Table of Contents
- The Sacrament Helps Me Remember My Deliverance Through Jesus Christ.
- During the sacrament, I can think about how I am following the Savior. (Sr)
- I Renew My Baptism Covenants When I Take the Sacrament
- I take the sacrament to show that I will always remember Jesus Christ.
- The sacrament helps me think about Jesus.
- The sacrament helps me remember Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for me.
- Sacrament Hymns
The Sacrament Helps Me Remember My Deliverance Through Jesus Christ.
The Lord institutes the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread—Lambs without blemish are slain—Israel is saved by their blood—The firstborn of all Egyptians are slain—Israel is thrust out of Egypt after 430 years—No bones of the paschal lambs are to be broken.
The firstborn of man and of beasts are to be sanctified unto the Lord—The Feast of Unleavened Bread is to be kept in the land of Canaan—Moses takes Joseph’s bones out of Egypt—The Lord attends Israel in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
Old Testament Scripture Stories “The Passover”
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Exodus 7–13” The Passover taught the children of Israel that the Lord delivered them from Egypt. The Passover also taught the Israelites about the Savior and the sacrifice He would one day make for us. The Passover is symbolic of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which delivers us from sin and death. Today, the sacrament helps us remember Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for us. Teaching the children about the Passover can help them have a more meaningful experience with the sacrament.
- Ask some of the children to read Exodus 11:5–6 to learn about the final plague the Lord sent upon the Egyptians. Ask the other children to read Exodus 12:3, 5–7, 13 to learn about how the children of Israel were saved from that plague.
- To help the children understand that the Savior is the Lamb who saves us, show a picture of a lamb. Invite the children to read Exodus 12:3–7 to find out what kind of lamb God wanted the people to use for the Passover meal. How is this lamb like Jesus Christ? (For example, Jesus was perfect, and Jesus shed His blood to save us.) What other symbols help us think about Jesus Christ?

- Ask the children to name things we do to remember important events such as birthdays and holidays. Read Exodus 13:10, and explain that the Lord asked the children of Israel to celebrate the Passover each year to help them remember that He saved them from the Egyptians. What are some ways we can remember that Jesus saved us from sin and death?
- If possible, visit the sacrament table with the children, and talk about how the sacrament helps us remember Jesus Christ. Sing together “The Sacrament” (Children’s Songbook, 72) or another reverent song about Jesus Christ. Help the children notice the peaceful feeling they have when they think about the Savior, and invite them to seek that feeling when they take the sacrament.
- 1. As I take the water and bread,
- I’ll think of the words the Savior said:
- “This do in remembrance of me.
- This do in remembrance of me.”
- 2. Jesus gave his life for me.
- I want to serve him thankfully.
- I will remember him.
- I will remember him.
- Give the children pieces of paper with the words “I can remember Jesus Christ during the sacrament by …” written at the top. Invite them to draw pictures they can look at during the sacrament to help them remember Jesus.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 17–19: “Behold, My Joy Is Full” Have the children draw a picture of themselves with Jesus on the last square.
- Read the sacrament prayers together (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:77, 79), and watch the video “Always Remember Him” ( How is the sacrament similar to the Passover? What can we do to think about Jesus during the sacrament?
- Share with the children one of your favorite sacrament hymns (see Hymns, nos. 169–96), and talk about how it helps you remember the Savior’s sacrifice. Invite the children to share a hymn that does the same for them.
After reading Exodus 12:1–42 together, you could write on pieces of paper things you can do as a family to remember Jesus Christ’s Atonement. Because the lamb’s blood on the door posts (see verse 23) represented the Savior, you could place these papers around a doorway in your home. You could also eat some of the foods from the Passover, such as unleavened bread (crackers or tortillas) or bitter herbs (parsley or horseradish), and discuss how the Passover helps us remember how God delivered His people. For example, the unleavened bread reminded them that there was not time for their bread to rise before they fled from captivity. The bitter herbs reminded them of the bitterness of captivity. (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Exodus 7–13”)
Lesson 19: Moses Delivers the Israelites from Bondage,” Primary 6: Old Testament When Jesus lived on the earth, he and his family celebrated the Feast of the Passover (Luke 2:41; 22:7–8). A lamb without blemish was killed for the feast. The lamb represented the Lamb of God, or Jesus Christ, who died to save us. After the Crucifixion, the disciples partook of the sacrament, which Christ instituted at the Last Supper, instead of the Feast of the Passover.
Institute: Old Testament Student Manual Genesis-2 Samuel “Exodus 11–19: The Passover and the Exodus” Great explanation of the symbolism of the passover
During the sacrament, I can think about how I am following the Savior. (Sr)
Ask a child to read 1 Corinthians 11:28. What does it mean to “examine” ourselves before taking the sacrament? Ask the children to think of other people who examine things, like doctors, detectives, or scientists (for example, doctors examine us to make sure we are healthy). When we partake of the sacrament, what can we do to examine how we are living our baptismal covenants? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 Corinthians 8–13” )

Print and cut out the magnifying glass and the pictures of the children. Place one of the pictures from the left onto the magnifying glass. Explain that before we take the sacrament we could examine our actions from the week. If we find any that we might need to repent of, we could try to think of ways we could try to do better, repent, and promise to do be better in the coming week as we take the sacrament. As we do so, we can recommit yourself to always remember Him and keep His commandments.Ask the class for some ideas oh what the child could to do to better keep his or her baptismal covenants. Replace the picture on the magnifying glass with its matching picture on the right. Ask how they think that child now feels. Do the same with the other pictures.
Ask the children to make a list of things they can think about when they partake of the sacrament. Invite them to use their lists as a reminder to examine themselves during the sacrament. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1 Corinthians 8–13” )
Friend June 2019 “The Sacrament Reminds Us of Jesus Christ”

Teaching Children the Gospel “Lesson 36: Jesus Christ Gives the Sacrament to the Nephites“Why is it important for us to always remember Jesus? When we remember Jesus, we remember the things he did for us. We remember his love for us, and we remember the things he taught. When we remember those things, our faith and love for Jesus grows and our desire to keep his commandments increases.
Sacrament Flip Book: Make, or have the children make, sacrament flip books to help them think about their covenants and the meaning of the sacrament during the sacrament. The children reads the question and tries to think of the answer and then flips over the question to check their answer.

Sacrament Book Assembly Instructions: For each child, print one copy of the Sacrament Book pages (colored or black and white) onto heavy paper. Cut out the answer pages by cutting straight across the dotted lines (you should only need to make two cuts per page using a paper cutter.) Turn the pages so they all face the same direction and then stack them together in numerical order. Hole punch the left side. Assemble the book by loosely tying the pages together with the ribbons through the punched holes, and then by putting each cut out question on top of its matching answer and taping down the left side edge of each question. (You could have the kids do the assembly part.)
Point out the last few pages and explain that during the week they can draw or glue pictures of things they remember about Jesus on those pages. This will help them remember Jesus throughout the week. They can even add more pages if they desire.
Friend May 2024 “I Can Follow Jesus by Taking the Sacrament” Activity: Jesus Christ taught us how to have the sacrament. We follow the same order every week. Point to what comes first! What comes next?

I Renew My Baptism Covenants When I Take the Sacrament
Friend February 2021 “The Savior and Me” Fill out the page and look at it during the sacrament to remember Jesus and the covenant you made.
Friend June 2002 “The Sacrament and Repentance” Dallin H. Oaks “We are commanded to repent of our sins and to come to the Lord with a broken heart and a contrite spirit and partake of the sacrament in [keeping our part of] its covenants. When we renew our baptismal covenants in this way, the Lord renews the cleansing effect of our baptism. In this way we are made clean and can always have His Spirit to be with us. (Ensign, November 1998, page 38.)
“Lesson 33: The Sacrament Reminds Us of Our Covenants,” Primary 3
- Hand out scissors, glue, and copies of the following handout to the children. Read the top part of the page with the class. Instruct the children to cut along the dotted lines and put the words in proper order. When the children have done this, the words should read “always remember Jesus Christ” and “obey the commandments.” Have them glue the word pieces in place to complete the sentence.
I take the sacrament to show that I will always remember Jesus Christ.
Friend December 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones”
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Moroni 1–6: “To Keep Them in the Right Way”
Sing a song that helps the children think about Jesus, such as “Reverently, Quietly” (Children’s Songbook, 26). Ask the children to practice sitting reverently like they would during the sacrament.
- Write phrases from Moroni 4:3 and 5:2 on separate strips of paper, and ask the children to put the phrases in the correct order. According to these verses, why is the sacrament important?
- Invite the children to imagine that a friend is coming to sacrament meeting for the first time. How would they explain to their friend what the sacrament is and why we partake of it? Encourage them to use Moroni 4:3 and 5:2 in their explanations.
- Invite the children to share things their families do during the sacrament to be reverent and think about Jesus Christ. What other ideas do they have? Invite them to pick one of these ideas and set a goal to spend more time thinking of the Savior during the sacrament.
Always Remember Him
Friend December 2024 “How Does the Sacrament Help Us Remember Jesus?”
Friend June 2023 “Bright Idea: I Will Always Remember Him”
An angel rebukes Israel for not serving the Lord—As a pattern of future events, a new generation arises that forsakes the Lord and serves Baal and Ashtaroth—The Lord is angry with the children of Israel and ceases to preserve them—He raises up judges to guide and lead them—The Canaanites are left in the land to test Israel.
After Joshua died, the next generation of Israelites “knew not the Lord.” Talk with your family about how they know the Lord and “the works which he [has] done” for them. How will you ensure that this knowledge will be preserved for future generations? (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Judges 2–4; 6–8; 13–16”)
How do we come to know the Lord? Through scripture study, prayer, sacrament, living the commandments. etc.
Friend June 2019 “The Sacrament Reminds Us of Jesus Christ” Ways to prepare for the sacrament before hand, what to do during the sacrament, and remembering Jesus and following him after the sacrament.
Friend August 2023 “Taking the Sacrament”
New Era March 2008 “How Can I Come to Know Christ?”
Friend November 2017 “Family Night Fun” Ways you can look for blessings every day.
The sacrament helps me think about Jesus.
Matthew 26:26–29; Mark 14:22–24
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 13” Help the children understand that taking the sacrament is a chance to remember what Jesus has done for us.
- Summarize the account of Jesus introducing the sacrament. You might use “Chapter 49: The First Sacrament” (in New Testament Stories, 124–26, or the corresponding video on, or the video “Sacrament” ( Why do we take the sacrament? Help the children understand that we remember Jesus during the sacrament.

New Testament Scripture Stories “The First Sacrament”

![New Testament stories [art]](
![New Testament stories [art]](
![New Testament stories [art]](
![New Testament stories [art]](
![New Testament stories [art]](
![New Testament stories [art]](
![New Testament stories [art]](
![New Testament stories [art]](
Friend June 2023 “The First Sacrament”

“The Sacrament Helps Us Remember Jesus” Friend September 2015
Friend June 2019 “Jesus Taught about the Sacrament”

Friend April 2017 “Jesus Gave Us the Sacrament”

- Show the children a piece of bread and a cup of water. Ask them if they know what the sacrament bread and water stand for. Explain that these emblems help us remember that Jesus died for us and rose from the dead.
Read the sacrament prayers together (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:77, 79), and watch the video “Always Remember Him” (
Blessing on the Bread
Blessing on the Water
- Ask the children to close their eyes and think of someone they love, and then invite them to tell you about that person. Ask them to close their eyes again, think of the Savior, and then share things they know about Him. Encourage them to think about Jesus during the sacrament each week.
Friend April 2017 “Jesus Gave Us the Sacrament”

- Invite the children to show you what they can do to remember Jesus and be reverent during the sacrament.
Friend October 2020 “The Sacrament and Me” The sacrament is the most important part of church. To make the sacrament special, we …
We can show our love for Jesus by being reverent during the sacrament by…
- Help the children make the booklet described on this week’s activity page and use it to help them think about Jesus during the sacrament. Or let them search some Church magazines for pictures of Jesus and create a collage they can look at during the sacrament.
New Testament Coloring Book “The Last Supper”
Friend June 2023 “I Can Take the Sacrament”
Latter Day Kids “Always Remember Him” Lesson ideas
For Additional Resources see Resources for Teaching Children “Sacrament”
See also “Lesson 38: I Will Remember Jesus Christ during the Sacrament,” Primary 2: Choose the Right A” for story, activity, and lesson ideas.
“Lesson 29: Jesus Christ’s Triumphal Entry and the Last Supper,” Primary 7: New Testament
Click on image to go to site where you can download this Sacrament Book
Friend May 2024 “I Can Follow Jesus by Taking the Sacrament”

Friend October 2024 “A Reminder to Remember” Make this craft to help you remember Jesus Christ! In the white box, write some things you can do during the week to think of the Savior. Then cut on the dotted lines. Hang your goals on a doorknob where you’ll see them often to help you remember Him.
The sacrament helps me remember Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for me.
Matthew 26:26–29; Mark 14:22–24
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 13” How can you help the children have a more meaningful experience with the sacrament?
- Invite the children to take turns reading the verses in Matthew 26:26–29 or Mark 14:22–24 (see also Joseph Smith Translation, Mark 14:20–24 [in the Bible appendix]) and Doctrine and Covenants 20:75–79. What words and ideas are similar in the two passages?
Watch the video “Always Remember Him” (
- Ask the children what they do to help them think about Jesus during the sacrament. Help them find scriptures or words from sacrament hymns that they could read during the sacrament, and then list them on a card that the children can refer to the next time they take the sacrament. Sing a few of these songs with the children (see Hymns, nos. 169–97).
“I Will Remember Jesus Christ” (December 2009 Liahona and Friend)
Create a booklet to write down things learned about Jesus Christ in the sacrament hymns.

- Write key phrases from the sacrament prayers on the board, and help the children memorize them. What do these phrases mean? Why is it important to renew our baptismal covenants every week?
O God, the Eternal ____________________, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, _______________________________, to bless and ____________________ this bread to the ________________ of all those who partake of it, that they may eat in _______________________ of the body of thy Son, and _______________________ unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the ____________________ of thy Son, and ____________________ remember him and keep his _________________________________ which he has given them; that they may always have his ____________________ to be with them. Amen.
Bonus: What’s different between the prayers for the bread and water? (Hint: see D&C 20:77, 79.)
Blessing on the Bread
Blessing on the Water
Friend June 2023 “A Small Act with Big Blessings” Match the questions and answers below. (See link for lesson ideas)
- Invite an Aaronic Priesthood holder to tell the children about his experience preparing, blessing, or passing the sacrament. What helps him prepare to do this? How does he feel as he does it? How do the bread and water remind him of the Savior?
- Ask children who have been baptized to share what they remember about their baptisms. How did they feel? What covenants did they make? (see Mosiah 18:8–10). Tell them that every week when we partake of the sacrament, it can be like being baptized again—we can be forgiven of our sins, and we renew our covenants.
Friend March 2017 “A Great Feeling” Paulo didn’t want the feeling he had when he was baptized to go away, but the next day he yelled at his brother. Through repentance and the sacrament he was able to get the feeling back.
Compare baptism covenants with sacrament prayer:
Friend February 2019 “The Baptism Covenant” Cut out and mix up these cards. Then take turns matching cards that go together. With each match, talk about that part of the baptism covenant.
Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: New Testament 2023 Perhaps you can create a list together of questions that someone might have about the sacrament, such as “Why did the Savior give us the sacrament? Why are bread and water such powerful symbols of Jesus Christ? What do we promise as we partake of the sacrament? What promises do we receive?” Class members could look for answers in the following resources: Matthew 26:26–29; Doctrine and Covenants 20:75–79; and Gospel Topics, “Sacrament”
Elder D. Todd Christofferson taught, “Figuratively eating [the Savior’s] flesh and drinking His blood [means] to internalize the qualities and character of Christ, putting off the natural man and becoming Saints ‘through the atonement of Christ the Lord’ [Mosiah 3:19]. As we partake of the sacramental bread and water each week, we would do well to consider how fully and completely we must incorporate His character and the pattern of His sinless life into our life and being” (“The Living Bread Which Came Down from Heaven,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 37).
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 But that bread and water are sacred to us because they help us remember Him. They’re our way of saying, “I’ll never forget Him”—not just, “I’ll never forget what I’ve read about His teachings and His life.” Rather, we are saying, “I’ll never forget what He did for me.” “I’ll never forget how He rescued me when I cried out for help.” And “I’ll never forget His commitment to me and my commitment to Him—the covenant we have made.”
For Additional Resources see Resources for Teaching Children “Sacrament”
See also “Lesson 38: I Will Remember Jesus Christ during the Sacrament,” Primary 2: Choose the Right A” for story, activity, and lesson ideas.
“Lesson 29: Jesus Christ’s Triumphal Entry and the Last Supper,” Primary 7: New Testament
Click on image to go to site where you can download this Sacrament Book
I can think about Jesus when I take the sacrament. As I take the sacrament, I can be filled with the Holy Ghost.
Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 45: Jesus Christ Teaches about the Sacrament and Prayer” Video and Images
Lesson 36: Jesus Christ Gives the Sacrament to the Nephites

Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Jesus Introduced the Sacrament to the Nephites”
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 17–19: “Behold, My Joy Is Full” Have the children draw a picture of themselves with Jesus on the last square.
Latter Day Kids “Come Follow Me: Renewing Our Covenants” Video and lesson ideas
Friend October 2020 “The Sacrament and Me” The sacrament is the most important part of church. To make the sacrament special, we …
We can show our love for Jesus by being reverent during the sacrament by…
Friend May 2024 “I Can Think about Jesus”
Friend June 2019 “The Sacrament Reminds Us of Jesus Christ” Ways to prepare for the sacrament before hand, what to do during the sacrament, and remembering Jesus and following him after the sacrament.
Friend October 2018 “For Parents of Little Ones” Teaching little ones to think about Jesus and show reverence during the sacrament.
Ensign October 2017 “Friends, chores, homework, TV–there are so many things that ask for our attention. But every week, we promise Heavenly Father “that [we] do always remember [His Son, Jesus Christ]” (D&C 20:79).
President Eyring says that we can “make choices every day” that help us remember the Savior. Consider making a goal this month to remember the Savior more each day. You could make a calendar and commit to doing one thing per day. President Eyring lists things like reading the scriptures, praying in faith, and serving the Savior and others. There’s also journaling, attending Church meetings, listening to general conference, going to the temple, singing hymns–the list goes on!”
Friend April 2019 “The Living Christ” Draw a picture of one of your favorite stories about Jesus. Then write down a word about Jesus that begins with each letter of the word sacrament. You could think about these words during the sacrament to remember Jesus.
Ensign July 2017 “The Bread and the Water” What the bread and water teach us about Jesus.
Friend May 2017 “Making the Sacrament Special” Fill in the missing words of the sacrament prayer for the bread. Then cut out the colored card and keep it in your scriptures to help make the sacrament special to you every Sunday!
Friend November 1987 “Be Grateful for the Sacrament” Jesus Christ has revealed the ordinance of the sacrament on several different occasions. Cut out scripture references and pictures. Study the scriptures listed, then put each one with the picture that it tells about. Color the pictures and put them in the order in which you think they happened. At your next family home evening, use the pictures and scriptures to tell about the sacrament. (See more at link)
“The Sacrament Helps Us Remember Jesus” Friend September 2015
Friend January 2018 “Show and Tell” (See picture at link) “I decided not to color or draw when the sacrament is being passed. My little sisters have followed my example, and I have felt closer to Jesus.” Heidi H., age 6, Tennessee, USA
Sacrament Hymns
Ensign August 2019 “Family Study Fun”Sacrament Hymn Sing-Along (1 Corinthians 11:23–26) Paul taught how Christ introduced the sacrament to His Apostles and instructed them, “This do in remembrance of me” (1 Corinthians 11:24).
- Ask each family member to identify a favorite sacrament hymn and explain why it’s a favorite.
- Sing one or more of the hymns chosen.
- Watch the “The Last Supper” from the Bible videos series or “The Sacrament” from the children’s Bible videos series (both at
Discussion: How do the sacrament hymns prepare us to partake of the bread and water? What can we do during the sacrament to help each other focus on the Savior?
Thank you! This definitely helped me as I prepared my Young Women’s lesson for this week! So much material to draw from!