Don’t Give Up
Friend June 2021 “Don’t Give Up” Resilience means not giving up, even when something is hard. It means trying again after you mess up or moving forward when bad things happen.
Friend April 2023 “Never Give Up” Blake and his classmates were given a challenge to build a tall tower with noodles and marshmallows. The tower that Blake and his teammates built was too wide and not tall and his teammates wanted to give up, but Blake encouraged them not to give up. They fixed it and came in second place. Blake learned that no matter how hard things get, we should never give up!
Friend July 2019 ” Bright Idea: Don’t Give Up” Handout idea with swimmers each at a different points in swimming lanes and one that is lagging behind.
Friend April 2015 “On to the Victory” The first time Elder Gifford played professional football was scary because the players were so big and hit so hard, but he kept trying and he succeeded. Joseph Smith was constantly accused of crimes he didn’t commit, but he kept going forward.
Friend March 2018 Donut Give Up. Refreshment Idea
Nephi Didn’t Give Up
Friend January 2020 “A Nephi Attitude” Bennett was tired and thirsty and not enjoying doing the service project. He wanted to go home but there was still a lot left to do. His mom talked to him about how Nephi had hard things to do like getting the plates from Laban, but he didn’t give up. Bennett liked the idea of being like Nephi. Nephi was strong and brave and good. So he kept working. He was proud of what they had accomplished when they were done. He was glad he had gotten rid of the Laman and Lemuel attitude.

How to Persevere
People in our Life Can Help us Persevere
Friend September 2018 “Keep Paddling” Life is like being on a river. Our goal to return to our Heavenly Father is upstream. We paddle toward this goal by making good choices. Temptations in the world try to take us downstream, away from our goal. It helps if we are part of a team that is paddling together. Your family is on your rowing crew. Your Primary teachers and Church leaders are also on your rowing crew too.
Make this boat and draw who the people are that are on your rowing crew.
Friend April 2022 “Somebody Loves You” When Sister Susan H. Porter, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency, was on her way to a new job, she started worrying that she wasn’t good enough. Then she had a clear feeling to try her best and remember that even if it doesn’t go well, there’s somebody who loves her.
Endure to the End
I Have Fought a Good Fight. I have Kept the Faith
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1 and 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon”
2 Timothy is believed to be the last epistle Paul wrote, and it seems that he knew his time on earth was short (see 2 Timothy 4:6–8). How might Timothy have felt, knowing that he might soon be without his trusted mentor and leader? What did Paul say to encourage him? You might also read with your own challenges and fears in mind. What messages of hope and encouragement does the Lord have for you in 2 Timothy?
Liahona October 2023 “Come Follow Me Family Fun”
Near the end of his life, the Apostle Paul told Timothy, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7). Try this activity to learn about “keeping the faith”:
Before Home Evening
- Interview some older people who have been faithful in the gospel. These could be grandparents or members in your ward or branch.
- Ask them questions you are interested in or questions like these: What trials did you experience and overcome? Did you have an experience when it took courage to live the gospel? What was most helpful in remaining faithful to your belief in Jesus Christ?
- Write down or record their testimonies and experiences.
During Home Evening
- Share with your family the testimonies you heard and lessons you learned.
- What did these people teach you about overcoming difficulties through faith?
Discussion: How can you keep the faith throughout your life, despite challenges?