Old Testament
Who is Jehovah?
Jehovah is one of the names of Jesus Christ and refers to the premortal Savior. The Joseph Smith Translation clarifies that the prophets Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew the Lord by this name (see Exodus 6:3, footnote c). Usually, when the phrase “the Lord” appears in the Old Testament, it refers to Jehovah. In Exodus 3:13–15, the title “I AM” is also a reference to Jehovah (see also Doctrine and Covenants 38:1; 39:1).
Premortal Life
Lesson 1: Heavenly Father’s Plan for Us,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 1–5 To help the children understand that they are spirit children of Heavenly Father and that he has a plan that will help them become like him and return to live with him again.
Lesson 2: Jesus Christ Was Chosen to Be Our Savior,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 6–8 Purpose:
To help the children understand the importance of using their agency to choose and act for themselves.
(See this link for Creation items.)
Adam and Eve
Friend February 2018 “Adam and Eve”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 1-5” Make a booklet about the ways we are like Adam and Eve, such as we have agency
Lesson 4: The Fall of Adam and Eve,” Primary 6: Old Testament(1996), 13–1 To help the children understand the fall of Adam and Eve and to have a desire to return to the presence of Heavenly Father.
Lesson 5: Adam and Eve and Their Family Offered Sacrifices,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 18–22 To help the children want to always remember Jesus Christ.
Lesson 6: Adam and Eve Lived the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 23–26 To help the children understand that the gospel of Jesus Christ is eternal and is based on truths that will help us gain exaltation.
Friend February 2018 ”Adam and Eve Taught their Family” Link also includes info about Adam and Eve and how we can be like them.
Lesson 7: Enoch and a Zion People,” Primary 6: Old Testament(1996), 27–30
Lesson 8: Noah and the Flood,” Primary 6: Old Testament(1996), 31–33 Purpose: To strengthen each child’s desire to listen to and follow the counsel of the living prophet.
Friend March 2018 “Noah”
These cutouts are from old Primary manuals.
Larger PDF version of the October 2002 Friend activity and story visual aid “Noah’s Ark”
Friend September 2018 Dot to dot.
2017 Outline for Sharing Time Identify the doctrine (playing a matching game): Draw a simple ark on the chalkboard. Prepare several sets of two identical animal pictures. Give one picture to each child. Ask the children to stand and make the sound that the animal in their picture makes and to listen for someone else who is making a similar sound. When the children with matching pictures find each other, have them stand together until all the animals have been paired. Ask the children to come as pairs and put their animals on the ark drawing. Ask the children, “Which prophet did the Lord ask to gather the animals into the ark?” Point out that it was probably a difficult task to gather so many animals into the ark, but Noah chose to obey the Lord’s command.
Friend August 2022 “Silly Animals” Find 10 things that don’t belong on Noah’s ark.
“Lesson 9: Jehovah Makes Covenants with Abraham,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 35–38 To help the children understand that as God’s covenant people we each have the responsibility to live the gospel and share it with others.
Lesson 10: Abraham and Lot,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 39–4 To strengthen each child’s desire to show love to others.
Lesson 11: Abraham and Isaac,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 43–4 Purpose:
To help the children understand that we should trust Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ completely.
Friend March 2018 “Abraham and Sarah made Covenants” Link includes story and goal card ideas to learn more about how to be like Abraham and Sarah.
Isaac and Rebekah
Lesson 12: Isaac and Rebekah,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 47–51 Purpose:To teach the children that the same eternal blessings promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob can be theirs if they make and honor temple marriage covenants.
Finding a Bride for Isaac
Rebekah was Kind
Lesson 13: Jacob and Esau,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 52–55 Purpose: To help the children recognize how our values influence our choices.
“Lesson 14: Jacob and His Family,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 56–61 Purpose: To help the children have a desire to be honest and have integrity
Friend May 2018 “Jacob’s Sons: Funstuff” The prophet Jacob had 12 sons. Can you find the two sons dressed exactly the same?
Lesson 15: Joseph Was Sold into Egypt,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 62–66 Purpose: To teach the children that even though we may not always be able to control the things that happen to us, we can control our attitudes.
Lesson 16: Joseph in Egypt,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 67–70 Purpose: To encourage the children to keep themselves pure by staying away from temptation and living close to the Lord.
Lesson 17: Joseph Forgives His Brothers,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 71–74 Purpose: To help each child have the desire to forgive others.
Friend May 2018 “Joseph Forgives His Brothers”
Friend May 2018 “Joseph Forgave” Story, video, and goal card.
Friend April 2018 “Joseph Trusted God”
Joseph Prophesied about Joseph Smith
Liahona February 2020 “Meet the Four Josephs” Lehi tells his son Joseph about some of the prophecies that Joseph of Egypt made about Joseph Smith, who was named after his father, Joseph. The article includes the following: What Did Joseph of Egypt Say about Joseph Smith? How Was Joseph Smith Like Joseph of Egypt? How Did Lehi Know about Joseph of Egypt?
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The children of Israel multiply—They are placed in bondage by the Egyptians—Pharaoh seeks to destroy the sons born to Hebrew women.
Friend March 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”
Moses is born to Levite parents, is raised by Pharaoh’s daughter, slays an Egyptian in defense of an Israelite, flees to Midian, and marries Zipporah—Israel in bondage cries to the Lord.
Old Testament Stories “Baby Moses” Illustrations and video
Latter Day Kids “Baby Moses” Lesson Ideas
Old Testament Coloring Book “Baby Moses”
- “Baby Moses” (August 1998 Friend)
A simple retelling of the story of Moses in the bulrushes. Includes four reading comprehension questions.
Friend March 2022 “Make a Basket for Baby Moses”
Additional Resources:
- Lesson 18: The Birth and Calling of Moses,” Primary 6: Old Testament
- Video: Old Testament Stories, “Chapter 15: The Baby Moses”
- “Baby-Moses Action Rhyme” (January 1997 Friend)
- A poem with actions about the baby Moses.
- “Miriam Tends Baby Moses” (January 1972 Friend)
- A retelling of the story of Moses in the bulrushes.
- Lesson 18: The Birth and Calling of Moses,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 75–80 Purpose:
- To help the children understand that they are beginning to prepare for their own earthly missions.
Friend April 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”
Moses is Called to Deliver the Israelites
The Lord appears to Moses at the burning bush—Moses is called to deliver Israel from bondage—The Lord identifies Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and as the Great I AM—He promises to smite Egypt and bring His people out with great wealth.
Old Testament Stories “Moses the Prophet” Story illustrations and Videos
Come Follow Me With Living Scriptures “I Will Deliver You” Lesson ideas
Old Testament Coloring Book “Moses and the Burning Bush”
The Plagues of Egypt
Old Testament Stories “The Plagues of Egypt” Illustrations and video
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Exodus 7–13” The Israelites were in captivity and could not free themselves, but the Lord showed His power and delivered them. How can you use this story to help the children trust the Lord and His power?
- Junior: Read selected verses from Exodus 7–11 to teach the children about the ten plagues that the Lord sent upon the Egyptians. Invite the children to draw pictures that portray some of the plagues. Ask the children to hold up their pictures as you review the plagues again. Read phrases from Exodus 7:5 and 9:14 to explain why the Lord sent the plagues to Egypt.
- Senior: Give each child a paper divided into ten sections, and invite the children to draw pictures of the plagues described in these verses: Exodus 7:17–18; 8:1–4; 8:16–17; 8:20–22; 9:1–6; 9:8–9; 9:22–23; 10:4–5; 10:21–22; 11:4–7. What do the plagues teach us about God’s power? Why is it important to know about His power?
Lesson 19: Moses Delivers the Israelites from Bondage,” Primary 6: Old Testament Pass out numbered slips of paper with the scripture references for each of the ten plagues on the corresponding numbered paper. Have each child look up his or her reference and tell the class about it. You could supply the class with art materials and let them draw pictures of the plague that they read about. They could then show the picture to the class as they tell about the plague. What were the ten plagues the Lord commanded Moses to call down upon Egypt because Pharaoh refused to let Israel go? (See enrichment activity 1.)
(1) Exodus 7:20–21, river turns to blood
(2) Exodus 8:6, frogs
(3) Exodus 8:17, lice
(4) Exodus 8:24, flies
(5) Exodus 9:6, cattle die
(6) Exodus 9:10, boils
(7) Exodus 9:23, hail and fire
(8) Exodus 10:14–15, locusts
(9) Exodus 10:22, darkness
(10) Exodus 11:5, death of firstborn
What pattern did Pharaoh follow with each plague? (Exodus 8:8, 13, 15.)
Old Testament Coloring Book “Plagues of Egypt”

Friend April 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Leap Frog”
Story: Moses was a prophet. He told Pharaoh to let God’s people go free (see Exodus 8:1). Pharaoh said he would let them go. But then he broke his promise. God sent frogs, lice, flies, and other plagues to warn Pharaoh to follow the prophet.
Song: “Follow the Prophet,” verse 5 (Children’s Songbook, 110–11)
Activity: Play a game! Have everyone get in a line. Then crouch down low. One person puts their hands on another person’s back and jumps over each person one by one, like a frog. Take turns until everyone has gone. Each time you hop, say one way you can follow the prophet.
Friend April 2022 “For Older Kids”
Latter Day Kids “Moses and the Plagues of Egypt” Lesson ideas
Lesson 19: Moses Delivers the Israelites from Bondage,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 81–84 Purpose: To teach the children that the priesthood is the power of God.
Old Testament Scripture Stories “The Passover”

Israelites in Wilderness
Friend June 2018 “Moses Follows God”
Friend June 2018 “Moses Obeyed God” Story, video, and goal card.
Lesson 20: The Israelites Receive Food from Heaven,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 85–89
Purpose: To help each child observe the Sabbath as a day of worship and joy.
Lesson 21: The Ten Commandments,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 90–94
To teach the children that keeping the Ten Commandments helps us be happy.
Lesson 22: Israel and the Brass Serpent,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 95–100
To encourage the children to be humble and have faith in Jesus Christ.
Lesson 23: Joshua Leads Israel,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 101–5
To help the children choose to serve the Lord
Lesson 24: Gideon,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 106–9
To teach the children the value of trusting in the Lord.
Lesson 25: Samson,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 110–13
To teach the children that by keeping our covenants, we will develop spiritual strength.
Joshua, Devout General – Friend January 1987
Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, becomes king.
“Lesson 32: Rehoboam,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 140–44 To encourage each child to be a positive influence on others and to withstand negative peer pressure.
Naman the Syrian – Friend February 1987
Friend November 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”
Old Testament Coloring Book “Job”
Ruth and Naomi
Lesson 26: Ruth and Naomi,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 114–16
To help the children have the desire to follow the example of righteous people and to be good examples themselves.
Friend July 2018 “Ruth was a Loyal Friend” Link includes story and goal card ideas to learn how to be a good friend like Ruth.
For the Strength of Youth June 2022 “Fun Stop”
Lesson 27: Samuel, the Boy Prophet,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 117–19
To encourage the children to listen for the promptings of the Holy Ghost.
Friend July 2018 “Hannah and Samuel” Story
Lesson 28: David and Goliath,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 120–24
To encourage each child to seek Heavenly Father’s help in overcoming obstacles.
Friend August 2018 “David Trusted God” Story and goal card. (Young David trusted God and did hard things, and I can too!)
Friend May 2019 “Bright Idea” Poster or handout that says “I can conquer giant problems” next to a giant like David slew.

Friend August 2018 “David and Goliath”

Friend June 2022 “For Older Kids”
Friend July 2022 “Stand for What You Believe” Elder Rasband tells of his youth and often being the only Church member at school. He says that When we live the gospel, we will be different. The Apostle Peter said we would be “peculiar” (1 Peter 2:9). And that’s OK. We don’t need to worry about being different when we stand for what we believe. David stood for what he believed. He wasn’t alone. God’s power was with him. He beat Goliath. God will help us even when we face Goliath-sized challenges.
Lesson 29: David and Jonathan,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 125–30
To help the children understand how to be a true friend.
Lesson 30: King David and Bathsheba,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 131–34
To help the children keep their thoughts and actions pure.
Friend October 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”
Friend November 2022 “Daniel and the Lions’ Den” Finger puppets
Friend November 2018 “Daniel Bravely Followed God” Story and goal card. (I can stand up for what I believe)
Friend November 2018 “Daniel and the Lions”
Friend October 2018 “The T-E-S-T” One day, when Sharon’s father was reading to her the Bible story about Daniel in the lion’s den, he traced the word “test” on her forehead. He told her she would have tests like Daniel, but she should follow Heavenly Father’s commandments and not give into fear. (Also includes a lion activity of ways Heavenly Father helps us with challenges. )

Friend November 2018 “Coloring Page: I Love Scripture Stories” Children acting out story of Daniel in lion’s den.
Friend September 2018 “Elijah and the Widow”

Friend September 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”
Friend September 2018 “Elijah was a Prophet” Story and goal card.
Friend November 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”
Friend October 2018 “Esther the Queen”
Friend October 2018 “Esther Was Courageous” Story and goal card.
Friend December 2018 “Jonah and the Whale”
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Friend December 2018 “Jonah Repented” Story and goal card.
Friend August 1994 “Isaiah and the Time Machine” Anthony was having a hard time following along during his family’s Book of Mormon study time. They were reading the words of Isaiah in 2 Nephi, and he didn’t understand them. Anthony loved playing in his pretend time machine and his father decided to help the children understand Isaiah by using the time machine. (Excellent story!)
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 Engraving on metal plates is not easy, and space on Nephi’s small plates was limited. So why would Nephi go to the tedious effort of copying a large amount of Isaiah’s writings into his record?
Liahona February 2020 “Who Was Isaiah?”
Liahona March 2012 “How Can I Understand the Words of Isaiah?” Article includes the following: know Isaiah’s main topics, the reasons for studying Isaiah, the events of Isaiah’s days that he used symbolically, helpful hints to understanding his words, etc.
Friend November 1994 “Isaiah” Isaiah prophesied of many things that would happen in his day and in the future. This article includes an explanation of Isaiah’s most quoted prophecies