Lesson 27: Helaman and the Stripling Warriors

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Lesson 27
Helaman and the Stripling Warriors

• Items needed: tape, scriptures for each child, two containers, colored markers, several pieces of chalk and an eraser, scissors for each child (child scissors can usually be checked out at meetinghouse libraries).

• Print and cut out the health statements. Tape the “true” and “false” signs onto the containers, one on each.  Also print and cut out the characteristics activity items.
• Print and cut out the scripture story visual aids. (The footprints are not in the correct order. This is to allow you to use different colored paper for  each of the three groups. To help you identify the groups, there are letters next to each number on the footprints. S stands for stripling warrior, L stands for Lamanites, and N stands for Nephites. Also trace and cut out one blank footprint for each group from the color paper used.)
• Print the small footprints. One copy is needed per child, and they can be printed or copied onto different colored papers if desired.
• Print or obtain the pictures of the Two Thousand Young Warriors and The Anti-Nephi-Lehies Burying their Swords.
• Put the scripture story answer strips on the board using magnets or tape before class begins, or pre-stick them to a small portable display board using sticky tack. Post the big sign that says “Faith in God” on a wall.

Attention Activity
Put the true and false labeled containers on the table. Give each child a health statement, and have them take turns reading their statement. Tell the children to stand up if they hear a statement read that is not true. Ask the children to explain why it is not true. After a statement is read, have the child put their statement in the true or the false container.

Ask the children how they knew when something was false. (Because their mothers or someone had taught them what is correct.)

• What would happen if someone did the things that were on the false statements? (Their body could become unhealthy, sick, or injured). Does knowing the consequences of following the false health statements help you want to do what is correct? Did knowing what was right help you stand up and declare when something was false?

Tell the children that in today’s lesson they will learn about a group of young men who were taught what is right by their mothers; they were taught to have faith in God and to be obedient to God’s commandments. This knowledge helped them be valiant in doing and defending what is right.

Scripture Story
Remind the children of last week’s lesson concerning Amalickiah and his desire to rule over all the land. His wicked desires motivated him to start a war to attain his purposes. Explain that Amalickiah’s quest for power was brief because he was killed by the Nephite Teancum. But Amalickiah’s brother, Ammaron, was appointed to be king over the Lamanites in Amalickiah’s stead. Ammaron also desired power, and he continued the terrible war his brother had started.

There was much suffering and death that occurred because of the war. The Lamanites attacked and captured many Nephite cities. They accomplished this through cunning and through their numberless hosts. The cities they captured were all strongly fortified after the manner of the fortifications of Moroni; all of which afforded strongholds for the Lamanites.

Show a picture of the “Anti-Nephi-Lehies Burying Their Swords”, and ask the children if they remember who the people in the picture are and why they were burying their weapons. Remind the children that after the Anti-Nephi-Lehies (the people of Ammon) repented of their many sins, they made a covenant to never shed blood again. Because of their covenant they would not defend themselves against the Lamanites. In order to protect the people of Ammon, the Nephites gave them the land of Jershon to live in. (Put the land of Jershon picture on the top left of the board (or wall).

When the people of Ammon saw the danger, the afflictions, and the many tribulations the Nephites were enduring in the war against the Lamanites, they were moved to compassion and wished to take up arms in defense of their country. Helaman persuaded them not to break their oath because Helaman feared they would lose their souls if they broke their covenant.

The people of Ammon had many sons who had not entered into the covenant. These young sons gathered and covenanted to fight for the liberty of the people. (Put the picture of the stripling warriors at the top right of the board.) These young warriors chose a leader, and then they marched toward the southern borders in support of the people there.

Put footprint number one on the board, next to the land of Jershon, heading towards the bottom right of the board. Have a child read the question on the footprint and then find the matching answer. Have the children look up and read the scripture reference to make sure the answer is correct. If the answer is incorrect have the child exchange their answer for the correct one. Afterwards, add any additional discussion or comments that are listed under the question below. Continue in this manner with each footprint, going in numerical order.

1-S) Who did the young Ammonites choose as their leader? (Alma 53:19) The stripling warriors desired Helaman to be their leader.

• Who was Helaman? He was the oldest son of the prophet Alma the younger. He had been chosen to be the next spiritual leader of the people and the keeper of the records.

• Why would choosing and following a righteous leader make a difference in the young Ammonite’s effectiveness and safety in battle? A righteous leader would seek for, be worthy of, and follow the guidance of the Holy Ghost as he made decisions concerning their endeavors.

2-S) How many of these young Ammonite warriors were there at first? (Alma 53:22) There were two thousand of these young men called stripling warriors.

• What does “stripling” mean? The dictionary defines it as a boy in his teenage years who has not yet grown to his full size.

3-S) What did Helaman call the stripling warriors? (Alma 56:10) Sons

• Why did Helaman call the stripling warriors sons? They were young and worthy to be called sons, and Helaman loved each of these young men like a father loves his children.

4-S) What city did the sons of Helaman march to? (Alma 56:9) The city of Judea (Put the picture of the city of Judea on the board, along with footprint five leading to its entrance.)

5-S) How did the Nephites in Judea respond when they saw the stripling warriors? (Alma 56:10 & 16-17) (Joyfully)  The leader Antipus rejoiced to have reinforcements to strengthen his army. The Nephite soldiers were also joyful. They had lost many men and had suffered much in defense of their cities, and it gave them hope and joy to see the stripling warriors.

Now that the Nephites had reinforcements they wished to try and draw out the Lamanites from the Nephite cities they had taken. They did not desire to attack the Lamanites in their strongholds.

6-S) Who did Antipus send out of the city of Judea as bait to pretend to take provisions to a neighboring city? (Alma 56:30) Helaman and the stripling warriors

7-S) Which Lamanite conquered city did Helaman and his two thousand stripling warriors march past in order to try and draw the Lamanites out? (Alma 56:31) Antiparah (Put the city of Antiparah just below footprint number six.)

(Put the next footprint (8-L) coming out of the city of Antiparah.)

8-L) What did the Lamanites in Antiparah do when they saw Helaman and his young warriors? (Alma 56:35-36) The Lamanites came forth from Antiparah with their army and pursued after them. Helaman and his stripling warriors did flee before the Lamanites, and thus they did accomplish their goal of leading away a large Lamanite army from their stronghold.

(Put the next footprint coming out of the city of Judea. The footprints after that will be added to the end of the footprints of each group according to their label of L for Lamanites, N for Nephites, and S for the stripling warriors.)

9-N) What were Antipus and part of his army doing when the stripling warriors were marching past Antiparah? (Alma 56:33) They were marching forth from Judea to go attack the Lamanites that came out of Antiparah.

10-L) What did the Lamanites desire to do before the Nephite army overtook them? (Alma 56:37) Slay Helaman and his stripling warriors so they would not be surrounded when the Nephite army overtook them.

11-N) What did Antipus do when he saw the danger to the young stripling warriors? (Alma 56:38) Increased the speed of his army

12 -S) How many days did the Lamanites pursue Helaman and the stripling warriors? (Alma 56:42) Two days and two nights, and into the morning of the third day. (Put one blank footprint on each group to represent the pursuit, and then explain that on the morning of the third day the Lamanites halted their pursuit.

13-S) What did the stripling warriors want to do when they saw they were no longer being pursued? (Alma 56:43-46) They wanted to turn back, even though the situation could be a trap. They wanted to make sure Antipus and his army had not been overcome by the Lamanites.

(Put the next footprints turning back to head towards the Lamanite footprints).

14-S) Why were the stripling warriors not afraid to fight in the battle against the Lamanites? (Alma 56:47) (Love for family & faith in God) They had been taught by their mothers that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.

15-S) What did the stripling warriors discover when they turned back? (Alma 56:49) They discovered a terrible battle had commenced between the Lamanites and the army of Antipus. (Put the visual aid that is labeled battle area between the end of the Lamanite and Nephite footprints.)

(Put the next footprint on top of the battle area.)

16-N) What would have happened to the army of Antipus if the stripling warriors had not turned back? (Alma 56:50) The army of Antipus was weary from their long, fast march and they were about to fall into the hands of the Lamanites. If Helaman and his stripling warriors had not returned, the army would have fallen.

(Put footprint sixteen on top of footprint fifteen.)

17-L) The Lamanites surrendered to the Nephites. What factors compelled them to surrender? (Alma 56:54 & 56) With the arrival of the two thousand stripling warriors into the battle, the Lamanites were surrounded, but the most compelling reason for their surrender was that they became afraid when they saw the mighty power and strength the two thousand warriors fought with.

(Put footprint eighteen on top of footprint seventeen, and tell the children that after the Lamanites surrendered, Helaman numbered his young men fearing that many had been slain.)

18-S) How many stripling warriors died in battle? (Alma 55-56) To his great joy he discovered that not one of them had been slain by the sword

After returning to the city of Judea and receiving reinforcements, the Nephites and stripling warriors waged other battles against the Lamanites, and they took back several cities. After one great battle, where they were outnumbered and many people were killed, Helaman was once again worried that that some of his young men might have been killed.


Have six children, in sets of two, quickly draw on the board some stick figures under the title of Nephites, Lamanites, and stripling warriors. Have a child erase some of the Nephites. Explain that a thousand Nephites were killed in the terrible battle. Have another child erase some the Lamanites. Explain that many Lamanites were also killed in the battle. (Activity Source: Teaching the Scripture Readers)

• How many of the stripling warriors were killed in the battle? Every one of the stripling warriors had several injuries, but Helaman was happy to find out that not one of them had perished. (Alma 57:25)

The stripling warrior’s preservation was astonishing to the Nephite army, and they attributed it to the stripling warrior’s great faith in the Lord that He would preserve them.

The stripling warriors gained their great faith while in their youth as they listened to and obeyed the teachings of their mothers. Heavenly Father gives us parents to love, teach, and guide us through our lives.

• What are some things that your parents or other family members (such as grandparents) have taught you that led you to gaining faith in the Lord?

Give each child a page of the small footsteps and have the children write their answers on the small footsteps. (For example: Keep the Sabbath Day holy, read the scriptures, say prayers, be honest, be forgiving, serve others, etc.) Have them roughly cut a few out and post them on the wall heading toward the sign that says “Faith in God.” Tell the children that at the end of class you want them to take their footsteps (cutting out the rest later) and put them on a wall in their room leading to their sign that says “Faith in God”. This will help remind them that following the righteous teachings of their parents and family members can lead them to gaining faith in God.

Activity & Game
As the Ammonites listened to and obeyed the righteous teachings of their mothers, not only did they gain great faith but they also developed other strong, righteous characteristics.

Divide the children into four groups and explain that each group is going to look up a scripture that tells about one of the righteous characteristics the young Ammonites developed in their youth. Give each group their characteristic card and their scripture and discussion ideas card. Tell them to read their discussion card and scripture and be prepared to tell what their characteristic is, tell about or describe their characteristic, and read the related parts of their scripture to the class. Have them tape their characteristic on the board. (Be prepared to add in any additional needed discussion to what the children present.)

After a group presents their characteristic, do the following game: Have a child stand and tell how they can demonstrate that characteristic as they go about their day to day life. For example “I can courageously stand up for the right by sticking up for a child that is being picked on.” Have the next child stand and say the same thing plus add their own. Continue doing this until all the children have had a turn. (Start with a different child each time a new characteristic is presented.)

Trustworthy and Reliable (Read the second half of Alma 53:20) The stripling warriors were “true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted.” The Lord could count on them to always do the right things and firmly follow through with whatever he asked of them. The people around them could also rely on them to be dependable and trustworthy.

Courageous (Read the first half of Alma 53:20) “They were exceedingly valiant for courage.” They had great courage and did not fear death. “They did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives.” (Alma 56:47) They courageously stood for what is right because of their love for their family. Our family and friends are also under attack – spiritual attack. We need to have the courage to stand up for what is right and defend truth and right to help make the world a safer and better place for them.

Hard Working (Read the first half of Alma 53:20) “They were exceedingly valiant for courage and also for strength and activity.’ Valiant for strength and activity means they worked hard to do whatever needed to be done.

Obedient – to parents, leaders, and the commandments of God. (Read the scriptures below.)
• How did the young Ammonites respond to the commands they received from their leaders and from God? (See Alma 57:21) “They did obey…. every word of command with exactness.” (Alma 58:40) “They are strict to remember the Lord their God from day to day; yea, they do observe to keep his statutes, and his judgments, and his commandments continually.”

(Read this quote after the characteristic of obedience is presented.) “The key to their success was to obey every word and command. Yes, if we are going to draw upon the powers of heaven, intention is not enough. We must obey every word of command with exactness…We must actually obey the law; intention is not enough!” Rex C. Reeve, New Era, Jul 1981

Explain to the children that they can be given the strength and power to stand up for what is right and gain characteristics of great worth like the stripling warriors if they will listen to and follow the righteous teachings and examples of their parents and leaders.

Weekly Reading Assignment

Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: Alma 53: 10–22 & Alma 56:21-56

Choose the Right Way verse one

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Choose the Right Way – verse one


  • Items needed: a picture of Jesus, tape, sticky tack, a recording of the song “Choose the Right Way” and a electronic device to play it on (or you can sing the song to the children).
  • Print the song pages and cover strips onto heavy paper. Cut out the cover strips. Cut three additional cover strips the same width as the biggest cover strip.  Using double-sided removable tape, place the small cover strips on the song pages in the spots indicated in the pictures above.
  • Before the start of Primary attach the picture of Jesus to a side wall using sticky tack.


Tell the children you are going to play a recording of (or sing) the first two lines of the song, and they need to listen carefully because you are going to ask them questions about it afterwards. (The song can be replayed at any time during the activity if they don’t know an answer) Pause the recording after the first two lines. Show the first song page and ask the following questions – following the directions after each question.

  • Can anyone tell me what the words are that are covered up on the song page? (live and be happy) When the children say what the words are, take the covers off. Put the song page on the board.
  • According to the song what is the right way to live and be happy? (Choosing the Right) Show the children the second song page.
  • When should we choose the right? (every day) Remove the word cover. Put the song page on the board and have the children sing those two lines.

Play the recording of the third and fourth line. (Note: If you paused the recording after playing the first two lines it should be ready to go. ) Show the third song page and ask the children the following question.

  • What does the song say I am learning? (the teachings of Jesus) Put the song page on the board. Show the children the fourth song page.
  • What are the two things the song says the teachings of Jesus will do?  (help me  & show me the way) Point out the two paths on the picture, and point out the stones that have the teachings of Jesus on them to help show the right way to go. Put the song page on the board and have the children sing those two lines. Then have them sing all four lines.

Memorizing Activity

Tell the children they are going to do an activity to help them memorize the verse. Have the children line up against the wall that is facing the wall where the picture of Jesus is. Tape the song pages near the picture of Jesus. Explain that you are going to cover all the words on one page (review the words with the children before covering them with the big cover strips). Tell the children they are going to sing the song, and if the majority of them remember and sing the covered words they will get to take two steps toward the picture of Jesus. If less than half the people sing the covered words they will only get to take one step. But they can earn the additional step by singing the song again and doing better.

Remind the children that the song is called “Choose the Right Way” and as we choose the right in life it brings us closer to Jesus.

Continue the activity in this manner until all the words are covered. Then start taking the song pages off the wall and doing the same activity until they can sing the song without any pictures.

Before doing this activity remind the children it is not a competition.  Also remove things and people from the aisles if the children will be walking through the chair areas.

Review Idea

Put the song pictures in a vertical row on the board with all the words covered with the big cover strips. Have a child choose which song page is the first one in the verse. If the child chose correctly ask if any of the children can remember the words that go with the picture. After the words are reviewed move the next three song pages over about a foot. Have a child either draw a line with chalk to the next song page, or tape a ribbon from the first song page to the second song page. If they are correct ask if anyone can remember  the words that go with the second song page. (Have the children sing the first two lines of the song.) After the words are reviewed move the last two song pages over about a foot and have another child draw a line, or tape a ribbon, from the second song page to the third song page. After the words are reviewed move the last song page over about a foot. The child who draws the line, or puts the ribbon on, connecting the third to the fourth song page must also be able to tell what words go with that song page. Sing the last two lines of the verse, and then sing the whole verse.

This is an activity that goes with the title of the song- “Choose the Right Way”.

Note: The pictures came from flipcharts made by Laurey Lee  and Wendy Brown that were posted on Sugardoodle. Thanks a bunch!

The memorizing activity idea came from the Friend August 2003 Sharing Time Suggestion.

Media: Clipart

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Friend March 2015
Friend March 2015
Friend March 2015
Friend March 2015
Friend April 2015
Friend April 2015

Work & Responsibility: Clipart

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Table of Contents

Washing Dishes


House Cleaning


Friend February 2019

Pet Care


Yard Work


Friend September 2015 - funstuff
Friend September 2015 – Funstuff
Friend Jan 2015
Friend Jan 2015


Friendship: Clipart

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Friend September 2017
Friend April 2015
Friend April 2015 Story – Boy lets others have a chance to win too.

New Testament Clipart

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See also “Jesus Christ Clipart”

Friend March 2015
Friend March 2015
Friend April 2015
Friend April 2015  Lesson Ideas
Friend Feb 2015
Friend Feb 2015
Friend April 1982
Friend April 1982 – Includes info about shepherds
Friend July 2015- Parable of the Talents - includes lesson ideas
Friend July 2015– Parable of the Talents – link includes lesson ideas

Easter – Song Review

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Easter – Song Review

This activity is based on the classic game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey, but instead of a tail and donkey a blindfolded child will attempt to put an Easter egg into a basket. Have a child choose an egg and read the name of the song on the back. Blindfold the child and turn them around. Point them in the right direction. Have the other children help the child find the basket by singing the song soft when the child is far away from the basket and loud when the child is close.

A real basket and plastic eggs can be used, or you can print and cut out the eggs and basket visuals. (I used sparkly paper for my eggs.) Write or print out a list of songs you wish to review and put each one on the back of an egg, or in an egg if plastic eggs are used.

Post the picture of the basket on a wall where there is an open space to get to the basket. For safety, stay next to the blindfolded child to help them when they get near any obstacles. Put removable double-sided tape or sticky tack on the back of each egg so it can stick to the basket. (You may wish to move the basket to a different location each time, but move it when the child is blindfolded.)

Remind the children that eggs are used in the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection because for some people the new chick coming from the egg is a reminder of the risen Lord coming forth from the tomb.

Resurrection – Easter, Item #5 – Song

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Resurrection – Easter
Item #5- Song
“Did Jesus Really Live Again?”


  • Items needed: removable double-sided tape, a clear page protector, a recording of the song with words and a device to play it on.
  • Print the two small pages of visual aids. Glue the two pages together, back to back. (All parts of the picture will need to have glue on it.) Cut the small pictures apart into individual sections.
  • Note: If using this idea in Primary, print the larger version of the visual aids. You will need to tape four page protectors together, edge to edge, using clear tape, and also tape or glue the four pages of the picture of Jesus together. The song pictures will need to be glued to the back of the picture of Jesus in the right order as displayed in the above picture. Then cut apart the song cards so a part of the picture of Jesus is attached to each piece.
  • Note: The song comes from the Children’s Songbook Pg 64, and the pictures are from the Friend Magazine and Primary Manuals.



Give one or two of the song pictures to each class or child. Tell them they are going to put the song words in order on the clear page protector. Have them listen to the song once, then ask who has the first part of the song. Have them put it on the page protector.  (The page protector should be horizontal, and the pictures should start at the top left corner and go towards the right. Each row will be a verse.) Ask who has the second part of the song. You may need to listen to the song again if they aren’t sure what comes next. Also have them sing what they have put in order so far as they listen.  Continue in this manner until all the pictures have been put on the page protector. Turn over the page to sing the final sentence. If the pictures are in the correct order, a picture of the resurrected Jesus Christ will be seen through the page protector.

To help the children learn the song, have a child take one or two of the small pictures off the page protector. Sing the song again to see if they can remember the part that has been taken off. Repeat this process until all the pictures have been removed and the children can sing the song without them. The following actions could be used in place of a removed picture:

Did Jesus really live again (hold hands out with palms up)
Yes, when the third day came (hold up three fingers)
He wakened and he left the tomb (walk in place)
He called Mary’s name (cup hands around mouth)
Did Jesus come to those he loved (Put hands over heart)
Yes, people touched his feet (bend over and touch feet),
And of the fish and honeycomb (wiggle hand back and forth like a fish swimming)
He did truly eat (pantomime eating).
And there were nail prints in his hands (point to hand)
And a spear wound in his side (point to side)
Did Jesus really live again after he had died (hold hands out with palms up)
Oh yes! And so shall I (nod head)!