Table of Contents
- Latter Day Prophet Activities
- Joseph Smith
- Brigham Young
- John Taylor
- Wilford Woodruff
- Lorenzo Snow
- Joseph F. Smith
- Heber J. Grant
- George Albert Smith
- David O. McKay
- Joseph Fielding Smith
- Harold B. Lee
- Spencer W. Kimball
- Ezra Taft Benson
- Howard W. Hunter
- Gordon B. Hinckley
- Thomas S. Monson
- Russell M. Nelson
Latter Day Prophet Activities
Friend Dec 2014 Prophet Cards (See link for answers)

Friend September 2001 “My Book of Prophets”

Friend February 2001 “Latter-day Prophets Wheel” Fasten the two circles together with a metal fastener through the center dots. Find the picture of Joseph Smith; in the window below his picture you can read an interesting fact about him. Continue turning the top circle to the right to see the men in the order that they served as Presidents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and to read something that that prophet is remembered for. You might want to use the wheel to help you sing “Latter-day Prophets”* in a family home evening.

Friend November 2003 “Latter-day Prophets Matching Game”

Friend March 2001 “Presidents of the Church Maze”
Friend January 2001 “Funstuf: Latter-day Prophets” All of the latter-day prophets are listed below, but it is difficult to read them. To unscramble the letters in each group, start at the IN arrow and connect the letters to spell a prophet’s name ending at the OUT arrow. Some letters will not be used. The first one has been done as an example for you.
Prophet Dot-to-Dot Activity Idea: Make several cards with information about the prophet on each one. Label the back of each card with a section of numbers from the dot-to-dot such as 1-5 or 15-20. Put the cards, numbers face up, on a table. A child picks one of the cards, reads the clue, and gets to draw those lines on the picture and try to guess who the prophet it is. They write their guess down and their name on the first slot of a numbered card. Continue in this manner until all the clues are read and the lines on the picture are drawn. Reveal the name of the prophet, and then read the card with the guesses to see who got the correct answer first. (Note: You may need to display a picture that contains all the prophets and their names to help the children have a reference to make their guesses from.)
Joseph Smith
(Click on link above)
Brigham Young
Friend February 2013 “Brigham Young”
Friend July 2001 “Brigham Young Leads Bravely”

Friend July 2001 “President Brigham Young Crossword”
Friend July 1984 – Stories of Brigham Young’s life
Videos about Brigham Young
John Taylor
Friend January 2003 “Preparing for the Call”

Friend February 2003 “Answer to Prayer”

Friend March 2001 “John Taylor Goes to America”

Friend April 2003 “Conversion to the Gospel”

Friend May 2003 “Bearing Testimony of the Prophet”

Friend June 2003 “Missionary to His Family”

Friend July 2003 “Printing the Voice of the Church”

Friend August 2003 “Defender of the Faith”

Friend September 2003 “With the Prophet Joseph in Carthage Jail”

Friend October 2003 “Missions to Europe”

Friend December 2003 “Money for a Mission”

Friend November 2003 “Solving Problems”

Friend March 2001 “President John Taylor Crossword”
Movies about John Taylor
The Life and Ministry of John Taylor
Wilford Woodruff
Friend April 2013 “Wilford Woodruff”
Media Library “Wilford Woodruff”
Friend June 2001 “Wilford Woodruff, Fisherman of the Lord”

Friend January 2006 “Saved By Providence”

Friend February 2006 “Catching Fish and Saying Prayers”

Friend March 2006 “Becoming a Bible Scholar”

Friend April 2006 “They Were Speaking the Truth”

Friend May 2006 “A Successful Missionary”

Friend June 2006 “The Martyrdom of the Prophet”

Friend July 2006 “This is the Place”

Friend August 2006 “Listening to the Spirit”

Friend September 2006 “Inspired Prophet”

Friend October 2006 “The Light Continued with Us”

Friend November 2006 “Keeping a Record”

Friend December 2006 “A Hard Worker”

Friend June 2001 “President Wilford Woodruff Crossword”
Friend Aug/Sept 1985 – Wilford Woodruff listens to the warning of the spirit and is kept safe from a steamer ship fire.
Lorenzo Snow
Friend May 2013 “Lorenzo Snow”
Friend September 2004 “Called to Serve”

Friend March 2002 “President Lorenzo Snow Crossword”

Friend Dec 2014 A Visit from the Savior

Media Library “Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Lorenzo Snow” More images
Joseph F. Smith
Friend June 2013 “Joseph F. Smith”
Media Library “Joseph F. Smith”
Friend August 2001 “Joseph F. Smith, a Man at Age Eight”

Friend August 2001 “President Joseph F. Smith Crossword”
Friend July 2021 “Church History Cards”
Friend June 1983 – “Joseph F. Smith Remembers His Father” (Hyrum Smith)
Church History “Joseph F. Smith” Videos
Heber J. Grant
Media Library “Heber J. Grant”

Friend July 2013 “Heber J. Grant”
Friend January 2004 “Becoming Brigham Young’s Friend”

Friend February 2004 “Reading the Book of Mormon”

Friend March 2004 “Achieving a Goal”

Friend April 2004 “Best Penmanship”

Friend May 2004 “Feeling the Spirit”

Friend June 2004 “Speaking in Church”

Friend July 2004 “Learning to Sing”

Friend August 2004 “Testimony of an Apostle”

Friend September 2004 “Called to Serve”

Friend October 2004 “Hard Worker”

Friend November 2004 “Comforted by the Holy Ghost”

Friend December 2004 “Charitable Businessman”

Friend January 2002 “President Heber J. Grant Crossword”
George Albert Smith
Media Library “George Albert Smith”
Friend April 2001 “George Albert Smith Saves the Tabernacle”

Friend April 2001 “President George Albert Smith Crossword”
Church History “George Albert Smith” Videos and history
David O. McKay
Media Library “David O. McKay”
Friend September 2013 “David O. McKay”
Friend January 2005 “The Faith of His Parents”

Friend February 2005 “A Well-Educated Man”

Friend March 2005 “David and Emma Ray”

Friend April 2005 “A Young Apostle”

Friend May 2005 “Beloved Teacher”

Friend June 2005 “David’s Pet Boar”

Friend July 2005 “Standing Up to a Bully”

Friend August 2005 “Lessons from Dandy”

Friend September 2005 “A Girl in the Blue Dress”

Friend October 2005 “A Prayer for Lou Jean”

Friend November 2005 “Visiting with the Queen”

Friend December 2005 “A Gift of Music”

Friend February 2001 “David O. McKay Receives an Answer”

Friend July 1987 “Jeanette Evans McKay” Info and story about David O, McKay’s mother.
Friend August 1987 “A Child’s Faith” As a child, David O McKay’s prayer is answered when he finds his lost pocketknife.
Church History “David O. McKay, Ninth President of the Church” Videos
Joseph Fielding Smith
Media Library “Joseph Fielding Smith”
Friend January 2001 “Midnight Adventures of Young Joseph Fielding Smith”

Friend January 2001 “President Joseph Fielding Smith Crossword”
Church History “Joseph Fielding Smith, 10th President of the Church”
Harold B. Lee
Friend January 2002 “Heeding the Holy Ghost”

Friend February 2002 “First Day of School”

Friend March 2002 “An Answer to His Prayers”

Friend April 2002 “His Mother Saves His Life”

Friend May 2002 “His Mother Prays”

Friend July 2002 “Musical Missionary”

Friend August 2002 “His Eternal Family”

Friend September 2002 “Witness as an Apostle”

Friend October 2002 “Healing a Soldier”

Friend November 2002 “Heavenly Blessing”

Friend December 2002 “Helping a Family in Need”

Friend December 2001 “Harold B. Lee Shares Christmas”

Friend December 2001 “President Harold B. Lee Crossword”
Friend May 1988 “Louisa Bingham Lee” Stories about Harold B. Lee’s mother.
Spencer W. Kimball
Media Library “Spencer W. Kimball”
Friend January 2007 “Working on a Farm”

Friend February 2007 “Rescued!”

Friend March 2007 “Reading the Bible”

Friend April 2007 “Playing the Piano”

Friend May 2007 “Spencer’s Mother”

Friend June 2007 “The Power of Example”

Friend July 2007 “Resist Evil Influences”

Friend August 2007 “Being a Leader”

Friend September 2007 “A Simple Act of Service”

Friend October 2007 “Overcoming Challenges”

Friend November 2007 “Camilla, a Cherished Companion”

Friend December 2007 “Holding Priesthood Keys”

Friend September 2001 “Spencer W. Kimball Attends Primary”

Friend September 2001 “President Spencer W. Kimball Crossword”

Friend December 1985 As a boy, Spencer W. Kimball is reminded of the importance of reading scriptures.
Friend February 1988 “Be a friend of the Savior” While in the hospital, President Kimball tells an orderly not to take the Lord’s name in vain.
Church History “Spencer W. Kimball” Videos
Ezra Taft Benson
Media Library “Ezra Taft Benson”
Friend May 2001 “Ezra Taft Benson Keeps a Promise”

Friend May 2001 “President Ezra Taft Benson Crossword”
Friend August 1988 “President Ezra Taft Benson” Read the article about his life and then fill in the crossword puzzle.
Howard W. Hunter
Media Library Latter Day Prophets “Howard W. Hunter”
Friend November 2001 “Howard W. Hunter Learns to Work”

Friend November 2001 “President Howard W. Hunter Crossword”
Friend Oct 1982 Life history
Gordon B. Hinckley
Media Library Latter Day Prophets “Gordon B. Hinkley”
Friend October 2001 “Gordon B. Hinckley Faces “Pharaoh”

Friend October 2001 “President Gordon B. Hinckley Crossword”
Friend February 1987 Childhood Stories
Thomas S. Monson
Russell M. Nelson
Friend March 2018 “ Meet Our New Prophet”
Watch the video “President Nelson: Prophet of God” from time code 0:00 to 5:41. How do you see President Nelson ministering to others in the same way Jesus Christ did?
Friend January 2021 “I Love You” President Nelson met with some Primary children in a log house in Palmyra, New York and shared the following messages: The Lord loves effort; Commandments are a recipe for happiness; Repentance is a joyous opportunity. (See the article for more info.)

Friend April 2015 “Obeying Mom and Dad” Stories from President Nelson’s childhood.
Friend June 2019 “Grateful for Parents” President Nelson’s parents didn’t attend church when he was young, and he wanted them to. When he learned about the Word of Wisdom he broke every bottle of liquor in the house. The thing he wanted for Christmas every year was to be sealed to his parents.
Friend August 2018 “President Nelson Loves Children” President Nelson meets Primary children as he travels all over the world.
(Link includes photos.)
Friend January 2019 “Show and Tell” Senior Primary children in Greater Manchester, England, wrote their own verse about President Russell M. Nelson for the song “Follow the Prophet.”
Russell is a prophet, Baptised at sixteen, His parents were less active; He was very keen. He became a doctor, Doctor of the heart. Building many temples, He has made a start.
Friend March 2021 “Trust in the Prophet” When Elder Homer was young, he wanted to be very reverent when passing the sacrament. Russel M. Nelson was in his ward and noticed his reverence and complimented him on it. That meant a lot to Elder Homer. (Make a mobile of quotes by President Russel M. Nelson.)
Friend May 2019 Bookmark with a testimony by President Nelson
Among President Nelson’s most important teachings are the following:
He has admonished us to use the correct name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
He has counseled us in how to let God prevail in our lives.
He has encouraged us to “think celestial.”
He has taught us an enlarged vision of gathering Israel on both sides of the veil.
He has inspired us to progress on the covenant path, and he has lovingly invited us to return to that path if we have strayed.
He has exhorted Church members everywhere to follow a home-centered, Church-supported pattern of gospel learning.
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