Friend May 2020 “Conference Notes” Sister Jones showed a video of Primary children who got to meet President Nelson. One girl asked him if it’s hard to be the prophet. President Nelson said yes. He said that anything we do to be more like Jesus takes a lot of effort. But we can do it with His help! This teaches me:
Little Ones Can Follow Jesus
Friend February 2018 “Colby’s Card” Colby tries to be like Jesus by comforting others. He makes a card for his friend’s mom who is sick.
Friend January 2018 “Heavenly Stepping Stones” As Shannon listens to her Primary lesson, she discovers things she is old enough to follow Jesus.
Friend July 2020 “Helping a Sleepy Sister” Berrett noticed his sister was tired from studying late and he decided to be like Jesus and help her. He made her breakfast and lunch and wrote her a note saying he loved her.
Friend January 2018 “Following Paw Prints” As Derek was following paw prints in the snow, he helped his neighbors along the way. He likes to follow the example of Jesus by helping others. (Also do the activity of finding ways Derek can help family members.)
Friend September 2021 “Trying to Help Like Jesus” Emilie tries to be like Jesus by helping others. She helps her mom and brothers, she prays for others, she tries to set good examples, and she tries to do the things she learns at church.
Following Jesus Example of Kindness
Friend November 2019 “Being an Example” Ivy is a good example for her brother. When she prays or reads her scriptures, he wants to do it too. Ivy is trying to follow her older brother’s example too (Jesus) by being kind. Activity Included: Draw a line to match the pictures of Jesus with ways you can be kind too.
Friend April 2019 “The Right Reply” Emily received a mean email from a friend. She wanted to send a not-so-nice reply, but her mom suggested she wait and little bit. While she waited, she saw a picture of Jesus. She remembered that people had been mean to him, but he was never mean back. She decided to follow Jesus and not send the mean reply.
Christian: Follower of Jesus
Friend July 2019 “I’m Christian” Poem about the ways we are Christians. Clipart needs filed
I am a Christian because I believe in and follow Jesus Christ.
Read Acts 11:26 to the children, and invite them to stand up when they hear you say the word Christian. Ask them what they think it means to be a Christian. Explain that someone who believes in and follows Jesus Christ is called a Christian, so we are Christians.
Friend July 2019“I’m Christian” Poem about the ways we are Christians.
Sing with the children a song about following Jesus Christ, such as “The Church of Jesus Christ” (Children’s Songbook, 77).
How can we show that we are followers of Jesus Christ and belong to His Church? Help the children think of things they can do to follow Jesus at home, at school, and in other places. (Print the below pictures and write their ideas on each place.)
A Christian is someone who believes in and follows Jesus Christ.
Invite the children to read Acts 11:26; 3 Nephi 27:3–8; and Doctrine and Covenants 115:4. Write Christian on the board and underline the part that says “Christ.” Ask the children to share what they think it means to be a Christian.
Ask the children to share the names of different groups they belong to, such as their family or nation. Invite them to share reasons why they are grateful to be a Christian and belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Friend July 2019 “I’m Christian” Poem about the ways we are Christians.
Display several objects or pictures that represent truths unique to the Church of Jesus Christ, such as a picture of the restoration of the priesthood (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 93–94). Ask a child to pick one of the objects or pictures and describe how it is a blessing in our Church. Explain that while Christians throughout the world belong to many different churches, we belong to the same Church that Jesus Christ established on the earth.
Blessings of the gospel Activity: Read the clues below (not the answer) and let the children pick which picture it is describing.
Prophet: Because of this blessing of the gospel we have the privilege to hear Gods words and direction about current issues and challenges we face. This gift is God’s living spokesman.
Book of Mormon: Because of this blessing of the gospel we know the purpose of life. We also know what we need to do to gain eternal salvation and how to live happy lives.
Temples: This blessing of the gospel allows us the opportunity to receive saving ordinances for ourselves and our dead. We can also be sealed to our family so that we can be with them forever.
Priesthood: Because of this blessing of the gospel we can receive healing blessings for the sick, blessings of comfort and guidance, and have authority to act in Gods name and perform saving ordinances, such as baptism.
Baptism Because this blessing of the gospel, when performed by proper priesthood authority, we can receive a remission of our sins and enter into the gate that leads to eternal life.
Holy Ghost Because of this blessing of the gospel we can receive personal revelation and guidance throughout our lives. We can also receive comfort during difficult times.
Show the video “True Christianity” ( Invite the children to write or draw things they can do to be true Christians.
The Scriptures Teach Us About Jesus and Help Us Follow Him
Friend February 2021 “Feeling Christ’s Love” When Elder Takashi Wada Of the Seventy was young he read the Bible in school and wanted to know more about Jesus. Then he met the missionaries and they gave him a Book of Mormon and her learned more about Jesus. He wanted to be baptized and follow Jesus.
Following Jesus’s Example of Forgiveness and Healing
Friend May 2020 “Sister Squabble” Jaide’s little sister borrowed her tennis shoes without asking and accidentally got them muddy. Jaide was so mad that she told her sister, “I wish you weren’t my sister.” She felt terrible about what she said. She read a scripture about Jesus forgiving and healing someone (people who came to arrest him in Garden of Gethsemane), and she realized she needed to forgive and try and fix what she had done to her sister with her words.
Friend December 2018 “Family Night Fun” Make a cup lantern by making holes all around it and then putting a glow stick or battery candle inside. Use for example of Jesus being a light to the world.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 1“The symbolism of light can help children understand the Savior and His gospel. How can you inspire the children to seek the light of the Savior when the world seems dark?
“Jesus Christ is the light of the world because he is the source of the light that quickens our understanding, because his teachings and his example illuminate our path, and because his power persuades us to do good.” Dallin H. Oaks
Story: Jesus Christ is sometimes called the “true Light” (John 1:9). The scriptures teach that we should keep His commandments and follow Him. Then we will have “power to become the sons [and daughters] of God” (John 1:12).
Activity: Draw a picture of a goal you have. Have someone hide your picture somewhere in the room and turn off the lights. Now get a small light and shine it around the room. Can you find your picture now? Talk about how Jesus Christ can help you reach your goals.
Ask the children to name things that give light. Talk with them about the benefits of light, like helping plants grow, allowing us to see, and giving warmth. To understand how Jesus brings us light, they could take turns shining a light at a picture of Jesus Christ as they say, “God is light” (1 John 1:5). Testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can bring light into our lives when we try to follow what They say. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1-3 John; Jude”)
Invite the children to take turns holding a picture of a light bulb or candle. As each child holds the picture, help him or her think of a way we can bring the light of Jesus Christ into our lives. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1-3 John; Jude”)
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1–3 John; Jude” To help your family ponder John’s teachings, gather in a dark room so family members can experience the difference between walking “in darkness” and walking “in the light.” How does hatred cause us to walk in darkness and stumble? How does loving each other bring light into our lives?
Glow Stick Activity: Crystal from had a super fun idea to use glow sticks for this. She says to put a bunch of unactivated glow sticks in a bag or pillow case that isn’t see-through. When a child mentions something that brings more of the “light of Christ” into our lives, pull it out and let them activate the glow stick. Then set it on the table in the dark room, until all the glow sticks are on that same table making a considerable amount of light. Talk about the happiness and hope we can feel in our lives because of Jesus Christ. The printables from here would be great to attach onto the glow sticks while discussing specific things that bring more of the light of Christ into our lives:
Friend February 2025 “Looking to the Light” When Elder John A. McCune was young he had to feed the cows, and when it was dark outside he was scared because his home seemed so far away. He focused on the light coming from the windows, but when he took his focus from the light, his fear felt overpowering. It is very easy to feel afraid in the world today. But if we stay focused on the light of Christ, our fears become less powerful. Each day, we can choose: Are we going to focus on the darkness or focus on the light? We are children of God. He will guide us safely to our heavenly home.
Make this craft to remind you to focus on the light of Christ. How has focusing on Him helped you overcome your fears and feel peace?
Draw a picture of yourself in the center of the sun. Then cut out the picture!
Hang the picture on your window so light can shine through.
Invite the children to close their eyes as you read Isaiah 60:1–3. Ask them to open their eyes when they hear the word “light” and close them when they hear the word “darkness.” Explain that Jesus Christ and His gospel are like a light that helps us see our way back to Heavenly Father.
Give each child a picture of a light (such as a sun, a candle, or a light bulb). Help them think of ways they can share the Savior’s light with others. As each idea is shared, invite them to “arise” and “shine” their light by holding up their picture. Tell the children about ways you have seen them sharing the Savior’s light.
Friend November 2015 “Be a Shining Light” Ways we can become examples so our lights will shine.
Sing together a song about sharing light, such as “Shine On” (Children’s Songbook, 144). Help the children notice words in the song that reinforce what they learn from Isaiah 60:1–3.
Ask the children to name things that give light. Talk with them about the benefits of light, like helping plants grow, allowing us to see, and giving warmth. To understand how Jesus brings us light, they could take turns shining a light at a picture of Jesus Christ as they say, “God is light” (1 John 1:5). Testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can bring light into our lives when we try to follow what They say. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 1–5”)
Prepare the glow sticks before class, with the pictures on them. Have the students pick one out of a bag at a time and talk about how as members of Jesus’s Church, can be like the light. Then they can crack the glow stick and make it shine. They can put it in a vase or cup till later, when all the glow sticks are ignited. Turn out the lights and testify that all those small acts of kindness, made a big impact and chased away the darkness.
Sing a song about being a light to others, such as “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam” (Children’s Songbook, 60–61). Share ways you have seen the children living the gospel of Jesus Christ and being a light to those around them. Share how being a light to others has helped you feel closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 1–5”)
We Light the World When We Follow Jesus
Friend January 2018 “Let Your Light Shine” President Monson discusses being a light to the world by following Jesus’s example. Activities: Trace this star, or draw your own, and write how you are shining brightly by being a good example or helping others. Also, color a star as you read each scripture about Jesus Christ’s example.
The people of Babel thought they could reach heaven by building a tower rather than by living the gospel of Jesus Christ. How can you help the children understand that following the Savior is the only way back to our Heavenly Father?
Tell the story of the Tower of Babel in your own words, or read the story found in “The Tower of Babel” (in Old Testament Stories). Encourage the children to help you by sharing what they know about the story.
Let the children build a tower out of blocks or other objects. Then show the children a picture of the Savior, and ask them which is the way to return to Heavenly Father—building a tower or following Jesus Christ? Invite the children to tell about things they can do to follow the Savior.
While people today might not try to build towers in order to reach heaven, many try to find peace and happiness by following paths other than the one Jesus Christ has established. How might you use the story of the Tower of Babel to teach this principle?
Ask the children to share what they know about the story of the Tower of Babel (see Genesis 11:1–9). According to Helaman 6:28, why did the people of Babel build the tower? Why was building this tower the wrong way to reach heaven? What advice would we give to the people of Babel?
Invite the children to search 2 Nephi 31:20–21 and Helaman 3:28 to find the right way to reach heaven. Bear your testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ.
The prophet Mormon… wrote that it was Satan “who put it into the hearts of the people to build a tower sufficiently high that they might get to heaven” (Helaman 6:28; What warnings does the story of the Tower of Babel have for you?
It might be helpful to read Ether 1:33–43 as your family studies Genesis 11 and learns about the Tower of Babel. What do we learn from the families of Jared and his brother that can help our family find spiritual safety despite the wickedness in the world? What additional lessons do we learn from Noah and his family as they faced a similar challenge? (see Moses 8:13, 16–30).
“On the Right Path” (February 2000 Liahona and January 2000 Friend) Tells about how we can stay on the path to the celestial kingdom. Includes an activity.
Liahona February 2023 “He Marked the Path and Led the Way” Elder Dale G. Renlund tells of a hike with his family up a mountain. They were unsure of the way, but people had left cairns (piles of rocks) to mark the way. As we study the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we can learn how He navigated mortality, placing metaphorical cairns for us to follow.
God wants you to find your way back to Him, and the Savior is the way [see John 14:6]. God wants you to learn of His Son, Jesus Christ, and experience the profound peace and joy that come from following the path of divine discipleship.(Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Receiving a Testimony of Light and Truth,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2014, 21)
What are some ways we can follow the Savior back to Heavenly Father?
Jesus Loves Me and Wants What is Best for Me
Friend June 2019 “Bright Idea” Jesus loves me. Little by little, I’m learning to follow Him.
Tell the children about the Savior’s invitation, “Follow me,” found in Matthew 4:18–22 or Luke 18:22. Do an activity where one child does an action and then tells the other children, “Follow me.” Invite the other children to repeat the action.
Show pictures of people following the Savior in different ways, both during His mortal ministry and in our day. You can find pictures in the Gospel Art Book or in Church magazines. You can also show the video “Light the World” ( Let the children identify how the people are following the Savior.
Help the children think of things they are doing to follow the Savior. Singing “Seek the Lord Early” (Children’s Songbook, 108) could give them some ideas. Let them draw pictures of themselves doing these things.
All the Prophets Taught of Christ Jacob 4:4For, for this intent have we written these things, that they may know that we knew of Christ, and we had a hope of his glory many hundred years before his coming; and not only we ourselves had a hope of his glory, but also all the holy prophets which were before us.
Jacob taught this about the Jews: “Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall.”
The Jews misunderstood the law of Moses and its intent to lead them to the Savior. They were looking for a different kind of deliverance than the kind Jesus, the Messiah, offered them—they were looking for deliverance from foreign rule and oppression.
If we fail to keep focused on our Savior Jesus Christ, what could happen?
The prophet Jacob taught that the spiritual blindness of the Jews caused them to look “beyond the mark” (Jacob 4:14), which resulted in their stumbling spiritually and missing many gospel truths.
Place a bucket or sturdy bowl in the backyard.
Take turns tossing a ball into the bucket, standing a short distance away.
Now try tossing the ball into the bucket without looking at the bucket.
Discussion: Why was it harder to hit the target when we’re not looking at it? How did the Jews look “beyond the mark”? (Jacob 4:14). Read “Looking beyond the Mark” by Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (Ensign, Mar. 2003, 40–44). Discuss how we might find ourselves looking beyond the mark today.
Come Follow Me Kid Blank Arrows (I Can Be Reconciled to God through the Atonement of Jesus Christ) The manual asks, “What has God provided to point you to Christ? How are you using these things to draw closer to God?” Write/draw answers on blank arrows (below) and place around the bucket pointing to it.
Book of Mormon Study Guide “for Home-Study Seminary Students” Lift your pen or pencil at least two feet or one meter above this target, and try to drop it so that it hits the center of the target—“the mark.” You may want to try this several times. Think about how less effective your efforts would be if you were looking somewhere other than the target. How well do you think people would do in archery if they never looked at the target, or mark, while they were shooting or if they looked at what was beyond the mark? Read Jacob 4:14, and identify characteristics of the people Jacob prophesied would look “beyond the mark.”
Song: Wise Man and the Foolish Man
Jacob teaches that the Jews rejected the stone upon which they might build and have safe foundation. (Jacob 4:15-17)
Sing “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man” See herefor teaching ideas, sing-along videos, and visual aid ideas.
Jesus Christ wants me to learn about Him and follow Him.
Invite the children to talk about a close friend they know and describe how this person became a friend. Read and discuss John 5:39 and John 14:15 to find ways we can feel close to Jesus. Ask the children to share times when they felt close to Him.
Take your class on a walk around the meetinghouse. Invite the children to raise their hands when they see something on the walk that reminds them of a way they can follow the Savior (such as the baptismal font or a picture). (song books, sacrament table,
Sing with the children a song about following Jesus Christ, such as “Come, Follow Me” (Hymns, no. 116). Invite the children to share times when they have followed the Savior’s example.
I can build on a strong foundation by following Jesus.
The Wise Man and the Foolish Man Explain that “the wise man built his house upon the rock” means that wise man built his life upon the teachings of Jesus. The foolish man didn’t and his house (life) fell apart in the storms of life. Discussion Ideas: What things in our life are like the rain and wind? How does following Jesus’s teachings protect us and make our faith strong as a house built on a rock? Song: “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man” (Children’s Songbook, 281) Scripture: Matthew 7:24–29
Rock Art: Choose a smooth rock. With a marker or paint, write “Jesus Christ” on it. Talk about why it’s so important to build our lives on His teachings. Keep the rock in a place where you can see it often.
Sing with the children “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man” (Children’s Songbook, 281), and use actions to go along with the words.
Use Matthew 7:24–27 to teach about the differences between the wise man and the foolish man. Invite the children to pretend they are building a house. How can we be like the wise man?
Let the children draw pictures of the parable of the wise man and the foolish man.
Friend March 2018 “Food and Fun: Wisdom Rocks” Put a wise thought or scripture on a rock to inspire you.
Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 6–7” To visualize this parable, class members could work together to build a strong foundation using blocks, cups, or other materials and then test the strength of their foundations. Perhaps they could also label their building materials with things they can do to apply the Savior’s teachings. How could doing these things help us withstand the storms of life?
To help your family better understand the Savior’s parable of the wise man and the foolish man, you could let them pour water on sand and then on a rock. How can we build our spiritual foundations on a rock?
God will bless me as I choose to follow Jesus Christ.
Daniel CHAPTER 3 Nebuchadnezzar creates a golden image and commands all men to worship it—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego refuse and are cast into the fiery furnace—They are preserved and come out unharmed.
Show a picture of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in the fiery furnace (see Gospel Art Book, no. 25), and ask the children to count the people in the furnace. Read Daniel 3:24–25 to find out who else was in the furnace. Share your testimony that the Lord is with us as we follow Him.
How can you help the children know that the Savior loves us even more than a dear friend does?
Display a picture of the Savior as you read Doctrine and Covenants 84:77. Invite the children to point to the picture of the Savior every time they hear the word “friends.” Explain that when we try to keep the commandments, we show Jesus that we love Him. Share what it means to you to have Jesus as your friend.
Help the children list some things they can do to show their friends that they love them. What did Jesus do to show us that He is our friend? What can we do to show the Savior that we are His friends? Sing together a song about Jesus, such as “Jesus Is Our Loving Friend” (Children’s Songbook, 58).
If we are willing to let the Lord “lead [us] along,” we can “be of good cheer,” even if there are things we “cannot bear … now” (verse 18).
Invite the children to share times when they have been a leader, such as being at the front of a line or leading music. What does a leader do? Show a picture of the Savior as you read the following phrase from Doctrine and Covenants 78:18: “Be of good cheer, for I will lead you along.” Use this week’s activity page to help the children think of ways we can follow the Savior.
Invite the children to follow Jesus, and lead them around the room as you hold a picture of Him. As you do, sing a song together about following Jesus Christ, such as “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” or “Choose the Right Way” (Children’s Songbook, 78–79, 160–61). Let the children take turns holding the picture and leading the other children.
Display four paper footprints and four pictures representing believing in Jesus Christ, repenting, being baptized, and receiving the Holy Ghost. Read Doctrine and Covenants 49:12–14, and ask the children to point to the correct picture when each is mentioned in the verses. Let the children help you place the footprints on the floor with the pictures beside them, and invite the children to take turns walking on the footprints. Bear your testimony that when we do the things in these pictures, we are following Jesus Christ.
Use this week’s activity page to make finger puppets that can help the children learn how they can follow Jesus Christ by having faith, repenting, being baptized, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Write Doctrine and Covenants 41:5 on a piece of paper, leaving blanks where the word “disciple” should be. Ask the children to fill in the blanks, looking in Doctrine and Covenants 41:5 if they need help. What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? A disciple is someone who receives God’s law and obeys it. Share how you are striving to be a better disciple of Christ.
After discussing Doctrine and Covenants 41:5, ask the children to think of laws we have received from the Lord. Invite them to take turns acting out obeying one of those laws while the rest of the class tries to guess what it is.
Give each class member a strip of paper, and ask them to write on it one way they can be a better disciple. Invite each child to share what they wrote, and then tape the strips together to create a paper chain.
On a piece of paper, help the children trace their hand and cut it out. Write “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ” on one side, and invite them to draw something they can do to be a disciple on the other side (you might need to help them think of ideas). Sing together a song about following the Savior, such as “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, 78–79).
Before home evening, put a picture of Jesus on one side of the room. (You could use the picture on page 69 of *CFM.) Then sit on the other side of the room and read “Jesus Blesses the Children” on page FJ4. How can we “come unto Jesus” like in the story?
Have everyone stand up and take turns saying what they can do to come unto Jesus by following Him.
With each idea, take a step toward the picture of Christ. Keep helping each other think of good things until everyone is with Jesus together! Then talk about what it means that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. (See *CFM, page 66.)
I am a Christian because I believe in and follow Jesus Christ.
Read Acts 11:26 to the children, and invite them to stand up when they hear you say the word Christian. Ask them what they think it means to be a Christian. Explain that someone who believes in and follows Jesus Christ is called a Christian, so we are Christians.
Friend July 2019“I’m Christian” Poem about the ways we are Christians.
Sing with the children a song about following Jesus Christ, such as “The Church of Jesus Christ” (Children’s Songbook, 77).
How can we show that we are followers of Jesus Christ and belong to His Church? Help the children think of things they can do to follow Jesus at home, at school, and in other places. (Print the below pictures and write their ideas on each place.)
A Christian is someone who believes in and follows Jesus Christ.
Invite the children to read Acts 11:26; 3 Nephi 27:3–8; and Doctrine and Covenants 115:4. Write Christian on the board and underline the part that says “Christ.” Ask the children to share what they think it means to be a Christian.
Ask the children to share the names of different groups they belong to, such as their family or nation. Invite them to share reasons why they are grateful to be a Christian and belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Friend July 2019 “I’m Christian” Poem about the ways we are Christians.
Display several objects or pictures that represent truths unique to the Church of Jesus Christ, such as a picture of the restoration of the priesthood (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 93–94). Ask a child to pick one of the objects or pictures and describe how it is a blessing in our Church. Explain that while Christians throughout the world belong to many different churches, we belong to the same Church that Jesus Christ established on the earth.
Blessings of the gospel Activity: Read the clues below (not the answer) and let the children pick which picture it is describing.
Prophet: Because of this blessing of the gospel we have the privilege to hear Gods words and direction about current issues and challenges we face. This gift is God’s living spokesman.
Book of Mormon: Because of this blessing of the gospel we know the purpose of life. We also know what we need to do to gain eternal salvation and how to live happy lives.
Temples: This blessing of the gospel allows us the opportunity to receive saving ordinances for ourselves and our dead. We can also be sealed to our family so that we can be with them forever.
Priesthood: Because of this blessing of the gospel we can receive healing blessings for the sick, blessings of comfort and guidance, and have authority to act in Gods name and perform saving ordinances, such as baptism.
Baptism Because this blessing of the gospel, when performed by proper priesthood authority, we can receive a remission of our sins and enter into the gate that leads to eternal life.
Holy Ghost Because of this blessing of the gospel we can receive personal revelation and guidance throughout our lives. We can also receive comfort during difficult times.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 In Jesus’s time, washing another person’s feet was a task for servants, not leaders. But Jesus wanted His disciples to think differently about what it means to lead and to serve. What messages do you find in the Savior’s words and actions in John 13:1–17?
A few days in advance, ask one of the children to read John 13:4–9 and share the account with the class from the perspective of Peter. What was the Savior trying to teach Peter and the other Apostles? The children could talk about what they learn from this story about Jesus Christ. What do we learn about serving others?
Read together John 13:12–17. Ask the children to each write about a time when the Savior served another person. Encourage them to include what they learn from His example. If they need help, they could look for examples in the video “Christlike Attributes” ( Invite them to share what they wrote with the class.
Show pictures of stories the children have learned this year when Jesus showed His love for others (see past outlines in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Read John 13:34–35, and help the children repeat the phrase “As I have loved you, … love one another.” How can we show our love for our family and friends?
Friend March 2019 “Lots of Ways to Say “I Love You” Play this game with family or friends. Do the action on the square when you land on it.
Invite a child to hold a picture of the Savior as the class sings a song about the Savior’s love, such as “Love One Another” (Children’s Songbook, 136). Give the children paper hearts and invite them to draw a picture of themselves doing something to show their love for another person.
Write on the board one another; as I have you (John 13:34). Invite the children to look up the scripture and fill in the blanks. What other things can we do to show we are disciples of Christ? The children might think of other words that would complete the sentence on the board, such as serve and served or teach and taught.
Invite the children to read John 13:35 and think of people they know who are examples of disciples of Jesus Christ. Ask them to share how these people show love for others as the Savior did.
Friend June 2023 “It’s Not Fair” Ephraim was the only one helping prepare his sister’s birthday dinner. He wanted to get revenge on his siblings and such as not letting them have any of the meat pie. But then he thought about what Jesus would do. Jesus would want all of them to have a piece of pie, and Jesus would want him to serve others.
Friend November 2017 “The Vegetable Thief” Earl is upset when he sees a lady taking vegetables from their garden, but he learns what charity means when his mother has him give the lady their best vegetables for her starving family.
Friend June 2017 “An Extra Dose of Love” Ashley’s mom likes to get to church early to look for people who need an extra dose of love. She sends those people cards. Ashley thinks of a friend who might need a card.
Friend January 2018 “A Friend for Mr. Maurice” Carter’s neighbor, Mr. Maurice, seems mean. Carter’s father tells him that Jesus taught that we are to love everyone. Carter tries to be kind and help Mr. Maurice and finds out Mr. Maurice is easier to love than expected.
Story: Jesus Christ washed the feet of His apostles (see John 13:4–16). He loved them and wanted to serve them. Jesus told them to follow His example and serve each other.
Song: “‘Give,’ Said the Little Stream” (Children’s Songbook, 236)
Activity: Play this service game. Everyone sits with their feet in a circle. One player picks a number. Starting with their own feet, the player points to each foot in the circle and counts down from that number until they reach “one.” The foot numbered “one” is out. Then that player picks a number and counts down. The last person with a foot in the circle picks a service activity for the group to do.
Click on above link for more information about Jesus being the light of the world.
Following Jesus Leads to Happy Life
Friend November 2018 “Conference Notes” Elder Bangerter tells how his family has camping devotionals where the children share messages about Jesus. At one devotional they wrote the topic of those messages on stones and buried them to remind them that following Jesus creates a foundation for a happy life.
When He was on earth, Jesus healed people who were sick. He fed people who were hungry. He gave comfort to people who felt alone.
Jesus also taught His disciples to help others. He said they should give food, water, and clothing to people who needed them. He told them to visit people who were alone. Jesus said that when they served others, it was like they were serving Him.
Friend February 2023 “Twelve Smiley Stickers” Antonio’s Primary teacher said that one way to become like Jesus is to serve others, and she gave them each a paper and some smiley stickers. Every time they served someone they got to put a smiley sticker on their paper. That week when Antonio was serving others he saw the happiness that it brought. Pretty soon he was serving not for stickers but because he liked it and it made him feel happy as well.
I follow Jesus’s example when I am kind to others.
New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) After Jesus Christ learned that John the Baptist had been beheaded, He traveled with His Apostles to a solitary place. They were followed by a multitude. Even though He was suffering, the Savior had compassion on the crowd and taught and fed the people—5,000 men plus women and children. This lesson can help you be more compassionate and selfless like Jesus Christ.
Show the children a basket and some bread as you tell the story in Matthew 14:13–21. Explain that even though Jesus had tried to find a place to be alone, the people wanted to be near Him. Share the rest of the story with the children, and ask them to listen for what Jesus did to show kindness and love for the people.
Ask the children to share ways in which someone has been kind to them. Then help them think of things they can do this week to be kind to others. For every answer they give, draw a loaf of bread or a fish on the board. Tell the children that when they do these things, they are following the example Jesus set when He fed the five thousand people who were hungry.
We can follow the example of Jesus Christ by showing compassion and serving others even while we are experiencing our own difficulties.Note that a “desert place” ( verse 13) is a solitary place, and “victuals” ( verse 15) means “food.”
Help the children memorize the phrase “Not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42) and discuss what it means. What can we do to obey Heavenly Father’s will?
Help the children identify some reasons it is sometimes hard to do what Heavenly Father wants. What blessings have we received by being obedient to Heavenly Father, even when it was hard?
Friend September 2018 “Just Like Grandpa” William’s dad received a calling to preside over the sign language branch. William is sad he will have to leave his friends, but his mom helps him by telling him a story about his great grandfather Turner who sacrificed to obey the Lord.
For the Strength of Youth July 2022 “The Choice” Ben forgot to write a book report that was due the next day. He has to make a choice whether he will follow God or cheat and copy a book report from the internet.
What blessings have we received by being obedient to Heavenly Father, even when it was hard?
Liahona February 2023 “Life Isn’t Fair–and That’s OK” But there are certain blessings we can expect as we keep the commandments. We are promised to always have the Spirit to be with us (see Moroni 4:3). And as we turn to the Lord in faith, we will be given strength to face the trials that inevitably come.2
We are promised true joy and peace (the kind that is not determined by our circumstances).3 And we are also promised the greatest gift of all—eternal life. As Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has said, “Your faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will be rewarded more than you can imagine.”4
“… Because of Him, we can have peace in this world and be of good cheer. If we let Him, Jesus Christ will consecrate unfairness for our gain [see 2 Nephi 2:2]. He will not just console us and restore what was lost [see Job 42:10, 12–13; Jacob 3:1]; He will use the unfairness for our benefit.”6
“Happiness and Obedience” (August 2020 Liahona and Friend) President Russell M. Nelson shares some blessings we receive when we try to keep all the commandments.
Ask the children if they can think of a time when they obeyed one of God’s commandments. How did they feel? Sing together a song about obedience, such as “Keep the Commandments” (Children’s Songbook, 146–47), and identify blessings of obedience mentioned in the song. Discuss some of the things God has commanded us to do. How does God bless us when we keep those commandments?
Following in His Footsteps
Friend March 2018 “Family Night Fun” Each person makes a pair of sandals and then writes on their shoes one way they want to follow Jesus.
Friend March 2018
Friend May 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities” King Mosiah kept the commandments and “did walk in the ways of the Lord” (Mosiah 6:6). On a piece of paper, trace your foot and cut out the shape. Write on your footprint a way you can follow Jesus. Put your footprint where you can remember to follow Jesus Christ’s example.
For younger children: Go on a walk. Have your child practice stepping where you step. Talk about how we can follow Jesus Christ by doing things He did, like helping others and being baptized.
Following His Example
Friend November 2021 “Jesus Honored His Parents” As He grew up, Jesus obeyed His earthly parents. He loved and cared for them. Even when He was dying on the cross, He asked one of His disciples to take care of His mother. He also honored His Heavenly Father by keeping the commandments.
Friend October 2021 “Jesus Taught Others” When Jesus was a child, He “increased in wisdom” (Luke 2:52). That means He learned many things. When Jesus was 12, Mary and Joseph found him teaching in the temple. The people were listening to Him and asking Him questions. Jesus spent His life teaching others. (What is something you can teach others? Jazim C. age 9 said, “I help my younger sister do her homework for preschool. I teach her to draw and write her name. When my family studies Come, Follow Me at night, I help my sister with the scriptures. I show her the pictures and explain them to her.”)
Friend September 2021 “Jesus Invited Others” One day Jesus saw some fishermen working in their boats. He called out to them. He invited them to follow Him and help with His work. The four fishermen followed Jesus and became Apostles. Together they served many people.
Friend August 2021 “Jesus Helped in Many Ways” When Jesus was younger, He helped His father with his carpentry work. One of His first miracles was helping His mother when the wine had run out at a wedding. When He saw someone who was blind, He healed him. He helped children feel loved and included.
Friend February 2022 “Jesus Shared the Truth” Jesus told the people of his home town that he was the Savior. They didn’t believe him and were angry, but he always shared the truth.
Friend April 2022 “Jesus Prayed for Others” Jesus taught the Apostles how to pray to Heavenly Father. Jesus prayed for the Apostles to have faith. He told them to pray often too.
Friend May 2022 “Jesus Was a Peacemaker” Jesus taught, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” He helped people feel peace by serving and blessing them. He still helps us feel peace today.
Friend October 2022 “Jesus Helped His Mother”Jesus Christ went to a wedding in Cana. His mother, Mary, was there. She told Jesus that they were out of wine. Jesus asked His mother what she wanted Him to do. He performed a miracle and turned water into wine. Jesus loved His mother and helped her.
Friend December 2022 “Jesus Was Patient” Nicodemus had some questions. Jesus was patient while he asked his questions. When Nicodemus didn’t understand, Jesus explained again.
Friend January 2021 “You Can Help Like Jesus” When Jesus was on the earth, he helped all he saw. Today many people in the world need our help. Each of us can do something to help, even children. About years ago, children helped build the Primary Children’s hospital by collecting pennies.
Friend March 2020“Come, Follow Me for Little Ones” Read 2 Nephi 31:16 together and help your little ones say, “I can try to be like Jesus each day.” Play a follow-the-leader game, like “Simon Says” or “Do As I’m Doing.” Talk about how Jesus Christ is the perfect example for us to follow.
Friend March 2019 “To Be Like Jesus” President Eyring discusses love being a way we can be like Jesus. Color the heart and label it with the people and activities you love. Then discuss how we can show the love in our hearts.
We should remember Him and follow Him like sunflowers follow the sun across the sky. Quentin L. Cook
Friend January 2016 Trace your footprint on a piece of paper and cut it out. Write about something you have done or something you will do to stand tall in following Jesus and choosing the right. It can be something big or small.
Divide the children into pairs. If there is an uneven number of children, be a partner for one of the children. Ask the children to first listen to all the directions and then try to remember them and do them in the sequence they were given.
Shake hands with your partner, and tell him or her your full name.
Stand up and tell your partner something you admire about him or her.
Turn around once and tell your partner one thing you like about yourself.
Find out your partner’s favorite Book of Mormon prophet.
Sit down, and fold your arms.
Ask the children to begin. If the children have a hard time remembering everything, repeat the instructions and have them try again. Explain that if the activity were repeated several times everyone would be able to remember and do what they were asked to do. As we choose to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ throughout our lives, we will gradually learn to become like our Heavenly Father and his Son.
Elijah is sent to meet Ahab—Obadiah saves a hundred prophets and meets Elijah—Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to call down fire from heaven—They fail—He calls down fire, slays the prophets of Baal, and opens the heavens for rain.
Explain to the children that people in Elijah’s time weren’t sure if they wanted to follow the Lord. Share the story of how Elijah invited them to choose to follow the Lord, found in 1 Kings 18:17–39 (see also “Elijah and the Priests of Baal” in Old Testament Stories). Tell the children why you choose to follow Jesus Christ, and ask them why they choose to follow Him.
Read to the children what Elijah said to the people: “If the Lord be God, follow him” (1 Kings 18:21). What does it mean to follow Jesus Christ? Help the children think of specific things they will do to follow Jesus Christ, and invite them to draw pictures of themselves doing those things.
Friend March 2018 “Family Night Fun” Each person makes a pair of sandals and then writes on their shoes one way they want to follow Jesus.
Assign each child to read several verses from 1 Kings 18:17–39 and draw a picture of what his or her verses describe. Help the children understand the verses if needed. Then let them use their pictures to tell the story. What does this story teach us about the Lord?
Ask the children to talk about times when they had to decide between two different things. What helped them decide? Help them think of situations when they might need to decide whether or not to follow Jesus Christ. What truths from the story in 1 Kings 18:17–39 could help them decide?
For the Strength of Youth July 2022 “The Choice” Ben forgot to write a book report that was due the next day. He has to make a choice whether he will follow God or cheat and copy a book report from the internet.
Friend November 2018 “Learning by Light” Find out what Quentin L. Cook said about following the light of Jesus. Match the stars with the letters below.
Answers: “Following His light and example will bring us joy, happiness, and peace”;
Following Jesus’ Example of Service
Friend March 2019 “The Living Christ” Make a map of where you walk and draw pictures of ways you can help.
Following Jesus Example of Being Kind
Friend November 2019 “Being an Example” Activity Included: Draw a line to match the pictures of Jesus with ways you can be kind too.
Items needed: several large popsicle sticks, magnets, tape.
Select and print the verse lines you wish to review. Also print the large pictures that go with that verse. Cut out the large pictures.
Cut the verse lines into strips so that a few words and a picture is on each strip. Line up the strips in order, and tape together the ends so you have one long strip. (In order to fit the strip on the board, divide each verse into three parts so you end up with three strips.)
Tape the end of one strip onto a popsicle stick. Glue or tape strong magnets to each side of the popsicle stick on the top and bottom. Roll up the strip onto the popsicle stick. Tape another popsicle stick to the start of the roll. Attach magnets to the ends of that stick. Do the same process with the other two strips.
Put the first part of the verse on the far left side of the board. The magnets on the popsicle sticks should hold the rolled up strip in place. Unroll the first few words, but not the picture that goes with the words. Put the pictures in random order on the bottom of the board.
Explain to the children that each of the pictures goes with two or three words in the verse. Point out the words you have showing on the strip. See if the children can pick out the picture that goes with those words. Have a child put the picture above the words and then unroll the strip a little to see if the pictures match.
Senior Primary: Explain that you aren’t going to show them the words that come next. They have to try and think of the words in their mind, and then pick out a picture and unroll the strip to see if they are right.
Junior Primary: Show the children a set of words, and tell them what they say. Have them pick out a picture that goes with those words and then unroll the strip to see if they are right.
Every time the children complete a sentence, have them sing that sentence. Then roll up the previous sentence, and see if they can sing the previous sentences using only the pictures as reference.
When one roll is done, put up the next roll and do the same activity with it.
Note: You may wish to discuss some of the pictures, such as the person climbing a mountain for the words “I’m trying”. Explain that it takes effort to climb a mountain, and the words “I’m trying” indicate putting effort into something.
Activity Description: Each class chooses a picture that best depicts an assigned line from the song. The classes then take turns posing like the people in their picture, and the other children guess which picture they chose.
Items needed: nine file folders and sticky tack.
Print two copies of the song lines. Cut out the song lines and glue one set onto the file folders (one song line on each folder).
Print the picture pages. Put each of the picture pages in their correct file. The pages are numbered to help you know which file to put them in.
Obtain matching copies of all the pictures from the library. The pictures are from the Gospel Art Kit, the Primary 2, 4, and 7 manual picture packets, and the Gospel Art Book. (If you can’t find a certain picture just cross it off in the file.)
Using sticky tack, hang the pictures from the library on the walls around the primary room before primary starts.
Most of the older children already know this song. This activity will help them think more about what it means.
Put the second set of song lines on the board, horizontally, in the correct order.
Show the children the file folders. Explain that each folder has a line from the first verse on it, and each folder has some pictures in it. Point out the pictures that are displayed around the room of scenes from when Jesus was on the earth, and explain that the pictures in the files each match one of the pictures on the wall.
Explain that you are going to give each class (or group of kids) a file. Each class needs to pick one of the pictures in the folder that best goes with the line that is on their folder. Tell them not to let anyone else see or know which picture they picked.
Explain to the children that each class will try to pose like the people in the picture, and everyone else will try to guess which picture they chose. (Note: The handbook says the Savior should not be portrayed by children in dramatizations. I had the children pose like all the people in the picture except for Jesus, but you may feel this doesn’t qualify as a dramatization. If you do have children pose as Jesus, remind them to portray Jesus with reverence and dignity.)
Send the first class out into the hall to prepare their pose. Explain that the other children are going to sing the verse one time while they prepare. Once the children are done singing, invite the class back in to the front of the room to do their pose. Have a child, who thinks they know which picture the class is doing, go and point at the picture. The class tells if it is the correct picture or not. Choose another child to guess if it is not correct. Continue in this manner until someone guesses the correct picture.
Discuss the picture that was chosen. (Review the stories ahead of time so you are familiar with them.) Ask the children what they can learn concerning how to be like Jesus from the picture. (Such as, Jesus raised the dead – we can’t raise the dead, but we can comfort those who experience the loss of a loved one. Or, Jesus loved us and sacrificed his life for us – we can show our love for others by sacrificing our time in service to them.)
Explain why the picture goes with the song line, and then take the song line off the board and put the picture in its place. Remind little ones what the words are and have them repeat them. Hopefully this will help those who aren’t familiar with the song to memorize it.
Send the class with line number two out into the hall to prepare their pose. Continue the activity as explained above until all the lines have been replaced with pictures on the board.
Note: Some of the pictures are in more than one file. If the children see a class doing the picture they chose they need to choose another picture.
Explain to the children that they will be doing another activity where they mimic the actions of someone else. This is to help remind them to try and be like Jesus.
Why should we try to be like Jesus? Because he showed us the type of person we should be in order to gain eternal life; his life was full of love and service for other. We need to follow his example and fill our lives full of love and service for others. Point out that the second verse starts off with that theme. (Put the first line on the board.)
Have the children put their seats in a circle or stand in a circle. Explain that you are going to choose someone to do some actions for the words in the line. Everyone else will follow and do the actions that person is doing while they sing the line slowly three times. Explain that you are also going to choose someone else to try and figure out who is leading the actions. Send that person out in the hall while you choose the leader. Tell the chosen leader some actions they can do for the line. They will have to do a couple different types of actions so the children are following them and not just repeating. Tell the other children to do their best to follow the actions without looking directly at the leader. After the child comes back into the room, have the leader stand up if the child can’t guess who it is after the line has been sung three times.
Repeat and do the same activity above with each line of the verse.
Take off the lines from the board and have the children sing that part after every couple of lines are learned. Also remind the children now and then that they are following the actions of the activity leader, but in real life they should be trying to be like who?… (Jesus)
Action Suggestions:
I’m trying to love my neighbor – Hands form a heart, or put hands over heart for love. Put an arm around a child, or point to child next to you for neighbor.
I’m learning to serve my friends – Point to head for learning. Service actions – raking leaves, washing dishes, etc – helping them with chores
I watch for the day of gladness – A hand curved above eyes, or hands formed into goggles for watching. Point to smiling face for gladness.
when Jesus will come again – Point to a picture of Jesus and then to the earth, or have hands facing each other and coming down from heaven.
I try to remember the lessons he taught – Point to side of forehead for remember, or put both hands on sides of head. Palms like an open book for lessons taught, or one hand open in front of you as if explaining something.
Then the Holy Spirit enters into my thoughts, saying – One hand on top of the other as if giving a blessing for Holy Spirit. Hands on top of head for enters into my thoughts, or point to side of head.
• Items needed: a lamp or battery powered lantern, a clear page protector, a half sheet of poster board, double-sided removable tape, a picture of Jesus , scriptures for each child, a table easel, chalk and eraser, a small piece of thick dark paper, a piece of cooking wax paper, and a Pringles potato chip canister with plastic lid (or some other type of container that won’t let light in but is thin enough to cut holes in such as a shoe box.)
• Print the signs. Cut out the sign that says “I am the light of the world” and tape it to the top of the picture of Jesus. Also cut out the direction card that says “Look behind the picture of Jesus.” Tape the direction card to the inside bottom of the canister. Cut out a circle of wax paper and a circle of dark paper using the plastic lid as a guide. Put a hole in the middle of each paper about the size of a pea. Tape the wax paper inside the clear plastic lid. Tape the dark paper under the wax paper. Put the lid on the canister. Optional: glue decorative paper onto the outside of the canister. (If using a shoe box for this activity, poke an eye hole in the tall end of the box about the size of a pea and put the direction card on the opposite end. Cut a golf ball sized hole in the side of the box and tape a piece of thick dark paper over the hole.)
• Print the activity visual aids. Cover the back of the cloud page with glue (Scotch permanent glue stick works well), and adhere it to the front of the picture of Jesus. Cut the combined page into 12 puzzle pieces using the puzzle outline as a guide. Tape a page protector to the middle of the half sheet of poster board. Attach the puzzle pieces around it with double-sided removable tape (see above picture). Press the pieces on lightly so the tape will remain on the puzzle pieces when moving them to the page protector. Have extra tape available in class just in case.
• Print the handouts; one cloud handout will be needed per child. Glue the cloud page on top of the pictures of Jesus (just like the activity page). Cut the page into four sections so one cloud is on each cut section. Put the handouts in a Ziploc baggie. Place the Ziploc baggie on the easel and then put the picture of Jesus in front of it. Display the picture of Jesus on a table in class.
• Print the scripture story visual aids. Cut each page in half so one picture is on each half. Number the back of each picture in the order printed.
Attention Activity
Show the children the canister and explain that there are directions inside the canister that will lead them to a special handout. Have them take turns looking through the eye hole to try and read the directions. Ask the children if any of them can see the directions. Take the dark cover off the lid and ask them to try again. (Tell the children to wait to follow the directions. Explain that they will retrieve the items towards the end of the lesson.)
• Why were the directions visible the second time? Because light was let into the canister.
Ask a child to read the caption on the picture of Jesus. Explain that the full scripture is found in John 8:12 and it says: “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
• What does the “light of life” mean? (The guiding light that leads to eternal life.) How is Jesus the guiding light of the world? Jesus lights the way to eternal life through His example and teachings.
• What might happen if a person didn’t have a light when walking in a dark area such as in a forest on a dark, cloudy night? (They might trip and fall over obstacles and get hurt.) Could the person find their desired destination? It would be difficult.
Just as we would need a light to help us find our way in the dark, we also need a light to help us find our way through the dark clouds of Satan’s lies and temptations on earth and see the way to eternal life.
Scripture Account
Remind the children of last week’s lesson concerning Helaman and the stripling warriors. Explain that after the war with the Lamanites, Helaman once again began to preach the gospel and build up the church. After Helaman died, the records he had kept were eventually given to his son who was also named Helaman. His son Helaman became a chief judge and served righteously. He had two sons by the names of Nephi and Lehi. He taught them many things
• Why do you think Helaman named his sons after Nephi and Lehi? (See Helaman 5:6.) He named them after righteous men hoping his sons would be reminded of their deeds and try to be like them.
• Ask the children if any of them are named after a person with praiseworthy characteristics. Ask them how they feel when they hear about the characteristics of the person they are named after. Does it inspire them? Do they want to strive to be like that person?
• Remind the children that they took on a special name at baptism. What name is that? (See 2 Nephi 31:13 & Mosiah 6:1-2) The name of Jesus Christ. Explain that in today’s lesson they are going to discuss ways they can become more like Jesus Christ.
Scripture Story Continued
After Helaman died, his son Nephi served as chief judge for a time, but when the people began to become wicked and prideful he gave up the judgment seat to go and preach among them with his brother Lehi.
• The judgment seat was the top political office among the Nephites. It was influential like being a president or a prime minister. Why would Nephi give up a position where he could influence many people for good? The laws of the land were established by the voice of the people, and because of the wickedness of the people the laws had become corrupted and had little influence for good. Nephi felt he would have more influence and do more good by preaching the word of God.
Nephi and Lehi went from city to city preaching the word of God with great power, convincing many to repent. After they had gone among all the people of Nehi in the land southward, they went among the Lamanites and preached to them. Many of the Lamanites and the Nephite dissenters who lived among them were baptized unto repentance.
Scripture Story Activity
Put the scripture story visuals on the right side of the board in random order using tape or magnets. Read the story below to the children in numerical order. After reading each numbered section, stop and have a child choose a visual aid that goes with that part of the story. Have them turn over the card to see if it is right. The number on the back should match the number on the paragraph you read. If it is correct have the child move it to the left side of the board. The pictures on the left should be kept in the correct order.
1. Nephi and Lehi then went to the Land of Nephi to preach to the Lamanites and Nephite dissenters who resided there. In the Land of Nephi the Lamanites cast Nephi and Lehi into prison. They were given no food.
2. After several days the Lamanites came to the prison to slay them. When the Lamanites entered the prison, Nephi and Lehi were encircled about as if by fire. The Lamanites dared not lay their hands on them fearing they would be burned.
3. Nephi and Lehi were not burned by the fire. They told the Lamanites that God was demonstrating his marvelous power by protecting them with the fire.
4. Then the earth and the walls of the prison shook as if they might tumble down. The Lamanites were overshadowed by a cloud of darkness and they were afraid.
5. As they stood there in the darkness they heard a voice as if it were above the cloud of darkness saying, “Repent ye, repent ye, and seek no more to destroy my servants whom I have sent unto you to declare good tidings.” It was not a voice of thunder but a still voice of perfect mildness, and it did pierce them to their souls.
6. The walls and earth shook and the voice spoke to them two more times. The Lamanites were frozen with fear.
7. There was a Nephite among them who had once belonged to the church of God but had dissented. He saw through the cloud of darkness and saw that Nephi and Lehi’s faces were shining with light.
8. Their eyes were lifted up to heaven, and they were in the attitude of talking to some being that they beheld.
9. The Nephite man did cry unto the multitude to turn and look. The Lamanites asked the man what it all meant and who Nephi and Lehi were conversing with. The Nephite, whose name was Aminadab, said that they do converse with the angels of God. The Lamanites asked Aminadab what they could do to make the cloud of darkness disperse. Aminadab told them they must repent and pray to God until they gained faith in Christ.
10. They did as Aminadab said and the cloud of darkness dispersed.
11. When they looked about and saw the cloud of darkness had dispersed, they also saw they were encircled by a pillar of fire. It did not hurt them and they were filled with unspeakable joy. The Spirit of God did enter into their hearts. They saw and heard many marvelous things.
12. There were about three hundred souls who saw and heard these things, and they did go forth and minister to the people declaring all the things they had heard and seen.
13. The more part of the Lamanites were convinced of the truth of the matter because of the great amount of evidence. All those who were convinced did lay down their weapons of war, and they let go of their hatred and the traditions of their fathers.
The Lamanites had been living their lives in darkness by believing Satan’s lies, following the incorrect traditions of their fathers, and filling their lives with hatred for the Nephites.
• What did the Lamanites do to escape the darkness? They prayed for forgiveness and for faith in Jesus Christ. Afterwards they changed their lives and followed the teachings of Jesus.
Put the puzzle and page protector on the board and explain that the children are going to do an activity that will help show them ways they can follow Jesus and fill their lives with light. Have them work in groups of two. Explain that you want them to think of some things that Jesus taught or some examples he set (if they need help they can look in the chapter headlines of the book of Luke in the New Testament for ideas.) Ideas might include the following: ministered to the sick and afflicted, prayed, fasted, kept the Sabbath Day holy, taught the gospel, knew the scriptures, served others, was baptized, was meek and humble, loved others, forgave. (Remind the children that one way to know and remember what Jesus did and taught is to read their scriptures daily. His teachings are found in all the books of scripture.)
Have the groups take turns telling an answer. After they give an answer have them write it on the board and then put a puzzle piece on the page protector. Continue in this manner until all the puzzle pieces are in the correct order on the page protector. When all the pieces are in the correct order, tape or pin the page protector on a lamp (or lantern) and turn on the lamp. The picture of Jesus should shine through. Explain that when we learn and do the things Jesus taught, then we are filling our lives with light: the knowledge, understanding, and truths that lead to eternal life.
Have one of the children now follow the directions they read in the canister. Once the child has retrieved the items from behind the picture of Jesus, explain that the items are miniature copies of the picture on the lamp. Tell them to each take one home and pin or tape it to the outside of a lamp shade (preferably a lamp in their room, and with permission from parents). Explain that every time the lamp is turned on they will see the picture of Jesus, and it will be a reminder for them to follow Jesus because he is the light that leads to eternal life.
Weekly Reading Assignment
Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: Helaman 5:14-52
To introduce the song “Come Follow Me”, I did the song “Do As I’m Doing” with the children. We did cleaning (washing windows and dishes), and we did praying (folding arms, bowing head, closing eyes). We also did jumping jacks, but singing the song three times was a little much.
I had the children guess what action we were doing. After they guessed, I asked if it was important that we do that thing and why? After the song, I pointed out that they had followed my actions during the song, doing important things we should do every day. Then I explained that following Jesus’ example (July’s theme) means doing the same things Jesus did. I asked the children, “What things did Jesus do when he was on the earth?”.
I had made copies of the footprints found on page fifteen of the 2010 Outline for Sharing Time (click on blue words under the footprints). On the blank side, I had put one of the following labels on each footprint: forgave, prayed, loved, was baptized, taught, obedient, served, humble. We talked about the ways Jesus did each one of these things.
I used the flip chart from Primary Singing Ideas to introduce the words to the song. We talked about how “following in Jesus’ footsteps” meant to follow him and to do the same things he did.
We also discussed the part where it talks about being one with the Savior. I explained that being one with the Savior means having the same purposes, desires,and goals he has. I asked the children what his main goal is. They responded that it was to help people return to Heavenly Father’s kingdom. I expained that as we do the same things Jesus did, our hearts gain that same goal, and that it was the only way (for thus alone) to become one with the Savior.
Activity After we were done reviewing the words to the song, we sang the song once, and then we did the activity that would help them learn the song. I put the footprints on the floor in a circle, with the words of the song facing down and the labels of things Jesus did facing up. I picked four volunteers. I had them walk around the footprints while everyone sang the song. The pianist stopped playing half way through, and the kids stopped walking. I had folded papers in a small bowl with the same labels that were on the footprints. I picked one out and whoever was standing on that footprint picked it up. That child then told how they could follow Jesus by doing the thing that was on the footprint. Sometimes they had a hard time thinking of things, so I told them they could call on someone else to answer.
The child then showed the words that were on the bottom of the footprint, and we took those words off the flip chart. (In order to make the words removable, I had cut the words off the flip chart pages and had put the pictures into page protectors. I taped the words to the outside of the page protectors so they could be removed.)
After we took those words off, I had that child stay and pick the next word from the bowl when we stopped singing again. When there were four footprints left, I had another four children come up. This group could only walk on one foot print at a time.
The activity was an effective way to teach the meaning of the song and have repetition so they could learn the song.
Note: The children do have a hard time singing at first when they are watching the other children walk around the footsteps. Tell the children you are watching for good singers to be the helpers in doing the footstep activity. This well help them sing.