Not Giving Up
Friend September 2024 “The Science Project” Bradley was working hard making a model that showed how tsunamis worked for the science fair, but things kept going wrong. He was frustrated. His mom told him that sometimes we make mistakes while we are learning, but important thing is to not give up. When it was his turn to give his presentation, he forgot an important part, but he kept going and made it work.
Friend February 2022 “Tim Can Do Hard Things!” Tim got tired on the hike with his family but nobody could carry him. His mom held his hand and told him he could do hard things. When he made it, he felt so proud. When he did another hard thing, learning to ride a bike, he didn’t give up.

Friend July 2024 “Raina Tries Again” Raina enters an essay contest but doesn’t win. She is discouraged and tells her parents she will never try anything new again. Her father tells her about the many times he didn’t get the job he applied for before he got the one that was perfect for him. Her mother tells her about the many stories she submitted that got rejected by magazines, but she doesn’t give up because she loves writing. Raina decides she won’t give up too because that is what Heavenly Father would want her to do.
Friend February 2022 “Matt and Mandy” Matt is disappointed that he didn’t make the soccer team, but he likes soccer, so he and Mandy play it together.
Friend January 2020 “A Nephi Attitude” Bennett was tired and thirsty and not enjoying doing the service project. He wanted to go home but there was still a lot left to do. His mom talked to him about how Nephi had hard things to do like getting the plates from Laban, but he didn’t give up. Bennett liked the idea of being like Nephi. Nephi was strong and brave and good. So he kept working. He was proud of what they had accomplished when they were done. He was glad he had gotten rid of the Laman and Lemuel attitude.
Friend April 2024 “Louie, Nephi, and the Piano” Louie was struggling with one part of the song he was going to perform. His father reminded him of how Nephi didn’t give up when he went back to get the plates, and tells him, “I think if you keep trying, Heavenly Father will help you like he helped Nephi.” Louie kept practicing and eventually he got it and was able to perform it. He knew he had done all he could, and Heavenly Father had helped him.

Friend July 2023 “Margo and Paolo” Margo is having a hard time learning jiu jitsu and wants to quit. Her father encourages her to keep trying.
Friend June 2021 ” For Older Kids”
My favorite scripture story is in the Book of Mormon. It’s the part when Nephi has to go get the brass plates from Laban. I like that Nephi did not give up like his brothers did. I also should not give up when it is hard.
Alizée S., age 11, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
Friend March 2018 “The Write Choice” Justina had a hard time with reading and writing in school, but her teacher told her, “You can’t always choose what you’re good at. But you can always choose how hard you try.” Justina started putting more effort into trying, and reading and writing became easier and easier. Eventually she became good enough to become a writer.
Friend November 2017 The family dog finds its way back home after being lost six months prior while the family was on vacation. We should never give up trying to return home to our Heavenly Father.
Friend July 2017 “Don’t Stop Seeking. President Uchdorf tells about two missionaries who knocked on every door in an apartment building. Nobody was interested until the last door. The last door was the family of Pres. Uchdorf’s future wife. He says we should perservere and not stop seeking to get close to the Lord.
Friend April 2017 “Be Consistent and Keep Trying” Elder Bednar persisted in having family prayer and scripture study and in trying the get his father to join the church, and his persistence paid off.
Friend March 2017 “What if I feel Like I Don’t Measure Up” Elder Holland got discouraged during college and wondered if he should just give up, but his wife encouraged him not to give up.
Friend January 2016 “Matt & Mandy” Matt learns that things that are hard to do can easier and fun with practice.
Friend September 2018 “Matt and Mandy” Mandy is sad she didn’t get elected to student council, but she realizes she did her best. She decides to share her ideas with the new student council and try again next year to get elected by working hard to meet more students.