Tag Archives: pioneers
Pioneer: Refreshment Ideas
Posted onFriend July 2020 “Cook Like a Pioneer” Johnny Cakes: Add or subtract the items in the picture to to find out how much of each of the ingredients to use.
Friend July 2018 Horseshoe Cookies
Friend July 2017 “Family Night Fun” Marshmallow Covered Wagons
Pioneer: Activities & Games
Posted onModern Day Pioneers
Friend July 2021 “Pioneers Then and Now” A pioneer is someone who helps lead the way. There are many ways to be a pioneer! How many similarities can you find between these two pioneer families?
Friend July 2020 “Following the Pioneers” Anyone who leads the way to help make life better for others is a pioneer. Activity: As you pass through each circle in the maze, read the ways you can be a pioneer!
Friend July 2019 “Funstuff: Modern Pioneers” Put the pictures in order of a modern pioneer family joining the Church in Nigeria.
Pioneer Journey
Friend July 2022 “Draw It” Some of the first pioneers in the Church went to the Salt Lake Valley in covered wagons. For Pioneer Day on July 24, learn to draw a covered wagon and oxen!
Friend July 1985
Handcart Pioneers
Pioneer Life
Friend March 2025 “For Older Kids” Can you guess what these objects were used for in early pioneer times?
Pioneer Games & Activities
New Era April 2020 “Fun Stop” Games you can play with sticks
Friend July 2018 The Hop, Step, and Jump Game
Friend July 2017 Churn butter, talk about pioneers in your family, or hold sack races.

Game Ideas
Tic-Tac-Toe Three Wagons in a Row Game
When one of the children gets three wagons in a row they get to choose one of the wagons and get its bag out. Whatever is inside the bag is the activity the Primary children will do, such as singing a pioneer song, or listening to a pioneer story, or doing a pioneer game or activity. After the activity, have the children continue playing the game in the same manner until all the bag activities have been done (or until time runs out).
Just for Fun
Pioneers: Lesson Ideas
Posted onFriend July 2019 “For Parents of Little Ones” Ideas on how to celebrate Pioneer Day by discussing how their ancestors (or themselves) were pioneers, such first to go to college, first to join the Church, etc.
Ensign July 2016 Pioneers are people who prepare the way for others to follow.
Draw a picture or find a photo of one of your ancestors. Can you find a story of how they prepared the way for you to follow? Write two ways you can be a pioneer today.
Friend July 2018 “Find the people in your family tree who were pioneers, such as the first person to join the church or the first to graduate from college.
Friend July 2020 “Following the Pioneers” It’s not as important to walk where pioneers walked as it is to live like they lived, such as having faith, obedience, not leaving anyone behind, and working together to build Zion.

Friend July 2020 “For Older Kids” A pioneer is someone who does something new and helps others to follow.Were you the first in your family to do something? What was it? Draw or write about it in your journal!
Friend January 2022 “How Can I Be a Pioneer?” To be a pioneer, we must believe, work, serve, and overcome our hard times like the early pioneers did.