Prayer: Stories & Poems

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Friend January 2021 “Talking to My Heavenly Father” Action Rhyme

Why Pray

Friend June 1987 A boy is given the assignment to move a rock. He tries everything except asking his father for help.

Friend April 2024 “The Prayer Question” Xóchitl wondered why we need to pray and what would happen if she stopped praying. She decided to try it. Weeks then months went by and she didn’t feel any different. When summer was about done and school was about to start, she realized she was feeling scared to go. Then she remembered her parents taught her that she could pray for help and comfort. She tried praying for several nights but didn’t feel any different. Then she started telling Heavenly Father her feelings. She felt a strong feeling of peace wrap around her. So this is why we pray, she thought. To feel Heavenly Father’s love. It was an amazing feeling. For all those months she didn’t pray, she had been missing out on that feeling.

How to Pray

Friend October 2024 “Learning to Pray” When Elder Michael A. Dunn Of the Seventy was young his parents didn’t teach him to pray. He learned to pray by listening to his grandparents pray. When he was five he wanted to pray to Heavenly Father. He thanked Him for his blessings and asked Him for what he needed. He felt strong and happy because He knew Heavenly Father loved him.

What Should a Prayer Contain

Friend February 2022 “Jade Says a Prayer” The steps Jade follows to say her prayer. (Activity: Find some of the things Jade is thankful for in the picture.)

What to Pray for

Friend June 2016 “Caleb’s Bedtime Prayer” Caleb learns what to pray for.

Pray for Our Leaders

Friend March 2019 “Prayer Power” Lucy and her family hear a talk by President Eyring about supporting their leaders and praying for them. They all decide to pray for their branch presidency. In the next sacrament meeting the branch president thanked everyone for their prayers and said they could feel strength from them.

When to Pray

Friend January 2018 “I Can Pray” Action rhyme

Family Prayer

Friend July 2018 “Arturo’s Family Prayer” Arturo’s dad asks the family members what they need help with before saying the family prayer. He then prays for those things.

Friend October 2021 “Ana’s Family Prayer” Ana’s family has night time family prayer before Ana goes to bed and before Ana’s father goes to work.

Is Heavenly Father Listening

Friend November 2017 “Even if You Can’t See Him” Allie feels like she’s is talking to an empty room when she says her prayers. Her Primary teacher uses an object lesson to help her see that Heavenly Father is there even if we don’t see him.

Heavenly Father Loves Us

Friend March 2018 “Heavenly Father Listens” Parents love us and are interested in our lives and so is Heavenly Father. He always listens when we pray but answers our prayers in different ways. Elder Clayton felt the love of God as a teen when he prayed about some worries. (Activity page included: Find the hearts in the room of the girl who is praying.)

Heavenly Father Answers My Prayers

Friend January 2025 “The Lost Glasses” Andres loses his new glasses at school. His Mami looked worried when he told her. She said, “Let’s ask Heavenly Father for help.” The next day a boy walked up to him and said he had found his glasses and gave them to him. He was happy to have his glasses again, but he was happier for what he learned. “Prayer does work!”

Answers to Prayer


Friend November 2019 “Please Bless Ace” Zach’s dog, Ace, has to have surgery and Zach is worried about him. Zach prays that Ace will live. After his pray, Zach felt the worried feeling leave. He remembered that peace throughout the day. When he got home, he found out that his dog was okay. The family gave Ace extra care that week. Then Ace got sick again and he died. Zach had wanted Ace to live, but he was glad he had been given extra time to spend with him and show Ace how much he loved him.

Friend November 2023 “Someone Who Understands” Blair is embarrassed because she can’t go play at a friends like she said she would because she doesn’t feel good. She has Crohn’s disease and feels sick a lot. She prayed and told Heavenly Father how she was feeling. During the prayer she felt like she was getting a hug, and then the thought came into her mind that other’s may not understand what she is going through but Heavenly Father and Jesus do.

Thoughts that come to Mind (Still, Small Voice)

Friend February 2020 “Riding to the Rescue” When their cow herder friend Marcus gets hurt while they are out on the range, Sterling and Glen don’t know what to do. Sterling steps behind a pile of rocks and says a prayer and asks for help. The words “ride north” come into his mind. He listens and is able to find a truck with sheepherders that can take Marcus to a hospital.

Friend February 2020 “Show and Tell” On our way driving home from a swim meet, it was dark and snowing. My mom was worried and asked us to pray. I remembered how Jesus taught us to pray when we need help. So I bowed my head and closed my eyes to pray to get home safely. After I prayed and opened my eyes, I felt a warm feeling in my heart. Then I heard a still, small voice whisper, “Everything will be all right.” Peichi C., age 10, Massachusetts, USA

Friend February 2020 “Brave on the Bus” Some kids were using bad language on the bus and it made Natalie and her friends feel uncomfortable. Natalie said a prayer asking Heavenly Father to please make them stop. The thought came to her to talk to the bus driver. She listened, and the bus driver helped fix the situation.

Friend November 2023 “Felipe Finds the Way” Felipe and his mother were lost in the jungle forest. Felipe said a prayer and asked for help. A thought came to his mind to look for coconut trees because that was where villages are.

Not in the Way Expected

Friend July 2020 “Prayers and Planes” Vern prayed every night for a model plane, but it never arrived. He decided to build one himself from an old wood box he found. He realized later that his prayer had been answered, just not the way he expected. Heavenly Father helped him figure out how to build his own. When he grew up, he fixed and flew planes for a living. (After reading the story, have everyone make paper airplanes and fly them outside.)

Friend January 2025 “Camp Rainy Day” Lucy prayed that the rain would clear up in time for her softball game. When she found out that the game was cancelled she was very disappointed and wondered why her prayer wasn’t answered. In the evening her sister wanted Lucy to play with her. Lucy decided to have a rainy day camp for all her sisters. They sang silly camp songs, set up a fort tent, and played games. Her mom thanked her for making sunshine out of a cloudy situation. Lucy felt happy. Her prayers weren’t answered the way she wanted, but Heavenly Father still helped her.

Friend November 2019 “A Prayer in the Fog” When the fog becomes so thick that it is hard to see the lines on the road, Henry says a prayer asking Heavenly Father to make the fog go away so they could be safe. When he opened his eyes the fog was still there. But just then, the lights along the freeway came on. They were able to follow the lights and find their way home. Henry thanked Heavenly Father for helping them be safe.

Answered in Lord’s Time and Way

Friend September 2019 “The Diabetes Dilemma” Joe prayed that his sister didn’t have diabetes.  When they found out she did have diabetes, he was devastated. He didn’t understand why Heavenly Father didn’t answer his prayer. His mom explained that answers to prayers don’t always happen the way we want. Sometimes, instead of taking something hard away, He answers by giving us peace and helping us be strong. Joe then realizes that Heavenly Father was blessing his sister and family with peace.

Friend March 2019 “Faith and Raindrops” A girl has faith that her prayer for rain will be answered, but she learns that we also need to have faith in God’s timing.

Friend September 2017 “Bear Cave” Ben prays for angels help when he becomes afraid in his new room in the basement. He feels like his prayer isn’t being answered, but then his mom shows up. She felt the Spirit telling her to check on Ben.

Friend October 2016 “The Loose Tooth Test” Tessa says a prayer that her loose tooth that is bothering her will  fall out. Tessa learns that sometimes the answer is to wait.

Friend January 2017  “Don’t Forget to Pray for Erik” Kari doesn’t understand why Heavenly Father hasn’t answered their many family prayers for Erik to come back to the gospel.

Heavenly Father Sometimes Uses Others to Help Answer Prayers

Friend October 2019 “The Little Red Harmonica” Katie uses her music points to get two harmonicas. She gives one to her little brother. She loved seeing how happy it made him, but then he became devastated when he lost it.  Kaity helped him look for it, but no luck. Ryan says a prayer asking for help in finding it, but still no luck. Katie prays for her brother and an idea comes to her. She gives her harmonica to him. Katie told Ryan that Heavenly Father was letting her help him answer Ryan’s prayer.

Listening to Answers

Friend November 2017 “Prayers and Pumpkins”  Rachel loses her family during a pumpkin walk in Nauvoo. She prays for help and is inspired to talk to a missionary couple. The couple she finds turns out to be Elder Perry and his wife, and they helped her find her family.

Praying for Others

Friend September 2020 “A Cup of Warm Water” Minjun’s friend Jungmin was getting baptized, but the water heater wasn’t working in the font and it was ice cold in the winter. Minjun prayed to know how to help his friend. The idea came to fill hot water in a bowl and a cup in the kitchen. Pretty soon everyone was helping, and his friend was able to be baptized.

Friend March 2020 “Praying for Uncle Dan” At bedtime Isabelle’s family prayed together. They always started by talking about people who might need extra blessings. This time dad asked them to pray for Uncle Dan who had lost his job. Every day they prayed for him, and eventually he started making progress in finding a new job.

Friend September 2019 “Praying Like Alma” Joplin got hit by a tornado and Isaac wants to go help,  but he’s too young.  While learning about Alma’s prayer for his son, Isaac got the idea to pray for the people of Joplin. He said prayers for them everyday.

Praying for Help

(Also see adversity stories)

For the Strength of Youth March 2025 “A Bad Day Turned Around” Camila’s bad day turned into a good day after saying a prayer.

Friend February 2025 “For Older Kids”One day, when my mom and I were driving home, our car was really low on gas. We started driving to a gas station, but soon it said we had zero miles left. I said a prayer. We made it to the gas station! I thanked Heavenly Father for helping us be safe. Austin E., age 9, Iowa, USA

Friend April 2024 “Lions in the Woods” When Elder Kyle S. McKay was young, he and his brother got lost in the woods and he imagined there were lions in the bushes. They prayed, and their father found them. He told them, “We need to pray again to thank Heavenly Father for His help.” This time Elder Mckay closed his eyes and wasn’t afraid of lions.

Friend April 2024 “Road-Trip Trouble” As Emma’s family travelled in their camper van to Italy for a vacation, they got a a flat tire. They prayed about what they should do and felt the Holy Ghost guiding them. They prayed again to find a replacement tire and the Lord helped them.

Friend January 2024 “Papa’s Perfect Party” Alex wanted his grandfather’s birthday party to be special, but the weather turned bad and he was worried. He said a prayer and asked Heavenly Father to bless the rain to go away in time for the party. In a few hours, all the clouds were gone! They were able to have the party. As soon as the party was over the clouds and rain returned.

Friend March 2023 “Just Lillian” Lillian was excited to go into Young Women’s, but then she learned she would be the only one in there, her and the teachers. She prayed for help, and her prayers were answered when her mom said that her young women’s leader was her best friend. Maybe that would happen for her too. And then a new girl moved into the ward too.

Friend March 2023 “The Earthquake Prayer” Violet woke up when she felt an earthquake. She and her family ran to the kitchen and crawled under the table. They had practiced what to do in an earthquake, but Violet was scared. She said a prayer, and felt like someone was giving her a hug. She was glad Heavenly Father helped her feel peace.

Friend August 2022 “Ready to Ride” Quade doesn’t know how to ride a bike, but he wants to learn so he can ride with his friends. The only problem is that the wobbly bike is very scary. He says a prayer asking for help. After several more attempts, he is riding without help. He keeps practicing and soon he is able to ride with his friends.

Friend May 2022 “A Prayer in the Storm” Alexis was scared of the thunder in the storm and didn’t feel safe. She found her dad and asked if they could say a prayer. After the prayer she felt peaceful and wasn’t afraid anymore.

Friend January 2021 “Just One Taxi” Ellie’s family was trying to get to church, but it was too stormy to walk to the bus. They decided to take a taxi, but became concerned when there wasn’t a taxi in the first and second spots. Ellie and her little sister decided to say a prayer, and they were able to find a taxi and get to church.

Friend January 2021 “Jaechan’s First Day” Jaechan was excited to start school. But after his mom dropped him off at the gate, he got lost in the school halls and couldn’t find his classroom. He was scared and said a prayer asking for his mom to come find him. A few minutes later his mom came around the corner. She had a feeling she should check to make sure he made it to class okay.

Friend December 2020 “Praying for Max” Max, the family dog, got nervous when a lot of noisy children were running around and he disappeared. The family couldn’t find him anywhere, so they said a prayer. Right when they finished they heard a bark from the closet.

Friend July 2019 “Prayer at the Market” While looking around at all the interesting things, Valerie loses her mom at the market. She says a prayer, and then she hears her mother calling her name. She says thank you to Heavenly Father.

Friend July 2019 “Lost in the Amusement Park” A boy loses his mom and sister at an amusement park and prays for help.

Friend May 2019 “Keeping the Orphans Warm” George Muller, a Christian, served God by helping orphans. He had strong faith that God would help him help them. Once, when the heater went out in one of his orphanages, he prayed that a warm wind would come to keep the children warm and that the workers would have a desire to get the work done quickly. His prayer was answered.

Friend March 2019 “Who Will Come to My Party” Enzo is excited to plan his future party and inviting his friends until he remembers that he will live in a new place when it happens. He worries about making new friends, so he prays for help to find friends. During his prayer he remembers that he already has a great friend there because his uncle lives there. Heavenly Father answered his prayer.

Friend March 2019 “Missing Mom and Dad” Dylan’s mom and dad were going on a trip, and he was going to stay with his grandparents. He loved staying with his grandparents, but for some reason he was scared about being away from his mom and dad for so long. He decided to pray for help, and he received comforting thoughts and feelings.

Friend January 2019 “Dolphins to the Rescue” Lisa and a friend paddled their raft in the ocean but drifted too far out. Then a shark appeared. They prayed, and dolphins came and stayed by their raft until they were back to shore.

Friend October 2018 “Canyon Prayer” Carsen and some family members get lost in a canyon while hiking. Carsen knew that Heavenly Father knew the way out so he suggests they pray. He then receives a prompting on which way to go, and they are able to quickly find their way out.

Friend July 2018 “Allie’s New Class” Allie has to change kindergarten classes and she is worried, but she says a prayer, and she knows she can be brave because Heavenly Father will help her.

Friend May 2018 “Finding Floppy” Sam’s big sister helps him look for his lost stuffed elephant, Floppy. When they can’t find Floppy, she suggests they say a prayer. After finding Floppy she suggests they say a prayer of thanks.

Friend April 2018 “Lost and Found” Cael knows Heavenly Father answers prayers because when he found himself alone and scared on a mountain trail, he prayed. His father felt the Holy Ghost telling him to go look for his Cael.

Friend October 2017 “Show and Tell”

I had a hard time learning how to ride my bike without training wheels. I became scared to ride my bike because I had crashed a few times. I said a prayer on my bike and was able to learn how to ride it without being afraid. I’m grateful Heavenly Father blessed me.

Reese H., age 6, Utah, USA

Friend September 2017 “Chief on the Run” Max accidently let his best friend’s dog out. He chased after Chief but couldn’t catch him. Afraid of Chief becoming lost, Max said a quick prayer for help. Chief ran into a neighbor’s fenced in back yard and Max was able to get him.

Friend August 2017 “Prayer for Speedy”   Ashley’s kitten, Speedy, becomes lost, so Ashley prays for him.

Friend February 2015 “A Prayer in the Attic” As refugees during World War 2, Renate and her family are in constant danger from soldiers, but Heavenly Father helps them and answers their prayers and keeps them safe.

Friend February 2015 “There’s Always Time for Prayer” Flynn prays for help because he’s scared about starting a new school. He prays every morning, and when things get good he continues to remember to pray and express his gratitude.

Friend Feb 2014
Friend Feb 2015

Friend January 1989 “Lost, But Not Alone” Megan becomes seperated from her parents in a Korean market. She prays and is impressed to stay where she is, and she is helped by some Latter Day Saint Korean’s.

Friend January 2017 “Goats on the Run” Evelyn’s new goats jump the fence, and Evelyn is afraid they might not come back, so she says a prayer and the goats return.

Friend November 2016 “Henry and the Corn Maze” Henry and his mom and friends get lost and tired  in the corn maze and say a prayer for help.


Friend September 2016 “Heavenly Father Hears Your Prayers” Small stories. One about a girl praying to know if Heavenly Father knows her and knows about her troubles. And one about a brother praying for another brother because he knew the brother was worried about soccer. Also a story about a mother praying for her son to find a friend.

Friend February 1987 “Tough Spot” A boy learns he can’t always fix things himself and he does need the Lord’s help in his life.

Friend February 1986  “The Power of Prayer” Admiral Byrd prays for help when the door on his Antartica shelter froze closed while he is outside.

Friend February 1986
Friend February 1986

Friend February 2016 “Olvera Street” A girl loses her family while site-seeing and prays for help.


Friend July 2015  “Finding Tinkerbell” Mia and her family pray for help to find Mia’s bedtime stuffed animal.

Friend August 2015 “Shelly’s Race”- Girl from divorced home learns she can talk to Heavenly Father when she needs help.

Friend May 2016 “Under the Stairs Prayer” Boy prays for help when he and his sister get stuck in a closet.


Pray with Faith

Friend July 2015 Boy tries to pray like Jesus so heavens will be open.

Friend October 1986 “A Prayer for Uncle Alban” Jamon prays that his uncle will recover from a heart attack, but he doesn’t. He learns that the Lord knows what is best and we need to have faith in his judgment.

 Friend May 1988 ” Sharing Time: Seeking Guidance Through Prayer”  Story of Enos praying with faith and the story of two brothers who get lost in the woods and their prayer and answer.


Prayer Requires Effort

We have to do our Part

Friend February 2017 “Multiplication Master” Luca wants to become a multiplication master, but he isn’t doing well enough on the tests. He prays and expects to do well, but he doesn’t because he hasn’t practiced. He learns he has to do his part.

Friend April 1986 “I Forgot” Matthew keeps forgetting his responsibilities and he prays for help, but he still forgets. He learns he must do his part, and he makes a plan.

Friend January 2021 “Oliver the Brave” Oliver has a bad dream about monsters. He prayed, but it didn’t go away. His parents tell him he needs to do more than just pray. So he thinks of other things he can do such as singing “I am a Child of God”, and it worked.

Friend June 1983 ” The Secret Weapon” – Boy prays to do well in baseball game but doesn’t.

Prayer: Clipart

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Friend August 2018
Friend Sept 2014
Friend Sept 2014
Friend May 2015
Friend May 2015 – coloring page
Friend Nov 1982
Friend Nov 1982
Friend Nov 1982
Friend Nov 1982
Friend November 2015 - Coloring page
Friend November 2015 – Coloring page
Friend November 2015 Includes a poem
Friend November 2015 Includes a poem

Lesson 21 – Zoramite’s Prayers on a Rameumptom

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Lesson 21
Zoramite’s Prayers on a Rameumptom


  • Items needed:  tape, wet wipes, a paper plate, two mixing bowls, a half cup measure, a tablespoon measure, two wooden spoons, and the ingredients to make the peanut butter candy recipe (the recipe can be found in the visual aid file). Also bring some strange and unusual substitute ingredients such as bread crumbs for the graham crackers, applesauce for the sweetener, whole peanuts for the peanut butter, dried pieces of prunes for the chocolate chips.  (Important Note: Be aware of any food allergies before giving children food.)
  •  Print and cut out the activity and scripture story visual aids. Cut apart each level of the Rameumptom so there are seven pieces. Be prepared to build the Rameumpton on the chalk board.

Attention Activity

Put the bowl, spoon, and measuring items on the table and explain to the children that you are going to make some peanut butter candy for them. Show them the recipe, but then toss it aside. Tell the children that you have decided not to follow the recipe because you want to try some different ingredients. Show the children the substitute ingredients you brought, and then mix together various amounts of those ingredients. (Be sure to mention the correct recipe ingredients as you do this. For example: “The recipe calls for peanut butter, but I want the candy to be really crunchy so I think I will add whole peanuts.”)

After combining the substitute ingredients show the children the results. Ask them if they think the mixture looks like peanut butter candy.

Ask the children what the results would be if someone tried to make up their own ingredients for gaining salvation instead of following Heavenly Father’s plan. Would they get the desired results? Tell the children that in today’s lesson they will be learning about a group of people who tried to do just that.

Scripture Story
Remind the children of last week’s lesson about Korihor. Ask if they remember what happened to him after he lost his ability to speak. (He found it necessary to beg for food, and eventually he was trodden down among a people that called themselves the Zoramites.) The Zoramites had once been members of the church, but they had fallen away and apostatized. Apostasy means a turning away from something. The Zoramites had turned away from the teachings of the church and had tried to make up their own form of religion and own ingredients for salvation.

• Why might some people try to make up their own form of religion? One reason is to make a religion agree with what they want. What did the Zoramites desire? (Read Alma 31:24-25) They wanted to indulge in wickedness and the pride of worldly riches.

The Zoramites had discontinued obeying the commandments, they had stopped praying to God daily, and they had altered the teachings of the church to suit what they desired. (See Alma 31:9-11)

The Zoramite people lived near the borders of the wilderness, and the wilderness was full of Lamanites. Because the Zoramites had dissented from the Nephites, the Nephites were afraid the Zoramites would try to join with the Lamanites.

Alma knew that the word of God had a powerful effect upon a man’s heart, so he and several others (including two of his sons, three of the sons of Mosiah, Amulek, and Zeezrom) went to preach the word of God to the Zoramites.

• Ask the children if they can recall a time when a scripture they read or a teaching they heard at church motivated them to change.

When Alma and his companions came into the land of the Zoramites, they were astonished at what they found. The Zoramites were gathering once a week in synagogues they had built (houses of worship), but their worship was not like anything Alma and his companions had ever seen before. In the center of the synagogue was a tower where one person at a time could stand. This tower was called a Rameumptom – meaning holy stand. (Put the picture of the Rameumptom and the worshiper on the board.) Whoever desired to worship would go onto the Rameumptom, stretch up his arms toward heaven, and speak with a loud voice the following prayer: Read Alma 31:15-16

• Why did the Zoramites choose to believe in incorrect principles about God, and why did they not want to believe in Christ? One possible reason may have been to deny the doctrine of the plan of salvation – of coming to earth to get a body and be tested. They wanted to think they were elected (chosen) to be saved regardless of what they did. They did not want to believe in sin or the need for a Savior.

• In the Zoramite’s prayer they did not ask God for help in dealing with the challenges of life. Did the Zoramites have faith in God answering their prayers? Faith in God comes through learning of Him and doing His will.

Above the picture of the person worshiping on the Rameumptom put up the sign that says “The Zoramite’s Prayer.” Underneath the picture put up the sign that says “1) lacked faith in God and in Christ.”

Have a child read out loud the next part of the Zoramite prayer found in Alma 31:17-18. Put the next sign up that says “2) was selfish and prideful.”  Explain that the Zoramites wanted to view themselves as the chosen and saved ones and that all others would suffer in hell.

• If the Zoramites did not have faith in God, what might have been the purpose of their elaborate prayers? They may have been using the prayers to reinforce their false beliefs, and they also appeared to be using the prayers to elevate themselves above others and declare that they were better than everyone else.

• In what ways might people think they are better than others and become lifted up in pride? Answers might include the following: people may think they are better than others because of how smart,  pretty or handsome, athletic, wealthy, or talented they are. (Build the Rameumptom tower on the board as each answer is given.)

After hearing a Zoramite prayer Alma and his fellow missionaries were astonished. As they continued to watch, they realized that every man who went onto the tower offered the same prayer. Then, after the Zoramite people had offered up their prayers, they returned to their homes, not speaking of God again until they had assembled themselves together again at the Rameumptom. Put up the last sign “3) were repetitious and insincere.”

When Alma saw the prayers of the Zoramites his heart was grieved for he saw they were a wicked people. He lifted his voice up to heaven in prayer. (Put the picture of Alma praying on the board.) Alma prayed for strength and patience in afflictions. He prayed for comfort for himself and his companions, and he prayed for success in bringing souls to Christ.

Put the sign “Alma’s Prayer” above the picture of Alma. Underneath the picture put up the following signs as you read and discuss each one.

1) showed faith in God and Jesus Christ
Alma petitioned the Lord for blessings in his prayer. He had faith that the Lord would bless and help him.

2) was humble and not selfish.
Alma prayed for others.

• How can we humble ourselves so we are not lifted up in pride? (Have the children take off a level of the Rameumpton tower for every answer they give.) Answers may include the following: by remembering that our gifts, talents, and abilities come from the Lord, by praying for humility, by looking for the good in others, by building love for others by praying for them and serving  them.

3) was not repetitious or insincere
Alma prayer was not repetitious or insincere because he was praying for specific needs.

• What happens if we don’t pray daily and sincerely? We tend to lose the guidance of the Spirit, which is essential for managing the challenges and temptations of life. What was the result of the Zoramites not praying daily? They succumbed to Satan’s temptations.

After Alma said the words of his prayer, he put his hands upon his companions, which probably meant he set them apart for their assignments or gave them a special blessing to face the difficult challenges ahead. As he did this they were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Conclusion Activity
Remind the children of the wrong ingredients used for making peanut butter candy, and remind them of the wrong ingredients for salvation that the Zoramites followed.

Point out that just as there are wrong ingredients for making peanut butter candy and wrong ingredients to gaining salvation, there are also right ingredients. Show the children the right ingredients for the peanut butter candy.

• What would be some of the right ingredients for gaining salvation? Obey God’s commandments, gain an understanding of correct doctrine, have faith in Jesus Christ, be humble, pray daily, etc.

Measure out and mix the correct candy ingredients. Have the children wash their hands with wet wipes, and then give them each a spoonful of the mixture. Have them roll their candy into balls and then coat them with coconut or sprinkles. Invite them to taste the finished product. Point out how sweet and delicious it is. Explain that just as we enjoyed the benefits of following the correct recipe for peanut butter candy, if we will follow the correct steps for attaining eternal salvation we can one day enjoy all the wonderful blessings related to gaining eternal life.

Weekly Reading Assignment

Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: Alma 31:1-25