Acts 22-28

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Acts CHAPTER 22 Paul recounts the story of his conversion and also tells of seeing Jesus in a vision—He is accorded some privileges as a Roman citizen.

Acts CHAPTER 23 Paul is smitten at Ananias’s order—The Lord again appears to Paul—Forty Jews plot his death—He is delivered over to Felix.

Acts CHAPTER 24 Paul is accused of sedition—He answers in defense of his life and doctrine—He teaches Felix of righteousness, temperance, and the judgment to come.

Acts CHAPTER 25 Paul, before Festus, appeals unto Cæsar—Agrippa desires to hear Paul.

Acts CHAPTER 26 Paul recounts his former persecution of the Saints as a Pharisee—He testifies of the appearance of Jesus on the Damascus road—Paul bears his testimony to King Agrippa.

Acts CHAPTER 27 Paul, in a perilous voyage, travels toward Rome—An angel comforts him—He uses the gift of seership—He is shipwrecked.

Acts CHAPTER 28 Paul is unharmed by a viper’s bite—He heals the sick in Melita—He preaches in Rome, first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles.

Friend October 2019 “Paul’s Missionary Journeys”

[unitegallery 2019Oct]

Heavenly Father and Jesus care about me and will help me during hard times.

Acts 23:10–11

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 22-28” Learning about how the Savior helped Paul can build the children’s faith that Heavenly Father and Jesus care about them.

Share the story in Acts 23:10–11 of the Savior visiting Paul in prison. Or show the video “Be of Good Cheer” (, which portrays this story. Share a time when you had a trial and received guidance and comfort from God. Ask the children to share times when they felt comforted by God.

  • Friend August 2023 “Never Really Alone” Ethan has brittle bone disease, a sickness that made his bones break easily. One night, after breaking his leg at school when stepping off a swing, he becomes worried that someday he might break a bone when no one is there to help. His father tells him that Heavenly Father is always watching over him and that he is never really alone.
  • Friend November 2021 “The Baptism Journal” A girl misses her friends during Covid and she prays for peace. She is inspired to look at her baptism journal. It reminds her of her testimony and that the Holy Ghost can comfort her. She shares it with a lonely neighbor and explains that it reminds her that Jesus loves her.
  • Friend March 2019 “Missing Mom and Dad” Dylan’s mom and dad were going on a trip, and he was going to stay with his grandparents. He loved staying with his grandparents, but for some reason he was scared about being away from his mom and dad for so long. He decided to pray for help, and he received comforting thoughts and feelings.

Help the children memorize what Jesus said to Paul: “Be of good cheer.” Ask the children to think of someone they can invite to be of good cheer—perhaps someone who is sad or worried.

Sing a song with the children about being happy, such as “Smiles” (Children’s Songbook, 267).

Latter Days Kids “Be of Good Cheer” Lesson ideas

When I face adversity, God does not forsake me.

Acts 23:10–1127:18–2528:1–6

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 22-28” Throughout the trials Paul experienced, the Lord was with him. How can you help the children liken Paul’s experiences to their own lives?

Using Acts 23:10, explain that Paul was put in prison because he taught the people about Jesus. Then read Acts 23:11 with the children. Or show the video “Be of Good Cheer” (, which portrays this story. Why could Paul “be of good cheer” even though he was in prison?

Write on the board Acts 23:10–11Acts 27:18–25; and Acts 28:1–6. Show pictures of a jail, a ship, and a snake, and invite the children to review these verses and match them with the pictures. In each of these accounts, how did the Lord show Paul that He was with him?

Share an experience when the Lord was with you during a difficult time and how it strengthened your testimony of Him. Encourage the children to also share experiences.

  • Friend August 2021 “Peace through Priesthood Power” When Elder Steven R. Bangerter was a child, he had gamma globulin anemia which made it hard for his body to fight off germs, so he got sick a lot. One night he had an earache so bad that he thought his head would explode. He father gave him a blessing and he was able to sleep through the night and feel better the next day. The next few year his father continued to give him priesthood blessings. He taught him that those blessings were opportunities for Heavenly Father to speak to him. His sickness became a way for Heavenly Father to help his faith to grow.
  • Friend February 2023 “Lost and Found Friends” Leah didn’t know anyone in her new class. She hoped she could make a friend. A girl named Anna sat next to and asked if Leah wanted to be friends. They were good friends through the year and played together every day. Then Anna started acting strange and not talking to her. When asked why, Anna said her new friend said Leah was weird and she didn’t think they could hang out anymore. Leah was hurt, but soon school ended and she was busy with lots of activities hanging out with her best friend. School was about to start and Leah was worried about not having a friend. She kept praying for help. Then on the first day of school she found that her best friend was in her class. Heavenly Father had helped her.

I can share my testimony with others.

Acts 26:1–29

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 22-28” Reviewing Paul’s testimony before King Agrippa can help the children learn how to share what they know is true.

Bring a paper crown to class and let a child wear it and pretend to be King Agrippa. Invite another child to stand before the king to represent Paul as you summarize Paul’s testimony and the reaction of King Agrippa, found in Acts 26:1–29 (see “Chapter 63: Paul Finishes His Mission,” in New Testament Stories, 162–66, or the corresponding video on Explain that we can share our testimonies with others, as Paul did.

“A Child of God—No Matter What!,” Friend, Jan. 2009, 34–35

  • Friend February 2016 “Testimony Treasure” Sabrina learns that a testimony is a treasure you want to share with others, so she shared her testimony with her friend that going to church and learning about Jesus makes her feel happy. Her friend then went to church and told Sabrina that it did make her feel happy.

Ask the children to listen while you sing or read a song about testimony, such as “I Know My Father Lives” (Children’s Songbook, 5). Invite the children to raise their hands when they hear something they know is true. You may want to sing the song several times; invite the children to join you once they’re familiar with the words. Help them practice sharing their testimonies of things they know are true.

Use this week’s activity page to help the children think about something they could say when they share their testimonies (see the Articles of Faith for more ideas). Invite them to share their testimonies with someone in their family.

  • “Time for family home evening!” Dad called.
  • Gunnar came running. He loved home evenings. Climbing up on the sofa, he snuggled between Ryan and Mom.
  • After the opening song and prayer, Dad stood up. “We’re going to have a special home evening,” he said. “Tonight we are going to have a testimony meeting.”
  • Testimony? Gunnar couldn’t remember his Primary teacher ever talking about a testimony in nursery. “What’s a testimony, Daddy?” he asked.
  • Dad smiled at Gunnar. “A testimony is what you believe about Heavenly Father and Jesus and the Church. It’s what you feel inside about them,” Dad said. “And you want to share your testimony because it means so much to you.”
  • “Oh.”
  • Then Dad said, “I have a testimony that Jesus Christ lives. And He loves each one of us.”
  • Emily was next. “I know that the Book of Mormon is true.”
  • “I’m glad that we have prophets,” said Ryan. “I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet.”
  • Mom said, “I’m grateful that your father and I were married in the temple, so we can be a family forever.” She reached into her pocket for a tissue to wipe her eyes.
  • Everyone in the family had shared a testimony except Gunnar.
  • A testimony is something I believe. Something I feel inside, Gunnar thought. Now he knew what he could say. He scooted off the sofa, stood straight and tall, and said, “I am a child of God.” Then he sat down. Mom gave him a little squeeze, and she had to get out that tissue again.
  • Gunnar had a happy feeling inside.

I can boldly share my testimony of Jesus Christ.

Acts 26

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 22-28” Paul’s courage in sharing his testimony can help the children be bold when sharing their testimonies.

Select verses from Acts 26 to read with the children to help them understand what Paul told King Agrippa about his experiences (such as verses 9–16) and what he taught about Jesus Christ (such as verses 18, 23). You might also show a portion of the video “Paul: A Chosen Vessel” (

Why might it have been scary for Paul to share these things before the king? Invite the children to list some gospel principles they know to be true. Ask them to think of someone they know who needs to hear their testimony of these truths.

  • Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Acts 22-28” When Paul delivered the powerful testimonies recorded in Acts 22 and 26, he was being held prisoner by Roman soldiers. The people he spoke to had the power to condemn him to death. Yet he chose to boldly bear witness of Jesus Christ and “the heavenly vision” (Acts 26:19) he had received. What inspires you about his words? Consider the opportunities you have to share your testimony. For example, do your friends know how you feel about Jesus Christ? Or when was the last time you told your family how you gained your testimony of the gospel?

Invite the children to use this week’s activity page to write something they might say when they share their testimonies.

Friend July 2015
Friend July 2015 lesson ideas too

Prophets warn me of danger.

Acts 27

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 22-28” Consider how the account of Paul’s shipwreck can teach the children that prophets see physical and spiritual danger that we can’t see.

Invite the children to pretend they are on a ship that is being wrecked in a storm. Read Paul’s warning to the people, found in Acts 27:9–10, and share the story of the shipwreck that happened because they didn’t listen to his warning (see Acts 27:11, 39–44). Show a picture of the President of the Church, and bear your testimony that he can warn us of spiritual dangers.

Place several pictures or objects around the room that represent things prophets have taught us to do to be more like Jesus, such as loving others or being baptized. As a class, walk around the room, stopping at each picture or object to talk about how following the prophet’s teachings helps to keep us safe.

  • The pictures below match each of the prophets words in the activity above.

Prophets warn me of danger.

Acts 27

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 22-28” Children can listen to the messages of living prophets and recognize their warnings. How can you help the children learn how to heed those warnings?

  • New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “Acts 27-28” Complete the following activity by first reading the information at the top of each square. Then read the accompanying verses in Acts 27. Summarize the account in the center of each box by either drawing a simple picture or writing a summary of Paul’s words and actions. Be sure to also include the reaction of the people to Paul’s counsel.
Roman soldiers brought Paul and other prisoners onto a ship of almost 300 people. Their voyage was slow, difficult, and dangerous because it was late in the fall, when violent storms occurred frequently.Read Acts 27:9–13.During a terrible storm, attempts were made to repair the ship and lighten the cargo.Read Acts 27:20–26.
After 14 days of the terrible storm, they attempted a perilous approach to land. The sailors dropped anchor and wanted to abandon the ship because they thought it would be dashed against the rocks.Read Acts 27:30–36.After lightening the ship even further, they tried to land the ship.Read Acts 27:41–44.

Cut a piece of paper shaped like a ship into puzzle pieces. Invite the children to write Paul’s warnings in Acts 27:9–11 on the pieces and put the puzzle together.

Why didn’t the people listen to Paul? (see verse 11). Invite the children to read verses 18–20 and 40–44 to find out what happened as a result. (Explain that because the people followed Paul’s later counsel to stay on the ship, no one died in the shipwreck; see verses 30–32.) What can we learn from this experience about following the prophet?

Bring a recent conference message by the President of the Church and share with the children any warnings or counsel he gave. Invite the children to think of ways they can follow the prophet.

President Nelson’s Warning:

“In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost,”

President Nelson’s Teachings:

  • Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly.”
  • “I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation.”
  • “I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation.”
  • Humble yourself before God.
  • Pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father.
  • Turn to Him for answers and for comfort.
  • Pray in the name of Jesus Christ about your concerns, your fears, your weaknesses—yes, the very longings of your heart.
  • Listen!
  • Write the thoughts that come to your mind.
  • Record your feelings.
  • Follow through with actions that you are prompted to take.

The Red Crystal

Show the video “Blessed and Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God” ( How are prophets like the man with the binoculars?

Additional Resources

  • Lesson 44: Paul the Missionary Primary 7: New Testament manual Lesson Purpose: To encourage each child to prepare now to be a missionary and share the gospel with others.
  • Lesson 45: Paul’s Journey to Rome Primary 7: New Testament manual Lesson Purpose: To help each child learn more about the gifts of the Spirit, which come through the Holy Ghost.
  • Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures

Acts 16-21

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Acts CHAPTER 16 Paul is directed in a vision to preach in Macedonia—He casts an evil spirit out of a woman—He and Silas are imprisoned, and they convert the jailor—They admonish all to believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved.

Acts CHAPTER 17 Paul and Silas preach and are persecuted in Thessalonica and in Berea—Paul, in Athens, preaches from Mars’ Hill about the unknown god—He says, We are the offspring of God.

Acts CHAPTER 18 Being rejected by the Jews, Paul turns to the Gentiles—He preaches, ministers, and travels—Apollos also preaches with power.

Acts CHAPTER 19 Paul confers the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands—He preaches and works many miracles—The sons of Sceva fail to cast out devils by exorcism—The worshippers of Diana (Artemis) raise a tumult against Paul.

Acts CHAPTER 20 Paul raises Eutychus from death—Paul is free from the blood of all men—He predicts apostasy from within the Church—He reveals a teaching from Jesus, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Acts CHAPTER 21 Paul journeys to Jerusalem—He is persecuted, arrested, and bound.

Paul’s Journeys to Preach the Gospel

  • New Testament Seminary Teacher Manual (2023) “Acts 17:16–34In His parting words to His Apostles, the Savior commanded them to “teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19). Paul and his companions made remarkable progress in fulfilling this commandment.

Missionaries teach people about Jesus.

Acts 16:25–34

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 16-21” Do the children you teach know what missionaries do? How can you help the children understand that they can share the gospel with others?

Help the children act out Acts 16:25–34 as you summarize the account of Paul and Silas sharing the gospel in prison (see also “Chapter 61: Paul and Silas in Prison,” in New Testament Stories, 158–60, or the corresponding video on Explain that missionaries today also teach people about Jesus and help them prepare to be baptized.

Create missionary name tags for the children to wear, and help them write their names on the tags.

  • Friend October 2015 One way to become a good missionary is to try to be more like Jesus. Cut out the badges and fill in a trait you would like to practice. Maybe you could work on being “Elder Kind” or “Sister Grateful.” Put your badge where it can remind you of your goal.

Teach the children simple statements of doctrine that they can share with others, such as “I am a child of God,” “God speaks through a living prophet,” or “Jesus Christ is our Savior.” Remind the children that we don’t have to have a missionary name tag to share the gospel with others.

Friend July 2023 “I Can Tell Others About Jesus”

I can be a missionary now.

Acts 16:14–15, 25–3418:7–8, 24–28

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 16-21” How can you help the children be like Paul and share with others what they are learning about the gospel?

Invite the children to read Acts 16:14–15, 25–3418:7–8, 24–28 and make a list of the people Paul and Apollos shared the gospel with. Then invite them to make a list of people they can share the gospel with. Let the children role-play how they might tell these people about Jesus Christ or invite them to church. You could also invite the children to write notes bearing testimony of a gospel truth to these people.

  • Pass around a picture of Jesus Christ. Ask the children to take turns holding the picture and saying one thing they know about Him. What has He done for us? (Pictures in the Gospel Art Book could provide some ideas.)
  • Friend January 2019 “Something Special to Share” Diego wants to take something special to share for Show and Tell. He decides to take a picture of Jesus and tell them that Jesus loves everyone.

[unitegallery 2019Januar]

Invite current full-time missionaries, returned missionaries, or ward missionaries to visit the class and tell about their experiences with sharing the gospel. Encourage the children to ask questions about how they can share the gospel with others.

  • To inspire your family to share the gospel, you could show one or more of the videos in the Sharing the Gospel section of the Gospel Library.

The scriptures testify of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Acts 17:10–12

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 16-21” Though some of the children you teach might not be able to read yet, you can help them develop a love for the scriptures and see how they testify of the Savior.

Help one of the children read the phrase “They … searched the scriptures daily” (Acts 17:11). Invite the children to point to each day of the week on a calendar as they repeat this phrase with you.

  • Friend June 1991 “Read the Scriptures Daily” How many times do you eat each day? How long have you gone without eating anything at all? When you go without food and water, your stomach starts to growl with hunger and your body feels weak. Just as your body needs to be fed every day to keep it strong and healthy, your spirit needs daily nourishment to be strong and to stay close to Heavenly Father. One way to do this is by reading the scriptures.
  • There are thirty numbered spaces in the picture (below). Starting with number one, color one space for each day that you read the scriptures. At the end of thirty days, you will have a completed picture and will have established a scripture-reading routine.

Sing together a song that teaches about the blessings of reading the scriptures, such as “Search, Ponder, and Pray” (Children’s Songbook, 109).

To teach the children that the scriptures testify of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, help them turn to a chapter in the scriptures, like Acts 17 or 18, and find words like GodLord, or Jesus. (You may want to mark these words beforehand so the children can find them more easily.) Each time the children find one of these words, invite them to share something they know about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

The scriptures testify of Jesus Christ.

Acts 17:2–4, 10–1218:28

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 16-21” All of the prophets testify of Jesus Christ. How can you teach the children to find Him in the scriptures, even when He isn’t mentioned by name?

Help the children read Acts 17:2–4, 10–1218:28, and invite them to look for what these passages have in common. According to these verses, what helped people believe the gospel of Jesus Christ? Invite the children to share favorite stories about Jesus that they have learned from the scriptures.

  • Have the children review the following list and then have them choose one. Click on the link to the picture and show it as they tell their favorite story of Jesus. Color the scripture on the above chart
  1. Isaiah 7:149:6–7GAK “The Birth of Jesus”
  2. Luke 2:1–7GAK “The Nativity”
  3. Luke 2:8–20GAK “The Announcement of Christ’s Birth to the Shepherds”
  4. Matthew 2:1–12GAK “The Wise Men”
  5. Matthew 2:13–15GAK “Flight into Egypt”
  6. Luke 2:40GAK “Childhood of Jesus Christ”
  7. Luke 2:41–52GAK “Boy Jesus in the Temple”
  8. Matthew 3:13–17GAK “John the Baptist Baptizing Jesus”
  9. John 9:1–17, 32–38GAK “Christ Healing a Blind Man”
  10. Matthew 8:23–27GAK “Stilling the Storm”
  11. Matthew 19:13–15GAK “Christ and the Children”
  12. Matthew 5:1–106:9–13GAK “Sermon on the Mount”
  13. John 11:1–3, 17–27, 41–44GAK “Jesus Raising Lazarus from the Dead”
  14. Luke 17:11–19GAK “Ten Lepers”
  15. Matthew 21:12–15GAK “Jesus Cleansing the Temple”
  16. Matthew 26:17–30GAK “The Last Supper”
  17. Matthew 26:36–45GAK “Jesus Praying in Gethsemane”
  18. Mark 14:42–46GAK “The Betrayal of Jesus”
  19. Luke 23:32–46GAK “The Crucifixion”
  20. John 20:11–18GAK “Mary and the Resurrected Lord”
  21. Luke 24:36–43GAK “Jesus Shows His Wounds”
  22. 3 Nephi 11:1–17GAK “Jesus Teaching in the Western Hemisphere”
  23. 3 Nephi 17:1–10GAK “Jesus Healing the Nephites”
  24. Joseph Smith—History 1:14–20GAK “The First Vision”
  25. D&C 76:22–24GAK “The Resurrected Jesus Christ”

On slips of paper, write scripture references that teach about the Savior (you can find some in Guide to the Scriptures, “Jesus Christ,” Hide the papers around the room and invite the children to find them. Help the children look up the references they find, and ask them to share with each other what each scripture teaches about Jesus.

I am a child of God. (Younger Children)

Acts 17:22–31

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 16-21” On Mars’ Hill, Paul taught basic truths about the nature of God, including the truths that we are His children and that He is “not far from every one of us” (Acts 17:27). How can you help the children feel close to their Heavenly Father?

Invite the children to repeat the phrase “We are the offspring of God” (Acts 17:29), and explain that offspring means children. Bear your testimony to each child, one by one, that he or she is a child of God. Invite them to share how they feel about their Heavenly Father.

  • Print one of the below image for each child and have them write their name on the line in the sentence and then draw a picture of themself

Show pictures of children with their families (if possible, include pictures of the children in your class). Ask the children to point to the parents in the pictures. Explain that we are the children of our mothers and fathers, and all of us are also spirit children of our heavenly parents.

  • Heavenly Father is the father of our spirits, so we can grow to be like him. Heavenly Father is loving, good, and kind. When we are loving, good, and kind, we are being like Heavenly Father.  We should try to become more like Heavenly Father every day.

Sing a song about Heavenly Father, such as “I Know My Father Lives” (Children’s Songbook, 5). With help from the children, write words or draw pictures on the board that represent things we learn about Heavenly Father from the song.

Read to the children these words from Acts 17:27: “He be not far from every one of us.” Talk about times when you have felt close to Heavenly Father, and invite the children to do the same.

  • Friend August 2017 “Ralphie’s Amazing Find” A boy is upset that his best friend is moving. He takes his dog for a walk, and his dog discovers a beautiful waterfall. The boy feels God’s love for him.

I am a child of God. (Older Children)

Acts 17:22–31

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 16-21” How can you help the children remember that they are children of God?

Show the children a stone, and explain that in Paul’s day, people worshipped gods they made out of stone and other materials.

Ask the children to read Acts 17:27–29. What do we learn about God from these verses? Explain that offspring means children. Ask the children how it makes them feel to know that they are children of God. (Explain that we are the children of our mothers and fathers, and all of us are also spirit children of our heavenly parents.)

Ask the children to read Acts 17:27. Invite the children to write about or draw pictures of ways they can “feel after” or come closer to God. When have they felt that He is “not far from [them]”?

  • The below pictures can help the children with ideas on how they can come closer to God.
  • Talk to Him through Daily Prayer Gordon B. Hinckley said, “Never hesitate to get on your knees in some private place and speak with Him. What a marvelous and wonderful thing is prayer. Think of it. We can actually speak with our Father in Heaven.” God wants to hear from you, and He is always available to listen. He wants to hear about your day, he wants to hear what you are grateful for, and He wants to hear how He can help you. Latter Day Saint Channel “How to Build a Relationship with God
  • Study God’s Words in the Scriptures and from His Living prophets. Some describe the scriptures as “God’s love letter” to us. In the scriptures we learn more about God and of his love for us and how we can become like him and draw closer to him.
  • Keep the Commandments When we live righteously we are be blessed with “His Spirit to be with us”.
  • Go to Church Meetings and Temples. We learn of God and feel his Spirit in church meetings and at temples.
  • Take the Sacrament and Remember Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father loves us and sent Jesus to help us and be our Savior. Remembering Jesus Christ and what he did for us and the example he set helps us see and understand who our Heavenly Father is and how we can become closer to him.
  • Be Grateful for Our Blessings. The earth and everything on it was created under the direction of Heavenly Father. Gratitude for our many blessings helps us feel closer to Heavenly Father.
  • New Testament Seminary Teacher Manual (2023) “Acts 17:16–34” Seek the Lord Consider hiding something in the classroom that students would enjoy finding, like a piece of candy. Invite students to search for the hidden surprise until it is found. Discuss the effort students put into finding the object and why effort is needed to obtain something worthwhile. Encourage students to analyze Acts 17:27, including the Joseph Smith Translation found in footnote b. Point out that Paul testified to the Athenians that God is close to His children and desires all to seek after Him.

Additional Resources

Primary 7 Manual: New Testament “Lesson 43: Paul Testifies of Jesus Christ”

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Acts 16-21”

Acts 19:1–7.

Importance of being baptized and confirmed These verses can help your family have a discussion about the importance of being baptized and confirmed. To better understand the truths in Acts 19:1–7, you could discuss some things that are useless without something else, such as a cell phone without a battery. Or you could share this teaching from the Prophet Joseph Smith: “Baptism by water is but half a baptism, and is good for nothing without the other half—that is, the baptism of the Holy Ghost” (Teachings: Joseph Smith, 95). Why is baptism “good for nothing” without receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost? (see 3 Nephi 27:19–20Moses 6:59–61).

Acts 19:18–20.

Sacrifice As you read Acts 19:18–20, notice the value of the possessions that the people were willing to give up in order to embrace the gospel (see verse 19). Are there worldly possessions or activities we need to give up in order to receive heavenly blessings?

Acts 20:32–35.

More blessed to give than receive When has your family experienced Christ’s teaching that “it is more blessed to give than to receive”? (Acts 20:35). Is there someone who could benefit from service, time, or gifts that your family could give? As a family, discuss some ideas and make a plan to serve someone. How do we feel when we serve others? Why is it more blessed to give than to receive?

Friend July 2023 “For Older Kids”


New Testament Stories “Paul Obeys the Holy Ghost” The Holy Ghost told the Apostle Paul to go to Jerusalem. The Holy Ghost said that Paul would be put in prison.

The Red Crystal

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “I Am a Child of God” Lesson ideas

Alma 36-38

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Alma CHAPTER 36 Alma testifies to Helaman of his conversion after seeing an angel—He suffered the pains of a damned soul; he called upon the name of Jesus, and was then born of God—Sweet joy filled his soul—He saw concourses of angels praising God—Many converts have tasted and seen as he has tasted and seen. About 74 B.C.

Alma CHAPTER 37 The plates of brass and other scriptures are preserved to bring souls to salvation—The Jaredites were destroyed because of their wickedness—Their secret oaths and covenants must be kept from the people—Counsel with the Lord in all your doings—As the Liahona guided the Nephites, so the word of Christ leads men to eternal life. About 74 B.C.

Alma CHAPTER 38 Shiblon was persecuted for righteousness’ sake—Salvation is in Christ, who is the life and the light of the world—Bridle all your passions. About 74 B.C.

Friend August 2024

Book of Mormon Stories “Alma Counsels His Sons” Video and Images

Lesson 23: Alma Counsels His Sons Helaman and Shiblon

Alma Testifies to His Son Helaman

Alma 36

Repentance brings me joy in Jesus Christ.

Alma 36:6–24

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 36-38”

To help your children understand that repentance brings joy, you could give them a piece of paper with a happy face on one side and a sad face on the other. Ask them to listen while you read or summarize Alma 36:13, 17–20 and hold up one of the faces to show how Alma was feeling. Older children could write down words or phrases describing how he felt. What made Alma sad, and what brought him joy? Then you could tell them about the joy you feel when you repent.

(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 36-38”)
Review with the children the story of the conversion of Alma the Younger in Alma 36:6–21. Write on slips of paper words and phrases from these verses that describe how Alma felt, and put them on the board. Ask the children to sort the slips of paper into two groups: things Alma felt before he remembered what his father taught about the Savior and things he felt after he remembered. Testify to the children that Jesus Christ forgives us when we repent. (Cut out the following into eight quotes. Put the sad and happy face on the board and have the children put the slips of paper under the correct emotion. )

The Red Crystal

Invite them to name some things that bring them joy. Show a picture of the Savior, and explain that Alma felt joy because Jesus Christ forgave his sins. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 36-38”)

I can be “born of God” when I follow Jesus and repent of my sins.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 36-38”

“Conversion … is a change in our very nature. It is such a significant change that the Lord and His prophets refer to it as a rebirth” (“Conversion,” Gospel Topics,

  • Write Born of God and the following scripture references on the board: 1 John 4:7Mosiah 5:727:25–26Alma 5:1422:15. Help the children read the verses and look for phrases that describe what it means to be born of God. How does a person act after being born of God? How can we show that we have been born of God?

Alma 37

“By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.”

Alma 37:6–7

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 36-38” Your children might enjoy finding small items that make big things happen. Items like a battery, car key, or even a toy that comforts them might be examples. You could then read Alma 37:6–7 together and think of some small or simple things that God wants us to do. What big things can happen when we obey these small or simple commandments?

Images from Clipart Library

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 36-38” Show a picture or two of small things that accumulate into big things, such as a blade of grass and a field, or a raindrop and a lake. Testify that even small, simple actions can make a big difference in our lives and in the lives of others. Encourage the children to talk about some simple, good things they do every day, or share your own examples. Invite the children to pick one simple, good thing they can do this week and to draw a picture of themselves doing it. Invite them to take their drawings home and share them with their families.

Small Things Make a Difference from The Friend

Friend July 2020 “My Family Night Fun”

Friend August 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities”

With Heavenly Father’s help, small things can make a big difference (see Alma 37:6–7). Help make your favorite recipe. What would happen to the recipe if you took out one of the ingredients? Talk about how small things can make a difference and how you can make a difference too.

For younger children: Look for small things that are helpful, like a small seed that turns into a plant or a light switch that turns on light. Talk about how small things can make a big difference, just like you!

  • Your children could also try something like this: start filling a cup with water, one drop at a time. How does this relate to Alma 37:6–7? Then you could talk about how the Lord’s “small and simple things,” such as reading the scriptures daily, are like drops of water in a cup.

  • Help your children think of ways that they bring about great things at home, school, or church. The song “‘Give,’ Said the Little Stream” (Children’s Songbook, 236) also illustrates this principle.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 36-38”

Read Alma 37:6–7, and invite the children to crouch down every time you read the word “small.” Show them a few small things that can make big things happen or move big things, such as a battery or a car key. What big things happen or move because of these small things? Help the children think of some small or simple things God wants us to do. What big things can happen because of these small or simple commandments? Invite the children to pick one simple, good thing they can do this week and to draw a picture of themselves doing it. 

Friend July 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Read Alma 37:6 together. Crouch down when you hear the word “small” and jump up and spread your arms wide when you hear the word “great.” You could use the scripture verse or repeat the phrase, “Small things can make a great difference!” Talk about how small things like reading the scriptures or praying can make a great difference.

Friend July 2020 “Small and Simple” Boy does small, kind acts to help others which help him grow too.

The scriptures can help me every day.

Alma 37:38–47

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 36-38” Show or display a picture of the Liahona (such as Gospel Art Book, no. 68), and ask the children to review what they remember about the Liahona from 1 Nephi 16:10, 28. Help the children read Alma 37:38–42. How did the Liahona work? How is this similar to the way the scriptures work? Read together verses 43–47 to help answer this question. Invite the children to complete the activity page as part of this activity.

Friend August 2024 “The Scriptures Can Help Me Every Day”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 36-38”

  • Draw or display a bucket. How many drops of water would it take to fill the bucket? Help the children recognize that many small drops will be needed to fill the bucket. How does this relate to Alma 37:6–7? How is reading the scriptures like adding little drops of water to a bucket?

The Red Crystal

Come Follow Me Kid

Sit in a circle and take turns putting drops into a bucket as we review people we’ve studied in the scriptures, what we’ve learned from the scriptures, blessings we get in our lives from studying and applying the scriptures, etc. Remind them that as we learn small things each day, it might not always seem like lots, but over time, it becomes bigger and will bring many blessings to our lives.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 36-38”

Invite the children to look in Alma 37:6–9 for blessings that come from the “records,” or scriptures. As a class, make a list of what they find. How has reading the scriptures blessed our lives? Share your testimony of the scriptures, and encourage the children to do the same. Or, as you read Alma 37:6–9 have the children listen for blessings that come from the “records,” or scriptures.

Help the children you teach see that reading the scriptures for even a short time each day can bring them great blessings.

Sing together a song about scripture study, such as “Search, Ponder, and Pray” or “As I Search the Holy Scriptures” (Children’s Songbook, 109; Hymns, no. 277). What blessings of scripture study are mentioned in the song?

Ensign July 2020 “Family Study Fun” Liahona Treasure Hunt: Read Alma 37:38–40 together, which describes the Liahona. When Lehi’s family was faithful, the Lord used this compass to guide them.

  1. Draw a circle with an arrow in it. Ask someone to hold this pretend Liahona.
  2. Pick a small object to use as treasure. Have someone leave the room while the rest hide the treasure. Then ask the person to come back in the room and try to find it.
  3. If that person shares one way they can keep the commandments this week (or way they are going to be better at hearing Christ’s teachings each day (listening better during scripture study, remembering what was learned from the scriptures, applying it to their lives, etc.), the person with the Liahona can point them toward the treasure.
  4. Each person takes a turn searching and holding the Liahona.

Discussion: How does God try to lead and guide us in our lives? When have you felt that God was guiding you? For additional insights, read and discuss Alma 37:41–47.

Alma Commends His Son Shiblon

Alma 38

Additional Resources

Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 23: Alma Counsels His Sons Helaman and Shiblon” Lesson ideas

Come Follow Me Kid Lesson ideas

Friend June 2017 “Being Like Shiblon”

The Cozy Red Cottage Lesson ideas

The Red Crystal

Acts 10-15

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Acts CHAPTER 10 An angel ministers to Cornelius—Peter, in a vision, is commanded to take the gospel to the Gentiles—The gospel is taught by witnesses—The Holy Ghost falls upon the Gentiles.

Acts CHAPTER 11 God grants the gift of repentance to the Gentiles—The disciples are first called Christians at Antioch—The Church is guided by revelation.

Acts CHAPTER 12 The martyrdom of James is described—An angel frees Peter from prison—The Lord slays Herod by disease—The Church grows.

Acts CHAPTER 13 Saul and Barnabas are called to missionary service—Saul, now called Paul, curses a sorcerer—Christ is a descendant of David—Paul offers the gospel to Israel, then to the Gentiles.

Acts CHAPTER 14 Persecution attends the spread of the gospel—Paul heals a crippled man; Paul and Barnabas are hailed as gods—Paul is stoned and revived; he preaches—Elders are ordained.

Acts CHAPTER 15 Great dissension arises at Antioch concerning circumcision—The Apostles at Jerusalem decide the issue—Paul chooses Silas as his companion.

Heavenly Father loves all His children.

Acts 10:34–35

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 10-15” A fundamental truth that even young children can understand is that everyone is a child of God and that He loves all of His children.

Show the picture Christ and Children from around the World (Gospel Art Book, no. 116) as you read Acts 10:34–35. Explain that in Peter’s time some people believed that the blessings of the gospel were not for everyone. But Peter learned that God loves all of His children and He wants all of them to learn the gospel.

  • Friend May 2022 “Gathering Israel” Gathering Israel means helping bring God’s children back to Him. How can you help people come closer to God? Cut out the pieces, Glue to heavy paper or craft sticks, and put the puzzle together.

Invite the children to draw a picture of themselves. As they share their pictures, talk about something you love about each child. Share your testimony that Heavenly Father loves each of them and all of His children, no matter what they look like or where they are from.

The Red Crystal

Sing with the children a song about loving others—for example, “I’ll Walk with You” (Children’s Songbook, 140–41).

Invite the children to share ways that they can show love to everyone, just as Jesus did.

Friend March 2020

Point to each child one by one and say, “Heavenly Father loves [name].” Let the children take turns pointing to one another and saying this phrase.

Latter Day Kids “Heavenly Father Love All His Children” Lesson ideas

“God is no respecter of persons.”

Acts 10:34–3515:6–11

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 10-15” The children you teach need to understand that Heavenly Father loves all His children, no matter what they look like, where they are from, or what choices they make.

  • Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Acts 10-15” For generations, the Jews had believed that being of “the seed of Abraham,” or a literal descendant of Abraham, meant that a person was accepted and chosen by God (see Luke 3:8). They considered anyone else an “unclean” Gentile who was not accepted by God. In Acts 10, what did the Lord teach Peter about who “is accepted with him”? (Acts 10:35). What evidence do you find in this chapter that Cornelius’s life was acceptable to the Lord? Ponder what is meant by the statement “God is no respecter of persons” (verse 34; see also 1 Nephi 17:35). Why is it important to you to know this truth?

Ask the children if they can tell what someone is like just by looking at them or guessing where they are from. According to Acts 10:35, how does God determine if someone is “accepted with him”?

Free Stock photos by Vecteezy

Read Acts 10:34–3515:6–11 with the children. Explain that in Peter’s time, Jews believed that God did not accept people who weren’t Jews (these people were called Gentiles). But God taught Peter that God loves all of His children, both Jews and Gentiles. Sing together “I Am a Child of God” (Children’s Songbook, 2–3). Invite the children to substitute each other’s names for words like I or me.

Invite the children to share something unique about someone else in the class. Explain that the statement “God is no respecter of persons” means that Heavenly Father loves all His children, and because He loves them, He wants all of His children to hear the gospel.

  • Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Acts 10-15”Like the Jews who looked down on those who were not of the seed of Abraham, do you ever catch yourself making unkind or uninformed assumptions about someone who is different from you? How can you overcome this tendency? It might be interesting to try a simple activity for the next few days: Whenever you interact with someone, try to think to yourself, “This person is a child of God.” As you do this, what changes do you notice in the way you think about and interact with others?
  • Can you name an Apostle who was born in Europe?
  • Can you name an Apostle from South America?
  • Can you name an Apostle whose parents came from Sweden and Finland?
  • Can you name an Apostle whose family originally came from China?
  • We may come from different places, but God loves us all.
  • Discussion: In what ways might we be the same or different from other people? Does God love us based on what we look like or where we come from? Review the story of Peter and Cornelius found in Acts 10. What did they learn about judging others? What characteristics are important to the Lord?

Additional Teaching Ideas: “Lesson 40: Peter and Cornelius,” Primary 7: New Testament

I am a Christian because I believe in and follow Jesus Christ.

Acts 11:26

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 10-15” How will you help the children learn what it means to be a Christian?

Read Acts 11:26 to the children, and invite them to stand up when they hear you say the word Christian. Ask them what they think it means to be a Christian. Explain that someone who believes in and follows Jesus Christ is called a Christian, so we are Christians.

Sing with the children a song about following Jesus Christ, such as “The Church of Jesus Christ” (Children’s Songbook, 77).

How can we show that we are followers of Jesus Christ and belong to His Church? Help the children think of things they can do to follow Jesus at home, at school, and in other places. (Print the below pictures and write their ideas on each place.)

A Christian is someone who believes in and follows Jesus Christ.

Acts 11:26

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 10-15” How can you help the children understand that their words and actions show that they are Christians?

Invite the children to read Acts 11:263 Nephi 27:3–8; and Doctrine and Covenants 115:4. Write Christian on the board and underline the part that says “Christ.” Ask the children to share what they think it means to be a Christian.

Ask the children to share the names of different groups they belong to, such as their family or nation. Invite them to share reasons why they are grateful to be a Christian and belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

How can we show others we are Christians?

Display several objects or pictures that represent truths unique to the Church of Jesus Christ, such as a picture of the restoration of the priesthood (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 93–94). Ask a child to pick one of the objects or pictures and describe how it is a blessing in our Church. Explain that while Christians throughout the world belong to many different churches, we belong to the same Church that Jesus Christ established on the earth.

Blessings of the gospel Activity: Read the clues below (not the answer) and let the children pick which picture it is describing.

  • Prophet: Because of this blessing of the gospel we have the privilege to hear Gods words and direction about current issues and challenges we face. This gift is God’s living spokesman.
  • Book of Mormon: Because of this blessing of the gospel we know the purpose of life. We also know what we need to do to gain eternal salvation and how to live happy lives.  
  • Temples: This blessing of the gospel allows us the opportunity to receive saving ordinances for ourselves and our dead. We can also be sealed to our family so that we can be with them forever.
  • Priesthood: Because of this blessing of the gospel we can receive healing blessings for the sick, blessings of comfort and guidance, and have authority to act in Gods name and perform saving ordinances, such as baptism.
  • Baptism Because this blessing of the gospel, when performed by proper priesthood authority, we can receive a remission of our sins and enter into the gate that leads to eternal life.
  • Holy Ghost Because of this blessing of the gospel we can receive personal revelation and guidance throughout our lives. We can also receive comfort during difficult times.

The Great Apostasy “News with the Naylors” Lesson ideas

Show the video “True Christianity” ( Invite the children to write or draw things they can do to be true Christians.

Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers.

Acts 12:1–17

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 10-15” The account of the angel freeing Peter from prison teaches powerfully that Heavenly Father answers prayers.

Invite the children to act out the account of Peter being freed from prison in Acts 12:1–17 as you summarize the story. How did Heavenly Father answer the prayers of those who were praying for Peter?

  • The below video is not put out by the church, but it has some good examples of the story.

Sing a song about prayer—for example, “We Bow Our Heads” (Children’s Songbook, 25)—and suggest actions to go with the words that can help the children learn how to pray.

Invite the children to share examples of things they can thank Heavenly Father for and ask Him for in prayer.

  • To help the children think about what they might say when they pray, you could ask them how they would finish sentences like these: “We thank Thee for …” and “We ask Thee for …” Let the children draw pictures of things they might give thanks for or ask for in a prayer.

Friend September 2008 “Heavenly Father, Are You Really There?”

Show pictures of people praying (see, for example, Gospel Art Book, nos. 111–12) as you share an experience when Heavenly Father answered your prayers.

When I pray in faith, Heavenly Father will answer.

Acts 12:1–17

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 10-15” Ponder on the times when Heavenly Father has answered your prayers. How can you use these experiences to teach the children that Heavenly Father will hear and answer their prayers in His own way and time?

Invite the children to act out the story of the angel freeing Peter from prison while another child reads the story in Acts 12:1–17.

Ask the children what they think it means that “prayer was made without ceasing” (Acts 12:5). How were the people’s prayers answered? Invite the children to share experiences in which Heavenly Father answered a personal or family prayer. You could also share an experience in which He answered your prayer.

You might include experiences in which the answer came in an unexpected way. Testify that God loves us and will answer our prayers in the way and timing that is best for us.

Friend July 2020 “Prayers and Planes” Vern prayed every night for a model plane, but it never arrived. He decided to build one himself from an old wood box he found. He realized later that his prayer had been answered, just not the way he expected. Heavenly Father helped him figure out how to build his own. When he grew up, he fixed and flew planes for a living. (After reading the story, have everyone make paper airplanes and fly them outside.)

Additional Resources

Primary 7 Manual: New Testament “Lesson 43: Paul Testifies of Jesus Christ”

The Red Crystal

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Acts 10-15” Lesson ideas

Acts 6–9

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Acts CHAPTER 6 The Apostles choose seven to assist them—Stephen is tried before the council.

Acts CHAPTER 7 Stephen recounts the history of Israel and names Moses as a prototype of Christ—He testifies of the apostasy in Israel—He sees Jesus on the right hand of God—Stephen’s testimony is rejected, and he is stoned to death.

Acts CHAPTER 8 Saul persecutes the Church—Philip’s ministry in Samaria is described—Philip performs miracles and baptizes men and women—Peter and John come to Samaria and confer the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands—Simon seeks to buy this gift and is rebuked by Peter—Philip preaches about Christ and baptizes an Ethiopian eunuch.

Acts CHAPTER 9 Jesus appears to Saul—Saul is a chosen vessel—Ananias restores Saul’s sight—Saul is baptized and begins his ministry—Peter heals Æneas and raises Dorcas from death.

I can follow Jesus Christ by standing for the right.

Acts 6–7

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 6-9” What can the children learn from Stephen about being a follower of Jesus Christ?

Help the children create actions to go with a song about choosing the right, such as “Stand for the Right” (Children’s Songbook, 159).

Use Acts 7:51–60 to teach the children that Stephen taught about Jesus Christ, even though it made the Jewish leaders very angry (see also “Chapter 57: Wicked Men Kill Stephen,” in New Testament Stories, 150–51, or the corresponding video on How did Stephen stand for the right?

Give the children several scenarios of children who have to make a choice between right and wrong. Ask the children what they would do to stand for the right.

  • Friend November 2017 “Peer Pressure Problems” Ideas on how to deal with peer pressure to avoid making wrong choices.
  • Friend November 2015 Take turns acting out standing for truth using the provided scenarios. Link also includes other lesson ideas and a story.
Friend November 2015
Friend August 2015
Friend August 2015

I will be a witness of Jesus Christ.

Acts 6–7

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 6-9” How can you help the children you teach learn from Stephen’s example of standing as a witness of Jesus Christ?

Read Acts 6:5–15 and 7:51–60 with the children. What made Stephen such a powerful witness of Jesus Christ? Invite one or more children to pretend to be Stephen and share why they believe in Jesus Christ.

Invite the children to read Acts 6:3–10, searching for qualities Stephen had that helped him grow.

Ask the children to help you think of situations in which they can stand as witnesses of Jesus Christ and His gospel. Help them role-play some of these situations. Ask the children to read Mosiah 18:9. Point out that being a witness of Jesus Christ is included in the promises we make at baptism.

  • Friend November 2008 “Sharing a Testimony” The other day I had a friend over who is not a member of the Church. He saw a picture of Jesus on our refrigerator, and told me that he did not believe that Jesus was real. I said, “Jesus is real, and I believe in Him!” I then told him that Jesus really lived on this earth a long time ago and that He died, but on the third day He was resurrected. I told him that because of Jesus, we will be able to live again after we die too. My friend listened to what I was saying as he looked at the picture of Jesus. He seemed to believe that what I was telling him was true. I want to give him a Book of Mormon with my testimony written in it for his birthday. I know this Church is true, and I am thankful when I can share my testimony with my friends. (Brigham P., age 6, Montana)

  • Friend November 2019 “Jesus is Real” Everyone at Ismay’s table at school were excitedly talking about Christmas and their favorite traditions such as going to a church service. Suddenly Charlotte spoke up and said, “Jesus isn’t even real.” Ismay was sad to hear this and she quietly bore her testimony to Charlotte that Jesus was real, and that she felt it in her heart. She was glad she had spoken up and planted a seed about Jesus.

  • Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Acts 6-9”The Jewish leaders were responsible for preparing the people for the coming of the Messiah. And yet they failed to recognize the Messiah and rejected Him. How did this happen? Part of the answer may be found in Stephen’s words: “Ye do always resist the Holy Ghost” (Acts 7:51). What do you think it means to resist the Holy Ghost? Why does resisting the Holy Ghost lead to rejecting the Savior and His servants?

Acts 7:51–60.

  • How did the Holy Ghost bless Stephen when he was being persecuted? When have we received strength from the Holy Ghost during difficult times?
  • See also the following:

The priesthood is a priceless gift from God.

Acts 8:9–24

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 6-9” Satan promotes the message that material things bring us happiness. How can you use the story of Simon to help the children value spiritual things such as the priesthood and its blessings?

Summarize the story of Simon, found in Acts 8:9–24 (see also “Chapter 58: Simon and the Priesthood,” in New Testament Stories, 152–53, or the corresponding video on

Why can’t we receive the priesthood by buying it? How does someone really receive priesthood authority? (see Articles of Faith 1:5).

  • “Article of Faith 5” (May 2011 Friend) Number pictures relating to how a person receives a calling in the right order.

Show pictures of the sacrament, a temple (representing temple blessings), a baptism, and other blessings we receive through the priesthood. Explain that these gifts from God cannot be bought with money. Why are they more valuable than anything we could buy? How do we receive these blessings?

  • Friend August 2021 “The Power of a Priesthood Blessing” Heavenly Father’s priesthood power blesses our lives in many ways. The cards below show some of the blessings we can all have because of the priesthood. Cut them out and put them face down. Then take turns choosing one and telling how it has helped you or will help you someday!

The Holy Ghost inspires me to share the gospel with others.

Acts 8:26–39

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 6-9” Philip followed the promptings of the Spirit and helped an Ethiopian man who was struggling to understand the scriptures. What lessons does this story hold for the children you teach?

Pull two chairs together to create a chariot. Invite two children to sit in the chariot, one to represent Philip and the other the Ethiopian man. Then tell the story of how Philip taught the gospel to the man from Ethiopia.

Share an experience in which you felt the Holy Ghost tell you to share the gospel with someone. Testify that the Holy Ghost can help us tell others about Jesus.

  • For the Strength of Youth July 2023 “11 Really Short Stories about Sharing the Gospel” One day I had a spiritual prompting that I should invite my best friend from school to a devotional. I wanted to ignore the prompting, but I finally sent her a text the day before. As we sat together at the devotional, I was nervous. But when the meeting was over, she had a big smile on her face. It was a reminder to me that God knows His children better than I do and that I should always follow promptings to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Eliza, Minnesota, USA)
  • I was in class one day sitting next to my friend. We were getting ready to take an exam, and he told me he was really nervous. I felt that I needed to teach him how to pray. Then we both bowed our heads and silently prayed for help on the test. I’m grateful prayer could help calm my friend’s nerves. (Abigail, Uruguay)
  • Friend February2016 President Eyring has a friend who prays every day to meet someone who is prepared to receive the gospel. One night before a short trip, he has a spiritual impression to take a Book of Mormon with him. On his flight he sits by someone who he knows, and she asks him questions about the Book of Mormon. He is able to give her his copy.

Heavenly Father invites me to repent and change. (Younger children)

Acts 9:1–20

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 6-9” When Jesus told Saul to stop persecuting the Lord’s Church, Saul immediately repented and changed. How can this account help the children you teach desire to quickly change when they make a mistake?

Summarize the story of Saul’s conversion, found in Acts 9:1–20 (see also “Chapter 59: Saul Learns about Jesus,” in New Testament Stories, 154–55, or the corresponding video on

Talk with the children about things that change, such as a tadpole, which changes into a frog, or a caterpillar, which changes into a butterfly. Show pictures, if possible. How did Saul change when Jesus Christ visited him?

Draw a forked road on the board. Invite the children to name places they would like to visit, and write them at the top of one road. What would happen if we turned onto the wrong road? Compare repentance to getting back on the right road.

  • Friend February 2018 “Back on the Trail” Danilo doesn’t listen to his aunt about which trail to follow and he gets stuck. (Story also provides lesson questions.)
  • Story: A man named Saul tried to destroy Jesus Christ’s Church. Then he repented and changed his life. He became a missionary and taught people about Jesus Christ. He became known as Paul. (See Acts 9:1–20.)
  • Song: “I Know My Father Lives” (Children’s Songbook, 5)
  • Activity: Get some dirt on your hands. How does it make you feel when your hands are dirty? Next, wash your hands with soap and water. Washing our hands is like repentance. Because of Jesus, we can repent and be clean again after we sin.

Ask the children to repeat what Saul said to the Lord: “What wilt thou have me to do?” (Acts 9:6). What does the Lord want us to do?

Heavenly Father invites me to repent and change. (Older Children)

Acts 9:1–20

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 6-9” When Jesus told Saul to stop persecuting the Lord’s Church, Saul immediately repented and changed. How can this account help the children you teach desire to quickly change when they make a mistake?

Invite the children to fold a piece of paper in half. Ask them to write Before on one half and After on the other half. Read with the children Acts 8:1–39:1–2; and 9:17–22, and ask them to write down words or phrases that describe Saul before and after he saw the Lord.

Invite a ward member to share his or her conversion story and how being a member of the Church has changed his or her life, as Saul’s life was changed.

Draw a “road to Damascus” on the board. Invite the children to read Acts 9:6, 11, 18, 20–22, searching for what Saul did to repent and turn to Christ, and write these actions along the road. What do we learn from Saul about how we can become more like Christ?

  • He recognized his sins. (Acts 9:6.)
  • He fasted and prayed for forgiveness. (Acts 9:9, 11.)
  • He was baptized. (Acts 9:18.)
  • He tried to correct the things he had done wrong. (Acts 9:20.)
  • He changed and never persecuted people again.
  • Explain that Saul was not wicked in his heart; he was deceived. He needed to repent and be baptized.

The below story could be related to the story of Saul’s path to repentance.

  • Friend February 2018 “Back on the Trail” Danilo doesn’t listen to his aunt about which trail to follow and he gets stuck. (Story also provides lesson questions.)

Invite the children to draw their favorite part of the account of Saul’s conversion and share their drawing with the class.

  • Acts 9:5.prick was a sharp spear used to drive animals. Often the animals would kick back when pricked, which would cause the spear to sink even further into the animal’s flesh. How might this analogy sometimes apply to us? What can we do to better accept correction from the Lord?

Additional Resources

Peter Brings Tabitha Back to Life

Acts 9:32–43.

Friend September 2023 “Tabitha’s Miracle”

Acts 1–5

Posted on

Acts CHAPTER 1 Jesus ministers for forty days after His resurrection—The kingdom is to be restored to Israel at a later time—The Twelve are to bear witness in Jerusalem, Judæa, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth—Jesus ascends into heaven—Matthias is chosen to fill the vacancy in the Twelve.

Acts CHAPTER 2 The Spirit is poured out on the day of Pentecost—Peter testifies of Jesus’ resurrection—He tells how to gain salvation and speaks of the gift of the Holy Ghost—Many believe and are baptized.

Acts CHAPTER 3 Peter and John heal a man lame since birth—Peter preaches repentance—He also speaks of the age of restoration preceding the Second Coming—He identifies Christ as the prophet of whom Moses spoke.

Acts CHAPTER 4 Peter and John are arrested and brought before the council—Peter testifies that salvation comes because of Christ—The Sadducees strive to silence Peter and John—The Saints glory in the testimony of Jesus—They have all things in common.

Acts CHAPTER 5 Ananias and Sapphira lie to the Lord and lose their lives—The Apostles continue the miracles of Jesus—Peter and John are arrested, an angel delivers them from prison, and they testify of Christ—Gamaliel counsels moderation.

Jesus Christ leads His Church through prophets and apostles.

Acts 1:1–11

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 1-5” Learning about how the Savior led His ancient Church through apostles can help the children gain testimonies of prophets and apostles in our day.

Show the full-page picture from this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families. Ask the children why they think the people are looking at the sky.

Summarize the account from Acts 1:1–11. (See also “Chapter 55: The Apostles Lead the Church,” in New Testament Stories, 145–47, or the corresponding video on

Friend July 2019 “Jesus Said to Share the Gospel”

Friend July 2023 “The Prophet Peter”

  • Story: After Jesus died, Peter was called to be the leader of the Lord’s Church. You can read this story on page 46 or in Acts 2–3.
  • Song: “Stand for the Right” (Children’s Songbook, 159)
  • Activity: Pick a person to be the leader. Have the leader do an action (like hopping on one foot or spinning). The others copy them. When the leader changes the action, the others copy the new action. Take turns being the leader until each person has had a turn.

Invite a child to hold up a picture of the current Apostles. Who helps Jesus Christ lead the Church when He is not on the earth?

Play a matching game with two sets of pictures of the living First Presidency and Twelve Apostles. When a match is made, share the Apostle or President’s name and something about him.

Friend May 2018 “Our Prophets and Apostles Today”

Friend 2020

On the back of a picture of the President of the Church, tape small pictures of things he teaches about, like the Savior, baptism, or a temple. Let each child take a turn looking at one of the pictures and telling the rest of the class, “The prophet teaches us about [the topic of the picture].” Testify that prophets and apostles teach us what Jesus wants us to know and do.

Jesus Christ leads His Church through prophets and apostles.

Acts 1:8, 22–26

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 1-5” How will you help the children understand that the Savior’s Church today is led by prophets and apostles, just as it was in ancient times?

Write on the board How does Jesus Christ lead the Church when He is not on the earth? Invite the children to listen for answers to the question as you read the Savior’s words to the Apostles in Acts 1:8. Help the children understand that Jesus has chosen prophets and apostles to lead the Church today, just as He did anciently.

Media Library “Christ Ordaining the Apostles”

Read together Acts 1:22–26. As a class, identify how the Apostles called a new Apostle.

  • Much the same process is still used today. The Church topic page on apostles shares that “Apostles are chosen through inspiration by the President of the Church, sustained by the general membership of the Church, and ordained by the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles by the laying on of hands.”

Ahead of time, ask a child and his or her parent to learn about a recently called Apostle (they can find information about the Apostles at “Quorum of the Twelve Apostles,” Invite the child to share what he or she learned with the class and, if possible, what the Apostle said about his call in his first general conference message.

  • Ulisses Soares was sustained as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on March 31, 2018. Below is his first conference address after his call.

The Holy Ghost bears witness to my heart of gospel truths.

Acts 2:36–47 also Acts 2:1–24

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 1-5” When children learn to recognize how the Holy Ghost speaks to them, they will be inspired to listen and act on the inspiration they receive.

“Lesson 36: The Day of Pentecost,” Primary 7: New Testament

Teach the children that when Jesus was with his Apostles he taught them many things. He knew he would not always be with them, so he promised to send a special gift to help them.

Read the following clues. Have the children stand when they think they know what the gift is and whisper the answer in your ear. If they correctly identify the Holy Ghost, have them remain standing.

  • I teach the truth.
  • I am a guide.
  • I give comfort.
  • I testify of Jesus Christ.
  • I usually speak to your mind or heart.
  • I am a member of the Godhead.
  • I am a spirit person but do not have a physical body.

Write Pentecost on the chalkboard. Explain that Pentecost comes from a Greek word meaning fiftieth. Pentecost was a Jewish celebration held every year fifty days after the Passover. Jesus gave the sacrament to his Apostles at the Last Supper, which happened at the time of the Passover. It was fifty days after the Last Supper that his disciples received the gift of the Holy Ghost. Write Gift of the Holy Ghost on the chalkboard.

  • On the day of Pentecost, how did the Holy Ghost come to Jesus’ Apostles? (Acts 2:1–4.)
  • What gave the disciples the ability to speak in tongues and be understood by people who spoke other languages? (Acts 2:4.) How does this spiritual gift of the Holy Ghost help the Church’s missionary effort today? (By helping many of the missionaries learn foreign languages. The gift of tongues can also help contacts understand the gospel message even when a missionary does not speak the language well.)
  • What caused the hearts of the people to be pricked after Peter had testified of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection? (Acts 2:33, 36–37. The Holy Ghost.) What does it mean to have a pricked heart? (To have a sharp feeling of regret or sorrow.) How can the Holy Ghost help us feel sorry for things we have done?
  • What did Peter tell the people they needed to do to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? (Acts 2:38.) What do we need to do to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost?
  • After the 3,000 souls were baptized, what were some of the things they did so the Holy Ghost would continue to guide them? (Acts 2:42–47.) (You could have the children find the answers in the scriptures and list them on the chalkboard.)

Read together Acts 2:36–37. What does it feel like when the Holy Ghost tells us something in our hearts?

As a class, make a poster with the words What shall we do? at the top. Display the poster each week, and add ways the children can act on what they learn in each week’s lesson.

Invite the children to read Acts 2:41–47 and find the good things the people did after they were baptized. What good things can we do to show we are thankful for the gift of the Holy Ghost we received when we were baptized?

Friend February 2018 “Funstuff: The Holy Ghost”

Heavenly Father can bless others through me.

Acts 3:1–10

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 1-5” What can you do to help children recognize ways they can bless those around them? Help them learn from the example of Peter and John healing the lame man.

Invite the children to do actions that go along with the story in Acts 3:1–10, such as putting out their hands for money and leaping for joy. How did Heavenly Father bless the man who couldn’t walk?

Bring a bag containing pictures that represent ways that we can bless and serve others. Let the children take turns choosing pictures from the bag and sharing how they can bless others in that way.

Friend June 2009 “How Many People Can We Help?”

New Era March 2016 “Can I Care for the Poor and Needy?”

Ask the children to share a time when they helped someone.

Additional teaching ideas: “Lesson 37: Peter the Apostle,” Primary 7: New Testament  Lesson ideas

Heavenly Father can bless others through me.

Acts 3:1–10

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 1-5” How can you teach the children that they can bless others, even if they do not have “silver and gold”? (Acts 3:6). How can you help them see opportunities to serve God by serving others? (see Mosiah 2:17).

Ask a child to read Acts 3:1–10 while the other children act out the story. (For help, see “Chapter 56: Peter Heals a Man,” in New Testament Stories, 148–49, or the corresponding video on You could also show the video “Peter and John Heal a Man Crippled Since Birth” ( How was the blessing this man received greater than the money he asked for?

Pass around a bag of coins. As the children hold the bag, ask them what they can buy with money. Ask the children what we have to give others that does not cost money. Invite them to share how they can help others come closer to the Savior—a gift that does not require money (Acts 3:6).

Friend July 2023 “How You Can Be a Missionary”

I can be honest.

Acts 5:1–11

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 1-5” The early Christians shared what they had to help care for each other. Those who owned land sold it and gave the money to the Apostles, who then gave it to the Saints according to their needs. Ananias and Sapphira were dishonest about their contribution, thinking they could deceive the Lord’s servants.

Help the children act out the story of Ananias and Sapphira. Explain that although we won’t die when we tell a lie, this story shows how important being honest is to Heavenly Father.

  • The below videos aren’t produced by the church, but they may provide some ideas on how the children may act out the story.

Sing together a song about honesty, such as “I Believe in Being Honest” (Children’s Songbook, 149). Help the children understand that being honest means always telling the truth and not taking things that belong to someone else.

Use paper-bag puppets to act out simple situations in which someone is being honest or dishonest. Ask the children to stand up if the person was being honest or sit on the floor if the person was being dishonest. Help the children understand why it is important to be honest.

The sites below have free printable cutouts to help make paper bag people.

Aunt Annie’s Crafts

The Caterpillar Years

  • “Honesty Quiz” (April 2011 Friend) A quiz to help children evaluate how honest they are.
  • Friend September 2018 “Map Champ” During a map game at school, Linda doesn’t hear the teacher because the kids are being too loud. Her teacher trusts her because she doesn’t lie, and the teacher gives her another chance.

Latter Day Kids “I Can Be Honest” Lesson ideas

Additional Resources

The Red Crystal “Acts 1-5”

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures

Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20–21

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Matthew CHAPTER 28 Christ the Lord is risen—He appears to many—He has all power in heaven and earth—He sends the Apostles to teach and baptize all nations.

Mark CHAPTER 16 Christ is risen—He appears to Mary Magdalene, then to others—He sends the Apostles to preach and promises that signs will follow faith—He ascends into heaven.

Luke CHAPTER 24 Angels announce the resurrection of Christ—He walks on the Emmaus road—He appears with a body of flesh and bones, eats food, testifies of His divinity, and promises the Holy Ghost—He ascends into heaven.

John CHAPTER 20 Mary Magdalene, Peter, and John find the empty tomb—The risen Christ appears to Mary Magdalene in the garden—He appears to the disciples and shows His resurrected body—Thomas feels the wounds in Jesus’ hands, feet, and side—Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

John CHAPTER 21 Jesus appears to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias—He says, Feed my sheep—He foretells Peter’s martyrdom and that John will not die.

I will live again after I die, just as Jesus did.

Matthew 28Mark 16Luke 24John 20:1–23

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 The Atonement of Jesus Christ, including His Resurrection, is the most important event in history, and it is the foundation of Christian faith. As you read about the Resurrection, ponder how you will help the children build their faith in Jesus Christ.

Tell the story of Jesus’s Resurrection in your own words. (If needed, use “Chapter 54: Jesus Is Risen,” in New Testament Stories, 139–44, or the corresponding video on

Explain that when Jesus died, His spirit left His body. When He was resurrected, His spirit and His body came together again. Ask the children to take turns repeating the story back to you. Ask the children how they would have felt if they had seen Jesus alive again.

The Red Crystal

Show the video “What Happens after We Die?” (, and tell about someone you know who has died. Share your testimony that everyone will be resurrected someday. Invite the children to share their testimonies.

Sing a song about the Savior’s Resurrection, such as “Did Jesus Really Live Again?” (Children’s Songbook, 64). Ask the children to imagine what it will feel like to see Jesus. Let them share their thoughts with the class.

Because Jesus was resurrected, everyone will be resurrected.

Matthew 28Mark 16Luke 24John 20:1–23

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 It’s natural for children to wonder what happens after we die. Consider how you can teach about the Resurrection in a way that will build their faith.

Invite the children to close their eyes and imagine that they are sitting by Jesus’s tomb while you read John 20:1–17 or summarize the story of His Resurrection (see also “Chapter 54: Jesus Is Risen,” in New Testament Stories, 139–44, or the corresponding video on What does it mean to be resurrected? What would it have been like to see the resurrected Savior?

New Testament Stories “Jesus is Risen”

Ask each child to study the experience of someone who saw the resurrected Savior and share with the rest of the class what he or she learned.

Watch one or more of these videos with the children: “Jesus Is Laid in a Tomb,” “Jesus Is Resurrected,” “Christ Appears on the Road to Emmaus,” and “The Risen Lord Appears to the Apostles” ( Invite the children to share why the Savior’s Resurrection is important to them.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023

I can have faith in Jesus Christ even though I can’t see Him. (Younger Children)

John 20:24–29

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 Consider how you can help the children understand what faith is and how they can exercise faith in the Savior.

Show the picture Christ Approaches Thomas ( while you tell about Thomas’s experience in John 20:24–29.

Repeat the story, but this time ask the children to provide some of the details.

Show a box with an object inside that the children can’t see, and describe the object to the children. Ask them if they believe the object is really inside the box and why. Then show them the object, and explain that faith is believing in things we can’t see. The most important faith we can have is faith in Jesus Christ.

Friend June 2023 “Have You Seen Jesus?”

I can have faith in Jesus Christ even though I can’t see Him. (Older Children)

John 20:24–29

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 How can you help the children strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ?

Invite the children to read John 20:24–29. (See also the video “Blessed Are They That Have Not Seen, and Yet Have Believed” on

How can we know Jesus Christ lives, even if we can’t see Him?

Friend June 2023 “Have You Seen Jesus?”

Write each word in the phrase “Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed” on separate pieces of paper. Invite the children to put the words in order. Invite them to tell of experiences in which they felt the Savior’s love even if they did not see Him.

Invite the children to draw pictures of things they can do to strengthen their faith this week. Ask them to share what they drew, and share what you have done to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Friend August 2019 “Practicing Faith” Klarie, who plays basketball, heard the words “we must…actively exercise our faith” on a conference talk and asks her mom how to do that. Her mother explains that just like Klarie has to practice and work to get better at basketball, Heavenly Father gave us ways to practice and get better at faith. We talk to Him in prayer. He’s kind of like our coach. He gives us scriptures. They’re like His playbook. And He gives us families to help us. Our family is like out team that works and practices together. When we practice spiritual habits, like prayer, we’re exercising our faith, and the more we practice the better we get. (Lesson Activity Idea: Bounce a ball to someone and ask them to say one thing they can do to help their faith grow. Then they bounce it to someone else. Friend August 2019 “Family Night Fun”)
  • Pray to gain faith in Jesus Christ
  • Read scriptures about Jesus Christ
  • Follow and obey his teachings
  • Activate his atonement in your life by repenting of wrong doings and asking for forgiveness.
  • Listen for the Holy Ghost’s witness of the truth of Jesus and his teachings
  • Serve and love others as Jesus has asked us to do.
  • Listen to and follow the words of his leaders

I can show my love for Jesus by serving others.

John 21:15–17

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 How can you inspire the children to love and help those around them?

Read John 21:15–17, or show the video “Feed My Sheep” ( Help the children understand what Jesus wanted Peter to do: share the gospel and invite everyone to believe in Jesus.

Friend July 2019 “Jesus Said to Share the Gospel”

[unitegallery 2019Jul]

Give each of the children a paper sheep, and ask them to write or draw on it something they can do to help someone they know to come closer to Jesus.

“Lesson 33: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ,” Primary 7: New Testament 

  • Be a good example by attending church, using clean language, obeying the commandments, being  honest, praying, studying the scriptures, living what you learn, and obeying your parents and the  laws of the land.
  • Bear testimony to members and nonmembers.
  • Help others choose the right when they are tempted.
  • Talk about the gospel to people who don’t know about it.
  • Pray and study the scriptures to grow closer to the Lord.

Help the children think of things they are doing to love and serve others. What else can we do to show our love?

Primary 4 Manual: Book of Mormon ““Lesson 46: The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ (Christmas)” 

Write the name of every child in your class on pieces of paper cut into the shape of sheep, and scatter these sheep around the room. (Include the names of children who don’t attend regularly.) Invite the children to gather the sheep by finding the one with their name on it. Help the children think of ways they can reach out to a friend who doesn’t come to church.

  • Show the children the treat you brought. Point out how wonderful and mouth watering it looks. Take a bite and describe the texture and flavor; tell them how delicious it is. Ask the children how they would feel if you ate the treat in front of them and didn’t share.
  • Show the treats with the gospel blessing labels attached. Explain to the children that the labeled treats represent the many blessings they enjoy because they are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Read the labels to the children. Ask if it would be fair or right if we kept the blessings of the gospel to ourselves and didn’t share with anyone else.
  • Tell the children that you brought treats to share with each of them. Ask how that makes them feel.
  • Explain to the children that the Lord has asked us to share the gospel with others and help feed his children spiritual food so they can enjoy the blessings of the gospel too. Teaching Children the Gospel “Lesson 17 – Ammon – A Mighty Missionary”

I can show my love for Jesus by feeding His sheep.

John 21:1–17

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 Children can greatly influence those around them. How can you encourage them to strengthen others in the gospel?

Read John 21:1–17 together. When you read verses 9–13, ask the children to think about a time when someone made a special meal for them, and invite them to think about ways that Jesus feeds us spiritually. When you read verses 15–17, replace Simon’s name with names of the children.

Friend July 2023 “Jesus Asked Us to Share the Gospel”

Who are Jesus’s sheep? How can we help Him feed them?

“Lesson 33: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ,” Primary 7: New Testament 

  • Be a good example by attending church, using clean language, obeying the commandments, being  honest, praying, studying the scriptures, living what you learn, and obeying your parents and the  laws of the land.
  • Bear testimony to members and nonmembers.
  • Help others choose the right when they are tempted.
  • Talk about the gospel to people who don’t know about it.
  • Pray and study the scriptures to grow closer to the Lord.

Friend July 2023 “How You Can Be a Missionary”

Friend March 2017 “Love Your Neighbor”

Share a simple snack with the children. As they are eating, ask them how sharing the gospel with someone is like feeding them.

  • Show the children the treat you brought. Point out how wonderful and mouth watering it looks. Take a bite and describe the texture and flavor; tell them how delicious it is. Ask the children how they would feel if you ate the treat in front of them and didn’t share.
  • Show the treats with the gospel blessing labels attached. Explain to the children that the labeled treats represent the many blessings they enjoy because they are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Read the labels to the children. Ask if it would be fair or right if we kept the blessings of the gospel to ourselves and didn’t share with anyone else.
  • Tell the children that you brought treats to share with each of them. Ask how that makes them feel.
  • Explain to the children that the Lord has asked us to share the gospel with others and help feed his children spiritual food so they can enjoy the blessings of the gospel too. Teaching Children the Gospel “Lesson 17 – Ammon – A Mighty Missionary”
  • Why is feeding sheep a good way to describe serving God’s children?

Friend June 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities”

  • Story: After Jesus was resurrected, He told His disciples to “teach all nations” about His gospel (Matthew 28:19). Today missionaries share the gospel all over the world.
  • Song: “We’ll Bring the World His Truth” (Children’s Songbook, 172–73)
  • Activity: Look through this copy of the Friend. How many country names can you find? Pick a country to learn more about. You can start with “Hello from Portugal!” on page 18.

Additional Resources

The Red Crystal

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Teach All Nations” Lesson ideas

Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19

Posted on

Matthew CHAPTER 27 Jesus is accused and condemned before Pilate—Barabbas is released—Jesus is mocked, crucified, and buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathæa.

Mark CHAPTER 15 Pilate decrees the death of Jesus—Jesus is mocked and crucified between two thieves—He dies and is buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathæa.

Luke CHAPTER 23 Jesus is taken before Pilate, then to Herod, and then to Pilate again—Barabbas is released—Jesus is crucified between two thieves—He is buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathæa.

John CHAPTER 19 Jesus is scourged and crucified—He places His mother in John’s care—He dies and His side is pierced with a spear—He is buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathæa.

Because Jesus died for me, I can be resurrected.

Matthew 27:11–66Luke 23John 19

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 Little children might be upset by the accounts of Jesus’s Crucifixion. “Chapter 52: The Trials of Jesus” and “Chapter 53: Jesus Is Crucified” (in New Testament Stories, 133–38, or the corresponding videos on provide a good model for how you might appropriately share this story with them.

New Testament Stories “The Trials of Jesus”

New Testament Coloring Book “Jesus’s Trial before Pilate”

New Testament Stories “Jesus is Crucified”

New Testament Coloring Book “Jesus’s Crucifixion”

  • Show the picture in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families as you tell about Jesus’s trial, Crucifixion, and burial (see also Gospel Art Book, nos. 57–58). Invite the children to share what they know about these events. Emphasize that on the third day, Jesus was resurrected. In other words, He came back to life.
  • Ask the children to name some things their parents do for them that they cannot do for themselves. Show a picture of the Savior. Explain that because of Jesus, we can be resurrected—something we cannot do ourselves.

The Red Crystal Great lesson resources like the one below!

Latter Day Kids “Jesus Died for Us” Lesson ideas

  • Show a picture of someone you know who has died. Share your testimony that because of Jesus that person will one day live again.

Friend April 2021 “I Will See My Brother Again” During Primary, Isabella feels the spirit and knows she will see her brother again.

Jesus died for me because He loves me.

Matthew 27:11–66Luke 23John 19

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 Why are you grateful that Jesus Christ died for you? Consider how you can help the children understand the significance of the Savior’s sacrifice for them.

New Testament Stories “Jesus is Crucified”

The below video is a little upsetting for some children. You may wish to use the above video instead.

Friend June 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities”

Story: Jesus gave His life for us because He loves us. Because He was resurrected, we all will be too.

Song: “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook, 34–35)

Activity: Gather these objects: a nail, a piece of wood, a piece of cloth, and a stone. Pass them around while you read John 19:17–19 and Matthew 27:57–60. Why are you thankful for Jesus?

  • Ask a child to read Matthew 27:54, and invite the children to share things about Jesus that help them know He is the Son of God.

Friend April 2003 “Poster Article: Believing in Jesus Christ”

Primary Singing “Behold the Great Redeemer Die Song Trivia Quiz”

Help the children think of things that people consider valuable. Then let the children take turns looking in a mirror, and as they do, tell each child that he or she is a child of God and of great worth. Testify that to Heavenly Father [and Jesus], they are more valuable than all the things they thought of earlier. Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 18–19: “The Worth of Souls Is Great”

“Lesson 31: Jesus Christ’s Betrayal, Arrest, and Trial,” Primary 7: New Testament

“Lesson 32: The Crucifixion and Burial of Jesus Christ,” Primary 7: New Testament

I can forgive others as Jesus did.

Matthew 27:26–37Luke 23:34

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 How will you help the children understand how to forgive those who are unkind, as Jesus did?

  • Describe how the soldiers were unkind to Jesus (see Matthew 27:26–37), and then read Luke 23:34. Explain that when we forgive others, we aren’t angry at them anymore and we show love to them.
soldiers beating Jesus
The soldiers beat Jesus with whips. They put a purple robe on Him. They made a crown of thorns and put it on Jesus’s head. They laughed at Him and spit on Him. They called Him “King of the Jews.”
Jesus on the cross
Many people followed the soldiers as they took Jesus to a hill near Jerusalem. They made Him carry His own cross. They nailed His hands and feet to the cross and lifted it up. They also crucified two other men, who were thieves.
soldiers standing by the cross
Jesus prayed. He asked Heavenly Father to forgive the soldiers who crucified Him. They did not know that He was the Savior.

Friend August 2017 “Jesus Forgives” Jesus teaches Peter to forgive. Jesus forgave sins, and he forgave his crucifiers.

  • Share examples in which someone says or does something unkind. Invite the children to talk about how they could show forgiveness in these situations.

“Cease From Anger” (February 2010 Friend)
Take this quiz to see how forgiving you are. When we are loving and forgiving, we can be peacemakers.

  • Sing together a song about forgiveness, such as “Help Me, Dear Father” (Children’s Songbook, 99). Ask questions that are answered in the song, like “Whom should we forgive?” or “Who can help us when forgiving is hard?”
  • Search a recent issue of the Friend to find a story about a child who forgave someone. Share this story with the children.

Friend September 2019 “The Frog Princess Forgives” Katya was excited to show her friends the costume items she found so they could do the play “The Frog Princess. But one of her friends wanted to be the princess and she said some mean things to Katya. Katya was upset and went home. Her friend felt bad, but Katya was too angry to forgiver her. Being angry didn’t feel very good though, so she prayed for help to forgive her friend. Heavenly Father helped her forgive her friend and Katya suggested that they take turns being the princess.

Friend June 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones” Help your little ones say, “I can forgive others like Jesus did.” Explain that when we forgive, we help make it right. Act out a few scenes of times someone might need forgiveness, like after breaking a toy. Help your little ones think about what they could say.

See also Resources for Teaching Children: Forgiveness

“Lesson 40: I Can Forgive Others,” Primary 2: Choose the Right A

  1. Jan had just finished drawing a beautiful picture when her little brother came and scribbled all over it with a crayon. Jan was so upset that she yelled and slapped her brother’s hand.
    • Did Jan show forgiveness?
    • How do you think Jan felt inside?
    • What could Jan do to show forgiveness to her brother?
  2. On the playground, Donna came up to Cali and pushed her down. Donna ran away laughing. The next day, Donna fell out of the swing and hurt her knee. Cali rushed over and helped her up.
    • Did Cali show forgiveness?
    • How do you think Cali felt inside?
  3. When Chad was waiting to get a drink of water from the fountain, the boy in front of him turned and threw water on him. Chad’s face was all wet, but he just turned and walked away without saying a word. The next day when Chad was getting a drink, the same boy walked by. Chad could have thrown water on the boy, but he didn’t.
    • Did Chad show forgiveness?
    • How do you think Chad felt inside?

I can forgive others as Jesus did.

Matthew 27:26–37Luke 23:34

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 It can be hard to forgive others. The children you teach will be blessed as they follow the Savior’s example and learn to forgive.

  • Invite the children to take turns reading about the soldiers being unkind to Jesus in Matthew 27:26–37 and Jesus forgiving them in Luke 23:34. (See the insight provided by the Joseph Smith Translation in Luke 23:34, footnote c.) What do we learn from Jesus’s example?
  • Write on the board What can you do to forgive someone who is unkind to you? Let the children take turns writing ideas on the board, such as Pray to have kind feelings toward the person or Think of something good about the person.

Friend March 2015

Friend March 2015

Because Jesus suffered and died for me, I can repent and be forgiven.

Luke 23:32–33, 39–43

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 Although children under age eight are not yet accountable, it is important for them to start learning now how to repent of the wrong choices they make.

  • Summarize Luke 23:32–33, 39–43, and help the children find the two thieves in picture 57 in the Gospel Art Book. Explain that when the first thief made fun of Jesus, the second thief admitted that he had done something wrong—he was beginning to repent.

Ensign January 2018 “Repentance is a Gift” Match each picture with a different step of repentance.

16 For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;

  • Show the video “The Shiny Bicycle” ( Explain that we can pray to Heavenly Father and He can help us fix our sins and mistakes and receive forgiveness.
  • Let the children make chalk marks on the board to represent wrong choices. Then ask them to erase the board to represent repentance. Show a picture of the Savior, and testify that we can repent because of Him.

Friend February 2019 “A Little Better Every Day” Heavenly Father can help us make better choices every day. That’s part of what it means to repent! Match the wrong choices with the better choices these kids made the next day.

Because Jesus suffered and died for me, I can repent and be forgiven.

Luke 23:32–33, 39–43

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 This lesson is a good time to testify that because of Jesus Christ, we can repent of our sins and be forgiven.

  • Invite a child to read aloud Luke 23:32–33, 39–43. Explain that the two people being crucified with Jesus were thieves. How did one of the thieves show that he was beginning to repent? What can we do to show that we are repenting? (See Guide to the Scriptures, “Repent, Repentance,”

The Red Crystal Great lesson ideas!

  • Write the following sentence on the board, leaving blanks for the italicized words: “I can be forgiven when I repent because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.” Give the children clues to help them fill in the blanks.

  • Invite a child to hold a bag, and fill it with rocks as the other children name wrong choices someone could make. Help the children compare the bag to the spiritual burden we carry when we sin. How is repentance like taking rocks out of the bag? You might remind the children that repentance is not a one-time event but a daily process.

Friend December 2022 “Lighten Your Load”

  • Look in a recent issue of the Friend magazine for a story or message about repentance, and share it with the children.

Friend February 2021 “Repenting and Trying Again” After yelling at his brother for breaking his toy, Raymond remembered what the bishop had said during his baptism interview, “We all make mistakes. But we can repent and try again.” Raymond apologized to his little brother for yelling.

Friend October 2020 “Tyler Tries Again” Tyler feels bad about joining in laughing at the new kid when he asks to play. He knows that mistakes happen but we can fix them. He decides to go say sorry and ask the new boy to play.

Also see Repentance: Stories and Resources for Teaching Children: Repentance

Additional Resources

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 27…”

The Red Crystal “Matthew 27” Lots of great lesson ideas!

News with Naylors “Repentance” & News with Naylors “Forgiveness”

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Always Remember Him” Lesson ideas

Luke 22; John 18

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Luke CHAPTER 22 Jesus institutes the sacrament—He suffers in Gethsemane and is betrayed and arrested—Peter denies knowing Him—Jesus is smitten and mocked.

John CHAPTER 18 Jesus is betrayed and arrested—He is examined and maltreated first before Annas, then before Caiaphas—Peter denies knowing Jesus—Jesus is arraigned before Pilate.

Jesus suffered for me because He loves me.

Luke 22:39–46

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Luke 22; John 18” Consider how you can help the children feel Jesus’s love for them as you discuss the account of His suffering in Gethsemane.

  • Explain that Jesus felt all the pain and sadness that everyone has ever felt. Ask the children what might make a person feel sad, hurt, or upset. Testify that Jesus can help us feel better when we feel these ways.
  • Pass around a picture of the Savior in Gethsemane (such as the one in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). As each child holds the picture, say, “Jesus suffered because He loves [child’s name].” Invite the children to repeat these words with you.

Ensign July 2010 “Jesus Christ, Our Perfect Friend”

New Testament Coloring Book “Gethsemane”

  • Sing a song with the children about Jesus’s love for us, such as “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75). Help them think of ways they have felt Jesus’s love.

Latter Day Kids “The Garden of Gethsemane” Lesson ideas

In Gethsemane, Jesus Christ took upon Himself my sin and pain.

Luke 22:39–46

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Luke 22; John 18” Knowing about what Jesus did for us in Gethsemane can help the children repent of their sins and turn to the Savior when they experience difficult trials.

  • Invite the children to read Luke 22:39–46, looking for words or phrases that describe how Jesus felt in Gethsemane. What was Jesus experiencing that caused Him to feel this way? (see Doctrine and Covenants 19:16–19). Give the children the opportunity to share their feelings about Jesus and His sacrifice for us.
  • Invite the children to share a time when they were sad or in pain. Ask them if they know anyone who has felt the same thing. Invite them to read Alma 7:11–12. What do these verses teach us about Jesus Christ and His suffering for us?

Liahona March 2022 “Turning to God and to Our Families” Emotion Colors

  1. Assign each person an emotion based on the color they’re wearing most of:
    • Yellow = happy
    • Blue = sad
    • Red = angry
    • Green = calm
    • Orange = scared
    • Other = confused or surprised
  2. Each person will share a specific experience when they’ve felt that emotion.
  3. Can we tell how people are feeling just by their appearance or what they’re wearing?
  4. Who sees all our emotions, including our afflictions and sorrows, even when others might not be able to?

Liahona October 2021 “Temples, the Name of the Church, and Including Others”

The Weight of Affliction

  1. Gather some heavy items, such as rocks or large books.
  2. Have everyone sit in a circle.
  3. For each affliction mentioned place a rock in the middle of the circle.
  4. Have each family member add one more rock to the pile to represent a trial they have gone through.
  5. Who has felt the pain of all of these trials? Imagine how it would feel to carry them all.
  • Give a child a stick that is longer than the width of the classroom doorway, and ask him or her to hold it horizontally and try to walk through the door. Explain that the stick represents our sins, which keep us from entering God’s kingdom. Take the stick away to demonstrate that Jesus took upon Himself our sins so that we can be forgiven when we repent.

I can pray when I need help.

Luke 22:41–43

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Luke 22; John 18” When Jesus prayed in Gethsemane, an angel appeared to strengthen Him. How can you help the children you teach understand that they too can pray to Heavenly Father for strength?

  • Summarize Luke 22:41–43 for the children. Share an experience in which you prayed for help and Heavenly Father strengthened you through the Holy Ghost or by sending someone to help you.

Friend May 2022 “A Prayer in the Storm” Alexis was scared of the thunder in the storm and didn’t feel safe. She found her dad and asked if they could say a prayer. After the prayer she felt peaceful and wasn’t afraid anymore.

Friend April 2018 “Lost and Found” Cael knows Heavenly Father answers prayers because when he found himself alone and scared on a mountain trail, he prayed. His father felt the Holy Ghost telling him to go look for his Cael.

  • On strips of paper, write some things we might say in a prayer, such as “Heavenly Father,” “I thank thee,” “I ask thee,” and “in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.” Put the strips on the floor in random order, and help the children put them in the order in which we might say them in a prayer. What can we thank Heavenly Father for? What else can we say to Him? Testify that the children can pray to Heavenly Father anywhere and anytime.
Friend March 2019 “Jesus Taught about Prayer”

I can follow Jesus’s example by being obedient to Heavenly Father.

Luke 22:39–44

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Luke 22; John 18” Jesus showed obedience to the Father when He said, “Not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42). How can you help the children learn from Jesus’s example?

  • Help the children memorize the phrase “Not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42) and discuss what it means. What can we do to obey Heavenly Father’s will?
  • Help the children identify some reasons it is sometimes hard to do what Heavenly Father wants. What blessings have we received by being obedient to Heavenly Father, even when it was hard?

Friend September 2018 “Just Like Grandpa” William’s dad received a calling to preside over the sign language branch. William is sad he will have to leave his friends, but his mom helps him by telling him a story about his great grandfather Turner who sacrificed to obey the Lord.

For the Strength of Youth July 2022 “The Choice” Ben forgot to write a book report that was due the next day. He has to make a choice whether he will follow God or cheat and copy a book report from the internet.

  • What blessings have we received by being obedient to Heavenly Father, even when it was hard?

Liahona February 2023 “Life Isn’t Fair–and That’s OK” But there are certain blessings we can expect as we keep the commandments. We are promised to always have the Spirit to be with us (see Moroni 4:3). And as we turn to the Lord in faith, we will be given strength to face the trials that inevitably come.2

We are promised true joy and peace (the kind that is not determined by our circumstances).3 And we are also promised the greatest gift of all—eternal life. As Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has said, “Your faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will be rewarded more than you can imagine.”4

“… Because of Him, we can have peace in this world and be of good cheer. If we let Him, Jesus Christ will consecrate unfairness for our gain [see 2 Nephi 2:2]. He will not just console us and restore what was lost [see Job 42:10, 12–13Jacob 3:1]; He will use the unfairness for our benefit.”6

“Happiness and Obedience” (August 2020 Liahona and Friend)
President Russell M. Nelson shares some blessings we receive when we try to keep all the commandments.

Ask the children if they can think of a time when they obeyed one of God’s commandments. How did they feel? Sing together a song about obedience, such as “Keep the Commandments” (Children’s Songbook, 146–47), and identify blessings of obedience mentioned in the song. Discuss some of the things God has commanded us to do. How does God bless us when we keep those commandments?

Jesus loved His enemies.

Luke 22:50–51

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Luke 22; John 18” Learning how to be a peacemaker is not easy, especially when others are not kind to us. How can the account in Luke 22:50–51 inspire the children you teach to be kind in all circumstances?

New Testament Stories “The Trials of Jesus”

  • Invite the children to read Luke 22:50–51. What do we learn about Jesus from this account? During the week, ask some of the children’s parents to tell you about times when their children showed kindness, even when it was difficult. Share those stories with the class. (Remind the children that being kind doesn’t mean allowing others to hurt them; they should talk to their parents or another trusted adult if someone is hurting them.)

Friend January 2016- “Question Corner” A girl at school is always mean to me. How can I still be kind to her?

Friend January 2016

Friend March 2022 “Cake and Kindness” Juli didn’t think her aunt liked to her because her aunt was so strict and never smiled. She decided to be patient, kind, and brave in trying to speak Spanish with her aunt. She agreed to help her aunt make a cake for Juli’s parents anniversary. Her aunt was patient with her as she tried to speak Spanish and was less strict and even smiled. Juli was glad her prayer was answered.

  • Sing a song about being kind, such as “Kindness Begins with Me” (Children’s Songbook, 145). What does this song teach about kindness?
  • How can we show kindness to others like the Savior did?

Friend September 2022 “How Can I Show Respect for Others?” By Elder Gary E. Stevenson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Friend May 2020 “Sister Squabble” Jaide’s little sister borrowed her tennis shoes without asking and accidentally got them muddy. Jaide was so mad that she told her sister,  “I wish you weren’t my sister.” She felt terrible about what she said.  She read a scripture about Jesus forgiving and healing someone (people who came to arrest him in Garden of Gethsemane), and she realized she needed to forgive and try and fix what she had done to her sister with her words. 

Friend April 2019 “The Right Reply” Emily received a mean email from a friend. She wanted to send a not-so-nice reply, but her mom suggested she wait and little bit. While she waited, she saw a picture of Jesus. She remembered that people had been mean to him, but he was never mean back. She decided to follow Jesus and not send the mean reply.

Friend September 2022 “What’s on Your Mind?” A child asks, “Sometimes kids at school say mean things. How can I make them stop?”

Response: You can’t make anyone do anything. But when you speak kindly, others might follow your example. Words are powerful. Especially when you use your words for good. Mean words can be hurtful, but kind words can be helpful, healing, and inspiring.

Friend June 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones” Sing “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, 78–79) with your little ones. Give them a picture of Jesus to hold. Tell them lift it up high each time they hear “Jesus” in the song. Then help them say, “Jesus loves me.”

Additional Resources

Strengthen Others

Liahona June 2023 “Deeper Connections to Christ: Come, Follow Me Family Fun”

Jesus Christ gave Peter this counsel on conversion: “When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren” (Luke 22:32).

  1. Read Luke 22:32 with your family.
  2. Invite family members to sit on the floor.
  3. Ask them to try to stand up without using their hands for balance.
  4. Choose two family members to sit on the floor, back-to-back, linking arms.
  5. Instruct the family members to push against each other at the same time and stand up. By working together, standing becomes easier.
  6. Repeat the game until everyone has a chance to work together.

Discussion: When we are truly converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ, we can strengthen others. What are some ways Heavenly Father can strengthen us? How can we use our conversion to strengthen others?

New Testament Stories “The Trials of Jesus”

Jesus is Tried by Caiaphas – Peter Denies Jesus

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “To This End Was I Born” Lesson ideas

John 14–17

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John CHAPTER 14 Jesus speaks of many mansions—He says that He is the way, the truth, and the life and that to see Him is to see the Father—He promises the first and second Comforters.

John CHAPTER 15 Jesus is the vine; His disciples are the branches—He discourses on the perfect law of love—His servants have been chosen and ordained by Him—The world hates and fights true religion—He promises the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth.

John CHAPTER 16 Jesus discourses on the mission of the Holy Ghost—He tells of His death and resurrection, announces that He is the Son of God, and says that He has overcome the world.

John CHAPTER 17 Jesus offers the great Intercessory Prayer—He is glorified by gaining eternal life—He prays for His Apostles and all the Saints—He explains how the Father and Son are one.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “John 14–17” Today we call it the “Last Supper,” but we don’t know if Jesus’s disciples fully realized, when they gathered for the annual Passover feast, that this would be their last meal with their Master before His death. Jesus, however, “knew that his hour was come” (John 13:1). He would soon face the suffering of Gethsemane, the betrayal and denial of His closest friends, and an agonizing death on the cross. Yet even with all of this looming before Him, Jesus’s focus was not on Himself but on His disciples. What would they need to know in the days and years ahead? Jesus’s tender teachings in John 14–17 reveal how He feels about His disciples, then and now. Among the many comforting truths He shared was the reassurance that, in one sense, He will never leave us. “If ye keep my commandments,” He promised, “ye shall abide in my love” (John 15:10).

New Testament Stories “Other Teachings at the Last Supper”

Jesus Christ is “the way, the truth, and the life”

John 14:5–6.

Family members may enjoy taking turns leading your family on a walk along a path. How is Jesus “the way”? Where does He lead us? Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “John 14–17”

God wants you to find your way back to Him, and the Savior is the way [see John 14:6]. God wants you to learn of His Son, Jesus Christ, and experience the profound peace and joy that come from following the path of divine discipleship.(Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Receiving a Testimony of Light and Truth,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2014, 21)

What are some ways we can follow the Savior back to Heavenly Father?

I show my love for Jesus Christ by keeping His commandments.

John 14:15

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 14–17” Help the children understand that they can show the Savior they love Him by keeping His commandments.

  • Help the children recite John 14:15. Ask them to say “If ye love me” when you hold up a paper heart. Ask them to say “Keep my commandments” when you hold up the scriptures.
  • Help the children think of some of Jesus’s commandments. Invite them to suggest ways they can keep each commandment. Testify that doing these things shows our love for Jesus Christ.

Old Testament Coloring Book “The Ten Commandments” The ten commandments.

Red Crystal

  • Sing together a song about the commandments, such as “Keep the Commandments” (Children’s Songbook, 146–47).
  • Play the game on this week’s activity page with the children.

Latter Day Kids “If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments” Lesson ideas

I show my love for Jesus Christ by keeping His commandments.

John 14:1515:10–14

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 14–17” As you read these passages in your personal study, think about the children you teach. How will they be blessed when they understand that their obedience to the Savior is a sign of their love for Him?

List some laws and commandments that you feel demonstrate Heavenly Father’s love for you. To help you think of some commandments, you might review the Ten Commandments (see Exodus 20:3–17) or For the Strength of Youth [booklet, 2011]. New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “John 14:15–31; 15:10–14”

  • Invite the children to share ways Jesus showed He was obedient to Heavenly Father. Show pictures from the Savior’s life to help them (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 34–3556–57). Ask the children to talk about times when they obeyed Heavenly Father.

Jesus Christ gave us the perfect example of how to obey God’s laws and commandments out of pure love. After the Last Supper, He said, “But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do” (John 14:31). New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “John 14:15–31; 15:10–14”

  • Invite a child to read John 14:15. Let the children take turns drawing pictures that represent someone keeping a commandment, while the rest of the children guess what he or she is drawing. For examples of commandments, see the For the Strength of Youth booklet (2022). How does keeping these commandments show the Savior that we love Him?

Friend June 1999 “Keep the Commandments”

The Holy Ghost helps me.

John 14:26–2715:2616:13–14

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 14–17” Jesus taught His disciples important truths about the Holy Ghost. Consider how these truths might bless the children you teach.

  • Show the picture The Last Supper (Gospel Art Book, no. 54). Explain to the children that at the Last Supper, Jesus taught His disciples about the Holy Ghost. Share some of the truths He taught in John 14:26–2715:2616:13–14.

Enlightens your mind and understanding

For the Strength of Youth April 2023 “God’s Gift to Help You Learn” The spirit of learning and knowledge is one of the many gifts of the Holy Ghost. He can help you in so many ways, including in your learning.

Peace and Comfort

Friend April 2019 “ A Comforting Song “ Mia is feeling sad, so she sings a Primary song, and she feels the comforting influence of the Holy Ghost.

Friend June 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones” Whisper “I love you” to your little one. Tell them that the Holy Ghost whispers words of love and truth to our hearts and minds. We can’t often hear them with our ears, but they make us feel loved and safe.

Testifies of Christ and Truth

Friend September 2015 “A New Feeling” – Child feels Holy Ghost while reading the scriptures

  • Share an experience when the Holy Ghost comforted you, guided you, or helped you know the truth. Testify that the Holy Ghost can help the children in similar ways.

Friend June 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities”

Story: Jesus taught His disciples about the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost can comfort and teach us. He can help us know what is right. (See John 14:26.)

Song: “The Still Small Voice” (Children’s Songbook, 106–7)

Activity: Go to page 8 to make a cup telephone. Talk about how the Holy Ghost can help us hear what Heavenly Father wants to teach us.

Friend June 2023 “Can You Hear Me?” Make this play phone. Talk about how the Holy Ghost can help us hear what Heavenly Father wants to teach us.

Friend June 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones” Whisper “I love you” to your little one. Tell them that the Holy Ghost whispers words of love and truth to our hearts and minds. We can’t often hear them with our ears, but they make us feel loved and safe.

  • Together with the children, sing a song about the Holy Ghost, such as “The Holy Ghost” (Children’s Songbook, 105). Invite them to listen for things mentioned in the song that the Holy Ghost does.

Teaching Children the Gospel “If I Listen With My Heart – Verse Three” Teaching ideas

The Holy Ghost guides, comforts, and testifies of truth.

John 14:2615:2616:13

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 14–17” Have the children you teach received the gift of the Holy Ghost? What do they know about how the Holy Ghost can help them? Consider how you will help them better understand the roles of the Holy Ghost.

  • Give the children the following verses to read in pairs: John 14:2615:26; and 16:13. Ask them to find words that teach them what the Holy Ghost does. Write the words on the board.

Enlightens your mind and understanding

For the Strength of Youth April 2023 “God’s Gift to Help You Learn” The spirit of learning and knowledge is one of the many gifts of the Holy Ghost. He can help you in so many ways, including in your learning.

Peace and Comfort

Friend October 2017 “Sarah and the MRI” Sarah had to have another scary MRI where she was all alone in a tube. Her mother reminder her that there was someone who could be with her to comfort her—the Holy Ghost. Her dad blessed her that she would feel the comfort of the Holy Ghost, and she did. The Holy Ghost felt warm and comforting like being wrapped in a blanket.

Image by Freepik

Friend June 2023 “A Prayer for Comfort” A close family friend died and Maycie was feeling sad. She was also worried about his family and how sad they were. She said a prayer for comfort for them and her family. After the prayer, she felt a wave of warmth come over her. She knew that it was the Holy Ghost comforting her.

Testifies of Christ and Truth

Friend September 2015 “A New Feeling” – Child feels Holy Ghost while reading the scriptures

  • Share an experience when the Holy Ghost guided you, comforted you, warned you, or testified of truth to you. Invite the children to share any experiences they have had. How did they recognize the Holy Ghost’s influence?

Friend June 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities”

Story: Jesus taught His disciples about the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost can comfort and teach us. He can help us know what is right. (See John 14:26.)

Song: “The Still Small Voice” (Children’s Songbook, 106–7)

Activity: Go to page 8 to make a cup telephone. Talk about how the Holy Ghost can help us hear what Heavenly Father wants to teach us.

Friend June 2023 “Can You Hear Me?” Make this play phone. Talk about how the Holy Ghost can help us hear what Heavenly Father wants to teach us.

Friend June 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones” Whisper “I love you” to your little one. Tell them that the Holy Ghost whispers words of love and truth to our hearts and minds. We can’t often hear them with our ears, but they make us feel loved and safe.

  • Invite each child to draw his or her face on a paper bag. Shine a flashlight, representing the Holy Ghost, into each bag. Then put things in the bags that block the light, such as a pieces of cloth, to teach that our wrong choices can limit the influence of the Holy Ghost in our lives. Let the children remove the things from their bags to represent repentance.

New Era January 2019 “How to Get Better Revelation Reception” Use a cup and string communication device and put folded papers on the string of things that might interfere with receiving revelation. (See article for more information.)

Friend August 2012 “I Choose to Fill My Life with Things That Invite the Spirit” This game can be used for ideas on things that invite the spirit and things that block the spirit. If the game is played, I suggest players choosing characters on the board that the game is about.

I can know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

John 17:3

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 14–17” Jesus Christ taught that “life eternal” is to know “the only true God, and Jesus Christ.” As the children you teach come to know Them, they will find spiritual strength that will bless them throughout their lives and help them achieve eternal life.

  • Read John 17:3, and ask the children to listen for who Jesus wants us to know. Show a few pictures that represent ways we can come to know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, such as pictures of the scriptures, a family learning together, and someone serving another person. Put the pictures face down, and invite the children to take turns turning them over and describing what is in the picture. How do these things help us know Heavenly Father and Jesus?
  • Talk with the children about things they do to get to know their friends better. How do we get to know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ better? Share ways you have done this.

New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “John 17”

Think of an important figure in your nation’s history.

  • What are some things you know about that person?
  • How would you describe the differences between your knowledge about the historical figure and how well you know a close family member?

Now take some time to record in your study journal how you feel about your knowledge of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Is it based only on facts you know about Them, or is it becoming more personal than that? How do you think it would bless your life to know Them on an even more personal level?

Heavenly Father and Jesus want me to know Them.

John 15:1–917:3

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 14–17” You will bless the lives of the children by helping them come to know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ better.

  • Display a plant (or a picture of one) as the children take turns reading verses in John 15:1–9. How is Jesus like a vine? How are we like branches? What can we do to “abide in,” or stay close to, the Savior?

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “John 14–17”It might be fun to read these verses outside next to a vine, a tree, or another plant. What happens to a branch when it is removed from the plant? You could talk about how we are like branches and what it means to “abide” in the Savior and “bear fruit.”

Jesus said that He was like a vine. His disciples are like branches of the vine. Only a branch that is firmly attached to the vine can produce good fruit.

New Testament stories [art]

Jesus promised His Apostles that if they lived the gospel, their fruit (their works) would be good. If they did not follow Him, they would be like branches cut off from a plant and produce nothing.

What is your “fruit” that shows that you are attached to the vine, which represents Jesus Christ?

“Jesus said, ‘Without me ye can do nothing’ [John 15:5]. I testify that that is God’s truth. Christ is everything to us and we are to ‘abide’ in Him permanently, unyieldingly, steadfastly, forever. For the fruit of the gospel to blossom and bless our lives, we must be firmly attached to Him, the Savior of us all, and to this His Church, which bears His holy name. He is the vine that is our true source of strength and the only source of eternal life. In Him we not only will endure but also will prevail and triumph in this holy cause that will never fail us” (“Abide in Me,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2004, 32). Jeffery R. Holland

  • Read aloud John 17:3. Ask the children what they are doing to know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Share how you are coming to know Them.

New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “John 17”

Think of an important figure in your nation’s history.

  • What are some things you know about that person?
  • How would you describe the differences between your knowledge about the historical figure and how well you know a close family member?

Now take some time to record in your study journal how you feel about your knowledge of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Is it based only on facts you know about Them, or is it becoming more personal than that? How do you think it would bless your life to know Them on an even more personal level? 

If you want to stay close to someone who has been dear to you, but from whom you are separated, you know how to do it. You would find a way to speak to them, you would listen to them, and you would discover ways to do things for each other. The more often that happened, the longer it went on, the deeper would be the bond of affection. If much time passed without the speaking, the listening, and the doing, the bond would weaken.

God is perfect and omnipotent, and you and I are mortal. But he is our Father, he loves us, and he offers the same opportunity to draw closer to him as would a loving friend. And you will do it in much the same way: speaking, listening, and doing.

(Henry B. Eyring, “To Draw Closer to God,” Ensign, May 1991, 66)

Additional Resources

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “John 14–17”

John 15:17–2716:1–7.

Why do you think Jesus Christ warned His disciples of persecution? How are disciples of Christ persecuted today? How can the Savior’s counsel in these verses help us when we face persecution?

John 16:33.

How has Jesus Christ overcome the world? How has His Atonement brought us peace and good cheer? (see also Doctrine and Covenants 68:6).

Jesus Christ intercessory prayer

John 17

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “John 14–17”

Jesus’s words recorded in John 17 are known as the Intercessory Prayer. In this prayer, Jesus prayed for His Apostles and “them also which shall believe on [Him] through their word” (John 17:20). That means He was praying for you. What did Jesus request from His Father in behalf of you and all other believers? What does that teach you about His feelings for you?

New Testament stories [art]
Jesus Christ prayed that His Apostles would be united. He wanted them to teach people to believe in Him and to know that Heavenly Father loves them.

In His prayer in John 17, Jesus emphasized His unity with the Father. In what ways are the Father and the Son “one”? (John 17:11, 21–23). Note that the Savior prayed that His disciples may be one “even as”—or in the same way that—He and His Father are one (John 17:22). What does that mean for you? Think about your relationships—for example, with your spouse or other family members, with ward members, and with fellow Christians. How can you work toward the kind of unity that Jesus has with the Father?

What would help your family learn how to be more united like Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father? Maybe you could talk about a favorite sports team and how they work together toward a common goal. Or you could listen to a choir or orchestra and discuss how the musicians unite to create beautiful music.

Red Crystal Several lesson ideas

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Continue in My Love” Lesson ideas

Start the below video starting at 3:23