John Chapter 1: Christ is the Word of God—He created all things and was made flesh—John baptizes Jesus and testifies that He is the Lamb of God—John, Andrew, Simon, Philip, and Nathanael believe in Christ and follow Him.
Jesus lived with Heavenly Father before He was born.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 1” John taught that Jesus Christ lived with God before His mortal experience. We too lived with God before we were born (see “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 129). How will you teach the children this truth?
Even before He was born, Jesus Christ played important roles in Heavenly Father’s plan. As you read John 1:1–5, what impresses you about Christ’s premortal work?
- Explain that “the Word” in John 1:1 refers to Jesus. Read the verse aloud, and ask the children to say “Jesus” each time you read “the Word.” Show the line drawing Premortal Life ( Explain that Jesus Christ lived with Heavenly Father before He came to earth.
Ask the children if they know anything about what Jesus did before He was born. Invite them to look for answers in John 1:1–5. It might help to look in Joseph Smith Translation, John 1:1–5 (in the Bible appendix).
Joseph Smith Translation, John 1:1, reads: “In the beginning was the gospel preached through the Son. And the gospel was the word, and the word was with the Son, and the Son was with God, and the Son was of God” (in the Bible appendix).
- Teach the children that we also lived with God before we came to earth. You may want to use “Introduction: Our Heavenly Father’s Plan,” New Testament Stories, 1–5; the corresponding video (; or Guide to the Scriptures, “Premortal Life,” Ask the children what they learn about Jesus Christ

Jesus created all things.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 1” Many children naturally enjoy being among the Lord’s creations. Knowing about Christ’s role as Creator can help increase their reverence for Him.
- Read John 1:3 with the children, and show the picture from this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families. Help the children memorize the phrase “all things were made by [Jesus Christ].”
Friend November 1996 “For Little Friends: Window Picture” (Print the picture of the earth and the picture of Jesus back to back.) Show the picture of the earth and ask who created it. Have the children hold it up to a light or window to check their answer or find the answer. Explain that the earth was created by Jesus under the direction of Heavenly Father. Question: Why did Heavenly Father want the earth created? (See Abraham 3:24-26 – For us to gain a body and be tried and tested to see if we would learn to exercise control over our bodies and keep the commandments.)
Latter Day Kids “Jesus Created All Things” Lesson ideas
Friend September 1999 “The World Jesus Made” Poem about appreciating the wonderful things in the world

- Take the children for a walk outside. Let the children take turns describing a creation they see, and ask the class to guess what they are describing.
- Friend January 2023 Take your little ones for a walk outdoors. Look at the amazing things in nature—like the trees, birds, wind, or sky. Let your children pick up rocks or smell flowers. Tell them, “Jesus loves you and created this beautiful world for you.”
If the weather is not conducive for a walk, try showing pictures. The link below has some images that might work. Or you could bring in some items they could smell and touch.
Go for a nature walk. Wrap a section of duct tape, inside out, around your child’s wrist. Let her collect little treasures along your walk and stick them to her nature bracelet. At home, you can cut off the bracelet and discuss them further.
Friend July 2016 “A Beautiful World” Go for a walk and fill this booklet with the things you see, touch, smell, and hear.
Printable version
- Ask the children to think of ways in which they can take care of the creations around them (for example, being kind to animals).
Friend February 2018 “Caring for the Earth”

Jesus Christ is my light.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 1“The symbolism of light can help children understand the Savior and His gospel. How can you inspire the children to seek the light of the Savior when the world seems dark?
- Invite the children to read Psalm 27:1; John 1:4–9; Mosiah 16:9; and Doctrine and Covenants 39:1–2, looking for phrases that these scriptures have in common. How is Jesus Christ like a light?
“Jesus Christ is the light of the world because he is the source of the light that quickens our understanding, because his teachings and his example illuminate our path, and because his power persuades us to do good.” Dallin H. Oaks
Friend January 2023 “Jesus is Our Light” Jesus is the Light of the World because His teachings and example light our way back to Heavenly Father.
Friend December 2016 “A Shining Light”
Friend December 2022 “Sharing the Light of Jesus Christ”

- Show a picture of the Savior and some objects that give light, such as a flashlight. How is Jesus Christ like these objects? How can we share His light with others? Sing together “The Lord Is My Light” (Hymns, no. 89) or another song about gospel light.
Friend January 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities: The True Light”
Story: Jesus Christ is sometimes called the “true Light” (John 1:9). The scriptures teach that we should keep His commandments and follow Him. Then we will have “power to become the sons [and daughters] of God” (John 1:12).
Song: “Jesus Is My True Light” (page 23)
Activity: Draw a picture of a goal you have. Have someone hide your picture somewhere in the room and turn off the lights. Now get a small light and shine it around the room. Can you find your picture now? Talk about how Jesus Christ can help you reach your goals.
- Give each child a picture of a light (such as a sun, a candle, or a light bulb). Help them think of ways they can share the Savior’s light with others. As each idea is shared, invite them to “arise” and “shine” their light by holding up their picture. Tell the children about ways you have seen them sharing the Savior’s light.

- Ask the children what they do when they are in darkness and feel afraid. Testify that they can always turn to the Savior when they are afraid.
I can invite others to come to Jesus Christ and learn of Him.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 1“
John 1 contains accounts of disciples who invited people to “come and see” that Jesus is the Son of God. Even small children can follow this example.
- Describe how Andrew learned about Jesus, and tell how Andrew in turn taught Peter (see John 1:35–42). Share how you learned about the Church, or invite a new member to share how he or she learned about the Church.
Come and See Stories
Friend November 2020 “For Older Kids” I recently invited a friend to a stake activity. She said she was pretty confused about most of it. But when she heard the missionaries’ stories, she said she felt a warm, happy feeling inside. Then she said that she wanted to come again! I said I would invite her to more activities when I could. I really hope she studies the gospel more. Samantha T., age 9, Arizona, USA
Friend July 2019 “Will You Come to My Baptism” Oliver tells everyone about his upcoming baptism and invites them to it.
Friend December 2022 “Chieko Learns about Jesus” Chieko’s family were Buddhists and she had never heard of Jesus, but she was invited to be in a nativity play. Years later she met missionaries who asked if she would like to learn more about Jesus. She accepted and was later baptized.
Friend February 1985 “Best Friends”- Boy invites neighbor friend to Primary sacrament program
Friend May 1984 – “Grandpa’s Trunk” – Boy Shares gospel with his grandfather by inviting him to hear his Primary talk.
- Share the story of Philip inviting Nathanael to “come and see” (John 1:43–51). Hide a picture of Jesus in a box, and invite one child to “come and see” it and then tell the other children about what he or she saw.
- Let the children color this week’s activity page, and encourage them to use it to invite someone to learn about Jesus.
- Ask a child to tell about a time when he or she shared something, such as a toy or gift, with someone. How can we share the gospel? Tell a story of a child who shared the gospel with a friend, such as “A Friend and a Missionary,” Friend, July 2018, 12–13; Liahona, July 2018, 70–71.
Friend July 2018 “A Friend and a Missionary” Juan invited his best friend to lots of church activities and family dinner and family home evening. His friend sees the family praying and learning the gospel at these activities and starts to ask questions.

Friend June 2020 “Finish the Pattern” Four ways we can invite others to learn about the gospel.
Click here for additional stories of ways to share the gospel
As a follower of Jesus Christ, I can invite others to follow Him.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 1” Consider how you can use the examples in John 1:35–51 to encourage the children to invite others to learn about the Savior.
- Help the children search John 1:35–51 to find things that people said to invite others to learn about the Savior. Let them practice what they might say to invite a friend to learn about Him.
(For example: Have the children explain how the gospel of Jesus Christ has blessed their lives, such as how the teachings of the savior help with contention at home, or how prayer helped them in their lives, or how they are grateful to be able to repent of wrong things they have done, or how they are grateful they can live with their family again after death, etc. At the end they could say “Come and see.”)
Elder Neil L. Andersen taught:
Come Follow Me for Sunday School New Testament 2023 John 1 Elder Neil L. Andersen taught: “The Savior taught us how to share the gospel. I like the story of Andrew, who asked, ‘Master, where dwellest thou?’ [John 1:38]. Jesus could have responded with the location of where He lived. But instead He said to Andrew, ‘Come and see’ [John 1:39]. I like to think that the Savior was saying, ‘Come and see not only where I live but how I live. Come and see who I am. Come and feel the Spirit.’ We don’t know everything about that day, but we do know that when Andrew found his brother Simon, he declared, ‘We have found … the Christ’ [John 1:41].
- Ask the children to use this week’s activity page to make an invitation they could use to invite a friend or family member to learn more about Jesus Christ. (Maybe include it in a Friend magazine or a Book of Mormon)
- Give the children the opportunity to tell the class about something that they love. Help the children see how sharing the gospel can be like sharing other things we love (for an example, see the video “Good Things to Share” on

Friend May 2016 “A Tower for King Benjamin” Brady tells his friend, Jamie, about Book of Mormon heroes as they play.

Friend September 1988 “Missionary Book Report” A boy gives a book report about the Book of Mormon.
Share Your Testimony
Friend November 2019 “Jesus is Real” Everyone at Ismay’s table at school were excitedly talking about Christmas and their favorite traditions such as going to a church service. Suddenly Charlotte spoke up and said, “Jesus isn’t even real.” Ismay was sad to hear this and she quietly bore her testimony to Charlotte that Jesus was real, and that she felt it in her heart. She was glad she had spoken up and planted a seed about Jesus.

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Friend July 2019 “Show and Tell” :Sometimes at school when I have no work to do, I read the Book of Mormon. When I read it while at school, many kids ask, “What is that?” so I tell them what it is and a little about the gospel. It makes me feel good to share.” Will M., age 12, California, USA
Friend November 2018 “Sharing Friendship” Elenoa’s parents buy extra copies of the Friend when they go to the temple and Elenoa and her sister share the Friend magazine with their friends. (Photos included in article.)
Additional Resources:
Come Follow Me With Living Scriptures “Preparing the Way” Lesson ideas