Friend June 2022 “The Firewood Race” In Primary, Luke hears about being prepared. He and his siblings decide to collect firewood to get prepared. That afternoon, their father said everyone had to stay inside for four days to stop the spread of Covid. It was a good thing they had collected enough firewood to last a week.

Natural Disasters
Friend August 2024 “Giulia and the Earthquake” Giulia”s family had a special FHE to prepare in case of an earthquake. The thought of an earthquake scared her, but her mother said not to worry. They would do their best to prepare and the Lord would help them. The scriptures they read made Giulia feel calm and peaceful. A few weeks later they had an earthquake, but she remembered what to do and she felt peace because she remembered that Jesus would help them.
Friend March 2023 “The Earthquake Prayer” Violet woke up when she felt an earthquake. She and her family ran to the kitchen and crawled under the table. They had practiced what to do in an earthquake, but Violet was scared. She said a prayer, and felt like someone was giving her a hug. She was glad Heavenly Father helped her feel peace.

Friend August 2020 “Sirens and Scriptures” When a tornado warning goes off, the family goes goes to the basement where supplies are stored for such an emergency.

Friend April 2019 “Matt and Mandy” A big storm makes the power go out, but Matt and Mandy’s family are prepared.
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Friend March 2018 “The Great Cereal Sacrifice” Hannah and her family give up cereal and instead eat oatmeal for breakfast so they can save money to buy emergency preparedness items.
Friend March 2016 “Emergency Evacuation” A family has a FHE lesson about preparedness and then experience a real emergency situation.
Friend August 2018 “Emergency Scavenger Hunt” Putting together emergency kits by doing a scavenger hunt. (Also add water, blanket, and clothes.)
Listen to the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost
Friend October 2023 “Heavenly Father Knew” Spencer’s parents felt inspired to get preparedness items. A few months later a volcano erupted and they needed the face masks and emergency food that his parents had prepared. Spencer was glad his family listened to the Holy Ghost!

In Big Cities
Friend July 2019 “Find It!” The people who live in this big city love their community garden! Can you find the hidden objects? How many veggies can you name?

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 37–41” God helped Joseph understand that Pharaoh’s dreams were a warning to prepare for hard times coming in the future. Help the children understand that God can warn them of danger, including spiritual danger.
- Scatter pictures of food around the room, and invite the children to gather them and “store” them in a container. Use this activity to tell the children about how God warned Pharaoh to prepare for a time when there wouldn’t be food (see Genesis 41:15–36, 47–57). Let the children draw pictures of the things Pharaoh dreamed about and then use their pictures to teach their families at home.
- Show a picture of the current prophet. Tell the children about teachings or warnings God has given us through him. Explain that we will be blessed and protected as we follow the prophet. Invite the children to act out things they can do to follow the prophet’s counsel.
Read Genesis 41:53–57, looking for what happened because Pharaoh followed Joseph’s counsel.
What is a principle we can identify from this account about following the counsel of prophets and inspired leaders?
Church News “Heed Warnings from President Nelson—a Modern-Day Watchman on the Tower”
President Nelson’s Warning:
“In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost,”
President Nelson’s Teachings:
- Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly.”
- “I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation.”
- “I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation.”
- Humble yourself before God.
- Pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father.
- Turn to Him for answers and for comfort.
- Pray in the name of Jesus Christ about your concerns, your fears, your weaknesses—yes, the very longings of your heart.
- Listen!
- Write the thoughts that come to your mind.
- Record your feelings.
- Follow through with actions that you are prompted to take.
Friend October 2017 “A Friendly Primary Visitor” A pilot comes to Primary and acts out flying and what could happen if he didn’t listen to the control tower. He likens the control tower to the prophet.
Ensign August 2007 “Latter-day Prophets Speak on Preparedness” Quotes by different prophets about preparedness and food storage.
Friend March 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Preparedness Planning”
Story: Joseph helped the people in Egypt prepare for hard times. You can read this story on page 8 or in Genesis 41.
Activity: Make an emergency plan. Talk about ways your family can prepare for emergencies. What can you start today?
What can we learn about preparing for future emergencies? Discuss what you can do to be better prepared as a family. For ideas, see Gospel Topics, “Emergency Preparedness,”
Emergency Preparedness FHE Lesson – Preparing for Natural Disasters