Visit by Angel Moroni
The Book of Mormon was given to us by the power of God.
Show the children a picture of Moroni talking to Joseph Smith as you read Revelation 14:6 (see Gospel Art Book, no. 91). Invite the children to point to the angel in the picture. Share with them the account of Moroni’s visit (see “Chapter 3: The Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates,” in Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 13–17, or the corresponding video on, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 6–14”)
Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Chapter 3: The Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates” Images and Video
Friend January 2021 “Joseph Smith and the Gold Plates”
- To help your children learn how God gave us the Book of Mormon, you could read parts of “The Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith” to them. You might also use “Chapter 1: How We Got the Book of Mormon” (in Book of Mormon Stories, 2–4). Your children might also enjoy acting out the story a few times.
Why were some ancient records written on metal plates? (Take a piece of paper, tear it, and pour a little water on it.) Explain that during ancient times, the people used other materials than paper for written communications, but those materials could also be easily damaged and could decompose and disintegrates over time. Some ancient historians used metal if they had an important message that they wanted to endure for a long period of time.
Book of Mormon Stories: Chapter One “How We Got the Book of Mormon” Video and images about the story of Joseph Smith and the golden plates.
By restoring His gospel, the Savior fulfilled ancient prophecies.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025
When Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith, he quoted several Old and New Testament prophecies, such as Isaiah 11; Acts 3:22–23; and Joel 2:28–32. As you read Joseph Smith—History 1:34–47, think about why these prophecies might have been important for Joseph to know. Why are they important for you to know?
- Scripture Figures: “The Book of Mormon, a Gift From Heavenly Father” (December 2012 Liahona and Friend)
Scripture figures to go along with the story of Joseph Smith receiving the Golden Plates.
“Receiving the Gold Plates” (June 2008 Liahona and May 2008 Friend)
An illustrated retelling of the story of Joseph Smith receiving the plates from Moroni.
Friend May 2008
Liahona January 2021 “What did Moroni Teach Joseph” A short explanation of what Moroni taught Joseph when he appeared to him four times.
Friend January 2021 “Joseph Smith and the Gold Plates”
After receiving the plates from the angel Moroni, Joseph hid them in a hollow log to keep them safe until he could get a box to lock them in. The next day, while Joseph Smith was at work, his father overheard a group of men plotting to steal the plates. Emma went to warn Joseph, and he, through the Urim and Thummim, was able to see that the plates were safe. He also knew it was time to get the plates from the log to keep them safe.
“Hurrying to the hill, Joseph found the log where the plates were hidden and carefully wrapped them in a shirt. He then ducked into the woods and headed for home, his eyes alert to danger. …
“Straining under the weight of the record, Joseph tramped through the woods as fast as he could. A fallen tree blocked the path ahead of him, and as he bounded over it, he felt something hard strike him from behind. Turning around, he saw a man coming at him, wielding a gun like a club.
“Clutching the plates tightly with one arm, Joseph knocked the man to the ground and scrambled deeper into the thicket. He ran for about half a mile when another man sprang from behind a tree and struck him with the butt of his gun. Joseph fought the man off and darted away, desperate to be out of the woods. But before he could get very far a third man attacked, landing a heavy blow that sent him reeling. Gathering his strength, Joseph hit the man hard and ran for home. …
“After Joseph brought the gold plates home, treasure seekers tried for weeks to steal them. To keep the record safe, he had to move it from place to place, hiding the plates under the hearth, beneath the floor of his father’s shop, and in piles of grain. He could never let his guard down.
“… He was determined to care for the plates, trusting in the Lord’s promise that if he did everything he could, they would be protected” (Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days, vol. 1, The Standard of Truth, 1815–1846 [2018], 40-41, 43).
- Cutout Figures: “Joseph Smith Protects the Gold Plates” (June 2008 Friend)
Color and cut out these figures to retell the story.
Friend May 2008 “Protecting the Gold Plates”
Joseph Smith’s mother, Lucy Mack Smith, wrote that after the first visits of Moroni,
“Joseph continued to receive instructions from the Lord, and we continued to
get the children together every evening for the purpose of listening while he
gave us a relation of the same. . . . During our evening conversations, Joseph
would occasionally give us some of the most amusing recitals that could be
imagined. He would describe the ancient inhabitants of this continent, their
dress, mode [method] of traveling, and the animals upon which they rode; their
cities, their buildings, with every particular; their mode of warfare; and also their
religious worship. This he would do with as much ease, seemingly, as if he had
spent his whole life among them” (Lucy Mack Smith, History of Joseph Smith,
pp. 82–83). Because he had always been honest, Joseph Smith’s parents and
brothers and sisters believed all Joseph told them.
- After reading the Book of Matthew, Joseph Smith decided to pray about which church to join. (See JS—H 1:11.)
- True: Move right three dots
- False: Move left three dots
- Joseph Smith was instructed to join any church he wanted to. (See JS—H 1:19.)
- True: Move up one dot
- False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
- Joseph Smith was fourteen years old when he received the First Vision. (See JS—H 1:23.)
- True: Move down two dots
- False: Move left two dots
- Joseph Smith received a strong testimony of the reality and divinity of Heavenly Father and Jesus, which he never denied. (See JS—H 1:25.)
- True: Move right three dots
- False: Move down two dots
- Joseph Smith had forgotten to say his prayers the night Moroni first appeared to him. (See JS—H 1:29–30.)
- True: Move down and right one dot
- False: Move diagonally up and right two dots
- Joseph Smith’s room was very dark while Moroni was there. (See JS—H 1:32.)
- True: Move down two dots
- False: Move up two dots
- Moroni told Joseph Smith that he, Moroni, had been sent by Noah to teach Joseph. (See JS—H 1:33.)
- True: Move down one dot
- False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
- Moroni told Joseph Smith about certain gold plates that contained the gospel. (See JS—H 1:34.)
- True: Move down two dots
- False: Move up two dots
- Moroni quoted prophecies from the Old Testament. (See JS—H 1:36–40.)
- True: Move up two dots
- False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
- The Book of Mormon was translated from the gold plates. (See JS—H 1:66–67.)
- True: Move left three dots
- False: Move right one dot.
The Golden Plates
Music: “The Golden Plates” (Children’s Songbook, 86)
Martin Harris Visits Professor Anthon
A Marvelous Work and a Wonder Video
Teach the children about Martin Harris’s experiences with Professor Anthon and Dr. Mitchell, as recorded in Joseph Smith—History 1:62–65. Help the children understand that these events fulfilled a prophecy made by the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 29:11–12; see also 2 Nephi 27:15–20) thousands of years before Joseph Smith’s time. (Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History: Lesson 5)
Church History Topics “Martin Harris’s Consultations with Scholars” This article tells the story and has pictures of Martin Harris and Professor Anthon.
What did Professor Anthon say when Martin Harris first showed him a copy of some of the Book of Mormon writings? (JS—H 1:64.) Why do you think Professor Anthon tore up the certificate when he learned that an angel had shown Joseph Smith where to find the gold plates? (JS—H 1:65.
- “Emma Hale, the Prophet’s Wife” (April 2008 Friend)
An illustrated retelling of the story of Joseph and Emma meeting and getting married.
Scriptures Coloring Book: Pearl of Great Price “Joseph and Emma”
Music: “An Angel Came to Joseph Smith” (Children’s Songbook, 86)
An angel came to Joseph Smith, And from the ground he took A sacred record hidden there, A precious, holy book.
It tells of people long ago, Led by the Lord’s own hand, Who left their homes and crossed the seaTo reach a favored land.
The Nephites and the Lamanites, And all who came to dwell, Had peace when they obeyed the Lord, The sacred records tell.
And now I’ll read the sacred book, And then I’ll understand That Heav’nly Father loves us all In each and ev’ry land.
Music: “An Angel from on High” (Hymns, no. 13)
Who was Moroni? Show the children the book of Moroni in the Book of
Mormon. Explain that Moroni was the last of the Nephite prophets. He lived
about A.D. 400 and wrote some of the Book of Mormon. What did Moroni do
with the gold plates when he finished writing on them? (Mormon 8:1, 4.) Why
was Moroni chosen to visit Joseph Smith?
Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Moroni Buried the Gold Plates”
Pearl of Great Price Scriptures Coloring Book “Angel Moroni Appears to Joseph”
Scriptures Coloring Book: Pearl of Great Price “The Gold Plates”
Friend January 2021 “Show and Tell” Anna made a diorama of Joseph Smith getting the gold plates.
Additional Resources
- Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 3: The Angel Moroni Visits Joseph Smith” Story, activity and lesson ideas.
- Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 4: Joseph Smith Prepares to Receive the Gold Plates”
- Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 5: Joseph Smith Receives the Gold Plates”
- Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65”
- Saints Volume 1: Chapter 3 “Plates of Gold”
People, Places, Events
Reconstructed Smith home where Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith
Gospel Art Picture: “Joseph Smith Receives the Gold Plates”