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Working together to accomplish the same goal.

Family Unity

Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 16: The Saints Gather to Kirtland, Ohio,” 

Write on separate pieces of paper some activities, traditions, and actions that can help develop unity within a family, such as family home evening, family prayer, family scripture study, mealtime, holiday celebrations, birthday celebrations, being kind to each other, and being unselfish. Discuss with the children what unity means and how unity can be developed within a family. To help the children identify ways that their families can develop feelings of love and unity, let each child choose a piece of paper and give clues to the other children about the activity or action described on his or her paper. Have the other children guess the activity or action. Then invite the children to tell about how that activity or action has blessed and strengthened their families.

Read Doctrine and Covenants 38:24-25  Explain that when God says something twice in a row, it is probably something that we should pay extra attention to. What does it mean to esteem someone as yourself? We need to value others as much as we value ourselves. We need each other. We need each others strength, support, and gifts and talents. Have the children tell what different parts of the body does. Explain that each part of the body is important and needed. Just like our body parts are united and working together, we need to be united as people and learn to work together as one.

To teach children what it means to “be one,” you could help them count the members of your family and talk about why each person is important to your family. Emphasize that together you are one family. You could help your children draw a large 1 on a poster and decorate it with names and drawings or pictures of each family member. You could also write on the poster things you will do to be more united as a family. You might also watch the video “Love in Our Hearts” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org) or read Moses 7:18.

Friend April 2021 “Scripture Time Fun Working Together: Jesus taught us to “be one” (Doctrine and Covenants 38:27). That means working together with the people around us to accomplish the same goal.

  • Choose a partner and stand next to each other, shoulder to shoulder. Use a scarf or rope to gently tie your ankle to your partner’s. Work together to practice walking. How fast can you get safely from one place to another?
  • Sing “Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel” (Hymns, no. 252).

Church Unity

United as One

Share an object lesson that illustrates how things can be combined or united to become one, such as pieces of cloth that make one quilt or ingredients that make one loaf of bread. What do these examples teach us about becoming one as God’s people? Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 37–40”,

Sing “We Are Different” (Children’s Songbook,140–41, 263).

1. I know you, and you know me. We are as diff’rent as the sun and the sea I know you, and you know me, And that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

2. I help you, and you help me. We learn from problems, and we’re starting to see. I help you, and you help me, And that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

3. I love you, and you love me We reach together for the best we can be I love you, and you love me, And that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

Ensign April 2021“Family Study Fun” United as One

In Doctrine and Covenants 38:27, the Savior says, “I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine.” We are encouraged to be one that we “might escape the power of the enemy” (Doctrine and Covenants 38:31).

  1. Stand together in the center of the room.
  2. Choose one person to walk through the middle of the group.
  3. Repeat the exercise but this time as a group stand closer together, linking arms and hands if possible.

Discussion: How are we more protected from outside influences as we stand stronger and closer together? How does greater unity protect us?

Ensign August 2019 “Family Study Fun: Human Knot”  (best with four-plus people) Paul tells the Saints that there should be “no divisions among” them and that they should be “perfectly joined together” in mind and judgment (1 Corinthians 1:10). Stand everyone in a circle. Have everyone reach out their right hand and take someone else’s (not next to them). Do the same with the left hand, taking a different person’s hand. Work together to untangle the knot without letting go of any hands. End up in a circle again. Discussion: What can we do as a family to be more “joined together”? How can we work together to remove divisions?

Friend March 2018 “Funstuff” Have the family work together to put together the tangram puzzle of the house. Explain that when family members each help contribute to  building a strong, happy family then all the pieces of family life fit together properly and harmoniously.

Friend July 2017 “Busy Like a Bee” Elder Ballard tells how bees work together to strengthen the hive.


1 Corinthians 12:12–27.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “1 Corinthians 8-13” In Paul’s time, Corinth was a wealthy trade center with residents from all over the Roman Empire. With so many different cultures and religions in the city, Church members in Corinth struggled to maintain unity, so Paul sought to help them find unity in their belief in Christ. This unity was to be more than just peaceful coexistence; Paul wasn’t asking them merely to tolerate each other’s differences. Rather, he taught that when you join the Church of Jesus Christ, you are “baptized into one body,” and every body part is needed (1 Corinthians 12:13). When one member is lost, it’s like losing a limb, and the body is weaker as a result. When one member suffers, we should all feel it and do our part to relieve it. In this kind of unity, differences are not just acknowledged but cherished, because without members of diverse gifts and abilities, the body would be limited. So whether you feel like you’ve always been at home in the Church or find yourself wondering if you truly belong, Paul’s message to you is that unity is not sameness. You need your fellow Saints, and your fellow Saints need you.

Paul’s analogy of a body could be a memorable way to discuss family unity. For example, family members could try drawing a body made only of eyes or ears (see verse 17). What do these verses suggest about how we should treat each other as family members?

Friend September 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Move Your Body”

Friend September 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones” Point to some body parts and ask your little ones why each part is important. Explain that all the parts work together to help us do things. God loves all His children. He wants us to work together to help and serve others.

New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “1 Corinthians 12” Paul wrote to the Saints in Corinth to help them recognize their need to be unified in Christ. He taught that if all members would recognize and use the spiritual gifts they had received from the Lord, they could be like the many parts of a body working together in unison.

Friend September 2023 Cover We are all needed

Friend September 2023 “Women of Faith”

Friend October 2024 “Working Together” President Henry B. Eyring’s address about how we are all different, but the Lord’s prophets have always asked us to have unity. When you have unity, you love each other and work together. (see more at link)

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