Ask the children to imagine that they are in prison, as the Apostle Paul was when he wrote the Epistle to the Philippians. Read Philippians 4:4–13 with the children, and ask them to look for the words “rejoice,” “peace,” and “content.” Why was Paul able to rejoice and feel peace even in prison? Then ask the children to find the words “Lord,” “God,” and “Christ” in the verses. Help them understand that Paul’s faith in Jesus Christ made it possible for him to rejoice. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 98-101”

Life is not meant to be free from difficulty, but you can help the children discover that they can still find a fulness of joy through Jesus Christ.

  • Put water in a cup. Ask the children to name things the Savior has done for us so that we can have joy, and invite them to drop a pebble in the cup for each thing they name until the cup is full. Read with the children Doctrine and Covenants 101:36, and ask them to look for how we can have a fulness of joy. What are some things we can do to “seek … the Lord” (verse 38) so we can have the joy that He wants to give us?

Friend October 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Peace from the Savior”

Story: When things are hard, we can pray for help. Because of the Savior, we can feel comfort and peace. (See Philippians 4:4–7.)

Song: “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75)

Activity: On page 10, read a story about a girl who felt Jesus Christ’s love. Then think about a time you felt peaceful because of Him. Write about it or draw a picture.

Invite the children to help you complete sentences like the following: “I can be in the dark and still see things if I have a . I can be outside on a hot day and still feel cool if I have a . I can have hard times and still find joy if I .” What does Philippians 4:4–13 suggest we can do to find joy? Invite the children to share some hymns or scriptures about Jesus that can help them feel joy during hard times.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

Friend February 2023 “How to Have Joy” In the winter of 1838, members of the Church had to leave their homes in Missouri, USA. It was very cold. Some spent the night outside near a campfire. They sang hymns and roasted potatoes.Sister Eliza R. Snow said, “Not a complaint was heard—all were cheerful.” Sometimes it doesn’t seem like we can feel joy when something bad happens. But joy comes from focusing on the Savior. (See more at link)

I can “think on” things that are true, honest, and pure. (Sr)

Philippians 4:8

Ask one child to read Philippians 4:8 aloud while the others look for words in Articles of Faith 1:13 that are the same or similar. Invite someone to write these words on the board. Ask the children what the words mean, and help them define them as needed. Why should we “think on” these things? How can we “seek after” them? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

Ask the children to name things that fit the descriptions in Philippians 4:8. Invite them to keep a list this week of anything they notice that fits these descriptions. Encourage them to bring their lists to Primary next week and share what they found. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

See also:

LDS Living “FHE: The Thirteenth Article of Faith” Great lesson ideas

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “The Admonition of Paul” Lesson ideas

My faith should be “rooted” in Jesus Christ. (Jr)

Colossians 1:232:6–7

Show the picture of a tree from this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families while you read key phrases from Colossians 1:232:6–7 (or show the video “Spiritual Whirlwinds” on ChurchofJesusChrist.org). What would happen to this tree if a storm came and the tree did not have strong roots? Let the children stand and pretend to be a tree that has weak roots in a storm and then a tree with strong roots. Testify that faith in the Savior helps us be like a tree with strong roots. Then we can withstand spiritual “storms,” like temptations and hard times.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

Friend August 2018

Invite a child to draw a tree on the board. Ask the children to name some things they can do to be “rooted” in Jesus Christ. Each time a child names something, invite him or her to add a root to the drawing. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” Perhaps your family could read these verses while sitting around a tree or looking at a picture of a tree (such as the one that accompanies this outline). What does it mean to be “grounded” and “rooted” in Christ? How can we help each other strengthen our spiritual roots?

Latter Day Kids

My faith should be “rooted” in Jesus Christ. (Sr)

Colossians 1:232:6–7

(Satan tries to weaken our faith through temptations and false doctrines.) Invite the children to draw pictures that represent the truths they find in Colossians 1:232:6–7. Let them share their pictures with the class and explain the truths their pictures represent.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

  Draw a picture of your favorite fruit tree and follow the instructions to add to it throughout the lesson:

Draw deep and strong roots for your tree. Label some of the roots with attributes these people have or actions they take that you feel firmly connect them to Jesus Christ.

Just as there are natural forces that can uproot or destroy a tree, there are forces that try to uproot us from our spiritual foundations in Jesus Christ.

Around your tree, draw winds or storms that may uproot your tree. Label these winds and storms with forces that could spiritually uproot you from being grounded and settled in Jesus Christ. You may want to read Colossians 2:4, 8 to see some of the forces that the Saints in Colossae were experiencing.

  • How can the roots you identified today help you receive the Savior’s power to stand strong against the forces you identified?

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 30-31” Display some items (such as money or food) and toy imitations of these items. Which would the children rather have?

Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 20: Korihor, the Anti-Christ,”  Write the first word of each pair below on slips of paper and hand them out to the children. Ask each child to think of a word that means the opposite of the word on his or her paper. Let each child say the opposite word he or she has thought of while the rest of the class tries to guess the positive word on the child’s paper.

Word Examples: light/dark, life/death, good/bad, love/hate, success/failure, right/wrong, true/false, peace/war, truth/lie, pure/impure, clean/dirty, happy/sad, healthy/sick, kind/mean, joy/sorrow

When everyone has had a turn, explain that just as every word in this activity has an opposite, Satan has a counterfeit or opposite teaching for every teaching of Jesus Christ. Following Heavenly Father brings us happiness; following Satan brings us unhappiness. Ask the children the difference between how people feel when they tell lies and how they feel when they tell the truth.

Teach the children that the more we learn about something, the more we can tell the difference between that thing and its opposite. The more we learn about and follow Jesus Christ’s teachings, the more we will be able to resist the temptations and deception of Satan..

Ensign March 2018 “Family Home Evening: Discerning Right from Wrong” Object Lesson. Satan tries to make good, righteous, and joyful seem miserable and evil appear to be good. Wrap a rock as a gift and put a treat in a brown paper bag.  (See more at link)

2 Nephi 28

Show the video “Spiritual Whirlwinds.” What are some temptations and false doctrines in the world today that can weaken our faith? Encourage the children to write down one thing they can do to strengthen their faith so that they are “rooted” (Colossians 2:7) in Jesus Christ. Ask them to display this somewhere they will see it each day. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians” )

Additional Resources

Your family might enjoy filling a “treasure chest” with things that represent the “riches” and “treasures of wisdom and knowledge” you find in the gospel. Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Philippians; Colossians”

The Red Crystal Lesson ideas

The Cozy Red Cottage

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures


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Ephesians CHAPTER 1 The Saints are foreordained to receive the gospel—The gospel is to be restored in the latter days—The Saints are sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise—They know God and Christ by revelation.

Ephesians CHAPTER 2 We are saved by grace through faith—The blood of Christ saves Jew and Gentile alike—The Church is built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets.

Ephesians CHAPTER 3 The Gentiles are fellow heirs with Israel—The love of Christ surpasses all understanding.

Ephesians CHAPTER 4 There is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism—Apostles and prophets are essential to the Church—The Saints are exhorted to live righteously—They are sealed unto the day of redemption.

Ephesians CHAPTER 5 The Saints are exhorted to avoid uncleanness and walk uprightly—Husbands and wives should love each other.

Ephesians CHAPTER 6 Children should honor their parents—Servants and masters are judged by the same law—Saints should put on the whole armor of God.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” When the gospel began to spread in Ephesus, it caused “no small stir” (Acts 19:23) among the Ephesians. Local craftsmen who produced shrines to a pagan goddess saw Christianity as a threat to their livelihood, and soon “they were full of wrath, … and the whole city was filled with confusion” (see Acts 19:27–29). Imagine being a new convert to the gospel in such a setting. Many Ephesians did accept and live the gospel amid this “uproar” (Acts 19:40), and Paul assured them that “Christ … is our peace” (Ephesians 2:13–14). These words, along with his invitation to “let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away” (Ephesians 4:31), seem as timely and comforting now as they were then. For the Ephesians, as for each of us, the strength to face adversity comes “in the Lord, and in the power of his might” (see Ephesians 6:10–13).

Members of the Church should be friends and “fellowcitizens.” (Jr)

Ephesians 2:19

Place a picture of the Savior in the center of the room. Invite the children to stand in different parts of the room to represent “strangers” or “foreigners.” Help them understand that these words mean people we don’t know yet. As you read Ephesians 2:19, invite them to move toward the picture of Christ until they are standing close together. Tell them that as we come closer to the Savior, we can become united with others as “fellowcitizens,” or friends. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” )

Friend February 2020 “A Kind Primary Class” Jayden was nervous to go to a different ward when he was out of town. But when he got to Primary he felt better because the other kids included him and were kind. They shared their scriptures with him, talked to him, and helped him. They became his friends. Activity: Aria is new at church. Fill in the speech bubbles with what you could say. How could you help a visitor feel welcome?

Friend September 2021 “New Amigos” Brigit’s family had just moved to Venezuela and she was worried and scared about going to church because she didn’t speak Spanish. When they walked into the chapel, two girls her age rushed over to meet her. When they realized she didn’t speak English they told her their names, sat with her, and started teaching her Spanish. The girls helped Brigit feel welcomed and happy .

Friend May 2021 “Tara’s New Friend” Tara sees a boy sitting alone at church. She doesn’t speak his language so she decides to draw pictures for him.

Find pictures of children from different parts of the world, and hide them around the room. Place a picture of the Savior in the front of the room. Invite your class to pair up like missionaries and take turns finding a picture of a “stranger” to place near the picture of the Savior. Help them understand that when people are baptized, they become part of our Church family, or the “household of God.” How can we help someone who is new feel welcome? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” )

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Friend July 2017 Matt and Mandy

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” Your family might enjoy building walls out of pillows or other objects you have at home and then knocking them down. While Paul referred to the “wall” between Gentiles and Jews, what kinds of walls separate people today? How has Jesus Christ “broken down” these walls? How does He “reconcile [us] unto God”? (verse 16).

We are “fellowcitizens” in the household of God. (Sr)

Ephesians 2:13–19

Read Ephesians 2:19 together, and discuss what it means to be a stranger or foreigner. Share an experience in which you felt like a stranger or foreigner and someone helped you feel welcome and accepted. Invite the children to share similar experiences. What can we do to become “fellowcitizens” rather than strangers? Are there any children in your class who do not attend often, perhaps because they feel like strangers? Help the children come up with a plan to help those members feel welcomed and loved. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” )

Friend February 2020 “A Kind Primary Class” Jayden was nervous to go to a different ward when he was out of town. But when he got to Primary he felt better because the other kids included him and were kind. They shared their scriptures with him, talked to him, and helped him. They became his friends. Activity: Aria is new at church. Fill in the speech bubbles with what you could say. How could you help a visitor feel welcome?

Friend September 2021 “New Amigos” Brigit’s family had just moved to Venezuela and she was worried and scared about going to church because she didn’t speak Spanish. When they walked into the chapel, two girls her age rushed over to meet her. When they realized she didn’t speak English they told her their names, sat with her, and started teaching her Spanish. The girls helped Brigit feel welcomed and happy .

Friend September 2016 “Musical Chairs” A new boy starts attending Elizabeth’s Primary class and he isn’t like the other children, so they start avoiding sitting near him. He stops coming for a while.


Friend August 2017 “Reaching Out to New Friends” Elder Anderson shares a story of a boy in Uganda fellowshipping another boy and a story about children behind a fence being invited into a meeting. Sometimes people at church feel like they are behind a fence looking in and need a friend and an invitation to join in.

To help the children strengthen their relationships with each other, write some questions on the board that prompt them to share something about themselves, such as When have you had a prayer answered? or What’s your favorite thing to do with your family? Divide the children into pairs, and invite them to ask each other the questions. What did we learn about each other? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” )

The Red Crystal

Heavenly Father wants me to obey my parents.(Jr)

Ephesians 6:1–3

Read Ephesians 6:1 to the class, or help one of the children read it. Help them think of times when they obeyed their parents. Ask them to share how they were blessed for obeying and how they felt when they obeyed. Why is it important to obey our parents? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” )

The Red Crystal

Friend August 2018 “Puddles and Blessings” Marcel doesn’t want to go on a hike in the rain with his mom and the Young Women. His mom  tells him something good might happen because there are blessings from obeying parents. At the hike he finds that his friend Noah is there and they have a blast playing in puddles together.

Friend August 2015 “Fire” As a young boy, President Monson starts a fire with forbidden matches and he learns an important lesson about obedience.

Friend August 2017 “The Rocket Fiasco” Andrew’s friends convince him to try out his birthday rocket that he’s supposed to wait and do with his dad’s supervision. The rocket lands in the neighbors car and starts a fire.

Sing together a song about obedience, such as “Quickly I’ll Obey” (Children’s Songbook, 197). Let the children take turns naming something their parents ask them to do, and invite them to pretend to do that thing. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” )

Show a picture of Jesus Christ being baptized (see Gospel Art Book, no. 35), and share how the Savior obeyed Heavenly Father by being baptized (see 2 Nephi 31:6–7). Share an experience in which you obeyed your parents and were blessed. Why does Heavenly Father want us to obey our parents? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” )

Friend March 2023 “Jesus Christ Was Baptized”

New Era March 2017 “Why I Honor My Parents”

When I was about eight years old, I learned a very valuable lesson. It was early spring in the small Utah town where I lived, and some of my eight-year-old friends and I wanted to camp outside one night. My father said, “It’s still very cold at night. You’ll be miserable, and you’ll probably get sick.”

I explained that we thought everything would be fine. My parents let me make my own choice, and my friends and I decided to go ahead with the campout. As it got late the temperature dropped and it became very cold. Instead of having a great time, we were awake and miserable most of the night and, true to my father’s prediction, a day or two later I got sick.

As I was sick at home and missing fun activities, I remembered the advice my father had given me. Every bad consequence he mentioned had happened. I remember thinking, “Wow, my dad is really smart.” I came to realize, even at that young age, that my father had more experience and wisdom than me and if I were more careful in seeking and following his counsel it would make my life happier.

Your parents love you and want to help you.

Come Follow Me for Kids “New Testament Activities: Download #36” For the Perfecting of the Saints” Help them see the blessings that come from being obedient and remind them that they’ll be happier when they are obedient. Possible scenarios:
 Mom asks you to eat your healthy food at dinner before you eat a cookie. How would
 Dad asks you to turn the TV off and do your chores.
 Mom asks you to kneel down for family prayer.
 Dad asks you to sit quietly during scripture study time.
 Mom asks you to share your toys with your sister.
 Dad asks you to stay off of a busy road near your house.
 Mom asks you to be kind to your neighbors.
 Remind them that we are “Dear children” of God (Ephesians 5:1) and encourage them to also be
obedient to their Heavenly Father

Heavenly Father wants me to obey and honor my parents. (Sr)

Ephesians 6:1–3

Invite the children to read Ephesians 6:1–3 individually and identify phrases that stand out to them. Invite them to share these phrases and why they feel the phrases are important. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” )

Explain that to “honor” someone can mean to show respect for them or to bring them happiness.

Friend November 2021 “Jesus Honored His Parents” As He grew up, Jesus obeyed His earthly parents. He loved and cared for them. Even when He was dying on the cross, He asked one of His disciples to take care of His mother. He also honored His Heavenly Father by keeping the commandments.

Help the children find and talk about examples of people in the scriptures who obeyed and honored their parents, such as the Savior (see Luke 2:42–52), Ruth (see Ruth 1), or Nephi (see 1 Nephi 3:1–8). Why is it important to obey and honor our parents? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” )

Friend June 2022 “Ruth and Naomi”

Give each child a piece of paper with the word honor at the top. Discuss what the word means. Invite the children to write or draw on their papers something they can do to show that they honor their parents. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” )

Explain that to “honor” someone can mean to show respect for them or to bring them happiness.

Friend September 2023 “I Can Follow Jesus by Honoring My Parents”

The Red Crystal

The armor of God can protect me from evil. (Jr)

Ephesians 6:10–18

Show a picture of a person wearing armor, such as the one in this week’s activity page or this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families. As you summarize Ephesians 6:10–18, show the children how different pieces of armor protect different parts of the body. (See “The Whole Armor of God,” Friend, June 2016, 24–25.) (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” )

Friend June 2016

Friend June 2016

Bring several items to class that could represent the pieces of armor mentioned in Ephesians 6:14–17 (for example, a hat or an apron), or make simple pieces of armor from paper. Let the children take turns putting on the “armor.” Help them understand how we put on the armor of God (for example, by studying the scriptures, serving others, praying, obeying, and so on). Discuss how doing these things protects us from evil. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” )

Friend March 1987

Friend March 1987
Friend March 1987

The Red Crystal

Come Follow Me for Kids “New Testament Activities: Download #36” For the Perfecting of the Saints”

Armor pieces: If using household items, here’s a list of possible items that could be used:
 Breastplate: apron or a flat pan
 Shoes: Mom or Dad’s boots
 Girdle: a belt
 Sword: a stick
 Shield: muffin tin or a piece of cardboard
 Helmet: a hat, helmet, or pot
 Have all items in a pile or in a large bag, and let everyone take turn choosing one piece. As each
piece is chosen, read and discuss the card for it and show them how to wear/use that piece of
 After all of the pieces have been taken out of the bag/pile, discuss: what does the armor of God
protect us from? How can we put on these pieces of armor every day?

Family Paper Snowball Fight –
 On the shield, write or draw ways we can have faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus.
 On separate pieces of paper, write ways Satan tries to attack us. Crumple these up to turn them into
 Use these to have a family paper snowball fight.
 How can our faith help shield us from Satan’s attacks? In what other ways can God arm us against

  1. Cake Batter Snowball Cookies- https://www.mybakingbliss.com/cake-batter-snowball-cookies/ Before
    eating, everybody say one thing they’ll do to shield themselves from Satan’s attacks this week.

Latter Day Kids “Put On the Armor of God” Lesson ideas

See additional teaching ideas at Armor of God

Friend September 2023 “The Armor of God” Match each piece of armor with what it stands for in the scriptures.

The armor of God can protect me from evil. (Sr)

Ephesians 6:10–18

(Think of some of the spiritual dangers that children face and how you can help strengthen the children against them.) As one child reads Ephesians 6:10–18, ask another child to list or draw on the board the pieces of armor mentioned. Why is armor important in a battle? How can we put on spiritual armor every day? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” )

Teaching Children the Gospel “Lesson 25: Captain Moroni Defeats Zerahemnah”

Give each child a piece of paper, crayons, pencil, and a small copy of each piece of armor. Have them draw a picture of themselves on the paper, a size that would fit the small set of armor.  Have them attach their armor pieces to the drawing of themselves using small pieces of removable double-sided tape. Remind them what each piece represents and have them write it on their paper next to the armor piece.

For the Strength of Youth October 2023 “Armor Up”

Show the children the orange. Ask a child to catch it and then toss it back. Do this a couple more times. Ask what would happen to the orange, as it is tossed around, if didn’t have a protective shell on it. (It would quickly become dirty and damaged.) Ask the children if they can think of other items that have protective outside coverings. Items might include: bananas, eggs, nuts, etc.

• For what reason might a person wear a protective outside covering such as armor? To protect their body in dangerous situations such as war.

Assign each child to draw and label a piece of armor described in Ephesians 6:14–17. How might these pieces of armor protect us from evil? What does the Lord promise to those who put on the armor of God? (see Ephesians 6:13). What does it mean to “withstand in the evil day”? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians”)

Friend June 2016

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Ephesians” Your family could make their own “armour of God” using household items. The video “The Armour of God” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org) can help family members visualize this armor, and they can find simple explanations in “The Whole Armor of God” (Friend, June 2016, 24–25). How does each piece of armor protect us spiritually? What can we do to help each other “put on the whole armour of God” (Ephesians 6:11) every day?

Gather Together all Things in Christ (Ephesians 1:10)

Ephesians 1:10.

To teach about this verse, Elder David A. Bednar used the example of a rope (see “Gather Together in One All Things in Christ”). Consider showing family members a rope and letting them hold and examine it while you share parts of Elder Bednar’s message. How is God gathering all things together in Christ? How are we blessed because of this gathering?

“A rope is an essential tool with which all of us are familiar. Ropes are made from strands of fabric, plants, wire, or other materials that are each individually twisted or braided together. Interestingly, substances that may be quite unexceptional can be woven together and become exceptionally strong. Thus, effectively connecting and binding ordinary materials can produce an extraordinary tool.

Importantly, this vital gathering of truth is centered in and focused upon the Lord Jesus Christ because He is “the way, the truth, and the life.”

Come Follow Me for Kids “New Testament Activities: Download #36” For the Perfecting of the Saints”

Gathering Activity– Read/discuss/summarize Ephesians 1:10. The manual says, “Through the latter-day
Restoration, God is gathering all things in one, including all the principles and ordinances of the gospel. To
demonstrate this idea, you could hide objects or written phrases around your home that represent things
that have been restored in our day (like priesthood keys, temple ordinances, scriptures, and spiritual gifts).
Family members could search for them and ‘gather’ them together. Why are we thankful to live in the
‘dispensation of the fulness of times’?”
 Explain that we live in a time when lots of good things have been “gathered.”
 Hide the pictures around the room. Have family members look for them to “gather” them together.
 After they’ve all been found, have family members take turns explaining how the items they found
can help us or why they’re grateful for them.

 Foundation Picture: Show “The Living Christ” foundation picture from The Friend below. Have them
think about towers they’ve built (or if time/interest, actually build a tower out of blocks). What
happens when the bottom part of the tower is taken away? Ephesians 2:20 says that Jesus Christ is
the “chief cornerstone.” Point out where the picture of Christ is in the foundation picture (where the
chief cornerstone is). What would happen if Christ was taken away? Remind them of how important
He is to us and how much He loves us

Additional Resources

The Red Crystal

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures


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Galatians CHAPTER 1 Preachers of false gospels are accursed—Paul received the gospel by revelation—He believed, was taught, and preached to the Gentiles.

Galatians CHAPTER 2 Paul goes to Jerusalem—He contends for the true gospel—Salvation comes through Christ.

Galatians CHAPTER 3 God gave the gospel to Abraham—The Mosaic law was added because of transgressions—The law was a schoolmaster until Christ—The Saints are children of God by faith—All who are of the faith and baptized into Christ become Abraham’s seed.

Galatians CHAPTER 4 The Saints are children of God by adoption—Paul calls the Galatians back to Christ—He compares the two covenants.

Galatians CHAPTER 5 Stand fast in gospel liberty—Seek faith, love, Christ, and the Spirit—The works of the flesh and the fruits of the Spirit are named.

Galatians CHAPTER 6 Bear one another’s burdens—As you sow, so shall you reap—Be not weary in well-doing.

Being baptized makes us “one in Christ.” (Sr)

Galatians 3:26–28

Invite the children to read Galatians 3:26–28 with this question in mind: What happens when I am baptized? You might want to focus on phrases like “put on Christ” or “one in Christ.” What might these phrases mean? How is “putting on Christ” similar to taking His name upon ourselves? (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:75–79). What can we do to show others that we have taken His name upon ourselves? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians” )

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 4-6”

Talk to the children about why people put their names on things, such as school assignments, sports jerseys, and so on (see Mosiah 5:14–15). How can we show that we have Christ’s name “written always in [our] hearts”? (Mosiah 5:12).

Read together Galatians 3:28, and identify some of the ways people identified themselves when they were baptized in Paul’s day. Help the children name some ways they identify themselves today. What is Paul trying to teach us about how we should see each other when we are baptized? Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians” )

The Holy Ghost helps me feel love, joy, and peace. (Jr)

Galatians 5:22–23

Display or show pictures of several kinds of fruit, and ask the children to describe how each fruit tastes. Explain that just as fruits have different flavors, we can feel the Holy Ghost in different ways, such as love and peace. Describe some of the ways you have felt the Holy Ghost in your life, and let the children share how the Holy Ghost feels to them. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians” )

Read Galatians 5:22–23 with the children, and explain words they may not be familiar with. Invite each child to select a fruit of the Spirit mentioned in these verses, and help them think of a time when he or she has experienced it. Invite the children to draw simple pictures of their experiences. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians” )

Latter Day Kids “The Fruit of the Spirit” Lesson ideas

Friend December 2006 “The Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit” When a child finds one of the words have them tell how they could use that gift.

The Red Crystal

If I “walk in the Spirit,” I will receive the “fruit of the Spirit.” (Sr)

Give each child a piece of paper (you could cut the paper into fruit shapes), and ask the children to find a “fruit of the Spirit” listed in Galatians 5:22–23. Invite them to write one of the fruits on one side of their paper and a word that means the opposite on the other side. (Help them understand words they aren’t familiar with.) Invite them to share their fruits with the class. What can we do to have the Holy Ghost with us always? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians” )

Friend September 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities”

Story: When we keep the commandments and listen to the Holy Ghost, we receive blessings in our lives. Paul called these blessings “the fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22–23).

Song: “The Still Small Voice” (Children’s Songbook, 106–7)

Activity: Turn to page 8 and do the activity to learn more about the fruits of the Spirit. What other blessings does the Holy Ghost give you?

Friend September 2023 “Fruits of the Spirit”

Friend December 2006 “The Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit” When a child finds one of the words have them tell how they could use that gift.

Invite the children to read about the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22–23 and write about or draw a picture of a time when they felt one of those fruits. Ask them to share their story or picture with another person in the class. Why is fruit a good way to help us understand how the Spirit influences us? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians” )

The Red Crystal

Ensign September 2019 add some fun to your discussion of Galatians 5:22–23, your family could label different fruits with words Paul used to describe the “fruit of the Spirit.” Then each family member could select one, define it, and talk about someone who exemplifies that fruit. This could lead to a discussion about ways your family could invite the Spirit into your home and cultivate this fruit. After the discussion, you could enjoy a fruit salad together.

Jesus Christ wants me to help those in need. (Jr)

Galatians 6:2

Show a picture of a child being baptized (such as Gospel Art Book, no. 104). Ask the children what the child is doing. Explain that when we are baptized, we make covenants, or promises. Read Galatians 6:2 or Mosiah 18:8 to help the children learn one of the things we promise to do: bear one another’s burdens. Invite the children to draw pictures of ways they can help others who are carrying burdens. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians” )

Friend May 2020 “Ali’s Head Start” Ali learns that when she is baptized she will be covenanting (promising) to bear one another’s burdens, (or in other words, she will be promising to help those who are going through a hard time). Ali decides to get a head start on her covenants when she sees children without hair as she walked through the hospital to go visit a friend. She decides to donate some of her long hair so those children can have wigs. 

Friend August 2023 “My Baptismal Covenant”

Read to the children this phrase from Galatians 6:2: “Bear ye one another’s burdens.” To illustrate what this means, give one of the children something heavy to carry. Then ask for a volunteer to help the child carry the object. Explain to the children that many things can feel like a burden, such as being sick or feeling sad or lonely. What could we do to help a person with this kind of burden? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians”)

The Red Crystal

I’ll Walk With You

Friend September 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones” Help your little ones say, “Jesus wants me to help those in need.” Tell them that people in need might be those who are sick, hurt, or lonely. Think of what you can do as a family to help others.

Our actions, both good and bad, have consequences. (Jr)

Galatians 6:7–9

Display a seed and a vegetable. Read Galatians 6:7–9 to the children. Ask the children to pretend to plant a seed when they hear the word soweth. Ask them to pretend to pick a vegetable from a plant when they hear the word reap. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians”)

Friend September 2016 “A Lesson from Seeds” A customer complained to the seed company that he wanted pumpkins but Zuchini grew. The seed company explained that he ordered zuchini seeds ,and what you plant is what will grow.

Friend September 2016

Friend October 2015  This boy and his father planted pumpkin seeds and pumpkins grew.

Could use the below images for the children to pretend to get a pumpkin seed and plant it and then pick a pumpkin.

Latter Day Kids “The Law of the Harvest” Lesson idea

Show the children several kinds of vegetables, and help them find the seeds in each. Put the seeds in a container, and let the children take turns choosing one and telling what vegetable will grow if they plant it. Help them see that just as the seeds we plant determine the vegetable we get, the choices we make determine the consequences and blessings we ultimately receive. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians”)

Gospel Grab Bag This activity is great to demonstrate consequences, but it does comes from a pay to use site. It cost 2.00.

Make a line on the floor with tape. Place a happy face and a sad face on opposite ends of the line. Invite a child to stand in the middle of the line, and help the other children think of choices that will lead to happiness or sadness. For each choice, ask the child in the middle to step toward the happy side or the sad side. Repeat the activity several times, and let other children take turns standing on the tape. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians”)

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Our actions, both good and bad, have consequences. (Sr)

Galatians 6:7–9

Help the children understand that consequences of our behavior sometimes come immediately and other times may come “in due season” (verse 9). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians”)

Read together Galatians 6:7–9. Provide a list of actions (or seeds we “sow”) and consequences (or fruit we “reap”). Ask the children to match the actions to their consequences. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians”)

The Red Crystal Sort the seeds into the packets of Corrupution or Everlasting Life

Invite the children to list some of the blessings they hope to receive from Heavenly Father. Help them think of the “seeds” they must sow in order to “reap” these blessings. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Galatians”)

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Galatians” If your family has ever planted something together, you could use that experience to illustrate the principle “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (verse 7). Or you could ask family members about their favorite fruits or vegetables and talk about what it takes to grow a plant that produces that food. (See the picture at the end of this outline.) You could talk about the blessings your family hopes to receive and how to “reap” those blessings.

Additional Resources

Galatians 4:1–7.

You might introduce Galatians 4 by discussing the differences between a king’s servants and his children. What opportunities or potential does a king’s child have that a servant does not? Think about this as you read together verses 1–7. What do these verses teach about our relationship with Heavenly Father? (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Galatians”)

The Red Crystal

News with Naylors “Fruit of the Spirit”

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures

2 Corinthians 8–13

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2 Corinthians CHAPTER 8 True Saints impart of their substance to the poor—Christ, out of His poverty, brought eternal riches.

2 Corinthians CHAPTER 9 God loves and rewards a cheerful giver—Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.

2 Corinthians CHAPTER 10 Bring every thought into obedience—Paul glories in the Lord.

2 Corinthians CHAPTER 11 Maintain the simplicity that is in Christ—Satan sends forth false apostles—Paul glories in his sufferings for Christ.

2 Corinthians CHAPTER 12 Paul is caught up to the third heaven—The Lord gives men weaknesses that they may triumph over them—Paul manifests the signs of an Apostle.

2 Corinthians CHAPTER 13 Saints should test themselves as to righteousness—Be perfect and of one mind; live in peace.

I can cheerfully give to people in need. (Jr)

2 Corinthians 9:6–7

Invite the children to repeat the phrase “God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). What does it mean to be “a cheerful giver”? Show a picture of a happy face and a sad face, and ask the children which one looks like a cheerful giver. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Clipart Library

Sing together a song about service, such as “When We’re Helping” (Children’s Songbook, 198), several times. The first time, ask the children to sing cheerfully; then ask them to sing the song with different emotions or attitudes, such as sad, tired, angry, or scared. Remind the children that Heavenly Father wants us to help others gladly. Then sing the song cheerfully again. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Help the children make pictures of smiling faces and frowning faces. Ask them to hold up their pictures of smiles when they hear the words smile or smiling as they sing “Smiles” (Children’s Songbook, 267). They could do the same thing with their pictures of frowns and the words frown and frowning. Help the children identify which face is cheerful and which one is not. Explain that one way to be cheerful and serve others is to smile and help others smile. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 Corinthians 14–16” )

Plan a class activity to serve someone, such as a child who does not attend Primary or a ward member or neighbor in need. You might plan to visit this person’s home, write kind notes or draw pictures, or make a treat to share. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Friend February 2017 “Friendship Brownies” Grace’s Primary class makes brownies and a huge card to take to a classmate who hasn’t been coming.

Invite each child to plan an act of cheerful service for a member of his or her family. During next week’s lesson, ask them to share what they did. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Friend January 2018

Latter Day Kids “I Can Be a Cheerful Giver” Lesson ideas

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8–13” Does your family know someone who could be described as “a cheerful giver”? How can we make our service to others more cheerful? Younger family members could make badges that say “I am a cheerful giver.” You could award the badges to family members whenever you see them serving one another cheerfully.2 Corinthians 10:3–7.

Comefollowmekid.com Badges

I can cheerfully give to people in need (Sr)

2 Corinthians 9:6–9

Write the words of 2 Corinthians 9:7 on the board, with key words left blank. Invite the children to guess what the missing words are. Then let them read the verse in the scriptures to fill in the blanks. What does it mean to give “grudgingly, or of necessity”? What does it mean to be “a cheerful giver”? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

News with Naylors “A Cheerful Giver” Cover up some words below with thick papers. (See more lesson ideas at link.)

New Testament Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students “2 Corinthians 8–9” Read 2 Corinthians 9:6–7, looking for the comparison Paul used to teach the Church members in Corinth about giving freely.

To sow means to plant seeds. Who are the sowers in this comparison?

Consider how giving to others is like sowing seeds in a field. What happens if we only sow sparingly? What happens when we sow bountifully?

According to 2 Corinthians 9:7, how does the Lord expect us to sow, or give?

From 2 Corinthians 9:6–7 we learn the following truth: If we give to those in need with a cheerful heart, God will generously bless us.

Invite the children to help you find pictures of the Savior serving others (there are several in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Ask them what they see in these pictures that helps them know that Jesus served others with love. Set a goal as a class to say yes when family members or others ask us to serve in the coming week, such as by helping around the house or caring for others. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

The Red Crystal They can color in a heart when they have completed an act of service.

Help the children decorate small stones. Explain that these are “service stones” that they can carry in their pockets this week to help them remember to cheerfully serve others. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Kids Activities

Sing together a song about service, such as “Fun to Do” (Children’s Songbook, 253). Help the children think of new verses to the song that describe a variety of ways to serve others. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Friend September 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities: A Cheerful Helper”

Story: Paul taught that we can help our neighbor (see 2 Corinthians 9:6–7). As we serve cheerfully, we can help others feel God’s love!

Song: “When We’re Helping” (Children’s Songbook, 198)

Activity: On slips of paper, write down the names of people who might need your help. Then write how you can help that person. Put the papers in a hat or basket and shake them up. Choose one and do what it says!

Heavenly Father always answers prayers, but not always in ways we expect. (Jr)

2 Corinthians 12:7–10

Show the children a plant with thorns (or a picture of one). Help them imagine what it would feel like to have a thorn stuck in their skin for a long time. Summarize 2 Corinthians 12:7–10 for the children, explaining that Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was a trial, something difficult in his life. Even though Paul asked God to remove the trial, God did not. Instead, God taught Paul that challenges can help us learn to be humble and trust Him. Then God can make us strong. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Testify that Heavenly Father knows what is best for us, and He will give us what we need, even if it is different from what we think we need. You might also share an experience when your prayers were answered in a way or at a time that was different from what you expected. A story like “The Diabetes Dilemma” (Friend, Sept. 2019, 4–5) or “Please Bless Ace” (Friend, Nov. 2019, 32–33) can also help. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Friend September 2019 “The Diabetes Dilemma” Joe prayed that his sister didn’t have diabetes.  When they found out she did have diabetes, he was devastated. He didn’t understand why Heavenly Father didn’t answer his prayer. His mom explained that answers to prayers don’t always happen the way we want. Sometimes, instead of taking something hard away, He answers by giving us peace and helping us be strong. Joe then realizes that Heavenly Father was blessing his sister and family with peace.

Friend November 2019 “Please Bless Ace” Zach’s dog, Ace, has to have surgery and Zach is worried about him. Zach prays that Ace will live. After his pray, Zach felt the worried feeling leave. He remembered that peace throughout the day. When he got home, he found out that his dog was okay. The family gave Ace extra care that week. Then Ace got sick again and he died. Zach had wanted Ace to live, but he was glad he had been given extra time to spend with him and show Ace how much he loved him.

Sing with the children a song about Heavenly Father’s love, such as “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13). Ask the children what they would say to someone who wonders whether Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. Sing the song again, and point out lines that describe how Heavenly Father feels about us. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Heavenly Father always answers prayers, but He doesn’t always give me everything I ask for. (Sr)

2 Corinthians 12:7–10

Invite the children to compare 2 Corinthians 12:9–10 and Ether 12:27. What words or phrases are repeated? What are these verses teaching? (You may need to explain that Paul was comparing his challenge to a thorn in his skin.) What did God teach Paul about trials? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles commented that Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was “some unnamed physical infirmity, apparently a grievous one from which the Apostle suffered either continuously or recurringly” (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3 vols.

New Testament Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students

Invite the children to list some trials people have in life. Help them consider how someone might learn from these trials and be blessed by them. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

The Cozy Red Cottage 2 Corinthians 12:7–10 “Explain that Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was a trial, such as a physical weakness. Even though Paul asked God to remove the trial, God did not. Instead, God taught Paul that challenges can help us learn to be humble and trust Him. Then God can make us strong.” (primary Manual)

Use the “blessing and thorn” page to discuss some of the trials people may experience.  Write their ideas by the thorns.  Then discuss some of the blessing that come from trials and write their ideas on the petals.  (Ideas for trials might include: friendship difficulties, school difficulties, health issues, family difficulties, etc.) (Ideas for blessings might include: adversity can help us become more like Jesus Christ; It can help us to develop empathy, patience, kindness, humility, faith and trust in God, reliance on God, etc.)

Read with the children “The Diabetes Dilemma” (Friend, Sept. 2019, 4–5). Ask the children to share experiences when they prayed for something and did not receive it. Ask them to share what they learned from their experiences. You might have your own experiences to share as well. Bear your testimony that Heavenly Father always answers our prayers in the way and at the time that will bless us the most.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Friend September 2019 “The Diabetes Dilemma” Joe prayed that his sister didn’t have diabetes.  When they found out she did have diabetes, he was devastated. He didn’t understand why Heavenly Father didn’t answer his prayer. His mom explained that answers to prayers don’t always happen the way we want. Sometimes, instead of taking something hard away, He answers by giving us peace and helping us be strong. Joe then realizes that Heavenly Father was blessing his sister and family with peace.

Friend November 2019 “Please Bless Ace” Zach’s dog, Ace, has to have surgery and Zach is worried about him. Zach prays that Ace will live. After his pray, Zach felt the worried feeling leave. He remembered that peace throughout the day. When he got home, he found out that his dog was okay. The family gave Ace extra care that week. Then Ace got sick again and he died. Zach had wanted Ace to live, but he was glad he had been given extra time to spend with him and show Ace how much he loved him.

Paul asked God to remove his weakness, but God knew that Paul’s weakness would humble him and God could make him strong.

Liahona September 2019 “Family Study Fun: Muscleman Challenge”

Paul wrote of “a thorn in the flesh” (2 Corinthians 12:7) to describe challenges and personal weaknesses. These challenges can weigh us down. With the Savior’s grace, however, we can find strength.

  1. Gather some heavy objects (personal challenges).
  2. Give each family member one or more heavy objects to carry.
  3. Make these “challenges” even more challenging by completing tasks while holding them (for example, making a sandwich, folding clothes, dancing).
  4. Try the same activity again, but this time ask someone to help you with the heavy objects.

Discussion: What was difficult about carrying the objects alone? How does Christ lighten our burden? What are some trials or challenges that we’ve experienced as a family? When have we been strengthened by the Savior’s grace? (see Ether 12:27).

Additional Resources

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8–13” How could you teach your family about our “warfare” against wickedness? Would your family enjoy building a wall or a fort with chairs and blankets? This could lead to a discussion about how to cast down things that lead us away from God and how to “[bring] into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” What are the spiritual “weapons” we use to control our thoughts? (see Ephesians 6:11–18).

The Red Crystal

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Giving to Others” Lesson ideas