Modesty: Lesson Ideas

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Friend July 2017 “Show and Tell” Have children draw pictures of how they can dress modestly.

Friend March 2017 “Show and Tell”

Once I forgot my swimsuit for swim team. My coach found a bikini for me, but I remembered our family home evening on modesty. I kept looking and found a one-piece swimsuit. I had a great feeling because I was able to follow the prophet by staying modest.

Modesty in dress, speech, and actions

Friend July 2017 “Modesty Means” Modesty also means being humble and moderate in behavior, manner, and appearance.

Read “Modesty Means …” and draw another cartoon about modesty together! Then make a family modesty goal for the next week.

1 Timothy 2:9–10

Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families While aspects of Paul’s counsel for women to dress modestly do not apply to our time, we can all learn from his counsel to “adorn [ourselves] … with good works.” Your family might enjoy putting together a fashion show, with family members dressing up in clothing or jewelry labeled with different kinds of good works. What are some good works your family could do this week?


Write different situations on slips of paper and have children take turns deciding if a situation is modest or immodest. If it’s immodest, discuss as a family how to make it modest. For example, if choosing to swear is immodest, then choosing good language is modest. Scenarios might include bragging, dressing for various activities, viewing different kinds of media, and so on. Ensign July 2017 See other lesson ideas at link.

Friend August 2016
Friend August 2016


  • Family Home Evening Idea: Family Modesty
    Read “Modesty Means …” (July 2017 Friend) and draw another cartoon about modesty together! Then make a family modesty goal for the next week.
  • “Modesty Checklist” (May 2010 Friend)
    A printable checklist of modesty standards. Includes a visual aid about respecting yourself.
  • “My Body Is a Temple of God” (August 2011 Liahona and Friend)

    A simple analogy of our bodies as temples, as well as a maze activity that uses choices as clues to find the right way.
  • “Where to Wear?” (July 2017 Friend)
    Write or draw pictures of what you think is modest for each situation.


  • Video: “195 Dresses”
    A young woman in Arizona came up with a prom-dress plan that allowed her to dress in a way that respected her body and Heavenly Father’s plan.

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