Jesus Christ: Death & Resurrection (Easter)

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See also Resources by Topic: Easter and Categories: Easter

Friend March 2024 “What is Easter”

Friend March 2018 “For Parents of Little Ones” Help children understand that Easter is a time to remember the things Jesus has done for us.

Friend March 2024 “Why Do We Celebrate Easter?”

Friend March 2016 Ideas on how to help children focus on the real meaning of Easter.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Easter” contains a timeline and description of what happened on each day of the last week of the Savior’s life. Each day of the week, your family could review these descriptions to see what the Savior did that day, or you could read about His last week in the scriptures as a family (see a suggested list in “Ideas for Personal Scripture Study” above).

Palm Sunday

Friend March 2021 “Lainey’s Easter”

The First Sacrament

New Testament Stories “The First Sacrament” Video and Images

Jesus Atonement

See Jesus Christ: Atonement and Jesus Christ: Lesson Ideas

New Testament Stories “Jesus Suffers in the Garden of Gethsemane”

Betrayal and Trials of Jesus

New Testament Stories “The Trials of Jesus” Video and Images

New Testament Coloring Book “Jesus’s Trial before Pilate”

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “To This End Was I Born” Lesson ideas

Jesus is Crucified

New Testament Coloring Book “Jesus’s Crucifixion”

Friend March 2021 “Because of Jesus” When Jesus died for us, He gave us many blessings. Some of these blessings are written on these cards. Find the match for each scripture.

Jesus died for me because he loves me.

Matthew 27:11–66Luke 23John 19

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 Little children might be upset by the accounts of Jesus’s Crucifixion. “Chapter 52: The Trials of Jesus” and “Chapter 53: Jesus Is Crucified” (in New Testament Stories, 133–38, or the corresponding videos on provide a good model for how you might appropriately share this story with them.

New Testament Stories “The Trials of Jesus”

New Testament Coloring Book “Jesus’s Trial before Pilate”

New Testament Stories “Jesus is Crucified”

New Testament Coloring Book “Jesus’s Crucifixion”

  • Show the picture in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families as you tell about Jesus’s trial, Crucifixion, and burial (see also Gospel Art Book, nos. 57–58). Invite the children to share what they know about these events. Emphasize that on the third day, Jesus was resurrected. In other words, He came back to life.

Jesus is Laid in a Tomb

  • Ask the children to name some things their parents do for them that they cannot do for themselves. Show a picture of the Savior. Explain that because of Jesus, we can be resurrected—something we cannot do ourselves.

The Red Crystal Great lesson resources like the one below!

Latter Day Kids “Jesus Died for Us” Lesson ideas

  • Show a picture of someone you know who has died. Share your testimony that because of Jesus that person will one day live again.

Friend April 2021 “I Will See My Brother Again” During Primary, Isabella feels the spirit and knows she will see her brother again.

Jesus died for me because He loves me.

Matthew 27:11–66Luke 23John 19

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 Why are you grateful that Jesus Christ died for you? Consider how you can help the children understand the significance of the Savior’s sacrifice for them.

New Testament Stories “Jesus is Crucified”

The below video is a little upsetting for some children. You may wish to use the above video instead.

Friend June 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities”

Story: Jesus gave His life for us because He loves us. Because He was resurrected, we all will be too.

Song: “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook, 34–35)

Activity: Gather these objects: a nail, a piece of wood, a piece of cloth, and a stone. Pass them around while you read John 19:17–19 and Matthew 27:57–60. Why are you thankful for Jesus?

  • Ask a child to read Matthew 27:54, and invite the children to share things about Jesus that help them know He is the Son of God.

Friend April 2003 “Poster Article: Believing in Jesus Christ”

Primary Singing “Behold the Great Redeemer Die Song Trivia Quiz”

Help the children think of things that people consider valuable. Then let the children take turns looking in a mirror, and as they do, tell each child that he or she is a child of God and of great worth. Testify that to Heavenly Father [and Jesus], they are more valuable than all the things they thought of earlier. Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 18–19: “The Worth of Souls Is Great”

“Lesson 31: Jesus Christ’s Betrayal, Arrest, and Trial,” Primary 7: New Testament

“Lesson 32: The Crucifixion and Burial of Jesus Christ,” Primary 7: New Testament

Jesus Forgives the Soldiers

Matthew 27:26–37Luke 23:34

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 How will you help the children understand how to forgive those who are unkind, as Jesus did?

  • Describe how the soldiers were unkind to Jesus (see Matthew 27:26–37), and then read Luke 23:34. Explain that when we forgive others, we aren’t angry at them anymore and we show love to them.
  • Invite the children to take turns reading about the soldiers being unkind to Jesus in Matthew 27:26–37 and Jesus forgiving them in Luke 23:34. (See the insight provided by the Joseph Smith Translation in Luke 23:34, footnote c.) What do we learn from Jesus’s example?
soldiers beating Jesus
The soldiers beat Jesus with whips. They put a purple robe on Him. They made a crown of thorns and put it on Jesus’s head. They laughed at Him and spit on Him. They called Him “King of the Jews.”
Jesus on the cross
Many people followed the soldiers as they took Jesus to a hill near Jerusalem. They made Him carry His own cross. They nailed His hands and feet to the cross and lifted it up. They also crucified two other men, who were thieves.
soldiers standing by the cross
Jesus prayed. He asked Heavenly Father to forgive the soldiers who crucified Him. They did not know that He was the Savior.

Because Jesus suffered and died for me, I can repent and be forgiven.

Luke 23:32–33, 39–43

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 This lesson is a good time to testify that because of Jesus Christ, we can repent of our sins and be forgiven.

  • Invite a child to read aloud Luke 23:32–33, 39–43. Explain that the two people being crucified with Jesus were thieves. How did one of the thieves show that he was beginning to repent? What can we do to show that we are repenting? (See Guide to the Scriptures, “Repent, Repentance,”

The Red Crystal Great lesson ideas!

  • Write the following sentence on the board, leaving blanks for the italicized words: “I can be forgiven when I repent because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.” Give the children clues to help them fill in the blanks.

Jesus is Resurrected

See also “Resurrection: Lesson Ideas and Death and Resurrection: Stories

Friend May 2021 “Faith Will Move Mountains”

Friend April 2023 “Easter Craft”

Friend April 2023 “Easter Poster”

He Lives

  • Display a picture of Jesus on the cross or being buried in the tomb (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 5758). Ask the children to explain what is happening in the picture. Read to the children Job’s testimony in Job 19:25. Display a picture of the resurrected Savior (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 5960; see also this week’s activity page), and testify that Jesus Christ was resurrected and lives today. Why are we thankful that Jesus was resurrected?
Gospel Art Book
Gospel Art Book
  • Show a picture of Job, and explain that Job was in a lot of pain because his skin had sores all over it. He had lost his home, and his children had died. But Job knew something very important that gave him comfort. Read Job 19:25, and ask the children what Job knew. Share with the children how you know that Jesus Christ lives, and invite them to share their testimonies of Him.
  • Ask the children to color this week’s activity page. As they do, play or sing a song about Jesus’s Resurrection, such as “Did Jesus Really Live Again?” or “Jesus Has Risen” (Children’s Songbook, 64, 70). Ask them to share how they feel about Jesus, and help them understand that we can have good feelings from the Holy Ghost to help us know Jesus Christ is real.

Friend September 2023 “Jesus Was Resurrected” Remove(or print) this page and fold it in half. Then hold the picture up while you tell the story.


Friend April 2022 “The Easter Story”

For the Strength of Youth April 2023 “Fun Stop” Print, cut out, and glue the two pictures together back to back. Shine a flashlight behind the images (or hold the page up to a window or light) to learn more about the events surrounding the Savior’s atoning sacrifice.

Friend March 2024 “Jesus Christ Lives” President Henry B. Eyring tells about his experience outside a tomb in Jerusalem.

Cut out the circles and put the first circle on top of the other. Poke a hole in the center and hold them in place with a pin or metal brad. Then turn the top circle to tell the Easter story.

Jesus Christ was resurrected.

Isaiah 25:8

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Isaiah 13–14; 24–30; 35” Jesus Christ can comfort the sorrow we feel about death. Because He gained victory over death, we will all be resurrected too.

  • Show a picture of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and ask the children to share what they know about the picture. If needed, share with them the story of Jesus being resurrected (see “Jesus Is Risen,” in New Testament Stories, 139–44). Play or sing a song about the Resurrection, such as “Jesus Has Risen” (Children’s Songbook, 70), and invite the children to share how it makes them feel to know that Jesus rose from the dead.

New Testament Stories “Jesus is Risen” Images and video

  • Tell the children about someone you know who has died. How do we feel when someone we love dies? Invite the children to draw a face of someone crying. Then read Isaiah 25:8 to them. What will Jesus do to our tears when we miss someone who has died? Invite the children to draw a happy face. Bear your testimony that because Jesus Christ was resurrected, we can feel comforted when someone dies and know that we will all be resurrected one day.

Friend December 2020 “A Christmas Song for Grandpa” Jennifer’s grandfather passed away on the day she is supposed to sing a solo at the Christmas community program. She is heartbroken but remembers that because of Jesus she will see her grandfather again. She decides to sing about Jesus at the program so she can share the light and hope Jesus gives.

Latter Day Kids Death and Resurrection”

For additional teaching resources see also Jesus Christ: Death & Resurrection

Easter Scripture Story


Friend March 2021 “He is Risen” President Henry B. Eyring tells about feeling sad when his mother died, but then felt happy when the Holy Ghost told him that the Resurrection is real. (Cut out the cards and glue them on paper. Punch the holes and tie together with string. Now you have an Easter storybook!)

Friend April 2020 “The First Easter” Cut out the story and the pictures to tell the story of the first Easter.

Friend April 2019 “The Miracle of Easter” Learn about Easter! You could read one part each day starting on Palm Sunday, a week before Easter. Each section includes information about a certain part of Jesus’ life, a scripture, and a song. It ends with the resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Friend April 2020 “Food & Fun: Tell the Easter Story” Use this activity to tell the story of when Jesus Christ was resurrected. Number 12 plastic eggs and put each slip of paper inside, along with the object that goes with it (optional). Then hide the eggs for a family Easter egg hunt! When all the eggs have been found, take turns opening them in order and read the paper inside to tell the Easter story.

Friend April 2019 “The Story of Easter” [unitegallery 2019Apri]

Friend April 2020 “My Family Night Fun” Build a Resurrection garden! Fill a large dish or flower pot with dirt. Then lay a cup sideways to look like a tomb. You could use the cutouts on pages FJ2–FJ3 to finish the scene.

Friend March 2018 “Jackson Loves Easter” Jackson loves Easter because it reminds him of Jesus and all the things Jesus has done for us.

Friend March 2018 “Seven Days Until Easter” Starting the Sunday before Easter, read the scripture for each day and color the matching numbered area. (Print and tape the two pictures together.)

Friend April 2019

Friend April 2020 “The Easter Tree” Oliver wanted to wave palm branches like the people did when Jesus entered Jerusalem, so he and his parents cut down some branches. After they were done waving their branches and shouting hosanna, they put the branches in a vase. Then they wrote why they loved Jesus and put the papers in Easter eggs and hung them on the branches. Oliver learned that because of Jesus he would one day see his baby sister again. That made him happy.

Friend March 2021 “Lainey’s Easter”

Friend April 1988 “Little Friends: The Easter Story” A wordless story for you to tell.

Friend April 1988
Friend April 1988

Friend April 1988 “The First Easter”

Friend April 1988
Friend April 1988

Friend March 1986 “Testimony of Easter” See link for the full Easter Program

I will live again after I die, just as Jesus did.

Matthew 28Mark 16Luke 24John 20:1–23

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 The Atonement of Jesus Christ, including His Resurrection, is the most important event in history, and it is the foundation of Christian faith. As you read about the Resurrection, ponder how you will help the children build their faith in Jesus Christ.

Tell the story of Jesus’s Resurrection in your own words. (If needed, use “Chapter 54: Jesus Is Risen,” in New Testament Stories, 139–44, or the corresponding video on

Explain that when Jesus died, His spirit left His body. When He was resurrected, His spirit and His body came together again. Ask the children to take turns repeating the story back to you. Ask the children how they would have felt if they had seen Jesus alive again.

The Red Crystal

Show the video “What Happens after We Die?” (, and tell about someone you know who has died. Share your testimony that everyone will be resurrected someday. Invite the children to share their testimonies.

Sing a song about the Savior’s Resurrection, such as “Did Jesus Really Live Again?” (Children’s Songbook, 64). Ask the children to imagine what it will feel like to see Jesus. Let them share their thoughts with the class.

Because Jesus was resurrected, everyone will be resurrected.

Matthew 28Mark 16Luke 24John 20:1–23

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 It’s natural for children to wonder what happens after we die. Consider how you can teach about the Resurrection in a way that will build their faith.

Invite the children to close their eyes and imagine that they are sitting by Jesus’s tomb while you read John 20:1–17 or summarize the story of His Resurrection (see also “Chapter 54: Jesus Is Risen,” in New Testament Stories, 139–44, or the corresponding video on What does it mean to be resurrected? What would it have been like to see the resurrected Savior?

New Testament Stories “Jesus is Risen”

Ask each child to study the experience of someone who saw the resurrected Savior and share with the rest of the class what he or she learned.

Watch one or more of these videos with the children: “Jesus Is Laid in a Tomb,” “Jesus Is Resurrected,” “Christ Appears on the Road to Emmaus,” and “The Risen Lord Appears to the Apostles” ( Invite the children to share why the Savior’s Resurrection is important to them.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023

Additional Resources

The Red Crystal

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Teach All Nations” Lesson ideas

Because of Jesus Christ, I will be resurrected.

Doctrine and Covenants 63:4988:14–17, 27138:11, 14–17

Easter Scripture Story


Friend April 2020 “The First Easter” Cut out the story and the pictures to tell the story of the first Easter.

Easter Puppet Object Lesson Directions on how to make and present object lesson of spirit leaving body and then being reunited.

Joseph Smith knew how it feels to mourn the death of loved ones. Two of his brothers, Alvin and Don Carlos, died as young men. Joseph and Emma buried six children, each younger than two years old. But from the revelations he received, Joseph gained an eternal perspective on death and God’s eternal plan. Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Easter: “I Am He Who Liveth, I Am He Who Was Slain”

Friend April 2021 “Bright Idea”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Easter” Because Jesus was resurrected, I will live again.

Friend April 2023 “We Will Live Again” Carlan wants to know where people go when they die and whether we will see them again. Her mother explains that because of Jesus we will all live again.

The Prophet Joseph Smith testified that Jesus Christ lives.

Doctrine and Covenants 76:11–24110:1–10Joseph Smith—History 1:14–17

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Easter: “I Am He Who Liveth, I Am He Who Was Slain”

  • Show the children a picture of Joseph Smith’s First Vision. Invite the children to tell you what is happening in the picture, and ask them to find Jesus Christ.

Ask the children if they know about other times Joseph Smith saw the Savior. In your own words, tell about the experiences described in Doctrine and Covenants 76:11–24110:1–7. Why is it a blessing to know that Joseph Smith saw the risen Savior?

For the Strength of Youth April 2021 “He Lives” Line by line explanation of D&C 76:22-24

  • April 3, 1836, was Easter Sunday. After helping administer the sacrament to Saints gathered in the newly dedicated Kirtland Temple, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery found a quiet place behind a veil in the temple and bowed in silent prayer. Then, on this sacred day when Christians everywhere were commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the risen Savior Himself appeared in His temple, declaring, “I am he who liveth, I am he who was slain” (Doctrine and Covenants 110:4).

Video: Watch the first part of Doctrine and Covenant Stories: Visions in the Kirtland Temple 

Video: Watch the first part of Doctrine and Covenant Stories: The Three Kingdoms of Heaven

Doctrine and Covenants 76:11–24110:1–10Joseph Smith—History 1:14–17

  • On the board, list some truths we learn about the Savior from these verses. Invite the children to identify which verses teach the truths listed on the board. On this week’s activity page, help the children match the pictures with the scripture verses.
  • As the children color this week’s activity page, read to them the scriptures it refers to. Point out details in the pictures that are described in the verses. Testify to the children that the Prophet Joseph Smith saw Jesus Christ, and this is one reason we know that Jesus lives. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Easter: “I Am He Who Liveth, I Am He Who Was Slain”)

Friend March 2021 “Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones”

To help your family consider the many ways the risen Savior blesses us today, you could sing together “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” (Hymns, no. 136) and connect truths taught in this song with those taught in the following scriptures: Doctrine and Covenants 6:3445:3–584:7798:18138:23. Your family might also enjoy writing additional verses for the hymn that express how they know that their Redeemer lives. (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Easter: “I Am He Who Liveth, I Am He Who Was Slain”)

Easter Traditions Around the World

Friend April 2022 “Easter Around the World”

Friend April 2022 “Find It” In Germany, many people decorate with eggs to celebrate Easter. How do you celebrate the Savior’s Resurrection? Find the hidden items.

Friend April 2021 “Find It” On the island of Barbados, many people have a tradition of flying kites around Easter to remind them that Christ rose from the tomb. Find the kites and other items listen below.

Friend March 2021 “Getting Ready for Easter” In Russia, Easter is celebrated with Clean Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. Story tells how Lydia and her family celebrate each of the days.

For the Strength of Youth April 2023 “Fun Stop” People from many countries decorate eggs at Eastertime. For some people, an eggshell represents an empty tomb and the risen Savior. Each egg below shows a decoration style from around the world. Can you guess which egg represents which country? ( 1. H 2. C 3. J 4. B 5. D 6. F 7. A 8. I 9. G 10. E)


Friend March 2024 “An Easter to Remember” (Finland) Noah and his family enjoyed roasted lamb and sweet pasha for their Easter dinner. After their traditional Easter dinner they had their special music program family home evening. Everyone in the family had prepared a song about Jesus Christ to share. Jonas felt Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ’s love as they each shared their talent and then watched an Easter video. Afterwards, they wrote in their special Easter journals what they would do to follow Heavenly Father and Jesus.

Activities & Game

Friend March 2024 “Following Jesus Together”

  • Easter, Resurrection: We love to color eggs and do an Easter egg hunt. There is always one plastic egg that is empty. It reminds us of the empty tomb after Jesus was resurrected! Eli W., age 6, California, USA
  • Easter, Resurrection: On Easter morning, we go to church and come back home to learn more about our Savior. We have 12 Easter eggs that represent things He did. The last egg is always empty because it represents that Jesus is risen! Scarlet A., age 10, New Mexico, USA

Friend March 2024 “Easter Lily Craft” Easter lilies can help us remember Jesus Christ’s Resurrection. Lily bulbs grow under the ground for a long time before they bloom in the spring. After Jesus died, His body was placed in a tomb. But after three days, He lived again! Make your own Easter lilies by following these steps.

New Era April 2020 “Fun Stop” Use a white crayon to write or draw designs on your eggs before dying them. Wherever you draw will stay un-dyed. Could use it to reveal an answer to a question or have the family members answer a question and then reveal their answers.

Friend April 2022 “For Little Friends” Jesus resurrection collages

Friend April 1985 “Jesus Rose Again” The capitalized words in the story are also in the letter square. Find them by reading forward, backward, up, down, and diagonally. Note: Some terms appear as a unit, some as separate words.

Getting Ready for Easter

Friend April 2023 “Countdown to Easter” The week before Easter, do an activity each day to follow Jesus. Then color in the footprint.

Friend March 2016 “One Step Closer to Easter” Each week this month, you and your family can learn more about Jesus and His Resurrection. He lives!

Friend April 2022 “Jesus is Risen” Getting Ready for Easter: Starting a week before Easter, read a scripture each day and color in the matching areas.

Friend April 2020 “Getting Ready for Easter” Get ready for Easter by doing an activity and coloring an egg each day to remember Jesus Christ.

Friend March 2015 “Getting Ready for Easter” Start on number 1 the Sunday before Easter. Each day, read about Jesus and answer the question. Then cut out the matching picture and add it to the chart.

Friend March 2015

For the Strength of Youth March 2025 “20 Ideas for a Month-Long Easter Celebration” People celebrate Christmas all December. Why not have a month-long Easter celebration to remember Christ’s atoning sacrifice? Here are some ideas.

See also:  Easter Activities (Also Easter stories, pictures, and videos.)


Old Testament: Easter

Doctrine and Covenants: Easter

Book of Mormon: Easter

Primary New Testament: Easter

Sunday School New Testament: Easter

Coloring Pages

Friend April 2019 Easter is about Jesus

Friend April 2023 “Jesus Christ Lives”

Song Ideas

Did Jesus Really Live Again

Camilla’s Primary Ideas “Did Jesus Really Live Again” Shows how to make the below interactive poster.

Friend June 2019 “I Know That My Redeemer Lives: I Can Play It”  Sing-Along Video

Friend March 2021 “Jesus Has Risen: I Can Play It” Also Sing-Along Video

Song: He is Risen Teaching Ideas

Easter Song Review Idea Pin the Easter eggs on the basket activity.

Refreshment Ideas

Friend April 2017 “A Special Easter Treat” Kate makes Easter rolls with her mom. Each part of the process remind us of the Savior’s Atonement or resurrection. Link includes recipe.

Friend April 2023 “The Jerusalem Dinner” Every year at Easter Gideon’s family had a special dinner of things that Jesus might have eaten such as flatbread, dried dates, honey, olives, dried apricots, almonds, goat cheese, sliced cucumbers and fish. They also talked about their favorite stories of Jesus.

Friend April 2019 No-Bake Nests

Friend April 2017 Peanut Butter Easter Eggs

Friend April 2017 Easter Rolls -After they are cooked they are empty in the middle like the tomb was empty.


Easter Celebrations

Friend April 2023 “Margo and Paolo” Margo and Paolo invite a friend to dinner who is going to be alone for Easter.

Additional Resources

Latter Day kids “He Is Risen” Lesson ideas

The Red Crystal “Easter”

Easter: Old Testament

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The Old Testament Testifies of the Savior’s Atoning Sacrifice.

  • Prepare strips of paper. On half of them, write Old Testament scripture references of prophecies about Jesus Christ. On the other half, write corresponding New Testament scripture references about how these prophecies were fulfilled. (This week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families lists some examples.) Invite the children to read the verses and match the prophecies with their fulfillment.
Old TestamentNew Testament
Zechariah 9:9Matthew 21:1–11
Zechariah 11:12–13Matthew 26:14–16
Isaiah 53:4Matthew 8:16–1726:36–39
Isaiah 53:7Mark 14:60–61
Psalm 22:16John 19:17–1820:25–27
Psalm 22:18Matthew 27:35
Psalm 69:21Matthew 27:34, 48
Psalm 118:22Matthew 21:42
Isaiah 53:9, 12Matthew 27:57–60Mark 15:27–28
Isaiah 25:8Mark 16:1–6Luke 24:6
Daniel 12:2Matthew 27:52–53
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Easter”

“Lesson 45: The Gift of the Atonement (Easter)” Primary 6: Old Testament This lesson includes other great ideas about teaching about resurrection and death.

PropheciesFulfillment of Prophecies
Isaiah 53:7—He opened not his mouthMatthew 21:5
Psalm 34:20—No broken bonesLuke 23:9
Zechariah 9:9—Came riding on an assMatthew 27:9
Psalm 22:1—Why hast thou forsaken me?Matthew 27:35
Psalm 22:18—Cast lots for his garmentsJohn 19:36
Zechariah 11:13—Thirty pieces of silverMatthew 27:46
Answers: 1-b, 2-e, 3-a, 4-f, 5-d, 6-c

Jesus Christ is My Savior.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Easter” Easter Sunday is a good occasion to teach the children about the Savior’s Atonement in Gethsemane and His death on the cross. This can help them feel Jesus’s love for them.

Jesus Suffered and Died for Me

  • Older Children: Divide the children into three groups, and give each group one of the following scripture passages: Isaiah 53:4–12Alma 7:11–13; and Doctrine and Covenants 19:16–19. Invite the children to look for words and phrases that describe the things Jesus Christ suffered for us. Ask them to write their answers on the board and share how they feel about the Savior after reading these scriptures.

For the Strength of Youth “The Suffering Savior”

Jesus Suffered for Our Sins so We might Return to Live with Heavenly Father

  • Read John 10:9 to the children, emphasizing Jesus’s words “I am the door.” Because Jesus suffered for our sins, died, and was resurrected, He made it possible for each of us to live with God again. Use the door of your classroom to teach that Jesus is like a doorway that allows us to return to Heavenly Father.
  • Read Isaiah 53:6 to the children, and show them a picture or drawing of a sheep. Let one of the children put the picture in a far corner of the room. Explain that when we make wrong choices, we are wandering away from Heavenly Father like a sheep going astray. Then invite the child to bring the sheep back, and bear your testimony that because Jesus Christ suffered and died for us, He can bring us back to Heavenly Father. (You might show a picture of Jesus as a shepherd, such as picture 64 in the Gospel Art Book.)

Friend January 1999 “The Good Shepherd” Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd. He suffered and died for us so that we could return to Heavenly Father. We are His sheep if we will listen to His voice and follow Him. We do this by keeping the commandments, studying the scriptures, and obeying the prophets and the promptings of the Holy Ghost. We may not actually see the Savior in this life. But if we have faith in Him and follow His voice, He will protect us and lead us in the correct paths.

Friend April 1999
  • Help the children memorize the third article of faith. What does this scripture teach us about Jesus Christ’s Atonement and Heavenly Father’s plan for His children?

Friend February 2015

Friend March 2011

Friend March 2011
  • Sing with the children a song about Jesus Christ, such as “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75). Help them notice any feelings of peace and love they have as they sing. Also point out words in the song that describe the Savior’s love. How can we share His love with others?
  • Ask the children how they would describe the Atonement of Jesus Christ to someone. Encourage them to use scriptures, hymns, or pictures to express what the Savior’s atoning sacrifice means to them. How are we blessed because of the Savior’s Atonement?

Jesus Died and Was Resurrected for Me.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Easter” How can you help the children learn that because of Jesus Christ’s Resurrection, we and our loved ones will be resurrected someday?

  • Tell the children about Jesus’s death and Resurrection (see Mark 15–16). Use the pictures in this week’s outline, pictures 57–60 in the Gospel Art Book, or “Chapter 54: Jesus Is Risen” in New Testament Stories (pages 139–44) to help the children visualize the story.

New Testament Stories “Jesus is Risen” Images and video

  • Help the children understand that resurrection means that after we die we will live again forever with a perfect physical body and will never die again. Share your testimony of the Resurrection, and let the children work on this week’s activity page. Invite the children to use it to share with their families the story of Jesus’s Resurrection.
  • Read Alma 40:23 to the children. Show them your hand inside a glove. Tell them that your hand is like a spirit and the glove is like a physical body. Take the glove off to show that when we die, our spirit will leave our body. Put the glove back on to represent the Resurrection.

Teaching Children the Gospel: Easter Object Lesson

  1. Sing a song about Jesus Christ’s Resurrection, such as “Did Jesus Really Live Again?” or “Jesus Has Risen” (Children’s Songbook, 64, 70). Bear your testimony that because of Jesus Christ we will live again and have perfect bodies after we die.
  1. 1. Did Jesus really live again? Yes, when the third day came,He wakened and he left the tomb;He called Mary’s name.
  2. 2. Did Jesus come to those he loved?Yes, people touched his feet,And of the fish and honeycombHe did truly eat.
  3. 3. And there were nail-prints in his handsAnd a spear wound in his side.Did Jesus really live againAfter he had died?Oh yes! And so shall I!

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Easter” The reality of Jesus Christ’s Resurrection can bring us great hope and joy—especially when we experience the death of a loved one. How can you help the children find comfort in the Resurrection?

  • Read Job 14:14 with the children. Invite the children to share how they would answer Job’s question. Help them find scriptures that testify of the Resurrection (see Guide to the Scriptures, “Resurrection,”
  • Read Moses 1:39 with the children. Ask them if they know the difference between “immortality” and “eternal life.” Invite them to look for answers in the first paragraph of “Eternal Life” (Gospel Topics, Who will receive immortality? What is required to receive eternal life? Bear your testimony that both of these precious gifts are possible because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
  • Sing together an Easter song or hymn, such as “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook, 34–35) or “He Is Risen!” (Hymns, no. 199). Invite the children to share how they feel when they sing these songs. What do these songs teach us about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? Invite the children to write their testimonies of the Savior to share at home with their families.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Easter”

Music is a powerful way to remember the Savior and invite the Spirit into our homes. Family members could share and sing together hymns or songs about Easter or about Jesus Christ, such as “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” (Hymns,no. 200) or “Did Jesus Really Live Again?” (Children’s Songbook, 64). To find other hymns or children’s songs, look in the topical index of Hymns and Children’s Songbook .

Exodus 12:1–28.

As you celebrate Easter, your family could review what you learned about the Passover earlier this month. Why is it significant that the Savior’s sacrifice occurred at the same time as Passover?

For a summary of what happened during the last week of the Savior’s life, see “Holy Week” at For scriptures about the events of the Savior’s final week, see “The Last Week: Atonement and Resurrection” in Harmony of the Gospels (in the Bible appendix).

Come Follow Me With Living Scriptures “Remember Him” Lesson ideas

Friend April 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Extra-Special Easter”

Story: The prophet Isaiah said that Jesus suffered for our transgressions and understands our sorrows (see Isaiah 53:4–5). Jesus died for us and then lived again. Because of Him, we will all live again too.

Song: “Did Jesus Really Live Again?” (Children’s Songbook, 64)

Activity: Make Easter extra special this year by doing the activity on page 3. Each day the week before Easter, read about Jesus and color part of the picture.

Friend April 2022 “Jesus is Risen” Getting Ready for Easter: Starting a week before Easter, read a scripture each day and color in the matching areas.

Friend April 2022 “Easter Morning” Cut out and glue the figures on a piece of paper or inside a small box to make a scene about Easter morning. Then tell the story from Matthew 28:1–10 and John 20:11–18.

Latter Day Kids “The Easter Surprise: The Resurrection and The Atonement of Christ” Lesson ideas

For additional teaching ideas see “Teaching Children the Gospel: Jesus Christ: Death & Resurrection (Easter)” and Resources for Teaching Children “Easter”

Doctrine and Covenants: Easter

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See more teaching ideas at Easter and Resurrection

Because of Jesus Christ, I will be resurrected.

Doctrine and Covenants 63:4988:14–17, 27138:11, 14–17

Easter Scripture Story


Friend April 2020 “The First Easter” Cut out the story and the pictures to tell the story of the first Easter.

Joseph Smith knew how it feels to mourn the death of loved ones. Two of his brothers, Alvin and Don Carlos, died as young men. Joseph and Emma buried six children, each younger than two years old. But from the revelations he received, Joseph gained an eternal perspective on death and God’s eternal plan. Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Easter: “I Am He Who Liveth, I Am He Who Was Slain”

The Prophet Joseph Smith testified that Jesus Christ lives.

Doctrine and Covenants 76:11–24110:1–10Joseph Smith—History 1:14–17

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Easter: “I Am He Who Liveth, I Am He Who Was Slain”

  • Show the children a picture of Joseph Smith’s First Vision. Invite the children to tell you what is happening in the picture, and ask them to find Jesus Christ.

Ask the children if they know about other times Joseph Smith saw the Savior. In your own words, tell about the experiences described in Doctrine and Covenants 76:11–24110:1–7. Why is it a blessing to know that Joseph Smith saw the risen Savior?

For the Strength of Youth April 2021 “He Lives” Line by line explanation of D&C 76:22-24

  • April 3, 1836, was Easter Sunday. After helping administer the sacrament to Saints gathered in the newly dedicated Kirtland Temple, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery found a quiet place behind a veil in the temple and bowed in silent prayer. Then, on this sacred day when Christians everywhere were commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the risen Savior Himself appeared in His temple, declaring, “I am he who liveth, I am he who was slain” (Doctrine and Covenants 110:4).

Video: Watch the first part of Doctrine and Covenant Stories: Visions in the Kirtland Temple 

Video: Watch the first part of Doctrine and Covenant Stories: The Three Kingdoms of Heaven

Doctrine and Covenants 76:11–24110:1–10Joseph Smith—History 1:14–17

  • On the board, list some truths we learn about the Savior from these verses. Invite the children to identify which verses teach the truths listed on the board. On this week’s activity page, help the children match the pictures with the scripture verses.
  • As the children color this week’s activity page, read to them the scriptures it refers to. Point out details in the pictures that are described in the verses. Testify to the children that the Prophet Joseph Smith saw Jesus Christ, and this is one reason we know that Jesus lives. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Easter: “I Am He Who Liveth, I Am He Who Was Slain”)

Friend March 2021 “Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones”

To help your family consider the many ways the risen Savior blesses us today, you could sing together “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” (Hymns, no. 136) and connect truths taught in this song with those taught in the following scriptures: Doctrine and Covenants 6:3445:3–584:7798:18138:23. Your family might also enjoy writing additional verses for the hymn that express how they know that their Redeemer lives. (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Easter: “I Am He Who Liveth, I Am He Who Was Slain”)

Because of Jesus Christ, I can be forgiven of my sins.

Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–1319:16–1945:3–558:42–43

In addition to saving us from physical death, Jesus Christ provided a way for us to be saved from spiritual death—in other words, to be forgiven of our sins and return to God’s presence.

Write on the board two headings similar to these: What the Savior did and What I must do. Invite each child to search one of the following passages to find something that belongs under these headings: Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–1319:16–1945:3–558:42–43. Share your joy and gratitude for what the Savior did for us.

Help the children learn the third article of faith. You could help them memorize it by showing pictures that go with key phrases.

Friend February 2015

Show the video “The Shiny Bicycle” (, or tell a story of your own about a child who made a wrong choice and then repented. Help the children discuss what the child in the story did to receive forgiveness. How has the Savior made it possible for us to be forgiven?

Additional Resources

Liahona April 2021 “Gospel Basics: Jesus Christ Saved Us from Sin and Death”

Resources for Teaching Children: Resources by Topic: Atonement

Teaching Children the Gospel: Jesus Christ: Atonement

Easter Item #1- Scripture Story

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  • Item needed: A flannel board or carpet board, sticky-back hook Velcro, and scriptures for each child. Also print the Primary manual cutouts onto white cardstock.
  • Cut out the pictures and stick a small piece of hook Velcro onto the back of each cutout. The Velcro will make the cutouts stick to the flannel board or carpet board.
  • Place the cutouts face up on a table or tape them to the walls around the room.

Scripture Story

Read or tell the following story:

Jesus loved, served, and taught the Jewish people while he was on the earth, but there were some Jewish leaders who opposed him. They were upset that people were following Jesus instead of them, so they illegally had him tried and sentenced to death.

(Have the children read Luke 23:33 and then have a child pick the picture that matches the scripture and put it on the flannel board.)  Explain that to crucify means to nail or tie a person’s hands and feet to a cross and leaving that person to die.

Jesus was placed on the cross sometime before noon on Friday. At noon the sun was hidden from view, and darkness spread over the land for three hours. Those who were watching in the darkness heard Jesus cry out, “It is finished.”  His suffering had ended. He bowed his head and died.

After Jesus died on the cross what happened to his spirit? (Read Luke 23:46) When Jesus died, his spirit left his body and went to the spirit world (Read D&C 138: 11-12, 16, 18, 36)

How do you think his friends and disciples felt after Jesus was crucified?    After he died, Jesus’ friends and disciples carefully removed his body from the cross. They wrapped his body in fine linen cloth and with spices, as was the custom in those days. (Take off crucifixion cutout and have a child find and put up matching picture- the wrapping of Jesus’ body)

The Savior’s friends placed his body in a tomb. A tomb is a small room, often carved out of a large rock, in which people can be buried. The newly hewn tomb Jesus’ body was placed in belonged to a rich man named Joseph of Arimathaea. He was a follower of Jesus. (Take off cutout of wrapping the body and have a child find and put up the picture of the tomb.)

Jesus was placed in the tomb on Friday evening because Saturday was the Jewish Sabbath and burying people on that day was not allowed. A large stone was rolled over the mouth of the tomb doorway. (Have a child find and put the large stone cutout on tomb opening)

After Jesus’ body was placed in the tomb, the chief priests and Pharisees went to see Pilate. They remembered that Jesus had said that after three days he would rise again. They asked Pilate to have the sepulcher guarded against his disciples coming in the night and stealing the body away. They did not believe Jesus would be resurrected. They thought Jesus’ friends would hide his body and say he was alive again. The stone was sealed and guards were set to watch. (Have a child find the cutout of the guards and put it on the flannel board.)

The Sabbath was a long, sad day for his followers.  Early on the third day after his death, which was Sunday, an angel (the Joseph Smith translation says it was two angels) came down from heaven and rolled back the stone from the door of the tomb. (Have a child find the cutout of the angel and put it on the flannel board and then move the stone to one side.) The guards were afraid and shook and fell as dead men. (Lay down the soldier cutout)

Some women had wanted to put special ointments on Jesus body to prepare it for burial, but they didn’t have time before the Sabbath, so they came back as soon as the Sabbath was over to finish preparing his body. (Have a child find and put up cutout of women with ointments, off to one side, and take off the soldier cutout.)

As the women walked to the sepulcher they wondered how they would move the heavy stone from the tomb. (Put the cutout of the women close to the tomb) But when they arrived at the tomb they saw that the stone had been rolled away. The tomb was empty. Jesus’ body was gone. The women saw the angels, who told them not to be afraid. (Read Matthew 28:5-6) When the angel said, “He is risen,” he was telling the women that Jesus Christ had been resurrected.  (Hold up cutout of Jesus Resurrected)

Resurrection – Easter, Item #5 – Song

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Resurrection – Easter
Item #5- Song
“Did Jesus Really Live Again?”


  • Items needed: removable double-sided tape, a clear page protector, a recording of the song with words and a device to play it on.
  • Print the two small pages of visual aids. Glue the two pages together, back to back. (All parts of the picture will need to have glue on it.) Cut the small pictures apart into individual sections.
  • Note: If using this idea in Primary, print the larger version of the visual aids. You will need to tape four page protectors together, edge to edge, using clear tape, and also tape or glue the four pages of the picture of Jesus together. The song pictures will need to be glued to the back of the picture of Jesus in the right order as displayed in the above picture. Then cut apart the song cards so a part of the picture of Jesus is attached to each piece.
  • Note: The song comes from the Children’s Songbook Pg 64, and the pictures are from the Friend Magazine and Primary Manuals.



Give one or two of the song pictures to each class or child. Tell them they are going to put the song words in order on the clear page protector. Have them listen to the song once, then ask who has the first part of the song. Have them put it on the page protector.  (The page protector should be horizontal, and the pictures should start at the top left corner and go towards the right. Each row will be a verse.) Ask who has the second part of the song. You may need to listen to the song again if they aren’t sure what comes next. Also have them sing what they have put in order so far as they listen.  Continue in this manner until all the pictures have been put on the page protector. Turn over the page to sing the final sentence. If the pictures are in the correct order, a picture of the resurrected Jesus Christ will be seen through the page protector.

To help the children learn the song, have a child take one or two of the small pictures off the page protector. Sing the song again to see if they can remember the part that has been taken off. Repeat this process until all the pictures have been removed and the children can sing the song without them. The following actions could be used in place of a removed picture:

Did Jesus really live again (hold hands out with palms up)
Yes, when the third day came (hold up three fingers)
He wakened and he left the tomb (walk in place)
He called Mary’s name (cup hands around mouth)
Did Jesus come to those he loved (Put hands over heart)
Yes, people touched his feet (bend over and touch feet),
And of the fish and honeycomb (wiggle hand back and forth like a fish swimming)
He did truly eat (pantomime eating).
And there were nail prints in his hands (point to hand)
And a spear wound in his side (point to side)
Did Jesus really live again after he had died (hold hands out with palms up)
Oh yes! And so shall I (nod head)!

Song: He is Risen

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Easter Egg Punch Board Activity

In Primary I taught the hymn “He is Risen” during the month of August. I told the children that the song “He is Risen” celebrates Jesus’ resurrection, and we usually sing it in April. I asked what holiday we observe in April in celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. (Easter)

I asked the children if they knew why we use eggs in our Easter celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.  (For many people, the living bird coming out of the egg was a reminder of the living Christ coming out of the tomb on the third day.)

I told the children I was going to use Easter eggs to help them learn the song, and I showed them the Easter egg punch board. Inside the eggs were words to the song. I told them they were going to play a matching game. I had pictures to the song on the board, and the children matched the words that were in the eggs with the pictures on the board. Some of the eggs contained a foam hand, and the children who found those got to be my helping hand and fix any matches that were wrong at the end of the activity.

To break open an egg, a child had to peck at it with their finger, like a baby bird would peck to break the shell of an egg.

I had the children who found the foam hands sit in seats at the front. When all the words had been placed under pictures, I had the helping hand children take turns fixing the word strips. I held up numbers telling them how many were wrong before each of their turns. When they got all the words in the right place, we sang the song.  After that we talked about the words to the song.

I pointed out that the words “He is risen” is repeated two times with joyful emphasis. When we got to the part that says “He has burst his three day prison”, I asked what prison it was talking about? (Death)  On the part where it says “Let the whole wide world rejoice” I asked, “Why does the whole world rejoice about Jesus’ resurrection? (Because of Jesus’ resurrection we will also be resurrected and live again.)  Christ won the victory over death.  We honor Jesus, and show how grateful we are to him for what he has done for us, by singing this song with joy in our hearts.

The second week I hid Easter eggs around the room. In each Easter egg was a line from the song. I had a child look for an Easter egg while everyone sang the song. We took the words off the board that was in the Easter egg the child found. Then we sang the song again while another child looked for an egg.  This helped them memorize the song with fun repetition.

Punch board assembly instructions:

  • Items needed: one foam board 20″x30.5″, a knife, white lunch bags, a multi-color pack of gift tissue paper, double -sided permanent tape, four objects such as stickers or cut outs, and the He is Risen word strips and pictures.

I cut out  twelve 3 3/4 inch round holes on the foam board with a knife. The holes were about 3 1/8 inches apart side to side, and 2 1/8 inches apart top to bottom.

I cut about 2 1/2 inches off the top of each lunch bag.  I cut a slit 1 1/2 inches deep on each of the top four corners of the bags. I folded back the four edges. I put an open bag over a hole on the foam board and taped the folded back edges to the foam board.  Note: I used lunch bags because they could be folded up for easy storage of the punch board.

I cut out and rolled up each of the word strips. I put a paper clip on each one to hold it in place. I put each word strip into one of the paper bag openings on the board. I put a foam hand (any kind of item could be used for this)  in the remaining four holes.

I cut out 12 egg shapes from the tissue paper. The eggs were each 4 1/2 inches wide and 5 3/4 inches tall. I placed pieces of double sided tape around the outsides edges of the holes and placed a tissue egg over each hole.

I cut out 12 more eggs shapes from the tissue to replace everything for Junior Primary. The best way to use this activity with Junior Primary is to only use half the eggs at a time. Put the first part of the song in half the eggs, and the second part of the song in the other half of the eggs. It is easier for Junior Primary to learn the song when they only have to focus on half of it at a time.