Table of Contents
- Apostasy & Restoration
- Joseph Smith
- Receiving the Golden Plates
- Translating the Gold Plates
- Coming of Forth of the Book of Mormon
- Restoration of Priesthood
- Church is Organized
- Organization of the Church
- Spreading the Gospel
- Doctrine and Covenants
- Nauvoo
- Martyrdom
- Brigham Young: The Next Prophet
- Crossing the Plains
- Pioneers
- Willie Handcart Company
- Crossing in Ships
- Salt Lake City
- Children’s Organizations
- Utah Temple Building
- Immigration
- Latter Day Missionary Work
- World War II
- Church Pageants
- All Worthy Men Hold Priesthood
- The Church Today
Apostasy & Restoration
Joseph Smith
* Joseph Smith’s Childhood
* First Vision
Receiving the Golden Plates
The Angel Moroni Visits Joseph Smith
Joseph is Prepared to Receive the Plates
Joseph and Emma Marry
Receiving and Protecting the Gold Plates
Martin Harris Visits Professor Anthon
Translating the Gold Plates
Coming of Forth of the Book of Mormon
Friend December 1988 “Do You Know” Joseph is visited by Moroni. Story and questions.
Friend February 2017 “Golden Plates to Book of Mormon”

Friend July 1988
Read one scripture each day. Match the highlighted scriptures to the correct picture.: Ezekiel 37:15-20, 2 Nephi 3:12; 29:8, Psalm 85:11& Mormon 8:16, Moses 7:62 & Isaiah 29:4, 2 Nephi 26:14-17, Ether1:1 & 2:11, Enos 1:15-16, Mormon 5:12-14, Revelation 14:6, 1 Nephi 1:1 & 9:5, Omni 1:8-9, Introduction to Helaman, 3 Nephi 23:4-5, 3 Nephi 23:6-14, Words of Mormon 1:1-2, Mormon 8:1 & Moroni 10:1-2, Joseph Smith History 1:30-35, D&C 27:5 & 128:20, Joseph Smith History 1:44-47, Joseph Smith History 1:48-50, Joseph Smith History 1:51-52, Joseph Smith History 1:53-54, Joseph Smith History 1:59, Joseph Smith History 1:62, Joseph Smith History 1:67 & D&C 3:preface, D&C 25:1&5-6, Isaiah 29:11, Joseph Smith History 1:61 & 63-65, 2 Corinthians 13:1 & D&C 5:4 &11&13, D&C 19:preface & 26 & 34-35, Joseph Smith History 1:60
Martin Harris Visits Professor Anthon

Teach the children about Martin Harris’s experiences with Professor Anthon and Dr. Mitchell, as recorded in Joseph Smith—History 1:62–65. Help the children understand that these events fulfilled a prophecy made by the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 29:11–12; see also 2 Nephi 27:15–20) thousands of years before Joseph Smith’s time. (Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History: Lesson 5)
Church History Topics “Martin Harris’s Consultations with Scholars” This article tells the story and has pictures of Martin Harris and Professor Anthon.
What did Professor Anthon say when Martin Harris first showed him a copy of some of the Book of Mormon writings? (JS—H 1:64.) Why do you think Professor Anthon tore up the certificate when he learned that an angel had shown Joseph Smith where to find the gold plates? (JS—H 1:65.
Friend December 1983 “Joseph Knight Friend to the Prophet”
Restoration of Priesthood

Three witnesses testify of the Book of Mormon.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Ether 1–5: “Rend That Veil of Unbelief”
Moroni prophesied that the Three Witnesses would help establish the truth of the Book of Mormon.
To teach the children about the Three Witnesses, you might refer to the images in “Chapter 7: Witnesses See the Gold Plates” (Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 31–33), or the video below, and “The Testimony of Three Witnesses” in the Book of Mormon.
You could hide an object or a treat in a box and invite a family member to look inside and give the rest of the family clues to help them guess what it is. As you read Ether 5together, discuss why it is important that the Lord uses witnesses in His work. How can we share our witness of the Book of Mormon with others? Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Ether 1–5: “Rend That Veil of Unbelief””
Church is Organized
Friend May 2018 “Lucy Leads the Way” A play about Lucy Mack Smith leading a group of saints as they moved to Kirtland. Lucy had faith in the Lord and the ice blocking a harbor cleared long enough for them to get through.
Friend July 2017 “Kirtland and the Word of Wisdom” A temple is built in Kirtland and the Word of Wisdom revelation was given.

Organization of the Church
Friend May 2017 “The First Bishop”
Spreading the Gospel
Friend April 2017 “First Missionaries”

Friend August 2017 “Spreading the Gospel” Elder Woodruff’s experiences teaching the gospel in England, and Brigham Young’s experience of always having enough money in his trunk for their journey.
Friend September 2017 “Jane’s Choice- part one” Jane hears about a Mormon missionary teaching that God speaks to prophets today. She had joined a church, but still felt something was missing, so she went to listen to the Mormon missionary even though her pastor told her not to go.

Friend October 2017 “Jane’s Journey” – part two” After joining the church, Jane and her family travelled to Nauvoo. Despite much hardship, they pressed forward until they reached their goal.

Doctrine and Covenants
Friend June 2017 “The Book of Commandments” Two sisters save the printed book of commandments from a mob.
Friend September 2017 “Relief Society Sisters and the Nauvoo Temple”
Friend April 1983 “Nauvoo whistling and whittling brigade”
Dan Jones–Welsh Missionary Friend October 1987

Brigham Young: The Next Prophet
Friend October 2017 “A New Prophet”
Crossing the Plains
Friend November 2017 “Traveling West”
Friend January 1983 “Baked Potatoes and Milk” Martin Handcart Company
Friend January 1986 “Ellen Pucell Unthank” While crossing the plains in handcarts, Nellie’s parents died and Nellie’s feet froze and had to be amputated, but she remained faithful and thankful.
Friend July 1988 “Green Flake: Black Pioneer” A former slave was one of the first settlers in the valley.
Friend June 2017 “Mary’s Promise (part one)” Mary promises her dying step-mother that she will get the family to Salt Lake Valley even though Mary’s father is partially paralyzed from a stroke.
Click on above link for more info about the pioneers
Willie Handcart Company
Liahona September 2021 “Bring Forth Zion”
After John and Maria Linford joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Gravely, England, in 1842, John became president of the local branch. Relatives and friends, however, did not share the joy the Linfords found in the Restoration. If they could not persuade John to give up his new religion, then they would “starve him to it” by boycotting his shoemaking business.
In 1856 the Perpetual Emigrating Fund gave John and Maria an opportunity to immigrate to the Salt Lake Valley. They sailed to New York with three of their sons. From there they traveled to Iowa City, Iowa, from which they left in July 1856 with the ill-fated James G. Willie handcart company.
Early on October 21, near the banks of the Sweetwater River in Wyoming, John spoke his last words.
“I am glad we came,” he told Maria when she asked him if he was sorry they had left England. “I shall not live to reach Salt Lake, but you and the boys will, and I do not regret all we have gone through if our boys can grow up and raise their families in Zion.”1
Friend March 2025 “The Biscuit Miracle” When Jane Rowley and her family were crossing the plains with handcarts, they ran out of food. They were so hungry. They said a prayer, and afterwards Jane’s mom remembered two hard biscuits she had, but they were too hard to even break. They put them in a pot over the fire and added some water. When they opened it, the pot was filled.

Crossing in Ships
Friend August 2022 “Margaret Saves the Day” While crossing the ocean to join the saints, Margaret helps stop a leak in the ship with some wool blankets.
Salt Lake City
Friend December 2021 “The Church Around the World”

Spreading the Gospel
Friend October 2019 “Serving the Lord in Spanish ” During the early years of the Church, the Book of Mormon was printed only in English. President Brigham Young called two missionaries to preach the gospel in Mexico and translate the Book of Mormon into Spanish. But they needed help. The Lord prepared someone to help them. This is the story of Meliton Gonzalez Trejo who came from Spain, joined the church, and helped translate the Book of Mormon into Spanish.
Friend March 2019 “Becoming Dr. Cannon” Mattie Hughes was excited when she heard Brigham Young encouraging women to become doctors. She worked hard and saved her money so she could go to medical school. Eventually she became a doctor and helped many people.
Friend October 1988 “Charles Smith-Watchmaker” Charles joined the church in England and came to Nauvoo and then crossed the plains with the saints. He served three missions. He endured many tribulations but stayed faithful.
Friend July 1988 “Green Flake: Black Pioneer” The story of a former slave who was one of the first settlers in the valley.
Friend April 1986 “Hulda…Ballantyne” The Ballantynes struggled to survive in the Salt Lake Valley, and Hulda continues to struggle alone while her husband goes on a mission.
Friend July 1985 ” The Deseret Alphabet” Immigrants from foreign lands had a hard time learning to write English, so a special alphabet was created to help them communicate. Link includes example of the alphabet.
Friend November 1984 “Called to Serve” – First sister missionaries
Friend April 1984 “Ellis Reynolds Shipp – Mother & Doctor” 1873
Friend February 1985 “Emmeline B. Wells”
Eliza R. Snow Friend October 1986
Children’s Organizations
Friend March 2017 “Junior Relief Society” Before the Primary was organized a group of girls in Manti started a Junior Relief Society, and they made quilts and their own song.
Utah Temple Building
Friend January 2016 “Windows before Winter” St. George members do all they can to raise money for tabernacle windows, and the Lord blesses them to obtain the rest of the amount needed
Friend June 1987 “Prayer for Food” A family struggles with having enough to eat while the father works on the Manti Temple.
Friend July 1983 “Thomas Kane – Friend of the pioneers
Friend July 1983 “William Clayton & come, come, Ye saints”
Friend May1984 “Orrin Porter Rockwell”
Friend January 1987 “George Q. Cannnon”
Friend April 2015 “The Titanic and the Telegram” Six missionaries that are booked on the Titanic have to take a different ship home when one missionary is delayed.
Latter Day Missionary Work
Friend November 2021 “Andrew Jenson” Andrew Jensen became a church historian and travelled the world collecting member stories.
Friend April 2018 “A Long Shot: part one” When Elder Condie gave up basketball to go on a mission, he didn’t know if he would ever play again, but then he was invited to form a missionary team to help prepare Australia’s basketball team for the Olympics. He and his team mates were able to be public ambassadors for the church. May 2018 “One Shot at a Time: part two”
World War II
Friend December 2021 “ Olga Bing” After World War 2 started, church attendance started going down in Olga’s branch after the missionaries were all sent home. Olga prayed about how to make their branch strong again. She decided to invite children in the neighborhood to church class, and the children and their parents came.
Church Pageants
Friend July 2019 “For Older Kids” I got to play a part in the British pageant. I have really enjoyed portraying a wonderful girl. I have learnt the sorrow she felt and the brave personality she was. The opportunity of being in the pageant has bought me closer to the Savior, and I will never forget it! Poppy F., age 11, West Sussex, Englandnbsp;
All Worthy Men Hold Priesthood
Friend March 2020 “Anthony’s Dream” Long before the church was organized in much of Africa, and before black men could hold the priesthood, Anthony had dreamed about the church and had asked the church to send scriptures so he could learn more. He taught the villagers what he learned, and he built a chapel for them to meet in. Then the announcement came that all worthy men could hold the priesthood and that the missionaries would be coming to their village. The missionaries were surprised to find so many people ready to be baptized. Now there are over 170,000 members in Nigeria.

The Church Today
Friend December 2017 “The Church Today”
Friend July 2018 “My Week on Temple Square” Kent visits temple square and sees all the sites.Link includes video of sites.
The Making of the Book of Mormon Videos
Friend January 2020 “Book of Mormon Videos: Behind the Scenes” In 2019 the church made Book of Mormon videos to go with Come Follow Me: Book of Mormon 2020. This image shows how they made some of the videos.
Friend September 2022 “Visiting the Book of Mormon Video Set” See more at link
See Supplemental Resources for Valiant Lessons at This link has lots of great resources to use in lessons including visual aids, activities, and games.