Table of Contents
- Family
- Respecting and Standing Up for Family Members
- Families are a Treasure
- Variety in Families
- Family Happiness
- Family Proclamation
- Family Prayer
- Family Scripture Study
- Resolving Family Discord
- I Can Be Kind to My Family.
- Family Unity
- Family Council
- Families Work Together
- Family Members Help Each Other
- Helping Family Members
- Siblings
- Family Members Support & Help Each Other
- Family Love
- Stregthening the Family
- Love, Kindness, and Looking for the Good
- Families Are Forever
- Family Adversity
- Parents and Family Members Help Us
- Obeying and Honoring Parents
Friend September 2020 “I Love My Family!” In Heavenly Father’s plan, we are all part of a family! We have a heavenly family and a family on earth. We can be with our families forever.

Friend July 2021 “Heavenly Father Has a Plan for Me”
Friend April 2021 Homes come in many shapes and sizes. No matter what a house is made of, it’s the people inside who are important! Trace the drawings of these homes from around the world. Then draw your own house.
Respecting and Standing Up for Family Members
Friend September 2023 “Women of Faith”
Friend September 2023 “Building Respect” When Noah’s sister and her friends walked by, a friend of Noah’s said mean things about girls, and that they didn’t want to play with them. Noah stood up for his sister and asked his friend not to say things like that.

Families are a Treasure
Ensign February 2017 President Monson tells a story about a mother who had a special treasure box. When her children opened the box, they found pictures of themselves. The mother’s treasure was her family!
True treasure isn’t gold or jewels—it’s the people you love. Whom do you love? Draw a picture of them or write their names in the treasure box.
Variety in Families
Friend June 2020 “What’s on Your Mind” Sometimes I worry about my family. How can I feel OK when my family isn’t perfect? Sometimes it might seem like other families are perfect. But every family is different, and they all have challenges. See the below pictures of families in the scriptures.
Family Happiness
Friend November 2009 “A Happy Home.” This cut-and-paste activity reminds us of the things we can do to make our homes a happier place.

Family Proclamation
Ensign January 2017 “Teaching the Proclamation to Children”

Liahona April 2024 “A Firm Foundation: Teaching Children the Family Proclamation” Ideas for helping children learn the proclamation.
Family Prayer
Friend July 2017 “For Parents of Little Ones” The importance of family prayer and ideas on how to make family prayer more meaningful.
Family Scripture Study
Friend November 2022 “Jesus Said”
Resolving Family Discord
- Ways to Resolve Family Discord
I Can Be Kind to My Family.
Jacob loves and favors Joseph, who is hated by his brothers—Joseph dreams that his parents and brothers make obeisance to him—His brothers sell him into Egypt.
Old Testament Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students “Unit 7: Day 3, Genesis 33–37” It may help you to understand the following: Sheaves (see Genesis 37:7) are bundles of wheat. To make obeisance (see Genesis 37:7) means to bow down before a superior to show deep respect. To rebuke (see Genesis 37:10) is to reprimand or correct. To observe (see Genesis 37:11), in this context, means to consider and reflect.
Friend May 2018 “Jacob’s Sons: Funstuff” The prophet Jacob had 12 sons. Can you find the two sons dressed exactly the same?
Old Testament Stories “Joseph’s Inspired Dreams” Illustrations
- “Joseph, Son of Israel (Part 1)” (May 1990 Friend)
An illustrated retelling of the story of Joseph’s brothers being angry and selling him into slavery.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 37–41” Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him and treated him unkindly. How can you help the children understand the importance of being kind to others, especially family members?
- To tell the story of Joseph and his brothers from Genesis 37. Let the children help by sharing details they know about the story. Ask them questions such as, “How were Joseph’s brothers unkind to him?” Help the children think of things the brothers could have done to show love to Joseph. What should we do when we feel anger toward members of our family?
Friend September 2021 “Saying the Nice Things” Jonathon wasn’t looking forward to the weekend because lately there had been more bickering and teasing in the family. He prayed for help figuring out a way to make things better. Then he had an idea for home evening. When he conducted, he started a new thing where whoever conducts says a nice thing about each family member. Everyone felt warm and happy after Jonathon said nice things about them.

Friend June 2019 “Family Night Fun” Ideas for a FHE lesson on family love. For example: Write on hearts things you love about each other or things you can do to show kindness in your family. Put the hearts around your house to remind you to show love this week. Also, make a strawberry heart shish-ka-bob for the refreshment
Ensign July 2017 Make a paper doll chain and on each doll write something you love about a family member.
Liahona June 2021 “The Godhead and Loving Others: Family Study Fun”
Spin It for a Minute
- Everyone sit in a circle. Discuss some small acts of kindness family members can do for each other.
- Place a pencil in the middle of the circle.
- Take turns spinning the pencil.
- Whoever the pencil points to must act out as many kindnesses as possible in one minute.
- Continue until each person has had at least one turn.
Friend October 2019 “Family Night Fun” Have each person write their name at the bottom of a paper and draw an outline of their head in the middle. Have everyone pass their paper to the person next to them. Add something to the head—like eyes or hair—to look like the person whose name is on the paper. Then write something nice about them on the page. Keep passing the papers, adding to the pictures and writing nice things, until everyone gets their own paper back. You can strengthen your family by being kind and seeing the best in each other!
Friend September 2016 “Family Night Fun” Musical chairs but when someone gets out have everyone say one nice thing about them. Look for the good.
Friend July 2015 – A girl learns that she controls how she reacts to annoying brother.

- Show a picture of a family (see Gospel Art Book, no. 112), or invite the children to draw pictures of their families. Ask them to share ways they can be kind to their family members.
- Let the children color this week’s activity page and, in the space provided, draw a picture of family members being kind.
- Sing together a song about loving our families, such as “A Happy Family” (Children’s Songbook, 198). What can we do to help our families be happy?
Family Unity
Write on separate pieces of paper some activities, traditions, and actions that can help develop unity within a family, such as family home evening, family prayer, family scripture study, mealtime, holiday celebrations, birthday celebrations, being kind to each other, and being unselfish.Discuss with the children what unity means and how unity can be developed within a family. To help the children identify ways that their families can develop feelings of love and unity, let each child choose a piece of paper and give clues to the other children about the activity or action described on his or her paper. Have the other children guess the activity or action. Then invite the children to tell about how that activity or action has blessed and strengthened their families.
Read Doctrine and Covenants 38:24-25 Explain that when God says something twice in a row, it is probably something that we should pay extra attention to. What does it mean to esteem someone as yourself? We need to value others as much as we value ourselves. We need each other. We need each others strength, support, and gifts and talents. Have the children tell what different parts of the body does. Explain that each part of the body is important and needed. Just like our body parts are united and working together, we need to be united as people and learn to work together as one.
To teach children what it means to “be one,” you could help them count the members of your family and talk about why each person is important to your family. Emphasize that together you are one family. You could help your children draw a large 1 on a poster and decorate it with names and drawings or pictures of each family member. You could also write on the poster things you will do to be more united as a family. You might also watch the video “Love in Our Hearts” ( or read Moses 7:18.
Friend April 2021 “Scripture Time Fun Working Together: Jesus taught us to “be one” (Doctrine and Covenants 38:27). That means working together with the people around us to accomplish the same goal.
- Choose a partner and stand next to each other, shoulder to shoulder. Use a scarf or rope to gently tie your ankle to your partner’s. Work together to practice walking. How fast can you get safely from one place to another?
- Sing “Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel” (Hymns, no. 252).
Share an object lesson that illustrates how things can be combined or united to become one, such as pieces of cloth that make one quilt or ingredients that make one loaf of bread. What do these examples teach us about becoming one as God’s people? Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 37–40”,
Sing “We Are Different” (Children’s Songbook,140–41, 263).
1. I know you, and you know me. We are as diff’rent as the sun and the sea I know you, and you know me, And that’s the way it’s supposed to be.
2. I help you, and you help me. We learn from problems, and we’re starting to see. I help you, and you help me, And that’s the way it’s supposed to be.
3. I love you, and you love me We reach together for the best we can be I love you, and you love me, And that’s the way it’s supposed to be.
Ensign April 2021“Family Study Fun” United as One
In Doctrine and Covenants 38:27, the Savior says, “I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine.” We are encouraged to be one that we “might escape the power of the enemy” (Doctrine and Covenants 38:31).
- Stand together in the center of the room.
- Choose one person to walk through the middle of the group.
- Repeat the exercise but this time as a group stand closer together, linking arms and hands if possible.
Discussion: How are we more protected from outside influences as we stand stronger and closer together? How does greater unity protect us?
Ensign August 2019 “Family Study Fun: Human Knot” (best with four-plus people) Paul tells the Saints that there should be “no divisions among” them and that they should be “perfectly joined together” in mind and judgment (1 Corinthians 1:10). Stand everyone in a circle. Have everyone reach out their right hand and take someone else’s (not next to them). Do the same with the left hand, taking a different person’s hand. Work together to untangle the knot without letting go of any hands. End up in a circle again. Discussion: What can we do as a family to be more “joined together”? How can we work together to remove divisions?
Family Council
Friend July 2017 “What is a Family Council?” A family council is a meeting on any day of the week. It can be with just you and a parent or with your whole family.

Friend March 2025 “Help From Heaven”
Families Work Together
Friend March 2018 “Funstuff” Have the family work together to put together the tangram puzzle of the house. Explain that when family members each help contribute to building a strong, happy family then all the pieces of family life fit together properly and harmoniously.

Friend July 2017 “Busy Like a Bee” Elder Ballard tells how bees work together to strengthen the hive.
Friend May 2024 “Helping at Home”
Family Members Help Each Other
Friend January 2025 “For Little Ones” Find the kids who are helping others by doing these things: cleaning up a mess, carrying groceries, taking care of a pet
Friend January 2023 “How Can Your Family Help Each Other?”
I Love My Family, and I Can Help Care for My Family.
Doctrine and Covenants Scripture Stories “The Saints in Nauvoo”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 125-128”
- Share with the children the information about Brigham Young in “Chapter 50: The Saints in Nauvoo” (Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 184), or summarize Doctrine and Covenants 126 in your own words. Then read Doctrine and Covenants 126:3 to the children, emphasizing the phrase “take especial care of your family.” What does it mean to take care of our families? Help the children think of ways they can show love to their family members.
- Before class, invite the children to bring a picture of their family (or ask them to draw pictures). Then ask them to share something they love about their family. Share a picture of your family, and do the same. Explain why Heavenly Father wants us to care for our family members. Sing a song that teaches this truth, such as “When We’re Helping” (Children’s Songbook, 198).
- Read together Doctrine and Covenants 126:3. Why might Heavenly Father have asked Brigham Young to “take especial care of [his] family”? How can we do the same for our families? Make a list of the things we can do now to serve our families. How will doing these things help us become more like Heavenly Father?
- Share with the children Sister Carole M. Stephens’s story about her grandson Porter (see “We Have Great Reason to Rejoice,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2013, 115). What did Porter do to take care of his family? How can we follow his example?
Latter Day Kids “Serving in Our Families” Lesson ideas
Reading this counsel to Brigham Young might inspire your family to talk about how you might spend more time taking “especial care of” (verse 3) each other.
Friend November 2021 “Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones” Take turns saying nice things about each other. Help your little ones say, “I love my family.”

Friend April 2021 “Scripture Time Fun”
Helping Family Members
Friend January 2017 “Show & Tell” My three-month-old baby sister woke up crying from her nap while my mom was in the shower. I sang Primary songs to her, and she smiled at me. I kept singing to her until my mom was able to get her. Nora R., age 4, Virginia, USA
Friend November 2022 “A Happy Helper” Felix helps his mom get ready for Grandpa’s visit. Activity: Heavenly Father wants us to help others. Point to ways these children are helping.

Friend May 2017 ” Conference Notes” Sister Jones told the story of five-year-old Lizzie and her big brother, Kevin. Kevin’s dad asked him if he would promise not to tease Lizzie for one day. Kevin agreed. He kept his promise! Then his mom asked him to try not teasing Lizzie for two days. He kept his promise again! Sister Jones said that when we keep our promises, we are learning to make and keep sacred covenants.
What this teaches me:
New Baby in Family
Friend November 2016 “For Parents of Little Ones” Ideas on how to help a child adjust to having a new baby brother or sister.
Friend November 2023 “Helping Baby Brother” Lashia has a new baby brother and her mom and dad are very busy and she feels lonely. Her mother suggests that she help take care of the baby. She and her younger sister found lots of ways to help. She was glad she could help her baby brother, and her mom and dad too!
Friend January 2017 “Show & Tell” At a stake conference broadcast, Elder Hales talked about not raising our voices. I am trying not to raise my voice at my brothers. Jackson P., age 7, Tennessee, USA
Friend June 2022 “The Big Brother List” Andrew’s little sister, Samantha, kept playing with his things. One day Andrew drew a picture for his grandma, but his sister drew all over it and ruined it. He was tired of being a big brother. His mom suggested he write down some things he liked doing with her. He realized that there were lots of good things about being a big brother!

Friend August 2022 “Activity Time” Jamal is learning to share his toys with his little sister. Can you find the items below?
Helping Mother
Friend October 2022 “Jesus Helped His Mother”Jesus Christ went to a wedding in Cana. His mother, Mary, was there. She told Jesus that they were out of wine. Jesus asked His mother what she wanted Him to do. He performed a miracle and turned water into wine. Jesus loved His mother and helped her.

Friend October 2022 “Jesus Helped His Mother” My mom is allergic to dogs. We went to my friend’s house, and they have a dog. When we got home, my mom had hives on her face. I gave her an ice pack, a pillow, and a blanket. Soon her hives started to clear up. I am happy I helped my mom. (see image at link) Penelope B., age 9, Utah, USA
Family Members Support & Help Each Other
Family Love
Friend April 2021 “Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones” Show your little ones how to make a heart shape with their hands while saying, “I love my family.” Look through picture books or photos and help your child practice saying names of family members.
Live Together in Love
Friend September 2020 “Loving Our Families” Cut out the strips of paper and put them in a bowl. After you do one of the activities, add a link to your chain of hearts.
Friend June 2019 “Family Night Fun” Ideas for a FHE lesson on family love. For example: Write on hearts things you love about each other or things you can do to show kindness in your family. Put the hearts around your house to remind you to show love this week. Also, make a strawberry heart shish-ka-bob for the refreshment
Ensign July 2017 Make a paper doll chain and on each doll write something you love about a family member.
Friend June 2017 “Hope for My Family” Henry B. Eyring: The hope of feeling family love now and throughout eternity.
Write the name of each family member on separate pieces of paper. Pass these papers around from person to person. On each page, each person writes what they love most about the family member whose name is at the top of the paper. Ensign January 2016
Stregthening the Family
Friend November 2021 “Conference Notes”
Friend April 2017 “Be Consistent and Keep Trying” Elder Bednar persisted in having family prayer and scripture study and in trying to get his father to join the church, and his persistence paid off.
I can be a good example to my family.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 As you read 1 Nephi 16:21–32 together, help your children discover how Nephi’s example blessed his family (see also the video “The Lord Guides Lehi’s Journey” [Gospel Library]). This could lead to a discussion about how we could be like Nephi. Invite your children to plan one thing they can do to be a good influence on other family members.
The Cozy Red Cottage Example match game cards also include truthful, forgiving, peacemaker, kind & loving, unselfish. (The link to download the free printables is at the end of the post.)
Friend March 2011″Daniel’s Example of Prayer” Daniel sets an example for his grandparents who aren’t members of the church.

Friend March 2011 “Being a Good Example”
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020: 1 Nephi 11-15 Assign each child to draw a picture of something from the story of Nephi’s broken bow (see 1 Nephi 16:14–32), such as Nephi, a bow, or the Liahona. Then use the pictures to tell the story to the class, and let the children take turns doing the same. How can we be like Nephi when our families are going through hard times?
The Red Crystal How would someone with faith and hope react to the following situations? How would someone who is murmuring react?
The Cozy Red Cottage The manual states, “Perhaps your family could contrast Nephi’s account of traveling in the wilderness (see 1 Nephi 17:1-6) with his brothers’ account (1 Nephi 17:17-22). Why do you think they saw the same events differently? What can we learn from Nephi about having a faithful perspective?”
(Could write responses to the above situations on this form.)
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020: 1 Nephi 11-15 Invite the children to each cut out a paper circle and draw a sad face on one side and a happy face on another. As you tell the story of Nephi’s broken bow, invite them to use the faces to show how Nephi’s family was feeling during different parts of the story. How did Nephi help make his family happy? What can we do to make our families happy?
Our Homes Can Be “Holy Places.”
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 85-87”
No home is perfect, but there are things we can all do to make our homes into holy places of peace.
- Explain to the children that Joseph Smith was worried about things that were happening in the world. Summarize the heading to section 87, or read “Chapter 30: A Revelation about War” (Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 117–18; see also the video on Ask the children to listen for things that might have made Joseph worried. To teach what the Lord said we should do about those problems, read Doctrine and Covenants 87:8.
- Show a picture of a temple, and share why the temple is a holy place. Show a picture of a home, and help the children think of ways they can make their homes holy like the temple (see this week’s activity page). Why do we want to be in holy places?
Friend August 2021 “Bright Idea”
To introduce a discussion about how to make your home a holier place, you could invite family members to design a home for someone who loves the Savior. This may lead to ideas about how to “redesign” your home to make it a place of peace amid the spiritual danger in the world. Songs like “Love at Home,” “Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth” (Hymns,nos. 294, 298), or “Where Love Is” (Children’s Songbook, 138–39) could give you ideas.
Friend October 2016 “How can I help make my home a peaceful place?”
“Establish … a House of God.”
Doctrine and Covenants 88:119–26
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 88”
The Lord’s instructions regarding the “house of God” can be a helpful guide for us as we build our lives and our homes.
- Invite the children to choose seven words that describe their home or another home they’ve visited. Then ask them to read Doctrine and Covenants 88:119 and find the seven words the Lord uses to describe His house. Help the children think of ways they can make their homes a “house of God.”
- Give each child a phrase from Doctrine and Covenants 88:119–26 to draw. When they show their pictures to each other, let the children search the verses to guess what phrase each picture represents.
- Write on the board Do and Don’t. Invite the children to read Doctrine and Covenants 88:119–26 and list things the Lord wanted the Saints to do or not do to prepare to learn in the temple. They could look up unfamiliar words in a dictionary. Invite the children to choose something that they will start doing or something they will stop doing.

Liahona August 2021 Organize Yourselves
Our homes can follow this pattern: “Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:119).
Organize means to arrange things in order or to prepare an activity or event.
Organize your family in different ways:
- Have them stand in line from oldest to youngest.
- Have them stand in alphabetical order, according to their first name.
- Have them line up according to the month of their birth.
Discussion: How does the Savior want us to organize ourselves (1) in our household jobs, (2) in our spiritual study, (3) in our worship at church and in the temple?
What goals can your family set to create a “house of God”?
To inspire your family to make your home like the description in verse 119, try something like this: Write phrases from this verse on strips of paper, and use them to cover a picture of the temple. Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:119 together, and let family members remove each strip of paper as they hear the corresponding phrase in the verse. What can we do to make our home a “house of God”? (verse 119).
Friend August 2021 “Scripture Time Fun: Building a Happy Home”
- Sing “Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth” (Hymns, no. 298).
- Heavenly Father wants us to “establish … a house of God” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:119). He wants us to make our homes holy places like the temple, where we can feel the Holy Ghost.
- Read “The Important Guest” on page 4. Then build a house out of blocks, sticks, or other items you can find. Every time you add a piece to the house, say something you can do to make your home a place where the Holy Ghost feels welcome.
Building our homes with the Lord
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 What does it mean for the Lord to help us “build [our] house”? (Psalm 127:1). How can we better involve Him in our efforts to create a righteous home? To help your family answer this question, you might draw a house on a piece of paper and cut it into puzzle pieces. On the back of each piece, family members could write or draw ways to make the Lord part of your home. Then you could put the puzzle together. What else do we find in these psalms that inspires us to walk in the Lord’s ways?
Hubbard’s Cupboard Click on the link to print the 6 pieces of this house. The children (or family members) could each write a way to create a righteous home on the front of a piece and then they could build the house together. Or each child (or family member) could draw a part of the house on a paper or chalkboard as they mention ways make a righteous home.
Love, Kindness, and Looking for the Good
Liahona June 2021 “The Godhead and Loving Others: Family Study Fun”
Spin It for a Minute
- Everyone sit in a circle. Discuss some small acts of kindness family members can do for each other.
- Place a pencil in the middle of the circle.
- Take turns spinning the pencil.
- Whoever the pencil points to must act out as many kindnesses as possible in one minute.
- Continue until each person has had at least one turn.
Discussion: What acts of kindness can we do for our neighbors, ward members, ourselves? How can even small, simple acts lead to great things?
Friend October 2019 “Family Night Fun” Have each person write their name at the bottom of a paper and draw an outline of their head in the middle. Have everyone pass their paper to the person next to them. Add something to the head—like eyes or hair—to look like the person whose name is on the paper. Then write something nice about them on the page. Keep passing the papers, adding to the pictures and writing nice things, until everyone gets their own paper back. You can strengthen your family by being kind and seeing the best in each other!
Friend September 2016 “Family Night Fun” Musical chairs but when someone gets out have everyone say one nice thing about them. Look for the good.
Families Are Forever
1–4, Celestial marriage is essential to exaltation in the highest heaven; 5–6, How men are sealed up unto eternal life is explained; 7–8, All spirit is matter.
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Nauvoo, Illinois, recorded July 12, 1843, relating to the new and everlasting covenant, including the eternity of the marriage covenant and the principle of plural marriage. Although the revelation was recorded in 1843, evidence indicates that some of the principles involved in this revelation were known by the Prophet as early as 1831. See Official Declaration 1.
1–6, Exaltation is gained through the new and everlasting covenant; 7–14, The terms and conditions of that covenant are set forth; 15–20, Celestial marriage and a continuation of the family unit enable men to become gods; 21–25, The strait and narrow way leads to eternal lives; 26–27, The law is given relative to blasphemy against the Holy Ghost; 28–39, Promises of eternal increase and exaltation are made to prophets and Saints in all ages; 40–47, Joseph Smith is given the power to bind and seal on earth and in heaven; 48–50, The Lord seals upon him his exaltation; 51–57, Emma Smith is counseled to be faithful and true; 58–66, Laws governing plural marriage are set forth.
Heavenly Father Made it Possible for Families to be Together Forever.
Through Joseph Smith, the Lord restored the ordinances and authority needed to make these relationships eternal (see Doctrine and Covenants 132:7, 18–19).
Doctrine and Covenants 131:1–4; 132:15, 19
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 129-132”
Through the Lord’s sealing power and the ordinances of the temple, our family relationships can last eternally if we keep our covenants.
- Help the children think of examples of things that do not last forever—food that spoils, flowers that wither, and so on. Show a picture of your family, and share how you feel about them. Testify that the Lord has made it possible, through the ordinances of the temple, for families to last forever.
- Open the Doctrine and Covenants to section 132, and tell the children that this is a revelation to Joseph Smith about marriage and families. Show them verse 19, and point to the words “through all eternity” as you read them. Invite the children to read these words with you.
- Help the children make paper dolls representing members of their family (see this week’s activity page). Cut them out, and put them in an envelope or attach them together with a paper clip to represent the sealing power that can make our families eternal.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 129-132”
Regardless of our current family situation, we can make choices now that will prepare us to receive the blessings of an eternal family in the future.
- Ask some of the children to read Doctrine and Covenants 131:1–4 and others to read 132:15. Help them discover what these verses teach about marriage. Select key phrases from 132:19 (such as “if a man marry a wife,” “everlasting covenant,” “sealed,” “abide in my covenant,” “through all eternity,” and “forever and ever”), and ask the children to find these phrases in the verse. What do these phrases teach us about marriage?
- Sing “Families Can Be Together Forever” (Children’s Songbook, 188), or review “Chapter 55: A Revelation about Marriage” (Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 198). Ask the children to listen for and be prepared to share what we must do so that our families can be eternal. Testify that no matter our current family situation, we can prepare ourselves to be part of an eternal family.
- Ask some of the children to read Doctrine and Covenants 131:1–4 and others to read 132:15. Help them discover what these verses teach about marriage. Select key phrases from 132:19 (such as “if a man marry a wife,” “everlasting covenant,” “sealed,” “abide in my covenant,” “through all eternity,” and “forever and ever”), and ask the children to find these phrases in the verse. What do these phrases teach us about marriage?
- Sing “Families Can Be Together Forever” (Children’s Songbook, 188), or review “Chapter 55: A Revelation about Marriage” (Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 198). Ask the children to listen for and be prepared to share what we must do so that our families can be eternal. Testify that no matter our current family situation, we can prepare ourselves to be part of an eternal family.
Doctrine and Covenants Coloring Book “Eternal Marriage”
Friend November 2021 “Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones”
Draw a picture of a temple together. Have each person help draw one part. Help your little ones say, “Temples bless our family.”
Friend November 2021 “Scripture Time Fun”

- Sing “Families Can Be Together Forever” (Children’s Songbook, 188).
- Jesus taught that families are important. In the temple, we can be sealed to our families forever (see Doctrine and Covenants 132:19).
- Make a family tree! Have each family member make a paper leaf and write their name on it. On another paper, draw a tree trunk. Then glue or tape the leaves to the top of the tree.
Friend November 2021 “Families Are Forever” Coloring Page
Additional Teaching Resources
- Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources “Doctrine and Covenants 129-132“
- Institute Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual “Chapter 51: Doctrine and Covenants 131; 132:1–33”
Friend March 2018 “What’s on Your Mind” A child wants to know how his family will be together forever if his parents are divorced.
Friend June 2017 “Hope for My Family” Henry B. Eyring: The hope of feeling family love now and throughout eternity.
Ensign August 2016 “The Hope of Eternal Family Love” Because of Jesus Christ’s Atonement and the restoration of priesthood power to seal families, we can live with our families forever! What do you love about your family? Follow these instructions to make this paper chain to celebrate your family.
Fold a piece of paper in half twice so you have one long strip.
Draw a person with hands reaching the folded edges.
Cut the person out. Don’t cut where the hands touch the folded edges.
Unfold it. Write or draw something you love about each family member.
Tape multiple chains together if you have a larger family!
Make a family banner with the family name on it, and then draw pictures of what is important to your family, like the temple, love, Jesus, etc.
- Sing together the second verse of “Families Can Be Together Forever” (Children’s Songbook, 188) or another song about families. Help the children think of ways they can prepare to be married in the temple someday and have an eternal family.
Friend October 2023 “Remembering Abuela” Lyan and her family were celebrating “Day of the Dead” . But this year was different because her grandmother was one of the family members they would remembering. Lyan missed her grandmother. But her mother helped her remember that because of Jesus Christ, they would all be resurrected. And since they were sealed in the temple, they would all be together as a family someday.

Family Adversity
Friend August 2015 “Help! Someone’s Getting a Divorce” – responses to children’s concerns.
Parents and Family Members Help Us
Friend October 2020 “What’s on Your Mind” Ways to help children talk to parents about important things even when they are embarrassed or scared.
Friend April 2016: “I Need to Talk” Lesson on how to teach children to talk to a parent about a problem
Heavenly Father Wants Parents to Teach Their Children.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 5; Moses 6”
From the time of Adam and Eve, parents have been commanded to teach their children the gospel. How can you encourage the children to listen to and follow the righteous teachings of their parents?
- Read Moses 6:58 to the children, and show the picture of Adam and Eve’s family in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families. Help the children repeat the phrase “teach these things freely unto your children.” Explain that God wants all parents to follow Adam and Eve’s example by teaching their children about Jesus Christ and His gospel. Ask the children what they can do when their parents or others teach them the gospel.
- Help the children match pictures of themselves to their parents or pictures of baby animals to adult animals. How do parents help their children? What do they teach them? Ask the children to draw pictures of their families at times when parents teach children, such as reading the scriptures together, praying together, or eating together.
Parents are Responsible to Teach Their Children.
God trusts parents to be the primary gospel teachers in their families. How can you encourage the children to support their parents in this role?
- Ask a child to read Moses 6:58. What commandment did Heavenly Father give to parents in this verse? Show a picture of Adam and Eve teaching their children (see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families), and let the children talk about what they see in the picture. Encourage them to talk about important gospel truths they have learned from their families.
- Help the children write thank-you notes to their parents or plan other simple ways to express their appreciation for their parents. Sing a song about families, such as “Love Is Spoken Here” (Children’s Songbook, 190–91). How can we help our parents create a loving atmosphere in our homes?
Latter Day Kids “Teach These Things” Lesson ideas to go with the below video.
Friend March 2019 “A Lesson From My Parents” Color the pictures and circle the things a parent or other family member has taught you. What else can you think of?
Friend February 2018 ”Adam and Eve Taught their Family”
Coloring Page: “Adam and Eve Teach Their Children” (Feb. 2010 Friend)

Obeying and Honoring Parents
Parents and Marriage
Marriage is Ordained of God
United We Stand Pair up two people of relatively equal size. Have them sit on the floor back to back, arms linked. Have them stand up by pushing off each other. Repeat, but this time have only one person push.
Discussion: Why is having two people work together easier? Read “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (see Ensign,May 2017, 145). What roles do fathers and mothers have? How do they work together?
When One or Both Parents Don’t Attend Church
Friend July 2018 “Family Night Fun” Fill a poster with words and pictures of what your family does to make your home special.