Self-Esteem: Lesson Ideas

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Jesus Christ can help weak things become strong.

Ether 12:23–27

As children get older, they become more aware of their weaknesses. Use these verses to teach them how the Savior can make “weak things become strong” (Ether 12:27).

  • Describe for the children a task that would require a lot of physical strength to accomplish. Invite them to share examples of things they aren’t strong enough to do now. How could we become strong enough to accomplish these tasks? Explain that we also have spiritual work to do, but we sometimes feel spiritually weak. Moroni felt this way about his writings on the plates (Ether 12:23–25). Read Ether 12:27 to the children. What did the Lord promise those who feel weak?
  • Share an experience in which the Savior helped you or someone you know do something that was hard. Testify to the children that if they seek His help, Jesus can help them be strong, even when they feel weak.
  • Invite the children to draw a picture of something weak and something strong. Then invite them to add to their drawing some words and phrases from Ether 12:23–29 that teach them about how the Savior can help us turn our weakness into strength. Encourage the children to think about a weakness they might have and then seek the Savior’s help to become strong.

Why does the Lord give us weakness? What is our part in making “weak things become strong”? What is the Savior’s part?

Weak Things Stronger.” In this Friend article, Parker learns that he doesn’t have to be perfect and that the Savior is there to help him.

Friend June 2018 “For Parents of Little Ones” Helping little ones understand and talk about their feelings.

Friend March 2022 “He Is There” Song and Music Video

2. Do you ever stop to think What your Heavenly Father sees When He looks at you?

He smiles brighter than the sun When He sees His precious one; There’s just one like you!

So take comfort when that quiet voice reminds you:

Chorus 2: He is there, greater than any challenge. God is there, watching you as you grow,

Sending comfort in the night, Helping you know and choose what’s right.

You’re not alone, for He is always there. So keep trying, keep growing;

Keep praying, keep knowing:God loves you so, and He is always there.

Handout Ideas

Friend September 2019 “Bright Idea” You are strong. You are loved. The world is better because of you!

Afraid of Trying New Things and Failing

Friend February 2020 “What’s on Your Mind?” A child writes to the Friend saying that sometimes he is afraid to try new things because he might fail. The Friend magazine reminds him that all people who are really good at something started out as beginners, and it’s okay to make mistakes. They also share some examples of people who weren’t very good when they first started, but they kept trying and eventually became successful.

Friend September 2024 “What’s on Your Mind?” Maybe you think that if you don’t do things perfectly, you are a failure. But that’s not true! In fact, mistakes can help you learn and improve.

Making Mistakes

Frustration with Imperfection

Friend June 2019 “What’s on Your Mind?” Somebody writes the Friend about trying to do things right but failing. The Friend responds by saying that Heavenly Father doesn’t expect you to be perfect right away. He sent you here to learn and grow, little by little. (Also, includes a fill-in-the-blank activity about scriptures that discuss growing little by little.)

Friend July 2024 “What’s on Your Mind?”

Learn from them and try again

Friend February 2019 “Bright Idea” Handout that says, “Everyone makes mistakes. Heavenly Father will help me learn and grow and try again.”

Friend September 2019 “For Parents of Little Ones” When children are so afraid of making a mistake that they refuse to try something new, they can miss out on a lot of growth and wonderful experiences! This article contains some ideas on how to help children realize that making mistakes is an important part of learning.

Don’t Give Up

Friend September 2023 “The Cake Mistake” Shiloh planned a beautiful layered cake to enter into the school contest, but things didn’t go well. It didn’t look anything like her plans. She wanted to throw it away because she thought she would get last place. Her mom said a prayer for Hannah to be happy with what she had done. Shiloh decided it didn’t look that bad, and she had had fun making it. She was even able to win second place. She was glad she hadn’t given up because it wasn’t perfect.

Positive Self Talk

Friend November 2023 “Conference Notes”

Elder Stevenson invited us to stop each time we see ourselves in a mirror and say, “Wow, look at me! I am amazing! I am a child of God! He knows me! He loves me!” Doing this will help us remember who we really are and how God and the Holy Ghost can help us.

This teaches me:

Friend May 2021 “Encouraging Words” If something goes wrong and you’re feeling bad, try writing yourself an encouraging note!

New Era February 2018 “Change Your Thinking”

Friend June 2017 “Family Night Fun” What do you say to yourself when you need to do something tough? Try the ideas in this article. You can do it!

Fear of what Others Think

Doctrine and Covenants 30:1–2

Friend February 2017 “Conference Cards” Handout that says, ““The only opinion of us that matters is what our Heavenly Father thinks of us.”

Feeling Good About What Makes You Unique

Friend November 2016. Trees, fruits, flowers, and animals are all different shapes, colors, and sizes. Heavenly Father made people different too! You can feel good about who you are and what makes you special. Use your answers from the questions below to draw a picture that represents you!

Friend November 2016

You are a Hero

Friend September 2020 “Bright Idea” Whether you feel like a hero or not, you are one! You are the hero of your own life’s story.

Each of Us is of Great Worth to God.

Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–12

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 18–19: “The Worth of Souls Is Great”

Many people struggle with feelings of low self-worth; others are unkind toward people who are different from them. The powerful message of Doctrine and Covenants 18:10 can change how we view ourselves and people around us.

Repeat verse 10 with the children, this time replacing “souls” with the children’s names.

Help the children think of things that people consider valuable. Then let the children take turns looking in a mirror, and as they do, tell each child that he or she is a child of God and of great worth. Testify that to Heavenly Father, they are more valuable than all the things they thought of earlier.

  • Ask each child to write his or her name on a piece of paper and pass the papers around the room. Invite them to write on each paper they receive something they like about that person. Encourage them to be kind and thoughtful in their comments. Then help the children read Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–12, and invite them to share what they learn about how God feels about us. Explain that we are all of great worth to God because we are His children.
  • Show the children something that is very valuable to you. How do we treat things that are valuable to us? Ask a child to read Doctrine and Covenants 18:10. How can we show other people that “the worth of [their] souls is great” in our sight?

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 18–19: “The Worth of Souls Is Great”

Each family member could read Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–13 and substitute his or her name in place of the words “soul,” “souls,” and “all men.” You could then discuss how these verses help us understand our worth to the Father and the Son (see Doctrine and Covenants 19:16–19).

Liahona February 2021 “Your Worth is Great” Family Study Fun: Circle of Worth

Circle of Worth: Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer were counseled to remember that “the worth of souls is great in the sight of God” (Doctrine and Covenants 18:10). As we help others to see their own worth, we bring them nearer to Christ while becoming closer to Him ourselves.

  1. Invite family members to sit in a circle.
  2. Each person will take a turn standing in the middle of the circle.
  3. Everyone sitting in the circle will tell the middle person, “You matter to me because ___________,” and share specific details of why that person is of worth to them.
  4. The middle person will then choose their own statement of personal worth: “I matter to God and myself because __________.”

Discussion: Why is it important to remember our own worth as well as the worth of those around us? If Christ were in the circle, what would He say about us? Read Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–13 and discuss what Christ went through because of how much He loves and values us.

Friend February 2021 “Scripture Time Fun”

Friend February 2021 “Scripture Time for Little Ones” For Doctrine and Covenants 18–19: Help your little ones say, “I am important to Heavenly Father.” Then sing “I Am a Child of God” (Children’s Songbook, 2) and have your children give themselves a hug when they sing the words, “I am a child of God.”

Friend November 2020 “We are Moving Forward”

For the Strength of Youth March 2024 “12 Scriptures for When You Feel …”

Friend April 2021 “Things to Remember”

For additional teaching ideas see “Child of God and Love of God

Church Around the World: Oceania

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Table of Contents


Friend November 2020 “Hello from Australia”

Friend November 2020 “Food and Fun” The Aboriginal people in Australia use dot painting to tell stories and create beautiful artwork. Here’s a craft for you to make your own!

Friend November 2020 “Food and Fun” Damper is a traditional Australian bread. Travelers would sometimes make this bread outside over a campfire with hot coals. Here’s a version you can try!

Friend July 2018 “Matt and Mandy” Matt gets an email from his cousin in Australia. He doesn’t know what a lot of the things are that his cousin talks about in the email, but they do have one thing in common: the gospel. Matt’s cousin tells about his baptism and his family getting sealed in the temple.

Friend October 2018 “Matt and Mandy” Matt sends an email to his cousin in Australia telling about himself. Then he goes and watches conference, which is something his cousin would be doing too.

Friend January 2020 “Matt and Mandy” As they walk in the snow, Matt tells his friend that in Australia it’s summer and that his cousin is probably at the beach. Also, he tells him that his cousin has never felt snow or played in it.

Friend October 2021 “Margaret Cummings” Margaret’s family experienced difficulties getting to the temple to be sealed together, but their prayers were answered and they were blessed.

Friend May 2022 “The Footy Decision” Sam loved playing footy and when he found out the games were on Sunday he was sad. He prayed about what to do. He knew it was important to make Sunday special so he decided to go to practices on Thursdays but go to church on Sundays.

American Samoa

Friend July 2021 “Adventures in American Samoa with Margo and Paolo”

Friend July 2021 “Meet Eta from American Samoa” Eta’s mom owns a dessert bakery. Eta and her older sister, Talai, love to share the desserts with their teachers and leaders and with people who might be having a hard time. (includes photo)

Eta followed Jesus by sharing food with others.

Challenge: Look for a chance to share what you have with your friends and family, even if it seems small.


Friend February 2021 “Adventures in Tahiti with Margo and Paolo”

Friend February 2021 “Meet Raiarii from Tahiti” Story of Raiarii sharing the gospel by explaining scriptures and praying with two of his grandmother’s friends. (See story and photos at link.)

Friend November 2023 “Coconuts and Tithing” During the summer Avehei and her brother work in the coconut groves. She always pays my tithing with the money she receives because she knows she and her family are blessed when she obeys.


Friend March 2020 “Hello From Samoa”

Friend March 2020 “Food and Fun” Make Samoan coconut rolls and a pretend Samoan Siapo cloth.

Friend May 2022 “Tom and the Terrible Flu” Tom helped take are of his dad and other villagers when the Spanish Flu hit. He gave them coconut milk, made chicken soup for them, and got them water.

New Zealand

Friend December 2023 “Hello from New Zealand!”

Friend November 2019 “Hello From New Zealand”

Friend December 2023 “Following Jesus in New Zealand” Tarnae is preparing to go to the temple to do baptisms. His nan (grandma) found information about some ancestors so he could be baptized for them. “I am really excited to enter the temple,” says Tarnae. “I feel honored to help do the work for my ancestors.”

When their cousin got baptized, Nephi shared his testimony. Nephi told those at the baptism about Jesus Christ. “I know it is important to share my testimony to strengthen others,” Nephi says.

Friend November 2019 “Fun and Food” A popular flavor of ice cream in New Zealand is hokey-pokey, or honeycomb toffee. Here’s how to make a version at home.

Friend November 2019 “Food and Fun” Here are some fun words from New Zealand. Now find them in the word search!

Friend November 2019 “Jesus is Real” (story about New Zealand kids at school) Everyone at Ismay’s table at school were excitedly talking about Christmas and their favorite traditions such as going to a church service. Suddenly Charlotte spoke up and said, “Jesus isn’t even real.” Ismay was sad to hear this and she quietly bore her testimony to Charlotte that Jesus was real, and that she felt it in her heart. She was glad she had spoken up and planted a seed about Jesus.

Friend May 2021 “Pioneers in Every Land: Sam Beazley”Sam was called to serve as a Labour Missionary building a church school for teenagers. His labor also helped build the Hamilton New Zealand Temple which he later was called to serve in.

Friend July 2022 “Rākau Sticks” The Māori people of New Zealand play a game by tapping, throwing, and catching sticks to a rhythm. Find four sticks or paper rolls to play your own version of this game!


Friend July 2021 “Vaha’i Tonga”Vahai’ was determined to remain faithful, so he said his prayers every night at boarding school. At first the other kids made fun of him, then they started to join him. He invited them to a district conference and 77 of them came. Seven of them wanted to be baptized after the conference.


Friend March 2023 “Hello from Kiribati!” See larger images at link

Friend March 2023 “Following Jesus in Kiribati” Scott is such a good friend to his cousin that he always calls him his younger brother. Scott prays every night and every morning. He always wants to go to Church activities, and he loves home evening. He likes to help others too. “Helping other people makes me happy,” he says. (See more images at link.)

Papua New Guinea

Friend March 2024 “Hello From Papua New Guinea”

Friend March 2024 “Following Jesus in Papua New Guinea”


Friend May 2024 “Hello from Vanuatu!”

Friend May 2024 “Following Jesus in Vanuatu”

Primary 1 (Sunbeams): Lesson 1 Ideas

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Lesson 1

I Am a Child of God

Note: I’ve included the words from the manual that each of the below visual aids goes with.

We lived in Heaven: (Click on the below picture. Print the picture, or show it on an electronic device.) Explain that before we were born on earth we lived in heaven with Heavenly Father.

Friend April 2015

We were spirits there. A spirit is what is inside of us that makes us alive. When we were spirits, we didn’t have flesh and bones like our bodies have now, but we looked the same.

(Use these puppets to demonstrate what it means to be a spirit. See here for assembly instructions.) 

Show the first picture again and explain that Heavenly Father is the father of our spirits, and we are his spirit children

Sing: I Am a Child of God. Tell the children they are going to sing the song “I Am a Child of God.” Explain that God is another name for Heavenly Father. (I like the Red Headed Hostess visual aids for the first verse of this song, but it does cost money. Jolly Jen has a flip chart that would work too, or you could use the below visual s from the Nursery Manual. Also see for the music)

Who is a child of God?  Do the bean bag activity in the lesson. Print and cut out this activity. Show the pictures one at a time and ask the following:

Is a policeman a child of God?

Is a grandmother or grandfather

Is a bishop

Is a soldier

Is a mailman or missionaries

Is a mom or dad

Is someone who doesn’t go to our church

Is someone who lives in a different country or culture

Have the children take turns posting each picture under the title “Child of God.” The title can be written on the board or in a file folder or display board.  You can also bring up people they know such as a neighbor.

Help the children understand that everyone is a child of God even though we may be different in age, hair color, what we do, where we live, skin color, or the church we attend, we are all children of God.

We can be like Heavenly Father 

(Print and cut out these images pdf.) Use the following questions with the images. They could also be made into a matching game.

  • What is a baby dog called?
  • What will that puppy grow up to be?
  • What is a baby chicken called?
  • What will that chick grow up to be?

Explain that just as animals grow up to be like their parents, we will grow up to be like our parents.

Friend January 2017 “Kylie’s Parents” Kylie is like her earthly parents, and she is also like her Heavenly Parents. PDF version

Heavenly Father is the father of our spirits, so we can grow to be like him. Heavenly Father is loving, good, and kind. When we are loving, good, and kind, we are being like Heavenly Father.  We should try to become more like Heavenly Father every day.

Have children tell or act out ways they can be loving, good, or kind.

Review Game: I really like the Red Headed Hostess folder game as a review, but it does cost money.

Resources Used:

The images for the activity “Who is a Child of God?” are from the Friend magazine. Soldier 6/16, Bishop 1/16, etc.

The images for the animals are from Pixabay: Free Images

Christmas: Advent Calendar

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Jesus is the Reason for the Season


  • Print the pictures and the date cards. (Use seven sheets of white cardstock for the pictures and seven sheets of color cardstock for the date cards. You can use Christmas paper for the date cards if desired.)  Number the back of the pictures 1 through 25. (For example: Isaiah would be #1, Nephi would be #2,  the star and moon would be #3, and so forth.) Cut out the pictures and date cards. (A paper-cutter makes the job go faster.)
  • Attach the sign “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” to the top of a poster board or display board and attach the date cards underneath the sign with sticky tack (or purchase a pocket chart and place each date card in a pocket). Walmart has a jewelry pocket holder that would work with this smaller version of the activity.
  •  For little ones, slip the matching pictures behind its date card in the pocket chart, or attach the scripture’s matching picture to the back of the date card before attaching it to the poster board.
  •  See here for a list of the scriptures.


Each day, starting on the first day of December, take a date card off the chart (going in numerical order) and read the scripture together as a family. Older children can find the matching picture that goes with the scripture and replace the date card with the picture, or if you have little ones have them turn the card around so the picture is showing and then put the card back in its spot if using a poster board, or, if using a pocket chart, take out the date card to display the picture behind it.

(The pictures and idea came from the Friend December 1985.)

Activity Cards and Inserts

The below activity cards have an activity related to each day’s scripture, and they also have an item related to the scripture that you can put into the pocket chart or into lunch bags. Click on each page, save, print saved file, and cut out the cards. Put the cards in the correct pockets of the chart, or staple one on each of the lunch bags. Read through the activity list below to make sure you have all the supplies needed, then fill the pockets or bag with those items. (The Christmas squares paper is from

Day 1: Isaiah Card and Mobile: (Print and cut out the two pages of the “Prophets Foretold Jesus Christ’s Birth Mobile.” Follow the remaining preparation instructions on the activity.) The first few days of the advent calendar are about the prophecies of Jesus Christ’s birth, so on each of the first five days, tie a prophet card on the mobile and read the scripture of that prophet’s words. Day one is Isaiah. Explain that a virgin is a pure woman and Immanuel means “God with Us” meaning Jesus’ birth into mortality.

Day 2: Nephi Card and Coloring Page: (Print a copy of the coloring page for each person who will be coloring. Include crayons in the sack or pocket.) Have a child tie the Nephi card onto the mobile and then have family members color in the figures of Nephi and Isaiah on the coloring page. Ask the  children what the scripture tells about Jesus’ birth.

Day 3: Samuel the Lamanite Card, Video, and Song: Tie the Samuel the Lamanite card onto the mobile. Color in his picture on the coloring page. Watch the video about Samuel the Lamanite and then sing along with the “Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus” Video.

Day 4: Micah Card and Song: Tie the Micah card on the mobile, and color the Micah figure on the coloring page. Explain that this scripture tells of where Jesus would be born. Sing along with a YouTube video of “O Little Town of Bethlehem.”

Day 5: Adam Card and Retell: Tie the Adam card onto the mobile. There is no Adam figure on the coloring page. Explain that other prophets also foretold of Jesus’ birth. Have them color in the last prophet on the page, and then have them retell about the prophets and what each foretold about Jesus’ birth.

Day 6: Video: Watch the video “Chapter One: Elisabeth and Zacharias” from the New Testament Stories DVD or LDS Media Library. I included the DVD in this bag. You could have popcorn in the bag instead of the DVD if you are watching it on LDS Media.

Day 7: Video and Mary and Angel Figures: Place Mary and the Angel on a wall if using the cutouts from LDS Media Library or on a table if using a child friendly nativity set. Watch Mary and the Angel Gabriel (video). (See more Cutouts below.)

Day 8: Video and Joseph Figure: Watch the video “Chapter Four: Joseph and the Angel” from the New Testament Stories DVD or LDS Media Library. Place Joseph on a table (or on a wall if using cutouts from LDS Media Library).

Day 9: Chocolate Coins: Using chocolate coins, discuss what taxes could be used for—roads, schools, etc. Set aside the tax coins and put them in bag or pocket #10 to enjoy tomorrow. (Chocolate coins can be purchased at party stores or in the party supply section at Walmart.)

Day 10: Chocolate Coin Taxes: Distribute and eat the chocolate coin taxes. Optional: Look up an online map of Israel from Jesus’ time period and point out all the cities people may have gone to be taxed.

Day 11: Maze Coloring Page: (Print a maze for each child.) Using a crayon, find the path to Bethlehem through the maze for Mary and Joseph.

Day 12: Stable and Video:  Watch half the video “Chapter Five: Jesus Christ is Born” from the New Testament Stories DVD or LDS Media library. Watch to the point where a stable is mentioned (pt. 37) then have a child place the stable on a table—or on the wall if using cutouts from LDS Media–and then put the figures of Mary and Joseph in the stable. (Click on the following image of a stable, save, and then print it the full size of the paper for the cutouts.)  

Day 13: Baby Jesus Figure and Song: Put the baby Jesus and manager in the stable (or on the wall) Sing the song “Away in a Manger.”  Sing along with a YouTube video or a Children’s Songbook recording.

Day 14: Window Picture: Print the picture of the earth and the picture of Jesus. Attach the front of the picture of Jesus to the back of the picture of the earth, or put both in a single page protector. Have the children hold the picture up to the light of a window or lamp. Explain that Jesus created the earth but was born humbly in a lowly stable.

Day 15: Shepherd Figures: Place the shepherds and sheep figures on the table or wall–but not in the manger.

Day 16: Angel Figure and Song: Place the angel on the table or wall near the shepherds. Watch and sing along with a YouTube video of “Stars were Gleaming.” (Verse One)

Day 17: Candy Canes: Place the shepherds and sheep in the stable. Candy Canes: Explain that shepherds carried hooked staffs in order to get sheep who had wandered off or needed help. Candy canes remind us of caring shepherds and of Jesus who is the Good Shepherd. Watch the second half of the video “Jesus Christ is Born.” (From pt. 47 to the end)(Children’s Songbook)

Day 18 Map and Wisemen Sticker: (Print the below map and the Wisemen sticker page.  Put the map in a page protector if planning to use it again. Cut out the Wisemen and make them into stickers or put tape of the back of them. Put one of the stickers in this bag.) Show the map to the children and explain that it is a map of the land of Israel where Jesus was born. Have a child decide where the East is on the map and then stick the Wisemen sticker onto that part of the map. (The map is from the LDS Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students Unit 7)

Day 19: Wisemen Sticker and Marker: Have a child put the Wisemen sticker on the first place the Wisemen went looking for baby Jesus. Draw a dotted line between the two stickers with a marker or dry erase marker. Look at this painting of Jerusalem by James Tisset and discuss reasons the Wisemen thought the King of the Jews might be in Jerusalem.

Day 20: Scroll Activity: (Cut a a piece of paper in half lengthwise. Cut each piece in half again lengthwise. Cut all the pieces in half widthwise. You should end up with 8 pieces of paper 5.5 inches by 2.25 inches. Write in the middle of one of the papers the word “Bethlehem.” Roll the papers into small scrolls–one per family member–and tie them with string or jute.)  Explain that Herod’s chief priests and scribes would have read the prophecies of Jesus’ birth on records made on scrolls. Have each family member choose a scroll from the bag or pocket. The person who finds the word “Bethlehem” will read it during the next day’s activity and place the next sticker. You may want to mention that when King Herod heard of the birth of a new king of the Jews,” he became alarmed because it threatened his rule as king.

Day 21: Wisemen Sticker: Have the family member read the scroll and then draw a dotted line from Jerusalem to Bethlehem and put the Wisemen sticker near Bethlehem.

Day 22: Star Activity: Decorate star cookies or decorate a star craft item such as these popsicle sticks stars or the below string threading activity, then hang the decorated star or star cutout over the manager scene.

Day 23: Wisemen Figures: Put the Wisemen figures in the nativity scene (or on the wall if using the cutouts from LDS Media Library).

Day 24: Retell the Story of Jesus’ Birth: If needed, review the story of Jesus’ birth by reading a storybook or watching “The Nativity” video. Then, using the Nativity figures or cutouts, have family members retell or act out the story of Jesus’ birth. Optional: Give a candy kiss or hug after each person’s response and input.

Day 25: Picture of Jesus and Song: Print an image of Jesus as an adult. See LDS Media Library or use the cutout. Show the picture and post it near the nativity. Optional: Sing along with a YouTube video of “Joy to the World.”

*Send me the pictures of the advent calendars you make so I can share the different ways it can be done.

Jesus Christ’s Birth: Prophets Foretold the Birth of Jesus Christ

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Prophets Foretold the Birth of Jesus


Mobile Instructions:

  • Click on the above mobile item pictures and then print and cut them out.
  • Cut two pieces of string each 17 inches long and three pieces of string each 10 inches long.
  • Punch a hole in the top of each of the circle pictures and put the long strings through the holes on the Isaiah, Samuel, and Adam cards. Put the short strings through the holes in the Nephi and Micah cards.
  • Use tape to attach the title card to the top of the hanger. Tie each card onto the hanger rod after reading the scriptures. Tape the string to the rod so they don’t move around. (Alternate: Holes could be punched into the bottom of the title card instead of using a hanger.)


Mobile images are from: Isaiah Writes of Christ’s Birth, Nephi’s Vision of the Virgin Mary, 

Death & Resurrection: Stories

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Friend April 2023 “We Will Live Again” Carlan wants to know where people go when they die and whether we will see them again. Her mother explains that because of Jesus we will all live again.

Friend September 2021 “A Feeling of Peace” When Elder Joni L. Koch was a child he woke one morning to find that his father had died. He went out to the garden and cried. His Primary teacher came and sat by him and reminded him of the lesson they had about the plan of salvation. He said that his dad’s spirit was in a good place, and someday he would be resurrected. Someday Joni would see him again. Even though Joni was still sad, he felt peace. His teacher and the Holy Ghost had comforted him.

Friend April 2021 “I Will See My Brother Again” During Primary, Isabella feels the spirit and knows she will see her brother again.

Friend May 2021 “Conference Notes”

Friend May 2023 “Conference Notes”

Friend December 2020 “A Christmas Song for Grandpa” Jennifer’s grandfather passed away on the day she is supposed to sing a solo at the Christmas community program. She is heartbroken but remembers that because of Jesus she will see her grandfather again. She decides to sing about Jesus at the program so she can share the light and hope Jesus gives.

Friend April 2020 “Matt and Mandy” Matt had heard stories about his great-grandpa and wished he could have met him. His mother tells him that he will meet him; because of Jesus he will be resurrected someday.

Friend April 2019 “I Will See Him Again” When Sister Aburto’s older brother died when she was nine, she was very sad and daydreamed of seeing him again. When she got baptized she learned that someday he would be resurrected and she would see him again.

Friend November 2017 “What do People do after they Die?” Elder Russell M. Nelson tells about his grandfather being visited by his father after he had died. They talked about teaching the gospel in the spirit world and other things about death.

Friend April 2017  Do you have a friend or family member who has died? Bring their picture to family night and read “Erika’s Dream Park.” Explain that you will see them again because of Jesus Christ. You can share your testimony of His Atonement and Resurrection.

Friend January 1988 “An Understanding Friend” A boy mourning his grandfather’s death is taught about the resurrection by a new friend.


Friend March 2016 “Fishing Buddies” A boy mourns for his grandfather and doesn’t want to go where there are memories of him. (Also includes info about dealing with death.)


Friend April 1987 “My Brother Hans” A boy’s brother, who he was very close to, dies, but he knows his brother will be resurrected.

Sabbath Day: Activity

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Calendar Activity

Open and download this file. Click on and drag each image to one of the calendar days. Put the things that fulfill the purposes of the Sabbath on the Sunday squares and put the other things on one of the weekday squares. Before deciding where a picture goes, ask the following question:

Does it bring me closer to Heavenly Father,

increase my spiritual strength,

or rest my body?

As you do the activity, pay attention to all the days on the calendar that the family has to do their work, sports, and recreation, and notice that there is only one day a week that we are to set aside as a holy day of worship. 

Conference: Lesson Ideas

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Liahona September 2021 “General Conference: A Worldwide Church Meeting”

Each April and October, the Church holds a series of meetings called general conference. Leaders teach and testify about Jesus Christ and His gospel. General conference is held in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, and is broadcast throughout the world in over 80 languages. All members and any other interested people are invited to listen to the talks.

The First Church Conferences

The Church was officially organized during a meeting on April 6, 1830 (see Doctrine and Covenants 20). The first general conference was held on June 9, 1830. Since then, general conferences have been held under the direction of the President of the Church wherever members could gather. In the 1840s, leaders began holding conference twice a year.

Conference Today

The First Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and other Church leaders speak during general conference. The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square and other Church choirs provide music. Each conference has five sessions: three on Saturday and two on Sunday.

In the months before conference, Church leaders pray about what to teach. The Lord inspires them to know what they should say. They teach gospel truths and invite us to keep God’s commandments. They also testify of Jesus Christ and encourage us to follow Him.

The Prophets Teach Us the Words of Jesus

Friend October 2023 “I Can Follow Jesus Christ”

Preparing for Conference

Friend September 2023 “The Dinner Guest” Johne’s foster family prepared for conference by learning about a different apostle each night. They taped a picture of the apostle on an empty chair and he was their dinner guest. Then the learned facts and stories about the apostle. Johne loved learning about the Apostles! He couldn’t wait to hear from them at conference.

For the Strength of Youth September 2024 “How to Make Conference Mean More to You”

Learning from Conference

Before general conference, we can pray to hear what the Lord wants us to learn. As we listen to the talks, the Spirit will teach us what we need to know. After conference, the talks appear on, in the Gospel Library app, and in the Liahona. We can prayerfully study the talks to learn more about Jesus Christ and His gospel.

What Children Love About Conference and What They Learned

Friend November 2022 “Conference Show and Tell” Children tell what they love about conference and show some things they did during conference such as art work, building sugar cube temples, etc. One boy said, “We play a game during conference. We add a sticker to a piece of paper every time we hear the name of Christ. Our papers end up full of stickers!”

Friend May 2022 “Conference Show and Tell” Children tell what they liked about conference and what they learned

Friend November 2021 “Conference Show and Tell” Children tell what they liked about conference.

Friend May 2020 “Show and Tell: Conference Edition” Families from all over the world watch conference. Children tell what they liked about conference and what they learned. November 2020

Friend May 2021 “Conference Show and Tell” Children tell what they liked about conference. Also has pictures and activities children did during conference.

Friend November 2019 “Friends By Mail” During general conference, we used the “Pitch Your Tent” cutouts (March 2018) to create a 3D model and added quotes from President Nelson’s talk! Ava and Maryanne P., ages 8 and 6, Washington, USA

Friend April 2019 “For Parents of Little Ones” Helping children get the most out of conference.

Friend May 2019 “Show and Tell: Conference” Children share what they did during conference like building a block temple or playing a fun game during conference. One family filled 15 bowls with snacks and put a picture of one of the Apostles or members of the First Presidency on each one. When one of the Brethren speaks, they eat what is in that cup! Children also shared what they liked about conference and what they learned.

Friend November 2018 “Show and Tell: Conference” Children share what they liked about conference and what they learned.

Friend May 2018 “Show and Tell: Conference” Children share what they like about conference, what they did during conference, how they listened to conference, etc.

Friend May 2018 “Conference News” At Conference new temples are announced (fill in the blank activity to find out which temples were announced at this conference), solemn assemblies occur where we raise our hand to sustain a new prophet (pictures of a family at home participating), callings and releases of new leaders occur, and we are taught by our leaders.(Also guess how many languages this conference was translated into.

Friend May 2019 “Family Night Fun” Look through the general conference section at the beginning of any Friend magazine that arrives after conference, and make a family goal to do something our leaders invited us to do.

Watching Conference Around the World

Friend May 2024 “Watching Conference Around the World”

Conference is special to me because I spend time with my family. We listen to the speakers and do crafts. Lucy A., age 10, Al-Ahmadi, Kuwait

I liked Elder De Feo’s talk. He said we can see Jesus with our spiritual eyes if we keep our faith. Then we will feel peace and have His Spirit with us. Thomas M., age 7, Catalonia, Spain

My family prays to Heavenly Father to help us prepare for conference and be taught by the Spirit. We dress in our Sunday best. We watch conference together and sing along to all the songs. Harriet O., age 9, Lagos State, Nigeria

Solemn Assembly

Friend May 2018 “Show and Tell” “Sustaining a prophet in general conference is such an opportunity and privilege. No matter where you are, it is still a privilege.” Christina K., age 10, New South Wales, Australia

Ensign March 2018 “Get Ready for Conference” (Also see Elder Uchdorf’s article “The Word of God to His Children” on how to prepare to receive personal answers and revelation during general conference.

Ensign March 2018 “5 Steps for Making Conference Stay with You”

After conference, choose one quote, lesson, principle, or whole talk that inspired you.

Share it with your family and write it down somewhere you will see it every day.

Make a goal for how you will apply that principle to your life each day.

Support each other. Being accountable to others is great motivation!

When the next general conference approaches, sit down with your family and share what you’ve learned and the blessings you’ve received from applying this principle

Friend October 2016 “For Parents of Little Ones” Ideas on how to help children learn to love conference.

Friend November 2017 “Show and Tell-Conference Edition” Children share why they love Conference.

Following the Words of the Prophets after Conference

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 13–16: Glad Tidings of Great Joy” Show a picture of the living prophet speaking in general conference. Tell the children that God tells the prophet what to say to us, just as He told Samuel what to say to the Nephites. Talk together about things the prophet has said that have been inspiring to you or the children.

Read aloud Helaman 16:1 and 5, and ask the children to stand up when they hear something the people did when they believed Samuel’s words. Then read verses 2 and 6, and ask the children to sit down when they hear something the people did when they did not believe. How can we show that we believe the words of the living prophet?

Ensign September 2020 “Family Study Fun: Go Forth”

Read Helaman 16:1–3 together. Those who believed Samuel “went forth” to do what he taught. Talk about how we should follow our Church leaders today.

  1. Invite each family member to find a quote from general conference. (Perhaps browse “Inspirational Picture Quotes” at
  2. Take turns standing on a chair or stool, like Samuel on the wall, and reading these quotes to the group.
  3. After each quote, talk about what your family can do to “go forth” and do what was taught.

Discussion: What could we do to get ready for general conference next month? What would help us listen to and act on the teachings of our Church leaders?

Conference History


Friend November 2021 “Conference News”


Friend April 2022 “Conference News”


Friend May 2023 “Conference News”

Friend November 2023 “Conference News”