Helaman 1-6

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Helaman CHAPTER 1 Pahoran the second becomes chief judge and is murdered by Kishkumen—Pacumeni fills the judgment seat—Coriantumr leads the Lamanite armies, takes Zarahemla, and slays Pacumeni—Moronihah defeats the Lamanites and retakes Zarahemla, and Coriantumr is slain. About 52–50 B.C.

Helaman CHAPTER 2 Helaman, the son of Helaman, becomes chief judge—Gadianton leads the band of Kishkumen—Helaman’s servant slays Kishkumen, and the Gadianton band flees into the wilderness. About 50–49 B.C.

Helaman CHAPTER 3 Many Nephites migrate to the land northward—They build houses of cement and keep many records—Tens of thousands are converted and baptized—The word of God leads men to salvation—Nephi the son of Helaman fills the judgment seat. About 49–39 B.C.

Helaman CHAPTER 4 Nephite dissenters and the Lamanites join forces and take the land of Zarahemla—The Nephites’ defeats come because of their wickedness—The Church dwindles, and the people become weak like the Lamanites. About 38–30 B.C.

Helaman CHAPTER 5 Nephi and Lehi devote themselves to preaching—Their names invite them to pattern their lives after their forebears—Christ redeems those who repent—Nephi and Lehi make many converts and are imprisoned, and fire encircles them—A cloud of darkness overshadows three hundred people—The earth shakes, and a voice commands men to repent—Nephi and Lehi converse with angels, and the multitude is encircled by fire. About 30 B.C.

Helaman CHAPTER 6 The righteous Lamanites preach to the wicked Nephites—Both peoples prosper during an era of peace and plenty—Lucifer, the author of sin, stirs up the hearts of the wicked and the Gadianton robbers in murder and wickedness—The robbers take over the Nephite government. About 29–23 B.C.

Friend August 2024

Helaman 3-4

Helaman 3:27–30

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 1-6”

  • As the prophet Mormon abridged the sacred records, he occasionally used the phrase “thus we see” to emphasize important truths. What did he want us to see in Helaman 3:27–30? Throughout your study this week, you might pause occasionally to ask family members how they would complete the phrase “and thus we see” regarding what they have read. What truths do they want to emphasize?

Nephite Cycle of Pride

Heavenly Father wants me to be humble.

Helaman 3:24, 33–344:11–15

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 1–6: The Rock of Our Redeemer”

  • As you read Helaman 1–6—and throughout the Book of Mormon—you may notice a pattern in the behavior of the Nephites: When the Nephites are righteous, God blesses them and they prosper. After a time, they become prideful and wicked, making choices that lead to destruction and suffering. Then they are humbled and inspired to repent, and God blesses them once again. The pattern repeats itself so often that some people call it the “pride cycle.”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 1-6: The Rock of Our Redeemer”

  • Write the words Humble and Prideful on the board. Write a few examples of humble or prideful actions on slips of paper, and invite the children to take turns selecting a paper and putting it next to the word on the board that describes that action. What are some of the ways we can choose to be humble?

Primary in Zion

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Helaman 1-6”

  • Consider inviting your children to draw their own version of the “pride cycle,” based on the diagram above (on a paper or on the board). Then, as you read together Helaman 3:24, 33–34 and 4:11–15, they could point to the parts of the cycle these verses describe. How can we choose to be humble—and remain that way?

Book of Mormon Coloring Book “The Pride Cycle”

Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 41: The Jaredites Reject the Prophets,”

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 1–6: The Rock of Our Redeemer”

    • In Helaman 3, Mormon described a time when the Church was so prosperous and blessed that even the leaders were surprised (see verses 24–32). Eventually some people became prideful, while others grew “stronger and stronger in their humility, … even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts” (Helaman 3:35). Notice what the more humble people did to become sanctified. The Guide to the Scriptures (scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org) defines sanctification as “the process of becoming free from sin, pure, clean, and holy through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.”

    Helaman 5

    Nephi and Lehi Surrounded by Flames in Prison

    I can build my foundation on Jesus Christ.

    Helaman 5:12

    Primary 4: Book of Mormon“Lesson 28: Nephi and Lehi in Prison,”  Explain that before a building is built, the workers make a strong foundation for the building to rest on for support. Have the children compare the stability of a rock and sand as foundations to build on. Put a medium-sized rock and a box lid or shallow pan with sand or salt in it on the table. Blow on the rock and then blow on the sand or salt.

    Ask the children if they were building a home why they would choose rock rather than sand for a foundation. Explain that the scriptures compare Jesus Christ to the rock as being a strong foundation on which to build our lives. We build our lives on the rock foundation of Christ when we choose to live his teachings.

    Friend August 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Testify that Jesus is strong, like the stones. He can help us be strong too.

    Friend August 2020 “Bright Idea” When I build my foundation on Jesus Christ, I can stand strong! (See Helaman 5:12.)

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Helaman 1-6”

    • Invite your children to build a tower using blocks or other materials on different kinds of foundations (such as cotton balls or a flat stone). How is the solid foundation like Jesus Christ? They could add a block to the structure for each idea they share about what they can do to follow Him.

    Friend August 2020 “A Strong Foundation” Helaman taught that we need to build our foundation on Jesus Christ (see Helaman 5:12). That means doing things that will bring us closer to Him. When we do, we will be able to withstand hard things in life.

    1. Choose a rock and read the scripture on it. How does doing that thing make you strong and bring you closer to Christ?
    2. Put the rock under the temple to build a strong foundation. Keep playing until all the rocks are in place.

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 1–6: The Rock of Our Redeemer”

    • To help your family visualize what it means to have “a sure foundation,” perhaps you could build a small structure together and place it on different kinds of foundations. You could then create a “mighty storm” by spraying water on it and using a fan or hair dryer to create wind. What happened to the structure when it was on the different foundations? How is Jesus Christ like “a sure foundation” in our lives?

    Friend September 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities” Helaman taught his sons to build their lives on the strong foundation of Jesus Christ (see Helaman 5:12). A foundation is what something is built on. A strong foundation makes the whole building strong, even through storms. Build two towers—one on a strong foundation and one on a weak foundation. Which tower is more stable? How can we build our lives on Jesus Christ?

    For younger children: Help your little ones find some thing they think is really strong. What did they find? Teach that we can be strong with Jesus Christ

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 1-6: The Rock of Our Redeemer”

    • Read the first few lines of Helaman 5:12, and ask the children to raise their hands when they hear who the “rock” is that should be our foundation.
    • Invite the children to do actions as you read Helaman 5:12. For example, they could wave their arms when you read about the devil’s “mighty storm” and stand in one place when you read about the “rock of our Redeemer.”
    • Invite children to color the activity page, and help them cut it out. What can we do to build our lives on the foundation of Jesus Christ? Share some of the ways you have built your life on the Savior and how doing so has blessed your life.

    Sing “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man” (Children’s Songbook, 281) See here for teaching ideas, sing-along videos, and visual aid ideas.

    Remembering Righteous Examples

    Helaman 5:6–7

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 1-6”

    • President George Albert Smith’s deceased grandfather George A. Smith appeared to him in a dream and asked, “I would like to know what you have done with my name.” President Smith responded, “I have never done anything with your name of which you need be ashamed” (in Teachings of Presidents of the Church: George Albert Smith [2011], xxvi). After reading Helaman 5:6–7, perhaps you could talk to your family members about remembering and honoring the names we carry, including the name of the Savior.

    Ensign August 2020 “Family Study Fun”

    Read Helaman 5:6–7 together and talk about how Nephi and Lehi were named after righteous ancestors.

    Invite the children to scan Helaman 5:5–14 and count how many times the word “remember” is mentioned. What did Helaman teach his sons that they should remember? How can remembering these things help us make Jesus Christ the foundation of our lives?

    1. Invite a family member to say the first letter of their first name.
    2. Each person in the family then tries to name a righteous person in the scriptures, or an ancestor, whose name also starts with that letter.
    3. Play again until everyone has had a chance to use their first initial.

    Discussion: How can remembering examples from the scriptures and our righteous ancestors help us make good choices?

    Invite the children to scan Helaman 5:5–14 and count how many times the word “remember” is mentioned. What did Helaman teach his sons that they should remember? How can remembering these things help us make Jesus Christ the foundation of our lives?

    Ensign August 2020 “Do You Remember to Remember?”

    The Holy Ghost whispers with a still, small voice.

    Helaman 5:21–52

    Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 37: Nephi and Lehi in Prison” Images and Video.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Helaman 1-6”

    • The voice described in Helaman 5:29–30, 45–47 teaches us one way that the Holy Ghost speaks to us. To help your children understand this truth, consider reading “Chapter 37: Nephi and Lehi in Prison” (Book of Mormon Stories, 99–102). When you talk about the voice the people heard, speak in a soft voice. Repeat the story a few times, and invite the children to whisper with you.

    Friend January 2024 “Listen to the Holy Ghost”

    • To reinforce this principle, you could sing together “The Still Small Voice” (Children’s Songbook, 106–7). (Point out words in the scripture verse and the song that describe how the Holy Ghost speaks to us (see also Helaman 5:45–47). Help them think of other ways that the Holy Ghost can speak to us.)

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 1-6: The Rock of Our Redeemer”

    • Tell the children about times when the Holy Spirit has whispered to you and strengthened your testimony. Use Helaman 5:29 and your own experiences to share with the children a few examples of good things the Holy Ghost can inspire us to do.

    Repentance replaces spiritual darkness with light.

    Helaman 5:20–52

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Helaman 1-6: The Rock of Our Redeemer”

    • The Lamanites who went to the prison to kill Nephi and Lehi were surrounded by literal darkness. When we sin, we are in spiritual darkness. Helaman 5:20–52 teaches us how our spiritual “cloud of darkness” can be lifted (verse 41).

    Lesson 28 – Nephi and Lehi in Prison Lesson

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Helaman 1-6”

    • To emphasize what Helaman 5:20–41 teaches about darkness and light, try reading or summarizing these verses in the dark, using just a flashlight for light. Your children could listen for what the people needed to do so the darkness would be removed. Then turn the lights on, and read verses 42–48 together. What do these verses teach us about repentance? What do these verses teach us about the blessings that repentance brings to our lives?
    • .
    • Invite the children to imagine that they are teaching a younger child about the Holy Ghost. How could they use Helaman 5:29–33, 44–47 to teach what the voice of the Spirit feels like and some of the things the Spirit tells us? How has the Holy Ghost inspired you to repent? Invite the children to share experiences when they have felt the peace and comfort of the Holy Ghost.

    Additional Resources

    Latter Day Kids “Build Upon the Rock”

    The Red Crystal

    The Cozy Red Cottage “Helaman 1-6”

    Alma 53-63

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    Alma CHAPTER 53 The Lamanite prisoners are used to fortify the city Bountiful—Dissensions among the Nephites give rise to Lamanite victories—Helaman takes command of the two thousand stripling sons of the people of Ammon. About 64–63 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 54 Ammoron and Moroni negotiate for the exchange of prisoners—Moroni demands that the Lamanites withdraw and cease their murderous attacks—Ammoron demands that the Nephites lay down their arms and become subject to the Lamanites. About 63 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 55 Moroni refuses to exchange prisoners—The Lamanite guards are enticed to become drunk, and the Nephite prisoners are freed—The city of Gid is taken without bloodshed. About 63–62 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 56 Helaman sends an epistle to Moroni, recounting the state of the war with the Lamanites—Antipus and Helaman gain a great victory over the Lamanites—Helaman’s two thousand stripling sons fight with miraculous power, and none of them are slain. Verse 1, about 62 B.C.verses 2–19, about 66 B.C.; and verses 20–57, about 65–64 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 57 Helaman recounts the taking of Antiparah and the surrender and later the defense of Cumeni—His Ammonite striplings fight valiantly; all are wounded, but none are slain—Gid reports the slaying and the escape of the Lamanite prisoners. About 63 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 58 Helaman, Gid, and Teomner take the city of Manti by a stratagem—The Lamanites withdraw—The sons of the people of Ammon are preserved as they stand fast in defense of their liberty and faith. About 63–62 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 59 Moroni asks Pahoran to strengthen the forces of Helaman—The Lamanites take the city of Nephihah—Moroni is angry with the government. About 62 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 60 Moroni complains to Pahoran of the government’s neglect of the armies—The Lord suffers the righteous to be slain—The Nephites must use all of their power and means to deliver themselves from their enemies—Moroni threatens to fight against the government unless help is supplied to his armies. About 62 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 61 Pahoran tells Moroni of the insurrection and rebellion against the government—The king-men take Zarahemla and are in league with the Lamanites—Pahoran asks for military aid against the rebels. About 62 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 62 Moroni marches to the aid of Pahoran in the land of Gideon—The king-men who refuse to defend their country are put to death—Pahoran and Moroni retake Nephihah—Many Lamanites join the people of Ammon—Teancum slays Ammoron and is in turn slain—The Lamanites are driven from the land, and peace is established—Helaman returns to the ministry and builds up the Church. About 62–57 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 63 Shiblon and later Helaman take possession of the sacred records—Many Nephites travel to the land northward—Hagoth builds ships, which sail forth in the west sea—Moronihah defeats the Lamanites in battle. About 56–52 B.C.

    Alma 53

    Helaman and the 2000 Stripling Warriors

    I can be faithful to God like Helaman’s young soldiers.

    Alma 53:20–2156:47–48

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 53-63”

    Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 34: Helaman and the 2,000 Young Warriors” Video and Images

    Friend August 2024 “The Stripling Warriors”

    Book of Mormon Stories for Young Readers “The Stripling Warriors” Video and Images (scroll down to read the captions.)

    This week’s activity page can help your children think of ways they can be like the army of Helaman. Consider sharing some of the qualities of the young soldiers from Alma 53:20–21 to get them started.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 53-63” Read Alma 53:20–21, and help the children understand what words like valiant, courage, strength, and true mean. Describe how the stripling warriors showed these qualities. Make simple name tags for the children that read, “When I am , I am like a stripling warrior!” Help the children fill in the blank with a quality they choose from Alma 53:20–21.

    Teaching Children the Gospel “Lesson 27: Helaman and the Stripling Warriors” Activity: Divide the children into four groups and explain that each group is going to look up a scripture that tells about one of the righteous characteristics the young Ammonites developed in their youth. Give each group their characteristic card and their scripture and discussion ideas card. Tell them to read their discussion card and scripture and be prepared to tell what their characteristic is, tell about or describe their characteristic, and read the related parts of their scripture to the class. Have them tape their characteristic on the board. (Be prepared to add in any additional needed discussion to what the children present.)

    Game: After a group presents their characteristic, do the following game: Have a child stand and tell how they can demonstrate that characteristic as they go about their day to day life. For example “I can courageously stand up for the right by sticking up for a child that is being picked on.” Have the next child stand and say the same thing plus add their own. Continue doing this until all the children have had a turn. (Start with a different child each time a new characteristic is presented.)

    You could also sing together “We’ll Bring the World His Truth” (Children’s Songbook, 172–73).

    The Red Crystal

    I can be faithful to what my parents teach in righteousness.

    Alma 56:45–4857:21

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 53-63”

    • Invite a girl and a boy to represent the mothers and fathers of the stripling warriors. As you read Alma 56:27 and 47–48, give these children items to hold that represent how the mothers and fathers helped the warriors, such as a sack of food to represent the “provisions” the fathers sent and scriptures to represent the mothers’ teachings. Ask the children to share things their parents provide for them or teach them.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 53-63”

    • Helaman’s young soldiers looked to their mothers’ faith when they were faced with a great challenge. Perhaps you could read Alma 56:46–48 with your children and invite them to listen for what the mothers of these young men taught them about faith. You might ask them what they’ve learned from their parents—or other faithful adults—about the Savior.

    Why is it important to obey “with exactness”? (Alma 57:21).

    Ensign August 2020 “Family Study Fun” Read Alma 57:19–27 together and talk about how the stripling warriors were protected when they obeyed “with exactness” (verse 21).

    1. Blindfold one family member and have them stand against a wall.
    2. Place an object anywhere along the opposite wall and have the blindfolded person try to find the object in one minute without any help.
    3. After the time is up, have the person try again, except this time give them instructions to follow “with exactness.”

    Discussion: How do God’s “instructions” help us stay safe and reach our goals?

    How can you—like the mothers of the stripling soldiers—make sure your children know of your faith in God? One way is to share how your faith affects your life. For example, how has He “delivered” you when you “did not doubt”?

    Coloring Page: “We Do Not Doubt” (March 2010 Liahona and Friend)

    Friend August 2020 “Cover”

    I can keep my covenants with Heavenly Father.

    Alma 53:10–18

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 53-63”

    • Your children might be able to talk about a time when someone made and kept a promise with them. How did they feel when the promise was kept? You could read Alma 53:10–18 and invite your children to look for how Helaman, the people of Ammon, and the sons of the people of Ammon made and kept their promises, or covenants. You might share how Heavenly Father blesses you as you keep your covenants.

    Gospel Media “The Anti-Nephi-Lehies Burying Their Swords”

    Book of Mormon Seminary Teacher Manual (2024) “Alma 53”

    Draw a path like the one in the above image to symbolize your life and the covenants we need to make to return to Heavenly Father. Draw pictures or write the covenants that each picture represents. Make a mark (or draw a figure representing yourself) showing where you currently are on the covenant path.

    Take a moment to remember the covenants you have already made with Them and the ways you are striving to keep those covenants.

    “Now, to each member of the Church I say, keep on the covenant path. Your commitment to follow the Savior by making covenants with Him and then keeping those covenants will open the door to every spiritual blessing and privilege available to men, women, and children everywhere. (Russell M. Nelson, “As We Go Forward Together,” Ensign, Apr. 2018, 7)

    Alma 54-55

    Moroni reclaims the Captured Prisoners

    For the Strength of Youth August 2024 “Fun Stop” Rescue the Prisoner: Can you rescue the prisoner from the Lamanite stronghold? Without passing by any guards, find your way to the prisoner, and then leave by a different path than you came. (For a real-life story about rescuing prisoners, see Alma 55.) (See answer at link)

    Alma 56-57

    Helaman’s 2000 Young Warriors Trust God and are Preserved in Battle

    Lesson 27: Helaman and the Stripling Warriors Lesson

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 53-63”

    • When compared with the Lamanite armies, Helaman’s “little army” (Alma 56:33) of 2,000 young Nephites shouldn’t have stood a chance. Besides being few in number, Helaman’s soldiers “were all … very young,” and “they never had fought” (Alma 56:46–47). In some ways, their situation might seem familiar to those of us who sometimes feel outnumbered and overwhelmed in our latter-day battle against Satan and the forces of evil in the world.
    • But the army of Helaman had some advantages over the Lamanites that had nothing to do with numbers or military skill. They chose Helaman, a prophet, to lead them (Alma 53:19); “they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them” (Alma 56:47); and they had “exceeding faith in that which they had been taught.” As a result, they were protected by “the miraculous power of God” (Alma 57:26). Even though they were all wounded in battle, “there was not one soul of them who did perish” (Alma 57:25). So when life inflicts spiritual wounds on each of us, we can take courage—the message of Helaman’s army is that “there [is] a just God, and whosoever [does] not doubt, [will] be preserved by his marvelous power” (Alma 57:26).

    Ensign August 2020

    Friend August 2020 “The Stripling Warriors Were Brave” Coloring page

    Primary 4 Book of Mormon “Lesson 27: Helaman and the Two Thousand Warriors”

    Let children volunteer to complete the following statements:

    I can be like the young warriors by how I ______________.

    I can be like the young warriors by remembering that my parents taught me to____________ .

    I most admire_____________about the young warriors.

    My favorite part of the account of the two thousand young warriors is______________

    Alma 58

    When I am worried, I can trust God.

    Alma 58:32–41

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 53-63”

    • Draw a frowning face on the board, and talk about how Helaman was worried because his army didn’t have enough food or enough men to keep fighting (see Alma 58:32–41). Ask the children to share times when they were worried. Read Alma 58:37 (or help a child read it), and help the children change the face on the board to a smiling face to show how Helaman felt because he trusted God. What can we do when we feel worried? Sing together “Smiles” (Children’s Songbook, 267).
    • Write on some slips of paper a few things that children might worry about. Let the children take turns choosing a paper for you to read, and invite the children to share how God could help them with each of these worries. Share an experience in which God helped you when you were worried.

    The Red Crystal

    Alma 59-62

    Moroni and Pahoran

    I can choose to not be angry.

    Alma 61:3–14

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 53-63”

    • Consider inviting your children to think about a time when they were accused of doing something they didn’t do. Tell them about how this happened to Pahoran (see Alma 60–61; see also “Chapter 35: Captain Moroni and Pahoran,” Book of Mormon Stories, 95–97). To learn about how Pahoran reacted, take turns reading verses from Alma 61:3–14. What did Pahoran do when Moroni accused him? (see Alma 61:2–3, 8–9). What do we learn about forgiveness from the Savior’s example? (see Luke 23:34).

    Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 35: Captain Moroni and Pahoran” Video and Images

    • Both Helaman and Pahoran had good reasons to be offended. Helaman was not receiving sufficient support for his armies, and Pahoran was falsely accused by Moroni of withholding that support. Instead of getting angry, Pahoran said, “I … rejoice in the greatness of your heart” (Alma 61:9).

    I can choose to think the best of others and not be offended.

    For the Strength of Youth March 2023 “When You’re Judged Unfairly”

    • The Right Reply.” Emily wants to write a mean reply when her friend sends her a mean email, but then she thinks of what Jesus would do and responds kindly. (From the Friend.)
    • Bugs and Brothers.” In this Friend story, Lacey learns that she doesn’t have to be angry at her brother Zach for teasing her.

    Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said: “Endowed with agency, you and I are agents, and we primarily are to act and not just be acted upon. To believe that someone or something can make us feel offended, angry, hurt, or bitter diminishes our moral agency and transforms us into objects to be acted upon. As agents, however, you and I have the power to act and to choose how we will respond to an offensive or hurtful situation.”

    Alma 62


    Alma 62:33-37

    After the War

    Hardened or Softened by Adversity

    Alma 62:39–41

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 53-63”Here’s an object lesson that can help your family understand that we can choose to be either “hardened” or “softened” by our trials: Place a raw potato and a raw egg in a pot of boiling water. The potato and the egg represent us, and the water represents the trials we face. As the potato and egg boil, you could talk about some of the trials your family faces. What are some different ways to react to trials like these? According to Alma 62:41, how do our reactions to trials affect us? After the potato and egg are fully cooked, cut open the potato and crack open the egg to show that the same “trial” softened the potato and hardened the egg. What can our family do to be sure that our trials humble us and bring us closer to God?

    Additional Resources

    Friend August 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities” Helaman and other leaders wrote epistles, or letters, to tell each other about the good and bad things happening in the battles (see Alma 56). You can write letters too! Write a letter to a family member or friend. Write down the good things happening in your life and the things that are hard for you. Then send your letter!

    For younger children: Practice writing “I love you” or drawing a heart to give to someone you love. Talk about how prophets in the scriptures also wrote letters.

    Media Library

    Friend August 2020 “Stripling Warrior Challenge” The stripling warriors kept their bodies and spirits strong. Set this page on the floor. Close your eyes and drop a pebble or button onto the page. Then do the challenge for the box it lands closest to.

    • “Stripling-Warrior Search” (August 2019 Friend)
      Find eight letters hidden in this picture of the stripling warriors, and unscramble them to decode a hidden message.

    Friend August 2000 “Stripling Warriors Game” Story Review Game

    Friend Scripture Figures: “Stripling Warriors”

    Media Library “Stripling Warriors”

    Book of Mormon Coloring Book “The Stripling Warriors”

    Friend May 1986

    The Red Crystal

    Latter Day Kids “The Valiant Fox- Come Follow Me: August 10th-16th” Video, lesson and activity ideas. Helping children to understand what valiant means.

    Alma 43-52

    Posted on

    Alma CHAPTER 43 Alma and his sons preach the word—The Zoramites and other Nephite dissenters become Lamanites—The Lamanites come against the Nephites in war—Moroni arms the Nephites with defensive armor—The Lord reveals to Alma the strategy of the Lamanites—The Nephites defend their homes, liberties, families, and religion—The armies of Moroni and Lehi surround the Lamanites. About 74 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 44 Moroni commands the Lamanites to make a covenant of peace or be destroyed—Zerahemnah rejects the offer, and the battle resumes—Moroni’s armies defeat the Lamanites. About 74–73 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 45 Helaman believes the words of Alma—Alma prophesies the destruction of the Nephites—He blesses and curses the land—Alma may have been taken up by the Spirit, even as Moses—Dissension grows in the Church. About 73 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 46 Amalickiah conspires to be king—Moroni raises the title of liberty—He rallies the people to defend their religion—True believers are called Christians—A remnant of Joseph will be preserved—Amalickiah and the dissenters flee to the land of Nephi—Those who will not support the cause of freedom are put to death. About 73–72 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 47 Amalickiah uses treachery, murder, and intrigue to become king of the Lamanites—The Nephite dissenters are more wicked and ferocious than the Lamanites. About 72 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 48 Amalickiah incites the Lamanites against the Nephites—Moroni prepares his people to defend the cause of the Christians—He rejoices in liberty and freedom and is a mighty man of God. About 72 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 49 The invading Lamanites are unable to take the fortified cities of Ammonihah and Noah—Amalickiah curses God and swears to drink the blood of Moroni—Helaman and his brethren continue to strengthen the Church. About 72 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 50 Moroni fortifies the lands of the Nephites—They build many new cities—Wars and destructions befell the Nephites in the days of their wickedness and abominations—Morianton and his dissenters are defeated by Teancum—Nephihah dies, and his son Pahoran fills the judgment seat. About 72–67 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 51 The king-men seek to change the law and set up a king—Pahoran and the freemen are supported by the voice of the people—Moroni compels the king-men to defend their country or be put to death—Amalickiah and the Lamanites capture many fortified cities—Teancum repels the Lamanite invasion and slays Amalickiah in his tent. About 67–66 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 52 Ammoron succeeds Amalickiah as king of the Lamanites—Moroni, Teancum, and Lehi lead the Nephites in a victorious war against the Lamanites—The city of Mulek is retaken, and Jacob the Zoramite is slain. About 66–64 B.C.

    Alma 43-44

    Captain Moroni Defeats Zerahemnah

    Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 31: Captain Moroni Defeats Zerahemnah” Images and Video

    Lesson 25: Captain Moroni Defeats Zerahemnah Lesson ideas

    I can find spiritual protection in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Alma 43:17–2148:7–849:1–550:1–6

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 43-52”

    To defend the Nephites against the Lamanites, Moroni prepared his people with armor and fortifications. His efforts teach us how we can find spiritual safety.

    Tell the children a little about the war between the Nephites and the Lamanites (see Alma 43), emphasizing that the Nephites wore armor to protect themselves. You could use “Chapter 31: Captain Moroni Defeats Zerahemnah” (Book of Mormon Stories, 85–88, or the corresponding video on ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Read Alma 43:19, and invite the children to point to parts of their bodies as they hear them in the scripture.

    Explain that just as the Nephites were in a physical war, we are in a spiritual war against Satan, who doesn’t want us to keep God’s commandments. Draw a child on the board, and help the children think of things that protect us spiritually as armor protects our bodies (for example, prayer, scripture reading, or keeping the commandments). Each time something is mentioned, draw a piece of armor on the child on the board.

    Lesson 25: Captain Moroni Defeats Zerahemnah

    Help the children make a shield out of a large piece of paper or cardboard, and ask them to write on it things that protect us spiritually. Give each child a piece of paper, and invite the children to write something bad that Satan might tempt us to do (such as lie, steal, or be unkind). Ask them to crumple their papers into balls and throw them at the shield to illustrate how the gospel can keep us safe from Satan (see also Ephesians 6:16).

    Friend August 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Read Alma 49:28 together and help your little ones say, “The gospel helps protect us.” Cut out or draw pictures to represent parts of the gospel—like scriptures, a temple, etc. Tape them to a plastic lid, piece of cardboard, or pillow. Then use it as a shield! One person could throw crumpled balls of paper while the other person blocks the attack.

    Friend August 2020 “Happiness and Obedience” Captain Moroni gave the Nephites shields to help keep them safe. On each shield, write a gospel standard from the list below that can help you stay safe and strong.

    Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 25: Captain Moroni Defeats Zerahemnah” 

    Ask the children what types of things Satan uses today to try to wound or kill us spiritually. They may mention such things as certain movies, television programs, videos, books, or magazines; temptations to break the Word of Wisdom; temptations to not go to church; and so on. Discuss what the children are doing to strengthen their spiritual armor, such as having personal and family prayers, having personal and family scripture study, having family home evenings, attending church, and so on.

    Could use the below map or the chalkboard to illustrate the strategy Captain Moroni used, as told in Alma 43:31–42. Explain that just as Captain Moroni used strategy to defeat the enemy, you can use similar approaches in spiritual battles. Strategizing and preplanning how you will face temptations will help you make more correct choices.

    Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 25: Captain Moroni Defeats Zerahemnah”

    Alma 46

    Title of Liberty

    Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 32: Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty” Video and Images

    Book of Mormon Stories for Young Readers “Captain Moroni’s Flag” Video and Images

    I can be “firm in the faith of Christ” like Captain Moroni.

    Alma 46:11–1648:11–13, 16–17

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 43-52”

    • Your children could look at the pictures in this outline to tell the story of the title of liberty (see Alma 46:11–16; “Chapter 32: Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty,” Book of Mormon Stories, 89–90). What did Moroni want the people to remember (see verse 12)? What does Heavenly Father want us to remember? Perhaps your children could design their own “titles of liberty” with phrases or pictures that will help them remember these things.

    Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Moroni’s Title of Liberty” Coloring Page

    Lesson 26 – Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty

    • To teach your children about being “firm in the faith of Christ” like Moroni (see Alma 48:13), you could help them find and touch something firm. What does it mean for faith to be “firm”? Read together Alma 48:11–12 to find out what made Moroni firm in his faith in Christ. You could also sing together a song like “I Will Be Valiant” (Children’s Songbook, 162). What can we do to be “firm in the faith of Christ”?

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 43-52”

    Moroni was a faithful and strong disciple of Jesus Christ, who inspired the Nephites to live the gospel (see Alma 48:17).

    Ask the children to tell you about some people they want to be like and why they want to be like them. Read Alma 48:11–13, 16 then share with them some words from Alma 48:11–13 that describe Moroni, and invite them to guess who these words are describing. Show a picture of Moroni, and talk about ways we can be like him. Have the children to think of specific things they can do to be more like Moroni.

    The Cozy Red Cottage

    Friend August 2020 “Family Night Fun”

    • Captain Moroni made a flag out of his coat to remind his army that they were fighting for their families, their faith, and their freedom (see Alma 46:12). This flag was called the title of liberty.
    • Make your own flag! On a piece of paper, draw pictures of what’s important to you and your family, such as who they are, what they enjoy, who they hope to be, and what they stand for. You might share some symbols that represent these things. Hang it up as a reminder.

    Ensign August 2020 “What is Your Focus” Moroni’s focus was “inspired by a better cause” (Alma 43:45). Where do you place the focus in your life?

    Latter Day Kids “Spiritual Battles” Video and lesson ideas.

    Friend August 2024 “The Title of Liberty”

    For the Strength of Youth August 2024

    Friend July 1988 “Follow Righteous Leaders”


    Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 26: Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty”

    Alma 47

    Amalickiah Entices Lehonti to Meet with Him.

    Satan tempts and deceives us little by little.

    Alma 47:4–19

    Book of Mormon Seminary Teacher Manual (2024) “Alma 47–48: Amalickiah and Lehonti”

    Have you ever heard someone say, “Just once won’t hurt,” “It’s only a little bit,” or “It’s not that bad”? When we decide to yield to Satan’s temptations even a little, we give him power over us. In Alma 47, we learn about a man named Lehonti who yielded just a little to his enemy and found himself in very dangerous and even deadly circumstances.

    Consider drawing the following diagram on the board to help students visualize the situation described in these verses.

    The Red Crystal

    After reading verse 11, you could ask, “Why might it have been unwise to come down to the foot of the mountain to meet with Amalickiah?” Then students could read verse 12 and look for what Amalickiah did differently the fourth time he tried to entice Lehonti to meet with him.

    To illustrate Amalickiah’s different approach, you could add arrows to the diagram on the board to reflect Amalickiah going nearly to the top of the mountain, as well as his request that Lehonti come down just a little.

    • Step 1: Draw a [child] standing on top of a mountain. At the bottom of the mountain, list temptations or tactics Satan uses to try to get us to “come down” a little so he can gain power over us. Be sure to leave space between the [child] and the temptations you list so you have room for step 2.
    • Step 2: At the top of the mountain, list some of the resources or teachings the Lord has given us that can protect us against Satan’s temptations.

    In what ways were Amalickiah’s tactics similar to the tactics Satan uses to destroy us? (If needed, see 2 Nephi 28:7–8,

    Like Amalickiah, Satan may seek to persuade us to gradually lower our standards and place ourselves in circumstances that make us vulnerable to his attacks. Consider inviting students to mark the phrase “come down” wherever it appears in Alma 47:10–13. What is a truth you learn from this account about the danger of giving in to Satan’s temptations, even a little?

    Satan knows that most of us aren’t willing to commit big sins or believe big lies. Therefore, he uses subtle lies and temptations to lead us into seemingly small sins—as many as he thinks we will accept. Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 43-52”

    “The traitorous Amalickiah urged Lehonti to ‘come down’ and meet him in the valley. But when Lehonti left the high ground, he was poisoned ‘by degrees’ until he died, and his army fell into Amalickiah’s hands (see Alma 47). By arguments and accusations, some people bait us to leave the high ground. The high ground is where the light is. … It is the safe ground” (“Christian Courage: The Price of Discipleship,”Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2008, 74).

    He wishes to destroy our lives and bring us into captivity through getting us to sin. Demonstrate how Satan takes away our freedom through sin by doing the following object lesson.

    Object Lesson

    Ask for a volunteer. Have the volunteer put their hands together. Wrap one layer of the masking tape around their fingers and thumbs. Ask them if they can break free. Explain that when we first make a mistake or sin we are easily able to break free of its grasp and repent. But Satan knows that if he continue to gets us to sin, little by little, eventually the sin will become accepted and then we become bound in captivity to the sin because it becomes a habit or an addiction. (Wrap the tape around the child’s hands several times, layering one area around the fingers and thumbs.) Ask the child to try and break free from the bindings. They shouldn’t be able to. Satan wants us to be miserable like he is, and he knows that sin binds us in captivity and destroys lives.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 43-52” Show a picture of a house that is well maintained and a house that has been neglected, or show a picture of a healthy garden and a garden full of weeds. Let the children talk about what they see in the pictures and how these changes might have happened over time. What could the owner of the house or garden have done to prevent this? Explain that people can gradually become sinful if they do not resist Satan’s temptations to commit small sins (such as being dishonest or looking at pornography) and then bigger sins. What are some bad things that we need to resist doing in our lives?

    Alma 48, 49, 50

    Moroni Fortifies the Lands of the Nephites

    Spiritual Fortifications

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 43-52”

    • These verses describe the fortifications the Nephites built: Alma 48:7–949:1–950:1–6. After reading these verses together, your children might enjoy building a fort out of objects like chairs and blankets. The video “Elder Stevenson on Fortifying Families” (Gospel Library) can help you discuss how to spiritually fortify your home.

    Book of Mormon Seminary Teacher Manual (2024) “Alma 47–48: Amalickiah and Lehonti”

    Friend August 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Fort of Safety” When Captain Moroni was preparing for war, he built things around the city to keep the people safe (see Alma 50:1–6). Build a fort with your family! Every time you add something new to your fort, name something you can do to keep your family safe spiritually, like reading the scriptures or praying.

    Come Follow Me Kid

    For younger children: Build a fort to sit in. Talk about how people build forts to be safe. Then talk about how we can make our homes spiritually safe by reading the scriptures.

    As your family reads about the Nephites’ fortifications, you could discuss how you are fortifying your home against the adversary. Children might enjoy building a fort out of objects like chairs and blankets, or they could draw what they imagine the Nephite fortifications looked like.

    Ensign August 2020 “Family Study Fun”

    Alma 50 describes how Captain Moroni protected his people against their enemies.

    1. Read Alma 50:1–6 and make a list of what the Nephites did to defend themselves: dig up heaps of earth, build a timber wall, and so on.
    2. Come up with an action to represent each defense. For example, pretend to shovel dirt for “digging up heaps of earth.”
    3. Now play a Book of Mormon version of Simon Says. One family member starts by saying “Captain Moroni says to …” and then picks one of the defenses. The rest of the group should quickly do the corresponding action. Then Captain Moroni gives a new command.
    4. If Captain Moroni gives a command without first saying “Captain Moroni says,” anyone who does the action is out.

    Discussion: What spiritual dangers exist in the world? What can we do to protect ourselves and our homes from the adversary? For further insights, read and discuss Alma 43:19, 23–24.

    Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Moroni’s Title of Liberty”

    “Even when things went well, Captain Moroni continued to prepare his people. He never stopped. He never became complacent.

    “The adversary never stops attacking. So, we can never stop preparing!” (Russell M. Nelson, “Embrace the Future with Faith,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2020, 75)

    Alma 50-52

    King-Men Versus Freemen

    Unity brings safety.

    Alma 50–51

    In the circumstances recorded at the beginning of Alma 50, it looked like the Lamanites had no chance against the Nephites. The armor, fortifications, and unified efforts of the Nephites made them seem unconquerable (see Alma 49:28–30and 50:17–20). But the Lamanites soon captured many of their cities—including those that Moroni had fortified (see Alma 51:26–27). How did that happen? Look for answers as you read these chapters (see particularly Alma 51:1–12). Ponder what warnings this account may have for you and your family. Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 43-52”

    Book of Mormon Stories “King-Men Verses Freemen” Images and Video


    Friend May 1988 “Scriptural Giants: Teancum, Fighter for Freedom”

    Additional Resources

    The Cozy Red Cottage

    Come Follow Me Kid

    News with Naylors

    The Red Crystal

    Alma 39-42

    Posted on

    Alma CHAPTER 39 Sexual sin is an abomination—Corianton’s sins kept the Zoramites from receiving the word—Christ’s redemption is retroactive in saving the faithful who preceded it. About 74 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 40 Christ brings to pass the resurrection of all men—The righteous dead go to paradise and the wicked to outer darkness to await the day of their resurrection—All things will be restored to their proper and perfect frame in the Resurrection. About 74 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 41 In the Resurrection men come forth to a state of endless happiness or endless misery—Wickedness never was happiness—Carnal men are without God in the world—Every person receives again in the Restoration the characteristics and attributes acquired in mortality. About 74 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 42 Mortality is a probationary time to enable man to repent and serve God—The Fall brought temporal and spiritual death upon all mankind—Redemption comes through repentance—God Himself atones for the sins of the world—Mercy is for those who repent—All others are subject to God’s justice—Mercy comes because of the Atonement—Only the truly penitent are saved. About 74 B.C.

    Book of Mormon Stories “Alma Counsels His Sons” Video and Images

    Lesson 24: Alma Counsels His Son Corianton

    Alma Counsels His Son Corianton

    Alma 39

    My good example can lead others to Christ.

    Alma encouraged Corianton to learn from the good example of his brothers and warned Corianton not to be a negative example for others.

    Alma 39:1, 10–11

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 39-42”

    • Alma’s counsel to Corianton can help your children understand the importance of being a good example. Consider reading together Alma 39:1. How was Corianton’s brother Shiblon a good example? Your children could find additional answers to this question in Alma 38:2–4.
    • You could also play a game in which you and your children take turns following or imitating each other. Use this game to illustrate how our actions could help others make good choices.

    Sing the song “Do as I’m Doing” (Children’s Songbook, 276). Let each child have a turn being the leader or example. Ask the children how they can be a good example to someone.

    • Sing together “I Am like a Star” (Children’s Songbook, 163), and help your children think of ways they can be a good example.

    Bring a flashlight or a picture of the sun, and compare light to the power of a righteous example. Just as the light from a flashlight or the sun can help us see a path we need to follow, a righteous example shows us what to do in order to follow Heavenly Father. Share an experience when someone’s good example helped you. Ask the children to talk about someone who is a good example for them. What can the children do to be a good example to others?

    Show pictures of Jesus doing good things, and explain that He is our perfect example. Explain that we can be good examples, like Jesus was. Invite the children to draw pictures of themselves being good examples.

    The Red Crystal

    Friend December 2016 “A Shining Light”

    Friend December 2016
    • The videos “Shine Your Light So Others May See” and “Lessons I Learned as a Boy” can help your children discuss how their example can lead people to Christ.

    Ask the children how the older boy was a good example.

    Following righteous counsel and examples

    Who were Corianton’s righteous examples? His father and older brothers. Alma told Corianton to counsel with his brothers. (Alma 39:10)

    How can counseling with righteous family members help strengthen our resistance to temptation? They love us and want what is best for us, and being experienced in righteous living, they can help give advice on how to avoid temptation and difficulty.

    Not only can we receive direction from righteous family members, but there may be other people around us who are also righteous examples.

    From what other sources can you receive righteous counsel and examples?

    Object Lesson: Fill two paper bags, one filled with garbage and the other filled with desirable items such as treats or little party favor toys. Show the children the two bags or boxes, and explain that one has something undesirable in it and the other has something desirable in it. Show one of the children what is in the bags. Tell the other children that they can ask the child yes or no questions about the items (with the exception of directly asking which is the good or bad container) until they can decide which is the good choice.

    Ask the children if it helped to talk to someone who was informed about which was the bad choice and which was the good choice. Point out that it also helps to counsel with those who are experienced in righteous living in order to get help and direction in making good choices in life.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 39-42”

    • Explain that Alma’s son Corianton committed a serious sin while he should have been preaching the gospel. Read the last half of Alma 39:11 with the children, and ask them to listen for how Corianton’s sin affected the Zoramites. Help the children think of people who may be influenced by their actions. How can they be good examples for these people?

    More Example teaching ideas.

    Because of Jesus Christ, I can repent when I make mistakes.

    Alma 39:9–13

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 39-42”

    • Without going into detail about the nature of his sins, explain that Corianton made a wrong choice. What could we say to help him? Consider reading Alma 39:9 to your children, and help them understand what repent and forsake mean. Testify that repentance is possible through Jesus Christ and His Atonement.

    Friend December 2017 

    Friend April 2006 “I Can Repent and Be Happy” Repentance is a way of removing and healing from a sin that hurts us spiritually. (See more at link) The first thing we need to do is to realize that we have done something wrong and to feel sorry that we did it. This feeling comes from the Holy Ghost. We must ask Heavenly Father and any people we have wronged to forgive us. We need to do the best we can to correct any problems caused because of our wrong choices. We must also decide not to do the wrong thing again. After we have done all that we can to repent, because of Christ’s Atonement, Heavenly Father will forgive us.

    Game: You can play this game by yourself or with your family. Cut out the shape on page 15 on the heavy black lines. Fold it on the dotted lines to make a pyramid. Glue or tape the tabs so they are on the inside of the pyramid. Choose a case study from the list, toss the pyramid, and tell how to apply the part of repentance that is facing you to the situation described by the case study.

    • Here’s an object lesson to illustrate the joy of repentance: Give a child something heavy to hold while you tell a story about someone who did something wrong and felt bad. Tell your children that the object is like the bad feelings we may have when we make a mistake. Take the heavy object from the child as you testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can take away the heavy, bad feelings and help us be better as we repent.

    Friend December 2022 “Lighten Your Load”

    Friend September 2017 “The Sparkly Sticker” Emily and her friends teases a boy in an unkind way, and then Emily feels terrible about it. Her mom remind her that she can repent and make thinks right.

    Latter Day Kids “Repentance” Lesson ideas

    Find more repentance stories here

    Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help me correct my mistakes.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 39-42”

    • Sing together a song about repentance, such as “Repentance”(Children’s Songbook, 98).
    • Ask the children to share an experience when they got hurt. What did they do to help their injury heal? Explain that sin injures our spirits, but the Savior can heal us when we repent.

    Friend July 2020 “My Family Night Fun” The prophet Alma had a son who made bad choices. Alma taught him to “repent and forsake [his] sins” (Alma 39:9). That means telling Heavenly Father you’re sorry, asking for forgiveness, and doing your best to not make the bad choice again.

    Do the salt and pepper activity to teach your family about repentance. How is repentance like the spoon in the experiment?

    Ensign August 2020 “Family Study Fun” Flip a Choice: Read Alma 42:4 together and talk about how this life is a time for us “to repent and serve God.”

    1. Sit in a circle and give each family member three index cards.
    2. On two of the cards, write good choices. On the third card, write a bad choice.
    3. Turn the cards face down and mix them up in the middle of the circle.
    4. Take turns flipping over one card at a time. When someone reads a good choice, give the person a high-five (or another gesture that means “Good job!” in your culture).
    5. When someone reads a bad choice, the person shares something they could do to repent and serve God instead.

    Discussion: Testify that Jesus Christ makes it possible for us to change and become better people. How can we use our time this week to follow Him and serve God?

    Come Follow Me Kid “The Great Plan of Happiness” Flip a Choice Cards

    More Repentance teaching ideas.

    Alma 40-41

    After we die, our spirits go to the spirit world until the Resurrection and Judgment.

    Alma 40:6–7, 11–14, 21–23

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 39-42”

    It’s natural to wonder what happens to us after we die. What can you do to help your children find inspired answers? You could write deathspirit world (paradise and spirit prison)resurrection, and judgment on separate pieces of paper. Help your children understand what these words mean. As you read together Alma 40:6–7, 11–14, 21–23, your children could place the words in the order in which they occur in these verses.

    Plan of Salvation pictures

    Learn more about the Spirit World here.

    • Older Children: Write on the board a list of questions that can be answered by Alma 40:6–7, 11–14, and 21–23, and invite the children to match each question with the verses that answer it. For example, “What will my body be like when I am resurrected?” can be answered by Alma 40:23. If necessary, explain difficult words to the children while they read. Encourage the children to share why they are grateful for Heavenly Father’s plan.

    The Red Crystal

    Do your children know someone who has died? Maybe you could talk briefly about that person. Bear your testimony that someday they—and everyone else—will be resurrected because of Jesus Christ. If needed, use this week’s activity page to explain what it means to be resurrected.

    Come Follow Me Kid “The Great Plan of Happiness”

    While you read Alma 40:23 aloud, have the children use this week’s activity page to help them visualize what this verse is teaching. Invite each child to use the activity page to teach another child what resurrection is.

    Friend August 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Resurrection Activity”

    Alma taught about resurrection (see Alma 40:23). Make a puppet that looks like you! You can use a paper bag, piece of paper, or sock to make a puppet. Use markers, paint, yarn, or other things to decorate it. Your hand is like your spirit, and your puppet is like your body. Because of Jesus Christ, our body and spirit will be together again forever after we are resurrected.

    For younger children: Do something to move your body, like dancing or playing! Then talk about how resurrection means we will have our bodies again after we die.

    Latter Day Kids: Lesson Ideas

    Friend July 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Read Alma 40:23 together and help your little ones say, “Because of Jesus, we will live again.” Look at pictures of family members who have died. Help your children learn their names and faces. Testify that they can meet their family members someday.

    For the Strength of Youth “A Plan of Mercy: The Power of Understanding the Plan: Corianton’s Story” See link for more understanding of the reason Alma taught Corianton the Plan of Salvation.

    Library Topics and Questions “Paradise” Spirit World Gospel Study Guide “Spirit World”

    More Resurrection teaching ideas.

    Alma 42

    Using the the time granted on earth wisely

    Alma 42:4

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 39-42” You could play a game in which pieces of paper with Christlike attributes or gospel principles written on them are scattered around the room. You could see how many pieces of paper family members can gather in a certain amount of time, then discuss how the things written on the papers can help us become more like God. How is the “time granted” to us on earth like the time allotted in this game? How can we use our “probationary time” on earth to become more like the Savior?

    Ensign August 2020 “Family Study Fun” Flip a Choice: Read Alma 42:4 together and talk about how this life is a time for us “to repent and serve God.”

    1. Sit in a circle and give each family member three index cards.
    2. On two of the cards, write good choices. On the third card, write a bad choice.
    3. Turn the cards face down and mix them up in the middle of the circle.
    4. Take turns flipping over one card at a time. When someone reads a good choice, give the person a high-five (or another gesture that means “Good job!” in your culture).
    5. When someone reads a bad choice, the person shares something they could do to repent and serve God instead.

    Discussion: Testify that Jesus Christ makes it possible for us to change and become better people. How can we use our time this week to follow Him and serve God?

    Justice and Mercy

    Alma 42:12–15, 22–24

    Perhaps you could illustrate the relationship between justice and mercy by using a drawing of a simple scale to discuss questions like these: What happens to the scale when we sin? What does justice require for the scale to be balanced? How does the Savior meet the demands of justice and make mercy possible?

    Ensign August 2020 “How is God Both Just and Merciful”

    Additional Resources

    News with Naylors Lesson ideas

    The Cozy Red Cottage Lesson ideas

    The Red Crystal Lesson ideas

    Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 24: Alma Counsels His Son Corianton”

    Alma 32-35

    Posted on

    Alma CHAPTER 32 Alma teaches the poor whose afflictions had humbled them—Faith is a hope in that which is not seen which is true—Alma testifies that angels minister to men, women, and children—Alma compares the word unto a seed—It must be planted and nourished—Then it grows into a tree from which the fruit of eternal life is picked. About 74 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 33 Zenos taught that men should pray and worship in all places, and that judgments are turned away because of the Son—Zenock taught that mercy is bestowed because of the Son—Moses had lifted up in the wilderness a type of the Son of God. About 74 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 34 Amulek testifies that the word is in Christ unto salvation—Unless an atonement is made, all mankind must perish—The whole law of Moses points toward the sacrifice of the Son of God—The eternal plan of redemption is based on faith and repentance—Pray for temporal and spiritual blessings—This life is the time for men to prepare to meet God—Work out your salvation with fear before God. About 74 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 35 The preaching of the word destroys the craft of the Zoramites—They expel the converts, who then join the people of Ammon in Jershon—Alma sorrows because of the wickedness of the people. About 74 B.C.

    Alma 32

    Alma Teaches the Poor Zoramites

    If I am humble, the Lord can teach me.

    Alma 32:1–13, 27–28 Alma 31:8–35

    Ask the children what they remember learning last week about the Zoramites (see Alma 31:8–24). Remind them that one reason Alma was worried about them was their pride (see Alma 31:24–28).

    The Zoramites were trying to elevate themselves above others and declare that they were better than everyone else.

    Definition of Pride: A inflated, high opinion of one’s own importance, merit, or superiority.

    In what ways might people think they are better than others and become lifted up in pride? Answers might include the following: people may think they are better than others because of how smart,  pretty or handsome, athletic, wealthy, or talented they are. (Have the children build with blocks, or cut out the following image into pieces and post them on the board, or draw a part of the Rameumptom tower on the board as each answer is given.)

    What did the Zoramites set their hearts on? (see Alma 31:24, 28). What are some worldly things that people set their hearts on today?

    Ask the children how they would feel if they were being made fun of for not being as smart, good looking, athletic, talented, or rich as someone else.

    Read together Alma 32:1–5, and ask the children to summarize what had happened to the Zoramites who were poor. Then invite the children to read verses 12–13 to find out why Alma felt that being cast out of their synagogues (or churches) was a good thing for these Zoramites. What are some of the blessings that come from being humble?(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 32-35”)

    What is humility? A modest opinion of one’s own importance, rank, etc.  Guide to the Scriptures: The condition of being meek and teachable. Humility includes recognizing our dependence upon God and desiring to submit to His will.

    What are some of the blessings that come from being humble? Teachable, turn heart to the Lord, etc.

    Display a hard, solid object (like a stone) to represent a hard or prideful heart and something soft (like soil) to represent a soft or humble heart. Let the children feel both objects. Then show the children a seed to represent the word of God. Invite them to try to push the seed into the hard object and the soft object. Read together Alma 32:27–28, and talk about what it might mean to “give place” (verse 27) for the word of God in our hearts. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 32-35”)

    How can we humble ourselves so we are not lifted up in pride? (Have the children take off or erase a level of the Rameumpton tower for every answer they give.) Answers may include the following: by remembering that our gifts, talents, and abilities come from the Lord, by praying for humility, by looking for the good in others, by building love for others by praying for them and serving  them.

    The Lord can teach me as I choose to be humble.

    (Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 32-35) Alma and Amulek had success teaching the Zoramites who were humble. Invite your children to complete a sentence like “I am being humble when I ______ .”

    The following video about pride and humility is from Latterdaykids.com.

    Planting the Seed of Faith

    My testimony of Jesus Christ grows as I nourish it.

    Alma 32:28–43

    (Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 32-35)

    • Seeds, trees, and fruit are familiar objects that can help children understand abstract principles like faith and testimony. Let your children hold a seed while you read Alma 32:28. Then you could ask them to help you think of ways that growing a testimony of Jesus Christ is like planting and nourishing a seed (see “Chapter 29: Alma Teaches about Faith and the Word of God,” Book of Mormon Stories, 81). Maybe you could plant your seed and talk about what is needed to help a seed—or a testimony—grow.

    Book of Mormon Stories “Alma Teaches about Faith and the Word of God” Video and Images

    • A picture of a tree accompanies this outline; you might use it to illustrate Alma’s words in Alma 32:28–43. Or you could go for a walk to find plants at different stages of growth and read verses from Alma 32 that compare a growing plant to our testimony. Or maybe your children could draw a tree on the board and add a leaf or a fruit every time they think of something they can do to help their testimony of Jesus Christ grow.

    The Red Crystal

    Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 22: Alma Teaches about Faith” Attention Activity: Give each child a seed, show the illustration of a seed, or draw a seed on the chalkboard.

    • What can a seed become? (A plant or tree, depending on the type of seed.)
    • What must happen before a seed can begin to grow? (Show the illustration of the sprouting seed or draw one on the chalkboard.)
    • What does a tree look like when it is young? (Show the illustration of the sap-ling or draw one on the chalkboard.) What does it look like when it is mature? (Show the illustration of a tree or draw one on the chalkboard.)
    • What nourishment does a seed need to help it grow into a plant or tree? (Explain that nourishment means something that helps things grow or keeps them alive and well, such as water, fertilizer, sunshine, and soil. Place the illustrations of the sun, rain, soil, and fertilizer near the picture of the seed.)

    Explain to the children that in this lesson they will learn how they can grow a strong testimony.

    Lesson 22: Alma Teaches Faith Lesson ideas Visual Aids

    Friend January 2019 “Testimony Plants” In Primary, the children were supposed to draw a plant that represented their testimony, but Elisa wasn’t sure what that meant or if she had a testimony. She learns that a testimony is the things she believes in like Heavenly Father and Jesus. She also learns that testimonies grow and need to be nourished.

    Friend July 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Read Alma 32:41 together and help your little ones say, “My faith grows when I do good things.” Help your children learn about seeds and plants by picking seeds out of a piece of fruit or caring for a houseplant. Explain that our testimonies grow little by little, like a seed grows into a plant.

    As you read Alma 32:26–43 together, stop occasionally and invite the children to draw a picture of the seed or plant being described—for example, a seed and a seedling (verse 28), a growing plant (verse 30), and a mature plant bearing fruit (verse 37). Encourage them to label their pictures with references from Alma 32. How is nourishing a seed like nourishing our testimonies of Jesus Christ? How do we nourish our testimonies? Invite the children to silently think about how their testimonies are growing and what they will do to nourish them. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 32-35”)

    If possible, give each of the children seeds to take home and plant to remind them to help their testimonies of Jesus Christ to grow.

    Show pictures of a plant in various stages of growth, and ask the children to help you put the pictures in the correct order (see the pictures in this week’s activity page). Explain that as we live the gospel, our testimony grows—it starts small like a seed but can become big like a tree. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 32-35”)

    Friend January 1999 “Faith in Jesus Christ”

    Friend July 2020 “My Family Night Fun”

    • Sing “Faith” (Children’s Songbook, 96–97).
    • The prophet Alma taught us that faith grows like a seed (see Alma 32:28–30). Faith starts small, but as we work to help it grow, it can become strong!
    • Color the pages for the booklet on page 24 with your family. How can you help your faith grow?

    Friend January 2019 “Seeds of Faith” 

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    Friend July 2018 Coloring page: Faith is like a seed. When planted it will grow.

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 6808308D-CB49-4216-A7EC-432A893D1E4C-774x1024.jpeg

    Friend January 2019 “Faith” The song “Faith,” simplified for beginning pianists. Also, Sing-along video.

    Friend July 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Growing Your Testimony” Alma taught that when you listen to the word of God and do things to show your faith, your testimony will grow, like a tree (see Alma 32:37). Draw things you can do to help a tree grow, like giving it water and sunshine. Then draw things you can do to help your testimony grow, like going to church and praying.

    For younger children: Sing “Faith” (Children’s Songbook, 96). While you sing, do actions to show a seed growing big and tall. Talk about growing your testimony.

    Media Library “Want to Increase your Faith?”

    Come Follow Me Kid

    Come Follow Me Kid Cookie Dough Seed Activity

    • Place a small, seed-sized piece of cookie dough on a large cookie sheet. This represents the word of God.
    • Take turns listing ways we can help our faith in Jesus and His word grow.
    • For each idea, add more dough to the seed-sized piece. Mold it into a tree shape with roots and branches as it gets bigger.
    • Read Alma 32:42. What will grow on this tree? (fruit) Place white chocolate chips on the branches to
      represent this sweet, white fruit.
    • Bake and enjoy!

    See more teaching ideas at Faith

    Alma 33-34

    I can pray to Heavenly Father anytime, about anything.

    Alma 33:2–1134:17–27

    (Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 32-35)

    • Help your children find phrases that describe places we can pray (in Alma 33:4–11) and things we can pray about (in Alma 34:17–27). Perhaps they could draw pictures of themselves praying in these places. Share with each other experiences when Heavenly Father heard your prayers. You could also sing a song about prayer, such as “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13).

    Come Follow Me Kid Show pictures below and ask which place or places they think would be good spots to pray. Read Alma 33:3-8, and have them listen carefully to see if they can hear which of these places would be places we could pray from. Help them understand that we can pray anywhere and our prayers will be heard if we pray in faith. You could also have some fun with this and list additional places/times and ask, “Would it be okay to pray __” (in a car, at midnight, in the backyard, silently, etc.), and help them see that the answer to all of these is “Yes!”

    • In the wilderness (Alma 33:4)
    • In a field (Alma 33:5)
    • In your house (Alma 33:6)
    • In your closet (Alma 33:7)
    • Help them think of things they can say to Heavenly Father when they pray, and invite them to draw pictures of these things. Testify that they can talk to Heavenly Father about anything they are thinking or feeling.

    Latter Day Kids “Pray Always” Lesson ideas

    Sing a song that teaches the children about prayer, such as “A Child’s Prayer” or “We Bow Our Heads” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13, 25). Help them notice what the song teaches about prayer.

    Additional Prayer Ideas

    Additional Resources

    Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 22: Alma Teaches about Faith”

    Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 21: The Zoramites and the Rameumptom,” Write the following scripture references on the chalkboard. Ask the children to match the verses that describe the Zoramites’ erroneous beliefs with the verses that contain the correct teachings of Alma and Amulek:

    Alma 31:16 (The Zoramites believed there would be no Christ.)
    Alma 31:20–23 (All the Zoramites gave the same prayer and then never worshiped again all week.)
    Alma 31:24 (The Zoramites’ hearts were set upon riches.)
    Alma 34:8 (Amulek testified of Christ.)
    Alma 34:19–27 (Amulek taught that we should pray always and about everything.)
    Alma 34:28–29 (Amulek taught that we should give of our riches to the poor.)

    The Red Crystal

    Alma 30-31

    Posted on

    Alma CHAPTER 30 Korihor, the anti-Christ, ridicules Christ, the Atonement, and the spirit of prophecy—He teaches that there is no God, no fall of man, no penalty for sin, and no Christ—Alma testifies that Christ will come and that all things denote there is a God—Korihor demands a sign and is struck dumb—The devil had appeared to Korihor as an angel and taught him what to say—Korihor is trodden down and dies. About 76–74 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 31 Alma heads a mission to reclaim the apostate Zoramites—The Zoramites deny Christ, believe in a false concept of election, and worship with set prayers—The missionaries are filled with the Holy Spirit—Their afflictions are swallowed up in the joy of Christ. About 74 B.C.

    Alma 30

    The Book of Mormon warns me against false teachings.

    Alma 30

    Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 27: Korihor” Images and Video

    Display some items (such as money or food) and toy imitations of these items. Which would the children rather have? This could lead to a discussion about how to know the difference between things that are real and things that are false. (Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 30-31”)

    Clipart Library

    Help the children identify the lies Korihor taught and write them on strips of paper to put on the board (see Alma 30:12–18, 24). Ask the children to search Alma 30:32–35, looking for ways Alma responded to Korihor’s lies. Ask the children how they can know that the things Alma taught are true. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 30-31”)

    Lesson 20: Korihor, an Anti-Christ

    Teach the children that the more we learn about something, the more we can tell the difference between that thing and its opposite. The more we learn about and follow Jesus Christ’s teachings, the more we will be able to resist the temptations and deception of Satan.

    Why do you suppose the people of Ammon would not listen to Korihor? The people of Ammon had lived most of their lives following Korihor-like-beliefs, and they knew the heartache, the misery, and the destruction it can cause in people’s lives.

    Ammon’s people provide good examples of how we should respond when we are confronted with people like Korihor. We should not listen to those who would tear down our faith.

    Korihor was arguing, as men and women have falsely argued from the beginning of time, that to take counsel from the servants of God is to surrender God-given rights of independence. But the argument is false because it misrepresents reality. When we reject the counsel which comes from God, we do not choose to be independent of outside influence. We choose another influence. We reject the protection of a perfectly loving, all-powerful, all-knowing Father in Heaven, whose whole purpose, as that of His Beloved Son, is to give us eternal life, to give us all that He has, and to bring us home again in families to the arms of His love. In rejecting His counsel, we choose the influence of another power, whose purpose is to make us miserable and whose motive is hatred. (Henry B. Eyring, “Finding Safety in Counsel,” Ensign, May 1997, 25)

    All things testify of God.

    Alma 30:44

    (Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 30-31”)

    Alma talked about how things in the sky and on the earth testify that God lives. If possible, take a walk outside with your children or stand at a window as you read Alma 30:44. Ask them to point out things they see that help them know that God is real and that He loves them. They could also draw pictures of things they discover (see this week’s activity page).

    While you and your children sing “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook, 228–29), pass around a ball or other object. Periodically stop the music and ask the child holding the object to share one thing Heavenly Father created that he or she is grateful for.

    Korihor said he did not believe there was a God, and that there was no such thing as sin.

    Why would Satan want people to believe there is no God? One reason is that when a belief in God and his teachings are taken away, Satan can destroy people’s lives through getting them to sin.

    Korihor said that we can’t know of things we have not seen. He argued that a person who had not seen God could not know of his existence.

    • Ask the children to think of a place they have never visited that exists. Why do you believe that place exists? Just as we have other’s accounts to help us know of places we have not seen, we have the testimonies of prophets, the scriptures, and the Holy Ghost to help us know that God exists.

    Also, Alma pointed to things in the sky and on the earth to testify that God lives and directs the universe.

    Ensign July 2020 “Family Study Fun” Read Alma 30:44 and talk about how God created this beautiful world for us. Then play this game to continue thinking about God’s creations.

    • Have each family member write the letters of the alphabet in a list down one side of a paper.
    • For two minutes, everyone should try to write a creation that begins with each letter. For example, you could write “Trees” for the letter T.
    • When time runs out, have everyone share their list.

    Discussion: How do these blessings from God make you feel? What can we do to take care of God’s creations?

    Friend July 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities” Alma taught that “all things denote there is a God” (Alma 30:44). That means that everything God created can remind us of Him. Set up chairs in a circle with enough chairs for everyone but one person. Have someone play music and choose when it pauses. When the music stops, everyone else sits on a chair. The person who doesn’t have a chair shares one thing that reminds them of God. Keep going until everyone has a turn.

    For younger children: Walk around your home or outside. Look for things that help you feel happy and remind you of Heavenly Father.

    Friend July 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Read Alma 30:44 together and help your little ones say, “God made this beautiful world.” Look out a window or go on a walk and help your children name the beautiful things you see—clouds, sky, dirt, bugs, and plants. Testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ created all of these things!

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 30-31”

    Read Alma 30:44 to the children, and ask them to listen for things that Alma said help us know God is real. Display pictures of some of these things, and ask the children to point to the pictures when you read about them in the verse. Invite the children to draw pictures of things that help them believe in God.

    Latter Day Kids “All Things Denote there is a God” Video and Lesson Ideas

    Alma 31

    Introduction Ideas

    Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 21: The Zoramites and the Rameumptom”  Have a make-believe dinner. Have two plates, two glasses, and two sets of utensils, but no food. Pretend to eat, and act enthusiastic about the delicious food. Invite a child to join you. Eating off empty dishes could be compared to the emptiness of the false and insincere worship of the Zoramites that is described in this lesson. Such empty worship does no more good for our spiritual nourishment than not eating does for our physical strength. In this lesson the children will learn about appropriate and sincere ways to worship God.

    Teaching Children the Gospel: Put the bowl, spoon, and measuring items on the table and explain to the children that you are going to make some peanut butter candy for them. Show them the recipe, but then toss it aside. Tell the children that you have decided not to follow the recipe because you want to try some different ingredients. Show the children the substitute ingredients you brought, and then mix together various amounts of those ingredients. (Be sure to mention the correct recipe ingredients as you do this. For example: “The recipe calls for peanut butter, but I want the candy to be really crunchy so I think I will add whole peanuts.”)

    After combining the substitute ingredients show the children the results. Ask them if they think the mixture looks like peanut butter candy.

    Ask the children what the results would be if someone tried to make up their own ingredients for gaining salvation instead of following Heavenly Father’s plan. Would they get the desired results? Tell the children that in today’s lesson they will be learning about a group of people who tried to do just that.

    Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 28: The Zoramites and the Rameumptom” Video and Images


    Lesson 21 – Zoramite’s Prayers on a Rameumptom

    The word of God is powerful.

    Alma 31:5

    The problem of the Zoramites separating from the Nephites may have seemed to some like it needed a political or military solution (see Alma 31:1–4). But Alma said that the Word of God is more powerful than the sword.

    How can you help your children understand that the word of God is more powerful than “anything else”? (Alma 31:5). Consider asking them to think of something or someone powerful, or show pictures of a few powerful things. What makes them powerful? Read Alma 31:5 together, and ask your children what they think this verse means. Share an experience when the word of God had a powerful influence on you. (Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 30-31”)

     What does God’s word have the power to do? Change hearts to good

    Clipart Library

    Repeat the phrase “The word of God is more powerful than …” several times, and ask the children to help you complete the phrase.

    Sing together a song about the scriptures, such as “Scripture Power” (music.ChurchofJesusChrist.org), and ask the children to listen for how the scriptures help us.

    Heavenly Father hears my prayers.

    Alma 31:8–35

    Book of Mormon Stories for Young Readers “Alma Teaches How to Pray” Video and story pictures

    The Zoramites Prayers were Repetitious: Said same thing every time. They also only prayed once a week.

    What happens if we don’t pray daily and sincerely? We tend to lose the guidance of the Spirit, which is essential for managing the challenges and temptations of life. What was the result of the Zoramites not praying daily? They succumbed to Satan’s temptations.

    Why did the Zoramites choose to believe in incorrect principles about God, and why did they not want to believe in Christ? One possible reason may have been to deny the doctrine of the plan of salvation – of coming to earth to get a body and be tested. They wanted to think they were elected (chosen) to be saved regardless of what they did. They did not want to believe in sin or the need for a Savior.

    Alma showed faith in God and Jesus Christ
    Alma petitioned the Lord for blessings in his prayer. He had faith that the Lord would bless and help him.

    See PRAYER for activity, stories, a lesson ideas about prayer.

    Additional Resources

    Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 21: The Zoramites and the Rameumptom” Lesson ideas

    Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 20: Korihor, the Anti-Christ,” Lesson ideas

    Come Follow Me Kid “The Virtue of the Word of God”

    The Cozy Red Cottage

    The Red Crystal

    Alma 23-29

    Posted on

    Alma CHAPTER 23 Religious freedom is proclaimed—The Lamanites in seven lands and cities are converted—They call themselves Anti-Nephi-Lehies and are freed from the curse—The Amalekites and the Amulonites reject the truth. About 90–77 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 24 The Lamanites come against the people of God—The Anti-Nephi-Lehies rejoice in Christ and are visited by angels—They choose to suffer death rather than to defend themselves—More Lamanites are converted. About 90–77 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 25 Lamanite aggressions spread—The seed of the priests of Noah perish as Abinadi prophesied—Many Lamanites are converted and join the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi—They believe in Christ and keep the law of Moses. About 90–77 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 26 Ammon glories in the Lord—The faithful are strengthened by the Lord and are given knowledge—By faith men may bring thousands of souls unto repentance—God has all power and comprehends all things. About 90–77 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 27 The Lord commands Ammon to lead the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi to safety—Upon meeting Alma, Ammon’s joy exhausts his strength—The Nephites give the Anti-Nephi-Lehies the land of Jershon—They are called the people of Ammon. About 90–77 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 28 The Lamanites are defeated in a tremendous battle—Tens of thousands are slain—The wicked are consigned to a state of endless woe; the righteous attain a never-ending happiness. About 77–76 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 29 Alma desires to cry repentance with angelic zeal—The Lord grants teachers for all nations—Alma glories in the Lord’s work and in the success of Ammon and his brethren. About 76 B.C.


    Alma 23

    Burying Their Weapons

    Alma 24-25

    Book of Mormon Stories “The People of Ammon” Images

    Show the picture of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies burying their swords. Ask the children if they would want to bury their weapons if they knew they were in danger of attack. The people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi knew their enemies were planning to kill them, but they had made a solemn covenant with Heavenly Father that they would not fight. 

    Gospel Media “The Anti-Nephi-Lehies Burying Their Swords”

    The Lord blesses me as I strive to keep my promises to Him.

    Alma 24:6–24

    Perhaps your children would enjoy burying their “weapons” like the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. You could read a few verses from Alma 24:6–24 to teach the children about the promises the Anti-Nephi-Lehies made to follow the Savior. They could then think of something they will change to follow Him, write it on this week’s activity page, and pretend to dig a hole and bury their weapon. (Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 23-29”)

    Invite them to write, on the back of the weapons, something they feel they should change in order to follow Jesus Christ more fully. Let them pretend to bury their weapons and make a plan to act on what they wrote.

    Covenants are promises I make with God and He makes with me.

    Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 19: The Anti-Nephi-Lehies”

    Sprinkle the salt or sand on the bottom of the box. With your finger write the word Promise in the salt or sand. Ask the children the following questions:

    • Have you ever made an agreement or promise with someone who broke their part of the promise? (Let the children tell how they felt when the promise was broken as you gently blow on the salt or sand to erase the word.)
    • What do we call a promise we make with Heavenly Father? (A covenant.)
    • When did we make promises to Heavenly Father? (When we were baptized.)

    Remind the children that a promise should not be made lightly. Emphasize the importance of keeping your word. Write the word Covenant on the rock with a marker or crayon. Explain that a gospel covenant is a promise between Heavenly Father and his children. Blow on the rock to demonstrate that the word cannot be easily removed. As we make covenants we should remember that they are sacred, and we should be determined to keep them.

    Give all the children small rocks, and invite them to write the word covenant on their rock. Explain that a covenant is a promise between Heavenly Father and His children. How do our covenants make us strong or “firm” like a rock? (Alma 24:19). Read together Alma 24:16–25 to learn what covenant the people of Ammon made and how they honored their covenant. Invite the children to take the rocks home as a reminder to keep their covenants. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 23-29”)

    Lesson 19: The Anti-Nephi-Lehi’s Covenant Lesson ideas

    Your children could read Alma 24:15–19, looking for what the Anti-Nephi-Lehies did “as a testimony to God.” Then you could talk with them about how our covenants can be “a testimony to God” (verse 18). Let your children talk about how they will show God that they want to follow Him. Singing a song like “I Want to Live the Gospel” (Children’s Songbook, 148) could help inspire them. (Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 23-29”)

    Explain that the covenants we make are “a testimony to God” that we want to follow God’s commandments (verse 18). What covenants have the children made?

    Additional Teaching Resources

    Scripture Stories Coloring Book—Book of Mormon “The Anti-Nephi-Lehies Buried Their Weapons”

    Friend July 2020 “Funstuff: Find It!” The Anti-Nephi-Lehies promised God they would never use weapons to hurt people again. They buried their weapons in the ground as part of their promise. Find 23 weapons in the ground and 30 hearts above the ground.

    Friend August 2018 “Family Night Fun” Write a bad habit on a piece of paper. “Bury” the bad habit! Tear up the paper, or bury it outside. You could even plant a flower to represent replacing a bad habit with a good one.

    Friend July 2020 “My Family Night Fun”The Anti-Nephi-Lehies made a promise with God that they wouldn’t fight again. They buried their weapons in the ground (see Alma 23:724:17). Take a small piece of paper and write down something you want to stop doing, like fighting or complaining. Share what you wrote, and promise to do your best to stop doing that thing. Then rip the paper into tiny pieces and bury it in the ground.

    Friend July 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Read Alma 23:7 together and talk about how the Anti-Nephi-Lehies promised never to hurt people ever again. Draw weapons on pieces of paper. As you bury each one under a rug or towel, help your littles ones say, “I will be a peacemaker.”

    Friend August 2018 “The No-Fighting Promise” After a few days of staying at cousin Timmy’s house, Madi and Timmy start to fight. Timmy suggests they be like the Anti-Nephi-Lehies and make some toy swords and bury them and promise they won’t fight each other anymore. After that they found ways to compromise so they didn’t fight.

    Come Follow Me Kid

    The Red Crystal

    News with Naylors Lesson ideas about contention in the home and finding peace. On the swords write somethings that may be causing contention such as yelling, arguing, not sharing, etc.

    I can repent.

    Alma 24:7–1026:23–3427:27–30

    Because Heavenly Father is merciful, we can repent and change.

    To help your children see how Jesus Christ can help us change when we repent, you could teach them about the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. To do this, you might label two bowls “before” and “after.” Then your children could read Alma 17:14–15 and 27:27–30, write down what the Lamanites were like before and after repenting, and put them in the correct bowl. According to Alma 24:7–10, what helped them change? How can we show our thanks to God for His mercy? (Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 23-29”)

    The Red Crystal

    Invite the children to read together Alma 26:21–22, looking for the blessings that come to those who repent. Invite the children to describe some of these blessings in their own words. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 23-29”)

    Ammon Glories in the Lord

    Alma 26

    Jesus Christ brings me joy, and I can share this joy.

    Alma 2629

    Perhaps you and your children would enjoy drawing pictures of things in the gospel of Jesus Christ that bring you joy. Share your picture with your children, and encourage them to share their picture with someone to help that person feel joy too. (Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 23-29”

    Friend July 2024 “Sharing the Friend A girl gave her Friend magazine to another girl that looked sad. She wanted the girl to feel the happiness she feels when she learns about Jesus.

    Friend July 2021 “Winfred’s New Recipe” Winfred is sad because she misses her father who has to work far away, and she misses her friends because of Covid. She figures out a recipe for happiness which includes prayer, reading scriptures, having faith, being grateful, and serving others.

    • Help your children find the words joy and rejoice in Alma 26 and 29. What brought Ammon and Alma joy or caused them to rejoice? This question could lead to a discussion about the joy that comes from living or sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    As you read Alma 26:11, 13 or Alma 29:13–14 invite the children to stand every time they hear the words “joy” or “rejoice.” Help the children understand that sharing the gospel made Alma and Ammon happy. Share an experience when sharing the gospel brought you joy. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 23-29”)

    Ensign July 2020 “Family Study Fun”

    Read Alma 27:17–19 and Alma 29:13–14 together, paying special attention to the word joy. Ammon and Alma found great joy in serving other people and the Lord.

    1. Invite one or two people to act out helping someone else—no speaking allowed! Examples could include opening the door for someone, helping a person in their yard, helping fix dinner, and so on.
    2. While the scene is being acted out, other family members guess what the service is.
    3. Take turns until everyone has had a chance to act.

    Discussion: Why is it important to help other people? When have you felt joy after helping someone? What could our family do to help someone this week?

    The gospel brings me joy, and I can share this joy with others.

    • Invite two children to face each other and see who can make the other child smile first. What are some ways we can spread joy to others? How does sharing the gospel spread joy? Help the children think of ways they can share the joy of the gospel with their friends and families.

    Additional Missionary Ideas

    Blessings God has bestowed upon us

    How would your family answer Ammon’s questions in Alma 26:2? Perhaps you could make a list of their answers on a large piece of paper and hang it in a place where everyone can see it. Encourage family members to add to it as they think of other blessings God has “bestowed upon us.” (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 23-29”)

    Come Follow Me Kid

    The Nephites Help the Anti-Nephi-Lehies

    Alma 27

    I can help my friends live the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Alma 27:20–30

    Because of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies’ promise not to fight anymore, they could not defend themselves from their enemies. Read Alma 27:23, and explain that their friends among the Nephites chose to protect the Anti-Nephi-Lehies so they could keep their promise. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 23-29”)

    Come Follow Me Kid Some additional situations could be:
     A friend wants you to go somewhere your parents told you not to go to.
     A friend tells another kid they can’t play with them because they think they’re weird.
     A friend has a bag of candy and is rudely telling other kids that he/she is not going to share.
     A friend wants you to try a cigarette with them.
     A friend starts making fun of another kid and tries to get you to join.
     A friend tells you to lie to your parents about something that happened.

    Friend May 2016 Matt’s friend accidently damages his father’s car. Matt encourages his friend to choose the right and be honest.

    Friend May 2016

    Additional Resources

    Teaching the Scripture Readers: Book of Mormon “The People of Ammon”

    The Red Crystal

    The Cozy Red Cottage

    Latter Day Kids “Promises and Covenants” Lesson ideas

    Alma 17-22

    Posted on

    Alma CHAPTER 17 The sons of Mosiah have the spirit of prophecy and of revelation—They go their several ways to declare the word to the Lamanites—Ammon goes to the land of Ishmael and becomes the servant of King Lamoni—Ammon saves the king’s flocks and slays his enemies at the water of Sebus. Verses 1–3, about 77 B.C.verse 4, about 91–77 B.C.; and verses 5–39, about 91 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 18 King Lamoni supposes that Ammon is the Great Spirit—Ammon teaches the king about the Creation, God’s dealings with men, and the redemption that comes through Christ—Lamoni believes and falls to the earth as if dead. About 90 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 19 Lamoni receives the light of everlasting life and sees the Redeemer—His household falls into a trance, and many see angels—Ammon is preserved miraculously—He baptizes many and establishes a church among them. About 90 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 20 The Lord sends Ammon to Middoni to deliver his imprisoned brethren—Ammon and Lamoni meet Lamoni’s father, who is king over all the land—Ammon compels the old king to approve the release of his brethren. About 90 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 21 Aaron teaches the Amalekites about Christ and His Atonement—Aaron and his brethren are imprisoned in Middoni—After their deliverance, they teach in the synagogues and make many converts—Lamoni grants religious freedom to the people in the land of Ishmael. About 90–77 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 22 Aaron teaches Lamoni’s father about the Creation, the Fall of Adam, and the plan of redemption through Christ—The king and all his household are converted—The division of the land between the Nephites and the Lamanites is explained. About 90–77 B.C.

    Friend July 2024 “I Can Read the Book of Mormon” After you read, color part of the picture. You can read these scriptures that go along with each week’s reading from Come, Follow Me.

    Sons of Mosiah fast, pray, and study before their mission

    Alma 17

    My testimony of Jesus Christ grows when I read the scriptures, pray, and fast.

    Alma 17:2–3

    Mosiah’s sons grew strong in the gospel and became mighty missionaries because they diligently studied the scriptures, prayed, and fasted.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”

    • How can the examples of Mosiah’s sons help your children build their testimonies of Jesus Christ? You could help your children find what the sons of Mosiah did to build their spiritual strength in Alma 17:2–3. Then they could draw pictures or find objects that represent these things. Help them plan what they will do to strengthen their testimonies of the Savior.

    The Red Crystal

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 Bring to class items that represent scriptures, prayer, and fasting, such as a set of scriptures, a picture of someone praying, and a picture of food, and explain what each item represents. Read Alma 17:1–4, and ask the children how these things helped the sons of Mosiah. How does reading the scriptures, praying, and fasting help us come closer to Heavenly Father?

    Use the topics index of the Children’s Songbook to help the children find songs about scripture study and prayer. Sing some of these songs together, and help the children identify what the songs teach about

    Alma 17:1–2). What do you learn from the sons of Mosiah about how to keep your faith in the gospel and commitment to it strong?

    (Alma 17:3). How did the spiritual preparation of the sons of Mosiah affect their work with the Lamanites?

    Ammon and King Lamoni

    Book of Mormon Stories “Ammon a Great Servant” Images

    Friend May 2016 “Ammon’s Good Example” Video

    Media Library “Ammon Defends the Flocks of King Lamoni”

    Friend May 2012 “Ammon, a Great Servant”

    Alma 17-19

    I can share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.

    Alma 17–19

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 17-22” Think of all of the reasons people might give for not sharing the gospel: “I don’t know enough” or “I’m don’t know if they would be interested.” The Nephites had an additional reason for not sharing the gospel with the Lamanites: they were “a wild and a hardened and a ferocious people; a people who delighted in murdering the Nephites” (Alma 17:14; Alma 26:23–25). But the sons of Mosiah had an even stronger reason why they felt they must share the gospel with the Lamanites: “They were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish” (Mosiah 28:3). This love that inspired Ammon and his brothers can also inspire you to share the gospel with your family, friends, and acquaintances—even those who may not seem likely to accept it.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”

    • To learn about being an instrument in God’s hands, as the sons of Mosiah were, you and your children could look at an instrument or tool and talk about what it’s used for. Then you could read Alma 17:11 and talk about what it means to be Heavenly Father’s instruments to help people learn about Jesus Christ.

    The Red Crystal

    Primary 4 Manual: Book of Mormon Chapter 17 Show the children a few tools or instruments used by builders, doctors, gardeners, painters, and so forth. Ask the children to tell what they know about each one, who uses it, and how it is used.

    Friend July 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Instruments in God’s Hands” Ammon said to his brothers, “We have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work” (Alma 26:3). Gather objects you can use to make music. Then make up beats and songs. Just like we use instruments to make music, God can use us to help build Jesus Christ’s Church.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 Explain that just as we use instruments or tools to get things done, Heavenly Father can use us to do His work. Read Alma 17:11, and explain that Ammon and his brothers were Heavenly Father’s instruments to help the Lamanites learn the gospel. How can you be an instrument in God’s hands to bless others? President Thomas S. Monson said, “I always want the Lord to know that if He needs an errand run, Tom Monson will run that errand for Him” (“On the Lord’s Errand: The Life of Thomas S. Monson,”

    Help the children act out Ammon’s story in Alma 17–19. If you think the children would enjoy it, bring simple costumes and props. Tell the children what you learn from the story, and invite them to do the same.

    Friend June 2013 “Let’s Put on a Pageant!” Script for acting out the story of Ammon (for older kids)

    Friend October 2000 “Missionary Challenge” Modern day Ammon story

    Invite the children to draw a picture of themselves sharing the gospel with someone. Help them think of specific things they can share.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”

    • This week’s activity page has pictures representing truths Ammon taught King Lamoni. You could help your children find these truths in Alma 18:24–40. Your children could pretend to be missionaries and share what they know about these truths.

    The Red Crystal

    Friend July 2024 “Plan of Happiness Craft” Aaron and Ammon both taught about Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness. They called it the plan of redemption (see Alma 18:36–39 and Alma 22).


    Abish, in gathering the people together to witness the power of God and reaching out her hand to the queen, she played a crucial role in the conversion of many of King Lamoni’s people.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”

    • After you read about Abish with your children (see Alma 19:16–20, 28–29), they could pretend to be like Abish by running in place, knocking on doors, and telling about what happened in Alma 19:1–17. How can we be like Abish and share what we know about Jesus Christ and His gospel? Your children could draw pictures of themselves sharing the gospel with someone (Help them think of specific things they can share), or sing together a song about sharing the gospel, such as “Called to Serve” (Children’s Songbook, 174–75).

    Friend July 2024 “Who Was Abish?”

    Friend February 1988 “Abish, Lamanite Woman of God”

    Friend June 2020 “Abish had Faith in God” Coloring page

    Friend November 2016  “Abish and Abby” Abby, like Abish, knows when it is time to share the gospel with her neighbors.

    Ammon and Lamoni’s father

    Alma 20-21

    I can help others come unto Christ by showing my love for them.

    Alma 17:21–2520:8–2722:1–3

    Ammon’s love and service softened the hearts of King Lamoni and his father.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”

    • At first, both King Lamoni and his father had hard hearts toward the gospel. Later, their hearts were softened, and they believed in Jesus Christ. How did this happen? Help your children discover answers to this question as you review with them Ammon’s experiences. They could act out “Chapter 23: Ammon: A Great Servant” and “Chapter 24: Ammon Meets King Lamoni’s Father” (Book of Mormon Stories, 64–68, 69–70). Or perhaps your children would like to draw pictures of different parts of the story and use the pictures to tell the stories. What did Ammon do to help Lamoni and his father open their hearts to the gospel of Jesus Christ? (see Alma 17:21–2520:8–2722:1–3).

    Book of Mormon Stories: Ammon Meets King Lamoni’s Father Images

    • Perhaps you and your children could think of someone who needs to know about Jesus Christ. Help them think of ways they can be good examples and show love to that person, like Ammon did for Lamoni and his father.

    Ensign June 2020″ Family Study Fun” Read Alma 17:27–39 together. Talk about how Ammon agreed to serve King Lamoni and saved the king’s flocks that had been scattered.

    1. Sit around a table or in a circle on the floor. Put 5–10 cotton balls in the center to represent flocks, such as sheep.
    2. On the count of three, everyone tries to “scatter” the sheep by blowing on the cotton balls for about 10 seconds.
    3. To “gather” the sheep, go around the circle and have each person put the cotton ball nearest to them back in the center. As they do, ask them to share one act of service they could do for someone this week. Keep going until all the cotton balls are returned.

    Discussion: What can we learn from Ammon’s example of humility? What blessings can we experience as we serve others?

    Lesson 17 Ammon: A Mighty Missionary Has an activity about service breaking the barriers people put up.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020

    • Invite the children to think of someone they can serve today, and discuss how they can serve that person.
    • Read Alma 22:1–3, and ask the children to listen for how Ammon’s good example affected King Lamoni’s father. Invite them to think of someone they know who needs to know about the gospel. Suggest to the children that their love and good example might help this person see how great the gospel is. Help the children think of ways they can be good examples and show love to the people they thought of.
    • Invite full-time missionaries or a recently returned missionary to share the story of Ammon in Alma 17–18. Ask them to share what they learned about missionary work from Ammon and the role service played in their efforts. Discuss with the children ways they can follow Ammon’s example.

    Lesson 18 – King Lamoni’s Father Lesson and activity ideas

    Aaron teaches Lamoni’s Father

    Alma 22

    Alma 20:8–27

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 Point out that one reason the heart of Lamoni’s father changed was because Ammon loved Lamoni so much. Invite the children to draw a picture of something they can do to show love for someone.

    Book of Mormon Stories: Aaron Teaches King Lamoni’s Father” Images

    Friend July 2024 “Aaron Teaches the King”

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020  Alma 20:23  Review to see what Lamoni’s father was willing to give up in order to save his life. Then review Alma 22:15 to see what he was willing to give up in order to receive the joy of the gospel. What was he willing to give up in order to know God? (see verse 18). Perhaps family members could each write a plan to give up something in order to know God more fully.

    Additional Resources

    Primary 4: Book of Mormon “King Lamoni’s Father Is Converted”

    1. Draw a large square on the chalkboard or paper, and divide it into nine equal squares. Number the squares from one to nine as shown:
    1. Divide the class into two teams. Assign each team a mark, such as X and O. Ask someone from the first team to choose a number from one to nine; then read the corresponding question below. Any member of the team may answer the question. If the team members answer the question correctly, they can put their team’s mark in the square that has the same number as the question they answered. If they don’t answer the question correctly, leave the square blank. Have the two teams alternate turns. The game is over when either team gets three marks in a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
      1. What is Heavenly Father’s great plan for us called? (The plan of salvation, the plan of redemption, or the plan of happiness.)
      2. What does redeem mean? (Save us from the bondage of sin.)
      3. Who created the earth? (Jesus Christ, under Heavenly Father’s direction.)
      4. Who were the first people on the earth? (Adam and Eve.)
      5. What happened because Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit? (They were cast out of the Garden of Eden, they could have children, they became mortal, and they were able to choose between right and wrong [see Moses 5:11].)
      6. Aaron taught the king from the scriptures or the brass plates. What are the four books of scripture we use to teach the gospel, or plan of redemption? (The Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price.)
      7. What was the first thing Aaron taught King Lamoni’s father? (There is a God.)
      8. How did Jesus make it possible for us to return to live with him again? (He suffered and died for our sins.)
      9. What must we do to be able to return to Heavenly Father? (Repent of our sins, keep our covenants, do good works.)To play the game again, make up questions from the lesson.

    Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024)

    Book of Mormon Stories

    The Red Crystal

    Alma 13-16

    Posted on

    Alma CHAPTER 13 Men are called as high priests because of their exceeding faith and good works—They are to teach the commandments—Through righteousness they are sanctified and enter into the rest of the Lord—Melchizedek was one of these—Angels are declaring glad tidings throughout the land—They will declare the actual coming of Christ. About 82 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 14 Alma and Amulek are imprisoned and smitten—The believers and their holy scriptures are burned by fire—These martyrs are received by the Lord in glory—The prison walls are rent and fall—Alma and Amulek are delivered, and their persecutors are slain. About 82–81 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 15 Alma and Amulek go to Sidom and establish a church—Alma heals Zeezrom, who joins the Church—Many are baptized, and the Church prospers—Alma and Amulek go to Zarahemla. About 81 B.C.

    Alma CHAPTER 16 The Lamanites destroy the people of Ammonihah—Zoram leads the Nephites to victory over the Lamanites—Alma and Amulek and many others preach the word—They teach that after His Resurrection Christ will appear to the Nephites. About 81–77 B.C.

    Alma teaches about the priesthood

    Alma 13

    Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) “Alma 13”

    The people of Ammonihah considered themselves to be “after the order and faith of Nehor” (Alma 14:16). Because of this, they believed they could be saved without the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and they replaced the priesthood with a false order Alma called “priestcraft” (see Alma 1:3–4, 12, 16). To correct their false beliefs, Alma taught them how “the Lord God ordained priests, after his holy order” (Alma 13:1).

    Priesthood power helps me come closer to Christ.

    Alma 13:1–2, 16

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 13-26”

    One way to help your children see how priesthood power points us to Christ is to show them pictures of ways priesthood power is used (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 103–110). (“the priesthood is the power of God.”) Your children could help you think of ways Jesus used His power (see, for example, Matthew 26:26–28Mark 5:22–24, 35–43; Gospel Art Book, nos. 38–41). Then you could read Alma 13:2 together and talk about how priesthood power helps us “look forward to [God’s] Son” and become more like Him.`

    The Red Crystal

    Friend April 2018 “With Priesthood Power”  Sing-Along Video

    Why did God give us priesthood ordinances? Help your children find an answer in Alma 13:16. If they need help knowing what an ordinance is, there are lists in the General Handbook, 18.1 and 18.2. Maybe you and your children could talk about your experiences receiving these ordinances. How do they help us “look forward to [Jesus Christ] for a remission of [our] sins”? A song like “When I Am Baptized” (Children’s Songbook, 103) can help your children think of other reasons to be thankful for priesthood ordinances.

    New Era July 2014 “What Do You See?” This New Era article explains how priesthood ordinances are full of signs and symbols that can point us to Jesus Christ.

    Friend October 2012 “Coloring Page: We receive the ordinances of salvation through the priesthood.”

    Alma 13: 1-19

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 13-16”

    • Turn to Alma 13:6, and explain that priesthood holders “teach [God’s] commandments unto the children of men.” Help the children think of priesthood holders they know of. How do they teach the commandments? Invite the children to draw a picture of a priesthood holder they know teaching someone God’s commandments.
    • Read with the children Alma 13:10 and 13, searching for traits a priesthood holder should have. Ask them to think of people they know who are good examples of these traits.
    • Ask the children if they know how the Melchizedek Priesthood got its name. Help them find the answer in Alma 13:14–19 and Doctrine and Covenants 107:1–4. What do we learn from Melchizedek about how the priesthood should be used?

    See Friend April 1994 “Melchizedek”

    Jesus Christ can make me clean.

    Alma 13:10–12

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 13-26”

    • After reading these verses together, consider ways to help your children visualize what they teach. Maybe you could wash something together. How do we feel when we are dirty? How do we feel when we become clean again? How are these feelings similar to what we feel when we sin and then repent and become clean through the Savior’s Atonement?

    Show the children the white shirt you brought, and lay it on top of a spread out plastic garbage bag. Explain to the children that sin is like dirt and stains. Apply staining items to the shirt as you mention sins that stain our spirits, such as lying, stealing, hate, etc. (The garbage bag is to help prevent spills on the carpet.) Ask the children how they would feel if they had to wear the dirty shirt and how they would feel if they could never change the shirt or take a shower.

    • Would it be difficult going out among people in that state?  Would we feel comfortable in heaven being among spiritually clean people if we have stains of sin upon us?

    Show the children the soap and explain that just like we have soap to clean our bodies and our clothes, Heavenly Father has provided a way for us to become clean from our sins. He provided a Savior for us who took upon himself our sins.

    Enter Into the Rest of the Lord

    Come Follow Me Kid Game: Race to see who can “cast off” the squares with sins on them the fastest. (See verse 13)

    Alma and Amulek are imprisoned

    Alma 14

    Heavenly Father strengthens me as I have faith in Jesus Christ.

    Alma 14:18–29

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 13-26”

    This week’s activity page could help you—or your children—tell the story in Alma 14:18–29 (see also “Chapter 22: Alma’s Mission to Ammonihah,” Book of Mormon Stories, 58–63). Emphasize that Alma and Amulek were given strength because of their “faith which [was] in Christ” (Alma 14:26). You could also talk about a time when God gave you strength “according to [your] faith.” How can we be faithful like Alma and Amulek?

    Explain that Alma asked the Lord for help (see verse 26). Testify that God will strengthen us when we pray with faith.

    Friend June 2024 “God Frees Alma and Amulek”

    Heavenly Father Strengthens Me According to My Faith.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 13-16”

    Alma and Amulek were in prison for many days before the Lord freed them. This story can help the children learn that their trials may not have quick or easy solutions, but the Lord will strengthen them “according to [their] faith” (Alma 14:26).

    Share an experience in which you showed faith in the Lord and He gave you strength to overcome or endure a trial. Encourage the children to share similar experiences they’ve had.

    Lesson 16 “Anguish in Ammonihah” Lesson and story ideas

    Alma, Amulek, and the people who believed on their words all faced terrible trials. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we can be given strength to endure opposition and adversity.

    Scripture Stories Coloring Book: Book of Mormon

    Ensign June 2020″Family Study Fun” Read Alma 14:17–18, 26–28 together. After Alma and Amulek were wrongly imprisoned, God gave them strength to break free.

    1. Build a pretend prison with blankets, cushions, or pillows.
    2. Let each family member take a turn acting out the scripture story by being in prison and breaking free.
    3. After each person breaks free, have them share one way God has helped them in real life.

    Discussion: Alma and Amulek used their freedom to continue teaching people about the gospel. How can we help others with what God has given us?

    Alma heals Zeezrom

    Alma 15

    Jesus Christ can change hearts.

    Alma 15:3–12

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 13-26”

    • Zeezrom’s change of heart through Jesus Christ is inspiring. Consider reviewing with your children what they learned last week about Zeezrom. Then you could read together Alma 15:3–12 to discover how he changed. What do we learn from Zeezrom’s experience about the Lord’s power? (see “Zeezrom Is Healed and Baptized” , Gospel Library).

    Book of Mormon Stories: Alma’s Mission to Ammonihah

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 13-16” What do we learn from Zeezrom’s experience about the Lord’s power to strengthen and heal us, even when we make mistakes? What role can the priesthood play in our receiving His strength and healing?

    Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) “Alma 15” Read the scriptures listed under “Symptoms.” Below them, list any words or phrases that describe Zeezrom’s condition.

    • How might you describe Zeezrom’s condition, including his spiritual well-being?
    • What do you remember about Zeezrom that would cause him to feel this way?

    All of us have experienced the pain associated with a physical injury or wound. When we are in pain, we typically seek relief and are grateful for the medication and treatments that help to alleviate our suffering. Consider sin as a spiritual wound that causes guilt or, as described by Alma to his son Corianton, “remorse of conscience” (Alma 42:18). Guilt is to our spirit what pain is to our body—a warning of danger and a protection from additional damage. (David A. Bednar, “We Believe in Being Chaste,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2013, 44)

    Carefully read about Zeezrom’s healing in Alma 15:4–12. You may want to watch the video “Zeezrom Is Healed and Baptized” (2:42), available at ChurchofJesusChrist.org. As you read, pay attention to the details that contributed to Zeezrom’s healing. Consider writing notes of these details under the “Prescription” portion of your doctor’s note.

    The Savior is often referred to as the Great Physician, and this title has both symbolic and literal significance. … From the Atonement of the Savior flows the soothing salve that can heal our spiritual wounds and remove guilt. However, this salve can only be applied through the principles of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, and consistent obedience. The results of sincere repentance are peace of conscience, comfort, and spiritual healing and renewal. (David A. Bednar, “We Believe in Being Chaste,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2013, 44)

    The Nephite armies follow the Prophet

    Alma 16

    We are Blessed When We Follow the Prophet

    Alma 16

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 13-16”

    • Share in your own words the account in Alma 16:1–8. Emphasize that because Zoram and the Nephite armies followed the prophet Alma, the Nephites were able to rescue their friends who were being held as prisoners by the Lamanites. Share an experience when you were blessed because you followed the prophet.
    • Show a picture of the President of the Church, and share a few things he has taught us to do. Help the children think of ways they can follow Jesus by doing what His prophet teaches us.

    Friend November 2022 “Bright Idea”

    • Show pictures of prophets (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 6–9141826–27) as you sing with the children a song about prophets, such as “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110–11). Emphasize phrases in the song that teach why we should follow the prophet.

    Enoch was a prophet; he taught what was good. People in his city did just what they should. When they were so righteous that there was no sin, Heav’nly Father took them up to live with him.

    Noah was a prophet called to preach the word, tried to cry repentance, but nobody heard. They were busy sinning—Noah preached in vain. They wished they had listened when they saw the rain.

    Moses was a prophet sent to Israel. He would lead them to the promised land to dwell. They were slow to follow, or so it appears. They were in the wilderness for forty years.

    Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, Follow the prophet; don’t go astray. Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, Follow the prophet; he knows the way.

    • What had Alma previously prophesied would happen to the people of Ammonihah if they did not repent? (God would “utterly destroy [them] from off the face of the earth” [Alma 9:12].)
    • What happened to the people of Ammonihah?  Alma 16:1–3 

    Friend June 2020 “My Family Night Fun” Game: Follow the Leader

    Additional Resources

    The Red Crystal

    Mosiah 25-28

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    Mosiah CHAPTER 25 The descendants of Mulek at Zarahemla become Nephites—They learn of the people of Alma and of Zeniff—Alma baptizes Limhi and all his people—Mosiah authorizes Alma to organize the Church of God. About 120 B.C.

    Mosiah CHAPTER 26 Many members of the Church are led into sin by unbelievers—Alma is promised eternal life—Those who repent and are baptized gain forgiveness—Church members in sin who repent and confess to Alma and to the Lord will be forgiven; otherwise, they will not be numbered among the people of the Church. About 120–100 B.C.

    Mosiah CHAPTER 27 Mosiah forbids persecution and enjoins equality—Alma the younger and the four sons of Mosiah seek to destroy the Church—An angel appears and commands them to cease their evil course—Alma is struck dumb—All mankind must be born again to gain salvation—Alma and the sons of Mosiah declare glad tidings. About 100–92 B.C.

    Mosiah CHAPTER 28 The sons of Mosiah go to preach to the Lamanites—Using the two seer stones, Mosiah translates the Jaredite plates. About 92 B.C.

    Friend June 2023

    King Mosiah reads the records of the people of Zeniff and Alma

    Mosiah 25

    Recording Spiritual Experiences

    Mosiah 25:5–11

    How did Mosiah’s people feel after he read to them the records of Zeniff’s people and Alma’s people? Has your family kept any records you could read from? Maybe you could add to your records or start keeping your own. What would you include that might help your family (including future generations) be “filled with exceedingly great joy” and learn about “the immediate goodness of God”? (Mosiah 25:8, 10). (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 25-28”)

    Mosiah 25:16

    Why was it important for Limhi’s people to remember that the Lord had delivered them out of captivity? What has the Lord done for us that we should remember?

    Friend June 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities” Goodness of God Coloring

    King Mosiah read his people stories about how God had blessed Alma’s people. When they heard the stories, they thought about the “immediate goodness of God” (Mosiah 25:10). Ask your parents and grandparents about how God has been good to your family. Draw pictures of favorite stories you hear.

    For younger children: Do the coloring page on page 48. While you color, talk about ways we can feel Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ’s love.

    Alma seeks direction concerning the unrepentant

    Mosiah 26

    God freely forgives those who repent.

    Mosiah 26:22–23, 29–30

    Ask the children to pretend they are talking to someone who doesn’t think God will ever forgive him or her. Invite them to review God’s words to Alma the Elder in Mosiah 26:22–23, 29–30. What do they find that would help that person? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 25-28”)

    The Lord wants me to forgive.

    Mosiah 26:30–31

    To help your children discover what the Lord taught Alma about forgiveness, you could invite them to read Mosiah 26:29–31 and count how many times the word “forgive” appears. What do these verses teach about forgiving others? (See also “Help Me, Dear Father,” Children’s Songbook, 99.) (Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 25-28”)

    To emphasize the Savior’s example of forgiveness, you could show a picture of Him on the cross and read together Luke 23:33–34. What did Jesus ask Heavenly Father to do for the people who put Him on the cross? After this discussion, your children could role-play forgiving each other. (Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 25-28”)

    Sometimes it is difficult to forgive ourselves when we make mistakes. How can God’s words to Alma help? Your children could pretend they are talking to someone who doesn’t think God will ever forgive them. Invite your children to [review God’s words to Alma the Elder in]in Mosiah 26:22–23, 29–30 that might help that person. (Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 25-28”)

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 25-28” The Lord taught Alma that He freely forgives those who repent. We should follow His example by forgiving those who sin against us.

    • Read to the children this phrase from Mosiah 26:31: “Ye shall also forgive one another.” Let the children practice saying “I forgive you” a few times, and find out if they know what it means to forgive. Share an experience from your life when you forgave someone or someone forgave you.

    Friend April 2019 “A New Block Tower” Mason accidentally knocks down Bo’s block tower. Mason says sorry and offers to help build another one. Bo forgives him, and they both are happy.

    Help the children role-play forgiving one another. Ask one child to pretend that he or she has done something to hurt or offend another child. What can the other child say or do to show forgiveness? Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 25-28”

    Invite the children to draw a sad face on one side of a paper and a happy face on the other side. Ask them to hold up the sad face while they tell about an experience when a sibling or friend made them upset. Ask them to hold up the happy face while they tell how they have forgiven or will forgive that person. Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 25-28”

    To be forgiven, I must forgive.

    How does forgiveness help both the person who has done something wrong and the person who forgives? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 25-28”)

    “Pockets Full of Rocks” (February 2014 Friend)
    A humorous poem about a man who carries rocks around to remind him of all things people have done to him.

    Ask a child to draw a bridge on the board, and share this statement quoted by President Thomas S. Monson: “He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass if he would ever reach heaven, for everyone has need of forgiveness” (George Herbert, quoted in “Hidden Wedges,” Ensign, May 2002, 19). Erase part of the bridge, and ask the children to help you rebuild it, piece by piece, as they share ways they can extend forgiveness to others. Invite them to think of someone they need to forgive. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 25-28”)

    The Red Crystal

    Alma the Younger repents

    Mosiah 27

    Friend July 2020 “Alma the Younger Repents”

    Jesus Christ helps me become more like Him.

    Mosiah 27:8–37

    The conversion of Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah demonstrates that because of Jesus Christ and His gospel, anyone can change and become more like Jesus.

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 25-28”

    You or your children could use the paintings in this outline, this week’s activity page, and a few key scriptures from Mosiah 27:8–37 to tell the story (see also “Chapter 18: Alma the Younger Repents,” in Book of Mormon Stories, 49–52). Give special emphasis to verse 24, to teach that Alma repented and Jesus Christ helped him change. Let your children act out the story if they’d like.

    Teaching Children the Gospel “Lesson 14: Alma the Younger Repents”

    Invite the children to make a list of words from Mosiah 27:8–10 that describe what Alma and the sons of Mosiah were like before their conversion. Then ask them to make another list from Mosiah 27:32–37 that describe what they were like afterward. According to verses 24–29, what caused this great change in Alma?(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 25-28”)

    How might our spiritual progression be compared to a caterpillar becoming a butterfly?

    More Repentance Ideas (lesson, activity, story, and song ideas)

    I can pray and fast for God to bless the people I love.

    Mosiah 27:8–24

    Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 25-28”

    Read together Mosiah 27:8–24, and ask your children to identify what Alma and his people did to help Alma the Younger. Have you ever fasted and prayed for someone? Share your experience with your children, and let them share theirs.

    • “Fasting for Shem” (July 2013 Friend)
      When Tim is worried about his friend Shem in the hospital, he decides to pray and fast for him.

    Do you or your children know someone who needs God’s help? Following Alma’s example, maybe you could pray together for that person and, if your children are able, fast for them too.

    Friend July 2020 ” Alma Repented and Followed Jesus” Coloring Page

    More Fasting Ideas (stories, lesson ideas, & activities)

    The sons of Mosiah desire to teach the Lamanites

    Mosiah 28

    I can share the gospel.

    Mosiah 28:1–8

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 25-28” After their conversion, the sons of Mosiah were eager to share the gospel with everyone, including their enemies, the Lamanites.

    • Use Mosiah 28:1–8 to tell the children about the sons of Mosiah deciding to preach the gospel to the Lamanites. For help, see “Chapter 19: The Sons of Mosiah Become Missionaries” (Book of Mormon Stories, 53, or the corresponding video on ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Why did they want to share the gospel? (see verse 3).
    • Help each child think of someone who needs to know more about the gospel. Help the children plan what they will say to the people they thought of.
    • Sing together a song about sharing the gospel, such as “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” (Children’s Songbook, 168). Point out phrases in the song that suggest how we can share the gospel with others.

    See the Red Crystal for free printouts of the below visual aids.

    Scripture Stories Coloring Book—Book of Mormon “Alma the Younger”

    Additional Resources

    Friend June 2024 “Who Were the Sons of Mosiah?”

    Gospel Art Book “Conversion of Alma the Younger”

    Book of Mormon Stories

    The Red Crystal