The Lord Has Power Over All Things.
Exodus CHAPTER 7 Moses is appointed to give the word of the Lord to Pharaoh—The Lord will multiply signs and wonders in Egypt—Aaron’s rod becomes a serpent—The river is turned into blood—The magicians imitate the miracles of Moses and Aaron.
Exodus CHAPTER 8 The Lord sends plagues of frogs, lice, and flies upon Egypt—Pharaoh hardens his heart.
Exodus CHAPTER 9 The Lord destroys the cattle of the Egyptians, but not of the Israelites—Boils and blains are sent upon the Egyptians—The Lord sends hail and fire upon the people of Pharaoh, but not upon the people of Israel.
Exodus CHAPTER 10 The Lord sends a plague of locusts—This is followed by thick darkness in all Egypt for three days—Moses is cast out from the presence of Pharaoh.
Exodus CHAPTER 11 The departing Israelites are authorized to ask for jewels and gold from their neighbors—The Lord promises to slay the firstborn in every Egyptian home—He puts a difference between the Egyptians and the Israelites.
Old Testament Stories “The Plagues of Egypt” Illustrations and video
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Exodus 7–13” The Israelites were in captivity and could not free themselves, but the Lord showed His power and delivered them. How can you use this story to help the children trust the Lord and His power?
- Junior: Read selected verses from Exodus 7–11 to teach the children about the ten plagues that the Lord sent upon the Egyptians. Invite the children to draw pictures that portray some of the plagues. Ask the children to hold up their pictures as you review the plagues again. Read phrases from Exodus 7:5 and 9:14 to explain why the Lord sent the plagues to Egypt.
- Senior: Give each child a paper divided into ten sections, and invite the children to draw pictures of the plagues described in these verses: Exodus 7:17–18; 8:1–4; 8:16–17; 8:20–22; 9:1–6; 9:8–9; 9:22–23; 10:4–5; 10:21–22; 11:4–7. What do the plagues teach us about God’s power? Why is it important to know about His power?
Lesson 19: Moses Delivers the Israelites from Bondage,” Primary 6: Old Testament Pass out numbered slips of paper with the scripture references for each of the ten plagues on the corresponding numbered paper. Have each child look up his or her reference and tell the class about it. You could supply the class with art materials and let them draw pictures of the plague that they read about. They could then show the picture to the class as they tell about the plague.What were the ten plagues the Lord commanded Moses to call down upon Egypt because Pharaoh refused to let Israel go? (See enrichment activity 1.)
(1) Exodus 7:20–21, river turns to blood
(2) Exodus 8:6, frogs
(3) Exodus 8:17, lice
(4) Exodus 8:24, flies
(5) Exodus 9:6, cattle die
(6) Exodus 9:10, boils
(7) Exodus 9:23, hail and fire
(8) Exodus 10:14–15, locusts
(9) Exodus 10:22, darkness
(10) Exodus 11:5, death of firstborn
What pattern did Pharaoh follow with each plague? (Exodus 8:8, 13, 15.)
Old Testament Coloring Book “Plagues of Egypt”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Exodus 7–13” Children face challenges and need the Lord to help them. The story of the ten plagues the Lord sent to free the Israelites can help the children understand that He also has the power to help them.
The Lord Has Power to Deliver Me.
- Ask the children about times when they felt they needed the Lord’s help. How can He help us in these situations? Encourage them to talk about times when they or their family have experienced the Lord’s power in their lives. Bear your testimony that the Lord has the power to help us.
Friend July 1988 “Power of Prayer” A pioneer father is inspired that something was wrong at home. When he arrives he finds that his daughter has fallen into the fireplace. He gives her a blessing and every promise is fulfilled.
- Share with the children how the Lord has shown you “that there is none like [Him] in all the earth” (Exodus 9:14). Let the children share how they know that the Lord is powerful.
Friend April 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Leap Frog”
Story: Moses was a prophet. He told Pharaoh to let God’s people go free (see Exodus 8:1). Pharaoh said he would let them go. But then he broke his promise. God sent frogs, lice, flies, and other plagues to warn Pharaoh to follow the prophet.
Song: “Follow the Prophet,” verse 5 (Children’s Songbook, 110–11)
Activity: Play a game! Have everyone get in a line. Then crouch down low. One person puts their hands on another person’s back and jumps over each person one by one, like a frog. Take turns until everyone has gone. Each time you hop, say one way you can follow the prophet.
Old Testament Coloring Book “Plagues of Egypt”
Latter Day Kids “Moses and the Plagues of Egypt” Lesson ideas
The Lord Can Help Me Have a Soft Heart.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Exodus 7–13” Pharaoh chose to harden his heart when the Lord told him to release the children of Israel. How can you inspire the children you teach to choose to have a soft heart so they are willing to serve the Lord and do His will?
- Bring to class one object that is hard, such as a rock, and another that is soft, such as a sponge. Read with the children a few verses describing how Pharaoh responded to the plagues sent by the Lord (see Exodus 8:28–32; 9:7), and ask the children which object best represents Pharaoh’s heart or attitude. What does it mean to have a soft heart? (see Mosiah 3:19).
Show the children the bowl of water, rock, and sponge. Ask what would happen if you put the sponge in the water, and then ask what would happen if you put the rock in the water. Just like the hard rock will not absorb water, a hard heart will not let direction from the Lord or others in. Just like a soft sponge will absorb water, a soft heart is open to the Lord’s direction and is humble and teachable.
Latter Day Kids “A Soft Heart” Lesson ideas
Latter Day Mommy “A Hardened Heart” Has a good list of the symptoms of a hard heart. Scroll down towards past the poem to find it.
- With the class, make a list of some actions that might show we have a hard heart (for example, fighting with a sibling or being unwilling to pray). How can we show the Lord we want to have soft hearts?
- The Sacrament Can Help Me Remember Jesus.
The Sacrament Helps Me Remember My Deliverance Through Jesus Christ.
The Lord institutes the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread—Lambs without blemish are slain—Israel is saved by their blood—The firstborn of all Egyptians are slain—Israel is thrust out of Egypt after 430 years—No bones of the paschal lambs are to be broken.
The firstborn of man and of beasts are to be sanctified unto the Lord—The Feast of Unleavened Bread is to be kept in the land of Canaan—Moses takes Joseph’s bones out of Egypt—The Lord attends Israel in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
Old Testament Scripture Stories “The Passover”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Exodus 7–13” The Passover taught the children of Israel that the Lord delivered them from Egypt. The Passover also taught the Israelites about the Savior and the sacrifice He would one day make for us. The Passover is symbolic of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which delivers us from sin and death. Today, the sacrament helps us remember Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for us. Teaching the children about the Passover can help them have a more meaningful experience with the sacrament.
- Ask some of the children to read Exodus 11:5–6 to learn about the final plague the Lord sent upon the Egyptians. Ask the other children to read Exodus 12:3, 5–7, 13 to learn about how the children of Israel were saved from that plague.
- To help the children understand that the Savior is the Lamb who saves us, show a picture of a lamb. Invite the children to read Exodus 12:3–7 to find out what kind of lamb God wanted the people to use for the Passover meal. How is this lamb like Jesus Christ? (For example, Jesus was perfect, and Jesus shed His blood to save us.) What other symbols help us think about Jesus Christ?

- Ask the children to name things we do to remember important events such as birthdays and holidays. Read Exodus 13:10, and explain that the Lord asked the children of Israel to celebrate the Passover each year to help them remember that He saved them from the Egyptians. What are some ways we can remember that Jesus saved us from sin and death?
- If possible, visit the sacrament table with the children, and talk about how the sacrament helps us remember Jesus Christ. Sing together “The Sacrament” (Children’s Songbook, 72) or another reverent song about Jesus Christ. Help the children notice the peaceful feeling they have when they think about the Savior, and invite them to seek that feeling when they take the sacrament.
- 1. As I take the water and bread,
- I’ll think of the words the Savior said:
- “This do in remembrance of me.
- This do in remembrance of me.”
- 2. Jesus gave his life for me.
- I want to serve him thankfully.
- I will remember him.
- I will remember him.
- Give the children pieces of paper with the words “I can remember Jesus Christ during the sacrament by …” written at the top. Invite them to draw pictures they can look at during the sacrament to help them remember Jesus.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 17–19: “Behold, My Joy Is Full” Have the children draw a picture of themselves with Jesus on the last square.
- Read the sacrament prayers together (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:77, 79), and watch the video “Always Remember Him” ( How is the sacrament similar to the Passover? What can we do to think about Jesus during the sacrament?
- Share with the children one of your favorite sacrament hymns (see Hymns, nos. 169–96), and talk about how it helps you remember the Savior’s sacrifice. Invite the children to share a hymn that does the same for them.
After reading Exodus 12:1–42 together, you could write on pieces of paper things you can do as a family to remember Jesus Christ’s Atonement. Because the lamb’s blood on the door posts (see verse 23) represented the Savior, you could place these papers around a doorway in your home. You could also eat some of the foods from the Passover, such as unleavened bread (crackers or tortillas) or bitter herbs (parsley or horseradish), and discuss how the Passover helps us remember how God delivered His people. For example, the unleavened bread reminded them that there was not time for their bread to rise before they fled from captivity. The bitter herbs reminded them of the bitterness of captivity. (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Exodus 7–13”)
Lesson 19: Moses Delivers the Israelites from Bondage,” Primary 6: Old Testament When Jesus lived on the earth, he and his family celebrated the Feast of the Passover (Luke 2:41; 22:7–8). A lamb without blemish was killed for the feast. The lamb represented the Lamb of God, or Jesus Christ, who died to save us. After the Crucifixion, the disciples partook of the sacrament, which Christ instituted at the Last Supper, instead of the Feast of the Passover.
Additional Resources
Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Know That I Am the Lord” Lesson ideas
Institute: Old Testament Student Manual Genesis-2 Samuel “Exodus 11–19: The Passover and the Exodus” Great explanation of the symbolism of the passover