Family Members Support & Help Each Other

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Friend September 2023 “Lots of Ways to Say “I Love You” “Trina’s brother had been struggling with anxiety and depression and had to come home early. She prayed about what she could do for him. She decided she would show him she cared for him and loved him. She used chalk to write a message for him on the sidewalk. She hid nice notes around the house. She helped her siblings make a sign. It said, “Welcome home, Elder Dawson! We love you!”

I can serve my family.

Esther CHAPTER 2

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Esther” Ahasuerus seeks a new queen—Mordecai presents Esther—Esther pleases the king and is chosen as queen—Mordecai exposes a plot against the king.

Esther 2:5–7

When Esther’s parents died, her cousin Mordecai took care of her. You can use their experience as an opportunity to talk about serving members of our families.

  • On the board, draw figures that represent Esther, her parents, and her cousin Mordecai. Explain that Esther’s parents died, so Esther needed someone to take care of her. Read Esther 2:7 to the children, and ask the children to listen for what Mordecai did. Help the children think of needs their family members might have that the children can help with.

What can we learn from Mordecai’s example about helping family members in times of trial? Who in our family needs our support? Make a plan to help them.

  • Invite some of the children to act out something kind they could do to serve someone in their families, and ask the other children to guess what they are doing. Invite them to talk about things they do to bless their families, and tell about some of the things you do.
  • Sing a song about helping our families, such as “When We’re Helping” (Children’s Songbook, 198). Share your testimony that helping our families makes us happy.

Friend March 2018 “Matt and Mandy” Matt makes a super hero costume and secretly helps his mom.

Friend September 2020 “Bedtime Brothers” Kyler helps his brother get to sleep.

Friend July 2020 “Helping a Sleepy Sister” Berrett noticed his sister was tired from studying late and he decided to be like Jesus and help her. He made her breakfast and lunch and wrote her a note saying he loved her.

Friend March 2019 “Show and Tell” My sister has cerebral palsy and can’t talk or walk. I serve her each day by feeding her, playing with her, and making her laugh. I know when I serve her, I’m serving Heavenly Father. (Ensign T., age 10, Utah, USA)

Friend January 2022 “Helping Like Jesus” Story about how the general primary president, Sister Johnson, helped her mother by helping with her siblings.

Friend May 2019 “Kindness at the Carnival” A boy is looking forward to playing with his friends, but then his sister comes home upset because she doesn’t have any real friends and nobody will go with her to school carnival. The brother wants to help, so he volunteers to go with her, and tells her that she is his friend too.

Friend June 2018 “Showing Her Love” A girl named Love from Nigeria helps her family in many ways. (Link includes photos.)

Friend April 2018 “Prayer in the Checkout Line” Eli helps his mom with his fussy siblings at the store. He also says a prayer for her when he sees how their fussiness is making things hard for her

Friend January 2018 “Adam’s Big Green Cast” Matthew’s little brother broke his leg and has to wear a cast that doesn’t let him move. Matthew helps his brother feel better by playing with him and finding things Adam can do without moving.

Friend October 2017 “Helping Mrs. Brewster” Ryan helps his brother Jackson rake the neighbor’s leaves.

Friend October 2017  “I Like to Help” Poem – A boy helps his family members during the week.

Friend March 2022 Danial is helping his mom in the garden. Find the objects in the picture. How do you help at home?

Friend May 2017 “That’s My Brother” Eric doesn’t have any friends yet and doesn’t like going to recess, but his brother comes and helps him find a friend during recess.

Friend May 2017 “The Gecko Rescue” Andrea sews up a hole in her mom’s gecko beanbag so her mom wouldn’t be sad.

Story Activiy: Children can draw a line to a number on the gecko for every way they mention that they can help and serve family members.

Friend February 2017 “Double Happy” Lily helps her little brother, Sam, feel comfortable in Primary, but her parents want her to let Sam’s teacher do that now so Lily can go to her class. Lily obeys even though she’s worried about Sam, and they both have a great time in Primary.

Friend Novepmber 2016 “Big Sister Madelyn” Madelyn’s mother is sick, so Madelyn helps with the baby. Also an activity to find what toys are okay for the baby.


Friend October 2016 “Brave Enough” Christine asks her brother for help when she gets scared of a noise at her window.


Friend June 2015  “The Funny Face Fix” Ben helps his sister feel happy by making funny faces.

Friend September 2015 “Secret Helpers”

Friend September 2015

Friend January 1987 “The rush-rush Day” Jarod sacrificed what he wanted to do so his family members could get the things done they needed to.

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