John 2–4

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John CHAPTER 2 Jesus turns water into wine in Cana—He attends the Passover, cleanses the temple, foretells His death and resurrection, and performs miracles.

John CHAPTER 3 Jesus tells Nicodemus that men must be born again—God so loved the world that He sent His Only Begotten Son to save men—John the Baptist testifies that he that believes on the Son has everlasting life.

John CHAPTER 4 Jesus teaches a woman of Samaria—All must worship the Father in spirit and truth—Those who harvest souls gain eternal life—Many Samaritans believe—Jesus heals a nobleman’s son.

Jesus Turns Water into Wine

Jesus Turns Water into Wine video

I can honor my mother as Jesus did.

John 2:1–11

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 2–4” At the wedding in Cana, Mary told Jesus that the wine had run out. According to the Joseph Smith Translation, Jesus responded to His mother by asking, “Woman, what wilt thou have me to do for thee? that will I do” (in John 2:4, footnote a). Jesus is an example of how we should treat our mothers.

  • Invite the children to read John 2:1–11 and take turns retelling the story in their own words.
  • Ask the children to list things their mother might need help with. Invite them to practice what they could say to her using some of Jesus’s words: “What wilt thou have me to do for thee?” (John 2:4, footnote a).

Friend November 2022 “A Happy Helper” Felix helps his mom get ready for Grandpa’s visit. A

  • Invite some mothers to visit your class and share what their children do to show respect for them.

To honor your parents means to love, respect, and obey them.

Friend November 2021 “Jesus Honored His Parents” As He grew up, Jesus obeyed His earthly parents. He loved and cared for them. Even when He was dying on the cross, He asked one of His disciples to take care of His mother. He also honored His Heavenly Father by keeping the commandments.

New Era March 2017 “20 Ways to Honor Mom and Dad”

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “John 2-4” At a marriage feast in Cana, Christ changed water into wine—an event John called the “beginning of miracles” (John 2:11). That’s true in more than one sense. While this was the first miracle Jesus performed publicly, it can also symbolize another miraculous beginning—the process of our hearts being transformed as we become ever more like our Savior. This miracle of a lifetime begins with the decision to follow Jesus Christ, to change and live a better life through Him.

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Jesus Cleanses the Temple Video

What impure influences does your family need to keep out of your home so it will be a sacred place—like the temple? What will you do to keep those things out? Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “John 2-4”

“Lesson 8: Jesus Christ Cleanses the Temple,” Primary 7: New Testament  Draw a horizontal line across the chalkboard. Write RESPECT above the line and DISRESPECT below. Ask the children to pretend a friend is coming to their home. Tell them you are going to draw a “respect line” on the chalkboard. Mention things the friend does (see below), and have the class decide if the friend is showing respect or disrespect for you and your home. Draw a continuous line, intersecting the horizontal line on the chalkboard, moving up for situations showing respect and down for ones showing disrespect. Use situations such as the following:

The friend:

  • Waits quietly outside until invited in.
  • Walks in with muddy feet.
  • Thanks you for the invitation to come.
  • Shouts and yells loudly in your home.
  • Greets your parents politely.
  • Demands something to eat.
  • Treats your possessions carefully.
  • Ignores your parents when they speak to him or her.
  • Invites you to visit at his or her house.

Your “respect line” may look something like this:

respect line

Have the children answer the following questions to themselves:

  • When you visit a friend’s home, what does your “respect line” look like?
  • When you come to Primary, what does your “respect line” look like?
  • What does your “respect line” look like when you are in your own home?
  • Help the children understand that this temple was a sacred place, just as our temples and church meetinghouses are today, and Jesus wants us to respect these holy places.
  • Draw another “respect line” on the chalkboard as the children give examples of actions that show respect or disrespect in the church building. We show reverence for the temple by …

Divide students into groups of two or three. Invite the groups to write on a piece of paper as many ways to complete the statement as they can. After a minute or two, ask one group to share its list with the class. While the first group shares, ask the other groups to put a check mark next to each item on their lists that is mentioned. Next, have another group share the items on its list that were not mentioned by the first group. Repeat this process until all of the groups have shared. New Testament Seminary Teacher Manual “John 2”


Explain that as “a ruler of the Jews” (John 3:1), Nicodemus was a member of the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin was a governing council made up of Pharisees and Sadducees that directed many of the civil and religious affairs of the Jewish people.

Jesus Teaches of Being Born Again Video

I need to be baptized and confirmed to return to live with Heavenly Father.

John 3:1–10

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 2–4” The children you teach are preparing to take important steps to live with Heavenly Father again by being baptized (born of water) and confirmed (born of the Spirit). How can you help them understand the importance of these two ordinances?

What does it mean to be “born again into the kingdom of heaven”?

To have the Spirit of the Lord cause a mighty change in a person’s heart so that he has no more desire to do evil, but rather desires to seek the things of God. (Guide to the Scriptures, “Born Again, Born of God” For additional information click on link.

  • Summarize the story of Jesus teaching Nicodemus (see John 3:1–10). Promise the children that when they are baptized, Heavenly Father will give them the gift of the Holy Ghost.
  • Show the children this week’s activity page, and ask them to describe the drawings. Read John 3:5, and testify that we need to be baptized and confirmed to live with Heavenly Father again.
  • Ask the children to talk about what they do to wash their hands. Show the picture Girl Being Baptized (Gospel Art Book, no. 104), and help the children compare washing our hands with water to becoming spiritually clean through baptism.

Being baptized and confirmed is like being born again.

John 3:1–8

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 2–4” When we are baptized, which Jesus called being “born of water,” we receive a remission of our sins and can “enter into the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). How can you help the children you teach understand what being born again means?

  • Make word strips showing the Savior’s words in John 3:3, and let the children put them in the correct order. How is being baptized and confirmed like being born again?

What does it mean to be born again?

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught: “We begin the process of being born again through exercising faith in Christ, repenting of our sins, and being baptized by immersion for the remission of sins by one having priesthood authority. …

President Ezra Taft Benson taught: “In addition to the physical ordinance of baptism and the laying on of hands, one must be spiritually born again to gain exaltation and eternal life” (“Born of God,” Ensign, July 1989, 2–4). Therefore, being born again requires more than simply being baptized and confirmed. In order to be born again one needs to live in such a manner that the Holy Ghost changes the heart.

Elder David A. Bednar taught: “Conversion … is mighty, not minor—a spiritual rebirth and fundamental change of what we feel and desire, what we think and do, and what we are. As we choose to follow the Master, we choose to be changed—to be spiritually reborn” (“Ye Must Be Born Again,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 20).in order to realize the intended blessings of this born-again status, we must still keep our covenants and endure to the end” (“Have You Been Saved?,” Ensign, May 1998, 56).

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “John 2-4” Talk with your family about the miracle of pregnancy and birth—the process of creating a living, intelligent being. Jesus taught that we must be reborn before entering the kingdom of God. Why is rebirth a good metaphor for the change required of us before we can enter the kingdom of God? How can we experience the process of spiritual rebirth? (It takes time for an living intelligent being to grow in the womb and be born. Being born again is also a process and doesn’t happen instantly. )

“Total immersion in and saturation with the Savior’s gospel are essential steps in the process of being born again” (“Ye Must Be Born Again,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 21).

  • Display a picture of a newborn baby and of someone getting baptized and confirmed (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 104–5). How are we like a newborn baby after we are baptized and confirmed? (see John 3:3–5).
  • Invite the children to share memories of their baptisms. Read Mosiah 18:8–10 and Doctrine and Covenants 20:37 to review the baptismal covenant. Teach the children that taking the sacrament thoughtfully every week is a way to continue the process of being born again.

Friend June 2002 “The Sacrament and Repentance” Dallin H. Oaks “We are commanded to repent of our sins and to come to the Lord with a broken heart and a contrite spirit and partake of the sacrament in [keeping our part of] its covenants. When we renew our baptismal covenants in this way, the Lord renews the cleansing effect of our baptism. In this way we are made clean and can always have His Spirit to be with us. (Ensign, November 1998, page 38.)

“Lesson 33: The Sacrament Reminds Us of Our Covenants,” Primary 3 

  1. Hand out scissors, glue, and copies of the following handout to the children. Read the top part of the page with the class. Instruct the children to cut along the dotted lines and put the words in proper order. When the children have done this, the words should read “always remember Jesus Christ” and “obey the commandments.” Have them glue the word pieces in place to complete the sentence.

Help the children memorize the fourth article of faith. Print the below article of faith pages; give each person in the class a phrase to memorize. Have each child memorize their phrase. Have the class repeat or sing the Fourth Article of Faith song and have the children stand up in order in a row as they hear their phrase. Then have them repeat their phrases in order. Repeat this process until the article is memorized.


Write the fourth article of faith on the board, and invite the children to read it. Then erase a word or two, and ask them to read it again, filling in the missing words from memory. Repeat this process until the children have learned the article of faith.

John 3:7–8. Why did Jesus compare being “born again” to the wind?

. New Testament Seminary Teacher Manual “John

In response to Nicodemus’s confusion about being born again, the Savior compared being born of the Spirit to the wind. (The Greek word for spirit is pneuma, which may also be translated as breath or wind.) Just as the wind is difficult to see, so it is difficult to see the process of being born again. We can see the effects of the wind but struggle to know when it starts and when it ends as well as where it comes from. A similar conclusion can be drawn about the process of being born again. It is difficult to see exactly when it starts or when it ends, but its effects are very visible as actions and desires change.

Heavenly Father loves me, so He gave me a Savior.

For God So Loved the World Video

John 3:16

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 2–4”

  • Ask the children to complete sentences like this one: “Because my parents love me, they …” Read John 3:16. Then help each child repeat John 3:16, replacing the words “the world” with his or her own name. Help the children notice what this verse says Heavenly Father did because He loves us. Invite the children to draw a picture of Jesus. Let them share their drawings with each other and express their love for the Savior.

Friend March 2022 “How do We Know Heavenly Father Loves Us?”

Video “For God So Loved the World”

  • Sing together a song about Jesus, such as “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook, 34–35). Let the children hold up a picture of Jesus every time they sing a word like “Son,” “Jesus,” or “Savior.”

Heavenly Father loves me, so He sent His Son.

John 3:16–17

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 2–4” How can you help the children know that Jesus Christ was sent to earth as an expression of Heavenly Father’s love?

  • Ask the children to draw a picture of their favorite gift and the person who gave them that gift. Then ask a child to read John 3:16. What gift did Heavenly Father give us? How does this gift show His love?

Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said, “There is no greater evidence of the infinite power and perfection of God’s love than is declared by the Apostle John [in John 3:16]. … Think how it must have grieved our Heavenly Father to send His Son to endure incomprehensible suffering for our sins. That is the greatest evidence of His love for each of us!” (“Love and Law,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2009, 26).

If we believe in Jesus Christ, which includes repenting of our sins and obeying His word, we can have everlasting life through His Atonement

  • Ask the children to find answers to the question “Why did Heavenly Father send us Jesus Christ?” as they read John 3:16–17 or sing or listen to “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook, 34–35).

Friend April 2017 “Family Night Fun” Object lesson to explain the Atonement.

  • Pour some salt onto a plate. This represents us before we sin.

  • Now sprinkle pepper on the salt. The pepper is like sin. It keeps us away from Heavenly Father.

  • Rub the spoon on a towel. Then move it slowly above the salt and pepper. The pepper will stick to the spoon. Jesus’s Atonement lets us repent and get rid of our sins

Friend July 2020 “What’s on Your Mind”

Latter Day Kids “Heavenly Father Sent His Son” Lesson ideas

Woman at the Well

Jesus Teaches a Samaritan Woman Video

Jesus Christ is my “living water.”

New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “John 4 Part 1” During the Savior’s time, Jews traveling between Judea and Galilee often took a longer route to avoid passing through Samaria because of hatred that existed between the Jews and Samaritans. Great animosity had developed between the Jews and the Samaritans “because the Samaritans had apostatized from the Israelite religion” (Guide to the Scriptures “ Samaritans,”; see also Bible Dictionary, “ Samaritans ”). However, John noted that Jesus Christ “must needs go through Samaria” ( John 4:4), clearly highlighting the Savior’s intention for the work He would do there.

John 4:5–15

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 2–4” Children in your class can all relate to feeling thirsty. How can you use that experience to help them understand how much we need the living water Jesus Christ offers?

  • Use the picture in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families to tell the story of Jesus and the woman at the well (see John 4:5–15). Ask the children to retell the story.
  • Show a glass of water, and talk with the children about why we need water. Briefly summarize John 4:5–15, and testify that Jesus Christ and His gospel give life to our spirits, just as water gives life to our bodies.
  • Why do we need to drink water every day? How is the gospel the same?

Jesus Christ offers me “living water.”

John 4:5–23

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 2–4” Just as Jesus used water to teach the woman of Samaria, you can use water to teach the children why we need the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Using John 4:5–23, write summary sentences from the story of the woman at the well. Ask the children to refer to these verses to put the sentences in the correct order. What was Jesus trying to teach the woman?

What Is the Living Water? The living water is the gospel of Jesus Christ. “The fountain of living waters … [is] a representation of the love of God” (1 Nephi 11:25).

David A. Bednar, “A Reservoir of Living Water” The living water referred to in [ John 4:10 ] is a representation of the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel. And as water is necessary to sustain physical life, so the Savior and His doctrines, principles, and ordinances are essential for eternal life. You and I need His living water daily and in ample supply to sustain our ongoing spiritual growth and development.The scriptures contain the words of Christ and are a reservoir of living water to which we have ready access and from which we can drink deeply and long. You and I must look to and come unto Christ, who is “the fountain of living waters” ( 1 Nephi 11:25 ; (David A. Bednar, “A Reservoir of Living Water” [Church Educational System fireside for young adults, Feb. 4, 2007], 1,

What do people sometimes turn to for happiness and fulfillment that can leave them feeling spiritually thirsty or unsatisfied? (TV Shows and Movies, Sports, Video Games, Etc)

  • Give the children a drink of water, and ask them to share experiences when they were thirsty. Talk about how it felt to finally get a drink of water. Invite the children to name things that, like a cup of water, satisfy us for the moment. What things are like “living water” that can satisfy us forever?
  • Write on the board How is the gospel like water? Ask the children to think about how they would answer this question as they read John 4:5–23.
  • Why do we need to drink water every day? How is the gospel the same?

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “John 2-4” Rebirth is just the beginning of the path of discipleship. Christ’s words to the Samaritan woman at the well remind us that if we continue on this path, eventually the gospel will become “a well of water” inside us, “springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).

Additional Resources

Red Crystal “John 2-4”

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “John 2-4”

Is God a spirit?

John 4:24

Some may be confused by Jesus’s statement that God is a spirit. The Joseph Smith Translation of this verse provides an important clarification: “For unto such hath God promised his Spirit” (in John 4:24, footnote a). Modern revelation also teaches that God has a body of flesh and bones (see Doctrine and Covenants 130:22–23; see also Genesis 5:1–3Hebrews 1:1–3).

John 3:22–36

John the Baptist teaches that Jesus is the Christ. See New Testament Seminary Teacher Manual “John 3” for lesson ideas

Second Coming: Preparation

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Preparing for the Second Coming

1 Thessalonians 5:2

Second Coming Surprise Jesus Christ will come again “as a thief in the night” (1 Thessalonians 5:2), meaning unexpectedly and at an unknown time. Are we preparing each day for that event? On small, individual slips of paper, have family members write down what they did yesterday (soccer practice, school, and so on). Put the slips into a hat (or bag). Parents secretly add another slip that reads: “Second Coming.”Take turns drawing an activity from the hat and reading it aloud. When someone draws “Second Coming,” the game’s over. Discussion: Which of the activities drawn from the hat helped prepare our family for Christ’s return? What should we add to our daily routines to prepare us more?

Story Images

I can prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ by choosing the right. (Jr)

Revelation 19:7

Ask the children if they have ever been to a wedding. What was it like? Why are people happy at a wedding? Display the picture of the Savior’s Second Coming in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families, and read Revelation 19:7. Explain that the “marriage of the Lamb” represents the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Why will we rejoice when the Savior comes again? Help the children compare the joy of a wedding to the joy of the Savior’s return. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)

Share with the children why you are looking forward to Jesus’s Second Coming. You could also sing together a song about the Second Coming, such as “When He Comes Again” (Children’s Songbook, 82–83). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)

“Article of Faith 10” (September 2011 Friend)
The pictures help illustrate what the tenth article of faith means.

Invite the children to share what they do to get ready for church on Sunday. Why do we do these things before we come to church? Why should we prepare for Christ’s Second Coming? On this week’s activity page, let the children draw what they can do to prepare for the Second Coming.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)

I can prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ by choosing the right. (Sr)

Revelation 19:7–8

How can you help the children you teach understand that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be a joyous event for the righteous?

Read together Revelation 19:7–8, and help the children understand the symbolism in these verses—the marriage is the Savior’s Second Coming, the Lamb is the Savior, and His wife is the Church (or all of us). What things might we do to prepare for the Savior to come again?(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)

Review and memorize Articles of Faith 1:10 with the children. Explain that this article of faith describes exciting, glorious events that will happen when Jesus comes again. Display the picture of Jesus’s Second Coming in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families, and invite the children to draw what they think Jesus’s Second Coming will be like. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)

“Article of Faith 10” (September 2011 Friend)
The pictures help illustrate what the tenth article of faith means.

As I follow God’s commandments, I will be ready for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. (Jr)

1 Thessalonians 5:1–6

Invite a mother to briefly share what it was like to wait for her baby to be born. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:2–3, and tell the children that Jesus Christ will come to earth again, but no one knows exactly when—just as a mother doesn’t know exactly when her baby will be born.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Clipart Library

Ask the children to talk about a time when they prepared for a trip or event. What did they do to prepare? Bring a suitcase or bag, and let the children pretend to pack it to get ready for a trip. With each item they pretend to pack, help the children think of one way we can prepare for Jesus Christ to come again. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

The Red Crystal

Read 1 Thessalonians 5:6 to the children, and explain that if we are not preparing for Jesus to come again, it’s like we have fallen asleep and we won’t be ready for Him. Invite the children to pretend they are asleep. Explain that if we do prepare, it’s like we are awake and waiting for Him. Invite them to wake up.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Sing together a song about the Second Coming, such as “When He Comes Again” (Children’s Songbook, 82–83).(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Latter Day Kids “Preparing for the Second Coming” Lesson ideas

As I follow God’s commandments, I will be ready for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. (Sr)

1 Thessalonians 5:1–6

Invite a child to read 1 Thessalonians 5:1–6 while the other children follow along. After each verse, ask a child to summarize what he or she thinks the verse is saying. You may want to explain that “the day of the Lord” means the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Why is the Second Coming compared to a thief in the night or a woman about to have a baby? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Ensign October 2019 “Family Study Fun”

Second Coming Surprise Jesus Christ will come again “as a thief in the night” (1 Thessalonians 5:2), meaning unexpectedly and at an unknown time. Are we preparing each day for that event? On small, individual slips of paper, have family members write down what they did yesterday (soccer practice, school, and so on). Put the slips into a hat (or bag). Parents secretly add another slip that reads: “Second Coming.”Take turns drawing an activity from the hat and reading it aloud. When someone draws “Second Coming,” the game’s over. Discussion: Which of the activities drawn from the hat helped prepare our family for Christ’s return? What should we add to our daily routines to prepare us more?

Story Images

Tell the children to imagine that the Savior will be visiting your class sometime today. How can we prepare for His visit? Help the children think of things we can do to prepare ourselves for the day Jesus Christ returns. For example, we can repent, forgive, improve our relationships with our family, follow the prophet, seek to have the Holy Ghost’s influence, and keep our covenants. Encourage the children to choose one thing they will do to prepare themselves to receive the Savior at His Coming.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Thessalonians” )

Sharing Time: What a Joyful Day” (December 2001 Friend)
Includes an activity to color various pictures of activities that can prepare children for the Second Coming.

Primary 7: New Testament “Lesson 46: Jesus Christ Will Come Again”

I can prepare to meet the Savior.

Doctrine and Covenants 29:2–11

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 29” Someday, each of us will be in the presence of Jesus Christ. While that day may be far into the future, the children can still think about what it will be like and how they can prepare for it.

Show a picture of the Second Coming and help a child read Doctrine and Covenants 29:11. Help the children notice phrases in the scripture that describe what they see in the picture. Share with the children how you feel about Jesus Christ coming to earth again.

Friend October 2019 “The Living Christ” Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Show the children pictures of things they can do to prepare to meet the Savior (such as the ones below) . Help the children find other ways to prepare for the Second Coming in Doctrine and Covenants 29:2–10.

Sing a song about the Second Coming, such as “When He Comes Again” (Children’s Songbook, 82–83).

Friend November 2024 “Jesus Christ Will Come Again” Book mark and part of President Nelson’s conference address about helping prepare the world for the Second Coming. He said, “Today I call upon you to help prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord. I call upon you to talk of Christ, testify of Christ, have faith in Christ, and rejoice in Christ! “

Parable of the Ten Virgins

Matthew 25:1–13

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 The parable of the ten virgins teaches that we cannot borrow our conversion to the Savior from others. How can you help the children take responsibility for their own conversion?

“Lesson 25: Parable of the Ten Virgins,” Primary 7: New Testament Explain that the parable of the ten virgins is based on ancient Jewish wedding customs. The bridegroom and his friends escorted the bride from her home to the home of the bridegroom. Along the way friends of the bride waited to join them. When they arrived at the bridegroom’s home, they all went inside for the wedding. These weddings usually took place in the evenings, so those waiting for the bride and bridegroom carried lamps.

New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “Matthew 25:1–13”

Before studying the parable, it is important to understand Jewish wedding customs during the Savior’s day. The bridegroom, accompanied by his close friends, would go at night to the bride’s house for the wedding ceremony. Following the ceremony, the wedding party would proceed to the groom’s house for a feast. Wedding guests joining the procession, including virgins or bridesmaids, were expected to carry their own lamps or torches to indicate they were part of the wedding party and to add brightness and beauty to the occasion.

  1. The bridegroom is symbolic of the Savior, and the coming of the bridegroom represents the Second Coming (see Doctrine and Covenants 33:17 ; 88:92 ; 133:10).
  2. President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency taught: “The ten virgins obviously represent members of Christ’s Church, for all were invited to the wedding feast and all knew what was required to be admitted when the bridegroom came” (Dallin H. Oaks, “Preparation for the Second Coming,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2004, 8).
  3. The lamps can symbolize our testimonies (see David A. Bednar, “Converted unto the Lord,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 109). Note that all ten virgins had lamps.
  4. The oil can symbolize our conversion unto the Lord Jesus Christ (see David A. Bednar, “Converted unto the Lord,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 109). This can include our efforts to follow the guidance of the Holy Ghost and to live obediently to the Savior and His gospel (see Doctrine and Covenants 45:56–58 ; In our lives the oil of preparedness is accumulated drop by drop in righteous living. … Each act of dedication and obedience is a drop added to our store. (Spencer W. Kimball, Faith Precedes the Miracle [1972], 255–56)

Most Jewish wedding ceremonies would take place in the evening. Several scripture passages refer to the Savior coming again like a thief in the night (see Joseph Smith Translation, Luke 12:44 [in the Bible appendix]; 1 Thessalonians 5:2 ; 2 Peter 3:10 ; Doctrine and Covenants 45:19 ; 106:4). The coming of the bridegroom at midnight suggests the unexpected hour of the Savior’s return. President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985) explained:

In Matthew 25:12 , notice the bridegroom’s response to the foolish virgins who tried to enter the wedding feast late and without the necessary oil. Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 25:11 clarifies that the bridegroom said, “Ye know me not” (in Matthew 25:12 , footnote a).

  • Remembering what the oil represents, why would the oil be essential to truly know the Savior and be ready to meet Him?
  • Why could the wise virgins not simply give the oil to the foolish virgins?
  • Ask a child to come prepared to share how he or she learned about the parable of the ten virgins at home this week.

  • Draw an oil lamp on the board, and label it testimony. Give each child a piece of paper shaped like a drop of oil, and ask each child to write on it something he or she will do to become more converted to the Savior. Attach their drops to the board around the lamp.

“Lesson 25: Parable of the Ten Virgins,” Primary 7: New Testament

Friend September 1995 “I Believe That Jesus Will Come Again,”

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 You might cut paper in the shape of drops of oil and hide the drops around your home. You could attach the drops to objects like the scriptures or a picture of the temple. When family members find the drops, you could discuss how these things help us prepare for the Second Coming.

  • Invite the children to help you make a list of things to do to prepare for a special visitor. How are these things similar to or different from ways we can spiritually prepare for the Savior’s Second Coming?

Friend August 2021 “The Important Guest” Ammon mother told him to tidy his room and she told him, “We want to invite someone important to be our guest. So we want our house to be clean and neat.” That night Ammon found out that the special guest was the Holy Ghost. The family also discussed additional ways to help the Holy Ghost feel welcome in their home.

  • On five strips of paper, write things that cannot be borrowed. On five other strips, write things that can be borrowed. Shuffle the strips, and ask the children to sort them into these two groups. Read together Matthew 25:1–13. Why is it important not to rely on others for our conversion to Jesus Christ?

“Lesson 25: Parable of the Ten Virgins,” Primary 7: New Testament Why do you think the five wise virgins did not share their oil? (Matthew 25:9.) Why couldn’t they have given some of their oil to the others? Explain that the shape of Jewish lamps, outside lips rounded inward, made it almost impossible for someone to pour oil from one lamp to another (see the illustration at the end of the lesson). In the parable, the oil in the wise virgins’ lamps represents their righteous living and obedience. We each fill our own lamp, which represents our own life, with our obedience and righteousness. Heavenly Father’s blessings to us for our righteous actions cannot be given to the disobedient.

New Testament Coloring Book “The Ten Virgins”

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “He Will Come Again” Lesson ideas

Stand in Holy Places

Doctrine and Covenants 45

Christ revealed signs of His coming as given on the Mount of Olives; 24–38, The gospel will be restored, the times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled, and a desolating sickness will cover the land; 39–47, Signs, wonders, and the Resurrection are to attend the Second Coming; 48–53, Christ will stand on the Mount of Olives, and the Jews will see the wounds in His hands and feet; 54–59, The Lord will reign during the Millennium; 60–62,The Prophet is instructed to begin the translation of the New Testament, through which important information will be made known; 63–75, The Saints are commanded to gather and build the New Jerusalem, to which people from all nations will come.

Doctrine and Covenants 45:32

32 But my disciples shall astand in holy places, and shall not be moved;

One reason the Savior and His prophets teach us about the signs of the Second Coming is to help us prepare. What do you learn in Doctrine and Covenants 45:31–32, 56–57 about preparing for the Lord’s Second Coming? It might be helpful to review the parable of the ten virgins, found in Matthew 25:1–13. The Savior compared the oil in this parable to truth and to the Holy Spirit (see Doctrine and Covenants 45:57). 

In Doctrine and Covenants 45:32, the Lord taught that His disciples will find safety in the last days by standing in holy places—places that are special to the Lord.

Friend May 2021 “Scripture Time Fun”

  • Sing “Choose the Right Way” (Children’s Songbook, 160).
  • Jesus Christ taught that we should “stand in holy places” (Doctrine and Covenants 45:32). A holy place can be anywhere we have the Holy Ghost with us.
  • With your family, list some things that help you stand in holy places, like being kind or praying. How do those things prepare us for Jesus Christ’s coming? Stick the list somewhere you’ll see it often.

The Parable of the Ten Virgins

The Savior compared the oil in this parable to truth and to the Holy Spirit (see Doctrine and Covenants 45:57). 

56 And at that day, when I shall come in my glory, shall the parable be fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten virgins.

57 For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived—verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day.

Friend May 2021 “Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones”

For Doctrine and Covenants 45: Read Doctrine and Covenants 45:32 and help your little ones say, “I can stand in holy places.” Play a game to see who can stand up first and say one good thing they did that day.

What are our “holy places”? What does it mean to “not be moved”? How can we make our home a holy place?

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 45”

  • Place pictures of a home, a church building, and a temple in different places throughout the room. Give clues describing these places, and invite the children to stand near the picture you are describing. Read the first line from Doctrine and Covenants 45:32. Testify that we are blessed when we spend time in holy places like our homes, our church buildings, and the temple. Ask the children to talk about how they feel when they are in holy places like these.
  • Invite the children to complete this week’s activity page. Help them write “I can help my home become a holy place” and “Doctrine and Covenants 45:32” on their drawing. What can they do to help their home become a holy place?
  • To help the children think about what it means to “not be moved,” ask them to stand still without moving for one minute. Read the first line from Doctrine and Covenants 45:32. Help the children understand that to “stand in holy places, and … not be moved” means to choose the right at all times, no matter what is happening. Invite them to “not be moved” away from righteous thoughts and actions.

Our Homes Can Be “Holy Places.”

Doctrine and Covenants 87

And it shall come to pass also that the aremnants who are left of the land will marshal themselves, and shall become exceedingly angry, and shall vex the Gentiles with a sore vexation.

And thus, with the asword and by bloodshed the inhabitants of the earth shall bmourn; and with cfamine, and plague, and earthquake, and the thunder of heaven, and the fierce and vivid lightning also, shall the inhabitants of the earth be made to feel the wrath, and indignation, and dchastening ehand of an Almighty God, until the consumption decreed hath made a full fend of all gnations;

That the cry of the saints, and of the ablood of the saints, shall cease to come up into the ears of the Lord of bSabaoth, from the earth, to be avenged of their enemies.

8 Wherefore, astand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh bquickly, saith the Lord. Amen.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 85-87” The children you teach will face spiritual and physical dangers throughout their lives. You can help them prepare to face those dangers by teaching them to find and stand in holy places. No home is perfect, but there are things we can all do to make our homes into holy places of peace.

  • Read together Doctrine and Covenants 87:6 to learn about things the Lord said would happen in the latter days. Ask the children to talk about challenges that children their age sometimes face. Invite them to find in verse 8 what the Lord said we should do during hard times. Tell the children about holy places in your life.
  • Help the children make a list of holy places, holy thoughts, and holy actions that can help them face spiritual danger (for ideas, see the videos “Standing in Holy Places” and “Stand Ye in Holy Places—Bloom Where You’re Planted,” Invite them to keep their list with them to refer to when needed.
  • Show a picture of a temple, and share why the temple is a holy place. Show a picture of a home, and help the children think of ways they can make their homes holy like the temple (see this week’s activity page). Why do we want to be in holy places?

Friend August 2021 “Bright Idea”

Treasure Up God’s Word

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 To help your family explore this chapter, invite them to look for the Savior’s teachings about how we can prepare for His Second Coming (see, for example, verses 22–23, 29–30, 37, 46–48). What can we do to follow this counsel? Your family might enjoy singing “When He Comes Again” (Children’s Songbook, 82–83) and drawing pictures of what they imagine the Savior’s Second Coming will be like.

New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023)

President Ezra Taft Benson (1899–1994) taught that false Christs and prophets are not limited to people but can also come in the form of false ideas and teachings (see Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Ezra Taft Benson [2014], 132). As you study this lesson, seek the guidance of the Spirit as you look for ways you can trust in the Lord and overcome any false ideas or deception.

After teaching about other deceptions and about signs of His Coming (see Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:23–36), the Savior taught a way to overcome deception. Read Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:37 .

Treasure Chest

In your study journal, draw a piece of treasure or a treasure chest. To treasure something means you cherish, hold dear, or greatly appreciate it. When we “treasure up” the Lord’s word, we consider it sacred and protect it (see Doctrine and Covenants 43:34). Around or inside the chest, write ways we can treasure up the Lord’s word.


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Table of Contents

Born Again

John 3:1–8

Jesus Teaches of Being Born Again Video

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 2–4” When we are baptized, which Jesus called being “born of water,” we receive a remission of our sins and can “enter into the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). How can you help the children you teach understand what being born again means?

  • Make word strips showing the Savior’s words in John 3:3, and let the children put them in the correct order. How is being baptized and confirmed like being born again?

What does it mean to be born again?

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught: “We begin the process of being born again through exercising faith in Christ, repenting of our sins, and being baptized by immersion for the remission of sins by one having priesthood authority. …

President Ezra Taft Benson taught: “In addition to the physical ordinance of baptism and the laying on of hands, one must be spiritually born again to gain exaltation and eternal life” (“Born of God,” Ensign, July 1989, 2–4). Therefore, being born again requires more than simply being baptized and confirmed. In order to be born again one needs to live in such a manner that the Holy Ghost changes the heart.

Elder David A. Bednar taught: “Conversion … is mighty, not minor—a spiritual rebirth and fundamental change of what we feel and desire, what we think and do, and what we are. As we choose to follow the Master, we choose to be changed—to be spiritually reborn” (“Ye Must Be Born Again,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 20).in order to realize the intended blessings of this born-again status, we must still keep our covenants and endure to the end” (“Have You Been Saved?,” Ensign, May 1998, 56).

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “John 2-4” Talk with your family about the miracle of pregnancy and birth—the process of creating a living, intelligent being. Jesus taught that we must be reborn before entering the kingdom of God. Why is rebirth a good metaphor for the change required of us before we can enter the kingdom of God? How can we experience the process of spiritual rebirth? (It takes time for an living intelligent being to grow in the womb and be born. Being born again is also a process and doesn’t happen instantly. )

“Total immersion in and saturation with the Savior’s gospel are essential steps in the process of being born again” (“Ye Must Be Born Again,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 21).

  • Display a picture of a newborn baby and of someone getting baptized and confirmed (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 104–5). How are we like a newborn baby after we are baptized and confirmed? (see John 3:3–5).
  • Invite the children to share memories of their baptisms. Read Mosiah 18:8–10 and Doctrine and Covenants 20:37 to review the baptismal covenant. Teach the children that taking the sacrament thoughtfully every week is a way to continue the process of being born again.

John 3:7–8. Why did Jesus compare being “born again” to the wind?

New Testament Seminary Teacher Manual “John In response to Nicodemus’s confusion about being born again, the Savior compared being born of the Spirit to the wind. (The Greek word for spirit is pneuma, which may also be translated as breath or wind.) Just as the wind is difficult to see, so it is difficult to see the process of being born again. We can see the effects of the wind but struggle to know when it starts and when it ends as well as where it comes from. A similar conclusion can be drawn about the process of being born again. It is difficult to see exactly when it starts or when it ends, but its effects are very visible as actions and desires change.

Friend February 2021 “Feeling Christ’s Love” When Elder Takashi Wada Of the Seventy was young he read the Bible in school and wanted to know more about Jesus. Then he met the missionaries and they gave him a Book of Mormon and her learned more about Jesus. He wanted to be baptized and follow Jesus.

Ensign May 2021 “Teaching in the Savior’s Way”

Several years ago, my son Jack and I had the opportunity to play the Old Course at St. Andrews in Scotland, where the game of golf began. It was simply amazing! Upon my return I tried to convey to others the magnitude of the experience. But I couldn’t. Photos, videos, and my best descriptions were totally inadequate. I finally realized the only way for someone to know the grandeur of St. Andrews is to experience it—to see the vast fairways, breathe the air, feel the wind in their face, and hit a few errant shots into the cavernous bunkers and burly gorse bushes, which we did with great efficiency.

So it is with the word of God. We can teach it, we can preach it, we can explain it. We can talk about it, we can describe it, we can even testify of it. But until a person feels the sacred word of God distill upon his or her soul like the dews from heaven through the power of the Spirit,8 it will be like looking at a postcard or someone else’s vacation photos. You have to go there yourself. Conversion is a personal journey—a journey of gathering.

Doctrine and Covenants 63:9–10

Ezra Booth was converted to the Church after seeing Joseph Smith heal Elsa Johnson’s arm (which she hadn’t been able to use for two years). But Ezra later lost his faith, and he became critical of the Prophet. Doctrine and Covenants 63 contains warnings against trying to build our faith on signs, such as miraculous healings, rather than on spiritual confirmation of truth. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 63”)

Invite the children to draw a house sitting on top of a rectangle and another house sitting on the point of a triangle. Tell the children that the houses represent our faith and testimonies. Ask them to read Doctrine and Covenants 63:9–10 and Helaman 5:12. Then have them write in the rectangle what we should build our faith on and in the triangle what we should not build our faith on. Point out that the rectangle provides a solid place to build but the triangle is not safe and secure. Why is it important to build our faith on Jesus Christ rather than on other things? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 63”)

Explain that a miracle is something God does to show His power and bless our lives (see Bible Dictionary, “Miracles”)You might also consider why some people receive signs “for the good of men unto [God’s] glory” (verse 12) and others receive them “unto … condemnation” (verse 11). Maybe your family members could talk about miracles that have strengthened their faith, including experiences from your family or your family history. How did they exercise the faith needed to receive these miracles? What does Doctrine and Covenants 63:7–12 teach about the relationship between faith and miracles? (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 60–62”)

Watch beginning of this video about Ezra Booth

A Mighty Change of Heart

Mosiah 5:1–7

The people felt different and new inside because they had faith in Jesus. Now they wanted to do good things all the time. They made a promise to follow God’s commandments for the rest of their lives. Because they believed in Jesus and made this promise, they were called Jesus’s people. Mosiah 5:2–9, 156:1–2

Come Follow Me Kid “Mosiah 4-6” A Mighty Change – What does the word “change” mean? Share examples of things that change (caterpillars change to butterflies, dough changes to cookies when you bake it, etc.). Can WE change? Mosiah 5:2 says that the Spirit of the Lord caused a “mighty change” in the hearts of people.

Ensign April 2020 “Family Study Fun” Heart Scrambler

After King Benjamin taught his people about the Atonement of Jesus Christ, they experienced “a mighty change” in their hearts, so that they had “no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually” (Mosiah 5:2).

  1. Cut out six paper hearts and write the letters C-H-A-N-G-E, one letter on each heart. Turn the hearts upside down on the table and scramble them.
  2. Choose a family member to flip the papers over and unscramble the word. Discuss how King Benjamin’s people experienced a change in their hearts.
  3. Each family member now chooses a letter from the table and thinks of a word or phrase that suggests a mighty change of heart. (Example: C = charity, or choose the right; H = happiness; and so on.)

Discussion: What caused the people to experience “a mighty change” in their hearts? What blessings can we receive when we turn our hearts to God?

For the Strength of Youth “A Mighty Change of Heart”

Mothers & Women: Lesson Ideas

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Influence of Women

Friend September 2023 “Women of Faith” By President Dallin H. Oaks tells about the women who have influenced him in his life.

Honor Your Mother

I can honor my mother as Jesus did.

Jesus Turns Water into Wine video

John 2:1–11

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 2–4” At the wedding in Cana, Mary told Jesus that the wine had run out. According to the Joseph Smith Translation, Jesus responded to His mother by asking, “Woman, what wilt thou have me to do for thee? that will I do” (in John 2:4, footnote a). Jesus is an example of how we should treat our mothers.

  • Invite the children to read John 2:1–11 and take turns retelling the story in their own words.
  • Ask the children to list things their mother might need help with. Invite them to practice what they could say to her using some of Jesus’s words: “What wilt thou have me to do for thee?” (John 2:4, footnote a).

Friend November 2022 “A Happy Helper” Felix helps his mom get ready for Grandpa’s visit. A

  • Invite some mothers to visit your class and share what their children do to show respect for them.

To honor your parents means to love, respect, and obey them.

Friend November 2021 “Jesus Honored His Parents” As He grew up, Jesus obeyed His earthly parents. He loved and cared for them. Even when He was dying on the cross, He asked one of His disciples to take care of His mother. He also honored His Heavenly Father by keeping the commandments.

New Era March 2017 “20 Ways to Honor Mom and Dad”

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “John 2-4” At a marriage feast in Cana, Christ changed water into wine—an event John called the “beginning of miracles” (John 2:11). That’s true in more than one sense. While this was the first miracle Jesus performed publicly, it can also symbolize another miraculous beginning—the process of our hearts being transformed as we become ever more like our Savior. This miracle of a lifetime begins with the decision to follow Jesus Christ, to change and live a better life through Him.

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day Gifts and Cards

No Mother in the Home

Friend June 2019 “For Parent’s of Little Ones” Father’s Day and Mother’s Day can bring up sad feelings for children who don’t have a mom or dad at home. This article gives great ideas on how to honor those days in sensitive ways.