Table of Contents
Romans CHAPTER 7 The law of Moses is fulfilled in Christ—Paul delights in the law of God after the inward man.
Romans CHAPTER 8 The law of Christ brings life and peace—Those adopted as children of God become joint heirs with Christ—God’s elect are foreordained to eternal life—Christ makes intercession for man.
Romans CHAPTER 9 Paul explains how the law of election (foreordination) operates—The people of Israel are chosen (foreordained) to receive the adoption, covenants, promises, and blessings of the gospel; yet they are not all Israel who are of Israel—They must seek their blessings by faith—The Gentiles also attain to righteousness and salvation by faith.
Romans CHAPTER 10 Salvation comes through righteousness to those who believe in Christ—Faith comes by hearing the gospel taught by legal administrators sent of God.
Romans CHAPTER 11 Israel was chosen (foreordained) according to the election of grace—But some harden their hearts against it—The Gentiles are adopted into the house of Israel—The gospel goes preferentially to the Gentiles until the fulness of the Gentiles.
Romans CHAPTER 12 Paul counsels the Saints to present their bodies as a living sacrifice, to use their own grace-given gifts, and to live as Saints should live.
Romans CHAPTER 13 Paul counsels, Be subject unto God’s ministers; keep the commandments; love one another; righteousness leads to salvation.
Romans CHAPTER 14 Avoid quarreling about opinions and making unrighteous judgment of each other—Every knee will bow to Christ—The kingdom of God embraces righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Romans CHAPTER 15 True Saints fellowship one another—Paul recounts his diligence in preaching the gospel—The gifts of the Spirit are poured out upon the Gentiles.
Romans CHAPTER 16 Paul sends greetings to various Saints—He counsels the Saints to avoid those who cause divisions—The Saints should be wise concerning good and innocent concerning evil.
Heavenly Father wants me to prepare to receive all that He has. (Sr)
Read together Romans 8:16–18. What do we learn from these verses about who we are and who we can become? Explain that an “heir” is someone who inherits, or receives, what his or her parents have. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
An heir is “a person entitled to inherit physical or spiritual gifts” (Guide to the Scriptures, “Heir,” Consider what characteristics, attributes, and other blessings you would like to inherit from Heavenly Father. New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “Romans 8:1–17”
Write on the board What do we need to do to inherit all that our Father in Heaven has? Sing together a song about obedience, such as “I Will Follow God’s Plan” (Children’s Songbook, 164–65), looking for answers. What other answers can the children think of? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
Ask the children to think about a king who wants his sons and daughters to rule in his kingdom someday. Explain that Heavenly Father is like a king, and we are His royal sons and daughters. You could share the story of the son of King Louis XVI of France, found in Sister Elaine S. Dalton’s message “Remember Who You Are!” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2010, 121). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
I have always loved the story of the son of King Louis XVI of France because he had an unshakable knowledge of his identity. As a young man, he was kidnapped by evil men who had dethroned his father, the king. These men knew that if they could destroy him morally, he would not be heir to the throne. For six months they subjected him to every vile thing life had to offer, and yet he never yielded under pressure. This puzzled his captors, and after doing everything they could think of, they asked him why he had such great moral strength. His reply was simple. He said, “I cannot do what you ask, for I was born to be a king.”
Like the king’s son, each of you has inherited a royal birthright. Each of you has a divine heritage. “You are literally the royal daughters of our Father in Heaven.” Each of you was born to be a queen.
Elaine S. Dalton
Why is it important to remember that we are children of Heavenly Father and born to someday be like Him? How does this truth affect the choices we make here on earth?(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
My Heavenly Father loves me. (Jr)
Help the children memorize the phrase “[Nothing] shall be able to separate us from the love of God” (Romans 8:39). Think about a way to illustrate this truth. For instance, you could bring two boards you have nailed together, one labeled “us” and the other “the love of God.” Let the children see if they can separate the boards. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
The Red Crystal You can use the heart puzzle to learn the scripture, and have the children help you tape it together, so nothing can separate it. LOTS of tape(:
Show a picture of the sun, or invite the children to look out a window and see the sunshine. How is the sun like Heavenly Father’s love? Help the children see that although the sun is far away, it can help us feel warm. We can feel Heavenly Father’s love all the time, even though He is not physically with us.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )

Sing together a song about Heavenly Father’s love, such as “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook, 228–29).(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
- Find the things in the picture that show Heavenly Father and Jesus’s love for us.
Latter Day Kids “Heavenly Father Will Always Love You” Lesson ideas
Faith comes by hearing the word of God. (Jr)
Read Romans 10:17 to the children, and show them pictures of settings in which they can hear the word of God (like family scripture study, church classes, or general conference; see this week’s activity page). Ask the children when they have heard God’s word.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
Tell a story about a child who listens to the word of God in various ways. While you are telling the story, blow up a balloon little by little to represent how the child’s faith grows each time he or she hears the word of God.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
The Red Crystal has a great story about a child listening to the word of God in various ways. It also includes child clipart to put on balloon.
To help the children understand that their faith can grow, help them sing “Faith” (Children’s Songbook, 96–97). As they sing, ask them to pretend to be seeds by crouching down. Every time they sing the word faith, have them rise up a little like a growing plant.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
Hide in the classroom a set of scriptures, a picture of the President of the Church, and a copy of the Friend magazine. Ask the children to find these things and share how each makes it possible for us to hear God’s word.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )

Faith comes by hearing the word of God. (Sr)
Write the following sentence on the board: cometh by , and by the of . Ask the children to fill in the blanks after reading Romans 10:17. Share a time when someone taught a gospel truth that helped to strengthen your faith—perhaps you could share a favorite scripture or quotation from general conference. Invite the children to share their own experiences.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
Label several glasses of water with sources of the word of God (like the scriptures, personal revelation, and general conference). Discuss how the word of God increases our faith as you pour each glass into a container labeled “Faith.” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16”
Give one child a picture of the Savior healing someone and tell him or her not to let the other children see the picture. Ask the child to give clues to help the other children guess what the picture shows. How can we help others learn about the Savior so they can have faith in Him?(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
Friend November 2005 “I Can Share the Gospel Now” Fold tabs on the colored lines to make a box. Glue the flaps. Take turns rolling the box, looking at the picture on the top, and telling how you can tell others about Jesus in each situation.

“Let us not … judge one another.” (Sr)
New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “Romans 12-15” Paul wrote his epistle to the Romans during a time when Church members from different religious and cultural backgrounds began worshipping together. There were times when these Saints disagreed with each other or unfairly judged other Church members whose choices differed from theirs. One of the lessons we can learn from Paul’s teachings in Romans 12–15 is that although we all have differences, members of the Church can strive to be united through the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Invite a child to read Romans 14:10, 13. Ask the other children to count how many times Paul used the word judge. What does it mean to judge someone? Why should we avoid judging others?(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
It may be easy to judge others and look down on what they do, but don’t forget you’re not perfect either. Jesus Christ is the perfect judge of all things and it is up to him to make righteous judgments. He judges with love and fairness. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf bluntly states, “This topic of judging others could actually be taught in a two-word sermon. When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm, please apply the following: Stop it! It’s that simple. We simply have to stop judging others and replace judgmental thoughts and feelings with a heart full of love for God and His children. God is our Father. We are His children. We are all brothers and sisters. (LDS Daily “FHE: Judge Not”)
Show a picture of someone, and ask the children what we know about this person only by looking at the picture. What are some things we don’t know about him or her? Why is the Lord the best one to judge this person? (see 1 Samuel 16:7).(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
Friend October 2021 “Seeing Musa” Angie thinks the new boy, Musa, is mean because he made his sister walk behind him to school. But then she learned that Musa’s sister was supposed to wear sunglasses because of eye drops she put in her eyes, but she forgot so Musa walked in front of her the whole way to shade her from the sun.

I can say thank you to those who help me. (Jr)
Explain that Paul was thankful for the help he received from a woman named Phebe and a married couple named Priscilla and Aquila (see Romans 16:1–4). Ask the children to draw pictures of Paul and these three people as you read these verses.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
“Aquila earned their living as a tentmaker. “Because Paul was also a tentmaker, he came to live and work with Aquila and Priscilla when he first came to Corinth. While Paul plied his trade during the week, the scriptures tell us that ‘he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks’ (Acts 18:4).“ Priscilla [was] a thorough student of the gospel of Jesus Christ. She was a fearless teacher and was willing to confront even the eloquent Apollos to share with him the truths that she had learned. She strengthened the branch in Corinth. She strengthened the branch in Ephesus. Surely [they]made sacrifices to spread the gospel. [In Romans 16:4, Paul says that they had “risked their lives” for him.] — Ann N. Madsen, former professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University, in the September 1975 Ensign article, “Cameos: The Women of the New Testament”
See also Ensign August 2019 “Women in the New Testament: Phebe”
Invite each child to share something nice that someone did for him or her recently. Help the children make thank-you cards for those people.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Romans 7-16” )
Help the children learn how to say thank you in different languages. The song “Children All Over the World” (Children’s Songbook, 16–17) can help.
Friend October 2015 – Link also includes lesson ideas
Additional Resources
The Red Crystal Lesson ideas
Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures