Display a picture of the nativity (such as Gospel Art Book, no. 30, or one of the pictures in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Read Isaiah 9:6, giving each child a turn to point to the baby Jesus when they hear the phrase “a child is born.” Share your testimony that prophets in the Old Testament knew that Jesus would be born.
Invite each child to say his or her name, and point out that in addition to our names, we can be called other things, like sister or brother or friend. Invite the children to think of other examples. Read Isaiah 9:6 to the children, emphasizing the names that refer to Jesus Christ: “Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Help the children understand what these names tell us about Jesus.
Give each child a paper star, and invite the children to hold their stars up when you read the following phrase from Numbers 24:17: “there shall come a Star out of Jacob.” Invite the children to share how Jesus is like a bright star that shines to all the world. Sing together a song about the star that appeared when Jesus was born, such as “Stars Were Gleaming” (Children’s Songbook, 37) or “The First Noel” (Hymns, no. 213). (Jesus is our source of light to guide us in the paths we should follow.)
The Old Testament teaches me about Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Christmas The Old Testament is more than just a collection of interesting stories and writings; its purpose, like all scripture, is to testify of Jesus Christ. Help the children learn how to find Him in the Old Testament.
Invite the children to make a list of all the names and titles of Jesus Christ they can find in Moses 7:53; Psalm 23:1; Job 19:25; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; 12:2; Amos 4:13; and Zechariah 14:16. Let them work in pairs if they would like. Invite them to share their lists with each other. What do we learn about the Savior from each of these names and titles?
Show the children a few Christmas decorations (or pictures of some), such as a star, lights, or a gift. Ask the children how each of these things might remind us of the Savior. Explain that the scriptures often use symbols to teach us about Jesus Christ. Invite the children to look in one or more of the following verses for something that could symbolize Jesus Christ: Genesis 22:8; Exodus 17:6; Psalms 18:2; 27:1 (see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families for additional examples). How is Jesus like a lamb, water, rock, a fortress, or light?
Using paper or other supplies, create an ornament shaped like the chosen symbol and display it in a special place to remember the Savior.
Study the scripture references listed with each symbol above.
Discussion: What does each symbol teach about the Savior? What does Jesus Christ mean in your life?
At the end of studying the Old Testament this year, invite the children to share their favorite stories or scriptures from the Old Testament. What do these stories or scriptures teach us about Jesus Christ? Why are we grateful to have the Old Testament?
Jesus Christ is my Savior.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Christmas Christmas is a time to celebrate not only Jesus’s birth but also His life and mission as Savior of the world. How can you help the children feel joy and gratitude for Jesus Christ’s Atonement?
Ask the children to think of something that they are looking forward to. Explain that faithful people in Old Testament times looked forward to Jesus Christ’s birth. Read Isaiah 25:9 to the children, and have them repeat the phrase “We have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.” Share with them why you are glad and rejoice that Christ was born. Invite the children to share their feelings about the Savior.
Sing together a song about Jesus’s birth, such as “Away in a Manger” (Children’s Songbook, 42–43) or “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” (Hymns, no. 209). Help the children discover phrases in these songs that teach us about our Savior and the blessings we have because of Him.
Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Christmas As we celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth, we can also rejoice in His life and atoning sacrifice. How might you use scriptures from the Old Testament to help the children build their faith in their Savior and Redeemer?
Read together Isaiah 7:14; then invite the children to share what they know about Christ’s birth. Or show the video “The Nativity” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org), and invite each child to choose a person from the video and share how that person may have felt. Share your testimony about the Savior, and invite the children to do the same.
To help the children better understand Jesus Christ’s role as our Savior, invite them to read Isaiah 25:8–9; 53:3–5; and Hosea 13:14. What do these scriptures teach us about how the Lord saves us? How can we “rejoice in his salvation”? (Isaiah 25:9).
Sing a song together about Jesus Christ’s love for us, such as “Away in a Manger” (Children’s Songbook, 42–43) or “I Stand All Amazed” (Hymns, no. 193). Invite the children to share phrases that help them feel the Savior’s love.
Friend December 2020 “What’s on Your Mind?” A child asks the Friend the following: “I love getting presents at Christmastime. But how can I focus more on Jesus Christ?” Serving others and learning more about Jesus can help you feel the real joy of Christmas! The game below has lots of ideas.
Friend December 2024 “The Prince of Peace” President Dallin H. Oaks “At this Christmas season, the world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the “Prince of Peace” (see more at link) Sharing the Savior’s Peace: You can share the love and peace of Jesus Christ! For 12 days leading up to Christmas, choose an activity to do with your family. Then color in an ornament.
Friend December 2018 “Funstuff” Word Search: A bright new star announced the birth of Jesus Christ. And other stars shone down on Bethlehem too. See if you can find all the words about these heavenly lights.
Friend December 2019 “Find It” These friends are collecting toys to give to others so that they can have an even happier Christmas. Can you find the hidden objects?
Friend December 2023 “Christmas Delivery” The Savior told us to love our neighbors as ourselves (see Matthew 22:39). Miles wants to take Christmas cards to his neighbors to show he cares about them. Use the clues to help him remember who lives where.
Just for Fun
Friend December 2016 “Funstuff: Puzzle Page”. Stockings could be used for a matching activity in teaching a song or concept. Copy and paste into word document to adjust size.
December 2024 For the Strength of Youth “Fun Stop” Fix the Ornament Mix-Up: Around the world, many people celebrate the Savior’s birth by decorating Christmas trees. Can you tell which three ornaments are not like the others?
Ask the children to talk about things they look forward to, such as a birthday or holiday. Have the children read Helaman 14:2–5 to find something prophets were looking forward to.
Friend December 2018 “Prophecies of Jesus Christ” Match the prophecies with the picture.
Invite a child’s parents to come to class dressed up as Mary and Joseph. Ask them to share the experiences recorded in Matthew 1:18–25 and Luke 1:26–38.
Tell the stories of angels appearing to Mary and Joseph, as recorded in these verses. (See also “Chapter 2: Mary and the Angel” and “Chapter 4: Joseph and the Angel,” in New Testament Stories, 8–9, 12, or the corresponding videos on ChurchofJesusChrist.org.) You could show the picture in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families. Invite the children to repeat the stories back to you.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 1; Luke 1” The births of Jesus and John the Baptist were possible only through the power of God. Learning about these miracles can strengthen the children’s faith that God has the power to work miracles in their lives.
As you and the children review Matthew 1:18–25 and Luke 1:5–37, ask the children questions like “What would you say if you were Mary?” or “How would you feel if you were Zacharias?”
In simple terms, tell the stories described in Matthew 1:18–25 and Luke 1:5–37. Ask the children to raise their hands when they hear something that might seem impossible without God’s power. What other stories can the children share in which God did something that seemed impossible?
Help the children memorize Luke 1:37. To do this, you could write the verse on the board and invite the children to recite it several times. After each time, erase one word.
Story: Elisabeth and Zacharias wanted to have a baby, but Elisabeth was too old. One day, an angel told Zacharias that they would have a son! Their son was John the Baptist. Elisabeth and Zacharias learned that with God, nothing is impossible. (See Luke 1:11–14, 37.)
Activity: Try this “impossible” task! First, bend your middle finger under. Then put your hand down on a table, palm down. Now try to lift your ring finger. Then ask someone else to lift it for you. How has Heavenly Father helped you do something that did not seem possible?
Like Mary and her cousin Elisabeth in the New Testament (see Luke 1:5–55), sometimes we are asked to do hard things and may wonder if we can.
Set an empty container, such as a bucket or a box, at one end of the room.
Give each family member a feather.
Starting on the opposite end of the room from the container, have each family member try to get their feather into the container by blowing it to keep it in the air as they cross the room.
To make it more challenging, allow only 30 seconds, and use a straw to blow air on the feather. Continue to decrease the allotted time until the activity becomes impossible.
Discussion: Keeping in mind that some challenges may not be resolved in this life, share an experience that strengthened your testimony that “the things which are impossible with men are possible with God” (Luke 18:27) What small steps can you take each day to achieve tasks in your life that seem impossible?
Tell the children that the angel told Mary that her baby would be called the Son of God (see Luke 1:35). Help the children repeat the phrase “Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
Younger children:Help the children understand who Jesus’s parents were by inviting them to draw pictures of their own parents. As they do this, tell them that Jesus had parents too—Mary and Heavenly Father. In addition, Joseph was asked to protect and take care of Jesus while He lived on earth. (See Red Crystal for an activity page for this part)
Older Children: Ask the children to read Luke 1:30–35, looking for answers to these questions: “Who is Jesus’s mother?” and “Who is Jesus’s Father?” Help them understand that Jesus Christ is the only person who had a mortal mother, Mary, and an immortal Father, Heavenly Father (see also 1 Nephi 11:18–21).
This is my beloved son. Hear him!Mary, Mother of Jesus
Share your testimony that because Jesus was the Son of God, He could die for our sins and come back to life. Show pictures of Jesus’s Crucifixion and Resurrection (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 57, 59).
President Russell M. Nelson explained that the Atonement of Jesus Christ “required a personal sacrifice by an immortal being not subject to death. Yet He must die and take up His own body again. The Savior was the only one who could accomplish this. From His mother He inherited power to die. From His Father He obtained power over death” (“Constancy amid Change,” Ensign, Nov. 1993, 34).
As you read these verses, invite the children to search for names or titles of Jesus Christ. What do these names mean, and what do they teach us about Jesus?
Share your testimony of Jesus Christ, and invite the children to share their testimonies as well.
As you read the story of Christ’s birth, invite the children to act out the story themselves, or use this week’s activity page to review the story. (See also “Chapter 5: Jesus Christ Is Born,” in New Testament Stories, 13–15, or the corresponding video on ChurchofJesusChrist.org.)
If you have one, bring a Nativity set, and invite the children to set the pieces in appropriate places as you tell them the story of Jesus Christ’s birth. You could also show a picture of the Nativity (see, for example, this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Point to different people in the Nativity, and invite the children to share what they know about each person.
Sing together the children’s favorite songs about Jesus’s birth. As you do, look for opportunities to bear your testimony of the Savior. Invite the children to share why they love Jesus.
The First Christmas Spirit (movie) A depiction of what Joseph may have felt as he faced the responsibility of caring for the Son of God.
Show a picture of the Wise Men as you review their story, found in Matthew 2:1–12, with the children. You could show the picture Wise Men Present Gifts (ChurchofJesusChrist.org).
Gift wrap pictures or objects that represent gifts we can give to Jesus. Invite the children to help you open the gifts, and discuss how we give these gifts to the Savior
Help each child draw or write a list of gifts they can give Jesus, such as “being a good friend” or “praying.” Invite the children to share their lists with the class and choose one “gift” they will give Jesus today.
Friend December 2017 “Family Night Fun” Make these cute gift boxes, and write a gift you want to give Jesus, like being kind, and put it in your gift box to remember!
Friend December 2017 “Dear Friends” One reason we give Christmas presents is to remember the gift of Heavenly Father and His Son. They love us so much. And we can show how much we love Them by being kind to others. You are a gift to the world too. Your life is a blessing to those around you.
Friend December 2019 “The Light of the World” Light is one of the most beautiful symbols of the birth of Jesus Christ. When Jesus was born, He brought light to a darkened world. (See more at link)
Before class, place a star on the wall. Invite the children to look for something on the wall that usually isn’t there. Tell the children that the Nephites saw a new star in the sky when Jesus was born.
Show the children a picture of the Savior’s birth Help the children understand that the Nephites were far away from where Jesus was born, but they knew He was born because of the signs they saw. Testify that even though we did not see the Savior’s birth, the Holy Ghost can help us know that the stories about it in the scriptures are true.
Come follow Me for Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon “Christmas” To help your family focus on the gift Heavenly Father gave us by sending His Son, you could wrap a picture of Jesus Christ like a Christmas present. Family members could talk about favorite Christmas gifts they have received or hope to receive. Then they could unwrap the picture of Christ and discuss how He has been a precious gift for us. The video “He Is the Gift” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org) could help you discuss how you can discover, embrace, and share the gift of the Savior as a family this Christmas.
Friend December 2017 “For Parents of Little Ones” Ideas for helping little ones see that Jesus the reason for the Christmas season.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Christmas Christmas is a time to celebrate not only Jesus’s birth but also His life and mission as Savior of the world. How can you help the children feel joy and gratitude for Jesus Christ’s Atonement?
Ask the children to think of something that they are looking forward to. Explain that faithful people in Old Testament times looked forward to Jesus Christ’s birth. Read Isaiah 25:9 to the children, and have them repeat the phrase “We have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.” Share with them why you are glad and rejoice that Christ was born. Invite the children to share their feelings about the Savior.
Sing together a song about Jesus’s birth, such as “Away in a Manger” (Children’s Songbook, 42–43) or “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” (Hymns, no. 209). Help the children discover phrases in these songs that teach us about our Savior and the blessings we have because of Him.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Christmas As we celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth, we can also rejoice in His life and atoning sacrifice. How might you use scriptures from the Old Testament to help the children build their faith in their Savior and Redeemer?
Read together Isaiah 7:14; then invite the children to share what they know about Christ’s birth. Or show the video “The Nativity” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org), and invite each child to choose a person from the video and share how that person may have felt. Share your testimony about the Savior, and invite the children to do the same.
To help the children better understand Jesus Christ’s role as our Savior, invite them to read Isaiah 25:8–9; 53:3–5; and Hosea 13:14. What do these scriptures teach us about how the Lord saves us? How can we “rejoice in his salvation”? (Isaiah 25:9).
Sing a song together about Jesus Christ’s love for us, such as “Away in a Manger” (Children’s Songbook, 42–43) or “I Stand All Amazed” (Hymns, no. 193). Invite the children to share phrases that help them feel the Savior’s love.
Display a picture of the nativity (such as Gospel Art Book, no. 30, or one of the pictures in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Read Isaiah 9:6, giving each child a turn to point to the baby Jesus when they hear the phrase “a child is born.” Share your testimony that prophets in the Old Testament knew that Jesus would be born.
Invite each child to say his or her name, and point out that in addition to our names, we can be called other things, like sister or brother or friend. Invite the children to think of other examples. Read Isaiah 9:6 to the children, emphasizing the names that refer to Jesus Christ: “Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Help the children understand what these names tell us about Jesus.
Give each child a paper star, and invite the children to hold their stars up when you read the following phrase from Numbers 24:17: “there shall come a Star out of Jacob.” Invite the children to share how Jesus is like a bright star that shines to all the world. Sing together a song about the star that appeared when Jesus was born, such as “Stars Were Gleaming” (Children’s Songbook, 37) or “The First Noel” (Hymns, no. 213). (Jesus is our source of light to guide us in the paths we should follow.)
Ask the children to tell about gifts they have given or received. Read to them the last sentence of “The Living Christ,” and invite them to listen for the gift God has given us. (If needed, help them understand that “matchless” means “better than any other.”) Why is the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the best gift?
Sing together a song about Jesus Christ, such as “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook, 34–35). Help the children pick a phrase from the song that they would like to draw (such as “newborn babe” or “walk with men”). As they draw, ask the children to tell you how they feel about what Jesus has done for them. Share your feelings as well.
Invite each child to draw a Christmas tree, or draw one on the board. Invite the children to decorate the tree with words or phrases from “The Living Christ” that describe a gift the Savior has given us (such as “light,” “life,” and “hope”). Let them talk about why they chose those words or phrases.
Help the children find Christmas hymns that tell of the light, life, and hope that the Savior’s birth brought to the world—for example, “O Little Town of Bethlehem” or “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” (Hymns, nos. 208–9). Sing the hymns together, and let the children share how Jesus has brought light, life, and hope into their lives.
Ask some of the children to read about the shepherds in Luke 2:8–20. Ask others to read about Simeon in Luke 2:25–33. Invite them to share with each other how the shepherds and Simeon felt about finding out that Jesus was born. Why did they feel this way? Why does His birth bring us “great joy”?
Friend December 2019 “The Living Christ” Like light shining through a window, the Savior brings light and hope to a world that sometimes seems dark. Color this stained-glass window, then visit ComeUntoChrist.org/Christmas to learn how you can share Christ’s light!
Show the children a few Christmas decorations (or pictures of some), such as a star, lights, or a gift. Ask the children how each of these things might remind us of the Savior. Explain that the scriptures often use symbols to teach us about Jesus Christ. Invite the children to look in one or more of the following verses for something that could symbolize Jesus Christ: Genesis 22:8; Exodus 17:6; Psalms 18:2; 27:1 (see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families for additional examples). How is Jesus like a lamb, water, rock, a fortress, or light?
Friend December 1985 “The Answer Tree” A grandma put answers to her grandchild’s questions about Jesus onto tree ornaments. (activity idea)
Friend December 1987 “Christmas Stars” Jody wants to be like the Christmas star and lead people to Jesus by being a good example.
Friend December 2022 “The Nativity Star” Cayden’s family has a tradition of acting out the story of Jesus’s birth. Cayden wants to be the star that led the wisemen to Bethlehem because he wants to help people find Jesus like the star did.
Friend December 2021 “The First Christmas Gift” An 11 year old’s father told her about the very first Christmas gift. It was when Heavenly Father gave us His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Savior. Heavenly Father knew that His Son would suffer on earth, but He still gave Jesus to the world. And Jesus willingly gave Himself so that we could have eternal life.
Friend December 2019 “The Christmas Coins” Three people from the neighborhood were singing songs and collecting money to help sick children at the hospital. Janelle’s mother didn’t have any money, so Janelle gave all her coins to the singers. Afterwards she realized she had given away the money she was saving to buy her mom a gift. Janelle’s mom said she gave her the best gift by doing what Jesus would do, helping someone who needed help.
Friend December 2016 “You can’t Wrap a Horse” A family talks about gifts–gifts that can’t be wrapped like service and the gift of our Savior from Heavenly Father.
Before class, place a star on the wall. Invite the children to look for something on the wall that usually isn’t there. Tell the children that the Nephites saw a new star in the sky when Jesus was born.
Show the children a picture of the Savior’s birth Help the children understand that the Nephites were far away from where Jesus was born, but they knew He was born because of the signs they saw. Testify that even though we did not see the Savior’s birth, the Holy Ghost can help us know that the stories about it in the scriptures are true.
Children love the story of Jesus Christ’s birth. What doctrinal truths do you see in this story that you feel the children should understand?
Read Luke 2:1–14 to the children, or describe the events in these verses by referring to “Chapter 5:Jesus Christ Is Born” (in New Testament Stories, 13–15, or the corresponding video on ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Invite the children to draw pictures of these events and use the pictures to tell the story themselves. Why are we happy that Jesus was born?
Ask the children to tell you the story of the Wise Men following the star to find Jesus. If they need to be reminded of the story, see Matthew 2:1–12 or “Chapter 7: The Wise Men” (in New Testament Stories, 18, or the corresponding video on ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Hide a picture of Jesus in the room. Draw or cut out a paper star and hold it in the air. Invite the children to pretend to be wise men carrying gifts, and lead them around the room to find Jesus. Help the children think of some gifts that we can give to Jesus.
Sing a few Christmas hymns or songs with the children (see Hymns, nos. 201–14; Children’s Songbook, 34–54). Ask them to share something each song teaches that they feel is important to know.
Jesus Christ made it possible for me to live with Heavenly Father again someday.
Do the children you teach understand why Jesus Christ came to earth? Take time to ponder what the Savior has done for you personally and how you can help the children understand what He has done for them.
Bring a wrapped gift or box to class with a picture of Jesus Christ inside. Attach a tag with “John 3:16” written on it, and tell the children that this is a clue about what the gift is. Read John 3:16 with the children, and invite them to guess what the gift is and open it. Why did God send us His Son?
Help the children finish this sentence: “Jesus Christ came to earth to .” Then show pictures related to the Savior’s atoning sacrifice, death, and Resurrection (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 56–59), and briefly tell about these events. You could also sing a song about why Jesus came to earth, such as “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook, 34–35). Bear your testimony of Jesus Christ and what He has done for you.
How can you help the children focus on Jesus Christ at Christmas?
Invite one of the children to read about some of the events related to the Savior’s birth (see Matthew 1:18–25; 2:1–12; Luke 1:26–38; 2:1–20). Ask the other children to take turns drawing pictures on the board of what the scriptures are describing. What do these stories teach us about Jesus Christ?
Invite the children to write on several slips of paper things they could do to help them focus on the Savior during the Christmas season. (They could get ideas from the video “Good Tidings of Great Joy: The Birth of Jesus Christ” on ChurchofJesusChrist.org.) Invite them to share what they wrote. Encourage the children to take the slips home and do with their families the suggestions they wrote on the slips.
Sing Christmas songs about the Savior (see Children’s Songbook, 34–54; Hymns, nos. 201–14), and invite the children to share a favorite line or phrase from the songs.
Jesus Christ made it possible for me to live with Heavenly Father again someday.
How can you help the children review what they have learned this year and understand why they need Jesus Christ in their lives?
Label one piece of paper Who is Jesus Christ? and another Why did He come to earth? and attach them to different walls of the classroom. Invite each child to read one of the following scriptures: Matthew 16:15–16; John 3:16; 1 Nephi 10:4; Mosiah 3:8; Alma 7:10–13; 3 Nephi 27:14–15. Ask the children to look for answers, in the scriptures they read, to the two questions on the walls. Invite them to write down their answers and attach them to the wall next to the appropriate question. How can we show our gratitude for what Jesus Christ has done for us?
Invite the children to list on the board all of the names or titles of Jesus that they can think of (see Bible Dictionary, “Christ, names of”). What do these names teach us about Jesus Christ and His mission? Why do we need Jesus Christ in our lives? To help answer this question, show the video “Why We Need a Savior—A Christmas Message about Our Savior Jesus Christ” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org).
Friend December 2023 “The First Christmas” Make your own Nativity scene! Cut out each picture. Then glue or tape the pictures inside a small box or on a piece of cardboard.
Friend December 1988 “Sharing Time: Two Witnesses of Jesus Birth” Read the skit as the silhouettes are pressed against a backlit piece of fabric or sheet. (Book of Mormon & Bible tell of Jesus’ birth.)
Friend December 2019 “Matt and Mandy” Mandy and her friend Jazzmine want their families to do a nativity pageant together. Jazzmine’s grandparents want to play Simeon and Anna who recognized Jesus at the temple the same way we can recognize him in our lives, through the Holy Ghost.
Friend December 2017 “Skyler’s Nativity” Skyler helps with the nativity play. Also, count how many stars are in the sky.
Friend December 2020 “Christmas Play” After Mark and his siblings hear the story of Jesus’s birth, they dress up and act it out. (Circle the things Mark and Sarah could use for their play!)
Friend December 2018 “Prophecies of Jesus Christ” Match the prophecies with the picture. Also includes a coloring page.
December 2024 For the Strength of Youth “Fun Stop” In the New Testament and the Book of Mormon, angels testify of the Christmas story: the Savior’s birth and other connected events, like the birth of John the Baptist. Match what the angel said with the person it was declared to and then with what the person said or did.
Friend December 2018 “A Special Night” Action rhyme about the story of Jesus’s birth.
[unitegallery December2018]
Wisemen Follow the Star
Friend January 2023 “Journey to Egypt” After the Wise Men saw Jesus, an angel came to Joseph in a dream. The angel said that Jesus was in danger. He said they should go to Egypt, where they would be safe (see Matthew 2:13–14). Follow the maze to help Mary, Joseph, and Jesus find their way to Egypt.
Friend December 2019 “Light of the World” Color the stars below to help the Wise Men find Jesus (or follow the star path).
December 2024 For the Strength of Youth “Fun Stop” The Wise Men are following the star to worship Jesus Christ. Without looking too closely, guess which path will lead them to the star. Avoid the path that leads them back to Herod! Then follow the lines to see if you guessed right. (For the scripture story, see Matthew 2:1–12.)
Friend December 2020 “Light the World” Jesus brought light and love to the whole world. Here are some activities to help you feel and share His light. Color the numbered areas after you do each activity.
Friend December 2019 “The Living Christ” Like light shining through a window, the Savior brings light and hope to a world that sometimes seems dark. Color this stained-glass window, then visit ComeUntoChrist.org/Christmas to learn how you can share Christ’s light!
Friend December 2017 “Christmas Workshop” Make nativity figures such as this clothespin shepherd to tell the story of Jesus birth, or use it as an ornament for the tree.
Friend December 1986. Lace up ornaments. Print onto card stock. Punch holes in indicated spots. Lace up and tie ends together.
Christmas Riddles – Each riddle gives clues about a person or place related to the story of Jesus’ birth. (Friend December 1984)
The inn was full in this small town, So in a manger they laid Him down. They’d come to this City of David to pay Their taxes, Herod’s law to obey. What city was this? ____________________
In Swaddling clothes, asleep, He lay On that first, wondrous Christmas day. His mother, Mary, sat nearby, Singing Him a lullaby. Who was He? ___________________________
While they watched o’er their flocks one night, An angel came in heavenly light And gave them “tidings of great joy”— They left in haste to see the Boy. Who were they? ________________________
They traveled from the east afar, Following a bright, bright star; Many precious gifts they brought To give the newborn King they sought. Who were they? ________________________
Friend December 1981 Turn advent calendar into a game. See game pieces in “advent calendars”
Friend December 1981Make a Manger: Think of ways you can be helpful to those around you. Then during the month of December, each time you do something without being asked lay a piece of straw in the manger. If you can help someone without being discovered, add two pieces of straw. Soon the manger will be ready for Christmas—and so will your heart!
Friend December 1986 Find the words to fill the blanks by reading Luke 2:1–14. Then find the same words in the letter square by reading forward, backward, up, down, and diagonally. The unused letters, reading left to right, form a message that is important to remember.
Friend December 1987 To help you remember the story of Jesus’ early life, answer the questions and/or follow the instructions for each day in December, using the Bible references.
Friend December 2015 Primary children collected food for a local food bank for the holidays. For each item donated, the children put a picture on the wall in the Primary room to build a Nativity scene.
Friend December 2015 Activity- Hide baby Jesus Statue and tell children they are warm when they get close. Explain that the more we look for Jesus in our lives and do the things to get nearer to Him, the warmer we feel inside and the happier we are.”
Items needed: scriptures for every child, tape or magnets, chalk and eraser, and pens.
Print the scripture story pictures. Trim the first four pages. Cut each of the remaining pages in half so there is one picture on each half. Number the back of these pictures in the order they were printed.
Attention Activity
Show the picture of the fall leaves, the lightening, and the spring buds. Point out that when we see these signs in nature they tell us certain events will soon occur. Ask the children what event each item is a sign of (fall leaves – winter is approaching, lightning – a storm is approaching, spring buds – summer is approaching).
Ask the children what we do to prepare when we see these signs indicating environment changes are coming. (Example: We get the cold weather clothes out. We seek shelter from storms. We prepare our gardens to be planted.)
Show the picture of the star. Remind the children that Samuel the Lamanite prophesied many signs would occur before and at the time of two very important events.
• According to the prophet Samuel what event was the new star a sign of? (Jesus Christ’s birth)
Ask the children if they can remember what the other prophesied signs were of Jesus’ birth. (If needed, show them the drawings from last week’s lesson to help remind them.)
• Why did the Lord reveal these signs to the Nephites? (Helaman 14:12–13, 28) So they might know of His coming, so they might believe in Christ and repent, and so they would have no excuse for not believing.
For the faithful, the appearance of these signs confirmed and strengthened their faith. For those who were not as valiant in their faith as they should have been, or for the wicked, these signs gave them warning and an opportunity to change their ways. They were left without excuse for their nonbelief and would be held accountable for their subsequent actions.
Scripture Story
Tell the following story using the scripture story pictures as visual aids.
1) Many great miracles and signs occurred before the birth of Jesus, but many people still refused to believe. When it came time for the main signs of His birth to occur (a night to be as day and a new star to appear) some said the time had passed for the words of Samuel to be fulfilled. The unbelievers began to make an uproar throughout the land, rejoicing over their brethren who believed saying their joy and faith had been in vain. The unbelievers set apart a day where all those who believed would be put to death except the sign should come to pass.
• Why would the unbelievers wish to persecute and kill the believers? The wicked hearken to Satan’s influence. Satan promotes hate, intolerance, and anger, and he uses those who are under his influence to try and destroy righteousness and belief.
• In spite of the challenges to their faith, what did the believers do? (See 3 Nephi 1:8) They did watch steadfastly for the sign of Christ’s birth that they might know their faith had not been in vain.
2) Nephi was sorrowful for the wickedness of the people. He bowed himself down and cried mightily to God all day in behalf of his people. (3 Nephi 1:12.) (Note: The Nephi in this account is the son of the Nephi who has been discussed in the past few lessons. Nephi had given his son charge of all the records and had then departed out of the land (and was probably translated).
3) The voice of the Lord came unto Nephi as he prayed saying: “Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for behold, the time is at hand, and on this night shall the sign be given, and on the morrow come I into the world.” (3 Nephi 1:13–14.)
4) The words spoken to Nephi were fulfilled. The sun went down that evening, but it was still light as mi-day. There was no darkness in all the night. The sun did rise again in the morning according to its proper order. (3 Nephi 1:15, 19, 21) The sign of a new star did also appear.
• How would you feel if the sun went down but it was still light outside? How do you think the righteous felt when the night did not get dark? (Great joy) The birth of Jesus was something the people had looked forward to for many years. The occurrence of the prophesied signs of Jesus’ birth also confirmed their faith.
• How do you think the unbelievers felt when the sign occurred? (Fear)
5) There were many, who had not believed the words of the prophets, that fell to the earth in astonishment and became as if they were dead. They knew it was the day the Lord should be born. They began to fear because of their iniquity and their unbelief. (3 Nephi 1:18)
• Did Satan give up his efforts to destroy people’s beliefs in Christ once the signs had been given? No. Satan continued in his efforts by sending forth lies among the people to harden their hearts so they might not believe in the signs and wonders they had seen. (3 Nephi 1:22.)
• How did the people respond to Satan’s initial efforts to destroy their belief? For the most part the people did believe in the Lord and there was peace in the land. But after a few years Satan did gain possession of the hearts of the people again.
• What does it mean to “gain possession of the hearts of the people”? Hearts of the people refers to their desires. The people once again desired wickedness
6) The people forgot the signs and wonders and were less astonished when a sign or wonder occurred. They imagined up vain things in their hearts that the signs were wrought by men or by the power of the devil to deceive them. They began to harden their hearts and blind their minds and disbelieve all they had seen and heard. (3 Nephi 2:1–2)
• Why did they wish to rationalize away the signs they had seen? Because their hearts desired wickedness.
• What can we learn about the strength of testimonies that are based solely on signs? As time passes, the importance and value of the signs diminishes in people’s thoughts and priorities, and they are easily influenced by Satan to return to their original sinful ways.
• How does someone develop a strong testimony? By living the teachings of the gospel, and by experiencing the powerful witness of the Holy Ghost testifying to their heart of the truth of those teachings.
• Is building a strong testimony something that happens quickly and effortlessly? A testimony grows gradually through a person’s efforts to learn and know the truth. No one receives a complete testimony all at once.
7) After several years the Nephite people began to again wax strong in wickedness and abominations, and they chose to believe there would be no more signs or wonders given. (3 Nephi 2:3)
• What other signs and wonders were still to come? (The signs of Jesus’ death.) Ask the children if they remember what the signs of Jesus’ death were. (Show them the drawings from last week’s lesson to help remind them.)
• What did Samuel say would happen to the people if they did not change their ways and repent? Great destructions would come upon them. (Helaman13:6)
Explain to the children that another great event concerning the Savior is prophesied to occur in the latter days. It is also to be preceded by great signs and wonders. Ask the children if they know what this great event is. Give clues if needed. After the children have guessed correctly, put the sign “Jesus Second Coming” on the right side of the board.
Explain that many of the prophesied signs of Jesus’ Second Coming are similar to the signs and happenings that occurred at Jesus’ birth and death. (Put the sign on the left side of the board that says “Jesus Christ’s birth and death.”)
Put the scripture references in random order on the board under the sign that says “Jesus’ Second Coming.” Explain that these scriptures are all prophesied things that will occur before Jesus Christ’s second coming. Put the list of items on the board that occurred before or during the time of Jesus’ birth under the sign that says “Jesus Christ’s birth and death.” (Explain that many of these things also occured before Jesus’ death.) Have the children look up the first scripture. Have one of the children read it out loud and then draw a chalk line from the scripture to a similar event that occurred before or during Jesus’ birth.
Activity Answers
Wickedness among the people increased. (D&C 45:27)
There were many nonbelievers. (2 Peter 3:3-4)
Many of the Lamanites became righteous (D&C 49:24)
There were signs and wonders in the heavens. (D&C 45:40)
The faithful looked forward to the coming of the Lord. (D&C 45:39)
• Why do the faithful look forward to the coming of the Lord? The faithful Nephites looked forward to the coming of the Lord because they knew that through Him and His atonement they could receive forgiveness of their sins. When the Savior comes again upon the earth, he will bring peace for the nations. He will bring safety and joy for all the righteous. The earth will live in peace. Many look forward to that time. They also look forward to the joy of seeing their Savior Jesus Christ.
After all the answers have been made, put the drawings of the signs of Jesus’ death on the board and explain that similar destructions and happenings to the signs depicted in the pictures are also prophesied to occur before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. But we are told that if we are prepared, the righteous need not fear the second coming or the signs that precede it.
Picture Discussion
Once again show the children the pictures of the fall leaves, the lightening, and the spring buds, and ask the children why it is important to prepare for changes in the weather when we see these signs in nature. Our health, safety, and protection may depend on the preparations we make.
Explain that just as we would need to be prepared for upcoming changes in the weather, we also need to be prepared for the Second Coming of the Lord. Only those with strong testimonies will remain steadfast and faithful in the challenging environment of the latter days, and only the righteous will abide the day of the coming of the Lord and be able to live lives of peace and love during the Lord’s millennial reign. (Read D&C 45:57)
Give each child one of the papers labeled “I will prepare for the Second Coming.” Have them write in each point on the star something they can do to prepare for the second coming. Explain that the signs of light that occurred at Jesus’ birth reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world. He is our shining example. Remind the children of the teachings of Jesus and the examples he set as they think of things they need to do to prepare for his Second Coming. Ideas might include the following: keep the Sabbath day holy, pray, read the scriptures, serve others, forgive others, be humble and meek, share the gospel with others, love one another, etc.
• What is the danger of putting off the day of our preparation? Remind the children that building a strong testimony does not happen instantly overnight; it takes time and effort. If we put off the day of our preparation, the coming of the Lord may come upon us and our time for preparing will be past. (Read Helaman 13:38)
Explain that just as righteous Nephites watched and were prepared for the Savior’s birth, we need to watch and prepare for Jesus’ Second Coming.
Weekly Reading Assignments
Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: 3 Nephi 1:1-23 & 3 Nephi 2:1-3