I can show love and kindness to those around me.
Elimelech and his family go to Moab because of famine—His sons marry—The father and sons die—Ruth, the Moabitess, her husband having died, remains constant to Naomi—They come to Bethlehem.
Ruth gleans in the fields of Boaz, a near relative of Naomi—He treats Ruth kindly.
By Naomi’s instruction, Ruth lies at the feet of Boaz—He promises as a relative to take her as his wife.
The nearest relative declines, and Boaz takes Ruth to wife—Ruth bears Obed, through whom came David the king.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Ruth; 1 Samuel 1–3” When Ruth’s husband died, she could have stayed in her home country, but she chose to go with her widowed mother-in-law, Naomi, and care for her. Consider how Ruth’s Christlike example could inspire the children you teach to be kind to those around them.
- Invite the children to represent Naomi, Ruth, Boaz, or other characters as you tell their story from the book of Ruth (see also “Ruth and Naomi” in Old Testament Stories). Invite the children to raise their hands every time they hear an act of kindness in the story. How do we feel when people are kind to us? How do we feel when we are kind to others?
Old Testament Stories “Ruth and Naomi”

Friend June 2022 “Ruth and Naomi”

Latter Day Kids “Showing Kindness to Others” Lesson ideas
For the Strength of Youth June 2022 “Fearless Together”

- Sing together a song about being kind, such as “Kindness Begins with Me” (Children’s Songbook, 145). Help the children think of ways they can be kind to their family and friends. If they need help, show them pictures of people showing kindness. For every idea mentioned, let the children draw a heart on the board.
Liahona June 2022 “We Follow Jesus Christ and His Prophet”
Family Support Game
After Ruth became a widow, she chose to stay with her mother-in-law, Naomi, instead of returning to her people, “for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God” (Ruth 1:16).
Ruth supported Naomi by staying with her. Try this activity to learn about supporting family:
- Choose a family member and stand back-to-back. Place any object (a small ball or a book) between each other’s backs.
- Working as a team, see how many steps you can take together without letting the object fall.
- Take turns as a family until everyone has had a chance to work as a team to help each other.
Discussion: How did Ruth and Naomi help each other? Ruth believed in Heavenly Father and had faith, so she stayed with Naomi. How was she blessed? How can we support each other and trust the Lord when we have difficulties?
Friend June 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities”
Grains of Service
Story: Read about Ruth in the scripture story on page 8. She worked hard and gathered grain to take care of her husband’s mother. God blessed her for serving others.
Song: “When We’re Helping” (Children’s Songbook, 198)
Activity: Cut out pieces of paper in the shape of grain kernels. Use a stick or long piece of paper as a stem. Glue or tape your kernels to the stem to make a stalk of grain. Whenever you serve someone, pull off a kernel. Keep going until the stem is bare!
Old Testament Coloring Book “Ruth and Naomi”
Lesson 26: Ruth and Naomi,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 114–16
To help the children have the desire to follow the example of righteous people and to be good examples themselves.
Friend July 2018 “Ruth was a Loyal Friend” Link includes story and goal card ideas to learn how to be a good friend like Ruth.
Friend August 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”

I can have faith in the Lord.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Ruth; 1 Samuel 1–3” Ruth made sacrifices to be faithful to the Lord and remain loyal to Naomi. How can you help the children learn from Ruth’s acts of faith?
- Display a picture of Ruth and Naomi (see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Then write three headings on the board: Trials, Actions, Blessings. Invite the children to read Ruth 1:3–5, 8, 16; 2:1–3, 8–12; 4:13–17, and write under the headings what they find in these verses. How did Ruth show her faith in the Lord? Share an example of how you have been blessed because you have faith in Jesus Christ, and let the children share their own experiences.
Friend January 2017 “Will Heavenly Father Answer My Prayers” When Elder Oaks was seven his father died. Dallin’s mother had faith and trusted in the Lord’s will.
- Sing together a song about faith, such as “The Lord Is My Light” (Hymns, no. 89) or “Faith” (Children’s Songbook, 96–97). What does the song teach us about trusting the Lord? How can we have faith in Jesus Christ even during difficult times?
Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers.
Hannah prays for a son and vows to give him to the Lord—Eli the priest blesses her—Samuel is born—Hannah loans him to the Lord.
Old Testament Stories “Hannah” Images
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Ruth; 1 Samuel 1–3” When Hannah was sad because she could not have children, she turned to the Lord in faith and He answered her prayer. Help the children see that they can always pray to Heavenly Father, especially when they are sad.
In your own words, tell the children why Hannah was sad (see 1 Samuel 1:2–8; see also “Hannah” in Old Testament Stories). What can we do when we are sad? Read to the children 1 Samuel 1:10, and invite the children to listen for what Hannah did. Ask the children how they feel when they pray. Read from verse 18 to explain that after her prayer, Hannah “was no more sad.”
Use this week’s activity page to teach the children that they can pray to Heavenly Father and He will help them. While the children are coloring, sing or play a recording of a song that teaches about prayer, such as “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13).
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Ruth; 1 Samuel 1–3” When Hannah “was in bitterness of soul,” she turned to Heavenly Father in prayer (1 Samuel 1:10). How can you encourage the children you teach to do the same?
- To help the children learn about Hannah from 1 Samuel 1, give each child a few verses to read from the chapter (or show the video “Hannah’s Faith,” ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Afterward, toss a ball or small object to one child and invite him or her to tell part of the story before passing the ball to the next child to tell another part of the story. When the story is complete, ask the children to share something they learned from Hannah’s example.
- Read together 1 Samuel 1:15, and discuss what it means to pour out our souls before the Lord. With the children, make a list of things that we can talk about with God when we pray. Sing together a song about prayer, such as “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13). Testify of God’s love for His children and His desire to hear and answer their prayers.
Maybe you could pour something out of a container to help family members visualize what Hannah meant when she said, “I … have poured out my soul before the Lord.” Why is this a good way to describe what our prayers should be like? How can we improve our personal and family prayers? Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Ruth; 1 Samuel 1–3”
- Ask the children to list (individually or in groups) examples of people in the scriptures who prayed to Heavenly Father. (If they need help, you could point them to Luke 22:41–43; Enos 1:2–6; Joseph Smith—History 1:14–17.) Ask them to share what they learn from these stories.

Friend June 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”
The Lord has done many wonderful things for me.
Hannah sings praises to the Lord—Samuel ministers before the Lord—Eli blesses Elkanah and Hannah, and they have sons and daughters—The sons of Eli reject the Lord and live in wickedness—The Lord rejects the house of Eli.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Ruth; 1 Samuel 1–3” Hannah showed her gratitude to the Lord with a beautiful poem of praise. Her example can help the children think about the many things they can thank Heavenly Father for.
- Read to the children some of what Hannah said after the Lord blessed her with a son (see 1 Samuel 2:1–2). Share with the children a blessing you have received from the Lord and how it made you feel. Then invite the children to talk about blessings the Lord has given them. How can we show our gratitude to Him?
Friend October 2017 “Bread and Gratitude” For each letter of the alphabet, come up with something you’re thankful for!
- Sing a song together that describes some of the blessings the Lord gives us, such as “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook, 228–29). Invite the children to draw pictures of blessings they have received from the Lord.
Hannah’s poem of praise to the Lord may lead you to think of songs that you use to praise the Lord. You could sing some together. Your family members might also think of other ways to express their feelings for Jesus Christ. For example, they could draw pictures that show why they love the Savior. Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Ruth; 1 Samuel 1–3”
I can hear and obey the Lord’s voice.
The Lord calls Samuel—The house of Eli will not be purged by sacrifices and offerings—Samuel is recognized as a prophet by all Israel—The Lord appears to him.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Ruth; 1 Samuel 1–3” When Samuel was a young boy, he heard the voice of the Lord but did not recognize it at first. How can you help the children you teach hear and act on the promptings they receive?
- Invite one child to pretend to be Samuel and another to pretend to be Eli as you read 1 Samuel 3:1–10 (or show the video “Samuel and Eli,” ChurchofJesusChrist.org). What can we learn from Samuel about how to listen to the voice of the Lord? How do we show that we are willing to hear when the Lord speaks to us?
Old Testament Stories “Samuel the Prophet” Images
- Invite the children to think about how they would explain to someone how the Lord speaks to them. Invite them to look for answers in one or more of the following scriptures: Doctrine and Covenants 6:22–23; 8:2–3; 9:7–9.
It might be fun to act out the story of the Lord calling to Samuel, or your family could watch the video “Samuel and Eli” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Family members could talk about times when they have felt the Lord speaking to them and how they acted on His words. Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Ruth; 1 Samuel 1–3”
Old Testament Coloring Book “Hannah and Samuel”
Liahona June 2022 “We Follow Jesus Christ and His Prophet”
Hear Him
Samuel heard the Lord’s voice when he was a young boy but did not recognize it at first. Try this activity to learn about listening:
- Blindfold one person or have them cover their eyes.
- From another room, a family member will say the blindfolded person’s name.
- If the blindfolded person can guess who spoke, the speaking person will give directions to help the blindfolded person find him or her.
- Take turns being the blindfolded person and the person saying the name.
Discussion: We can hear the voice of the Lord in the scriptures, the temple, and the teachings of living prophets. How do you hear His voice? Read or listen to President Russell M. Nelson’s April 2020 general conference talk “Hear Him” and look for ways we can hear the Lord’s voice better in our own lives. Talk about how you as a family can “hear Him.”
Friend June 2022 “Scripture Hero Cards”
Old Testament Stories for Young Readers “Hannah and Samuel”

- Coloring Page: “The Lord Calls to Samuel” (June 2010 Liahona and Friend)
- “Jehovah Calls Samuel” (June 2010 Friend)Even though Samuel was just a boy, Jehovah knew his name and had a plan for him.
- “Labels” (March 2005 Liahona and Friend)
- President Thomas S. Monson retells the story of Samuel.
- “Samuel, the Boy Prophet” (May 1983 Friend)
- Retelling of the story of Samuel.
- “Scriptural Giants: Samuel” (March 1987 Friend)
- Samuel was a faithful prophet of God throughout his whole life.
- Image: Old Testament, “Hannah Presents Son Samuel”
“Lesson 27: Samuel, the Boy Prophet,” Primary 6: Old Testament To encourage the children to listen for the promptings of the Holy Ghost.
After the children have entered the classroom, choose a child to go outside and knock at the door. Have another class member let the child in; then show the picture Jesus at the Door. Read and discuss Revelation 3:20. Let the children discuss why the artist painted the outside of the door with no doorknob. (Jesus is waiting to help us, but we must open the door ourselves to invite him in.) Ask the children how they can let the Savior into their lives. Help the children understand that one way the Lord speaks to us is through his Holy Spirit. If we listen to the Holy Ghost, we can receive guidance from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Tell the class that this lesson is about a young boy who heard the voice of the Lord, listened, and obeyed.
Ask the children the following question: When an impression or idea comes, how can we know it is from God? On the chalkboard or a large piece of paper write From God and Not from God. Then write Moroni 7:13, 16–17 and Doctrine and Covenants 6:23; 9:8–9. Read and discuss the references with the children, and put their ideas under the appropriate heading.
From God
- Warm feeling inside
- You want to do good
- You want to love and serve God
- Peace in your mind
Not From God
- Confusion
- You want to do what is wrong
- You do not want to follow Jesus
- You doubt Jesus Christ
Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Be a Loyal Servant” Lesson ideas